20954-0-4-Prog Aula Plasing 2ep Base

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Programación de Aula

Transcript of 20954-0-4-Prog Aula Plasing 2ep Base


Arts and Crafts 2 edebCLASSROOM PROGRAMMING:Programming for the educational units


Cultural and artistic: Recognizing and appreciating artistic expression in the environment.Processing information and digital skills: Introduction to the use of technology as an artistic tool.

Getting to know and appreciating the pictorial work of Wassilly Kandinsky. Distinguishing primary and secondary colours to obtain new ones through mixing. Using tools and templates properly to sketch circles and squares. Exploring the stencilling technique with soft crayons and geometric templates. Operating simple information technology programmes as a tool for artistic expression. Concepts Work by Wassilly Kandinsky: Squares with Concentric Circles. Expressiveness with colour and spots. Colour theory: Primary and Secondary colours.Procedures Interpreting images: Aesthetic appreciation and reinterpretation. Making secondary colours by mixing the primary colours. Mixing colours freely. Using drawing tools: Templates, rulers, compasses, computers. Sketching geometric figures: Circles and squares. Artistic experimentation: Stencilling with templates and soft crayons. Planning artistic processes.Values Developing artistic criteria. Perceiving the expressive possibilities of colour. Making an effort to use materials and tools properly. Showing curiosity about discovering new artistic possibilities.Lateral learningMoral and civic education: Respecting expressive diversity.

Using simple terms to comment on the main features of the work of Wassilly Kandinsky. Describing the qualities and characteristics of materials and objects: Primary and secondary colours. Producing artistic compositions using drawing tools properly. Testing the possibilities adopted by forms, textures and colours in ones own productions by stencilling with crayons. Using simple information technology applications for artistic activities.


Reading and commenting on the biography and work of Wassily Kandinsky @ Reading and commenting on the quote by Wassily Kandinsky: In painting, a round spot may be more significant than a human figure. Finding four fragments of the painting and colouring them in the same way. Colouring with the primary colours. Mixing primary colours to discover the secondary colours. Mixing primary and secondary colours to discover other colours. Finding objects to help us sketch circles and squares. Experimenting with these objects freely to draw figures. Observing the instructions in the file to learn to use the Paint programme. @ Experimenting with sketching figures using the Paint programme. Printing the work and sticking it in the file. Making templates to produce fun pieces of work. Doing this by following the instructions in the file with the templates of the cut out.


INITIAL EVALUATIONClass group Observing and commenting on the work orally and together (USB memory image that can be projected). Starting by reading the title of the work, and then talking about the theme, its formal appearance, the artistic techniques and personal appreciation.

MOTIVATIONClass group (several groups) Reading the brief outline of the life and work of Kandinsky. Having read this text, reflections can be made on the subject of abstract art.Individually Visual attention game described in the book.

BASIC SKILLS and MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESINTEGRATED TASK-Put into practiceContextualization: Playing with the figures and colours by following the illustrated instructions.Activity: Painting the template of the cut out using primary colour crayons. Smearing the crayons. Combining forms and colours. Cutting out the figures and sticking them in the file.SKILLS ACTIVITIES (Guide Book) Playing with rulers The use of technical drawing tools is a very handy procedure of great use in the field of mathematics (geometry, length measurements and statistics). 1st stage students must be skilled at using graduated rulers because they must work with units of measurement, such as the centimetre, throughout this phase. A game has been created, which can be repeated on a range of occasions during the year. This activity enables the introduction of the use of the ruler in a fun and pleasant way.

SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES Coloured glasses: Students can build glasses with coloured lenses made of cellophane. Soap bubbles Use of the stencilling technique to create a composition recreating soap bubbles.

ATTENDING DIVERSITYReinforcement: Photocopiable reinforcement file: Drawing lines with rulers. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)In greater depth: Photocopiable in greater depth file: Obtaining secondary and tertiary colours. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)


Individual dossier of activities of the unit

Evaluation checklist-PUT INTO PRACTICE (Guide Book)


Reading Employing strategies for reading skills: Reading silently (self-regulation of understanding). Translation of everyday language to the language specific to the area. Producing syntheses, outlines, brief summaries and ideas (awareness of ones own understanding). Reading texts comprehensively. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities... to obtain information, learn, have fun and communicate.Oral/written expression Presenting the approach and development of the resolution of different activities orally: Presentation. Appropriately expressing what is learnt orally and in writing by using precise vocabulary.Oral/written presentation of ideas, responses to questions made related to the topic, dialogue through the observation of the work of art, debate and expression of the emotions inspired by the work of art featured, discussions, inclusion of non-verbal language


USB memory activities: Getting to know Wassilly Kandinsky: Life and work. Art sheets. Links to webpages. Playing with art Squares with Concentric Circles puzzle. Click here! Geometric composition.


Using simple terms to comment on the work. Describing the qualities and characteristics of materials and objects. Producing artistic compositions. Testing in ones own productions the possibilities adopted by forms, textures and colours. Using simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities.


Recognizing and understanding the work of the artists featured: Wassily Kandinsky. Perceiving and respecting expressive diversity: Abstraction. Appreciating ones own artistic productions and those of others. Distinguishing primary and secondary colours. Making colour mixes. Understanding different ways of representing space: Flat images. Recognizing and articulating some elements of visual and artistic language in ones productions. Sketching geometric figures with different drawing tools: Rulers, triangles, compasses. Producing lineal and geometric compositions with the Paint programme. Following guidelines to work with techniques: Crayon stencils. Showing interest and enjoying artistic creation and experimentation activities. Appreciating new technologies as tools for artistic research and creation.



ARTS and CRAFTS text book 2, Pxel; publi. edeb Digital blackboard. USB memory. Educational resources. Supplementary material. Classroom: Other spaces. Approximate time 6 weeks.The methodology proposed promotes the construction of significant learning through the following sequence:- Initial motivation and evocation of prior knowledge.- Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday and contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalisation and expansion of learning, and which connect with the basic skills identified.- Application of what is learnt to different activities: Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive activities, reinforcement and in greater depth activities..., sequenced by levels of difficulty, and which facilitate the basic skills and the different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using the digital blackboard and the computer. These resources include activities integrated into the learning sequence, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.Unit 1: Colours. STRUCTURE:- Initial activity and motivation alongside an image and quote of the artist, Kandinsky, so any prior knowledge as regards the topic can be presented and commented on by everyone.- Contents: Learning sequences for all the contents of the unit, tackled using contextualized situations or examples, with learning activities in the deductive process, to end with a conclusion and with application activities.Work activities are also suggested for the BSs (basic skills) and the multiple intelligences, supplementary activities, TIC activities, and reinforcement and in greater depth activities.All the work on the contents is aimed at the development (working) of the basic skills identified in the unit.- Put into practice Activities for working with and evaluating the BSs and multiple intelligences. These are contextualized activities, which refer to real and everyday situations for the students, in which their knowledge must be applied and rolled out, and which take the range of skills and learning styles into account (with the reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, artistic representation ).



Different student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class. Different student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test). Group work. TIC activities: Interactive activities, Internet links.Valuation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained. Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.Observation and valuation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution. Evaluation checklist. Individual record file. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Blog of the teacher.



Class preparation and educational materialsThere is consistency between what is programmed and the actual classes.

There is a balanced distribution over time.

The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodologySignificant learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is considered (during activities, handling contents, etc.).

The methodology promotes motivation and develops the skills of students.

Regulation of the teaching in practiceDegree of monitoring of students.

Suitability of resources used in class to the learning.

The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and familiesThe criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents.

The evaluation tools enable the registration of numerous learning variables.

The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities.

The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available: to the students. to the families.

Employment of measures attending diversityMeasures are taken in advance to become familiar with learning difficulties.

A response is made to different learning speeds and skills.

There are sufficient measures and resources available.

Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the proposed activities.Adaptation of the activities of the programme.Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System.


Cultural and artistic: Using techniques and resources specific to artistic language.Independence and personal initiative: Planning and reviewing creative processes.Linguistic communication: Interpreting and respecting norms and instructions.

Recognizing and appreciating the sculptures of Henry Moore. Getting to know different ways of representing space: Three dimensional images, volume. Creating volumetric images with different techniques: Paper sculptures, pop-ups. Drawing human figures schematically in different positions. Recreating the natural and social environment artistically. Using technological media for artistic research and expression. Interpreting instructions in images and texts. Exploring different materials and techniques suited to artistic creation.Concepts Work by Henry Moore: King and Queen. Three dimensional images: Viewpoints. Representing volume: Sculpture. Schematic body. Artistic technique: Pop-ups.Procedures Interpreting images: Aesthetic appreciation and reinterpretation. Creating volumetric images: Paper sculptures. Organizing an exhibition. Drawing human figures in different positions. Making a group portrait using the pop-up technique. Making a Christmas choir: Cutting out and handling paper templates.Values Human figures as elements to be recreated artistically. Planning and reviewing artistic processes. Interest and satisfaction with ones own achievements. Interest and cooperation with the group in collective activities. Making an effort to correctly interpret instructions in images and texts.Lateral learningEducation for gender equality: Representing the human body by means of unstereotyped drawings.

Using simple terms to comment on the main features of the work of Henry Moore. Associating different ways of representing space with its functionality. Representing the human body using unstereotyped drawings. Producing artistic compositions that represent the real and imaginary world. Using simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities. Describing and interpreting the contents of images. Producing artistic compositions that represent the imaginary, emotional and social world.


Reading and commenting on the work of Henry Moore. @ Observing and commenting on the work entitled King and Queen by Henry Moore in Antwerp. Discovering curiosity about art. Drawing a character similar to the one in the work sat in a seat from two viewpoints. Observing the volume of another sculpture by Henry Moore, Rocking Chair. Making a sculpture: Folding the cut out in half, cutting out half a human silhouette and using it to make a sculpture by trying out different postures. Building a plasticine base and several support struts, attaching the figure and gluing. Setting up an exhibition of the sculptures, taking photos and sticking them in the file. Drawing people in different positions from a given model. Drawing children dancing. @ Making a portrait with friends using the pop-up technique by following the instructions in the file.


INITIAL EVALUATIONClass group Observing and commenting on the work orally and together (USB memory image that can be projected). Starting by reading the title of the work, and then talking about the theme, its formal appearance, the artistic techniques and personal appreciation.

MOTIVATIONClass group (several groups) Presenting the description of Henry Moore and his work. Commenting on the monumental nature of his work and the fact that a lot of his work is exhibited outdoors. Discussing the sculptures as artistic expressions built in three dimensions. Referring to sculptures found in the environment of students and reflecting on the difference between drawings, photos, and paintings (two dimensions) and sculptures (three dimensions).Individually Designing a sculpture similar to the one by Henry Moore.

BASIC SKILLS and MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESINTEGRATED TASK-Put into practiceContextualization: Designing and producing a pop-up.Activity: Designing sculptures for an open-air space. Following the instructions to produce a pop-up summarising everything learnt during the unit. Doing this by: Sketching ideas. Choosing an idea and drawing it in detail on the cut out. Cutting out the image and creating the pop-up with the other attached cut out.SKILLS ACTIVITIES (Guide Book) Giant pop-up: Making a giant pop-up all together with your favourite characters.TEAMWORK: Christmas choir Producing a Christmas choir all together to decorate the school. Doing this by finding the necessary material and following the instructions in the file: building the cylinders. drawing, cutting out and gluing the faces. attaching the sheet music and the gloves. cutting out and tying the sock to make the hats. putting the hat on each puppet and lets sing.

SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIESVolume in relief: Working with the relief technique. Doing this by producing a template and filling in the figures with plasticine.

ATTENDING DIVERSITYReinforcement: Photocopiable reinforcement file: Drawing human figures. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)In greater depth: Photocopiable in greater depth file: Obtaining volumetric images by means of relief. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)


Individual dossier of activities of the unitEvaluation checklist-PUT INTO PRACTICE (Guide Book)


Reading Employing strategies for reading skills: Reading silently (self-regulation of understanding). Translation of everyday language to the language specific to the area. Producing syntheses, outlines, brief summaries and ideas (awareness of ones own understanding). Reading texts comprehensively. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities... to obtain information, learn, have fun and communicate.Oral/written expression Presenting the approach and development of the resolution of different activities orally: Presentation Appropriately expressing what is learnt orally and in writing by using precise vocabulary.Oral/written presentation of ideas, responses to questions made related to the topic, dialogue through the observation of the work of art, debate and expression of the emotions inspired by the work of art featured, discussions, inclusion of non-verbal language


USB memory activities: Getting to know Henry Moore: Life and work. Art sheets. Links to webpages. Playing with art King and Queen puzzle. Click here! The human body.


Using simple terms to comment on the work. Associating different ways of representing space with its functionality. Producing artistic compositions that represent the real and imaginary world. Using simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities.


Recognizing and understanding the work of the artists featured: Henry Moore. Perceiving and respecting expressive diversity: Figures. Appreciating ones own artistic productions and those of others. Understanding different ways of representing space: Volumetric images. Recognizing and articulating some elements of visual and artistic language in ones own productions. Representing the human body in movement. Maintaining the proportions and outline of the body. Following guidelines to work with techniques: Pop-ups. Showing interest and enjoying artistic creation and experimentation activities. Appreciating new technologies as tools for artistic research and creation.



ARTS and CRAFTS text book 2, Pxel; publi. edeb Digital blackboard. USB memory. Educational resources. Supplementary material. Classroom: Other spaces. Approximate time 6 weeks.The methodology proposed promotes the construction of significant learning through the following sequence:- Initial motivation and evocation of prior knowledge.- Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday and contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalisation and expansion of learning, and which connect with the basic skills identified.- Application of what is learnt to different activities: Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive activities, reinforcement and in greater depth activities..., sequenced by levels of difficulty, and which facilitate the basic skills and the different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using the digital blackboard and the computer. These resources include activities integrated into the learning sequence, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.Unit 2: The body. STRUCTURE:- Initial activity and motivation alongside an image of the work of Henry Moore: king and Queen, so any prior knowledge as regards the topic can be presented and commented on by everyone.- Contents: Learning sequences for all the contents of the unit, tackled using contextualized situations or examples, with learning activities in the deductive process, to end with a conclusion and application activities.Work activities are also suggested for the BSs (basic skills) and the multiple intelligences, supplementary activities, TIC activities, and reinforcement and in greater depth activities.All the work on the contents is aimed at the development (working) of the basic skills identified in the unit. - Put into practice Activities for working with and evaluating the BSs and multiple intelligences. These are contextualized activities, which refer to real and everyday situations for the students, in which their knowledge must be applied and rolled out, and which take the range of skills and learning styles into account (with the reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, artistic representation ). - Teamwork... Activities promoting cooperative work between equals. The idea here is to collectively produce a piece of work in which individual responsibility and work is required to obtain a good collective result.



Different student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class. Different student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test). Group work. TIC activities: Interactive activities, Internet links.Valuation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained. Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.Observation and valuation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution. Evaluation checklist. Individual record file. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Blog of the teacher.



Class preparation and educational materialsThere is consistency between what is programmed and the actual classes.

There is a balanced distribution over time.

The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodologySignificant learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is considered (during activities, handling contents, etc.).

The methodology promotes motivation and develops the skills of students.

Regulation of the teaching in practiceDegree of monitoring of students.

Suitability of resources used in class to the learning.

The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and familiesThe criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents.

The evaluation tools enable the registration of numerous learning variables.

The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities.

The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available: to the students to the families

Employment of measures attending diversityMeasures are taken in advance to become familiar with learning difficulties.

A response is made to different learning speeds and skills.

There are sufficient measures and resources available.

Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the proposed activities.Adaptation of the activities of the programme.Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System.


Cultural and artistic: Recognizing and appreciating artistic expression in the environment.Knowledge and interaction with the real world: Exploring and recreating forms, colours and textures from the environment.

Getting to know and appreciating the work of the painter Antonio Lpez. Discovering the viewpoint concept to come into contact with the representation of images in perspective. Representing buildings and urban landscapes using simple unstereotyped drawings. Exploring new expressive possibilities by means of the paper collage technique. Using technological media for artistic research and expression.

Concepts Work by Antonio Lpez: The Gran Va. Representing the environment: Figurative painting. Viewpoints in pictorial representations. The schematisation of forms in drawings. Artistic technique: Newspaper and tissue paper collage.Procedures Interpreting images: Aesthetic appreciation and reinterpretation. Distinguishing the viewpoints of an element. Drawing urban landscapes. Developing work in cooperation.Values The environment as an element that can be recreated artistically. Progressive and suitable use of terms referring to artistic language. Interest in developing ones own drawing skills. Motivation and enjoying artistic experimentation.Lateral learningEducation for peace: Having respectful, tolerant and cooperative attitudes. Using simple terms to comment on the main features of the work of Antonio Lpez. Describing the qualities and characteristics of the natural and artificial environment. Representing urban landscapes through unstereotyped drawings. Testing the possibilities adopted by forms, textures and colours using the collage technique. Using simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities.


Observing the art sheet of the painting by A. Lpez, The Gran Va (1981). Reading and commenting on the painting by Antonio Lpez. @ Reading the titles of some of the paintings by Antonio Lpez and commenting on what they have in common. Locating the missing building and drawing it. Locating three images in the painting by A. Lpez, Southern Madrid (1965/85). Observing the drawings from three different viewpoints and colouring them in. Drawing buildings by taking the steps given. Drawing a city. Constructing buildings using the collage technique in pairs by following the illustrated instructions in the file. Lastly, building a big city all together.


INITIAL EVALUATIONClass group Observing and commenting on the work orally and together (USB memory image that can be projected). Starting by reading the title of the work, and then talking about the theme, its formal appearance, the artistic techniques and personal appreciation.

MOTIVATIONClass group (several groups) Working with the description of Antonio Lpez. Reading the titles of other paintings by the artist and seeing Madrid as one of the cities he painted the most.Individually Locating the missing fragment in the painting and drawing it again by using the previous page as a reference.

BASIC SKILLS and MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESINTEGRATED TASK-Put into practiceContextualization: Comparing and commenting on two photos (a city and a village). Selecting the favourite one.Activity: Drawing the chosen landscape and decorating it using the collage technique. Indicating the viewpoint represented by the landscape.SKILLS ACTIVITIES (Guide Book) Collective mural: Drawing a mural collectively using the template provided in the photocopiable file, to foster spatial orientation and the manipulation of objects in space.

SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES Sinuous collage: Employing the collage technique using newspapers, and colour magazines and catalogues.

ATTENDING DIVERSITYReinforcement: Photocopiable reinforcement file: Drawing elements from different viewpoints. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)In greater depth: Photocopiable in greater depth file: Inventing and drawing buildings. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)


Individual dossier of activities of the unitEvaluation checklist-PUT INTO PRACTICE (Guide Book)


Reading Employing strategies for reading skills: Reading silently (self-regulation of understanding). Translation of everyday language to the language specific to the area. Producing syntheses, outlines, brief summaries and ideas (awareness of ones own understanding). Reading texts comprehensively. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities... to obtain information, learn, have fun and communicate.Oral/written expression Presenting the approach and development of the resolution of different activities orally: Presentation Appropriately expressing what is learnt orally and in writing by using precise vocabulary.Oral/written presentation of ideas, responses to questions made related to the topic, dialogue through the observation of the work of art, debate and expression of the emotions inspired by the work of art featured, discussions, inclusion of non-verbal language


USB memory activities: Getting to know Antonio Lpez: Life and work. Art sheets. Links to webpages. Playing with art The Gran Va puzzle. Click here! Cities and villages.


Using simple terms to comment on the work. Describing qualities and characteristics of the natural and artificial environment. Testing the possibilities adopted by forms, textures and colours. Using simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities.


Showing curiosity about the work of the artists featured: Antonio Lpez. Participating enthusiastically in the observation and interpretation of works of art. Distinguishing pictorial styles: Hyperrealism. Understanding an object can be represented graphically from different viewpoints. Identifying colours, forms and textures associated with an image. Recognizing and articulating some elements of visual language in ones productions. Showing creativity when representing the natural and social environment. Handling the featured artistic techniques accurately: Collage. Showing interest and enjoying artistic creation and experimentation activities. Using new technologies as a tool for artistic research and creation.



ARTS and CRAFTS text book 2, Pxel; publi. edeb Digital blackboard. USB memory. Educational resources. Supplementary material. Classroom: Other spaces. Approximate time 6 weeks.The methodology proposed promotes the construction of significant learning through the following sequence:- Initial motivation and evocation of prior knowledge.- Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday and contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalisation and expansion of learning, and which connect with the basic skills identified.- Application of what is learnt to different activities: Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive activities, reinforcement activities and in greater depth activities..., sequenced by levels of difficulty, and which facilitate the basic skills and the different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using the digital blackboard and the computer. These resources include activities integrated into the learning sequence, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.Unit 3: Cities. STRUCTURE:- Initial activity and motivation alongside an image of The Gran Va by Antonio Lpez, so any prior knowledge as regards the topic can be presented and commented on by everyone.- Contents: Learning sequences for all the contents of the unit, tackled using contextualized situations or examples, with learning activities in the deductive process, to end with a conclusion and with application activities.BS (basic skills) work activities are also suggested as are multiple intelligences, supplementary activities, TIC activities, and reinforcement and in greater depth activities.All the work of the contents is aimed at developing (working with) the basic skills identified in the unit.- Put into practice Activities for working with and evaluating the BSs and multiple intelligences. These are contextualized activities, which refer to real and everyday situations for the students, in which their knowledge must be applied and rolled out, and which take the range of skills and learning styles into account (with the reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, artistic representation ).



Different student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class. Different student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test). Group work. TIC activities: Interactive activities, Internet links.Valuation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained. Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.Observation and valuation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution. Evaluation checklist. Individual record file. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Blog of the teacher.



Class preparation and educational materialsThere is consistency between what is programmed and the actual classes.

There is a balanced distribution over time.

The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodologySignificant learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is considered (during activities, handling contents, etc.).

The methodology promotes motivation and develops the skills of students.

Regulation of the teaching in practiceDegree of monitoring of students.

Suitability of resources used in class to the learning.

The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and familiesThe criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents.

The evaluation tools enable the registration of numerous learning variables.

The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities.

The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available: to the students to the families

Employment of measures attending diversityMeasures are taken in advance to become familiar with learning difficulties.

A response is made to different learning speeds and skills.

There are sufficient measures and resources available.

Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the proposed activities.Adaptation of the activities of the programme.Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System.


Cultural and artistic: Appreciating diversity in artistic expression.Mathematical: Analyzing spatial and geometric concepts in images.Learning to learn: Analyzing and reflecting on artistic experimentation processes.

Getting to know and appreciating the pictorial work of Claude Monet. Identifying tactile and visual textures in the natural environment and representing them graphically. Initiation in the representation of distance in the drawing of landscapes. Discovering new expressive possibilities through the blown tempera paint technique. Using technological media for artistic research and expression. Understanding and respecting guidelines and instructions related to artistic production processes. Exploring new artistic materials and techniques.Concepts Painting by Claude Monet: Tulip Fields in Holland. Impressionism. Texture: Tactile and visual perception. Size and distance relations between elements in a drawing. Artistic techniques: Blown tempera paint.Procedures Interpreting images: Aesthetic appreciation and reinterpretation. Representing textures using the impressionist technique. Creating impressionist landscapes. Organizing an exhibition. Drawing natural landscapes. Obtaining arbitrary textures through artistic experimentation. Creative manipulation of spontaneous productions. Making costumes based on the Universe: Sun, moon, stars. Following guidelines and instructions in artistic processes.Values Perceiving diversity and expressive possibilities in images. Cooperating with the group in collective activities. Satisfaction with ones own achievements. Responsible use of materials. Interest in participating in a school carnival troupe.Lateral learningRoad safety: Following pedestrian norms for correct participation in a school carnival troupe to avoid potential accidents. Using simple terms to comment on the main features of the work of Claude Monet. Describing artistic and aesthetic qualities in elements in the environment: Texture and colour. Producing artistic compositions that represent the real and imaginary world. Testing the possibilities of textures and colours in ones own productions. Using simple information technology applications for artistic activities. Describing and planning artistic creation processes. Producing artistic compositions that represent the real and imaginary world.


Reading and commenting on the life and work of C.Monet: Fields of Tulips in Holland. @ Reading about impressionism. Observing and completing the painting by Monet. Discovering the different textures found in nature. Colouring in the style of Monet. Painting a field of wild flowers imitating impressionist brushstrokes with crayons, chalks, tempera paints... Organizing an exhibition of the work. @ Drawing a landscape following the instructions in the file. Completing the drawing of the wooded area. Experimenting with tempera paint and water by blowing with a straw over the sheet. Giving form to the textures and creating a collage by sticking it to the sheet.


INITIAL EVALUATIONClass group Observing and commenting on the work orally and together (USB memory image that can be projected). Starting by reading the title of the work, and then talking about the theme, its formal appearance, the artistic techniques and personal appreciation.

MOTIVATIONClass group (several groups) Commenting on the work, and appreciating the expressiveness and the power of the impressionist style, of which Claude Monet was a great exponent.Individually Completing the fragments of the painting using hard crayons. Applying the colour by attempting to follow the direction of the original brushstrokes.

BASIC SKILLS and MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESINTEGRATED TASK-Put into practiceContextualization: Painting ones own landscapes from photos.Activity: Choosing a photo and sticking it to the centre of the sheet. Drawing to complete the landscape. Colouring in imitating the textures.SKILLS ACTIVITIES (Guide Book) Impressionist exhibition: Recreating the impressionist style freely and displaying the work by organizing an exhibition in the classroom.TEAMWORK: Carnival troupe based on the universeSetting up and building a carnival troupe. Doing this by following the instructions in the file: Choosing a character and cutting out the mask. Decorating, removing the eyes and gluing a stick to the back. Cutting out stars and sticking them to bags. Cutting the bags and getting dressed up.

SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES Spatial dictation: Drawing the instructions dictated by the teacher on a blank sheet.

ATTENDING DIVERSITYReinforcement: Photocopiable reinforcement file: Identifying textures in the environment. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)In greater depth: Photocopiable in greater depth file: Obtaining textures using artistic techniques. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)


Individual dossier of activities of the unitEvaluation checklist-PUT INTO PRACTICE (Guide Book)


Reading Employing strategies for reading skills: Reading silently (self-regulation of understanding). Translation of everyday language to the language specific to the area. Producing syntheses, outlines, brief summaries and ideas (awareness of ones own understanding). Reading texts comprehensively. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities... to obtain information, learn, have fun and communicate.Oral/written expression Presenting the approach and development of the resolution of different activities orally: Presentation Appropriately expressing what is learnt orally and in writing by using precise vocabulary.Oral/written presentation of ideas, responses to questions made related to the topic, dialogue through the observation of the work of art, debate and expression of the emotions inspired by the work of art featured, discussions, inclusion of non-verbal language


USB memory activities: Getting to know Claude Monet: Life and work. Art sheets. Links to webpages Playing with art Fields of Tulips in Holland puzzle. Click here! Impressionist landscape.


Using simple terms to comment on the work. Describing qualities in elements in the environment. Producing artistic compositions that represent the real and imaginary world. Testing the possibilities of textures and colours in ones own productions. Using simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities.


Showing curiosity about the work of the artists featured: Claude Monet. Participating enthusiastically in the observation and interpretation of the works of art. Distinguishing pictorial styles: Impressionism. Identifying colours, forms and textures associated with images. Recognizing and articulating some elements of visual language in ones own productions. Employing schematisation and including composition lines in drawings. Taking the distance and proportions of the elements represented into account in compositions. Handling the featured artistic techniques precisely: Blown tempera paint. Showing interest and enjoying artistic creation and experimentation activities. Using new technologies as tools for artistic research and creation.



ARTS and CRAFTS text book 2, Pxel; publi. edeb Digital blackboard. USB memory. Educational resources. Supplementary material. Classroom: Other spaces. Approximate time 6 weeks.

The methodology proposed promotes the construction of significant learning through the following sequence:- Initial motivation and evocation of prior knowledge.- Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday and contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalisation and expansion of learning, and which connect with the basic skills identified.- Application of what is learnt to different activities: Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive activities, reinforcement and in greater depth activities..., sequenced by levels of difficulty, and which facilitate the basic skills and the different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using the digital blackboard and the computer. These resources include activities integrated into the learning sequence, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.Unit 4: Tulips. STRUCTURE:- Initial activity and motivation alongside an image of the painting by C.Monet: Fields of Tulips in Holland, so any prior knowledge as regards the topic can be presented and commented on by everyone.- Contents: Learning sequences for all the contents of the unit, tackled using contextualized situations or examples, with learning activities in the deductive process, to end with a conclusion and application activities.Work activities are also suggested for the BSs (basic skills) and the multiple intelligences, supplementary activities, TIC activities, and reinforcement and in greater depth activities.All the work on the contents is aimed at the development (working) of the basic skills identified in the unit.- Put into practice Activities for working with and evaluating the BSs and multiple intelligences. These are contextualized activities, which refer to real and everyday situations for the students, in which their knowledge must be applied and rolled out, and which take the range of skills and learning styles into account (with the reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, artistic representation ).- Teamwork... Activities promoting cooperative work between equals. The idea here is to collectively produce a piece of work in which individual responsibility and work is required to obtain a good collective result.



Different student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class. Different student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test). Group work. TIC activities: Interactive activities, Internet links.Valuation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained. Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.Observation and valuation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution. Evaluation checklist. Individual record file. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Blog of the teacher.



Class preparation and educational materialsThere is consistency between what is programmed and the actual classes.

There is a balanced distribution over time.

The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodologySignificant learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is considered (during activities, handling contents, etc.).

The methodology promotes motivation and develops the skills of students.

Regulation of the teaching in practiceDegree of monitoring of students.

Suitability of resources used in class to the learning.

The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and familiesThe criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents.

The evaluation tools enable the registration of numerous learning variables.

The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities.

The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available: to the students to the families

Employment of measures attending diversityMeasures are taken in advance to become familiar with learning difficulties.

A response is made to different learning speeds and skills.

There are sufficient measures and resources available.

Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the proposed activities.Adaptation of the activities of the programme.Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System.


Cultural and artistic: Understanding different artistic codes and developing creativity.Knowledge and interaction with the real world: Exploring and recreating forms, colours and textures from the environment.

Getting to know and appreciating the pictorial work of Franz Marc. Identifying the form or the outline of the figures in images. Identifying the elements making up an artistic composition: Background, figure, form, colour, texture. Drawing four-legged animals through the schematization of their forms. Exploring the colouring technique with chalks on a coloured background and discovering their aesthetic qualities. Using technological media for artistic research and expression.

Concepts Painting by Franz Marc: Blue Horse. Lines marking the outline of forms. Sketches as a first step in drawing. Artistic technique: Chalks on coloured backgrounds.Procedures Interpreting images: Aesthetic appreciation and reinterpretation. Outlines of figures. Identification of simple or synthetic forms. Distinguishing and outlining figures. Drawing animals: Schematisation of forms. Recreating animal textures by sketching with chalks.Values Developing aesthetic criteria. Progressive and appropriate use of terms referring to artistic compositions. Respect for expressive diversity. Curiosity about discovering new expressive possibilities.Lateral learningCivic and moral education: Respect for expressive diversity. Using simple terms to comment on the main features of the work of Franz Marc. Identifying ways of representing space and reality. Describing the contents of common images: Background, figure, form, colour Schematization of forms as an approach to drawing. Testing the possibilities of texture and colours in ones own productions. Using simple information technology applications for artistic activities.


Reading and commenting on the biography and work of F. Marc, Blue Horse (1911). @ Reading the poem by Antonio Machado, and admiring the beauty of animals depicted by F. Marz. Outlining the figure of a horse. Then continuing the drawing freely and painting it. Analyzing the painting by Franz Marc entitled The White Cat and completing the drawing of a cat by going over its lines. Looking for hidden forms in the drawing. Going over each outline in a different colour. Drawing the horse by following the instructions given. Drawing favourite dogs. Colouring the drawing of the tortoise or fish with chalks. Fixing it with lacquer. Cutting out the figure and sticking it to the following sheet.


INITIAL EVALUATIONClass group Observing and commenting on the work orally and together (USB memory image that can be projected). Starting by reading the title of the work, and then talking about the theme, its formal appearance, the artistic techniques and personal appreciation.

MOTIVATIONClass group (several groups) Working with the description of Franz Marc. Emphasizing the fact that the artist is famous for his paintings of animals. Reading and commenting on the poem by Antonio Machado, and realising the importance of the theme of animals in the world of art and literature.Individually Drawing and painting over the reproduction of the work in the book imitating the style of Franz Marc.

BASIC SKILLS and MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESINTEGRATED TASK-Put into practiceContextualization: Observing the steps that have to be taken to create animals by employing the chalk colouring technique.Activity: Drawing the body of the drawing. Drawing or painting the shell. Cutting it out and gluing it in place. Sticking our creation on the next sheet.SKILLS ACTIVITIES (Guide Book) Escher mosaic: Talking about the life and work of Maurits Cornelis Escher. Making a template with the figure of the lizard by Escher, photocopying it onto sheets coloured in three different colours and cutting out each one precisely to reproduce the mosaic of Escher in which all the lizards fit together.

SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIES Drawing with ones hands: Drawing animals from the silhouette of ones hands.

ATTENDING DIVERSITYReinforcement: Photocopiable reinforcement file: Drawing animals in synthesis. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)In greater depth: Photocopiable in greater depth file: Discovering animal figures. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)


Individual dossier of activities of the unit

Evaluation checklist-PUT INTO PRACTICE (Guide Book)


Reading Employing strategies for reading skills: Reading silently (self-regulation of understanding). Translation of everyday language to the language specific to the area. Producing syntheses, outlines, brief summaries and ideas (awareness of ones own understanding). Reading texts comprehensively. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities... to obtain information, learn, have fun and communicate.Oral/written expression Presenting the approach and development of the resolution of different activities orally: Presentation Appropriately expressing what is learnt orally and in writing by using precise vocabulary.Oral/written presentation of ideas, responses to questions made related to the topic, dialogue through the observation of the work of art, debate and expression of the emotions inspired by the work of art featured, discussions, inclusion of non-verbal language


USB memory activities: Getting to know Franz Marc: Life and work. Art sheets. Links to webpages. Playing with art Blue Horse puzzle. Click here! Drawing animals.


Using simple terms to comment on the work. Identifying different ways of representing space. Describing the contents of common images: Background, figure, form, colour Testing the possibilities of textures and colours in ones own productions. Using simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities.


Showing interest in the work of the artists featured: Franz Marc. Participating in the collective observation and interpretation of the works of art. Respecting diversity in artistic expression. Identifying lines as elements describing forms: The outline of figures. Identifying elements of visual language in the artistic works featured. Analyzing the structure of some animals and drawing them schematically in an unstereotyped way. Showing creativity in the drawing and representation of the environment. Handling artistic techniques with precision: Chalks on colour backgrounds. Using simple information technology applications for drawing and painting.



ARTS and CRAFTS text book 2, Pxel; publi. edeb Digital blackboard. USB memory. Educational resources. Supplementary material. Classroom: Other spaces. Approximate time 6 weeks.The methodology proposed promotes the construction of significant learning through the following sequence:- Initial motivation and evocation of prior knowledge.- Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday and contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalisation and expansion of learning, and which connect with the basic skills identified.- Application of what is learnt to different activities: Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive activities, reinforcement activities and in greater depth activities..., sequenced by levels of difficulty, and which facilitate the basic skills and the different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using the digital blackboard and the computer. These resources include activities integrated into the learning sequence, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.Unit 5: Animals. STRUCTURE:- Initial activity and motivation alongside an image and biography of the artist, Blue Horse, by Franz Marc, so any prior knowledge as regards the topic can be presented and commented on by everyone.- Contents: Learning sequences for all the contents of the unit, tackled using contextualized situations or examples, with learning activities in the deductive process, to end with a conclusion and with application activities.BS (basic skills) work activities are also suggested as are multiple intelligences, supplementary activities, TIC activities, and reinforcement and in greater depth activities.All the work on the contents is aimed at the development (working) of the basic skills identified in the unit.- Put into practice Activities for working with and evaluating the BSs and multiple intelligences. These are contextualized activities, which refer to real and everyday situations for the students, in which their knowledge must be applied and rolled out, and which take the range of skills and learning styles into account (with the reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, artistic representation ).



Different student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class. Different student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test). Group work. TIC activities: Interactive activities, Internet links.Valuation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained. Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.Observation and valuation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution. Evaluation checklist. Individual record file. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Blog of the teacher.



Class preparation and educational materialsThere is consistency between what is programmed and the actual classes.

There is a balanced distribution over time.

The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodologySignificant learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is considered (during activities, handling contents, etc.).

The methodology promotes motivation and develops the skills of students.

Regulation of the teaching in practiceDegree of monitoring of students.

Suitability of resources used in class to the learning.

The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and familiesThe criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents.

The evaluation tools enable the registration of numerous learning variables.

The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities.

The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available: to the students to the families

Employment of measures attending diversityMeasures are taken in advance to become familiar with learning difficulties.

A response is made to different learning speeds and skills.

There are sufficient measures and resources available.

Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the proposed activities.Adaptation of the activities of the programme.Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System.


Cultural and artistic: Understanding different artistic codes and developing creativity.Independence and personal initiative: Planning and reviewing creative processes.Processing information and digital skills: Using simple information technology applications.Social and citizen: Working as a team respecting norms and instructions. Understanding and appreciating the artistic work of Ouka Leele. Discovering and appreciating new aesthetic registers. Appreciating compositions as an essential element in images. Drawing facial expressions showing different emotions. Exploring the photomontage technique and appreciating its expressive possibilities. Using technological media for artistic expression. Making artistic productions cooperatively.Concepts The work of Ouka Leele: Hairdresser series, Lemons. Technology in art. Compositions: The fit and size of the figures. Expressive lines of the face: Eyes, mouth, eyebrows Artistic technique: Photomontage.Procedures Interpreting images: Aesthetic appreciation and reinterpretation. Manipulating images and free composition. Drawing facial expressions. Producing portraits using the photomontage technique. Making decorations: Summer curtain. Experimenting with objects, materials and techniques suited to artistic creation.Values Appreciation and respect for expressive diversity. Interest in discovering the expressive possibilities of artistic language. Predisposition towards experimentation and learning. Looking for personal and creative solutions. Participating and collaborating in group activities.Lateral learningMoral and civic educationWorking cooperatively.Respect for expressive diversity. Using simple terms to comment on the main features of the work of the photographer Ouka Leele. Identifying different ways of representing space and reality. Producing artistic compositions that represent the emotional world: Drawing facial expressions. Testing the artistic possibilities of photomontage in ones own productions. Using simple information technology applications for artistic activities. Having respectful, tolerant and cooperative attitudes.


Reading and commenting on the life and work of the photographer Ouka Leele. Discovering her true name as a curiosity. @ Getting to know and observing the work of O. Leele, Hairdresser series, Lemons. Colouring in the hairdo of the model. Choosing favourite fruits to create ones own hairdos. Comparing three images of the model and going over their outline in red. Looking for photos of favourite characters. Cutting them out and placing them in the centre of the image. Lastly, colouring the fruits surrounding them. Observing the expressions on the faces of the three photos. Going over the features of the face. Colouring in and explaining the emotion expressed in each image. Drawing the faces of the head to express a range of emotions. Creating fun portraits from photos. Cutting out photos, and sticking them to colour backgrounds and decorating them with the photos of fruits (cut out). Looking for photos on Internet and experimenting.


INITIAL EVALUATIONClass group Observing and commenting on the work orally and together (USB memory image that can be projected). Starting by reading the title of the work, and then talking about the theme, its formal appearance, the artistic techniques and personal appreciation.

MOTIVATIONClass group (several groups) Reading the description of Ouka Leele and reflecting on her art with regard to the quote: Ouka Leele thinks it is more important to paint beautiful things than real things.Individually Colouring the hairdo of the model imitating the technique used by the photographer to create her work. Then, imagining new hairdos created from fruits, vegetables or salad

BASIC SKILLS and MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCESINTEGRATED TASK-Put into practiceContextualization: Creating fun portraits with different expression using ones imaginationActivity: Photocopying the ID cards of friends. Sticking them to the next page. Drawing fun expressions.SKILLS ACTIVITIES (Guide Book) Art and technology: Making photomontages using new technologies.TEAMWORK: Making a curtain for the classAssembling and making a decorative curtain. Doing this by following the instructions in the file: Cutting it out and decorating it freely. Threading. Folding and sticking. Tying the strips to the bar.

SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITIESEmotions folder Making a folder-game on emotions in groups of 4 children.

ATTENDING DIVERSITYReinforcement: Photocopiable reinforcement file: Making balanced compositions. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)In greater depth: Photocopiable in greater depth file: Drawing facial expressions. (SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL)


Individual dossier of activities of the unit

Evaluation checklist-PUT INTO PRACTICE (Guide Book)


Reading Employing strategies for reading skills: Reading silently (self-regulation of understanding). Translation of everyday language to the language specific to the area. Producing syntheses, outlines, brief summaries and ideas (awareness of ones own understanding). Reading texts comprehensively. Reading other written texts, digital texts, interactive activities... to obtain information, learn, have fun and communicate.Oral/written expressionPresenting the approach and development of the resolution of different activities orally: Presentation Appropriately expressing what is learnt orally and in writing by using precise vocabulary.Oral/written presentation of ideas, responses to questions made related to the topic, dialogue through the observation of the work of art, debate and expression of the emotions inspired by the work of art featured, discussions, inclusion of non-verbal language


USB memory activities: Getting to know Ouka Leele: Life and work. Art sheets. Links to webpages. Playing with art Lemons puzzle. Click here! Fun portraits.


Using simple terms to comment on the work. Identifying different ways of representing space. Producing artistic compositions that represent the emotional world. Testing possibilities in ones own productions. Using simple information technology applications for the execution of artistic activities. Having respectful, tolerant and cooperative attitudes.


Showing interest in the work of the artists featured: Ouka Leele. Participating in the collective observation and interpretation of the works of art. Respecting diversity in artistic expression. Fitting and organizing figures in compositions spatially. Identifying elements of visual language in the artistic expressions featured. Drawing expressive features of faces to show different emotions. Showing creativity in drawing and representing the environment. Precise handling of artistic techniques: Photomontage. Working with the group on artistic work undertaken cooperatively. Using simple information technology applications for drawing and painting.



ARTS and CRAFTS text book 2, Pxel; publi. edeb Digital blackboard. USB memory. Educational resources. Supplementary material. Classroom: Other spaces. Approximate time 6 weeks.The methodology proposed promotes the construction of significant learning through the following sequence:- Initial motivation and evocation of prior knowledge.- Progressive and careful inclusion of contents by means of examples taken from everyday and contextualized situations to enable the transfer, generalisation and expansion of learning, and which connect with the basic skills identified.- Application of what is learnt to different activities: Applying, reasoning, working with basic skills and multiple intelligences, projects, cooperative group, interactive activities, reinforcement and in greater depth activities..., sequenced by levels of difficulty, and which facilitate the basic skills and the different cognitive styles of the students. - Different kinds of digital resources, using the digital blackboard and the computer. These resources include activities integrated into the learning sequence, interactive activities and carefully selected Internet links.Unit 6: Portraits. STRUCTURE:- Initial activity and motivation alongside an image of the work of Ouka Leele: Hairdresser series; Lemons, so any prior knowledge as regards the topic can be presented and commented on by everyone.- Contents: Learning sequences for all the contents of the unit, tackled using contextualized situations and examples, with learning activities in the deductive process, to end with a conclusion and with application activities.Work activities are also suggested for the BSs (basic skills) and the multiple intelligences, supplementary activities, TIC activities, and reinforcement and in greater depth activities.All the work on the contents is aimed at the development (working) of the basic skills identified in the unit.- Put into practice Activities for working with and evaluating the BSs and multiple intelligences. These are contextualized activities, which refer to real and everyday situations for the students, in which their knowledge must be applied and rolled out, and which take the range of skills and learning styles into account (with the reading, reasoning, movement, dramatization, artistic representation ).- Teamwork... Activities promoting cooperative work between equals. The idea here is to collectively produce a piece of work in which individual responsibility and work is required to obtain a good collective result.



Different student tasks carried out in the daily activities of the class. Different student evaluation activities (book, photocopiable files, written test). Group work. TIC activities: Interactive activities, Internet links.Valuation of the approach and processes employed as well as the result obtained. Individual and collective questions. Dialogue. Oral presentation. Individual oral test.Observation and valuation of the amount each student participates and the quality of their contribution. Evaluation checklist. Individual record file. Record for the ongoing evaluation of the class group. Self-evaluation (oral and written). Blog of the teacher.



Class preparation and educational materialsThere is consistency between what is programmed and the actual classes.

There is a balanced distribution over time.

The classes are adapted to the characteristics of the group.

Use of suitable methodologySignificant learning objectives have been taken into account.Interdisciplinarity is considered (during activities, handling contents, etc.).

The methodology promotes motivation and develops the skills of students.

Regulation of the teaching in practiceDegree of monitoring of students.

Suitability of resources used in class to the learning.

The promotion criteria are agreed between the teachers.

Evaluation of what is learnt and the resulting information supplied to students and familiesThe criteria for positive evaluations are linked to the objectives and contents.

The evaluation tools enable the registration of numerous learning variables.

The grading criteria are suited to the typology of planned activities.

The evaluation criteria and the grading criteria are made available: to the students to the families

Employment of measures attending diversityMeasures are taken in advance to become familiar with learning difficulties.

A response is made to different learning speeds and skills.

There are sufficient measures and resources available.

Application of special measures recommended by the teaching staff in response to psycho-pedagogical reports.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Individualized attention in the classroom for the execution of the proposed activities.Adaptation of the activities of the programme.Individualized attention inside and outside the classroom for the execution of adapted activities.Significant curricular adaptation due to SEN.Curricular adaptation for high intellectual capacity.Adaptations made to the curricular material for late entry in the Education System.

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