2019/2020 Prefect Team Announced · 2019-05-15 · favourite song, Downtown, Feed Me and Suddenly...

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Transcript of 2019/2020 Prefect Team Announced · 2019-05-15 · favourite song, Downtown, Feed Me and Suddenly...

2019/2020 Prefect Team Announced







As the Upper Sixth girls approach exam season and their last term at St Mary’s, they hand the reins of responsibility for prefect duties to the Lower Sixth girls. After a rigorous interview process, many congratulations go to the enthusiastic 2019/20 team who are fully committed to leading the younger years and working for the benefit of the school. Cassia Thackray has been appointed Head Girl, along with two Deputies, Mima Baring (Academic) and Olivia Annett (Pastoral). They are joined by Senior Prefects: Agnes Perry-Robinson (Head of Harewell), Valeria Canedo Leal (Head of Newby), Anastasia Compton (Head of York), Saskia Lyne (Head of Junior Girls), Ella Potts and Olivia Wright (Sports), Pia Regensburger (Chaplaincy and Charity).

Subject Prefects have also been appointed to lead and support departments throughout the school. These are: Ceci Oliver (Art), Summer Pang (Business Studies and Maths), Tallulah Collis and Georgiana Forrester (Classics), Megan Bale (Dance), Mandy Tan (Economics), Agnes Perry-Robinson (English), Saskia Lyne (Library), Francesca Ramage Mangles (History and Library), Valeria Canedo Leal (Modern Languages), Poppy Pender (Philosophy and RE) and

Anastasia Compton (Science). Núria Robert-Montaner has been appointed House Captain, Mary Ward.

We would like to thank the 2018/19 team, headed by Cicely Willis, Olivia Willis and Georgia Brand, for their hard work and commitment in leading the school during the past year.

‘Individually known, individually nurtured’ was

not the strapline that drew me to St Mary’s.

After all, what school doesn’t claim to know

and nurture their pupils. However, the more

time I spend here, the more integrity I feel

this description has. Our individual approach

enables our girls to achieve well beyond their

expectations in so much that they do.

This term has seen so many examples of our

‘individually nurtured’ girls excelling, that it

is a challenge to pick out just a few of the

highlights. Artistic and creative endeavour

has been particularly in evidence, from the

visual wonders and fine harmonies of the

amazing production ‘Little Shop of Horrors’

to the brilliance of the fine art, photography

and textiles GCSE work and the many

performances in various concerts ranging from

confident first outings by our youngest players

to super-accomplished recitals by our senior

soloists. The choir have kept up an amazing

repertoire of pieces new and old, and go from

strength to strength. I am especially impressed

by the speed at which they learn new music,

and perform it with passion, commitment and

a sense of beauty.

The recent House Shout event was hotly

contested, and all credit is due to the girls

who cajoled and directed their houses into

producing some excellent choral performances.

As ever, there were several outstanding

ensemble and solo performances, and it was

good to see house spirits running high.

Our ‘Born to Write’ competition was a notable

success of the term, attracting record entries,

and it was lovely to have a home-grown

winner selected by Razia Iqbal. In other creative

endeavours, several of our dancers were

involved in TLW’s dance show recently, and

one of our senior dance scholars has been

awarded a full scholarship to the prestigious

undergraduate Fine Arts at Fordham University

and the Ailey School of Dance in New York.

One of the things I value most in my job is

the opportunity to spend time observing

lessons, and the progress of our girls. I have

seen so many exemplary, inspiring and creative

classes this term, and feel extremely proud

of both our teachers and the way in which

the girls participate. This is truly an exciting

environment for learning. Increasing numbers

are receiving Head’s Commendations for

outstanding grades and the girls really do

develop a strong work ethic during their time

here. The three Oxbridge offers at the start of

term made us so proud of the girls concerned,

but we are also very proud of all our Upper

Sixth girls, who have secured excellent offers

at a range of prestigious universities. Whether

busy on the netball courts, debating weighty

matters, getting involved in chaplaincy, singing

like angels, demonstrating against Climate

Change or cooking up a storm in the Leiths

kitchen, St Mary’s girls are never idle.

I wish you and your families a very Happy



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Maria Young, Headmistress

NEWS ROUNDUPCloser to home, there have been

a whole host of trips by academic

departments from a Sixth Form

trip to London to attend a series of

lectures on ‘The Great Gatsby’ and

Chaucer given by leading academics

and lecturers, to an MFL trip to

Southampton University, a Latin trip

to London and many more.

Two LVI Historians, Aggie P-R and

Talullah C, were accepted to take

part in the Holocaust Education

Trust’s ‘Lessons from Auschwitz’

programme and joined students from

other schools on a deeply thought-

provoking trip to Auschwitz.

St Mary’s has its roots in the life of Mary Ward and her

vision inspires the girls to aim high and to become confident

compassionate young women who play a positive role in

society. Each year we celebrate Mary Ward Day, a long-

standing traditional day of celebration and reflection within

the community. This year the girls dressed up as ‘Inspirational

Women’ from across the centuries and enjoyed an all school

treasure hunt, followed by the long-awaited staff pantomime,

Aladdin. Memories formed on Mary Ward Day remain

with the girls throughout the years. It is a day of reflection,

laughter and joy that brings the whole community together

and this year was no exception.

St Mary’s Latinists scooped

every first place prize

available to them at this

year’s Salisbury Classical

Association Fifty-Fifth

Annual Reading Competition

at Godolphin.

The whole community

celebrated World Book

Day in inimitable St

Mary’s fashion. Pupils

and staff across all

areas of the school

paraded some truly

spectacular book

themed costumes –

probably the best we

have ever seen.

B R I T I S H S C I E N C E W E E K 2 019British Science Week celebrations took place across

the school, with a whole host of fun activities in

the Science Department. We welcomed some

fantastic external speakers, including St Mary’s

old girl, Bethan Mewett, who is studying Physics

at Swansea and Peter Littlewood, Director of the

Young People’s Trust for the Environment

who gave an inspirational talk on

environmental issues facing our

planet. Meanwhile, further afield,

A level Biologists visited Bristol

University for a DNA

molecular workshop

along with students from

Clayesmore and King’s




Stupendous StoriesThere seems to have been a bit of a book theme

running through this term, with the school book

club winning the Wessex Amazing Book Award

event at Bryanston, followed by the talented Scarlett

C winning this year’s Born to Write competition

with her moving Holocaust story, ‘Space’. Scarlett’s

story was one of 230 entries from pupils across 17

schools. Judge, Razia Iqbal, joined us at the Awards

Ceremony along with highly commended pupils

from Hanford, Ludwell, Perrott Hill, Motcombe,

Shaftesbury, Wardour, Gillingham, Archbishop

Wake, Castle Court, Knighton House, Broad Chalke,

Sandroyd, Port Regis, Farleigh, Bruton School

for Girls, St George’s Warminster and St Mary’s.

Congratulations to Scarlett, whose story was

published in the Blackmore Vale Magazine.

During the holidays, Mr Dalton led a

ski trip to Austria while Mrs Blanco

took sixth form classicists and History

of Art students to the ancient ruins of


St Mary’s new team of Digital Ambassadors

are passionate about technology, in particular

coding, and are keen to inspire other girls in

the school. They meet weekly and offer drop-in

information and help sessions for anything

technology or e-safety related.

This term we stepped into Mr Mushnik’s Little Shop of Horrors for a spectacular

two hour Senior School musical production, packed with sensational singing,

impressive American accents and botanical world domination.


Sophia M acted out the role of Seymour’s father-

like Mushnik, giving an excellent performance

particularly during the song and dance duet with

Seymour (Olivia O), the downtrodden underdog

who gets his life turned around by a suspiciously

“strange and interesting” giant alien plant, Audrey

II (operated by Tabitha E and Helena L-B and

impressively voiced and sung by Alexa G).

Audrey, played by Valeria CL, captivated the

audience with her sensational singing and

completely brought the vulnerable and ditzy

character to life. The flamboyant role of the abusive

Orin (Megan K) as Audrey’s boyfriend, strutted

around the stage with an overt sleaziness and

unpredictability, fully embracing the role of the

sadistic dentist.

The swinging sixties were revived in the foot-

tapping rock and roll tunes sung by all the cast,

in particular, Chiffon (Fleur H), Ronnette (Alexa

G) and Crystal (Cassia T) along with Talia L as

the flower seller. The chorus and supporting

character roles were played by Paula L, Theodora

C, Cecilia P and Anastasia C, who all sang

impressive harmonies. Whilst it is difficult to pick a

favourite song, Downtown, Feed Me and Suddenly

Seymour all stand out.

The stage design used the breadth of the Hall,

enveloping the audience and delivering seamless

transitions from the failing florist to the demonic

dentist. The combination of a talented cast, fantastic

choreography and sensational singing made this

a stand-out and truly memorable Senior School


The combination of a talented cast, fantastic

choreography and sensational singing made this a stand-

out and truly memorable Senior School performance.

WeekendsThe boarders have enjoyed busy weekends this term, with

a whole host of outings and social events. Highlights

were visiting Harry Potter Studios, Oxygen Freejumping,

Splashdown and year group ‘Dine Outs’.


Meanwhile at school, boarders enjoyed a Neon Disco, a fun ‘speed

chatting’ activity, ‘Boarders Got Talent’, Zumba, a fantastic Barn Dance

in the Main Hall and a frenetic and fun Easter Egg Hunt!

The International Food Fair was a great success and a wonderful

coming together of the whole boarding community with girls preparing

food and running stalls representing countries from all over the world.

Saturday morning Enrichment has included creative writing, bee

keeping and animal husbandry, cookery and cryptography to name but

a few.

Much to the delight of many, the snow fell earlier this term and a happy

few days was spent sledging and building snowmen in the grounds.

A few weeks later, the sun shone, temperatures soared and the girls

were outside making the most of our beautiful grounds.

Weekends at St Mary’s are a great mixture of fun and activity balanced

with down time and relaxation. We are looking forward to a sunny

Summer Term with lots of activities and trips planned.

Susannah Hill

Deputy Head (Pastoral) & Head of Boarding


Our Oxbridge students experienced great success

at the beginning of term, with three of our five

candidates securing a place – a success rate well

above the average offer rate of 15-20%. All our

Upper VI girls, whatever their planned destination,

deserve praise for putting together strong,

thoughtful applications which demonstrate huge

passion for their chosen subjects.

This term has also seen mock exams for Upper VI, giving them

the encouragement they need to strive for their ambitious target

grades. Tutors have been on hand to help the girls produce detailed

action plans to keep on track.

As Upper VI are deciding which offers to accept, Lower VI are

beginning their journey towards a university application, or in some

cases exploring a specialist course or a higher apprenticeship. After

their trip to the UCAS Exhibition at the UWE campus, the girls

will be planning visits to open days and starting to narrow down

their possible options. By the end of next term, all Lower VI girls

will have written a draft personal statement, and will spend the

summer holiday reading more widely or looking for additional work


Finally, this term has seen the appointment process for new

senior and subject prefects from Lower VI, who will take over

from the Upper VI team led by Cicely W at the beginning of the

Summer Term. Reading the letters of application and interviewing

the candidates are among the greatest pleasures of my role, and

the candidates’ speeches to staff on topics such as “what I have

learned at St Mary’s” or “my greatest inspiration” moved some of

the teachers to tears! This year’s prefect selection has truly been an

Olympic race – all the candidates, whether appointed to a senior

role or not, have shown exceptional qualities and we are very proud

of them.

Dominic Simmons, Head of VI Form

EPQs at St Mary’sThe LVI girls are busy working on their EPQs (Extended Project Qualifications)

which are widely encouraged for all Sixth-Formers at St Mary’s. An EPQ

consists of a 5000 word dissertation on a subject of choice and is an additional

qualification taken alongside A Levels. The EPQ helps to develop research

skills, time management and a host of other skills that are useful for university.

A top grade in an EPQ is worth the equivalent of half an A Level or 28 UCAS

points, which can be invaluable when applying to universities.

“The influence of the Vietnam War on American music in the 60s and 70s”

“How can we use Neutrinos to study the origin of the Universe?”

“Are Men and Women Essentially Evil?”

“How relevant is the organ in contemporary times?”

This term, Hannah from UVI presented the findings of her EPQ on CRISPR-

Cas9 and its efficiency in removing HIV from cells. Her impressive investigation

explored both the scientific and ethical implications of such gene therapy and

included a Skype interview with Professor Robert Winston, organised by Mrs

Bowe. Hannah is planning to study Biomedical Sciences at university and has

already received offers from some excellent universities including Bristol.

Balliol College, OxfordEnglish Language and Literature

Clare College, CambridgePhilosophy

Girton College, CambridgeModern and Medieval Languages

ExeterPolitics & International Relations

BristolBiomedical Sciences


WarwickLinguistics with French

ExeterArt History


UCLEconomics & Business


Edinburgh and King’s College LondonPhysics

DurhamVisual Arts & Film

Fordham University, New YorkFine Arts (with a scholarship)

University of the Arts LondonGraphic Design

Falmouth / Oxford BrookesFine Art

Norwich / Coventry / Plymouth Photography

Bath Spa, Brighton, Chichester, Royal Holloway, WinchesterFilm, Television and Digital Production

Camberwell College of ArtsGraphics

Visits and Trips All Sixth-Formers attend a weekly General Studies lesson, where they have the

opportunity to listen to a wide range of external speakers. This term, we welcomed

lecturers from Bath University, including Dr Momna Hejmadi (Biochemistry, with

a focus on developing new cancer treatments), Dr Sophie Parsons (Mechanical

Engineering, with a focus on sustainability, finding uses for plastic retrieved from

our oceans), Monika Halika & Meike Scheller (PhD students in Psychology, looking at

treatment of chronic pain and at brain development in blind children).

Girls have enjoyed several trips during the term, to support their academic studies.

LVI Philosophy & Theology pupils travelled to Bristol for a series of lectures, while

English A Level pupils travelled to London for lectures on Chaucer and ‘The Great


ARTiculationFollowing her victory at the school heat of the ARTiculation competition, Helen C

(UVI) competed against eight schools in the South West at the Salisbury Arts Centre.

Helen flew the flag of academic excellence and independent thinking for St Mary’s

and spoke bravely and honestly about the subject of depression.

A Selection of University Offers

They have also continued with the “Cookie Fairy”, an initiative which identifies pupils who are in need of a little tender loving care. The cookies, with Gospel verses, are anonymously left for girls, to help put a smile back on their faces. Such a small thing and yet it creates such delight!

Currently, the Chaplaincy team is raising money for Cafod, the Catholic aid agency which has campaigns running throughout Lent. This year, it is supporting projects in Bangladesh, which is suffering from the after-effects of global warming and drought. The aim is to raise at least £200

for a pond to be filled with fish to feed local families. A novel idea of raising money was to ‘sponge the teacher’, and a few brave teachers put their names forward to have wet sponges thrown at them.

Chaplaincy links with the Order of Malta are strong and there are plans for another visit to Lourdes this year.

Care of the Chapel and ensuring that the needs of the liturgical ceremonies such as Mass and Reconciliation are met, is down to the Chaplaincy team. It is also through them that we are able to have Adoration and Stations of the Cross, which ensures that the religious life maintains its vibrancy within the school.

Retreats are always the highlight of every year group and this term we have taken the Upper IV on retreat to Salisbury. It was so inspiring that several pupils have requested another one!

Serving the community and supporting charities both

locally and further afield is an important part of our

lives at St Mary’s. This term, Shutterbabes, the school’s

photography enterprise group, visited Julia’s House, a

local children’s hospice, and presented a cheque for £1000,

raised from the sale of calendars and cards at school.

CHAPLAINCYChaplaincy continues to be at the heart of the school, with three groups focused on active faith development

inspired by Gospel values and prayer. This term members of Mini Vinnies, Beatitudes, and the Chaplaincy

team, have been busy putting social justice at the core of their activities. Led by Miss Connolly, these groups

have ensured that the Mary Ward Day celebrations were a fitting tribute to our founder.



We have also been proactively supporting Little Giants, a voluntary youth group in Shaftesbury which supports children and young people with a variety of special needs. The club enables families to socialise and play together in a way they probably could not do at other clubs. They are accepted whatever their special needs might be. Some parents have said that Little Giants is a lifeline for them and their children. This term, LV and UV boarders volunteered at a Little Giants’ disco to specifically raise money for a severely disabled boy and his family. The event raised £475. Thank you to everyone who supports this local group.

We have also been supporting L’Arche, a charity founded by Jean Vanier for people with learning

disabilities, for which former Head Girl, Laura Martin-Prud’homme, is now the Development Officer. Laura and fieldworker, Chris, inspired the girls with a powerful and moving presentation about their work, so much so that the Sixth Form and Chaplaincy have decided to make this charity one of their focuses. The Charity Prefect decided that £500 should be donated from the Tuesday fasting and there are plans for a much more hands-on approach going forward.

Further donations to Amnesty, Home-Start, Pax Christi and the local Alabare charity for the homeless, ensure that St Mary’s is reaching out, not only on a global and national level, but also on local needs close to home.

General RE talksSixth-Formers have had a whole host of interesting General RE lessons this term, to which many external speakers have come in to inspire the girls. In addition to Laura Martin-Prud’homme introducing the girls to L’Arche, members of the Household Cavalry came and talked about the Just War theory, we have had speakers from Pax Christi and an interesting talk on Social Media and Christianity.


The U12 and U13 teams have made huge progress throughout the

term, often playing against prep school teams who have played

together for a number of years. The progression of skill level and

passages of the ball down the court culminated in some strong wins

by the end of term. All teams from the U14s to the 1st team have

played with determination and skill proving that as a small school we

punch well above our weight!

Well done to the U15a team who came second at the North Dorset

Tournament and qualified for County. The team is cohesive, slick and

determined. It represents the school with the true spirit of a St Mary’s

girl. As a celebration of their achievement, they were treated to a trip

to the Superleague Match ‘Team Bath v Manchester Thunder’ at Bath

University, which we hope inspires them to the next level.

Finally, a special mention must go to the U15b

team who, as I write, have the best winning

statistic (80%) so far this term.

NetballIt has been a jam-packed season of Netball fixtures in this short Spring Term, with 84 matches played

by teams from U11 to the 1st team. The U11s developed their play by competing in the High 5 Tournament

early on in the term and moving into the 7-aside format with energy and enthusiasm.

National ChampionshipsHuge congratulations to Alice DP in UIV who was selected to compete for Dorset

at the National Cross Country Championships in Leeds. Alice ran a superb race and

contributed to the County finishing 6th out of 44.

Sports Leadership

Leadership courses move from strength to

strength at St Mary’s as we offer the Sports

Leaders Level 2 qualification. We are planning

to begin the Level 3 in September 2019 which

includes NPLQ qualifications, netball umpiring

qualifications and the opportunity to apply to

join the Dorset Coaching Academy. We are

delighted that seven of our girls have been

accepted and are now attending workshops

throughout the year with elite athlete mentors

and GB coaching staff. This will enable them to

follow coaching and leading pathways in their

specific sports.

This term we hosted the Dorset Winter Games

with over 60 St Mary’s girls involved in leading,

organising and presenting at the event. Over

450 pupils from 50 schools attended along with

sporting heroes, Aaron Phipps (GB Wheelchair

rugby), Liz Johnson (Paralympic swimmer), Kate

Grey (Olympic swimmer) and Thinus Delport

(ex-Rugby union player). We are very proud

to have hosted this fantastic event for young

people across Dorset and our girls benefited

from the experience.

PE Trip to Bath UniversityA group of girls from UIV and LV enjoyed a PE trip to Bath University, at which they

carried out various physical tests to assess their sporting strengths. They explored sporting

technology and listened to interesting lectures on sports career paths and what is involved

in Sports Science degrees. The trip gave them a useful insight into the GCSE course.

This term St Mary’s hosted its first ever

Archery competition against Gillingham

School. We secured the ‘team event’ win

and congratulations go to Oliva O who

came 3rd and Valentina A who came 5th in

the individual competition. The Archery

Club is run by Miss Rees, former GB Field

Archer and Level 2 coach and her father,

Andrew Rees, former GB Field Archer and

Level 3 coach.


We look forward to tennis, athletics and cricket next term.

BadmintonBadminton has really taken off at St Mary’s

with the LIV team playing superbly in the

North Dorset tournament and finishing in

second place. In the U16 Tournament, we

battled against some strong players and came

away victorious, becoming the North Dorset

champions. Later in the term, the team

competed in the County Tournament. Both the

LIV and the senior teams qualified; a fantastic

achievement against some tough teams. It is

wonderful to see so many St Mary’s girls playing

this sport.


The Interhouse badminton and

netball competitions took place this

term in true St Mary’s house spirt.

The Interhouse Netball saw the whole school out

in force, despite “Storm Gareth” making its mark

with ferocious winds. The teams played superbly

and it was lovely to see everyone supporting

each other. In the Seniors, York took 1st place,

followed by Newby 2nd and Harewell 3rd. In

Hewarth, Harewell was crowned the winners,

followed by Newby 2nd and York in 3rd place.

In Interhouse Badminton, the winners were

Harewell with York coming 2nd and Newby 3rd.

Creative A R T S We were delighted to welcome Gayle Hadaway

to St Mary’s this term, as Head of Creative Arts,

working alongside Mr Taylor, Ms Banneel and

Mrs Hodge. The Art Department continues

to support many talented girls across a range

of creative arts towards GCSEs, A Levels and

university and art school applications.

My Vision for Creative Arts at St Mary’s The Arts is about creativity and expression. At St Mary’s, within our creative arts HUB, we develop

individuality by exploring authentic ideas, providing girls with the skills to transform them into a reality for

all to see, hear and experience. We want to excite them to think, create and inspire them to want to learn.

Artist of the MonthWe have recently begun nominating an artist of the month. The chosen piece of art is then displayed in the main Reception hall at the entrance to the school.

We work together through collaboration

to discuss and share skills and processes,

bringing in designers and artists to provide

cross-curricular perspectives and sharing

insights. We hope to create further links

with the local community to showcase

our creative talents. This year we will be

introducing an artist in residence within the

department to pull in new skills to work

with the pupils at different levels alongside

showcasing their work in our amazing

grounds. We are also planning on setting up

a creative printing studio space alongside the

artists in residence space which we will hire

out to other working designers and printers.

Everyone has the potential to be creative,

or at least gain pleasure from the Arts. All

pupils can succeed, learning is ongoing and

essential for individual social development

and understanding. With this in mind, we are

very excited to be delivering a new A Level

Textile course from September 2019.

Our staff are talented, professional,

supportive, dedicated, passionate,

experienced and inspirational in all areas

of art & design. We are interested in new

ideas and getting the girls to look beyond

themselves, to explore new platforms of

expression, ideas and risk-taking, as well as

promoting self-discovery. I am very excited

about inspiring our future generation of

creative thinkers at St Mary’s.

Gayle Hadaway

PhotographyThe Sixth Form photography students travelled to

London to gather inspiration and ideas from galleries and

museums. They visited the V&A, Design Museum, the

National Portrait Gallery and the Photographers’ Gallery.

Every week, the Art department nominate a ‘photograph

of the week’, showcasing the talented photographers in

the school.

Willow P-P , UVI

Georgia F Louisa H

Katie H

Sixtine D L

Rosanna W, UV


House ShoutThe houses presented their chosen

programmes in turn and the

performances ranged from a Chopin

Mazurka to ‘Stairway to Heaven’.

Disney was theme this year for the

house song: Newby chose ‘Breaking

Free’, York sang ‘Just Can’t Wait to

be King’ and Harewell presented

perhaps the most apposite choice,

‘We’re All in This Together’. Every

performance was brimming with

energy, commitment and the

sense of enjoyment in performing

together was palpable.

It was a very close run result with

York announced as the overall

winners. Congratulations to the

house prefect teams for providing

us with a great afternoon of

entertainment and all of the

performers for such a show of

musical camaraderie. Thanks must

also go to local composer, Karen

Wimhurst, who was this year’s


The Music School has been busy with groups of girls vying for rehearsal space over the past couple of weeks as they prepared for the hotly contested House Shout. The whole school gathered in the Hall, abuzz with anticipation, as each house presented a programme of two solo items, an instrumental ensemble and a house song.

Hewarth ConcertHewarth presented a joint concert of music and speech & drama, to

an appreciative audience of family and friends. Hewarth Ensemble

got things off to a foot tapping start with Paddling Pool Polka and

Just Jumpin’ by Sarah Watts. The soloists and acting duos gave us an

array of styles, from musical theatre and comedy to Angelika’s piano

composition and traditional songs.

The evening was rounded of with the Hewarth Choir, under the

direction of Mrs Langton-Gilks, singing ‘The Lamb’, a prelude to

the uplifting ‘A Million Dreams’ from The Greatest Showman. Well

done to all for a thoroughly enjoyable evening, full of musical and

dramatic achievement.

PIANO RECITALTina X and Heidi H gave a wonderful tea time piano recital, in

preparation for their forthcoming ARSM exams, a post Grade

8 qualification which assesses the art of musical communication

through a 30-minute programme. An appreciative audience of

staff and girls enjoyed their assured interpretations of repertoire

by Haydn, Mozart, Chopin, Skriabin and Bartok. Both girls gained

valuable experience and confidence performing in front of an


LUNCHTIME CONCERTThe Music Department presented a lunchtime

concert of piano and vocal music with many of the

performers presenting pieces in preparation for

ABRSM or Trinity music exams at the end of this

term. The variety of music ranged from Purcell

‘Music for a While’ to ‘Good Morning Baltimore’

from Hairspray. Congratulations to the girls for their

poised performances.


This term we celebrated our first Alumnae Mass

in the beautiful surroundings of St Mary’s Cadogan

Street. Around 100 alumnae from SOGA (St Mary’s

Old Girl Association) and their families travelled

from all over the UK and overseas to reunite for a

wonderful evening service. It was particularly nice

to welcome some who were from the first intake of

1945. Amongst the attendees was former staff and

alumna, Sister Lizzie, as well as several generations

from some families. Life-long friendships are formed

at St Mary’s and these reunions offer wonderful

opportunities for Old Girls of all ages to meet up

and exchange anecdotes.


This term we welcomed several new staff to St Mary’s:

Mrs Gayle Hadaway, Head of Creative Arts

Mrs Elizabeth Berriman, Maths Teacher

Jacqui Sims, Senior School Nurse

We also welcomed our two Gap students, Erin from Australia and Niamh from New Zealand.

OPEN MORNINGFriday 3rd May at 10.30am



MAY CONCERTFriday 17th May at 7.30pm

HALF TERMFriday 24th May at 10am

PARENT/DAUGHTER TENNISSunday 9th June at 11am

St Mary’s School, Shaftesbury Dorset SP7 9LP

+44 (0)1747 852416 www.stmshaftesbury.uk

Head’s Commendations

Sophia Green

Esme Williams

Alice Haworth

Valentina Aeillo

Alice de Pelet

Angela Amuna

Katie Lavis

Ella Norton

Julissa del Aguila

Linda Lin

Tabitha Elwell

Saskia Lyne

Megan Feltham









Tuesday 18th June 2019 at 10am

LIV & UIV PRODUCTION: PONY CLUBFriday 28th June at 7pmSaturday 29th June at 7pm

INTERHOUSE ATHLETICSWednesday 3rd July at 10.30am

PARENTS’ DAYSaturday 6th July at 10am

BEAUFOY BALLSaturday 6th July at 7pm

Summer calendars, with weekend activities, will be posted to parents.