2020 Year of the Rat - Suncreek Village

Post on 01-Feb-2022

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Transcript of 2020 Year of the Rat - Suncreek Village

Event Highlights 2

Activities Review 3

Activities Review cont’d 4

Giving Back to Our Community


Gerri’s Corner 5

Director of Care Services 6

Rehabilitation Department 7

Family Council 7

Suncreek Village Contact Information


To submit an article, please contact Newsletter Editors:

Jan Townsend & Team


Suncreek Village www.suncreekvillage.ca

Volume 7, Issue 1 January – February 2020

2020 Year of the Rat

Happy Valentine’s Day

Rats are quick-witted, resourceful, and smart, but lack courage. With rich imaginations and sharp observations, they can take advantage of various opportunities well. In Chinese culture, rats represent working diligently and thriftiness, so people born in the year of the Rat are thought to be wealthy and prosperous. Other years of the Rat include, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008.

Please join us on February 14th at 2:30pm to celebrate

Valentines Day.

Page 2 Suncreek Village

January Events

“Traveling Tuneys” Ukulele Performance

Tuesday, January 14th 2:00 PM in the Sunroom

Evening Music Performance with Peter Tennant

Thursday, January 16th 6:30 PM in the Sunroom

Pajama Day!

Friday, January 17th ALL DAY EVERYWHERE!

Birthday Party with Brian Zalo

Thursday, January 30th 2:30 PM in the Sunroom

February Events

Valentine’s Day Party with Liz & Steve Alexander

Friday, February 14th 2:30 PM in the Sunroom

Birthday Party with Kevin Johnson

Friday, February 28th 2:30 PM in the Sunroom

We welcome family & friends to join us for our events!

Event Highlights: January & February

Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 3

Activities Review

“Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!” called Magnolia resident, Tehal, and Lotus resident, Donalda, as Mr. and Mrs. Claus wandered through the crowds at

this year’s Annual Resident and Family Christmas Party! On De-cember 13th, 2019, residents, loved ones and staff members came together as a family to celebrate the holiday season.

From a wonderful music performance by the talented trio, Music Variations, to an original dance performance by our very own Suncreek team, to delicious treats and sweets prepared by Suncreek’s Dietary Team, to decorations ga-lore, Suncreek Village was turned into a winter wonderland this Christmas! As everyone turned to the center aisle in the Sunroom during the song “YMCA,” a flash-mob emerged, taking the atmosphere to an even more ex-citing level! What a great way to celebrate the holidays!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Until next year!

Suncreek Village

Activities Review cont’d

Page 4

An evening music performance by singing group

trio “The Crinolines”

Afternoon delight with the ukulele group “The

Traveling Tuneys”

Walker and Wheelchair Decorating for some extra holiday spirit!

Let’s craft!

That’s a wrap! Celebrating the end of a decade and the beginning of new friendships, new goals, and

new memories! Thank you Liz and Steve Alexander for singing us into 2020! Happy New Year Everyone!

A little bit of this and a little bit of that...

Page 5 Volume 7, Issue 1

Giving Back to Our Community

In support of The Surrey Food Bank, we raffled a beautiful basket of chocolate and goodies at the Resident and Family Christmas party.

In addition, we held a 50/50 draw with proceeds going to the Sur-rey Food Bank. Through these activities Suncreek staff, residents and families were able to raise $160.00.

Our generous Administrator, Daljit Gill, matched the funds so our total donation to The Surrey Food Bank, on behalf of the residents of Suncreek Village was $350.00! Thank you everyone, for your generosity and support!

Suncreek Sponsor Family

Suncreek Village sponsored a family this Christmas. Staff donated and raised funds to purchase items listed on their ‘wish list.’ We also donated warm clothing, gift cards and treats to help to make their Christmas a little brighter. Thank you to our staff, residents and family members for their generosity and kindness in supporting our community.

The family was sponsored through Options Community Services, a non-profit registered charity providing social services primarily in Surrey, Delta, White Rock and Langley.

Gerri’s Corner ~ by Geraldine Sombke

In light of January being Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, I wanted to share a book I enjoyed reading titled, ‘Somebody I Used to Know,’ by Wendy Mitchell. In her book she talks about her life with early onset Alzheimer’s. She remained quite active in the early stages of the dis-ease, helping to educate and remind people that even though you have Alzheimer’s, you don’t stop being a person with feelings and in-sights to offer.

Her description of a hallucination of a visit with her deceased parents struck me as important. She reminds us that,

“ I don’t need to be told over and over that mom and dad are dead; what differ-ence does my fantasy make to anyone else? People without memory problems often forget that those of us with dementia think about things in the past and so the helpful response is probably to ‘go along’ with our experience rather than trying to pull us back into the present day. It’s not unethical to do that; it’s just valuing the person’s experience, because for them it’s as real as this book you are holding in your hands right now.“

And so if they get a happy visit with a lost loved one which leaves them warm and com-forted inside, that’s OK. In fact it’s a good thing. Whether you agree or disagree with au-thor Wendy Michell, join us at the next Family Council Meeting and share your insights on how to help keep your loved ones as content as possible.

Page 6

Director of Care Services

Suncreek Village

Dear Family & Friends of Suncreek Village,

As time moves on, each year seems to be accelerating. I would like to pause and take a moment to reflect on this past year.

To our Residents: You are our reason for being here. We are honored to be a part of your lives. To the family and friends of Suncreek Village: Whether through our Family Council Meetings, Resident visits, phone calls, letters or emails; Your support for our Residents is precious. To all our staff, many of whom we have been on this journey together with for 10 years now: You are truly part of our Resident’s extended family and your caring makes all the difference. Thank You, Everyone!

We are excited to be entering the 20’s and look forward to working together with a continued commitment towards enhancing the quality of life of the residents and families of Suncreek Village. Best wishes to you and your loved ones in this new year!


A friendly reminder that we are in the midst of Flu Season. It will continue until the end of April 2020, or when declared over by the Chief Medical Health Officer. The basic cold and flu can be devasting to our vulnerable population. We ask for your help in ensuring we protect our residents. If you have not yet received the flu vaccine we ask you to please wear a mask when visiting. If you have a cold or have been exposed to someone who is ill, we ask you to refrain from visiting until you or your family members are well. Also, pay particular attention to hand hygiene. We have hand

sanitizer at both entrances to the building, and throughout the neighborhoods. If there is an outbreak of influenza-like illness, we have plans in place to try and control the spread of the illness. These plans are developed in collaboration with Public Health and the BC Center for Disease Control.

Rehabilitation Department

Family Council




Contact Information At Suncreek Village we strive to provide the best care possible for our residents. The short term equipment loan program is another way to meet the needs of our residents in the best and most efficient manner.

If you have any further ques-tions regarding our equipment loan program – contact Rehab staff at ext. 202.

Rehab Department

Upcoming Family Council Meetings:

• Thursday, February 13th, 2020 • Thursday, April 9th, 2020

at 4:30pm in the Community Room.

All are welcome to come participate and advocate for

better quality of care at Suncreek.

Volunteers Welcome!

Suncreek Village is very fortunate to have such wonderful volunteers. We have also been blessed with students from the local high schools who have been a great

support to our team.

We are looking for dedicated long term volunteers. A simple 2-4 hours a week can make a significant different to our Residents.

Please contact our Recreation Department for any questions or interest!

Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 7

Front Desk Ext #101 frontdesk@suncreekvillage.ca Director of Care Services Noni Magon Ext #103 noni@suncreekvillage.ca Clinical Services Resource Nurse Maria Santos Ext #104 maria@suncreekvillage.ca Social Worker Heather Paton Ext #203 socialwork@suncreekvillage.ca (Wed& Thurs Rehabilitation Coordinator RV Villanueva Ext #202 rehab@suncreekvillage.ca

Suncreek Village Contact Information

Mission We are committed to Caring, Quality, and Safety in

an environment that promotes the well-being of our residents and staff.

Vision Our Vision is to achieve excellence by creating a cul-ture that supports Residents, Family, and Staff as true

partners in care.

Values In fulfilling our mission and striving to achieve our

vision we hold these shared values and use them to guide our decisions and actions:

Suncreek Village 13687-62nd Ave

Surrey, B.C. V3X 0B5

Phone: 604-591-5177 Fax: 778-578-7185

Creating a human habitat for our Elders

Nutritional Manager/Support Services Interim Noni Magon Ext #103 noni@suncreekvillage.ca Dietitian Chrissie Ohlund Ext #107(Wednesdays)

Recreation Coordinator Ashley Parry Ext #204 recreation@suncreekvillage.ca Hairdresser Rose - Mobile 778-882-0955 ( Wed & Thurs)

Homes/Nurse Extensions 1st Floor Lotus Ext #111 Dahlia Ext #211 Marigold Ext #311 2nd Floor Magnolia Ext #121 Iris Ext #221 Dogwood Ext #321 Lily Ext #421

Creating a human habitat

for our Elders

• Dignity & Respect • Equity

• Ethical & Integrity • Diversity

• Accountability • Collaboration

• Transparency • Communication