2017 ANNUAL - Rainier Valley Food Bank...2017 ANNUAL REPORT Because of you, we provided groceries to...

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Transcript of 2017 ANNUAL - Rainier Valley Food Bank...2017 ANNUAL REPORT Because of you, we provided groceries to...


    Because of you, we provided groceries to 16,709 people 262,859 times through

    74,041 food bank visits & deliveries.




  • Rainier Valley Food Bank

    We nourish with good food, empower with knowledge, & serve

    with compassion. We are the only food bank in the heart of

    Seattle's lowest income & most diverse neighborhoods.

    While the majority of our guests come from the greater Rainier

    Valley, we feed anyone in need of food, from any neighborhood.

    Here’s what we did in 2017 ...

  • 158 Distribution & Delivery Days, Groceries to 5,373 Households,

    66,771 Food Bank Visits,1,550,281 Meals

    Grocery DistributionWe opened our doors twice weekly for guests to shop & select

    their own groceries. Up to thirty volunteers made each distribution

    day possible, from processing donated food, to ensuring guests

    were treated with dignity & respect. We hired a full time Food

    Bank Coordinator to give this massive weekly undertaking

    the full support it deserves.

  • 7,270 Deliveries, 189 Households, 245 People Fed, 43,620 Meals

    Home Delivery We delivered groceries every Thursday to sick, elderly, & disabled

    people in South Seattle. Dedicated volunteers helped pack &

    deliver the food to the doorsteps of homebound neighbors.

    For some delivery recipients, our volunteers were

    the only smiling face they saw all week.

  • 1,809 Backpacks of Food, 5 Schools, 10,854 Meals

    Backpack Program We provided bags of nutritious food for at-risk

    students attending South Seattle schools. This food

    sustained their and their families' dietary needs over

    the weekend in the absence of school breakfast & lunch.

    Many of these students were either

    homeless or living in temporary housing situations.

    We allowed students to select their own foods instead

    of providing a set menu each week.

  • 8,251 To-Go Bags, 10,983 Meals

    To-Go Bags We distributed ready-to-eat meal bags, 5 days a week

    for people without access to a kitchen to prepare their own food.

    This program is vital to Seattle's increasing homeless

    & transient population.

  • Supported 189 individuals with housing, medical and dental care,

    job placement, and much more

    360 Support We launched our new 360 Program to help guests troubleshoot

    life circumstances that contribute to their need for food.

    We hired a full-time Social Worker to meet with guests in

    private, receiving guidance & resources to find

    greater stability for themselves & their families.


  • 9 Community Meals, 97 Volunteer Groups, 596 Volunteers,

    21,381 Volunteer Hours, 71 Youth Education Sessions

    Community Engagement Our monthly community meals brought guests,

    volunteers, & staff together to learn how to better advocate for

    each other, all around shared meals. We broke barriers while

    breaking bread. We hosted volunteer groups from

    businesses, faith groups, & civic groups every week. We partnered

    with schools to provide food insecurity & advocacy trainings.

  • 15,850 lbs Farm & Garden Produce 331,878 lbs Food Purchased, 1,697,252 Total lbs Distributed

    Food Sourcing We provided quality, culturally appropriate, fresh & whole foods.

    Donations came from local neighbors, businesses, & nonprofits

    such as City Fruit, Northwest Harvest, & Food Lifeline.

    We supported the local food economy by partnering with

    regional small farms & community gardens.

  • SUPPORT & REVENUE Donated Food & Commodities $ 1,812,496 Contributions $ 686,582 Government Grants $ 158,847 Fundraising Events $ 30,096 Interest & Other $ 17 TOTAL $ 2,688,038

    EXPENSES Program Services $ 2,298,207 Management & General $ 152,385 Fundraising $ 72,864 TOTAL $ 2,523,456


    1,199 Donors Like YouContributed $314,891

  • StaffSam Osborne | Executive Director | sam@rvfb.org

    Elise Cope | Associate Director | elise@rvfb.org

    Otis Pimpleton | Warehouse Manager | otis@rvfb.org

    Miguel Jimenez | Development & Com. Manager | miguel@rvfb.org

    James Johnson-Gruspe | Food Bank Coordinator | james@rvfb.org

    Henry Crawford, MSW | Com. Connection Specialist | henry@rvfb.org

    Halley Shriber | Com. Outreach Coord VISTA | halley@rvfb.org

    Tara McCulloch | Events & Com. Coord VISTA | tara@rvfb.org

  • Board of Directors President, Jennifer Worth | Community Activist

    VP, Mika Yamamoto | Chief Dig. Marketing Officer | SAP America, Inc

    Treasurer, Chris Baird | Partner | Perkins Coie LLP

    Secretary, Lee Stanton | Architect/Proprietor | Stanton Associates

    David Couture | Teacher | Seattle Public Schools

    Will Golding | Chief of Strategy | Advaiya Solutions, Inc

    Kendall Krause | Program Officer | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Joe McKinstry | President | Joseph McKinstry Construction

    Phil Sherwood | Engineer (Retired)

    Craig Shrontz | Senior Partner (Retired) | Perkins Coie LLP

    Sally Teodoro | Teacher (Retired)

    Kate Zurlo-Cuva | Technical Project Manager | EventCore

  • Rainier Valley Food Bank | 4205 Rainier Ave S | Seattle, WA | 98118

    RVFB.org | info@rvfb.org | 206.723.4105 |


