
Post on 13-Dec-2014

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Transcript of 2.12.stiffler

Applications of Technology in the Classroom

Greg StifflerCommunity College of Baltimore County

AFACCT 2014 – Prince George’s Community College

Session 2.12 (11:40-12:50pm) January 9, 2014




-Learning Styles

-Millennials and newer students

Usefulness of Technology

-Many programs exist that do small to large workloads

-Technology for technology’s sake

-Some ways to avoid “horse before cart”

-Does the technology lead to active learning?

-”Effective technology integration is achieved when the

use of technology is routine and transparent and …

supports goals” – Edutopia.org

-What do you want it to do?

-Does a support system for educators exist?

How do we Avoid Oversaturation?

-What do you need the technology for? What are you trying to accomplish?

-Do you have experience with ‘technology for technology’s sake’? What did you do?

How do we Avoid Oversaturation? (con’t.)

-Used for making websites

-Drag and drop

-Free, published as subdomain of Weebly

-Upgradable for more personalization/security

Websites - Weebly

-Records what’s on screen and everything you do, while recording your voice as narration.


-Free, records up to five minutes, also images

-Saves file as .swf to your computer


-Full version of Jing

-No time limit, can save to computer or store online

-Saves as .mp4, easier to open

-Can edit video, add captions/subtitles, etc

-Pricey, can get educator’s discount



-”Free” program to record any length of time

-Great with connected classroom

-Records to Tegrity’s server

-Can download so students can keep

-Cannot edit

Screencapture (cont.)

-Google Hangouts

-Free video conferencing program, need Google account

-Record face-to-face conversations, or can share screen

-Up to 100 people for messaging, 10 for video chat

-150 minute limit

-Need broadband connection, uploads to Youtube

Video Chat/Videos

-Interactive Whiteboard for the iPad

-Free app, can purchase desktop

-Desktop allows projection of whiteboard from iPad

-Can upload to Youtube, save to iPad



-App for smartphones

-Can create short comics

-Great for quick, easy questions with humor

-Teacher Kit

-Attendance app

-Can record behavior, gradebook, can print out records or


-Show Me

-Similar to Doceri

-Has community where can share privately with students

Other Technology

-Why Integrate Technology into the Classroom?: The

Reasons are Many. Edutopia, 16 Mar. 2008, Web.

3 Jan. 2014. http://www.edutopia.org/technology-




-www.techsmith.com (Camtasia)




-Greg Stiffler

-Assistant Professor of Mathematics




Contact me