21 ways to feel abundant – even if you have $0 in your bank account right now

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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21 ways to feel abundant – even if you have $0 in your bank account right now. http://rachelrofe.com/21-ways-to-feel-abundant-even-if-you-have-0-in-your-bank-account-right-now

Transcript of 21 ways to feel abundant – even if you have $0 in your bank account right now

21 Ways To Feel Abundant Even If You Don’t Have Money

In Your Bank Account

Why do you want an abundance mindset?

Get out of fight or flight Create happier feelings in your body

When you’re on your death bed, do you want to have been


NO! You want to cultivate an awesome life for yourself.

Several types of mindsets:

Scarcity Mindset Abundance Mindset In between the two

Scarcity MindsetIs always about trying to cling onto what you have because you’re scared you’ll lose it, then you’re thinking a bit small mindedly and definitely not

feeling free in your life. It’s very short-term - which doesn’t create long term abundance often feels

contracting and upsetting.

Abundance MindsetWhen you ask yourself the right questions, you

get the right answers. If you want to think. “how can I make it inevitable that I’ll have more

abundance?”, you need to be in the mindset of someone who has it.

Look into abundance mindset as a way to start shifting your consciousness and attracting more

awesome into your life.

Look at it as different than law of attraction type of person at least not in the way most people talk about


The importance of visualizing what you want, you also need to do the work to get there, a lot of people

leave that out.

When you put yourself in the mindset of abundance, you start to naturally think like an abundant person.

Ways You Can Feel More Abundant In Your Life

#1 Reframe Your Complaints

If you feel your thoughts shifting to something like, “my car is such a gas guzzler”, reframe it as, “I am very grateful to have a car at all.”

#2 Create Gratitudes

I heard that Oprah used to make a list of 5 things she was grateful for every single day. I think its a great practice. every day, think of 5 things you appreciate - even if it’s as basic as having a roof over your head. A lot of people don’t have that, so this is definitely a blessing.

#3 Get Rid Of Stuff

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it can be very freeing to just let go of things that no longer serve you not only does it often feel better to have a cleaner, more streamlined space, but it helps you realize that you have more than enough, with or without specific material things. It also makes space for even better things to show up.

#4 Do Something That Feels Indulgent

You don’t have to spend money to feel indulgent. You can slowly eat fresh strawberries with whipped cream, or take a long bubble bath, light a candle that smells incredible, make a delicious mug of tea and put some cinnamon sticks in it,

#5 Turn Off The News

The news is the most negative, energy-zapping thing I can think of. All it does is deliver you terrible news that makes you feel horrible about yourself. You hear about murders, robberies, kidnappings… I know that people say “how will I know what’s going on in the world without it”, but the reality is, the proportion of murders in the world is a lot less than what the news would have you think. You’re not getting real, proportional news anyway. I like www.goodnewsnetwork.org

#6 Share What You Have

Share some of your knowledge with people who can use it, or give time to people in need. This helps you realize that you have some amazing things that other people could really benefit from.

#7 Look To See How You Can Make Everything A Win-Win

If you operate from the mindset that there doesn’t have to be a loser in certain situations, it’s amazing what will open up to you. The stories you tell yourself make up your reality. Make your story that there are ALWAYS win-wins, and if one isn’t immediately obvious to you, you just need to look harder.

#8 Believe That Everything’s Happening For Your Highest Good

If you have that belief, you start to automatically look for the benefits in everything, and you feel more protected and blessed by the universe.

#9 Ask Yourself

“How can I feel more abundant in this moment?” - you have the answers.

#10 Don’t Compare Yourself To What Other People Have

In this world of social media, it’s so easy for people to make it look like they have the perfect lives. nobody has a perfect life. Besides, we’re all here for different reasons. please - get validation from YOURSELF. When you try to compare yourself to other people, you’re in a constant-lose situation. You can never have someone else’s life because it’s theirs. Play games you can win.

#11 Don’t Look For Short Term Wins

None of this “how can i make 30k by next month” if you haven’t made that much before that’s a short term play that doesn’t have you thinking for long term - and its a big mistake.

#12 Learn Something Completely New

When you start learning about brand new things, you start to realize just how vast the world is, and how there is so much more than our limited consciousness can share with us. Go take a flower-making class, or a beer making class, or anything you haven’t done yet, and enjoy learning about completely new awareness.

#13 Do A Morning Routine

I am a huge proponent of Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning book. Listen to my interview with him. He talks about all different things you can do every morning to set yourself up with such a spectacular mindset and feel great throughout the day.

#14 Write Out Everything That Would Happen To You In Your Ideal Day Of Abundance

What it would be like to wake up, go throughout the day, who you would see, what it would feel like, taste like, etc… and VISUALIZE it.

#15 PLAY!!

A lot of we get in scarcity when we’re taking ourselves too seriously. Go listen to Becca Piastrelli’s podcast - she has lots of awesome tips.

#16 Write Thank You Cards Or Emails

Write to people and tell them how much you appreciate things you’ve done for them. It will make you feel great to think about how people will feel when they read your card, which will make you feel great, and then you’ll also be realizing you have a lot to thank people for.

#17 Leave Reviews

Reviews are SOOO helpful to people - podcasters, authors, people who have courses… and when you leave positive ones, you can know that your opinion and your help is really helping someone else a lot. You can feel like you’re making a really big difference, which helps realize how powerful you are.

#18 Go Out Into Nature

A lot of us are stuck on computers all day. Go into nature and realize the beauty we have at our fingertips, all the time.

#19 Set A Goal To Do Something That Makes You Feel Abundant

Check out my book, rachelrofe.com/goalbook. Set a goal that would make you feel abundant and then make it happen. The book has a lot of the details.

#20 Share How You’re Feeling With Other People

It feels AWESOME to be able to speak your shame, and when you get support, you’ll realize that you’re not in this alone.

#21 Listen To Positive Music That Makes You Feel Great

Do you know how you can remember lyrics to songs you haven’t listened to in years? Lyrics in music are incredibly powerful. Instead of training your brain to remember lyrics that aren’t so beneficial, listen to songs that remind you how amazing you are. Go on Spotify and do a search for positive playlists. there’s a lot out there.

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