210295083 Interior Landscaping

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 210295083 Interior Landscaping

Over the years, research has demonstrated the many benefits of interior plants. Hundreds of scientific papers have been published showing how plants can make a major contribution to the health and well-being of people, reduce energy costs and increase productivity and profitability Complaints of Sick Building Syndrome (see left) are frequently reduced when interior plants are installed. The evidence is strong: there is no doubt that buildings with plants are better in almost every respect than those without. The data prove it

Plants will: Reduce levels of carbon dioxide in the air, and reduce toxins such

as formaldehyde and benzene by as much as 60%. Did you know that indoor air can be five times more polluted than outdoor air?

Improve the relative humidity of the air, which should be between 40% and 60% for maximum comfort. Plants do not add moisture to air that doesn't need it.

Increase the percentage of life-sustaining oxygen in a room

Reduce background noise levels

Reduce airborne dust levels

Engender a psychological feeling of well-being in most people, reducing stress and enhancing productivity

In short, interior plants, chosen correctly for the space and well maintained, make any environment a healthier, more comfortable and more pleasant place to spend time in.

In deep-plan buildings (in other words, low rise but covering

a large area), there may be a space near the centre of the building

into which an interior landscape scheme could be installed. Such a

scheme will give those office workers furthest away from a window

Creates interest with light and shade

The uniform lighting found in so many buildings may be efficient,

but it frequently lacks character and is often harsh. The elimination of shadows and the lack of movement reinforce the sterile, artificial character of many buildings.

Poor lighting quality is also frequently cited as a contributor to sick building syndrome.

There are many dozens of plant containers available that are

made from natural materials. Wood, woven banana leaves and palm

fronds, bamboo, cork, sea-shells and mother-of-pearl are all used and

come in every shape and size imaginable. The appearance of natural

materials can also be replicated by using containers made of materials

such as polystone (resin plastics with ground stone mixed in to the

resin) or even composite plastics that incorporate ground stone or

ceramic into the top coat of the product.