ADULTIMA · 2017-02-11 · Ad Ultima’s core competence is to implement the standard ERP solution...

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Transcript of ADULTIMA · 2017-02-11 · Ad Ultima’s core competence is to implement the standard ERP solution...


Advanced Business Solutions through expertise

“Ad Ultima is a long term partner in integrated software solutions for growing SME’s and divisions of internatio-nal companies offering tailor-made solutions based on standard products. Whoever choses to work together with Ad Ultima understands in the first place that an ERP-solution is a strategic tool for the future growth of the company.”

Filip Bossuyt, Director Ad Ultima

Ad Ultima N.V.Headquarters BelgiumBeneluxpark 7B-8500 KortrijkBelgiumTel: +32 (0)56 740 740Fax: +32 (0)56 740 700 E-mail: info@adultima.beWebsite:


The Company Ad Ultima 4

Our Mission, our vision 4

Certifications 5

ERP ... our core business 6

More than ERP 7

Sectorspecific solutions 8

Testimonials 12

Proven implementation methodology 14

International expansion 15

The company Ad UltimaAd Ultima, founded by Filip Bossuyt in 1999, is a dynamic and experienced IT company which hasbeen implementingsector specificsoftware formedium-sizedand largecompanies.AdUltima’s main priority is the success of its customers. This is why a wide range of innovative products is offered such as ERP, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Document Management, BusinessProcessManagement,MicrosoftOfficeSharePointServer.All thesecomponentsareseamlessly integrated with Microsoft Dynamics AX. Customers get access to all information they need.

The goal of Ad Ultima is to target at companies who implement technology solutions not for the sake of it but as a means to increase their competitiveness within the shortest possible time frame.

Ad Ultima has, thanks to the successful delivery of more than 100 projects since 1999, a thorough expertiseinoptimizingspecificbusinessprocesses.ThisisthereasonwhyAdUltimahaschosenfor a verticalised market approach.

Our missionAdUltimaprofilesitselfasalong-termpartnerinthemarketofgrowingSME’sanddivisionsofinternational companies, for those organisations which trully understand the importance and necessity of technologically advanced software solution and consider this as a strategic tool for their future growth. Ad Ultima aims to achieve a mutual win-win relationship by offering solutions that increase the productivity of the employees and increase their business insight. By these means Ad Ultima wants to becoming the privileged partner.

Our visionCompanies have an increasing urge in ICT solutions in order to support their business. This tech-nicalarchitectureneedstobeflexibleandabletoadapttothechangingbusinessprocesses.Ad Ultima wants to be a keyplayer by providing solutions to the customer which the customer is owner off. Thanks to the transfer of knowledge Ad Ultima wants to stimulate the customer to be self-supporting after the roll out of the project.


CertificationsMicrosoft Gold Certified TheMicrosoftPartnerProgramcertifiestheexpertiseofthePartnerswhooffersolutionsbasedonMicrosofttechnology.AdUltimahasbeengrantedthehighestpossiblelevelofcertifica-tion:i.e.MicrosoftGoldCertifiedPartner. ThisMicrosoftGoldCertifiedPartnercertificationguaranteesAdUltima’sin-depthexpertiseindelivering the technical knowhow to achieve high-value solutions.

Microsoft Inner Circle 2009 Ad Ultima, being the major Belgian Microsoft Dynamics AX Partner, was awarded the highest recognition with the Inner Circle at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Confer-ence 2009 in New Orleans. The Inner Circle represents the most outstanding partners whose sales achievement ranks them at the top echelon of the Microsoft Dynamics global network of partners. As a member of the Inner Circle Ad Ultima has demonstrated unsurpassed overall company performance by delivering high-value solutions tailored to the customers’ particular needs, by proactively looking for technological developments and products and last but not least by achieving outstanding sales performance. This honour reflects the explosive growth of Ad Ultima and the consistently high levels of customer satis-faction thanks to the implementation of the state-of-the art ERP package, Microsoft Dynamics AX.


ERP is our core businessAd Ultima has several Microsoft compentences such as Enterprise Resource Planning, BusinessIntelligenceandInformationWorker(portals).InordertofulfillthesecompetencesAdUltima uses standard technologies and solutions such as Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Of-ficeSharePointServer,UltimAXSuites,BIS.AXenEDM.AllthesesolutionsintegrateseamlesslywithMicrosoft Dynamics AX and offer the right answer and added value based on the customers requirements.

Standard ERP suits your organisation

Ad Ultima’s core competence is to implement the standard ERP solution Microsoft Dyna- mics AX. AX is a fully integrated and customisable business solution. It will help your employees toautomatetheirprocessessuchasfinance,projectadministration,production,logisticsanddistribution, data integration and customer relationship managment. Microsoft Dynamics AX is themostpowerfulandflexibletooltohelpyougainefficiency,getbettercompanyinsightandmake you improve you business results.

UltimAX Suite: Sector specific knowhow is our solution

ThankstoyearsofexperienceindozensofprojectsAdUltimahascompileditsextensiveexper-tise in the UltimAX Suite. This in-company developed suite, seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Dynamics AX, comes with a wide range of functions based on practical knowhow. The UltimAX Suite makes up a valuable asset delivering a standard solution for company processes within certain branches of industry ranging from Metallurgy & Machine Building, Wood & Furniture Industry, Civil Engineering & Construction, Environmental Management & Recycling, Sheltered Workshops, Plastic Industry, Print & Packaging to Advanced Manufacturing.


Solutions Competencies

More than ERP onlyBusiness Intelligence BusinessIntelligenceprovidesatechnologytogather,analyze,presentanddisseminatestrate-gic company information. Data from ERP systems and other sources is transformed into relevant information so as to streamline business operations. Thus, a clear overview is guaranteed and there is no need for blind steering.

Ad Ultima implements result-oriented BI solutions based on BIS.AX, Microsoft PerformancePoint Server and Microsoft SQL Server. After a thorough analysis of the requirements a scalable solu-tion is developed within the agreed budget frame.

Collaboration Software TheInformationWorkercompetenceconsistsoftheMicrosoftOfficeandMicrosoftOfficeShare-PointServer(MOSS)expertise.WiththeaidofMicrosoftOfficeSharePointServer2007intranetand extranet portals are developed, on which communication between customers and part-ners is streamlined. The ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ principle is the key to smooth collaboration.

AdUltimaguidesyouevery stepof theway indevelopingandfine tuningyourownportalbasedonMicrosoftOfficeSharePointServer2007.TheAdUltimaconsultantswillintegratetheexistingMicrosoftOfficeapplicationsinaccordancewiththeorganizationalrelationships.

Enterprise Document Management EnterpriseDocumentManagement(EDM)isAdUltima’ssolutionfordocumentandworkflowmanagement. Thanks to the integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX valuable information is retrievedfromdocumentsviascanningandOCRandthecorrectfields inDynamicsAXareautomaticallyfilledoutaftervalidation.


Sector specific solutionsMetal & Machine Construction

As a company active in the Metallurgy & Machine Building industry, you want to maintain con-stantlyhighlevelsofprofitmarginandtoedgeaheadofcompetition.Dayindayoutyoudealwith large and complex assignments.

Therefore, a precise cost estimate and the shortest possible lead time of your production pro-cessarenotonlycrucialto landanassignmentbutalsoto increaseprofitability. Itallcomesdown to insight into real-time information which is needed to make faster correct operational decisions. Thanks to many years’ experience in this sector,UltimAX IEM Suite (Industrial Equipment Manu-facturing)offersthemostflexibleandintegratedsolutionfortheMetallurgy&MachineBuilding,from engineering to completion.

With this solution you take advantage of the best of two worlds. It provides a custom-madesolutionforyoucompanyinwhichtheflexibleandeasy-to-useMicrosoftDynamicsAX software is integrated with Ad Ultima’s track record of industrial Equipment Manufacturing.

Wood & Furniture

Wood isa livingproduct,whoseprocessing results inawidevarietyoffinishedproducts.Lotmanagement, length, quality, type of wood, origin and colour are just a few ingredients of a very complex product structure.

Furthermore,thecostpricebreak-downanduseofvariousunitsofmeasurementposespecificchallenges for companies in the wood industry. As a matter of fact, wood manufacturing com-panies have to handle unique business processes and needs which are not met by standard software.

UltimAXWoodSuitehasbeenspecificallydevelopedforwoodmanufacturingcompanies,notonlycompaniesthatprocessrawwoodtosemifinishedproductssuchasboardsorveneerbutalsocompaniesthatprocesswoodtoplatesorcompletelyfinishedproductslikefurniture.TheUltimAX Wood Suite is perfectly suited for wood/timber importers and timber merchants.


Civil Engineering & Construction

The civil engineering and construction industry is a highly competitive and fast changing mar-ketcharacterizedbyfixedpricecontractsandpressuresensitiveprofitmargins,whichneedstoquickly adapt to changing demands. What it comes down to is that you have an edge over competitionbecauseyourserviceisfaster,better,moreflexibleandmorecost-effective.

Overthepastyearsmoreandmoresectorspecifictaskshavebeenoutsourcedincivilengi-neering & construction. That is why managing the building process gains ground, both enter-prise wide and among the partners of a project. As a result, the construction industry needs a perfect tool to streamline the building process.

UltimAXConstructionSuitehasbeenspecificallydesignedforcompaniesactiveinthecivilen-gineeringandconstructionindustryandoffersasolutionfortheindustryspecificneedssuchasproject-oriented approach, good staff planning, timely purchase with the appropriate supplier, subcontractor management and a clear insight into project-related reporting and accurate cost accounting.

Sheltered Workshops

ThemarketforShelteredWorkshops(SW)ischaracterizedbyanenormousdiversity:differentdisciplinesarecombinedinoneorganization.Ashelteredworkshopprovidesaverywiderangeof products and services, varied in nature and degree of complexity. A sheltered workplace is at the same time service provider and manufacturer and supplies both from stock and on customer order. Although a SW has comparable processes as any other manufacturing, as-semblingorservicecompany,therearesignificantdifferencesthataretranslatedintodifferentICT needs. First of all, every ‘target group worker’ has a different handicap, which results in very complex planning.Thefollowingparametershavetobetakenintoaccount:firstly,theavailabilityofthemachinesandpeople ingeneraland,secondly,thespecifichandicaporskillsofevery indi-vidual target group worker.Anothertypicalfeatureofshelteredworkshopsis,giventhespecificnatureoftheassignmentsconcerned, that often available stock belongs to the customer and not to the SW itself. That is whySWhavespecificneedsforidentifyingproductsandkeepingstock.

Even though customer demand is increasingly complex, this should not affect the quality and guaranteeofdelivery.Arapidlychangingeconomyrequiresflexibilityofinformationflow,ef-ficientbusinessprocessesandsmoothadaptabilityofcostingandperformance.

Ad Ultima is familiar with this problem and has developed the UltimAX SW Suite, a total concept specifically targetedat theSWmarket.At theheartof thisconcept lies thecompany-wideMicrosoft Dynamics AX ERP solution, high-value and easy-to-use ERP software for streamlining all your complex business processes. Whether it concerns production, projects, provision of ser-vices,CRMorfinancialmanagement,UltimAXSWSuiteoffersyouacompany-wideplatform.



Advanced Manufacturing

The manufacturing sector still is the driving force behind western economy. The key to success for companies in this line of business remains untouched: making the right high-quality products in the right quantity, at the right time, at the right price. However, nowadays the fast changing marketcallsformore:thebottom-lineisflexibilityandcontinuousimprovement. Thanks to advanced information technology companies in the manufacturing sector can de-ploy new business processes, which do not only boost their value but also cut production costs. Aflexibleandaffordablecomputersystemfacilitatesinformationsharing,whichresultsinmoreefficientdecisionmaking.

Furthermore, it is equally important to develop technologies which allow your company to work asanintegratedteam,notonlywithintheorganizationbutalsowithexternalpartnerssuchascustomers and suppliers.

Thankstothesenewtechnologiestheefficiencyofyourbusinessprocessescanbemaximizedand added value is offered, while at the same time decreasing cost per transaction. ERP sys-tems, in combination with demand-driven planning, can help you turn around your manufac-turingfromapush-drivenapproachtoafarmoreefficientpull-drivenapproach.

Print & Packaging

Inthelasttenyearsthecardboardandpackagingindustryhasbeencharacterizedbygrowinginternational competition and the non-stop rising costs of raw materials, which has an impact onthesaggingprofitmargins.

In this extremely competitive environment it is important to edge ahead of competition. You canmakethedifferencebystreamliningyourprocessesandusingfastandflexiblefully-inte-grated support systems.

UltimAX Print & Packaging Suite is based on Microsoft Dynamics and delivers solutions to com-paniesspecializing incardboardandpackaging.UltimAXPrint&Packagingsuitesupportsawide range of functionalities from prepress and designing to task planning and planning on the shop-floor. UltimAXPrint&PackagingSuitecanseamlesslybeintegratedwithCADandoptimizationsolu-tions like Eskor Graphics Artios CAD, ERPA Verpak of Greycon Xtrim. Finally, the UltimAX Print & Packaging Suite will also reckon with the different techniques during the design and production phases like: “Offset printing packaging”, “Flexo printed packaging”, “Folding box”, “Label print-ing”, “Flexible packaging”, “Web offset printing”. Overall, with UltimAX Print & Packaging Suite you streamline your business processes, you enjoy aninternationallyrecognized“BestPractices”solutionsandassuchsoyoucreatecompetitiveadvantage.

Environment & Recycling

The environmental sector is a sector continuously on the move. Until a few years ago it focused mainly on waste management and processing, nowadays however companies are focusing on the production of high-quality materials.

The separation of waste products already starts with collection. Valuable reusable materials can be recovered thanks to efficient transport, modern sorting appliances and high-valueprocessing.Subsequently,thesematerialsareprofitablyintegratedintheproductioncycleofvarious products.

The UltimAX EMR Suite is geared to the needs of both today and tomorrow. Microsoft Dynamics AX provides the ideal platform as it has been developed to meet complex and international structures.Itcoversallfieldsofyourbusiness,fromsalestoaccountancy. Thankstotheextensivehorizontalfunctionality,theUltimAXEMRSuiteconcentratesonthespe-cificrequirementsoftheenvironmentalsectorandthusboastshigh-standardsupport.Specialattention has been given to the implementation of the applicable laws and regulationon the one hand and to usability on the other hand. This will allow you to stream-linetheworkflow,tosimplifyprocessesandtoreducecosts.

Plastic Industry

As a company active in the plastic industry sector you are part of one of the most dynamic and innovative sectors, marked by a rapid succession of new product developments and new ma-terials.Moreover,theprofitmarginsofyourcompanyareconstantlyunderpressurebecauseof the ever-increasing worldwide competition, the rising costs of raw materials and transport and the growing development costs during the sales process. At the same time your customer expectsmoreserviceandflexibility.Itgoeswithoutsayingthatfastandefficientanticipationisa strong asset in this business.

Therefore, a precise cost estimate and the shortest possible lead time of your production pro-cessarenotonlycrucialtolandanassignmentbutalsotoincreaseprofitability.Itallcomesdown to insight into real-time information which is needed to make faster correct operational decisions. Basedonmanyyears’experienceinthisindustry,UltimAXPlasticsSuiteisthemostflexibleandintegrated business solutions platform for companies in the plastic industry sector – ranging from injection moulding to extrusion. UltimAX Plastics Suite guarantees speedy processing which is of the utmost importance to beapro-activeplayerinthedynamicplasticindustrymarket.Thissuiteoptimizesproductionplanning, supply management and demand planning, asset management and performance management. Furthermore, the UltimAX Plastics Suite allows you to reduce costs, to streamline capacity and to exceed your customers’ expectations with high-quality products.



TestimonialsMetal & Machine Construction

“The add-on modules Ad Ultima has developed for Microsoft Dynamics, provide an added value to the standard Microsoft solution.”Olivier Robberechts, Managing Director, Robberechts NV

“Because our complete staff was familiar with Office and Outlook we were on the look-out for an ERP platform that would offer maximum integration with these Microsoft applications. That is how we came across Ad Ultima and Microsoft Dynamics AX.”Bruno Soenen, Managing Director, Soenen NV

Wood & Furniture

“We decided to embark on Ad Ultima’s standard Microsoft Dynamics AX solution in combina-tion with UltimAX Wood Suite because this solution could best meet our requirements.”Pierre van Steenberge, Managing Director, Hout-Bois van Steenberge NV

“With fewer people employed in our commercial and logistics departments we supply a better service and guarantee of delivery. Without Microsoft Dynamics AX this superior level of service and customer satisfaction could only be achieved by employing extra staff. “Jean-Pierre Duprez, Logistics Director, Solid NV

Civil Engineering & Construction

“It is our philosophy to always choose for the latest version whenever un update of our ERP soft-ware environment is necessary. With a view to other expansions within the CRH Group, there is no alternative but to opt for the most state-of-the-art technology available on the present day market, which is Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.”Luc De Maré, Director Business Improvement, Plakabeton NV

Sheltered Workshops

“All reasons to chose for Ad Ultima became truth. The implementation went smooth thanks to their experience with Sheltered Workshops and their user-friendly UltimAX Suite BW”Lucas Marain, Managing Director, Wase Werkplaats

Advanced Manufacturing

“The consultants from Ad Ultima convinced us with their experience and insight they have re-garding manufacturing. Microsoft Dynamics AX was our final choice thanks to the user-friend-liness. Patrick Boonefaes, Production Manager, PDC Brush NV




Collaboration Software


Proven implementationmethodologyA successful implementation does not only depend on the correct application of knowledge and techniques but on the human factor as well. Ad Ultima’s multilingual consultants, 90% of whomcertifiedbyMicrosoft,willcloselyworktogetherwithyourstaff tomatchyour require-ments. Communication and listening skills are crucial for a better understanding. Right from the start the Ad Ultima consultants listen carefully to your needs so as to detect possible obstacles and futurerequirementsefficiently.Theyassistyoueverystepoftheway. The solution which is subsequently offered, will fully meet your expectations and will be exactly aligned to your requirements. Beyond any doubt this is the most important step to building a relation of mutual trust. Ad Ultima’s proven implementation methodology, based on Microsoft’s Sure Step Methodol-ogy, guarantees efficiencyandcost-effectiveness. Togetherwith thepragmaticand result-oriented approach, typical of Ad Ultima, this methodology is a means to control and steer the implementation.

Internatial expansionAd Ultima Belgium / France

Since its foundation Ad Ultima has experienced a sound and steady growth. Day in day out, dozensofhighlyqualifiedconsultantsensureaprofessionalcustomersupport. Ad Ultima is also expanding internationally. Since 2006 a branch has been set up in France so as to better serve the French customers and branches of Belgian companies.

The worldwide availability of a Microsoft Dynamics AX partner network enables us to success-fully complete international projects far beyond the Belgian borders.

Partner Power International

When we work locally in Belgium or France we work as Ad Ultima, when we are working with international customers, we are Partner Power Belgium/France.

Partner Power has a unique international focus and a unique exclusive committed partnership model.PartnerPowerdeliverssolutionsandservicesthatenable internationalorganizationstoincreasecontrol,improveefficiency,andboostcollaborationacrossmultiplesitesandcul-tures before, during and after your international project.

Partner Power is a global provider of Microsoft Dynamics solutions andservicesspecializingincreatingvalueforinternationalorganiza- tions with offices in more than one country. When you work with Partner Power, you tap into the knowledge and experience of a global organization made up of the leading Microsoft certified professionals working locally in more than 50 countries.








Ten reasons for working with Ad Ultima












Microsoft DynamicsAX, the technological platform that fits in perfectlywith yourdaily operations. TheUltimAXSuite,whichunitesthesectorspecificknowhowofAdUltimaandinte-grates it with Microsoft Dynamics AX. Business Intelligence and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 solutions seamlessly inte-grated with Microsoft Dynamics AX. WorkflowandEnterpriseDocumentManagementSolution(EDM),basedonMicrosoft Dynamics AX technology. A pragmatic and no-nonsense approach. Aprovenimplementationmethodologyguaranteeingefficiencyandcost-effective-ness. ThehighestrecognitionasMicrosoftGoldCertifiedPartner. Extremely favourable customer satisfaction credentials, according to an extensive customer satisfaction survey carried out within the framework of the Microsoft Presi-dent’s Club Award. Financially and structurally sound growth of Ad Ultima.

Ad Ultima N.V.Headquarters BelgiumBeneluxpark 78500 KortrijkBelgiumTel: +32 (0)56 740 740Fax: +32 (0)56 740 700 E-mail: info@adultima.beWebsite:

Ad Ultima France SAS.Headquarters France12 Place Saint Hubert 59000 LilleFranceTel: +33 (0)3 59 56 06 72 Fax: +33 (0)3 59 56 06 01 E-mail: info@adultima.frWebsite:

GeelKleinhoefstraat 52440 GeelBelgiumTel: +32 (0)14 57 00 89Fax: +32 (0)14 57 00 63

Paris75 avenue Parmentier75544 Paris Cedex 11FranceTel: +33 (0)1 40 21 44 35

LyonRegusLyonPlaza93, rue de la Villette69003 LyonFranceTel: +33 (0)4 20 10 25 86Fax: +33 (0)4 20 10 25 00

ReimsCentre d’Affaires Clairmarais9, rue André PingatBP 44151065 Reims CedexFranceTel: +33 (0)3 26 86 97 34