21 day-fasting-and-prayer-guide-2012

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Transcript of 21 day-fasting-and-prayer-guide-2012


January 8 - 29, 2012 Prayer Guide & Devotional



Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath and family




Pastor Kamili and I pray for your success in 2012. Yes, we are declaring this year to be the year of your success and of God’s favor on your life. For many of us, 2011 was a year of growth and development. We’ve learned some things and we’ve had to “unlearn” some things. Regardless of the fact, 2011 was preparation for your 2012. The Lord had me to share this truth during our New Year’s Eve Celebration, “The Kingdom is now going to be manifested in your life. You will know this by: the things broken in your life being fixed, the things lost in your life being found, and the things stolen in your life being returned.” Have you had things broken, lost or stolen in 2011? If so, you qualify for God’s Kingdom Manifestation in your life. Matthew 6:33 commands us to, “seek the Kingdom..” We encourage you to do the word this year. Love like never before, give like never before and serve like never before. This is your year for success and favor.As you partake in this year’s fast, focus on your goals and desires. God wants to blow your mind - give him the opportunity to do that this year.

Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath


Daniel Fast 2012We’re excited to have you join DFWC in our 2012 21-day Daniel Fast. If this is your first time, we are pleased to have you join us as we dedicate time to embrace and share God’s love. The fast will begin at 12 noon January 8, 2012 and continue thru 12 noon  January 29, 2012. This booklet is designed to help you along your spiritual journey. A life of serving Jesus is the most exciting life you can ever imagine.

WHY DO WE FAST?In the Old Testament, when the Nation of Israel sought to hear God’s voice clearly, repent before the Lord, or conquer an enemy, they engaged in a collective fast (Daniel 9:3-5; Deut 9: 15-18; 2 Chron. 20:3-4). Within the New Testament we see that Jesus not only embarked on a 40 day fast before beginning His ministry, but He also EXPECTED his followers to fast (Matt. 6:16-18; Matt. 9:14-17). During Destiny’s 21 days of fasting and prayer, it will be a wonderful time of hearing God, receiving guidance and continuing to maximize our potential for God’s Glory.

SUPPORT DURING THE FASTThe 21-Day Daniel Fast is a corporate fast in which the entire Destiny Family Worship Center family can participate. While many of you are familiar and have done 3-Day, Liquid, Partial, or even 40 - Day fasts, this one is a Vegetable, Fruit, Water and Juice fast.

To help ensure we all are successful during this fast, Destiny Family Worship Center will be providing 1) a 21-Day Fasting and Prayer Guideline booklet, 2) use your Daily Office Devotional by Pete Scazzero, 3) join the Agape Family Worship Center (www.agapecenter.org) morning prayer call with Pastor Lawrence Powell - see back page for call-in information (beginning Monday, January 9th), 4) our DFWC Fasting Webinar (beginning Monday, January 16th), 5) and our Daily Prayer Calls (beginning January 23rd), 6) connect with members of your HomeTeam.

We want everyone to use these 21-Days of Consecration to write our your goals and what you seek to accomplish during this time. What are some areas you want to see victory in your life? What sins are you struggling with that you want to conquer once and for all? Habakkuk 2:3 says, “write the vision down and make it plain...”. We encourage you to write down your goals. A goals sheet will be provided for you to chart your progress and success. I want to encourage you to keep a journal so you can hear what the Lord is saying to you during this time of prayer, meditation and reflection.


Remember: Fasting doesn’t change God, fasting changes you! Rely in the Word of God to transform you life and conform your will to His will.

A word to Couples: During this time, married couples should also abstain from intimate relationships. (I Corinthians 7:3-5)

TIPS & RECOMMENDATIONS1. Fasting from “creature comforts” can be substituted for individuals with medical concerns. If

you are pregnant or have a medical condition, consult with your physician BEFORE participating in the fast.

2. Children, especially small children, will have special needs that must be considered. Under these conditions, find some sacrifice in the area of toys or food (candy, fast food) that can be made without endangering health.

3. If you have extreme difficulty with the fast, such as impairment of your ability to work at your job, you will have to make adjustments. Seek the Lord and discuss it with other mature Christians involved in the fast to find alternatives.

“God’s kingdom isn’t a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness sake. It’s what God does with your life as He sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy. Your task is to single-mindedly serve Christ.” (Romans 14, The Message, p.332) 

How to Begin

Start with a clear goal. Be specific. Why are you fasting? Do you need direction, healing, restoration of marriage or family issues? Are you facing financial difficulties? Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. Pray daily and read the Bible. 

Preparing Spiritually

Confess your sins to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Forgive all who have offended you and ask forgiveness from those you may have offended (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3-4). Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ and reject the worldly desires that try to hinder you (Romans 12:1-2).


What to Expect

When you fast your body detoxifies, eliminating toxins from your system. This can cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawal from caffeine and sugars. And naturally, you will have hunger pains. Limit your activity and exercise moderately. Take time to rest. Fasting brings about miraculous results. You are following Jesus' example when you fast. Spend time listening to praise and worship. Pray as often as you can throughout the day. Get away from the normal distractions as much as possible and keep your heart and mind set on seeking God's face. 

How to End

Don't over eat when the time comes to end your fast. Begin eating solid food gradually; eat small portions or snacks.

FOOD INCLUDED IN THE FAST:Whole Grains: Brown Rice, Oats, Barley

Legumes: Dried Beans, Pinto Beans, Split Peas, Lentils, Black Eyed Peas


Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Blackberries, Blueberries, Boysenberries, Cantaloupe, Cherries, Cranberries, Oats, Figs, Grapefruit, Grapes, Guava, Honeydew Melon, Kiwi, Lemons, Limes, Mangoes, Nectarines, Papayas, Peaches, Pears, Pineapples, Plums, Prunes, Raisins, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangelos, Tangerines, Watermelon

VEGETABLES: Artichokes, Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chili Peppers, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Garlic, Ginger root, Kale, Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard Greens, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Potatoes, Radishes, Rutabagas, Scallions, Spinach, Sprouts, Squashes, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Turnips, Watercress, Yams, Zucchini

Seeds, Nuts, Sprouts LIQUIDS:

Water, 100% All-Natural Fruit Juices, 100% All Natural Vegetable Juices (No Fruit Punch, Hi-C,etc) De-caffeinated Tea. WATER: Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water daily through out the fast. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!


FOODS NOT INCLUDED:Sugar and sugar products (i.e. desserts, soft drinks, etc.) Beverages that include caffeine (i.e. coffee, tea, etc.), Carbonated beverages Breads, grains (rice is an exception) Meats, fish poultry, eggs, dairy products, butter Fried foods Foods containing preservatives or additives Refined sugar, Sugar substitutes White flour and all products containing it Margarine, shortening, high fat products


DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 1“God has a wonderful plan for my life. One filled with health,

prosperity and success. It’s a good plan, not a bad plan because my God is a good God” - Jeremiah 29:11

God’s plans for me are good plans, actually, very good ones. God loves me with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). Since the beginning of creation, God has laid out His wonderful plan for my life. God is even using the bad things in my life for my good (Romans 8:28). Today, I will see the plan of God unfolding in my life. I will not fail to see my loving God’s hand in every

situation, obstacle and setback in my life. God can turn my “trash” into “His treasure”. I will not get angry, upset or mad at the things God may use to make me into the image of His dear Son. I will not see people as my problem. I have a real enemy, Satan, and his job is to “kill, steal and destroy” (John 10:10) but God’s plan includes abundant life. Today I turn from my low-level living to mountain-top faith. Today I declare, I will learn from every step of my journey and not wait to rejoice when I reach my destination. I am a child of God with a great plan for my life!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 2 (PART 1)“I will not die for my past but I will live for my future” - Phil 3:13

I refuse to give my past anymore energy and attention than I already have. What’s in the past is behind me- I can’t change it. There is no potential in my past, only in my future. God doesn’t consult my past to determine my future and neither will I. Today, I walk a new and fresh path. One filled with revelation of God’s truths for my life. I will not dwell on the mistakes I’ve made in the past. I will not rehearse the hurts of my past. I will forgive myself and others - regardless of the pain they have caused me (Matthew 6:14). Today I stage a “prison-break”, a “Coup de ta” from my past (Philippians 3:13). My shackles are broken, the chains of my past are no longer holding me back. I will learn to embrace change and transitions in my life. My mind is transformed. I will begin to see them as blessings for God.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 3 (PART 2)“I will not die for my past but I will live for my future” - Phil 3:13

Lord, I repent for paying more attention to my past than to my future. Yes, those people hurt me and did me wrong, caused deep pain in my life - but today, I forgive them. Today, I set them free. I let them go. Regardless if they are alive or dead, I let them go. I take a deep sigh of relief knowing that I am no longer burdened down with the weight of unforgiveness from my past. I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). I like the new me. You love the new me. Today the world will get to know me, the renewed me, the issue-free me, the me without regrets. Yes, my past was real, my hurts were real, but today I realize I can’t change the past. I confess my sins before you (1 John 1:9). Thank you Lord for forgiving me. Hello World, the new me is here to stay!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 4“I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am an original, I am unique, I

am priceless” - Psalm 139:14I am a person of value. I am unique, I am an original. When God made me, He was showing off. I am made in the image and in the likeness of my creator (Gen 1:26). I am the expressed image of God in the earth. My value is not based on what I do or who I am, it is based on who God is and what Jesus has done for me. I will never measure myself by the world’s standards. I will not compare myself to others. My destiny is custom made for me, my future is tailor made to fit my situation. God is intimately involved with every aspect of my life. I was created with care. I am not a mistake. I am here on purpose, not by accident. Regardless of how I got here, I am here! When I look at me, I see God. Because I am priceless (beyond calculable value) I will not allow me nor others to mistreat me. I may bend but I will not break. The greater One lives in me (1 John 4:4)


DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 5“I am programed to prosper, I am setup to succeed, I am wired

to win - I am Blessed!” - Psalms 1:1Winning is a part of my design. God has created me to win and to succeed in life. I seek out ways to do God’s will. My life is lived according to the desires and intentions of God. When I get off track, the Holy Spirit is there to guide me back to God. I serve God by grace through faith. I will take captive, every word that comes out of my mouth. I man not be able to control everything that comes into my life, however, I take authority over how it affects my life. I declare my barns are filled, my crops are healthy, my body is healed, my testimony is secure [in Him] (Deuteronomy 28). I am a

doer of the Word, not just a hearer. I make my way prosperous by believing in and acting upon the Word of God. My prosperity, success and winning is tied up, and wrapped up in Jesus. Jesus was a winner. Because Jesus was a winner, I am a winner. Jesus is my source, I am a resource. Prosperity, success and winning do not control me, I control it. Possessions and things don’t have me, I have them. They don’t take the place of God in my life. I use my prosperity to bless others, I use my success to help others succeed, I am a winner who helps other winners win! My enemies will be proof positive of God’s blessing on my life.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 6“I love others with the same love with which Christ has loved me”-

1 Cor. 13:4-8(your name here) never gives up. (your name here) cares more for others than for self. (your name here) doesn't want what I don't have. (your name here) doesn't strut, (your name here) doesn't have a swelled head, (your name here) doesn't force myself on others, (your name here) isn't always "me first,"(your name here) doesn't fly off the handle, (your name here) doesn't keep score of the sins of others, (your name here) doesn't revel when others grovel, (your name here) takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, (your name here) puts up with anything, (your name here) trusts God always, (your name here) looks for the best, (your name here) never looks back, but (your name here) keeps going to the end.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 7“If my life were a book, It would be a Best Seller !” - Romans 10:9 & 10

My life is a novel, a good book worth reading (2 Corinthians 3:2). My life is not a “mystery”, it is not a “short story”, it is not “fiction”, it is not an “allegory, it is not a “thriller”. it is not a “fantasy”, it is not a “horror”. I am a biography. My life tells a story that is true and real. My life is a “romance” - it tells about a loving relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am a good book, I am a valuable book. Anyone who reads me will be enlighten, will be edified and will be encouraged. My story has the creative power to build up, not tear down. I am worth reading!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 8“I am a great friend” - Proverbs 18:24

Today I will strengthen relationships with my true friends. God has placed people in my life to keep me grounded, to keep me focused on my goals. I am not an island, I need people in my life. I will seek out new friendships with those who don’t have friends. I will share the love of Christ with those who need it the most - the lonely. I am an encourager, I build strong bonds that are not easily broken. I am a confidant, I am trust worthy, I am dependable, I have character. I am a great friend who knows how to apply pressure when necessary. My friendships are not shallow, they are deep, they are substantive and they are significant. I am not a “fair-weather” friend, I am with you till the end, I am dependable. I am friendly. My friends can count on me. My word is bond!

Destiny Family Worship Center - 609.386.3142 - www.destinynj.org - Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 9“I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord” - Psalm 118:17

Today, I choose to live. I will speak life to all of the “dead” things in my life. Dead dreams, dead relationships, dead hopes, dead futures, a dead mind...I speak life to you. Things that I have unknowingly and unwittingly “killed” with my words and by negative thinking...I speak life to you. My mouth is a weapon of war. My words have power. No longer will I destroy my own future by thinking, acting or talking negative. I will not “kill” my brother by not rejoicing in their success. I will speak life with my words and with my thoughts (Philippians 4:8) - I will think on things that are lovely and pure. I will shape and transform my life by my words. Just as God spoke and the worlds were framed (Gen. 1:3), I will speak the life that was destined for me. My past will only serve as a springboard for my future. Look out World, here I come.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL- DAY 10“I have the mind of Christ” - Philippians 2:5

My mind is alert, My mind is sharp. My mind is sobrer. My mind is growing stronger every day. Why, Because I have the mind of Christ. With God’s word, I am renewing my mind daily (Romans 12:1-2). I think like God. My thoughts are word-based, heaven-focused and spirit-filled. I am lead by the Holy Spirit in my thinking, I am lead by the Holy Spirit in my meditations. My thoughts don’t control me, I control them. I have power over my mind. My mind doesn’t “play tricks” on me neither am I loving “loosing my mind”, I am “gaining it”. I haven’t lost my mind and neither am I going to “give you a piece of it”. My mind is refreshed. My mind is expanding. I am thinking anew - I have the mind of Christ!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL- DAY 11“I’m not guilty” - Romans 5:1

Today I am confess I am free from the penalty of sin. Yes, I did it. Yes, the charges are true. Yes I should be guilty - but Jesus declares me justified. I am living “just-as-if-i’d” never sinned, never messed up, never made God angry. Because I am saved, I don’t have to suffer the consequences of my actions. I don’t continue to willfully sin and make mistakes, however, when I mess up, all I have to do is “confess my sins to God and He forgives me and cleanses me” (1 John 1:8). I am free from death, hell and the grave. Death doesn’t scare me because Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave when He went to calvary. Sin no longer has me bound. I am free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, I am free at last!

Destiny Family Worship Center - 609.386.3142 - www.destinynj.org - Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 12“I have the [power, strength, and ability] to [produce, to become, make,

and create] [wealth,success, or prosperity]” - Deut. 8:18Regardless of my current situation, I have God’s creative power, working on the inside of me. His power is to help me create a visible manifestation of His blessing upon my life in order to bring about the fulfillment of the prophetic word given by Him to His children. In fact, I am blessed not just for me but I am blessed for God, inspite of me . When I speak, I create opportunities for God’s blessings to come upon my life. I am the seed of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3). I am a recipient of God’s covenant with Abraham. I am blessed (walking in God’s favor) to be a blessing to others. Wealth and prosperity follow me, whatever I put my hands to will prosper. I will daily walk in the knowledge that it is God who has given me the ability to have all that my father wants for me and for those He has placed in my life.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 13“I have the wisdom of God in my life” - James 1:5

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Jesus the Word of God. Jesus is the wisdom of God. With Jesus in my life, I have the wisdom of God living on the inside of me. I will never lack for wisdom. If I need more wisdom, I can ask my heavenly father who will give me all the wisdom I need. Along with wisdom, I have

understanding and knowledge. I have wisdom without measure. I am not a fool, I know there is a God and I know that my God is the creator of wisdom. My world is shaped by wisdom, my relationships are successful because of wisdom. My finances are blessed because I spend money according to wisdom. I will never be in need, I shall never be in want (Psalms 23) because the Lord is my Shepherd and my Shepherd is the Lord of wisdom. I have an unlimited supply of wisdom and what I don’t have I ask my heavenly father for. I have the wisdom of God in me.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 14“I am a tither and a cheerful giver” - Mal.3:9; 2 Cor. 9:6-15

I am a cheerful, quick-to-do-it, elated and ecstatic giver. I have been blessed with seed to give. As I give to the work of God and to His people, God continues to give me more to give (“He gives seed to the sower” -2 Corinthians 9:10). Even when I give out of my last, God continues to bless me with more and more to give. I attract money because I am a giver. There is no lack in my house because I honor God and I give to the things of God. I am blessed on my job, I am blessed in my relationships. My seed is multiplied because I am a tither. I give purposely, not of haphazardly. I am conscious of the money I give, I am a thinking giver, I am a partner of the vision of Destiny and I am called by God to help provide for the needs of this ministry. God can trust me with large sums of money. I give with character. I don’t give to impress people, I give because I love my God. My giving sets up my future generation to be blessed.

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 15“I live by faith” - Hab. 2:4Everything I do, I do in faith and by faith. For me, seeing is not believing but rather, believing is seeing. I believe my body healed and I see it, I believe I am debt free and I see it, I believed my children are saved and I see it, I believe my life is prosperous and I see it. I believe I am loved and appreciated and I see it. From this day on, I will speak by faith. I will not wait for my situation to catch up with my confession. I will speak now and command my situation to change to reflect my confession. By faith, I will love my family. By faith, I will be a success in my work, business or school. I am the head and not the tail. I am from above and not from beneath. I am blessed and not cursed (Deut. 28). I am a person of faith. I will no longer live by sight, but I will live by faith!

Destiny Family Worship Center - 609.386.3142 - www.destinynj.org - Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 16“What hasn’t destroyed me, has made me stronger” - James 1:2Today, I will take advantage of every trial and tribulation I face. I will use it as an opportunity for me to grow. I will use my trials as a springboard and a step ladder to learn patience, long suffering, kindness, meekness, humility, love, joy, peace, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). Since Jesus had to learn obedience through suffering, I will learn it also (Heb 5:8). I don’t run from trials - I grow through them. Rather than getting bitter from disappointments, I get better from them. I use every opportunity to expand my capacity to handle adversity. I may bend, but I will not break. I may cry but I will not crack. I can handle pressure because of the one who took my place on the cross. Set backs are set ups for my comeback!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 17“I will not loose through sacrifice what I can gain through obedience” - Judges 1 &2, 1 Samuel 15 10-23Today I choose to walk in obedience to the word of God. I will not focus on my feelings or my emotions, but will focus on being obedient to the will of God. I will not be intimidated by my surroundings be it people, place or things. I will not let people push me to do something I am not ready or qualified to do. I will walk in obedience to my pastor and the spiritual authority placed in my life. I will walk in obedience to governmental authority, I will walk in obedience to parental authority. I will not lose through sacrifice what I can gain through obedience. I will be quick to do God’s will. I will make haste to obey. I will not slack, I will not hold back. I will not get ahead of God nor will I get behind God. Like Enoch, I will walk “with God” (Gen 5:24). I am obedient first, therefore, I will save time, money, and energy. I will not step out of my place to offer what I am not qualified to offer. From now on, I will be both a hearer and doer of God’s Word (James 1:22).

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 18“God hears me when I pray” - James 5:15-17God hears me when I pray and I am confident that when I pray according to His will, He answers me. I have a desire to communicate with God daily and throughout each day. I seek God, relying on Him, am lead by Him and put him first, acknowledging Him in all I do. I have placed all of my hopes and dreams in His capable hands and seek him daily to meet my needs and fulfill His will in my life. “My soul waits silently for God alone, for my expectation is from him” (Psalm 62:5) I pray for my pastors, church leaders, fellow members and all believers. I pray for kings (government officials) and all those in authority, that I may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and holiness. (1 Tim 2:2). I pray for my unsaved family, friends and acquaintances to experience Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Destiny Family Worship Center - 609.386.3142 - www.destinynj.org - Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 19“I give myself to God” - 2 Cor 8:5I am not stingy with my money or my time. I take time to invest in other people’s lives. I will not just live life satisfying me, myself and I. I volunteer my time with outreach programs and projects. I teach my children how to share based on the example I set. I will not raise selfish, impatient or disrespectful children. I will set the example of what it means to live a sacrificial life. I will not sacrifice time with God in order to pay for my lifestyle. I live in moderation and in balance. I will not spend more than I make. I will spend less than what I make. I will tithe not only my money but also myself. I will get involved where needed. I will not wait for others to do it, I will do it. I will carry my own weight; I will carry my own load. I will not live like the world. I am a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9) – I am a follower of Jesus Christ!

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 20“I can do all things through Christ ” - Philippians 4:13I am not helpless, powerless, ineffective, or insufficient, I am helpful, I am powerful, I am effective and I am sufficient. I am well able to accomplish what God commands me to do because I have God’s grace (Phil 2:13). I am not a quitter, I am a finisher. I finish my assignments, I do them with joy, patience, excellence and humility. I don’t half-step, I whole-step. I am unstoppable. I am not discouraged, I am encouraged, I am flexible, I am open to change, I am not set in my ways. Because Jesus lives in me - I can love like Jesus, I can serve like Jesus, I can persevere like Jesus, I can submit like Jesus, I can give like Jesus, I can live like Jesus! I can do all things through Christ who give me the strength to do it. The joy of the Lord gives me strength. What brings God joy, gives me more strength to keep on doing things that give Him more joy (Neh 8:10b).

DAILY DEVOTIONAL - DAY 21“I am Abraham’s seed - I am blessed” - Genesis 12:1-3, John 15I am the Seed of Abraham, I am genetically predisposed to operating in and livingwith the blessing of God. I have been grafted into the family of God, therefore, I am a recipient of that which was delivered to Abraham (Romans 11:17). Regardless how I look, I am blessed. The covenant is alive and well in me. I am a great nation, I am a blessing to others, God has cursed my enemies. I have favor with God and with man (Prov. 3:4). Not only can I see the blessings in my life, I can help other people see the blessings in their lives. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I wil l fear no evil; for the ( covenan t -keep ing , l i f e -sustaining, enemy-destroying, way-making, body-healing, s o u l - s a v i n g , p r o v i s i o n -providing) Lord is with me! Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD Forever (Psalm 23).

Destiny Family Worship Center - 609.386.3142 - www.destinynj.org - Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath

Use this space to write down any reflections you have during your 21-Day Daniel Fast. Note any specific confessions that affected you the most and write down how you were impacted.


Destiny Family Worship Center - 609.386.3142 - www.destinynj.org - Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath

Use this space to write down any reflections you have during your 21-Day Daniel Fast. Note any specific confessions that affected you the most and write down how you were impacted.


Destiny Family Worship Center - 609.386.3142 - www.destinynj.org - Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath

Meeting Location: 200 Sunset Road

Willingboro, NJ 08046

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1583

Burlington, NJ 08016

D e s t i n y F a m i l y W o r s h i p C e n t e r2012 Ministry Planning CalendarYear’s Theme: Thy Kingdom Come

Month! ! Event !! ! ! ! Date! ! ! Preaching Theme

January! ! DFWC 21-Day Daniel Fast ! ! 8th - 29th! ! Kingdom Mission & Vision! ! Leadership Summit! ! ! 21st! ! ! ! ! !February! ! Married Couples 70’s Theme Party! 10th! ! ! Kingdom Relationships! ! Singles Fellowship ! ! ! TBD!! ! Valentines Day!! ! ! 14th! ! ! ! ! !

March! ! Capital Giving Campaign ! ! ! ! ! Becoming A Kingdom Steward! ! Destiny’s Got Talent/Fundraiser! ! 10th! ! !! ! (Youth Event)

April! ! 5th Church Anniversary! ! 6th - 8th! ! Becoming A Kingdom Steward! ! Battle Cry (Youth Event)!! ! 13-14th! !

May! ! Flavour Women’s Conference! ! 3-4th! ! ! Doing Kingdom Business(Women’s Month)! Mother’s Day! ! ! ! 13th! ! !! ! Memorial Day! ! ! ! 28th! ! Pastor Kamili’s Birthday!! ! 30th! ! !! !

June! ! DiscoverHOPE Family Fun Day! ! 9th (Rain Date 16th)! Restoring Kingdom Honor! ! Father’s Day! ! ! ! 17th! ! !

July ! ! Independence Day! ! ! 4th! ! ! Developing A Kingdom Mind(Youth Month)!! Praise in the Park/Men’s Cook-Off! 8th!! ! Youth Sunday! ! ! ! 22nd!August! ! Pastors’ 15th Wedding Anniversary! 9th! ! ! Understanding Kingdom ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Servanthood! ! ! ! September! ! Labor Day! ! ! ! 3rd! ! ! Understanding The Kingdom ! ! Destiny Fundraiser/Play!! ! TBD! ! ! Culture!

October ! ! Pastors Appreciation Month! ! ! ! ! Creating The Kingdom !(Men’s Month)! Pastor Jonathan’s Birthday ! ! 31st! ! ! Culture!! !! ! !

November! ! Thanksgiving! ! ! ! 22nd! ! ! The Kingdom Culture Shift(Singles Month)! Thanksgiving Love Feast! !

December! ! Christmas Play! ! ! ! ! ! ! The Kingdom Culture Shift! ! Christmas Day!! ! ! 25th! ! New Year’s Ever Celebration! ! 31st! ! !

Destiny Family Worship Center - 609.386.3142 - www.destinynj.org - Pastors Jonathan & Kamili Leath


6:30 AM PRAYER (DURATION OF THE FAST)Join PASTOR LAWRENCE POWELL for prayer every morning. This is a positive way to reinforce your 21-days of Prayer and FastingCall in Number: 1-209-647-1600Call in Code: 119714


Join Pastor Jonathan and selected leaders for our Daily Prayer Calls at 6:00 am, 12 noon and 9:00 pm. Check the Destiny website: www.destinynj.org for call in numbers and codes.


Join Pastor Jonathan & Kamili for our Daily Video Devotional. More details will be provided. Remember to check the Destiny website: www.destinynj.org for updated information.


“...If my own people will humbly pray and turn back to me and stop sinning, then I will answer them from heaven. I will forgive them and make their land fertile once again.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Pray Every Day