2021 and beyond - City of Monash | Monash Council€¦ · Have your say WIN an iPhone or iPad by:...

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Transcript of 2021 and beyond - City of Monash | Monash Council€¦ · Have your say WIN an iPhone or iPad by:...

Our survey is set out in 3 sections 1. Managing our natural & built

environment2. Promoting health &

wellbeing3. Fostering connected

inclusive, respectful communities.

Each section will take you about 12-15 minutes. You don’t have to answer all questions - you can just answer the ones you are most interested in.

Your answers to the survey questions will be confidential. No identifying information will be used in the analysis or reporting of this research.

This survey may also be completed online:


To discuss, or to receive a hard copy of the survey in another language, please contact: Sally Everitt, Coordinator Consultation & Research, on

9518 3675 or sallye@monash.vic.gov.au

2021 and beyond A survey for the Monash communityHave your say

WIN an iPhone or iPad by:

Mailing this completed survey back to Council before 29 March 2017.

Council is seeking community views on a wide range of matters to inform the development of 10 different long-term plans and strategies. Community views are being sought over six weeks in February - March 2017.

Participating in the survey is a wonderful opportunity for you to help shape your community and your local environment, so please have your say…

1. What kind of public open space is most important to you? Tick the top five (5):

Bush land reserves

Local parks/playgrounds

Large regional parks

Sports grounds

Paths for walking or cycling


Street scapes, roadsides & easements

Public spaces near shops & offices

Community gardens

Creating links or corridors between existing parks & reserves

Natural landscaping

Artworks in public open spaces

Outdoor places to rest/sit with a view

Other (please specify)

2. What do you think Council could do to increase people’s use of public open spaces in Monash?

No additional effort needed I don’t know

I recommend …..

SECTION 1: Managing our natural & built environmentsPublic Open spaces in Monash

Managing Pets

3. Monash has just over 30 parks with dog “off-leash” areas. Could existing off-leash areas be improved?

Yes No I don’t know I don’t use these areas

If yes, how?

4. How important is it for Monash to have at least one fenced off-leash area?

Very Important Important Neutral

Unimportant Very Unimportant I don’t know

5. Animal registration is a legal requirement for dog and cat owners. Registration assists with identification of pets and communication with pet owners. However, Council knows some residents ignore these laws and fail to register their dogs or cats. Do you think residents should be fined if they fail to register their dog or cat?

Yes No I don’t know

6. Have you been affected by nuisance cats here in Monash?

Yes No I don’t live in Monash

If yes, please describe this problem:

6a. Council may consider implementing a night time curfew for cats.

Would you support this?

Yes No I don’t know

If yes, why do you support a night time cat curfew?

7. How could Council better meet the needs of pets and pet-owners in Monash?

8. If not already mentioned, is there another matter that should be a priority for the new Monash Domestic Animal Management Plan?

9. Tick if you own: at least one DOG at least one CAT

Roads & Footpaths in Monash

Council is responsible for inspecting, repairing & reconstructing footpaths. We are also responsible for local roads & their drainage.

Footpaths 10a. Please tell us how you rate the condition or standard of footpaths in your


Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know

10b. How would you rate the condition or standard of the pathways that are shared between cyclists and walkers?

Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know

Do you have any comments about footpaths or shared pathways in Monash?

Shopping strips/centres11a. How would you rate the condition or standard of footpaths around our shopping


Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know

11b. Thinking about your local shopping strip/centre - how would you rate the standard of the spaces for walking and sitting in public areas around those shops (including accessibility for prams, wheelchairs, etc)?

Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know

Do you have any further comments about your responses to questions 11a and 11b?


12. How would you rate the condition or standard of local roads? Not freeways, highways or most main roads which are maintained by VicRoads.

Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know

13. How would you rate the standard of signage & line-marking on local roads?

Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know

14. How would you rate the standard of street sweeping & drainage on local roads?

Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know

15. Do you have any comments to make about your responses to questions 12-14?

16. Council also advocates to VicRoads for improvements to main roads & highways in Monash (e.g. Springvale Rd, Warrigal Rd, Monash Freeway). How would you rate the standard of main roads & highways in Monash?

Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know


17. Thinking about your own suburb – how would you rate the appearance & cleanliness of roads & their surrounds in your suburb?

Very Good Good Average

Poor Very Poor I don’t know


Plants & landscaping in your neighbourhood

18. When thinking about your neighbourhood, how IMPORTANT are trees & gardens to that area?

Very Important Important Neutral

Unimportant Very Unimportant

19. How have gardens & trees in your neighbourhood changed over time?

No significant change

I don’t know

Yes, I have noticed changes - please explain:

20. Do you think that new developments should include gardens and trees?

Yes No Unsure


21. How strongly do you agree with the following statement?I think Council should do more to ensure that gardens and trees are a strong part of my neighbourhood, both now and into the future.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly Disagree

Do you have any comments to add here?

Waste Management in Monash

Council is developing a 10-year strategy for the waste services provided to our community. These services include regular household bin collections, street sweeping, hard rubbish collection, and management of our resources recovery system.

Council works closely with other organisations to reduce the volume of waste that ends up as landfill, therefore helping the environment.

Hard Rubbish Currently, Monash has a ‘blanket’ collection where the hard rubbish from every household is picked up at the same time of the year. Many other metropolitan councils offer a ‘booked’ collection where hard rubbish is collected from households upon request by individual residents. Some councils offer a combination of both.

22. If Monash Council was to consider a change to hard rubbish collection, which of the

following options would you prefer?

No change, retain the one free annual collection

One free annual collection, and the option of a booked collection at an additional cost

One free booked collection, and the option for another booked collection at an additional cost

Another option. Please outline your suggestion:

Your food scraps23. Does your household recycle food scraps?

(e.g. for pets or for composting for use in your garden) Yes, always or often Yes, sometimes No I don’t know

24. In the future, it may be possible stop food waste being sent to landfill.Instead, organic materials such as food could be picked up as part of household collections. To do this, households may be supplied with a KITCHEN BIN for food waste. This food waste would then need to be placed into your GREEN WASTE BIN.

Would you be prepared to support this? Yes No Unsure

Do you have any comments on this initiative?

25. What else would help you to recycle more of your food waste?

Recycling efforts26. Did you know that you can drop off recyclable materials at the Monash Waste Transfer

Station (380 Ferntree Gully Rd, Notting Hill)?

Yes No Unsure

Comments or questions:

27. Which of the following do you think would be most effective to get people & households to increase their recycling? Tick the top three (3)

More promotion & reminders

More public bins in public places

More local drop-off centres

Allow households to recycle more household items by putting them in the yellow recycling bin

Work for the introduction of a “cash for containers” scheme in Victoria, like in other states, where 10 cents is paid on return of each bottle or can collected

Other suggestion (please outline):

Waste management in public spaces28. How much of a problem is illegally dumped rubbish?

Small problem

An ongoing nuisance

Big problem

It is causing significant environmental risks

I do not know

29. What should Council do to improve waste services and litter control in public areas? I recommend:

Changes or improvements30. Are there any improvements or other waste & recycling services that you think Council

should investigate? I recommend:

Waste charges & your rates noticesAs you may be aware, the Victorian Government has placed a cap on rates, limiting how much councils can increase their rates each year.

The cost to Council of providing waste services is expected to increase at a higher rate than the rate cap, over the next decade. This is due to external factors such as the Victorian Government increasing fees for disposal of household waste at landfill sites.

To meet these increased costs, Council has the option of introducing a separate waste charge. This charge would be paid by ratepayers at the same time as rates each year. In the first year, Council would reduce its rates by the equivalent amount of the charge so no ratepayer would be charged more in that first year. However, in future years, the charge may increase at a higher rate than rates, due to increased waste costs incurred by Council.

If Council doesn’t introduce a separate waste charge, there is the potential that other Council services may need to be reduced as increased waste costs will put pressures on Council’s overall budget. Most other Victorian councils already have a separate waste charge.

31. Please tell us your preference…

I accept that a waste charge may need to be introduced in Monash

I don’t want a waste charge, even if not having a waste charge means that other Council services may need to be reduced.

I need more information before I can make up my mind

Do you have any further comments about a waste charge?

SECTION 2: Promoting health & wellbeing Your health & wellbeing priorities

32. From the list below, tick the FIVE (5) most important health & wellbeing issues/concerns for you:

Staying active or participating in sport or recreation activities

Getting outdoors to use parklands, playgrounds or reserves

Pain or disease management

Sexual or reproductive health

Getting the right health care or support services

Having support from family or friends

Achieving work/life balance

Mental health

Feeling accepted as a part of my community

Participating in community activities or accessing the local library

Volunteering my time

Feeling safe & being treated with care & respect.

Faith or spirituality

Healthy eating

Smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol


Other, please explain...

33. For the top two issues you selected, tell us why these are so important?Your Issue 1:

Your Issue 2:

Your level of physical activity

34. Have you participated in any sport or physical recreation away from home, in the past year?

Yes No, go to Question 36

35. If yes, tell us the top three (3) sports or physical recreation activities you participated in away from home in the past year?

Activity 1:

Activity 2:

Activity 3:

35a. Tell us how OFTEN you participated?

Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Irregularly

Your Activity 1

Your Activity 2

Your Activity 3

35b. And, HOW you participated in these activities?

By myself

With friends, family or work colleagues

As part of a group class

As a member of a Club or Centre Other

Your Activity 1

Your Activity 2

Your Activity 3

36. If there’s a sport or recreational activity that you want to do but can’t - what prevents you from getting involved?

37. How often have YOU USED the following facilities?

Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Irregularly Walking paths or cycling trails

Local parks, reserves orplaygrounds

Large regional parks, reserves or playgrounds

Sports groundsoutdoors

Outdoor Tennis courts

Bowling Green

Swimming Pool Centre Indoor SportsCentre

Fitness Centreor Gym

Outdoor gymequipment

38. In the past year, have you volunteered for a sports club or physical recreation organisation?

Yes No

38a. If no, what would encourage you to volunteer for a sports club or physical recreation organisation?

Our Community’s health & wellbeing

Council plans & funds a number of programs to maximise the health of the Monash community & help prevent chronic diseases.

39. How IMPORTANT do you think each of the following issues are for the Monash community? RANK them, in order from 1-6:

Promoting healthier eating

Preventing harm from smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol

Promoting positive mental health

Preventing violence against women and encouraging respectful relationships

Encouraging people to be physically active

Building people’s resilience to harm from gambling

39a For your top ranked issues, tell us what actions COUNCIL should take to achieve some positive change?

Your No. 1 Issue:

Your No. 2 Issue:

40. Thinking about ways to encourage people to be physically active , what do you think would be most effective? Tick up to five (5):

Increased promotion of what’s available locally

More information in languages other than English

Spreading knowledge about the benefits of being physically active

More free activities or lower fees/charges

Increased availability of child care or respite care

Better facilities

Improved safety at/around facilities

Programs & opportunities that cater for people of different ages & abilities

Focusing more on non-competitive activities

More female teams at local clubs


41. Thinking about planning for sport and recreation into the future, tell us where you think Council should invest its resources. Tick up to five (5):

Indoor sports courts

Outdoor sports courts

Swimming pools

Outdoor playing fields/sports grounds

Bicycle trails

Walking paths


Skate parks or facilities for young people

Parklands & reserves

Areas for walking dogs

Sponsoring new kinds of programs or groups

Providing more free activities

Other (please specify):

41a. Do you have any comments about the priorities you have ticked above (at question 41)?

Indigenous Australians

All levels of government in Australia are working together to increase respect & ‘close the gap’ on key indicators of health & wellbeing for indigenous Australians.

42. What should COUNCIL do to improve outcomes and promote reconciliation with Aboriginal Australians? Tick the top three (3)

Partner with others in region to address disadvantages faced by Aboriginal people

Communicate directly with elders from the indigenous community in this region

Work to sustain programs, gathering places & networks for indigenous people in this region

Use public signs & naming to promote awareness of indigenous history & culture

Showcase indigenous culture through public art & local events

Story-telling sessions & new resources in Monash libraries & children’s services

Supporting local employment opportunities for indigenous people

Other (please specify):

42a Do you have any comments on the options you have selected above (question 42)?s

43. Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? Yes No

People with a disability, their carers & families

As part of its Access & Equity Framework, Council is considering new strategies to better include and empower people with a disability and support their carers.

44. What do you think Council’s priorities should be in supporting people with a disability, their families and carers? Tick the top three (3)

Better identifying the needs of people with disabilities & their carers

Strengthening Council’s advocacy about key issues for people with a disability

Promoting the inclusion of people with a disability in local groups & committees

Investing in new technologies or equipment

Collaborating with others to increase local employment opportunities for people with a disability

Focusing on children with a disability – improving availability of childcare & other services

Ensuring that our built environment & public places are fully accessible.

Working to increase the local provision of respite care & activity groups

Hosting forums & disability awareness training

Other, please specify:

44a Do you have any comments on the priorities you have selected above?

45. Tell us about a good example of an activity or service that is very successful in including or supporting people with a disability, their families and carers?

46. Do you have a disability? Yes No

47. Are you a carer or a family member of a person with a disability? Yes No

SECTION 3: Fostering connected, inclusive & respectful communities

Creating safer communities 48. Is there any public place in Monash where you often feel unsafe?

Yes No I don’t knowIf yes, (a) What is this location?

(b) What needs to be changed to help you to feel safer there?

49. In general, how safe do you feel, when you are in the following situations: 49.1 How safe do you feel at home by yourself during the day?

Very Safe Safe Neither safe nor unsafe

Unsafe Very Unsafe I am never alone in this situation

49.2 How safe do you feel at home by yourself after dark?

Very Safe Safe Neither safe nor unsafe

Unsafe Very Unsafe I am never alone in this situation

49.3 How safe do you feel walking alone in your local area during the day ?

Very Safe Safe Neither safe nor unsafe

Unsafe Very Unsafe I am never alone in this situation

49.3 (a) If you said UNSAFE or VERY UNSAFE, how many times in the past year did you feel unsafe walking alone in your local area during the day?

Occasionally Often All the time

49.4 How safe do you feel walking alone in your local area after dark ?

Very Safe Safe Neither safe nor unsafe

Unsafe Very Unsafe I am never alone in this situation

49.4 (a) If you said UNSAFE or VERY UNSAFE, how many times in the past year did you feel unsafe walking alone in your local area after dark?

Occasionally Often All the time

50. If you were to become aware that a family member, or close friend of yours, had become a victim of family violence, how likely would you be to intervene in any way at all?

Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely to intervene I would rather not say I don’t know

51. Council plans & funds several projects to build neighbourhoods & organisations that are respectful, equitable & free of violence. Our focus has been on: preventing violence against women, supporting community safety, and addressing race-based discrimination.(a) Please suggest one thing that Council could do to foster gender equity and more respectful relationships within our community:

(b) Please suggest one thing that Council could do to address racism within our community:

“Discrimination” is described as ‘the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, gender, sexual preferences, or disability’

52. Have YOU experienced racism, or another form of discrimination, in your local community?

Yes No I would rather not say I don’t know

If yes, please provide more information:

Creating welcoming and inclusive communities

53. What do you think are the best ways for Monash to respect & embrace its strong cultural diversity? Tick up to top three (3)

Events that celebrate differing cultural backgrounds

Public art and community arts projects showcasing diversity

Promote celebratory days or weeks (like Harmony Day & Cultural Diversity Week)

Invest in educational forums/activities

Publish information & stories about cultural diversity in Monash

Build collections & resources that inform our community on diversity

Other (please explain below):

54. What should Council’s priorities be in assisting local people from culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds? Tick the top three (3)

Ensuring its own services are relevant & responsive to people from all cultural backgrounds

Council’s own workforce is culturally aware & competent, able to work comfortably with interpreter services & language assist programs

Assisting other local organisations to be more culturally aware & competent e.g. through expanded training

More written communication in languages other than English

Our libraries maintain & strengthen their roles with CALD communities

Assisting new migrants & those of refugee background settling in Monash, to know about our area & its services

Strongly advocating the benefits that come from diversity

Supporting campaigns to tackle race-based discrimination e.g. “Racism: it stops with me”

Increased outreach work for new & emerging communities

Partnering with other organisations on specific projects that respond to identified needs of CALD residents or communities.

Other (please specify below):

55. Can you recommend an activity or service that you think is successful in supporting individuals & communities from different cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds?

Your suburb or neighbourhood

56. What is one thing Council could do to foster a stronger sense of community in your suburb or neighbourhood?

Your engagement with Council

57. How informed do you currently feel about Monash Council’s activities & decision-making?

Well informed Informed Neutral

Uninformed Very uninformed

57a If you feel uninformed or very uninformed, please tell us what particular Council activities you want to know more about?

58. What could Council do to improve the way it engages you? (more than one box may be selected)

No further efforts by Council are needed

Give me different opportunities to get involved with issues Council is considering. I would like...

Council needs to communicate differently with me. I would like...

Tell me how my feedback has been used by Council. I would like...

Other efforts are needed. Please explain …

Tell us About You

Please give us a little information about yourself, so we know if our survey has been taken by a representative SAMPLE of the Monash community.

59. Do you…? Please tick all that apply

live in Monash work in Monash study in Monash

visit Monash Other (specify)

60. The Monash suburb you live in or spend the most time in is…

61. What is your age group?

Under 10 yrs 10-15 yrs 16-25 yrs 26-45yrs

46-65yrs 66 – 75yrs Over 75 yrs

62. What is your sex?

Male Female Other:

63. Your country of birth is: Australia

Overseas, please tell us which country…

64. Do you speak a language other than English at home? Yes No, English only

64a If yes, what is the main language, other than English you speak at home?

Thank you. You have now completed our survey.

If you would like to go in the draw for an iPAD or iPhone (or would like to receive more information from Council), please complete the next page.

If not, please mail back this survey to: Monash Council, PO Box 1, Glen Waverley 3150. Please post before 29 March 2017. For enquiries, call: 9518 3675.

Thank you for completing our survey

Please tell us if you would you like to:

1. Enter a draw for your chance to win a new iPhone or iPad Yes No Only one entry per person will be accepted. Employees of Monash Council or their family members are not eligible to win.

2. Be sent a Summary Report on results of this research? Yes No

3. Be invited to participate in community meetings about Council’s new plans & strategies Yes No

4. Receive Council’s monthly e-newsletter (which features local news, events & opportunities to have your say on local issues) Yes No

5. Receive a weekly email from Council about events in your neighbourhood & across Monash? Yes No

If you ticked “yes” to any of the questions above, please include your contact details here:


Phone number:

I would prefer to be contacted in future by:

Email address:


Postal Address:

Privacy protection: Your personal details will be stored separately from your survey answers. Your privacy will be protected at all times, in accordance with the principles set out in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. We will not release this information to a third party without your consent. For enquiries regarding the handling of personal information: call Council’s Information Privacy Officer on 9518 3696.

REMEMBER TO POST your completed survey so it arrives with Council by 29 March 2017. Mail to: Monash Council, PO Box 1, Glen Waverley 3150.