2021 Aglow Conference –Sunday AM Session

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Transcript of 2021 Aglow Conference –Sunday AM Session

Dutch Sheets – 2021 Aglow Conference, Sunday AM Session 1

Dutch Sheets 2021 Aglow Conference – Sunday AM Session

I love this ministry. I still feel what I said a few years ago at one of these gatherings that very few ministries ever have the privilege because they do not have the ability to adapt and become a new wineskin. It is very difficult to change the wineskin of an organization. It is a lot easier to do that with individuals. It is very challenging and almost impossible to do with an organization. So, it is so incredibly rare for a ministry to be a part of, be on the cutting edge of, used greatly by God in two consecutive movements or outpourings.

Intimacy with God is Key Those that were used greatly in the charismatic movement, for example, 40, 50 years later, it is very rare that they become a key voice in the next one. Aglow has that potential because you have prioritized the right things and the right things are not size and methods and programs and systems. Those are all supports. Those are not the core, the key. The key is what we did a while ago when we drew nearer and nearer and nearer with intimacy and passion for Him and listening to Him. That is the key.

Key: Aglow has the potential to become a key voice in the next move of God because we have kept God first in all things.

I believe that this ministry has the potential of being one of the key birthing ministries for what God is about to do. And I feel an agreement with what was just said, I do not remember how the brother said it that did the offering, but he felt like this was moving into a launch. I do not know how you said it but the new assignment, the new season for this ministry. However, he said it, he said it better than that. But I agree with that. This is a launch point for you into the new.

Key: Aglow has the potential of being one of the key birthing ministries for what God is about to do.

It may not be the only launch. I am not just saying it is because we are here, but, this is a point in time that is very important for this ministry. So, embrace that and determine, as you did last night, determine we will do this. We say yes. That is all we have to say, yes. And then do what He says.

Isaiah 40 and I-40 I do not know where this will end up today, but I know where I want to start. I have had probably seven to eight dreams given to me in the last few months that have a journey that takes place on I-40 from

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the eastern part of the nation where it begins all the way to California, where it ends. They are all good dreams.

I feel, and so do the people having these dreams, that I-40 represents Isaiah 40. Obviously, it is a picture of something that encompasses or stretches to the whole nation and that is important - east to west all the way. I am sure that it also symbolizes Isaiah 40. Isaiah 40 is the passage of scripture that prophesies John the Baptist’s ministry - that he comes to prepare the way.

We, too, have been in a preparatory season. We are still to a degree, in it. We are coming to that transition point where Messiah comes. I do not mean the 2nd Coming now. I am talking about in Isaiah the First Coming, when He came. Isaiah 40 starts there and then it says when that work of preparation is complete the Glory of the Lord will be seen - verse 5 and that is the Lord, Himself.

The Glory of the Lord Will Be Seen I am confident that we are moving to a place where the Glory of the Lord will be seen. Just about everybody likes it - everybody but the religious, the hypocrites and the people that are so far gone that they are just anti-God and anti-Christ. But the hardened sinners, desperate people, demonized people, deceived people, they all like the Glory and when they see Him, when they taste Him, they are ruined. I just want to be with Him all the time. There is no one like Him.

When we were singing earlier, You are Holy, I probably do not need to remind this group that the word ‘holy’ does not mean sinless. The elders are not singing, “You are sinless, You are sinless.” They are saying, “You are different”. The word means ‘set apart’. You are set apart. There is no one like You. Every time we look at You, we see another facet and we look deep into who You are and it is endless. When people see Him, they are captivated by His purity, His love, His sinlessness, yes. His justice, yes. But His heart of kindness and mercy, of love. And He is coming, He is coming.

Isaiah 40:1 says, Comfort My people. Isn't it fascinating that the ministry of John the Baptist is introduced with the word comfort? When he gets here and starts his ministry, there is no part of his messages and what he said and how he acted, that I would define with the word comfort. Uproot, maybe. Uproot My people or challenge, maybe. It is comforting, of course, because of what it leads to.

It is also important to know that the word comfort here in this passage, nechamah is also one of the Hebrew words for repent. And that was John's message, wasn't it? But it is also important to know that repent does not primarily mean turn and go in the other direction. That is the end result of repentance.

Repentance is a word that means a new knowledge, a new understanding, metanoia. ‘Noia’ is knowledge, ‘meta’ is after. We get knowledge that comes after, that causes us to turn and go another way.

You cannot just define it, turn and go the other way, because if you define it that way, you cut out a step that enables you to go that way. You might turn and go the wrong way if you do not have the revelation first, the understanding that causes you to know how to turn.

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So really the word honestly, because John was not just talking to hardened sinners when he said ‘repent’, he was talking to everybody. He was talking to the kids. He was talking to the good people that were trying their best to follow God and live a pure life. But he still said, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

Repent, Think Differently So, one of the better translations of the word and I believe the Amplified translates it this way in Matthew 3, when he said, “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” They translated it this way, think differently. Think differently because the Kingdom of Heaven is that which we have waited for. The One that has come to rescue, to reverse what happened in the fall, the One who is the King of the Kingdom that has come to rescue this part of the Kingdom, and the One we have waited for - And He is here!

So, you need to start thinking differently. He is here. That is what he was saying. Whether you are a sinner or whether you are trying your best to follow the law and do what you are supposed to do, all of us, they said, have to think differently.

And so, my message, my beginning for this today is to say to you, Aglow, and anyone else who is watching or here, we have to start thinking differently.

Key: Aglow, we have to start thinking differently and changing how we talk, pray, think.

It is time to adjust our thinking. I am not talking about sin. I am talking about activity. I am talking about our prayers. I am talking about our mindset. It is even time to start changing our language when we say revival is coming. It is time to start saying, ‘It is here and it is coming. He is here, and He is coming. This has begun. We are moving into something different. Now I have to start thinking differently, because when you come into harvest season, you think differently.

Key: Harvest season requires different thinking.

Jesus said that it was okay to mourn and to fast when He was here. Now, I want you to rejoice in this season because things are changing now. And he came to plow but I'm here to heal. He came to dismantle some things, and to announce some things, but I am the announcement! And now I am here to open blind eyes and let the oppressed go free and open prison doors.

Key: We are about to move from the stage of the preparation into the outpouring.

In one of these dreams began with a person saying, “I saw a runner at the starting blocks in the North Carolina, South Carolina border at I-40 where it begins, and they begin to run across the country. And everywhere, where their feet hit was fire. And the fire stayed wherever the road was ignited and the flames kept burning. The runner went to California - Los Angeles and turned left and ran to Azusa Street. Azusa Street was gushing.

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Azusa Street Well – Fire and Water Just like the wells last night, Azusa had been reopened. Fire and water were springing up out of the earth. This runner stood in the geyser and was drenched with water and burning with fire at the same time.

He turned around and the number eight was the number he was wearing. He was in a track uniform. New beginnings. The well is beginning again, the new beginnings are coming. The Glory is coming. The Savior is coming. Yes, He will judge sin, but His heart is to redeem. His heart is not to destroy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. He has every right to come and do a lot of nasty, harsh things to this nation, but His heart is to redeem. His heart is to redeem the sinner that is now worshiping idols.

Key: New beginnings are coming; think differently.

His heart is to redeem the rebel. His heart is to redeem people that have no idea that He exists and they deny He exists! His mercy and His compassion is not just something He feels, it goes in. It is His DNA. It is who He is. And He is coming with a new beginning and a fresh start for millions upon millions. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world, nations - entire nations are going to get a fresh start!

And so, we have to think differently, and I'm saying this again to you, Aglow, you have to think differently. I do not know what that means, but you are going to know what that means. You are going to have to think differently.

Key: To harvest, new thinking is required.

Change Brings Comfort You may be fishing one day and someone may walk by and say, “Follow Me.” You may be a tax collector, you may you may be a doctor. It does not really matter what the activity is, He may change it.

Think differently. There is comfort. Nechamah, repent. Comfort. Same word. There is comfort in thinking differently. There is comfort in following Him. There is comfort in listening to what He says and adjusting. There is comfort in change. There is even comfort when the plow has to go down and dig up stuff and bring mountains down and make them level and crooked places straight. Even when He puts you on the table, stretches you and bends you, snaps you back into alignment. It hurts so good there is comfort.

There is even comfort in the shaking. Because when you know that when He is finished, the only thing standing is pure Kingdom, it is the mountain of God. That is all that is left. It is the only thing that cannot be shaken.

Then He comes to the barren places. At least that is what the passage says. Arabah - the wilderness and the desert. The words primarily, they mean barren, sterile, lifeless.

The 35th chapter of Isaiah says He comes and He brings a river to the wilderness. Ezekiel 47 says everywhere that river goes, everything lives. Even the trees on the side of the river, their roots go into

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the water and suck out the nutrition and the nutrients go into the leaves and nations eat that and are healed because it flows out of the Lamb on the Throne!

Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation The way that this repentance, this new understanding comes is, of course, by revelation. And that is why He has been sending me all these dreams about revelation. I keep announcing to people, “You need to start asking for revelation - the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.” That is what Solomon asked for.

Key: Ask for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.

I was glad when my brother went to the passage today because when he said Solomon did not ask for riches, he said, “Give me wisdom.” He did not just say wisdom. The Hebrew word being ‘shamah’. It means wisdom and revelation. It is a mixture. The Hebrew language has a word we do not really have in English. In one word it encompasses both. It is an understanding and a wisdom that comes with time or by impartation. But it is a revelation and something is revealed to you. The veil lifts and you see something by the Spirit you do not know it by the mind. You know it by supernatural revelation and impartation. And Solomon said, “I am going to need both. I am going to need this Spirit of understanding and I am also going to need You to talk to me in the moment.”

That is what Issachar had. It is the word that described them. And the context of the Issachar verse is war. The context of that chapter in I Chronicles 32, is these are the mighty men that helped David war!

So, you have to have this Spirit of wisdom and revelation to build. You have to have it to plant, and you have to have it to war. We are going to have this Spirit of wisdom and revelation. We are going to know what to do and how to do it. We are going to know when. We are going to know how. We are going to have apostolic anointing and prophetic anointing.

We are going to have an anointing to build. We are going to have an anointing to know when to build, to know what to put in the building. We are going to know what this nation needs and we are going to know it is time to go over here because the harvest is ripe. We will wait a month or two or three or four or six months over here. This one is not quite ready. This one is.

Words of knowledge are going to increase. The discerning of spirits will increase. Angelic activity is going to increase. Demon activity is going to increase. Do not focus on the demons. Just deal with demons, just deal with them how you need to deal with them. Angelic activity is increasing. The Heavenly armies are engaging more and more. The prayers of the Saints are activating them because they respond to the Word of the Lord. And when we decree the Word of the Lord, angels get busy because they respond to His Words! The King of angel armies is on the move. And this Spirit of wisdom and revelations is what Daniel had.

Another Dream – Hotel with Destinies for Those in the Harvest One of the strangest dreams ever given to a person about me several years ago, I mean, maybe 20 years ago, I don't know, a long time ago. I measure time by miles - long time ago.

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I was on a train. It was a bullet train underground. He first thought it was a subway train, but it was a bullet train. It was still hidden underground. It was going at such a fast rate of speed, and then it came to a hairpin turn, a 180. In the dream, he thought, there is no way this train can make this turn. He was ready for catastrophe. He thought he was going to see a disaster in the dream. But the train made the turn easily - a shift in direction.

The dream changed to a different scene. There was a hotel, an older style, with rooms open to the outside, one level. CeCi and I were in the corner room sleeping. This prophet came in our room, awakened us from a deep sleep. He said in the room were artificial body parts hanging all over the room like the back of a theater or something. And outfits and costumes. He said, I don't know what that means. I said I do because I love word studies. I do not know your name, but I love word studies.

I knew exactly what they represented, because I knew the word ‘prothesis’ comes from prosthesis, the Greek word. The root word ‘thesis’ means to write the purpose or story of something. So, it became a word in Greek for purpose because thesis explains the reason for something or how it works, and ‘pro’ means to do it in advance. So, the word for predestined or pre-purpose us is prothesis. And it is also the word prosthesis, because a prosthesis restores purpose.

Destiny: A Garment Woven in Advance by God And I know I did that fast, but I think you got the bottom line. Destinies were hanging on the wall.

Our purpose in the dream was there was a mob, there were masses outside waiting. He said, “I do not know what they are waiting for.”

I said, “I do. I know what they are waiting for. They are waiting for their prosthesis. They are waiting for their purpose. They are waiting for somebody to say, why do I exist? Who am I? Why am I? What is my outfit?”

That is the word workmanship. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which He prepared for us ahead of time. - Ephesians 2:10 workmanship. It is a garment that a seamstress weaves that is prepared ahead of time. It is literally a sewing term that means to “measure in advance” because He knows what He wants you to do. He knows the end from the beginning, and He wove you together, planned a destiny for you before you were ever born. And He knows the garment that He is going to wrap — He is going to be inside — and we are going to wear Him.

We are His garment. He knows exactly the size, what to make it, because He is the expert tailor, seamstress. Those garments represent the fact that He destined us ahead of time and measured us. He gave us exactly the gifts we would need, exactly the personality, the mind, the bent. He gave us all of those things because He ‘pre-thesised’ us. And a move of God is coming where we are going to give a shallow, lifeless, barren people in all parts of the Earth – we are going to introduce them to destiny, to purpose. We are going to help them find the garment that fits them perfectly!

Key: We are going to introduce people all over the world to their God-destiny.

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I did not even intend to share that. That was just coming to me as I remember this dream. I am just throwing it out there.

But the guy says to me — I wake up. I am sleepy. He introduced himself. I said, “I understand you have a word for me.” He said, “Yeah, I have a word for you.” I said, “Give it to me.” He said, “No. I think I will make you wait.” I said, “Give it to me now!”

Now he turns to walk away. I turned to walk away from him. He chases me down, wrestles me to the ground in the dream. Singing in my ear, “Danny Boy, how, I love you, you know, I love you, Danny Boy.” And when he told me the dream, I thought, this guy is crazy.

He woke up from the dream and grabbed pen and paper. He said, “Lord, what is this Danny Boy thing?” The Spirit of God starts, “Daniel, Well-Beloved of the Lord.” You see Him singing here, “Danny Boy, how I love you, Danny Boy.”

“Daniel, Well-Beloved of the Lord. Before you set your heart to intercede for this nation. I sent My angel to give you understanding, wisdom and revelation.” I had literally been meditating on those two verses, Daniel 9:22-23. I literally had just been studying this Word.

When God gave it to me, by revelatory gift. In His wild way, He can do things, by in a dream, singing, “Danny Boy,” into my ear. “You know, I love you, Danny Boy.”

God’s Words Contain Creative Power He is going to wrestle some of you to the ground! He is going to sing in your ear! He is going to pour out wisdom and revelation to you. You are going to go to war. You are going to build. The Word of the Lord is going to be on your tongue! God said in Jeremiah 1:10, “You are going to pluck up. You are going to overthrow. You are going to destroy. You are going to pluck up.” In other words, you are going to tear up some things. You are going to uproot some stuff. You are going to tear it up, tear it down. Then you are going to build and plant because the goal is never just to tear something down. It is always to build and plant.

“How am I going to do this?” young man, Jeremiah. “How am I going to do this? I cannot do this.” “Well, I am going to watch over My Words to perform them.” Perform, ‘asah’, create. Not just do, perform, accomplish, but create. One of the Genesis words for creation.

“Because I am going to speak through you. I am going to put a prophetic nature in you and anointing in you. You are going to hear Me and when you hear Me, you are going to say it. When you say it, I am going to do it! I am going to create with your words. I am going to take My Words, put them in your mouth and when I say them through you, they will have creative power because they are from Me!”

Key: Speaking the Words God gives us has the same power to create on earth as though God had spoken them.

“My Words will uproot evil systems and governments and false religions and idols and tear them down and destroy that! My words will also produce something - life, health, wholeness.”

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That is what the Spirit of wisdom and revelation does. The Word of the Lord does all of these things and it is strong! It is powerful!

Red River Meeting House One of my friends, Gina Gholston is a prophet that God brought in to Ceci’s and my life a couple of years ago. I don't know. She sends me prophetic words and dreams. Gina dreams books. Gina’s dreams will wear you out just reading them. Gina had the America shall be saved dream. She has powerful dreams.

She has had two dreams about Red River Meeting House. The revival came to the Red River Meeting House first in Kentucky, then went to Cane Ridge. It started there, I mean, in this Red River, Cane Ridge, Wales, Hebrides, Azusa. Who am I leaving out? All these places are connected in the Spirit. One fed the next. Red River Meeting House was an intense move of God. It was where much of it started.

Gina pulled in the driveway in the dream and saw 100 eagles. You remember that, some of you from the Give Him 15 post? A truck pulls in with a drill, begins to drill and this geyser shoots up and the well reopens - a massive geyser. Hands come out of the Heavens, clap and the eagles begin to fly. They go through the water. They get drenched. They start carrying the water all over the country. They have three arrows in one talon and a scroll in the other.

Rapid Eye Movement As they begin to fly to all parts of the nation, a Voice from Heaven speaks. It says, “Rapid Eye Movement. My seers are on the move.” Eagles represent the prophetic anointing. Revelation. Carrying arrows and carrying a scroll.

In the next dream, she saw the eagles throw the arrows to the earth and fire sprang up. Revival broke out all over the country.

Strategies to Take Revival to a New Place But in the first one, after the eagles leave, she goes on into the building. There are architects sitting at a desk drawing up plans - they are strategies. People come in from all over the country and they run in the building. They get doused by the water on the way in. They are drenched with the water of the revival. They walk up to these apostles who are drawing up plans and they hand it off to these people that run back where they came from and they have the strategy for what to do, to take the revival there!

And they draw up another one and somebody else runs in and they give it to them. They write up another one and somebody else comes in and they are all drenched and they are all soaked with Red River Water. And they are all receiving apostolic insight and revelation and wisdom. Strategies to go back.

Aglow: Rapid Response Teams And the same Voice from Heaven speaks and says, “Rapid Response Team.” That is what I kept hearing over you this morning. Rapid Response Teams drenched, soaked, wet, soaked to the bone, dripping

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revival, dripping anointing, saturated, oozing. Seers, builders. Rapid Response Teams. Who knows? Maybe Aglow will literally be used by God to transform nations.

Key: Aglow has rapid response teams who carry the insight, revelation, and wisdom to transform nations.

The Eagles in the dream knew exactly where to go. The rapid response people with the plans, knew exactly where to go. They were translated there. Supernaturally. If He can find somebody willing to go, He will pay for it.

I thought this was very fascinating in this dream that at one point she was taken up in the Spirit and looking down on the Earth and she saw a line drawn from Cane Ridge to Red River Meeting House. And then she saw two lines go West to Azusa Street. And then she saw a line go to Wales and when Holy Spirit was finished in the dream, it was a spear.

She said, “I knew in my spirit and in the dream, I knew what I am seeing here, it is happening in all of these places: Cane Ridge, Azusa, Wales. All of these wells are being reopened. The Spirit of wisdom and revelation, the eagles and the architects, the apostles and prophets, the fire, the water.

A Mixing of Past Revivals It is all happening in all of them becoming this synergistic anointing, a mixing of all the past revivals, everything rolled into one. “You were born for that! You were destined to live now! Right now! Your thesis, they are going to be important to what I do, 2021, when I launch this Great Awakening! I need this one here, and this one here! I made this garment for them. Take it off the wall, wrap it around them now! I wrote this destiny for them. Put it on.”

And even the word purpose in Romans 8, you know, all things work together for good, for those that love God called according to His purpose. It puts that word prosthesis, pro-theses at the end there.

That is purpose! Because He is trying to say, “No matter what the enemy tries to do to cut off your destiny, I have already written into your story! And I am not just able to make artificial prosthesis, Mine is the real thing, you know! I already wrote into your story that I am going to restore that. He tried to take you out here. I wrote into your story how I am going to turn that around and use it for good. He thought he was going to destroy you and I just let him sharpen your sword!”

Key: We have great purpose and the fact that we are alive means God has us written into today’s plans.

Are there any eagles in the room? That is what I want to know.

Second Dream – War Planes = Eagles This is the second dream. I just keep thinking I do not have time now. I keep thinking, no, I have got to read this second dream. I am not going to do another whole dream message. Trust me, but I am not going to do that. But I just think it is just so fascinating.

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She has a second dream. A year later.

She says, “I dreamed I was standing with someone on a deck-like structure — a very lofty place in the Heavens. From this place, we were looking down, observing the United States of America. I did not know who the man was standing next to me, but I felt a strong anointing from him, and it was causing me to have incredible hope for the nation”.

“As we were looking down, we saw what first appeared to be war planes flying over America. This man said to me, ‘Oh my, I wonder what is happening in America? What do all these war planes mean?’ He did not say it with concern, but almost as though he was wanting me to see something that was not obvious. He looked at me as if I should know the right answer to his question.”

And she did. In the dream, she said, “Those are not war planes. Those are eagles. I have seen them before in a dream,” she said. “There are a hundred of them,” she said. “They are carrying water from the reopened well of revival from the Red River Meeting House. It has been unlocked. It is now gushing forth to the nation.” Do not tell me that is not going to happen. That is going to happen. It is already beginning.

“Then I can clearly see the eagles just as in the previous dream, carrying arrows in one of their talons with a rolled-up piece of paper in the other. They were still drenched and released everywhere. They flew water from the Red River Meeting House well. In both dreams, they never dried. They stayed wet all the time.” You need to stay wet all the time.

“They were still drenched and releasing water from the geyser erupting on the grounds of the Red River Meeting House. As the eagles were flying in all directions across America, suddenly they all began diving toward the ground. When near the ground they leveled off and began dropping their arrows into the land.

I knew there were a hundred eagles, each carried three arrows. So, 300 were released into the land. When each arrow hit the ground, it ignited as though it had hit a gas pocket and a spiraling plume of fire shot up.”

“Then we watched as the water the eagles were carrying and releasing was also being, the water, was also being ignited by the fire. The water from the Red River Meeting House was extremely flammable and instantly caught fire. Fire. Fire.” She says, “It seemed that all of America was on fire.”

“In the dream, I became very aware of the power and Presence of God. I fell to my knees.” She says, “I began to sob uncontrollably. The gentleman with me then began speaking under an incredibly heavy anointing. It was then I noticed he had a very strong accent. It was Duncan Campbell from the Hebrides.” He said to her, “You have seen correctly.” This is coming from the cloud of witnesses now. “You have seen correctly. This is how America will be saved.”

Then he looked at her and said, “Do NOT doubt it. Do NOT.” She puts NOT in all caps “Do NOT doubt it.” That is what he said. “There is coming a sweeping move of the Spirit of God that will ignite America with the fire of His Presence, and this will bring a swift, swift, undeniable awareness of God and an awakening. What seems to be one thing - war planes - is about to be revealed as another. What seems

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to be one thing is about to be revealed as another. Some are in fear because of how things appear. But others see with the holy awe and expectation.” He said, “The eagles are on assignment! Listen to this. They carry fire power.” That is what was here last night. Firepower. Fire. “They carry fire power,” he said.

Key: Do NOT doubt what the Lord has spoken.

Then he said, “They carry Glory. At the precise moment, their arrows will be released and hit their targets. And the move of God will ignite and spread very quickly.” Then he said again to her, “Do not doubt it.”

Dutch’s Closing Prayer Lord, I thank You for the anointing, the impartation of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation - the next level of it, coming to this ministry, coming to the leaders, coming to the intercessors, coming to those who align with it.

A fresh apostolic and prophetic anointing that releases a greater evangelistic anointing and even a pastoral and teaching anointing. So, a fresh level of the fullness of Christ, the full anointing of Christ - the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, He, Christ, the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher, His anointing, Christos, the Anointed One, His anointing released afresh and anew on this group of people who have hearts to reveal the fullness of who Jesus is to this planet; who have passion to carry Him to the nations of the earth.

And it is these strongholds that have plagued parts of the planet and oppressed for centuries and even millennia dismantled because a rapid response team showed up with God’s authority, and in the Name of Jesus, stood as the Ecclesia of the Lord Himself and declared the purpose of God for that land and the gospel of the kingdom was preached and signs and wonders took place and demons fled! And the Spirit of revelation came and the veil was lifted from the nation! And the Kingdom came. The Kingdom come, will of God, be done! Kingdom come, will of God be done! Kingdom come, will of God be done!

And so, the Kingdom carriers, the Kingdom carriers showed up. The Jesus People came, the anointed ones, the little Christ’s, the Spirit-filled people came. And when they spoke the words of God, power was released, and fire was released.

Evil was dismantled. Root systems were plucked up and destroyed and overthrown, and the evil governments were overthrown. But life sprang up and hope and health and healing and order and love and kindness and justice.

And Aglow is going to be mantled with this, and you are going to be mantled with this fresh anointing of wisdom and revelation. You are Danny Boy. You are the beloved one of God. You are! You will carry Him to the nations. He will give you wisdom and revelation. You are Issachar.

Key: Aglow is mantled with a fresh anointing of wisdom and revelation and will see extraordinary miracles.

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You are going to be a wet ministry. Ok. You are going to be drenched, and you are going to burn. And you are going to marry water and fire. And you are going to marry Wales and Hebrides, Cane Ridge and Red River and Azusa. And you are going to be a part of the company that walks in the synergy of the ages.

Not only will America be saved, but other nations will be saved. You are going to be strong. You are going to be fearless. You are going to see many, many incredible miracles, signs and wonders and extraordinary miracles. Extraordinary miracles. The whole package. You are going to get the whole package.

You are part of a company or warrior hearts, worshiping warriors who live for Him and long to see Him glorified, exalted. And you have formed a Heavenly partnership. You are a partner of the King. You are His expressed, His expression, you are, you are an expression of Him. You must think differently. You must think differently. You are an expression of Him! You are Him, you are Jesus to the people. You are His hands, you are His feet, you are His voice, you are His Glory. You are His fire. You are His river. You must do this, you must, you must do this. You must. You must burn. You must burn. It must be a part of this company He is raising up, Aglow. There will be others, of course, but you must join.

Key: Aglow is all in in what God is doing in this hour.

You must be all in in this hour. You must. You must. He is worthy. The Lamb is worthy. He is worthy. He is worthy. Worship Him, worship Him, worship Him. He is worthy.

Linda Jones Closing: We say ‘yes’. We say ‘yes’, to every declaration out of Dutch’s mouth. We say ‘yes’. Do NOT doubt it!