2.1 Background of the Study - muathprofile.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewThe main goal...

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Transcript of 2.1 Background of the Study - muathprofile.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewThe main goal...

Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University

Core Curriculum: Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Writing and research

Section :(103)

Instructor: Dr. Mohamed Elgeddawy

Student name: Muath Alzahrani

ID: 201800238

1- Abstract

2- Introduction

3- Review of literature

4- Research methodology

5- Results and discussion

6- Limitation

7- Significance of study

8- Concluding remarks



The main goal behind this study is to investigate the extent to which technological

advancements such as PC, Mobile, elevators, new innovations, and applications

increase the prevalence and rates of obesity in developed and developing countries

with more focus on Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the independent variable is technological

advancements and the dependent variable is the prevalence of obesity. I have decided

to use a mixed method to conduct this research. Therefore, both qualitative and

quantitative data were collected throughout a survey and an interview.


2.1 Background of the Study

Since we are living in the information age period and things become easier and easier

for us, that's an advantage would not prevent global issues such as wars, poverty and

climate change from occurring. I am not going to speak or explore these problems or

crisis I am going to talk about something that is related to our health. Obesity rates are

getting higher every day in developing and developed the country. There is a constant

and remarkable increase since the last 30 years. Some people might say it is not a big

deal to have extra fat but actually, it is. According to the National Institute of Diabetes

and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, obesity can cause and increase the risk of many

serious health issues such as cancers, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure,

fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, and pregnancy problems (ALNohair S. 2014).

2.2 Purpose of the Study

Below you find the objectives and purposes behind this research:

1-To investigate the relationship between the technological advancements and obesity

rate in Saudi Arabia.

2-To explore and investigate the impact of new inventions on the physical participation

in Saudi Arabia.

3-To investigate the extent of the technological advancements on changing the food

culture of Saudi Arabia.

4-To suggest servals recommendations and tips to reduce the prevalence of this issue.

Since obesity is energetically linked with an increased risk of developing several types

of cancer, I decided to investigate what are the reasons behind the prevalence of this

disease. Both developed and developing countries have been facing an issue of the

constant increase in the obesity rate for the last 30 years. Moreover, In Saudi Arabia,

obesity considered a growing health concern. Therefore, this study will focus on the

factors that lead to overweight and obesity, especially in Saudi Arabia. Also, the study

will investigate whether technological advancements play a huge role in this epidemic or



3.1 Introduction

Obesity has been considered as an epidemic disease. The obesity rate is increasing

dramatically especially in developed countries population. So, let’s begin by saying what

does obesity mean. , it has been pointed out that the World Health organization

classifies any person as obese once he gets body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 with

an extravagant accumulation of fat, and also it considered obesity as a visible health

issue (WHO,2014). There is no ideal way to measure obesity, however, there is two

effective way. First, BMI is one of the common and easiest measurement. Basically, it is

dividing the person weight in Kg by his height in m2. The other way or tool is waist

circumference, it works by measuring the male and female waist (OAC, 2011). Obesity

does not have a single genetic cause, there are many factors that can influence the

human being weight. This is a reason why scientists consider obesity as a multifactorial

disease. Socioeconomic, physical activities and food are some factors that once they

interact can cause some health issues (Yu Cheng Chooi,2014). In this research, we will

go through some studies conducted believe that technological advances play a huge

role in increasing obesity rates in many developed and developing countries, with a

focus on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Using a thematic approach.

3.2 Developed Countries

When we say developed countries we mean those countries who enjoy high

living standards, developed and sustainable infrastructure and a lot of

industrial activity (Cambridge). Living in such a country will have it is

advantages and disadvantages. But we will focus on one issue that has been

getting bigger and bigger. Obesity so knew what does this word mean lets

why it is a big deal in the last previous decades. During the last 30 years, the

prevalence of obesity has

Figure (1)

Doubled as a result almost a third of the world's population is

Considered as overweight, so it is an epidemic disease. In the above figure (1), the

graph illustrates the obesity prevalence and rates since 1980. Moreover, from first

glance, we could say the developed countries or nations are in the top three places.

First the United States Of America than Europe afterward the Middle East. The

theological advances have decreased the human participation in a variety of activities

such as walking around and taking the stairs. Instead of walking we can use self-

balancing scooter. Most people prefer taking elevators rather than stairs. Therefore, this

research will demonstrate how development can affect our weight. There are many

factors that can increase our weights. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public

Affairs Research has found various reasons behind the increasing rates of obesity in the

United States of America.

Figure (2)

The survey has been conducted in the United States of America with a participation

1,010 Americans adults, it has measured how the public perceives the causes and

awful aftereffect of obesity and diabetes. 75% considered being obese is a highly

dangerous health condition. Moreover, the participants were asked for their opinions

about the factors that cause the constant increasing of the obesity rates. 82% agreed

that watching too much TV is the main factor that leads to overweight. Another study

about screen time activities such as video games and television and how it has a

significant impact on the body mass index. The study was conducted in two of the cities

in Pakistan and there were 305 people participated between 17-19 years. These people

were from two different schools and their data were analyzed by SPSS which is a

statistical analysis software. The results are 17 % were overweight and 9% were

Obese. 73% is the percentage of females who watches TV and 60% who uses the cell

phone. Furthermore, 63% of the male were found playing video games and 72% using

the computer. The majority of them stated that they use e-technology in order to

entertain themselves. Furthermore, the upsurge of technology has decreased the

people participating in the day to day activities.

3.3 Developing countries:



According to the Cambridge dictionary, a developing country means a country with low

industrial advancement, economic growth, and incomes (Cambridge.2019). However, in

figure (2) the graph clarifies the prevalence of this epidemic during the last 30 years in

both developed and developing countries. The innovation in agriculture and the

changing in the food system dropped the prices of food in the developing regions. The

advancement of the food industry in the developing region brought by the globalization

and the multinational corporation (Witkowski T. H.2007). However, Technology has a

pivotal role in the current form of business globalization and the growth of the global

market (Witkowski T. H.2007). Furthermore, the globalization has shaped the people

food preference and choices and made the developing country face a continuing

obstacle of undernutrition and changes in physical activities patterns of the population.

All of these changes increased the incidence of obesity and coronary heart disease in

developing countries. Moreover, it is a noticeable thing that the local cultures that are

related to food are disappearing.

3.4 Saudi Arabia:

In the past 20 years, the economic prosperity in Saudi Arabia has grown rapidly and the

society has been influenced by the western world. Therefore, the Saudis have changed

their physical activity and diet. It very noticeable that the majority of Saudis shifted their

food preference toward consuming fast food meals instead of eating local health food,

fruits, vegetables(Almotairi, N. 2016).

The changing of culture and the quick development in technology and mechanization

have led to a huge reduction in Saudis participation in activities and eating styles. New

food culture has been around in the past 3 decades in the Saudis lives. American fast

food chains have been pop up quickly and everywhere. They target adults and children

by advertisement and affordable meals.

As you can see the graph illustrate the Saudis preference for food. Clearly, the demand

for burgers and pizza are very high. However, the obesity rate in the central and eastern

regions of the country have higher rates, and it is much lower in the southern regions of

the Kingdom. There are other elements that can influence the prevalence of obesity. A

recent study found out that the income of the partners and the education level has a

significant effect on Saudi dietary habits (Al-Enezy et al. 2014).

A recent study showed that parental education levels and parental working status had a

significant influence on Saudi children's dietary habits. So maternal and paternal

education status are the most leading socio-economic variable that can influence the

person eating habits and health (Al-Enazy et al. 2014). (16) . The existence of drivers

and housemaids among the Saudis family has been related to the existence of obesity.

(Naser, 2011).


4. Introduction

The study examines the impact of technological advancements on the obesity rates and

whether it reduces the physical participation of its users. However, the study will focus

on the people of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the participants of the survey and interviews

were resident of Saudi Arabia.

4.1 Rationale of Research

In the literature review, it has been revealed that as the technology keeps rapidly

changing and growing the obesity rates also are increasing. Therefore, the study seeks

to find out a relation between two variables one of the independent and the other

dependent. The independent variable is the technology advancements, where the

dependent variable is the obesity rate. The main theme is developed, developing

countries and Saudi Arabia. Since every culture has it is own way to use the technology

and they have a different food preference, we will investigate the main causes with a

focus on Saudi Arabia. In Figure 3 you can see the conceptual framework


4.2 Research Design

The research contains more than one data collection methods which will help to answer

the research questions professionally and correctly. Moreover, the study includes

statistical analysis to see to what extent the independent variable has impacted the

dependent variable.


Figure 3

Obesity rates




Independent variable

4.3 The Participants

The participants of the survey and interviews were from different cities in Saudi Arabia.

The study focuses on people of all ages, so there are no requirements or restrictions in

order to participate in the survey and the interview. Therefore, the survey has been sent

to a variety of institution and groups. The survey can be completed through google

forms. Moreover, I received about 35 completed surveys from across all cities of Saudi


4.4 The setting

This study was conducted at Prince Mohammed University during the spring semester

of 2019. Prince Mohammed University is one of the largest private university in the

eastern province and also in Saudi Arabia with around 7 campuses in Al Khobar city.

2006 was the establishment date for this institution and it was founded by Prince

Mohammed bin Fahad. The university has tough admission requirements to ensure that

the new students have the required capabilities and skills to be in the job markets. The

admission requirements include IELTS test, Math related subjects test, and interview.

However, the participants of the survey and interviews were from different cities in

Saudi Arabia. The study focuses on people of all ages, so there are no requirements or

restrictions in order to participate in the survey and the interview. Therefore, the survey

has been sent to a variety of institution and groups. The survey can be completed

through google forms. Moreover, I received about 35 completed surveys from across all

cities of Saudi Arabia.

4.5 Data Collection / Instruments The information in the literature review part was collected from a reliable secondary

source such as lectures, books, article, and studies. Since I am conducting mixed

method research, I also have collocated data and information from the primary source.

The data were collected directly from participants. The tools that were utilized are

survey and interview. The survey consists of 12 closed questions about the three main

themes, where the interview had open-ended questions.

4.6 Procedures

I have made 15 quotations for the survey and then the survey was sent to the PMU

social club and in twitter to make sure that the participants are using any type of

technology. The Likert scale has been implemented which is a scale from 1 to 5 where

5-To a very high extent, 4-To high extent, 3-To a little extent, 2-To a very little extent 1-

Not at all. The three questions for the interviews were at the bottom of the survey.

4.7 Data Analysis

I have decided to conduct a mixed methods research. Therefore, both quantitative and

qualitative data analysis methods have been involved. I have used Google forms to

gather and analyze the survey data. The quantitative results have been evaluated and

analyzed through IBM SPSS software. The survey is consisting of 12 questions. In the

spring term 2/20/2019, the survey has been released on the internet. After two weeks of

3/25/2019, the survey data were collected. Moreover, the data and result are crucial to

determine and measure the extent of the technology advancements in increasing

obesity rates in Saudi Arabia.


5. Introduction

After receiving the data from the survey and the interview, I did statistical analysis using the

SPSS software in order to evaluate the impact of technological advancements on obesity rates

in developed and developing countries with more focus in Saudi Arabia.

5.1 The technological advancements and its impact on developed countries.

After analyzing the first four questions, the total grand mean is 75.34 %. Which mean that 75

percent of the participants agree that technological advancements increase the obesity rates in

developed countries. Moreover, 51.5% percent of the participants have agreed that the food

culture of Saudi Arabia has been changed by the influence of technology. Also, 33.3% of the

participants believed that new delivery apps encourage them to eat from fast food restaurants.

(Figure 1.1)

(Figure 1.2)

5.2 The technological advancements and its impact on developing countries.

In this part you can notice some questions about developing countries. Some of the participant's

home country considered to be a developing country .Therefore, The participants were asked for

their opinion and thoughts on how technological advancements have impacted the food culture

of developing countries.42% percent of the participants have agreed that in some way the

technological advancements changed the food culture. Furthermore, 39% of the participants

believe that the technological advancements play a huge role in the daily basis activities.

(Figure 2.1)

(Figure 2.2)

5.1 The technological advancements and its impact on Saudi arabia .

In this section you will get a better idea on how technological advancements impact the obesity

rates in Saudi Arabia. 33.33% of the participants believed that technological advancements have

decreased the physical activities in Saudi Arabia. Also, 45% percent of the participants think that

technological advancements have changed the Saudis food preference.



5.4 Interview questions :

1- In what way does technological advancements impact the obesity rates in the developed countries ? .

2- In what way does technological advancements impact the obesity rates in the developing countries ? .

3- In what way does technological advancements impact the obesity rates in the KSA ? .

After I have collected the answers to the questions and analyzed them. The answers to the

three questions were similar. Most participants have agreed that the technological advances

impact the prevalence of obesity rates in the developed, developing countries and KSA. Some

of the participants were living in Europe and the USA for more than three years. According to

those who experienced living out abroad, they didn't see any difference in how technological

advances affect their daily routine. The phones and video games will decrease their physical

participation no matter where they are. In addition, many participants have agreed that the

delivery application such as Uber eats, Marsoal and Hungeration have a huge impact by

attracting them to eat from fast food chains.

5.5 Summary of Results and Discussion

The results of this study reveal that technological advancements such as Phones, video games,

apps, and new invitation lead to an increase in the prevalence of obesity in the world . All the

countries whether it is developed or developing will face an increase in the obesity rate. As the

technology and innovations emerge, a decline of physical activities will occur. Furthermore, the

consumption of fast food meals rates will continue to increase dramatically as the farm factories

keep adopting new technologies to enhance their production.


The research has proved that technological advancements have a huge role in the escalation of

obesity in the developed, developing and KSA societies. However, there are some limitations

have occurred during conducting this research. First, there was not enough time to obtain more

information about the relation of technological advancements and the prevalence of obesity.

The four months of the spring semester were not enough to reach a large group of the



The study has confirmed the obvious relationship between the technology advances and the

prevalence of obesity in the developing, developed countries. Moreover, there was an

illustration of how new apps have shaped the food culture in Saudi Arabia. After collecting data

from Saudis participant, It was approved that technological advancements have a negative

influence on their food choices. Therefore, as the usage of technology increases, the obesity

rates increase as well. Not only this but also people will be less active, which will lead to terrible



No doubt there are so many benefits and advantages that we can gain from technology.

However, we really need to know what is the bad side of technology. Also, how can we be wise

about using our devices such as mobile, PC and other technologies? Otherwise, we might face

some serious problems physically and mentally. Thus, conducting studies that illustrate the

serious consequences of technology, will enhance social awareness and prevent them from

facing any health issue in the future. These fun-time killers and apps can make us happier, but

also it will ruin our routine and health. Furthermore, based on this study, many students have

blamed technology because it impacts the students lives by getting bad habits that hard to



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