Census.gov · 2016-03-11 · NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Georgia LIST OF TABLES [Page numbers listed here...

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Transcript of Census.gov · 2016-03-11 · NUMBER OF INHABITANTS Georgia LIST OF TABLES [Page numbers listed here...




[Page numbers listed here omit the State prefix number which appears as part of the page number for each page. 'rhe prefix for this State is 11]

Table .Page !.-Population of Georgia, urban and rural: 1790 to 1950 _____________________________________ . 6

2.-Population in groups of places according to size: 1950-------------~----------------------- 6 3.-Population in groups of places according to size: 1900 to i950______________________________ 7 4.-Population of urban places of 10,000 or more from earliest census to 1950 _______ ._____________ 8 5.-Area and population of counties, urban and rural: 1930 to 1950----------------------------- 9 6.-Population of counties by minor civil divisions: 1930 to 1950_______________________________ 11 7.-Population of all incorporated places and of unincorporated places of 1,000 or more: 1950and1940- 22 8.-Population of cities of 5,000 or more, by wards: 1950-------------------------------------- 25 9.-Population of urbanized areas: 1950 ___ ~-------------------------------------~----------- 26














2 3




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5 6 ~(O!liesolthlll map lJl&1 be,purobased trom Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 26, D. O.



















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(Minus sign(-) denotes decrease]

Increase over pre- Increase over pre- Increase over pre-

Urban place and r~r~:iia. ceding census Urban place and Popula-

ceding census Urban place and Popula- ceding census

OOl>ll1l:Sytllll' ee= year ti on census year ti on

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

------ ------Al~~~-~: ______________ ColumbUJ!I city-Con. Macon city-Con.

23, 272 526 31, 166 12, 100 63.6 1000. ----------- --~--- 17, 614 311 1.8 1000 ...••..•• - - - ----- -- 2.3'

MNll. ···-·-··········- 19,056 4,548 31.4 1890. -----· --··------- 17,303 7, 180 70. 9 1800------------ - • --- -- 22, 746 9, 997 78.4

1900 •••••••.•. -- ····-- 14,li()7 2,962 25. 6 1880. ---------·-----·- 10, 123 2, 722 36.8 1880 ••.••...• ----·----- 12, 749 1, 939 17. 9' )'fl2() •••••••••••••••••• ll, lili5 3,365 41.1 1870. -·····------·--·- 7, 401 -2,220 -23,l

1870 ___________________ 10, 810 2,563 31. l 11110 •.•••••• --········ 8, 100 3,584 77. 8 1860. ----------------- 9,621 3, 67ll 61.9 1860 .••...•.• ---- ------ 8,247 2,li27 44.2'

1000 •• ·--·-····--· ---- 4,ll06 698 14. g 1850. ----------------- 5, 942 2,828 00.8 1850--------- ---- ---- - - 5, 720 1, 793 45. T

1300. - .. -----··· ------ 4,008 '192 24.6 1840. ----------------- 3,114 ... ., __ ., _____ ---------- 1840 _____ ---- - --- ------ 3, 927 ---------- ----------1:880 •• ________ .. ___ -- - 3,216 1, llll 53. l Marietta city:

18'10. - ---·------------ 2, 101 483 29.9 Dalton city: 20, 687

l'.$00 •• ·-·--·-··----- -· 1,618 .. --------- ....................... 1950. ----------------- 15, 008 5,520 62.8 1960. ------ -- -- - -- - - - - - 12,020 138. T

1940. ·----· --- -------- 10,448 2,288 28.0 1940 _______________ ---- 8, 667 1,029 13. 5 AmerlCltll cllJ; 1\130. ·------·------·-- 8, 160 2,938 56.3 1930------------------- 7,638 1,~~ 23.4-

1960 •••••••••••••••••• 11, 3811 2, 108 22. 7 1920. --------·--·----- 5,222 -102 -1.9 1920---------·-·· - ----- 6, 190 4.1 l1!41l .................. 9,281 621 5, 9 1910. ----------------- 6,324 1,009 23,4 1910 __________ - - ----- - - 5, 949 1, 503 33, 8 lllOO •••.. ,. ••••• --- - . -- 8, 760 -250 -2.8 1000. ------·-·-·------ 4,315 1, 269 41, 7

1000 ___________________ 4,446 1,062 31.4 lint!.···------·-·-··-- 9,010 947 11. 7 1800. ------···---····- 3,046 630 21.l 1800------------------- 3,384 1, 157 52. O' uno. --···-·- ------· __ 8,063 389 5.1 1880. -------··-··---·· '2, 616 707 39. l 1880. __________ -------- 2, 227 339 18. ()<

1000 ........ -------·-- 7,674 1, 276 19.9 1870. ------ ----···---- 1,809 160 9. 7 1870 ___________________

1,888 ~--- .. ----- ----------J.800_ ···-·· •• ··- •• - ·- - 6,31!8 2, 763 76.0 1860. --·····---------- 1, 649 ---------- ----------1880-------·-··· ........ 3,635 376 11.5 Mid way-Hard wick 1870 ................... 3, 259 ....... ------ ---- .. ~ ---- Deeatordty: (unlnc.): 1950 •••••• _____________ 21, 03li 5,074 30.6 1950 •••••••••• -- --- -- - • 14, 774 ---------- ----------

AthelUI city: 1G40 •••••• _____________ 16, 661 3,285 24. 7 lt!llO •••.••••. ·- ••• ---- 28, lSO 7,630 36.6 1930 ..•• ___________ ---· 13, 276 7, 126 116. 9 Moultrie city: 1114-0. ---------· -- ·-· -· 20,t\!i-O 2,458 13.5 19l!CL ........... ------· 6, 150 3,684 149. 4

1950 _________________ -- 11, 639 1,492 14, 7 19lle). _________________ 18, 192 1,444 8.6 1910 _______________ ---- 2,466 1,048 73.9 1940 ..•. ·- .• - -- -- -- -· - • 10, 147 2, 120 26.4-

1920 •••••••••••••.•••• 16, 748 1, 885 12.3 1900. ·-····----- ·-- ·--· 1,418 405 40.0 1930 _______________ ---- 8, 027 1,238 18. 2 lMO ••••.••••••••.•••. 14,913 4,668 46.6 1800. -------·-·-··· ··-- 1,013 374 68.5 1920 ___________ -------- 6, 789 3,440 102. 7 1900. -------··· ••••••• to, 245 1,606 lS.6 1880 ...... ----- -- -- -- -- 639 238 59.4 191 o ________ - ---- -- • - - - 3, 349 1, 128 50,S J.llllO_ ·-···--····-···-· 8,689 2,MO 41.!I 1870 _______________ ·' -- 401 -- .. ---·--- ---------- 1900 .•.....• ----------- 2, 221 ---------- ----------ll!l!O. -------··-·-·---· 6,009 1, 848 43.5 1S70. ···--------····-· 4, 251 403 10.5 Dublin city: Rome city: lt!OO. ----------------- 3,848 2, 187 131. 7 1950 ____ ··---· -- -----. - 10, 232 2, 418 30,9 1960------------------- 29, 616 3,333 12. 7 li!OO. -----·--· ..•. -· -• 1, 001 .............. ___ .................... 1940 .••••• _____________ 7,814 1, 133 17.0 1940 •.••••• ____________ 26, 282 4,439 20.3

AUallta oily: 1930 .••••• _____________ 6,681 -1,026 -13,3 1930 .. ----------------- 21, 843 8,591 64.8 1920 •..••• ___ -·- -·----- 7, 707 1, 912 33,0 1920 .• ------· - • ·- ------ 13, 262 l, 153 9,5

1950 •••..••.•.•••••••• 331,314 29,026 9,6 I 910 ••.. ··--· •• -- --- ••• 6, 795 2,808 94.0 1910 _______ -- - - ------- - 12, 099 4,808 65. 9 11l40. -----··--- .•••.•• 302, 288 lll, 922 11.8 I 900 •.•••• ·---. _ -- _ --- • 2, 987 2, 125 246.5 1900 .•• ··-----·- --- ---- 7, 291 334 4.8 1930 ••. ·-----------. - . 270, 300 69, 7.00 34.8 1890 ••• ________________ 862 288 60,2 1800 ••• ------- - ----- - - - 6, 957 a,080 79.4 1920. ··------·-·-·-· -- 200, 616 45, 777 29.6 1880 ___________ -------· 674 ---------- ---------- 1880----------··------- 3,877 1, 129 41, l hlit(} ••• --- --·--·-- -- - . 164, 839 64, 967 72.S 1870 ••.•. ·------------- 2, 748 -1, 262 -31,5 1900 .... __________ ·- •• 89,812 24,339 87.1 East Point city: 1860 ___________________ 4,010 ---------- ----------1800. ----···---------- tlfi,533 28, 124 75.2 1950 ••• ----- --· ---- -- - - 21,080 8,677 70.0 1880 ••• ····-·-··-- ·--· 37,409 15, 620 71. 7 1940 •••• ,. _____________ 12,403 2,891 30,4 Savannah city: 1871>. ···-······-···-···· 21, 789 1:1,Z& 128.1 1930 •.•• --·-··- ------ - • 9,512 4,271 81.5 1960 _____ , ------------ 119, 638 23,642 24.6 1860. -----·-··-·-- ---- 9,5114 6, 982 271.5 1920 ••• ···- ------------ 6, 241 1, 559 42.3

1940 ________________ -· 96, 996 10, 972 12.9 ll!60. -···-·-··-·-··-·· 2, 672 ---------- ........... ,. ........ 1910 ••..•• _____ -- ------ 3,682 2, 367 180.0 1930. - • - - - -- - ------- - • Sli,024 1, 772 2.1

Aupaia city; 1900 ___________________

1,316 577 78.2 1920. ----------------- 83, 252 18, 188 28.0 1800 •.••••• ____________ 738 ---------- ..................... 1910. - - - -- - -- ----- - - -- 66,064 10, 820 19. 9

i:3~:.-::::::::::::::: 71, 608 ll,1189 8.5 1900 •• -- -- -- -· ·---- -- - 54, 244 11, 055 25.6 66, 919 5,577 9,2 Gainesville city; 1800. ----------------- 43, 189 12,480 40.6

Ill:::::::::::::::::: ll0,342 7,'i'94 14.8 I ll60. ·····- -·- -- --- - -- - 11, 936 1,693 16.5 1880. --· - ·-------- -- -- 30, 709 2,474 8.8 uno ........•.•. ______ 52,548 11, 608 28.0 lll40 ___________ -------- 10,243 1,619 18.8 1870 -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- 28, 235 5,9~3 26. 7

lllOO ..... .- •• ---·--- -· 41,040 1,599 4, l rnao ...... _____ ----·-·- 8,624 2,352 37.5 1860 .• - ···-----------· 22,292 6,980 45.6

lSWI!. --··- ••• ·--· - ·- --39,441 6,141 18.4 1920 .• -- .•. -- -- -- - - -- - - 6,272 347 5. 9 33,300 11, 409 52.1 \gJO ___________ -- ------ 6,926 1,543 35.2 1850 -- -- ------ --- - --- • 15, 312 4,098 36.5 18111l--······-·-·--··-· 21,891 6,502 42.3 190() _________________ --

4,382 1, 180 36. ll 1840. - ---------------- 11, 214 li!llll.------···-·------ 15,389 2,896 23.2 1890 ·····-· ---------··- 3,202 1,283 66. 9 1830 •. - -----·--- -- - -- • (') ---------- ----------

1800 •••••••.•••.•••••• 12,493 3,045 32.2 1880 ...... _ ----·------. -·-·2;aos- ----------1, 919 1,447 306.6 1820 ...• -------------- 7,623 44.3 1860 .................. I 9, 448 3,045 47.6

1870 .•...•. --···------- 472 128 37.2 1810 ••...• - - ---- -- ---- 5,216 69 1,3 1840 .................. ~403

1860------- ----------- - 344 ---------- .. .. -------- 1800 .• ---------------- 5, 146 ------ .. --- ----------1830 ..................

.................... ... ________

~=::::::::::::::::: ________ ,.._ ................... Grlfiln city: Thomasville city: -----·26i" ---------- 1950 .•.•••••••• --- --·-- 18, 982 760 5. 7 1950 ____ - - -· -· - -- - -- -- 14,424 1, 741 13.7 2,476 11.8 1940 _______ ---- ·-. ----- 13, 222 2, 901 28. l 1940 .• ---- ------------ 12, 683 950 8.1

Ul()O_ - ----·· ...... ·- -- 2,216 ............... -~ ........... -......... 1930 _________________ - -10, 321 2,081 . 25.3 1930 ______ ------------ 11, 733 3, 537 43,2

Brunllri<lk city: 1920 ___________ ------- - 8,240 762 10,2 1920 .• - - • - - ----- - -- - -- 8, 196 1,469 21.8

l~---·--------·-···· 17,964 2,919 19.4 ,rn10 •• ________________ .

7,478 621 9.1 1910 •••••• -·-------- -- 6, 727 1,405 26,4

l:J:: :::::::::::::::: 1900 ..... _________ ----. 6,867 2,364 52.3 1900. - - - - - -- ----- --- -- 5,322 -192 -3.5 15,0i!S 1,013 7.2 1800 ..• ________________

4,603 883 24.4 1890 ______ ------------ 5,514 2,969 116.8 U,022 -391 -2. 7 1880 .. _________________ H,413 4,231 41.6 1870. ---------· -·- - •• - -

3,620 199 6.8 1180. ·---- ---- - --- -- -- 2,665 904 64.8 l:VllL ................ 10, 182 1,101 12. l

1seo __________________ • 3,421 '566 19. 8 1870 .• - • -- - --- ·-- - - -- - 1, 661 ---------- ----------rr::: ~::::::: :::::::: 9,081 1122 7.4.

2, 856 ................... --------.. --8, 469 5,568 192.6 La Grange city:

Valdosta city:

=:::::::::::::::::: 2,891 543 23,l 1::::::::::::::::::::: 1960 __ ---------------- 20,046 4,451 28.5

25,025 3,042 13.8 1940. ----------------- 15, 695 2,113 15, 7 ]!!6() __ -----··---- •••••

2, 348 11 1523 184.6 21,983 1, 852 9.2 1930 ______ -----·------ 13,482 2,.699 25.0 825 ---i------- ..................... 1930 .•... ______ --·--·-- 20, 131 3,093 18.2 1920 ·- - ---·----- ------ 10, 783 3, 127 40. 9

<:.•'=>~~~-~·!~: ... .. --· lll20. ------ -- - ---- - -- -- 17, 038 11,461 206.0 1910 ______ ------------ 7, 656 2,043 36,4 14, 536 6,322 77.0

l 9lQ. __________________ 5,687 1,313 30, 7 1900 ______ ------------ 5, 613 2, 759 96. 7

1000 ......... ·- -- • - -- • -

ll~~rn~~E~'.t~~~ 8,2UI 1,009 24,4 1800 •• ·-· ··--· ---- - -- - -

4,274 1, 184 38. 3 1800. _____ ------------ 2,854 1, 339 88.4 6,604 2, 1182 82.3 is~:::::::::::::::::::

3,000 796 34.6 1880 .• ··--·- ---------- 1, 515 316 26.4 3,622 1,449 66. 7

2,296 242 ll.8 1870 ______ ---·-------- l, 199 1,033 622. 3 2,063 1860 •• ---- ------------ 166 ll,173 1,656 a20. a 18/lO. ________ ---·- ----- (1)

______ .. ___ -- ........ ____ ---------- _________ .. 517 .................... .............. ___ ..................... .................... 1850 •• ____________ ----- 1,523 .................... ---------- Waycross dty:

Cal-.ilnbu citr 1 Macon city: 1960. ---------------·- 18, 899 2, 136 12. 7

iii~:::::::::::::::: 'l'll,.611 26,331 49.4

t5L:::::::::::::::: 70, 252 12,387 21.4 1940 ______ -- -------- -- 16, 763 1, 253 8.1

llll.280 10, 149 23. 5 1930 .. ---- ---·----·--- 15, 510 -2, 558 -14.2 43,131 12. 000 38,6

67,865 4,036 7. 5 1920 ______ ------------ 18, 068 3,683 24. 7 ~.; .................. Bl, 1241 10, 571 61, 4 im::::::::::::::::::: 63,829 834 1. 6 1910 ______ -------·-·-- 14, 485 8,566 144. 7 l ................... l!Q, liM 2..940 16. 7 62, 995 12,330 30.3 ,1000 ______ ------------ 5, 919 2,555 76.0 40,665 17,393 74. 7 1800. - ·-----. - -- -- ·- -- 3,364 ---------- ----------

11~™1. 1 11!h@~~ttiy.


Table 5 .-AREA AND POPULATION OF COUNTIES, URBAN AND RURAL: 1930 TO 1950 [Figures In italics are shown only for those counties where change In definition affects urban and rural classification. Minus sign(-) denotes decrease. Percent not shown where base

is less than 100]


Map refer­ence (sco

p. 11-2)

Land area in square miles, 1950


Per Total square


Total population

Percent Increase

1940 1930 1940 1930 to to

1950 1940

Urban population

1950 1940 Percent increase

Rural population

1950 1940 Percent increase

Percent urban

1950 1940

_________ , ___ ----------------------- --------------------------The State _________ -------- 58, 483 3,444, 578 58, 9 3, 123, 723 '2,908,506 10, 3 7. 4 1, 559, 447 ---------- -------- 1, 885, 131 ---------- ---------- 45. 3 --------

Old urban defini-tion ____________ -------- ---------- ---------- -----'-- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- 1, 381, 868 1, 079, 808 SB. 7 S, OBS, 710 !!, 0491915 0.6 40, t 84. 4 ----------------------- -----------------------------

Appling _______________ K-10 514 14,003 27.2 14,407 13,314 -3.4 8.9 3,409 2,916 16.0 10,594 11,581 -8.5 24.3 20.1 Atkinson________________ M-9 318 7, 362 23. 2 7, 093 O, 894 3. 8 2. 9 ___ _ 7, 362 7, 093 a. 8 -------- _ -------Bacon__________________ L-9 293 8,940 30.5 8,096 7,055 10.4 14.8 ----2;588- :::::::::: ::: ___ :_ 6,352 8,096 -21.5 28.9 --------Baker__________________ M-3 355 5,952 16.8 7,344 7,818 -19.0 -6.1 ___ -------- 5,952 7,344 -19.0 -------- --------Baldwin_______________ G-7 265 20, 706 112.1 24, 190 22, 878 22. 8 5. 7 ---2ii,-6oii- ::::::: ___ -------- 6, 097 ---------- ---------- 79. 5 --------

Old urban definition __ -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- -------- 8, 895 6, 778 30. ti !!O, 871 17, 4U 19. 9 119. 7 SB. o Banks __ ------------ __ _ Barrow ________________ _ Bartow ________________ _ Ben Hill__ ____________ _ Berrien. _______________ _

C-6 D-6 C-3 K-7 M-7

231 171 463 255 466

6, 935 13, 115 27, 370 14, 879 13, 966

30.0 76. 7 59.1 58.3 30.0

8, 733 13, 064 25, 283 14,52;3 15, 370

9, 703 12,401 25, 364 13, 047 14, 646

-20.6 0.4 8. 3 2. 5


-10.0 5.3

-o.3 11,3 4.9

Bibb___________________ H-6 251 114,079 454. 5 83, 783 77, 042 36. 2 8. 7 Old urban definition __ -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- --------

Bleckley_______________ 1-7 219 9, 218 42.1 9, 655 9, 133 -4, 5 5. 7 Brantley_______________ M-11 447 6, 387 14. 3 6, 871 6, 895 -7. o -0. 3 Brooks.________________ N-6 492 18, 169 36. 9 20, 497 21, 330 -11. 4 -3. 9 Bryan__________________ J-12 439 5, 965 13. 6 6, 288 5, 952 -5.1 5. 6

Bullock _______________ _ Burke ______ ------------Butts. ________________ _ Calhoun ______________ _ Camden ______________ _

1-11 G-11 G-5 L-3


684 24, 740 36. 2 26, 010 832 23, 458 28. 2 26, 520 185 9, 079 49. 1 9, 182 289 8, 578 29. 7 10, 438 656 7, 322 11. 2 5, 910

26, 500 29, 224 9, 345

10, 576 6,338

-4.9 -1.9 -11.5 -9.3 -1.1 -1. 7

-17.8 -1.3 23. 9 -6.8

----4;004- --·-a;off ---i5:9· 1, 270 6, 141 18.4 8, 130 7, 388 10. 0 3, 414 ---------- --------

93, 499 10.£5£ --·51;sa5- ---sn-3,357 ---------- --------

---T'iiiii- ---T45o· ----1:2·

6,097 4,461

5,028 3,793

21.3 17. 6

Candler________________ I-11 251 8, 063 32.1 9, 103 8, 991 -11. 4 l. 2 ----- __ CarroJL_______________ F-2 495 34, 112 68. 9 34, 156 34, 272 -0.1 -0. 3 ----7;753- ----ii;2i4- 24. 8-Catoosa________________ A-2 167 15, 146 90. 7 12, 199 9, 421 24. 2 29. 5 2;248 ---------- --------

C~~~lf'c[g~~-~~~!:i_~:: --N::.io- -----79g- ·---rs2i- ----a:o- ----s;2sii- ----4;ssi- ·-::a:ii- --·20:0-

Chatham.------------- J-13 441 151, 481 343. 5 117, 970 105, 431 28. 4 11. 9 Old urban definition __ -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- --------

Chattahoochee_________ J-3 253 12, 149 48. O 15, 138 8, 894 -19. 7 70. 2 Chattooga______________ B-1 317 21, 197 66. 9 18, 532 15, 407 14. 4 20, 3 0herokee_______________ C-4 414 20, 750 50.1 20, 126 20, 003 3. 1 0. 6 Clarke.________________ D-7 125 36, 550 292.4 28,398 25, 613 28. 7 10. 9

{J!ay___________________ L-2 224 5, 844 26. l 7, 064 6, 943 -17. 3 1. 7 Clayton_______________ E-4 149 22, 872 153. 5 11, 655 10, 260 96. 2 13. 6

Old urban definition __ -------- ---------- ---------- -----·-- ---------- ---------- -------- --------Clinch _________________ N-9 796 6,007 7.5 6,437 7,015 -6.7 -8.2 Cobb___________________ D-3 346 61, 830 178. 7 38, 272 35, 408 61. 6 8.1

Old urban definition __ -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- --------

Coffee__________________ L-8 613 23, 961 39.1 21, 541 19, 739 11. 2 9.1 Colquitt_______________ M-5 563 33, 999 60. 4 33, 012 30, 622 3. o 7. 8 Columbia______________ E-10 306 9, 525 31.1 9, 433 8, 793 1. O 7. 3 Cooke__________________ M-7 226 12, 201 54. O 11, 919 • 11, 311 2. 4 5. 4 Coweta________________ F-3 443 27, 786 62. 7 26, 972 25, 127 3. 0 7. 3

Crawford __________ • ___ _

CrisP-------------------Dade __________________ _ Dawson _______________ _

Decatur _____ -----------

H-5 K-5 A-1 C-5 N-3

313 206 165 213 612

6,080 17, 663 7,364 3, 712

23, 620

19.4 59. 7 44. 6 17.4 38.6

7, 128 17, 540 5,894 4,479

22, 234

7,020 17, 343 4, 146 3,502

23, 622

-14.7 o. 7

24.9 -17.1

6. 2

1. 5 1.1

42.2 27.9


De Kalb_______________ E-5 269 136, 395 507. 0 86, 942 70, 278 56. 9 23. 7 Old urban definition __ -------- ---------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------- --------

Dodge__________________ J-7 499 17, 865 35. 8 21, 022 21, 599 -15. O -2. 7 Dooly__________________ J-5 304 14, 159 35. 9 16,886 18, 025 -16.1 -6. 3 Dougherty_____________ L-4 326 43, 617 133. 8 28, 565 22, 306 52. 7 28.1

Douglas _____ -----------

~~l~s=::::::::=::::::: Effingham ____________ _ Elbert _________________ _

E-3 M-2 0-8 1-12 C-8

201 526 425 480 362

12, 173 17, 413 2,494 9, 133

18, 585

60. 6 33.1

5. 9 ·10.0 51. 3

10, 053 18, 679 2,964 9, 646

19, 618

9,461 18, 273 2,744

10, 164 18, 485

21.1 -6.8

-15.9 -5.3 -5.3

6.3 2.2 8.0

-5.1 6.1

128, 196 ---------- --------119, ass 05, ooa s4. o

----1;ooi- ----s;soo· ---84:2· 2, 716 2, 651 2. 5

28, 180 20, 650 36. 5

6,387 ---------- --------5,960 SSS t,1183.3

---2a;siS- ---------- -------­so, oar ----8;667- --i38.T 7,428 5,175 43.5

11, 639 10, 147 14. 7

2, 776 ---------- --------8, 218 7, 182 14. 4

----.,;552- ----6;352- ---iii:o-

97, 077 ---------- --------68, 545 45, 555 50. /j 3, 597 3, 311 8. 6

--iii;i55- ---iii;os5- ---63:5-

3,400 3,234

2,555 2,774

33.1 16. 6

6, 935 8, 511

20, 100 6, 749

10, 552

20,580 43,827 5,861 6,387

13, 400 6,96-0

18, 643 18,097 9,079 8,578 7,322

8,063 26, 359 12,898 15,148 4,821

23,28-0 SJ, 84S 12, 149 14, 196 18, 034 8,370

5,844 16,485 16, 91£

6,007 38,012 41, 143

16, 533 22, 360 9,525 9,425

19, 568

6,080 8,201 7,364 3,712

16, 058

39,318 67,850 14, 268 14, 159 12,462

8, 773 14, 179 2,494 9, 133


8, 733 11,090

19, 142 7, ia5


-20.6 -6,4

5,0 -5.4


---i6;9iS- -----6ii:i" 9, 655 -39.3 6,871 -7.0

16, 047 -10. 5 6,288 -5. l

20,982 22, 727 9,182

10, 438 5,910

-11.l -10.4 -1.1

-17.8 23,9

-·-35:i· ----30:4 26. 6 24. 3 54. 6 50. 0 24. 4

82. 0 61.6 69.1 36. 4

---25:2- ----2i:7

24. 6 19. 3 19. 0 14. 3

2~: A~~ -!~: i ---22.-1- ----is:2 ---------- ---------- 14. 8 --------

lS,199 £4.11 -------- --------5,256 -8.3 -------- --------

---~1:ar:r -----44:9-rn, 138 -19. 1 14, 732 -3,6 17,475 3.2

84. 6 --------79. 0 81.4

-··3s.-if ----20:5 13.1 13.2

7, 748 8.0 77.1 72. 7

----~~~~~- ---=~~~~- ---ffii- ::=::::: 11, 817 49. 4 S6. 1 S. 9 6,437 -6. 7 -------- --------

---sii;aof -----99:ir ~~J SS.8

16, 366 22,865 9,433

11, 919 19, 790

7,128 9, 611 5,894 4,479

15, 882

1.0 -2,2

1.0 -20.9 -1.l

-14. 7 -14. 7

24.9 -17.1


---4i;ssr- ---·-as:o-11, 711 -19.4 16,886 -16,1. 9, 510 31. 0

7,498 15, 905 2,964 9, 646

13, 430

17.0 -10.9 -15.9 -5,3


31.0 24.0 34.2 30. 7

22. 8 --------29. 6 26. 6

71. 2 --------50. 3 liS.4 20.1 15. 8

--7iT ----66:7

27.9 25.4 18.6 14.9

EmanueL_____________ H-10 686 19, 789 28. 8 23, 517 24, 101 -15. 9 -2. 4 4, 300 3, 575 20. 3 15,489 19, 942 -22.3 21. 7 15. 2 Evans__________________ J-11 186 6,653 35.8 7,401 7,102 -10.1 4.2 ---------- ---------- -------- 6,653 7,401 -10.l -------- -·------Fannin_________________ A-4 396 15, 192 38. 4 14, 752 12, 969 3. O 13. 7 ---------- ---------- -------- 15,1D2 14, 752 3.0 -------- _______ ".. Fayette________________ F-4 199 7,978 40.1 8,170 8,665 -2.4 -5.7 ---------- ---------- -------- 7,978 8,170 -2.4 -------- --------Floyd__________________ C-2 514 62,899 122.4 56,141 48,667 12.0 15.4 32,849 ---------- -------- 30,050 ---------- ---------- 52,2 --------

Old urban definition __ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B9,611i 98,SBS 1B.7 SS,!!84 !9,859 11.5 47.1 48.8

Forsyth._______________ C-5 243 11,005 45.3 11,322 10,624 -2.8 6.6 ---------- ---------- -------- 11,005 11,322 -2.s -------- --------Franklin_______________ B-7 26Q 14, 446 53. 7 15, 612 15, 902 -7. 5 -1. 8 ---------- ---------- -------- 14, 446 15, 612 -7. 5 -------- --------Fulton ___________ ~----- D-4 523 473,572 905.5 392,886 318,587 20.5 23.3 407,076 ---------- -------- 66,496 ---------- ---------- 86.0 --------

Old urban definition __ ------------------·----------------------------------------------------- 958,740 SJ0,788 14.8 116,BSB 8S,100 JS.II 75.8 79.1 Gilmer_________________ A-4 439 9,963 22.7 9,001 7,344 10.7 22.6 ---------- -----·---- -------- 9,963 9,001 10.7 -------- --------i{.lascock_______________ G-9 142 3,579 25.2 4,547 4,388 -21.3 3.6 ---------- ---------- -------- 3,579 4,547 -21.3 -------- -------·

Glynn__________________ M-12 423 29, 046 68. 7 21, 920 19, 400 32. 5 13. o 22, 114 ---------- --- ----- 6, 932 ---------- ---------- 76.1 Old urban definition __ -------------------------------------------·---------------------------· 17,954 15,035 19.4 11,09! 6,885 81.1 61.8

Gordon________________ B-3 358 18, 922 52. 9 18, 445 16, 846 2. 6 9. 5 S, 231 2, 955 9. S 15, 691 15, 490 1, 3 17.1 Grady__________________ N-4 467 18, 928 40. 5 19, 654 19, 200 -3. 7 2. 4 6, 577 4, 653 19. 9 13, 351 15, 001 -11. 0 29. 5 Greene_________________ E-7 404 12, 843 31. 8 13, 709 12, 616 -6. 8 8. 7 2, 688 ---------- -------- 10, 155 13, 709 -25, 9 20. 9 --------Gwinnett._____________ E-5 437 32, 320 74. o 29, 087 27, 853 11. 1 4. 4 6, 744 4, 191 60. 9 25, 576 24, 896 2. 7 20. 9 . 14, 4

1 State total for 1930 Includes population (9,903) of Campbell County and population (6, 730) of Milton Oounty, annexed to Fulton County in 1932.


11;.10 GEORGIA



H~---········· liill.tl ..•..•••••••••.••.••• , ~t ............. .


l=:c::::::::::::::: Ji:;.·:~:::::::::::: Irwin'" ............... .

J'~ ••••..•••.••.••.

§~:~::::::::::: 1$11!ldm\ •........ ~ ..•••••

}~:::::::::::::::: L$J;:Mr ............... .. Lmldl!r ................ . ~--·············

=:::::::::::::::: ~:::::::::::::: ~4::::::::::::: M0;fut• ............. .

~~'.:::::::::::::: M'.'~11 •.••••••.•..••••

Monroo-:::::::: :::::::

Map refer­ence (!!00


Jl-7 1HI F-ll D-1 H-2

(}-!! p..1,1 H J-.G L-1

0-6 F-6 X-9 F-10


H-8 G-6 G-6 N-8 1-8

x ..... K·ll D-9

K-11 N-7

lh'I »-• J,..U

1-:i C-'l

I-a a-a M·2 M""' 0.-ll

Land fl.roaln 1950 square i---~-­mne~.


283 42ti 48.5 21!.fi 46.5

~7 3(11 3111 3'lll m 3117 373 3111 532 lllil

313 402 l8l 167 811

3li5 510 2b3 403 506

2!12 263 431 399 281

36.5 (911

'm 511 399

Per Total square

16,553 40, 113 n. o.~2 14, 663 11,265

14,495 6, 975

15, 857 20, 964 11,973

18,997 7,473 ll,299

18,IJM 10,264

9,893 7,538

10,242 5,151

33, 123

6,674 8,444 6,462 3,598 ~211

6,574 11,443 6,008

14,213 12, 238

6,521 21,05;5 ll,023

22, 628 10,523


58.5 94.2 22.8 51.4 24.2

56.4 23.2 47.ll M.3 32.2

56.4 20.0 28.1 35.4 29.2

31.6 18.8 56.6 30.8 40.8

18.S 16.6 25.5 8.9


22.5 43.5 13.9 35.6 43.6

17. g 42.2 81.4 44.1 26.4

Tot.al population


14, 771 34.822 12, i64 14, 377 11,428

15, 512 8, 610

15, 119 11,303 12, 1136

20, 089 8, 772 8,841

20,040 11,843

12,953 8,331

10,091 11,632


7,837 8, 595 7,042 4, 086


6, 223 10,878 il,292

15,947 13, 431

6,954 22, Cl55 9,998

23,2& 10,749


12, 748 30, 313 13, 070 13, 263 11, 140

15, 174 9, 102

15, 924 11, 280 12,199

21, 609 8, 594 8, 118

20, 727 12, !I08

12, 681 8,992 9, 745 5, 190

32, 693

8, 3llll 8, 153 7,847 4,180

29, 994

4, 927 9,014 5, 763

16,643 14, 921

6,968 22, 437 9,076

23, 620 11, 606

Urban populat!on


1940 1930 1950 1940 Percent increase

to to 1950 1940

12.1 15.2

-13.4 2.0


-6. 6 -10.0

4. 9 85. 5


-5.4 -14.8

5. 2 -5.9


-23.6 -0. 5

1. 5 -8.5 -1.4

-14.8 -1.8 -8.2

-11.9 10. 5

5. 6 5.2

13. 5 -10.9 -8.9

-6,2 -4.5 -9.8 -3. 2 -2.1

15.9 14. g

-2.3 8.4 2.6

· ··ii;oao· ···i5;243· ·· ·iii~ii · ····2;826" :::::::::: ::::::::

2.2 2,964 ·········- ••·••••· -5.4 ........................... .

-g --·i1:sar :::::::::: :::::::: 6.0 2,697 ••••·••·•• ....... .

-7.0 2. 1 8.ll

-3.3 -8.3

3,351 8,294 1.7

""""2;687" :::::::::: :::::::: --·-a;449· ···Taw· ···2ia·

2. 1 •••••••••.•••••••••••.••••••

-~:~ ···-r1S5· ···-a;535· ···iiff ~: ~ ""'iii;2ii2" """"7;8i4" ···35~9·

-5.9 5.4

-10.3 -2.2


26.3 20. 7

-8.2 -4.2

-10. 0

····3;4Sr ···-a:ass· ···ia~ii­····z92i· :::::::::: ::::::::

M:Mil~....... •... K"-1 236 7, llOl 33. 6 9, 668 10, 020 -18. 3 -3. 5 •••••••.••.•.•••••••.••• ., .. ~-····· ........ liH 366 11, Bllll 83. 4 12, 718 12, 488 -6. 4 1. 8 .......... •••••••••• •••••••• ~~--·······•······ A~ 342 10,676 31.2 11 137 9 215 -4 1 20 9 l!.fl!lf®P1& ........ ;...... I-a 220 us, 028 536. 5 7~ 494 s1: 558 56: 3 31: 2 ···95;iso· .......... ········ (lld.~deftnltlon •• ·······-~ .................... •••••••• .................... •••••••• •••••••• 79,(111 ···59;i80" ···.iB~.r

!imm.-............ liH 273 20, 185 73. g 18, 076 17, 200 8. 7 7. 4 8, 399 7, 016 19. 7 D-IT 186 7, 000 37. 7 7, 576 8;082 -7. 5 -6. 3 ........................... . ~· 4l!ll 9,958 23.1 12,41l0 12,1127 -111.9 -3.8 •·••••··•· ······•·•• ....... .

1-6 m H:~~ ~u :&~ :&: 1~~ n ····ii;82ii- --··4;953· ···31~r M~ ~ 8,856 39.4 9, 136 9,687 -3. l -5. 7 ........................... .

"' , ll, 112 32. 5 11, 800 12, 522 -5. 8 -5. B ........................... . ........ . 280 8,-!W 36.8 10,375 10,853 -18. 5 4, 4 • ~~ ~~ ~s.~ ::~ 28,

11,m u

9 ••


5 _


4 1a.2 ···ia;29r ···i2;159· --·-s:9·

<><>• 9. 2 3, 342 3, 000 11. 4

j:~ ffil N~l 2217'7 I 8, 514 8, 367 -9. 2 I. 8 2, 749 ................. . A-7 3-09 7:424 20:1 ~::~ ~:: -~~:~ -~:l ........................... .

......... K-a 436 rn,804 a1.1 16.600 11,114 -rn.9 -a.s ... J.00·257·4•· :·.· •• ·3_;_44_·_1_·_ ·.·.·-~a-~_s_·_ '""""ii""'"' P..10 325 108,876 335.0 81,863 72.990 311.0 12,2 .,.. . .

~Jon ••••••••••• ····························.................................... 71,608 86,919 8.6

~ 1! 8,464 66.l 7, 724 7, 247 9. 6 6. 6 .................... ••••···• 1.... 4,036 24.9 • 6,083 5,347 -19.8 -5.9

H-11 61il 18.000 27;6 20,358 20,503 -11.6 -0,7 ----2;939· .•.. 2;53i" ... iB:°i" ~:f i\f 3} ~ 1~ s s. 4112 7, 389 -6. 9 14. g 2. 569 •.•••..••••..•••••

~~.:: '········ ............... : .......... ~ ..... ~:~ •••• ~:~~- •••• ~:~. 2to }~;~~ ···is;i;;· ···Tr-

43, 8'10 10. 848 9,Ii7 7, 61!0


36,762 11, 196 8, 1112 6,340

19, '509

13. 6 -3.4 -$.ll -4,7


6, 781 23.4

19, 4. 82, 870 29, 460 11. 6

~H i .... ~:~:~. :::::::::: ::::::::, 28'. a , ···i3;04g- ···ia;91s· ··::a:ir

Rnral population Percent urban


16, 553 28, 177 11,052 11, 837 11,265

11, 531 6,975

15, 857 9, 129 9,276

15, 646 7,473 0, 612

18, 855 6,815

9,893 7,538 6,057 5, l,51

22, 891

6,674 8,444 6,462 3,598


6,574 7,9M 6,008

11,292 12,238

6, 521 17, 071 9,023

14,418 7,398

7,001 11;899 10, 676 22,848 SB,417

11, 786 7,009 9,958

11, 752 4,885

8,855 11, 112 8,459

17, 685 5,466

4,982 3,015 7,424 9,779

24,802 S7,tJfJ8

8,,464 4,036

15,061 5,335

12,'798 17, 063

9,866 9, 194

12, 8~9 7,685 4,516

15,9ll9 9, 113

13,221 9,903


13,044 15,814 8, 764 4,803 6,522

16, 971 7,561 s,,aos· 7,i818



14, 771 24, 570 12, 764 14, 877 11,428

15, 512 8, 610

15, 119 JI, 303 12, 036

16, 795 8, 772 8, 841

20, 040 9,023

12, 053 8, 331 6, 556 5,632

25, 792

7,837 • 8,595

7,042 4,086

16, 265

6, 223 7, 790 5, 292

15, 947 rn, 431

6,9M 18, 638 9,998

18,094 10, 749

Percent increase

12.1 14. 0

-13.4 -17. 7 -1.4

-25. 7 -19.0

4. 9 -19.2 -28.3

-6.8 -14.8 -25.2 -5.9


-23.6 -9.5 -1.6 -8.5


-14.8 -1.8 -8.2

-11.9 -6.8

5.6 2.1

13. 5 -29.2 -8.9

1950 1940

···29:s- ····29~4

"""iii:ii" :::::::=

20. 4 ....... .

"""iiii:ii· :::::::= . 22. 5 .•......

17.6 16.4

···2s~ii- :::::::= ···33~(i- ····23~3

--·4o:ii· ····as:o ···35~9· ····23~3

···aiiX ----23:4

"""2ii:6· :::::::=

=U --·is~ii- ····15~5 -~: ~ """3ii~5- ····22~2 -31.2 29. 7 ....... .

9,668 -18.3 ........ ••·•··•• 1~. 713 -6. 4 ............... . ll, 137 -4.1

···11::et:i· ·····1fi>" ·--~ff ::::;a~i 11, 560 7,576

12,430 12, 832 5,425

9, 136 11, 800 10,375 15, 678 6,829

8, 514 3,435 7,821

13, 162

2.0 -7.5

-19.9 -8.4


-3.1 -5.8

-18.5 12.8


41. 0 37. 8

-41. 5 35. 6 .••••.•• -12. 2 ............... .

-~:} --·29~2· ····20~8 ···i6,"i1:U· ·--·1ar:i- 77. 2 ....... .

65. 7 80. 6

7, 724 5,033

17,822 8,492

9.6 ............... . -19. 8 •••·••·· .•...... -15.5 16.3 '12,4 -37. 2 32. 5

"""i6,"H06" ..... ifi" .n: ~ 7,478

10, 603 15, 221 8,096 6,278

31. 9 40. 7 42. 4

=~~J ···41:0· --··37~9 -5.7 0.7 0.6

-28.1 ••··•••· ...... ..

16, 243 10, 768 15, 145 12, 994 18, 606

-1.9 -15,4 -12. 7 -23.8


···1s:srr ·····is~a· 12, 843 -31. 8 4,925 -2.5 7, 6:12 -14.5

17: 7 -30.8 -:-8.9 -4.7


42.4 ....... . 30.1! £8.1 49.6 24. 2

65. 9 67.1 27. 8 ·······-




Map refer­ence (see


Land area in square rnlles, 1950

Total population


Per 1940 1930 Total square



1940 1930 to to

1950 1940

Urban population

1950 1940 Percent Increase 1950

Rural population

1940 Percent increase

Percent urban

1950 1940

---------1------------------------ --------------------------Walker---------------- A-1 448 38, 198 85. 3 31, 024 26, 206 23.1 18. 4

Old urban definition ___ ------------------------------------------------------------------------Walton________________ D-6 330 20, 230 61. 3 20, 777 21, 118 -2. 6 -1. 6 Ware__________________ M-9 912 30, 289 33. 2 27, 929 26, 558 8. 4 5. 2 Warren________________ E-9 284 8, 779 30. 9 IO, 236 ll, 181 -14. 2 -8 . .5

Washington ____________ G-8 674 21,012 31. 2 24, 230 25, 030 -13.3 -3.2 Wayne _________________ K-11 646 14, 248 22.1 13, 122 12, 647 8. 6 3.8 Webster. ____ ---------. J-3 195 4,081 20.9 4, 726 5, 032 -13.6 -6.l Wheeler._------------- J-8 306 6, 712 21. 9 8, 535 9, 149 -21.4 -6. 7 White .. ----------- ____ B-6 243 5, 951 24. 5 6,417 6, 056 -7.3 6.0 Whitfield ______________ A-3 281 34, 432 122. 5 26, 105 20, 808 31. 9 25. 5 Wilcox _________________ K-6 383 10, 167 26. 5 12, 755 13, 439 -20.3 -5.1 Wilkes ___ --------·-- ___ E-8 472 12, 388 26. 2 15, 084 15, 944 -17.9 -5.4 Wilkinson._----------- H-8 458 9, 781 21.4 11, 025 10, 844 -11.3 I. 7 Worth. ________________ L-6 580 19, 357 33. 4 21, 374 21,004 -9.4 1. 3

12, 538 8, 776 ---·1:047" --·24~5-4, 542 4, 168 9. 0

18, 899 16, 763 12. 7

4,480 3, 566 25. 6 4, 605 2, 903 58.6

-~-------- ---------- ------------------ ---------- ---- .. ------------- _________ .,,. --------

15, 968 10, 448 52.8

---·s:sa2· ----3,-537· ----;;:5----·2;623" ---------- ------------------ --------

25,860 29,4££ 15, 688 11,390 s, 779

16, 532 9,643 4,081 6, 712 5, 951

18,464 10, 167 8,586 9, 781

16, 734

20, 664 -20.0 10, 219 -5.6 4, 726 -13.6 8,535 -21.4 6,417 -7.3

15, 657 17.9 12, 755 -20.3 11, 647 -25.6 11,025 -11.3 21,374 -21.7


;g ----ifi 22. 5 20.1 62.4 60.0

21.3 14. 7 32.3 22.1

-------- ______ .. _ _,.. __ ,.. ___ --·---- .. -------- ------- ..

46.4 40.0

---iiiff --·-23:4 -----------iii:ii" --------

["Unlno.'' designates an unincorporated place. "Districts" shown here represent militia districts. Minor civil division figures for 1940 and 1930 do not necessarily add to county totals. Figures for 1940 and 1930 not available for unincorporated places and places incorporated since April 1, 1010, Boundary obauges between 1940 and 1950 given in footnotes; for changes between 1930 and 1940, see reports of 16th Census (1940), Population, Vol. I, pp. 244-254. Total population of a place located within 2 or more counties or minor olvD divisions appears ln table 7]

County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 --------- --- ---

Appling County _____________ 14, 003 14,497 18,314 Banks County ______________ 6,935 8,733 9, 703 Bartow County-Con. --------- --------- Dist. 1425, Emerson ____________ 691 983 989 Dist. 443, Tillman ______________ 77:& 893 929 Dist. 207, Davids _______ -------- 657 886 1,070 Emerao'll city _________________ 508 458 4B4 Dist. 456, Grahnrn ______________ 1, 003 1, 176 1, 301 Dist. 208, Bushville ____________ 673 890 1,018 Dist. 1471, lron Hill------------ 442 481 528

Graham town _________________ 160 165 sro Dist. 265, Romer _______________ 951 1,227 l, 135 Dist. 1472, Taylorsville _________ 919 1, 159 1, 278 Dist. 457, Baxley _______________ 5, 706 5, 174 4,124 Homer town __________________ 840 !88 S48 Tauloraville town (part)'------ SSS SSS SS9 Baxlev citV-------·------------ 9,J,09 S,910 t,US Dist. 284, Washln~ton----·----- 531 655 771

Dist. 583, Thornton •• __________ 1, 073 1, 172 l, 180 Dist. 371, Columb a ____________ 186 344 441 Ben Bill County ____________ 14,879 14,523 13,047 Dist.1239, Surrency ____________ 950 1,085 1,108 Dist. 448, GoldenHilL-------- 721 738 719 ---------Surrency town ________________ S95 491 445 Alto town (part) ______________ 104 81 78 Dist. 432, Dicksons Mill ________ 804 1,~~ 875 Dist. 1394, Melton ______________ 1, 236 1, 273 1, 165 Dist. 46~ Anderson ____________ 742 903 1, 204 Dist. 433, Bowens MiJL _______ 578 8.51

Maus Ile town (part) _________ 817 904 881 Dist.1171, Will!nmsons Mill .•• 814 1,032 931 Dist. 1563, Deens _______________ 989 1, 122 1,057 Dist. 1537i Fitzgerald ___________ 11, 365 10,378 8,929 Dist. 1723, WJlllams ____________ 981 1, 136 903 Dist. 912, Poplar Springs _______ 710 834 886 Fitzoera d citY-----.----------- 8, 130 7,888 o, .its Dist. 1726, JohnSon _____________ 742 787 854 Bellion town (part)----------- 7t 75 99 Dist. 1658, Vaughn.----·-··---- 377 394 538 Dist. 1754, WJlson ______________ 550 679 693 Dlst.1206, Wilmots ____________ 334 489 585 Dist. 1659, Ashton ______________ 881 873 923

Dlst.1210, Berlin _______________ 297 474 402 Atkil)son County ___________ 7,362 7,093 6,894 Dlst.1464, Grove River ________ 409 511 590 Berrien County _____________ 13, 966 15,370 14,646 --------- Gil!Bvilletown (part) __________ 87 48 4S ---------

Dist. 1026, WJllacoochee-------- 2, 149 2,096 2,253 Dist. 1580, Hollingsworth _______ 724 782 702 Dist. 518, Alapaha ______________ 2, 002 2,918 2,862 Wlllach.oochee town ____________ 987 908 1,006 Baldwin town (part) __________ 1t1 98 99 Alapaha town __ -------------- 505 494 sro

Dist. 1130, Pearson _____________ 3, 780 3, 498 3, 169 Barrow County _____________ Dist. 1144, Rays Mm ___________ .. 1, 068 1,um 1, 184 Pearaon city __________________ 1, 4oe t,OIJ7 71S 13, 115 13, 064 12,401 Rav Oitv town---------------- 578 688 602

Dlst. 1353, Axson _______________ 1, 433 1, 499 1,472 --------- Dist. 1148, Upper Tenth ________ 832 060 992 Dist. 243, House ________________ 6,852 6, 231 5, 186 Dist. 115ij, Nashville ___________ 5, 766 4,911 4,423 Bacon County ______________ 8, 940 . 8,096 7,055 Rumll clt1f---·---·----------- 129 ti6 90 Nashvl e city _________________ s,414 B,449 1,672 --------- Winder citV------------------- 4,604 s, 974 9,ess Dist. 1329, Lois. ________________ 823 1,077 1,049

Dist. 1390, Douglas _____________ 4, 510 3, 260 2,363 Dist. 246, Chandler ____________ 775 907 991 Dist. 1427, New River __________ 694 8.51 985 Alma cit11--------------------- e,588 1,840 1,$95 Dist. 249, Bethlehem ___________ 1, 164 1,436 1,464

Dist. 1528, Taylor ______________ 660 963 858 Bethlehem town _______ -------- t40 · e4s 809 Dist. 1642, Enigma •• ---·-----·- 1, 145 1, 661 1, 245 Dist,1728, Rockingham. _______ 080 957 940 Dist. 316, Ben Smith ___________ 872 820 833

Enigma town _________________ 499 5£9 SBO

Dist. 1729, Coffee .•• c •• -------- 950 1,002 1,029 Carl town------------·------- B14 185 118 Dlst. 1767, Lower Tenth ________ 761 949 1,079 Dist. 1730, Warnock ... =-------- 684 681 720 Dist. 1740, .Auburn _____________ 644 694 748 Dist. 1819; Jordan ••• ------·-··- 785 863 827 Dist. 1731, Louisville ••. -------- 518 521 579 Anburn town _________________ 801 $88 sso Dist. 1732, Ware--------·--· ____ . 629 712 566 Bibb County_, _____________ 114, 079 83, 783 77,042

Dist. 1741, Jones ________________ 630 618 634 ---------Baker County ______________ 5, 952 7,344 7,818 Dist.1742, Statham ____________ 1,557 1,612 1,338 Dist. 481, Godf:rny •-- ---------- 30, 222 17 882 16,418

--------- Statham town _________________ 6!6 605 5St Macon cw (part)'---~------- 14.118 11;050 10,440 District 900 •• -------------- ____ 164 118 137 Dlst.1743, Pentecost..--------- 349 584 781 Dist. 482, 11rrlor ______________ 1,838 1, 751 1,81i9 Dist. 957, MIJ!ord '------------- 779 1,043 1, 265 Dist.1744, Cains. ______________ 272 162 426 Dist, 4S3, Howard'-------·--·- 5, 466 3,663 4,229 Dist. 9711 Newton'------------- 1, 970 2,447 2, 648 Macon city (part)•----------- 1,559

"i3;32i" ""ii;9ii4 Newton citV.------------------ 50/J 514 517 Bartow County _____________ 27, 370 25, 283 25,364 Dist. 514, East Macon•-------- 18, 726 Dist. 1183, Hoggard Mill t ______ 956 1, 194 1,386 --------- Macon~ (part)'·--------·- 10, S55 8,68~ 7,968 Dist. 1680, Anna•-------------- 1, 308 1,584 1, 331 Dist. 819, Allatoona ____________ 772 892 835 Dist. 519, azzard .• ------------ 1, 471 1,187 1,273 Dist. 1722, Elmodel 1 ___________ 775 958 1, 051 Dist. 822, Cartersville'--------- 12, 238 10, 150 10,008 Dist. 520, :Rutland _____________ 4, 189 2,352 2,454

Atco (uninc.) _________________ 1,44B ·-e:nr --Tsao Dlst. 564', Upper OitY '--------- 12, 035 11, 357 10,244 OartersVille cftu '-------------- 7,S70 Baldwin County' ____________ 29, 706 24, 190 22,878 Dist. 827, Ph1e Log _____________ 1,394 11 626 1, 735 Macon city (pa1J·----------·- 12,0IJ5 11,857 10,!44 ----·----- Dist. 828, Cassville _____________ 3,219 1, 865 1,678 Dist. 7161 Dower lty a _________ 13, 562 12, 594 11,346

Dist. 105, Gumm _______________ 320 409 487 Dist. 851, Euharlee _____________ 1, 193 1 288 1,582. 'Macon ci~ (partj------------- 18,56$ 1£, 594 11,946 Dist. ll5, Salem ________________ 1,394 1,·693 1, 690 Dist. 856, Adairsville ___________ 2,830 2: 635 2,016 Dist. 1085, inevil e '--------·· 26, 570 19, 676 17, 255 Dist. 318, Meriwether __________ 1,306 1,254 2, 040 Adairavllle town.------------- 916 8S7 785 · Macon city (part)•---------·- 18, 748 14,£30 18, 891 Dist. 310, Browns Crossing _____ 1,015 1,ll7 .. 1, 584 Dist. 936, Sixth _________________ 796 659 789 .Pay'l!t cilV-----------·-·------ litD 586 4£6 District 320 ____________________

'8,835 ' 6,778 ,.: 5,534 Milledgeville citu ••.••• __ , _____ 8,885 6,77811·· 5,p84 Di~t, 952, Klngs,ton ..• ---------· l,~~~ 1,~l~ 2, 397 ~leckley County ____________ 9,218 9,6~5 9,133 Dist. 321, MidWaY----=-------- 14,985 ro/867 9;290 Kingston toW11--------------.·· 568 --- ---

Midwav-Hardwick (unlnc.) ___ 14, 774 --i~sa~: -------~

Dist. 963, Stamp Cteek'--------· 330 6'l5 d~ D~t. 348, Salem ________________ 559 825 743

Dist. 322, Coopers ______________ 1,335 11 ,1,~~ Dist.1041, Woll Pen ___________ ' 954 .. 1,042 Dlst .. 3!l6, Cochran _____________ 4, 941 4,191 S,881

Dist.17141 Scottsboro.~.~------ 516 739 W41te'loJ011~~-~~ .. cc- ---- --- - - -- '•' 454, l 414 044 .Cochran city_---~------------- S,957 S,464 S,S67

" IBAKER.-Dlstrlots 957, '971, 11831 1680i snd 1722tiitu.rned,.in1940 by number only. ,. . . · •· . ·· · · 'l;'' , 'BAI\Tow.-Part of district 822 annexed to Cartersville city ln 1949. Taylorsville town returned ln 1940 .as In Bartow County only. • BmB.-Psrts of districts 483, 514, and 1085 annexed to Macomcitydn 1948> and parts o!'d!strlcts 481and1085 annexed to Macon city In 1950. Districts 564 and 716 returned in

1940 hy number only. ·· · · " ·




CO!Ult;y ll:tld :rninQr civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and :minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 Connty and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930

-----------1--- --1----11------------1---------l-----------1---------Bleckley Co11ntr-Con.

DI.st. 3S7, '!rlp1>vllle •••••••••••• PM. 38!!,, Wal!tin, ............. . Plilt.14.!!2, Cary ..•.•....•..•••. Dillt.1003, Fmler.,. ........ -·· DIA.1673, Malllllngs,, ••••••••• l!ilJt.1811, Davtdoon ••••••••••.

671 617 1152

1,086 747 6bll

629 725

1,004 1,037

643 471

Braniley County............ 6, 387 6, 811 6, 895 ___ , __ _ Dil!t. llU, W a:yiieiiville ••••••• -• - li42 li62 746 Df.\lt.ll31i,, LuW<m .. ----·--·-··· 233 349 605 Dmt. ClllO,, &hhlttervllle......... 1,019 l, OS3 1, 251 Ilmt.1308, Hortense............ 771 1, 118 726 Df.\lt.1M,, A.tktnson............ m «i0 441 Dlrst.liii<'M,l'lobokoo .•••.••••••• 1,103 1,037 1,204 ~~e11 cttu ••••• "" . • • • • ••• • • • Mn 388 311S

I)l$f;,.1fll'!ll, Nahunta •..••••••••• 1,42'J t,333 J,O:!tl Nmmultu ••.•.•.•...•. ,.... 7Sll 661 35S

Dil!t.17!18, !Jlcko:ic............. 82li !129 988 llie•Wllm.................. 138 83 18S

llraobCounty ............. 18,169 20,4117

Dillt.!lli9. Nlilllk:ln ............. . Dlit. 600, M omm .•...•....•..•

MlirtWI tfllMI. • ••••••••.•••••• Dtst. '100, •ralloklls •...•.•.. , ••.. Dist. llll8, Grro\•erville 1 ... _ •••

D~~i~°'.~~::::::::::: Dll't. 123(1, Dry Lalce .......... .

Blml>lek t1111>n (part) • •••••• - ..

D!B!t, 1~ Db:k;..,, ............ . Dl:tle town (part) • ........... .

Dir$$, L4t2, Hickory Head ..... .. Dlst.1571, Barr.iey ..... ---------

lnrnt41 toroo ................. . Dl:iit.1!150, Briggs .•••.•••••••••• lli;it. 1712' Wlfilams ........... .

Pmioto'lll>ll (part) ...•.••••.••.. Dtst.1718, lllrnpr11a1L .......... .

63{ 2, 100

474 fi07 743

7,200 4. 7(Jf) 1,400

m 1,447

S81 flli4

I, 104 167 3.5()

1,344 /ISO 391

Bryan County.............. 5,965

Dll\\triet t:L ................... . Pffn&r~Cilty ................ .

Dist. l!O, lUoomood Hlll 1 _ •• - •. D·istrk!t 1137 1 ................ __ Dlstrk:t 138CL ••••••••••••• _ .... .

2, 34Jl 1, 171 2,095

20 1,604

79\l 2, 1185

SU 864 !133

7, 519 4,450 1, 749


1,472 tit 911

1,443 164 432

1, 1111

~ G,288

2, 216 1,089 1,671 1,030 l,.371

Bnlloeh Conn~y ............. 24, 740 26, 010

. ~;~~~~:::::::::::: El:t™''1,J!:ln.IL .•........••••

ist.1J711, Blitch .............. . D~7tll, Portal .............. .

n~ ~~iia-::::::::::::::

1, 142 l,021

677 1,620 I, 731l 9,93() 6,097

748 1,064


l, 239 l,003 2, 711

68~ 96ll

1,403 1,016

941 2,020 2, 076 8,662 6, OIJl

886 2, 106


1,568 I, 149 2,ll34

U6 1,251


1167 2,805

491 i86

1, 109 7, 1119 4,1.!9 1,600


1, 738 149 008

1,6-40 lllJ9 /.\39

1, 56tl ~1 717


2,!113 788

1, 514 1, 183 1,242


1,92!\ l, l!J!i

872 2, lllO 2,260 7,420 3,91)11

848 2,252


l, 919 1,402 3,034

1114 l,201

Butts County............... 9, 079 9, 182 9,845

Dist. 552, Iron Spring ........ .. Dist. 009, Dublin .............. . Dist. 610, Towal!ga .••.••.•.•••• Dist. 612, Jackson ............. .

Jackton city ................. . Pepperton tourn ••••••••.••..••

Dist. 613, Coodys. ···-·-------· Dist. 614, Indian Spring ...•.•..

Flovilla city .................. . Dist. 615, Bnttrill ............. .

JmklnJburg town ••••••••••••• Dist. 615, Worthvllle .......... .

Calhoun County .......... ..

Di~t. 574, Arlington .......... .. Arlingtcm city (part) ........ ..

Dist. 626, Leary ............... . Leary town .................. .

Dist. 1123, Morgan ............ . .Dlckty town .••••••••••••..••• .Morgan cit11 ................. .

Dist. 1304, Cordray ........... .. Dist. 1316, Edison ............. .

Ediaon cUy .................. .

Camden County ........... .

Dist. 29_, St. Marys ........... .. St. 1'.inm citJ1 ............... .

Dist. 80, Midr!ver ............. .

D~~o!lin~=~-e.":::::::::::: Dist. 32, Browntown .......... . Dist. 113, Waverly ............. . Dist. 270, Tarboro .•.•.••••••••. Dist. 1606 Kingsland •.•••••••••

Klng1land citv .............. ..

Candler County ........... .

Dist. Hl85, Metter ............. . Metter cJtu ................... .

Dist. 1733, Lanier ............. . Dist.17l!4, Ol!vetown ..•••••.•• Dist. 1735, Pulaski.. .......... .

Pul11<1ki town ••..••••.•....... Dist. 1730, Aline .•...•....•.•••. Dlst.1737, Evergreen .......... .

675 343 642

4,100 B,0511

57S 783 948 315

1,005 166 583

558 355 782

3,862 1,917

585 880 955 s40

l, 128 166 662

8, 578 10, 438

1,869 1,04-S 1, 278

721 2,050

185 304 508

2,873 1,t47


1, 746 1,848

170 1, 736

760 481 S!lll 732

1,562 1,189


2,057 1,056 t,666

717 2,500

115 181 551

3,004 1,141


1,016 733 246

1, 120 378 4116 921

l,O!!'J 1,120



725 421 898

3, 732 1,710

5£6 968 737 ISO

1,242 157 622


2,420 926

I, 820 691

2,519 80

149 li50

3, 267 1,911


l, 133 791 330

I, 175 335 fl88 IJ48

1, 141 923 444

8,991 ---------3,3115 S,IJBI l,!80

618 1, 236

ss4 l,Ofl6


3,429 1,8~ 1, 259

678 1,6211

141 1,430


3, 169 1,414 1,362

718 1, 781

1, 267 694

Carroll County ............. 34,112 34,156 34, 272

Dist. 642, Villa Rica ...••••••••• FullerPille town .......••..•••• Yllla Rica town (part) ••• _ .. ..

Dist. 649, Temple ............ .. Tempktown ................ .

Dist. 682&:J1itesburg ••.••••••• White. utown ............. .

Dist. 713, Roopville .......... .. Roopoilletown ............... .

Dlllt. 714, Carrollton ........... . Orirrollton city_ •••.•...•• _ ... .

Dist. 729, CrOBS Plains ........ . Dist. UXJ6, Smithfield ........ .. Dist. 1111, Bowdon ............ .

Bowdon town •.•••••..•••••••• Dist. 1122, Fairplay ........... . Dist. 1152, Kansas ....•••.•••••• Dist.1163, Lowell •...•.•••••... Dist. 1240, Turkey Creek ...•••.

lviount Zion town ............ .


4,034 5£9

1,666 2,372

678 869 400 976 sos

13, 169 7,768

573 931

2, 571 1,165

863 504

I, 177 440 141

3, 742 4ss

1,491 2,630

8£4 1,011

341 1, 174


11,053 8,114

771 1, 165 2,337 1,0£4

940 655

1, 5.19 400 84

8, 550 491

1,S74 2,321

li7S 1, 069

318 l,ii60


10, 155 6,061

771 1,259 2, 571 1,0£4 1, 030

656 1, 789

699 m

Catoosa County-Con. Dist. 1109, Catoosa ............ . Dist. 1110, Wood Station ...•••. Dist. 1555, Boynton ........... .

Charlton County .......... .

Dist. 32, Folkston ............. . Folkston city ................. . Homeland town .............. .

Dist. 959, St. George 1; ........ . Dist. 1142, Traders Hill ....... . Dist. 1193, Uptonville '----···-Dist. 1220, MonJac ............ . Dlst.1354, Winokur ........... .

995 ii97

1, 061


2, 855 1, 515

$76 636 405 384 255 286

913 714 993


2, 134 1,024

213 901 508 718 592 403

786 711 775


1,452 506 152 768 645 779 405 332

Chatham County ........... 151,481 117,970· 105,431

District 1 to ................... .. Savannah city (part)ID ........ .

District 2 10 .................... . Savannah city (partl"-------·-

Dlstrict 3 10 ................... .. Savannah city (part)to ........ .

District 4 "-···-----------------Savannah city (part)10 ________ _

District 510 ................... ..

Savannah Beach town"---···· Thunderbolt town ............ .

District 6 10 ................... .. District 7 ...................... . District S 10 .................... .

Garden City town 10 ......... ..

Pooler town .•.•.. ··-·-·-··--·-

35, 855 35, 855

9, 160 .9, 160 11, 978 11, 978 62, 645 62, 645

5, 566 1, 036 1,£88 7, 835 4, 127

14, 315 1, 557


30, 654 30,654

9, 533 9,599

12, 435 11!,435 43, 374 4s, 874

6, 994 644 886

4,317 2, 575 8,088

734 796

27, 699 27,699

8,035 8,035

11, 022 11, OS2 38, 268 38,268

6,~z~ 802

4,224 2, 901 6,807

---·"4iiii Chattahoochee County ..... 12, 149 15, 138 8,894

Dist. 678, Goblers Hill.......... 342 411 214 Dist. 1104, Cuoseta "----------· 889 13, 366 7, 263

Oumta town................. 571 357 949 Balance of connty "-·-···-···-· 10, 918 ............... .

Chattooga County .......... 21, 197

Dist. 870, Trion ............... . Trion town .................. .

Dist. 925, Summervllle ll ...... . SUmmervllle city "-·······---·

Dist. 927, Teloga .............. . Dist. 940, Dirt 'rown .•••..••.•. Dist. 961, Seminole ............ . Dist. 962, Subl!gna ............ .

Dist. 968, Alpine .............. . .Menlo town ................. .

Dlst.1083, Coldwater ......... . Dist. 1216, Dirtseller •• ···-···--Dist. 1382, Haywood .......... . Dlst.1484, Lyerly ............ ..

Lyerly town ................. .

6, 881 3,0S8 7, 638 3, 973

945 I, 028

387 500

1, 543 459 685 186 154

1, 190 514

18, 532

6, 202 9,800 5, 369 1,358

889 1, 169

377 546

1, 436 414 771 394 404 975 368


5,238 3,189 3, 627

939 591

1, 196 499 691

I, 412 856 778 392 248 735 1911

Cherokee County._........ 20, 750 20, 126 20,003

Dist. 792, Canton ............. . Canton town ................. . North Canton (unlnc.) ....... .

Dist. 817, Bells ............... .. Dist. 818, Mullins ............. . Dist. 800, Woodstock .......... .

Woodstock town ............. .. Dist. 960, Salacoa ............. .. Dist. 971, Claytons ............ . Dist. 1000, Cross Roads ....... . Dlst.1008,Harbins ............ .

Waleska town ................ .

7, 225 s, 716 1, 919

663 1, 126 1, 296

545 266 728

1, 162 1, 113


6,639 !!,651

6,301 l!,891

""""6i6" """""7i3 943 003

1, 361 1, 501 889 4s1 407 495 686 576

I, 285 ' 1, 076 1, 029 1, 093


1,176 834

1,086 1!73 514 484

1, 808 706 90

752 691


18, 198 17,818

1,076 547 894 967



County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 --- ---

Clarke County-Con. Colquitt County ___________ 33,999 33,012 Dist. 220, Bucks Branch •. ______ 2,052 1,842 1, 759 ------Winterville town. _____________ 459 509 49£ Dist. 799, Brld~o Creek _________ 789 898 Dist. 241, Bradberrys ___________ 626 638 568 Dist. 1020, Ro lnson ___________ 1,099 1, 500 Eouart town (part) ____________ 56 14 -----iiiiii Berlin town ______ ------------- 309 9£2 Dist. 1347, Kenneys _____________ 886 873 Dist. 1151, Moultrie ____________ 16, 071 13, 531 Dist. 1467, Princeton Factory ___ 2,353 2, 250 1, 245 Moultrie city ________________ ., 11,699 10.~g, Athens city (part) _____________ 1,444 1,396 564 Riverside town ________________ 995

5,844 Dist. !184, Warrior _____________ 1,874 1,802 Clay County ________________ 7,064 6, 943 Ellenton town ___ ------------- 4£9 ~~ --------- Dist. 1373, Mlll Creok __________ 753 Dist. 431, Town ________________ 2,362 2, 813 2, 560 Dist. 1374, Ty TY-------------- 1,030 1, mo

Fort Gaines citu--------------- 1,389 1,857 1,£72 Dist. 749, Cotton Hill __________ 1,427 I, 729 1, 515 Dist. 1445, Autreyville _________ 1, 589 1, 603 Dist. 969, Bluffton _____________ 1,434 1,482 1, 834 Dist. 1482, Thigpen ____________ 779 '947 Bl·uffton town. ________________ £44 246 £92 Dist. 15!0 Hartsfield _____ ------- 1, 141 1, 345 Dist. 1579, Zetta ________________ 621 1, 040 1, 034 Dist. 1638, Hamilton ___________ 1, 046 1,264 D!St. 1549, Monk _______________ 1, 122 l, 163

Clayton County.~---------- 22,872 11, 655 10, 260 Dist. 1582, Doerun _____________ 1,582 1, 726 ---· --- Doerun city ___________________ 00£ SSS Dist. 538, Panhandle ___________ 226 308 346 Dist. 1617, Crosland •• ---------- 425 521 Dist. 548, Riverdale ____________ 1, 652 1, 219 1, 009 Cro8land town ________________ ur ££0 Riverdale town ________________ t6S £07 158 Dist. 1088, .Tonesboro ___________ 4,018 2,ii73 2, 917 Dist. 1665, Norman Park _______ 1,908 1, 862 Jonesboro city _________________ 1, 741 1,204 1,065 Norman Park town ___________ 89£ 587

Lake Tara citu 14-------------- !!24 --i;542" ---i;274 Dist, 1684, Lee _________________ 816 899 Dist. 1189, Adamson ___________ 1,857 Dist. 1759, Funston ____________ 1, 317 1, 272 Morrow town 14 _______________ 3£6 -------- -------- Funston town _________________ £89 199 Dist. 1769, Murphy ____________ 678 647 Dist. 1406, Ellenwood __________ 1,287 1, 021 708

Dist. 1446, Oak"--------------- 5,596 2, 197 1, 518 Columbia County _________ J 9,525 9,433 College Park city (part)"----- S,907 SSS $89 ------

Dist. 1644, Forest Park"------- 7, 580 2,096 1, 632 Dist. 125, Evens ________________ 2, 658 ·2,007 Forest Park town"----------- £,65S 577 388 Dist. 126, Kiokee _______________ 869 1,004

Dist. 1651, LoveJOY------------- 656 699 766 Dist. 128, Harlem ______________ 2,339 1, 837 Lovejoy town. __ -------------- £04 114 178 Harlem town _________________ 1,099 786 Dist. 129, AJlpling ______________ 1, 001 1, 640

Clinch CountY-------------- 6,007 6,437 7,015 Dist. 131, 1 infield.------------ 695 736 --------- Dist. 134, Dunn ChapeL _______ 421 444 Dist. 970, Magnolia------------ 102 356 371 ·Dfst. 135, Hazen ________________ 491 843 Dist. 1061, CogdclL------------ 392 349 729 Dist.1285, Grovetown __________ 991 862 Dist. 1141, Wlrcgrass ___________ 236 288 343 Dist. 1219

1 Fargo _______________ 1, 119 989 737 Cook County ______________ ,, 12,201 11,919

Dist. 12241 Homerville--------- 2,538 2,831 2,083 ------Homerville city_. - ------------ 1, 781 1,5£2 1,150 Dist. 1145, Adel. _______________ 4, 430 3, 749 Dist. 1280,. Du Pont. ___________ 537 677 912 Adel city ______________________

2,776 £,184 Du Pont town ________________ £85 SSS 87$ Dist. 1156, Lenox _______________ 2, 387 2, 157 Dist. 1365, Withers------------- 67 82 141 Lenox town ___________________ 789 547 Dist. 1389, Argyle-------------- 680 918 l, 144 Dist. 13ll, River Bend. ________ 399 475

Argyle town •• ---------------- £44 £78 811 Dist. 1461, CociL-------------- I, 150 1,441 Dist. 1766, Arabia.------------- 330 447 555 Cecil town. ___________________ £54 SlB

Cobb County _______________ 61, 830 38,272 35,408

Dist. 1487, Sparks ______________ 2, 134 2, 147 Sparks town __________________ 887 695 --------- Dist. 1664, Massee ______________ 929 1, 134 Dist. 846, Powder Springs ______ 2,293 2,071 1,874 Dist. 1761, Greggs ______________ 772 816 Powder Springs city __________ 819 431 94£ Dist. 851, Acworth------------- 3,641 3,042 2,875 Coweta County ____________ 27 .786 26,972

Acworth citv.----------------- 1,488 1,287 1,16S -----Dist. 895, Coxes ________________ 2, 709 1, 985 1,381 Dist. 645/, Sixth _________________ I, 029 1, 081 Dist. 807, Merritts----·-------- 672 553 534 Sharps urg town ______________ lSS 114 Dist. 898, Marietta!! ___________ 29, 304 14, 958 13, 468 Dist. 646, Fifth ••• -------------- 11, 302 9,820

Elizabeth (uninc.)------------- 1,067 -------- -------- East Newnan (unlnc.) ________ 1,525 --1.-iss-Fair Oaks (unlnc.) ___________ S,1S1 --·faiif ---7;638 Newnan city __________________ 8,£18

Marietta city"--------------- £0,687 Dist. 647, Fourth ••• ------------ 697 I, 013 Dist. 691, First _________________ 1, 539 1, 467 Dist. 911, Gritter .. ----"-------- 2,034 1, 744 2, 034 Senoia cttg-------------------- 770 679 Dist. 991, Big Shanty __________ 2,077 1, 573 1,584 Dist. 693 T ird _________________ 754 1, 133 Kennesaw town ______________ 564 498 416 Dist. 742, Cedar Creek _________ 750 886 Dist. 992, Lemons ______________ 4,442 2,474 1, 798 Dist. 746, Seventh ______________ 955 946 Dist. 1017, Oregon ______________ 948 830 636 Palmetto town (part) __________ £6 10 Dist. 1292, Smyrna _____________ 5,584 2,882 2,802 Smyrna town _________________ £,005 1,440 1,178 Dist. 755, Hurricane _______ ----- 2, 893 2, 304 Dist. 1318, Red Rock ___________ 520 449 483 Dist. 806, Second.-------------- I, 865 2,208 Dist. 1319, Post Oak----------- 695 598 645 Moreland town ••• ------------ 806 3£1 Dist. 1378, AustelL ____________ 2, 574

Dist. 992, Panther Creek _______ 1, 821 1, 884 1, 912 1,490 Dist. 1139, Grantville ______ ----- 2, 091 1, 090

A7'stell citV------------------- 1,419 1,2£9 968 Grantville town.-------------- 1, 850 1,£67 Dist. 1395, Jiowells _____________ 1,346 747 552 Dist. 1358, Turin _______________ 721 703 Dist, 1540, Lost Mountain _____ 489 426 402 Turin town ______________ ----- 185 146 Dist. 1568, Vinlngs _____________ 553 449 375 Dist. 13931 JiaraJson ••. --------- 525 521 Dist. 1608, Macland ____________ 550 374 558 Haralson town ____ ------------ 14£ 108 Dist. 1679, Fullers ______________ 513 325 349 Dist: 1711, Raymond----------· 754 11 016 Dist. 1826, Clarkdale ___________ 886 880 __ .. _____

Colfee County ______________ 23, 961 21, 541 Crawford County ___________ 6,080 7, 128

19, 739 --------------- Dist. 494, Beasley ______________ 635 655 Dist. 437, West Green __________ 1,413 1,442 1, 527 Dist. 497, Sandy Point _________ 419 619 Dist. 748, Douglas-------------- 12, 763 10,455 8, 939 Dist. 521, Hammock----------- 280 400

Douglas city_-----·----------- 7,4£8 5,175 4,206 Dist. 529, Tabor----------------- 1,043 1,323 Dist. 1127, Broxton _____________ 3,314 3,653 3, 273 Dist. 532, Roger ________________ 675 854 Broxton city_-----·--------·-- 890 908 890 Dist. 573, Knoxville------------ 602 748 Dist. 1170, Nicholls ____________ 2,400 2,477 2,430 Dist. 577, Sowell ••••.•• -------- 368 427 Nicholls city_----------------- 806 660 651 Dist. 630, Webb ________________ 659 664 Dist. 1556, Ambrose ____________ 3,379 2,894 3, 002 Dist. 1584, Roberta _____________ 1,300 1,438 Dist. 1804, .Bridgetown _________ 692 620 568 Roberta citY------------------- 87S • 5S5

1930 County and minor civil division ---

80,622 Crisp County _______________ --

946 Dist. 732, Arabi"--------------l, 5li5 Arabi town._-----------------

£50 Dist. 945, James••--------------10,871 Dist. 1004, Coney 11 ____________

8,0$7 Dist. 1040, I.lstonl!1-------------£94 Dist. 1451, Cordele 11 ___________

1, 616 Cordele city ___________ --------297 Dist. 1697, Hatley ______________ 647

1, 228 Dade County _______________ Dist. 873, Slygo ________________

1,304 Dist. 875, MllL ________________ 1, 108 Dist. 900, Trenton ______________ 1, 592 Trenton town _________________ 1, 257 Dist. 974

7 Creek ________________

1,352 1, 753

Dist. 103 , McMahon __________ Dist. 1038, Rising Fawn ________

719 Dist. 1089, Egypt---------------619 £14

Dist. 1129, Upper _______________ Dist. 1214, Mountain ___________ Dlst.1222, Cole City n _________

I, 986 Dlst.18851

New Home 11 _______ 748 853 Dawson County ____________

1,314 Dist. 820, Saniord ______________ 144 Dist. 830, Amicalo!a ____________ 623 Dist. 916, Shoal Creek. _________

8,793 Dist. 931, Savannah ____________ Dist. 979, Gilmer Cutoff ________ --- Dist. 989, Yellow Creek ________

1, 921 Dist. 1016, Black.--------------861 Dist. 10221

Barretts _____________ 2,182 Dist. 1023, Kllough. ____________

784 841 Dist. 1l78, Dawsonville ________ 745 Dawsonville town _____________ 620 Dist. 1180

1 Purdy ______________

671 Dist. 1323, High Shoals _________ 949 Decatur County ____________

11,311 Dist. 513, Bainbridge ___________ --- Bainbrid'f city ________________

3, 455 Dist. 694l ttapulgus ___________ 1, 796 Attapu gustown ______________ 1, 748 Dfat. 914, Facevllle _____________

41£ Dist. 1005, Bells ________________

682 Dist. 1188, Pine Hill ____________ 1, 387 Dist. 1277, Belcher-------------

$75 Dist. 1325, Recovery ___________ 1, 879 Dist. 1342, Kendrick.----------635 Dist. 1361, Climax ______________ 1, 165 Climax town ______________ ----

995 Dist. 1392, Fowlstown. _________ Dist. 1613, Brinson _____________

25,127 Brinson town __ ----- ____ ---- •• --- Dist. 1646, Parker ______________ 1, 137 Dist. 1805, West Bainbridge ____

137 ])iffie (uninc.) ________________ 8, 760

---o:ssii De Kalb County ___________

Dist. 487, Phillips ______________ 855 1,806 Dist. 524, Shallow Ford ________

796 Dist. li31, Decatur n ____________ 1, 252 Avondale Estates city __________

823 ])ecaitlr citu '"----------------914 Dist. 536, Pantbersv!lle _________ 16 Dist. 563, Diamond._----------

Dist. 672, Browning 11 __________

1, 731 Chambl'e city ().art) ts ________ 1, 901 Tucker (iininc. --·------------

843 Dist. 637, Evans u ______________ 1, 816 Dist. 683, Lithonia _____________ 2,073 Lithonia citll------------------1,346 Dist. 68fi, Cross Keys n _________

726 Chamblee city (part) 18 ________ !!08 North Atlanta town ___________ 560 Dist. 1045, Stone Mountain is_~ 188 Pine Lake town n _____________ 773 stone Moontain city __________

Dist. 1327, Clarkston _____ • _____ 7,020 Clarkston town _______________

--- Dist. 1349, Mill _________________ 550 674 Dist. 1379, Edgewood 18 ________

459 Dlst.1398, Redan ______________ 1 183 Dist. 1416, Dorav!lle u __________ 1: 109 Chamblee city (part) 18 ________

574 Doraville city"----------------537 Dist.1448, McWllliams. -------687 Dist.1586, Kirkwood 18 _________

1, 247 Dist: 1666( East .Atlanta u ______ 449 Atlanta c ty (part) 11 ___________

1950 1940 ---

17, 663 17,540 ------1,298

$76 1,592

S88 1, 271 1,600

986 1,297 1,230 l, 534

12,359 10, 830 9,462 7,9£9

619 687

7,364 5,894 ~ 261

610 420 1,318

755 1,060

570 1,000 646

457 541 673 609 358 362 489 4% 338 559

1,393 941 488 ______ ,,_

3,712 4,479

--s63 -m: 327 358 2ii9 389 249 241 149 270 291 455 215 510 176 336 276 276 992 931 918 819 170 210 36 76

23, 620 ~ 9, 235 7, 560 7,56B· 6,$52 2, 122 1, 760

457 315 770 932

1, 892 2, 146 1, 336 I, 299

562 896 583 692 286 467

1,495 1,521 378 97£ 915 921

1,096 l,g3~ S48 757 760

2, 671 1,898 1, 781 --------

136, 395 86, 942




45S 2,002 1,507 1,595 9,676 0,880


4,146 ~

293 719 870 477 420 569 337 464 216 423


353 317 300 214 146 403 433 223 2 59 £03 15 9

23, 62

7,47 8, 141 2,316

418 1,123 2,0lli 1,036 1,019


68 4

g 2 2


490 1,874

1,51 1,056 1,494

868 875

1,440 ___ .,. ____

70, 278 452 -ms-~

1,042 649 628 48, 233 28, 991 23, 154 1,070 589 595

21,685 18,581 18,£76 3, 428 2,386 1,837 l, 082 1,036 896 3, 873 2,130 1,393

98 -------- --------1,.174

____ ,. ___ --------2, 394 1,350 978 4, 114 3,367 3, 190 1,538 1,554 1,457

14,367 5, 169 3, ~~~ S,S17 1,081

5, 9/JO 1,365 4,274 2,9~~ ---2;ii53

566 1,899 1,408 --·1;335 4, 718 3,365 2.g~ 1,165 9£1 2,482 1,385 1,268

mo 569 259 1, 732 l, 254 1,172 1,538 779 602

80 --·-sao· ----·195 472 797 724 537 892 156 105

3,252 1, 079 561 37, 535 28, 994 24, 743

H CLAYTON.-Lake Tara city and Morrow town Incorporated in 1950 and 1943, respectively. Part of Forest .Park town reverted to district 1644 In 1950. Part of district 1446 annexed to College Park city in 1949.

10 CoBB.-Part of district 898 annexed to 1\{arletta city In 1943. 16 CRISP.-Distriots 732, 945, 1004, and 1451 returned in 1940 by number.only. . n DAnE.-District 1885 organized from part ol district 1222 in 194 9. 18 DE KALn.-Annexations: Part of district 531 t0 Decatur city in 1941; part o! district 686 to Chamblee city In 1949; part of district 1379 to Atlautn cltyin1943;,and parts of dis­

tricts 1586 and 1666 to Atlanta city In 1945. Figures for 1940 revised to include in Pine Lake town and district 1045, and to exclude from district 637, population (86) of that part Of Pino Lake town reported in 1940 as in district 637. Chamblee city reported in 1940 as in district 686 only. Doravlllo city returned fa 1940 as a town.




O~y Mid lllt!lOl'llivll dl:rision 1960 19411 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 Cowity and mlnor civil division 195.0 1940 1930

----- -------- ---------~O>mlly •••••••••••••• 17,865 21,022 21,599 Echols Couuty-Con. Fanning County-·Con.

700 663 618 ------ Dist. 105&, Stntenville .......... 729 655 438 Dist. 145~ Mineral Blufr .•.. : .• 1148 l,'Zi!:l 83·1 Dlst.1211, Wrights Chapel.. .•. 497 M6 560 Mlnera Bluff town ••.•.•..••. 1809 181 18189

1, 204 l,ff/7 2,81J4 Dlst.1306, Mayday .•.•••••••.. 454 492 537 Dist. 1488, Stock BllL ••••.•.•. 182 221 218 514 #3 5,~ Ellingham County ....••••.. 9, 133 9,646 10, 164 7,978 8, 170 8,665 6,004 s,m Fayette County •.•...••••••.

S,ilfl'l $,811 S,O:S!J --------- ---------970 1,MO l, 1)28 District 9 .................. ----- 1, 366 1,344 1,437 Dist. 495, Starrs Mill ..••••.••.. 671 959 959 l,llll9 J,liM 1,400 Rincon to«>n .................. ~4 S85 917 Dist. 496, Fayetteville ....•••.•• 2,399 2, 137 2, 248

700 1, 289 1,m District 10 ..................... - 2, 8 2, 520 2, 742 Fayetteuflle city ............... 1,0S!J 8818 796 WI 881 GuJ:on town .................. 699 6411 581! Dist. 538, Woolsey ...••.••.•.•. 864 976 867 2!l3 543 WI Dist ct 11. ..................... 3,019 3,024 2,865 Woolsey town ...••. ----------- 90 116 1!J!8

Springfield city ..••• ----------- 6187 458 4018 Dist. 549, Rear Over----------- 1,051 979 1, 327 fi83 772 1,225 District 12 .. -··--------·--·----- 1, 212 I, 600 1,970 Tyrone town ••.•..• ----------- 156 118 1188 m 873 004 District 1559.o .................. I, 138 1, 11i8 I, 150 Dist. 624, Shake Rag.---······- 1, 129 1,170 l,051i llfl 1112 168 Dist. 709S Black Rock ...••••••• 189 265 341i 9'26 1,008 1,012 Elbert County .•....•••••••• 18,585 19, 618 18, 485 Dist. 124 , Hopeful.. ..••....••• 539 611 622 S/6 i81 S67 ---- D!st.1262, Europe .•••.•••••.•. 396 364 424 446 730 782 D!st.189, Elberton ............. 8,210 7, 133 5, 730 Dist. 1293, Brooks .••..•••..•••• 740 709 818 :m 635 8411 Elberton cltv----------- --·-··· B,77B 6, 188 f-850 Broo/<4 town ••••••• ------····- 186 1114 S£8 400 673 1,442 Dist. HIO, Longstreet. .••.•••••• 868 760 ,032 111 182 151 Mlditletontown (part) •..•.•••

1,!M 1JO 151 Floyd County .•••.••....•.•• 62,899 56, 141 48, 667

Dll$t. l'i'~l, Mlkm 11 ••••••••••••• 4113 1,~ 1, 117 Dist. 191, Ellam ..•••••••••••••. 1,617 1,537 ---------Dist.1112 Petersburg ___________ 724 908 836 Dist. 829, Cave Springs .•••.•.. 1, 708 2,075 ~~~----------· ~ 197 Dist. 1113: Wyches •••..•.••••.•. 638 71l9 739 Cave Springs ci~ _ ------------ 959 98£ 728

1i=:=:l:~--~::::::::: 620 Dist. l!J.I, Ruckersvllle .•.••••.• 437 620 652 Dist. 855, North arolillll •.•.•. 1, 232 1,520 --------6G8 706 Middletontown (part) 11 ______ 1gi 321 --·-·5s· -·----48 Dist. 859, Watters ....•••••••.•• 4, 265 3,875 --------!lit. Ul$1,. 111y Bird••----- ... -- _ ............... _.., _____ .,

Ruckern!Uetown (part) ••••••• Shannon (unl11c.) ..•.....•.... 1, 676 ill!$t,. m!, $$iid OTOve 19 __ - - ••• 626 __ ., _____ ,, _______

Dist. 919, Rome"-------------- 28, 667 "26~282" --------U,1611 16,886 18,025

Dist. 196, Moss .•••••.•••••..••. 401 611 654 Rome cltv (part) I•----------·- SB, 667 28,282 ··.e1~843 Ruckernllletown (part) ••••••• 18 Iii !!6 Dist. 923, Texas Valley ••.•••••. 346 482 ------ Dls1. 197, Pike ••••••••••..•.••. 1,262 1, 588 1,570 995 1,390 600 8()8 805 Dist. 924, Barkers •••••..•.•.••• Dlst.100, Gaines .••••••••.•.••• 739 1,042 1, 175 Dist. 949, ;Floyd Springs •...•.•. 430 452 3,772 4,092 4,347 Dist. 201, Goshen .••••••••.•.•. 1,897 2, 102 2, 161 S,JJ>J S,068 1,BU Bowmen citg-------------····- 714 i.ru 1,m Dist. ll6iJB Chullo ..•.•••••.•.•.• 1,068 1, 758 1,422 1,82$ 2,m Dfst. 202, We bsboro ........... 867 ...... -~ .. ,,, __ --~ .. m M& Dist. 315, Centerville •.•.••••••• 1, 103 1,290 1,230 Dist. 1 , Etowah"----------- 2,377 1, 751 382 626 809 Rome city W,art) ''····-------- 10 --------913 1,US 1, ll46 Emanuel County •.••••••••• 19, 789 23,617 24, 101

Dist. 1059, L vlngston .••.....•• 508 749 --------1,600 2,269 1, 769 -------- Dist. 1120, Mowit Alto"--··--- 3, 596 1,852 --------2, 41!8 2, 712 2,s;IS

District 49 .••••••••.••.. ---··-·· 674 920 1,140 AUo Park ~unlnc.) ____________ 1,19/f -------- _______ ..

1,098 l,IS'I 1,llOS Rome city part)"·--·----·--· 849 .. ------- --------District liO •••••••••••••••••••••• 1,257 1, 713 1,~1 Dist. 1337, Everett Nirlngs ..••• 333 465 l,{94 Oak Park town.----------·--- 908 !880 513 543 ---- .. ---14711, P!nelmrat. •••••• --••• 1,292 i.m Distrlct 53 ••.•••••.• --·- -------. 6,902 7,007 5, 758

Dist. 1453, Fosters ill •••..... -·-----.. -loteln ............... ~ 1it Modoc town 12 •••• -·-- -------- SS . ·IAdlay ••••••••••••• 7('1 Swalmboro citv ... ---·--· ----- 4,800 ··s;515· ···.s:w Dist. 1478, Vans Valley _________ 2,132 1,887 --------

!lk~m~:::::::::::::::: 1, ()Sil 1,285 1,567 District 57 ••••.•.•.••••••.•••••• l,510 1,880 2, 120 De Soto Park (unlnc.) • •...... 1,065 "T4ii5- --------171 114 : w Summertowntown ....•••••.•• 197 dM 147 Dist. 1504, Howells ••••••......• 1, 187 --------

.J)oq .. ~ty ColUll)' .......... 43, Gl7 28, 565 22,306 District 58 ...••••••••••..••••••. 1,289 1, 713 Dist. 15112, Lindale ,1 ___________ 6, 524 5, 470 --------

stillmoretown •••••.••..••.••• 4IO 493 618 Lindale-Silver Oreek (unlnc.) .. s,es4 -------- ------------- '--.- Rome cltv ffear!) "-- ---------- 89 6$1 ~ 1,110 Dist, 1688, G enwood •.....••••• 3,588 ··1;02:i" --------District 31>~--------- ------------ 528 800 862 ---·----32, 017 22, 131! 11,m

District 120S .•.• -- ----·--······ 1,037 1,376 1,607 Dist. 1719, Armuchoo ••••....... 1,485 1, 191 --------187, 88S 17, 1874 111,873 District 1333 ••..•....•••..•••••. 638 855 922 Dist. 1822, Riverside •.•..•••.•• 1, 945 1, 972 --------1,811 •• K566" ··-4:oiii Ciinoochee town .. ---- •••••• --- 61 68 0(1 Celaneae Village (unlnc.) ••••.. 1,945 -------- --------10, 035 District 1429. ·-----------···---- 1188 1,298 1, 404 S,lflll 1,781 t,18~ ~eltltoWfl ••...•••.•••••••• 113 !91 Forsyth County ....•.•...•.. 11, 005 11,322 10, 624 1, 177 IJ4!8 ·----.. -- ____ .... _. D ct 1462 .••••..••••••..•.•.. 723 007 1,006 ---------

::;~Counfy •••••••••••• 12,173 10,053 9,4Gl Distrlet 1502 ..••••• - •.•••••••••. 774 1,039 1, 151 Dist. 795, Big Creek .••.•••.•... 1, 410 1, 516 1,601 Nunez town •. --- ............. BS 155 181 Dist. 835, Hightower ••.•.....•. 459 587 575

5,893 3.lllil 3,630 We.tley town"-----.-·-··------ 68 -- ... ----- -------- Dist. 841, Chestntee ..........•. 1,068 1,005 886 Dist. 878, Barker--------------- 733 713 643 8,~ j,$5/i S,IJ16 Dll!trlct 1560 .................... 2,662 8,127 3,214 Dist. 879, Cumming ..••.••...•. 2,792 2,399 1,986 6411 Ult Twin Oft11.------···----------- 1, 01B 1,019 901 Cumming town ..•.•••••••••.. 1,.llBf 958 648 745 74& 639

1,502 1,~ l,i-08 District 1748 .•.•••••••.•••••••.• 807 1,028 1,259 Dist. 880, Vickery I< .........•.. llS 960 900

r 80 Adrl4n cltv (part). ••........•. 118 S~9 1866 Dist. 885, Chattahoochee .••.•.• 342 609 544 IOI 161 Dist. 1276, Belis ..•..••••...•... 454 580 642 i1~ Sil4 11114 Evans' County ••••• -···----- 6,653 7,401 7, 102 Dist. 1351, Rolands •.•.•.••..••. 001 553 539

501 586 008 -----ll36 704 741 Dist. 401, Da.lsy ••••••....••.•.• 951 1, 566 1, 814 Dist. 1413, Settendown. •.•••••• 582 772 751

2,291 1,178 913 ~------·------------- 196 ~ SU Dist. 1437, Coal Mountain •.•.• 780 706 665 Dis Undlne ............. 472 574 Dist. 1599, New Bridge •........ 464 417 464

17,413 18,679 lll,278 Dist. 1607, Claxton ............. 3,573 3,341 2,892 Dist, 1727, :Ouoktown---·------ 439 505 428 ------- ff:t:~::::::::::::::::::: 1,913 1,808 1,~ Ducktowntown •••••••..•••••. 58 51 7! l, ISO 1, 11!4 1,221 5J6 686 1,036 1,066 !,Zill Dlst.1738, anooohoo .......... 897 1,005 1.g

Franklin County ____________ 14,446 15, 612 15, 902 2, 138 2,533 2, 4ll3 Dist. l'T311, BellvIDe .••.••.••.•. 760 885 ---------

4,~ -!,~ 3,~ Fanning County. ___________ Dist. 206, Bryant ••••••.•••.••.• 2, 770 2,591 2, 701 15,192 14, 752 12, 969 Lavonia city.----------------- 1, 766 1,667 1,511 s,ru $,'f74 S,tOll Dist. 210, OWinelL ••••....•.•. 618 824 794 1, 8116 1,153'1 1,397 Dist. 844, Noontootla. ---------- 260 ~56 405 Dist. 211, :Fllntsvllle ..•..•..... 627 852 784 1, Oll9 l,049 D!St. OU, MOl'g1lllton .•.••.•..•. 1,310 1,500 1,300 Dist. 212, Red Bill.. •..•..••••. 614 927 934 l,578 1,606 1,~ Mo~Qfltown .••.•...•.••.. Uf l~ 1871 Dist. 213, Gumlog. _____________ 396 618 765 84/) 18$1 Pfl1t.. , Ol!Jrlweil .•••••••.•••. 902 Dist. 263, Dooley ••••••.••••..•. 467 700 797

1,587 1,,821 1,00 Dlst.1026, J!'alrplay •••.•••••••• 579 '560 577 Dist. 264, Carnesville ..• ________ 2,048 2, 2!l4 2,344 Dist. 1027, S!telnah ............. ~6~ ~76 327 Carne•llill.B cllv---------------- 849 361 404 l,146 1, 31!1. I, 2ll3 ' :Pb!t.102ll,. Hot IloQ8e ••.••..••. 1, 11!1 1,006 818 mi i.rJ 31)11 :bist.10471 $ugar ~IL ••.... 1,049 I,200 826 Dist. 370, Manley •••.....•••.•. 2, 946 2,272 l,9n 1182 Dist. llll01 Mobile .•.••.•••••••. 1,104 1,281 1, l97 Franklin Springs city. ________ . 806' ),, 1211 l, ll(}l JBS 116

;:c}~f~~ ••....... ~ ...... Dist. 1204, J1llnt lillL .....•... 3,985 ·s,4oo 3, 217 Roysto11 city (part) .••.•.•••••• 1, 818 1,99~ 1,S10

#,at 2,Kl 2,744 Me~lllflUcit~--·-···--- Dlst. 81~ Stranges ••••.••..••.• 656 87 902 $,(}(ff l,83S 1,969 Dist. 13 , Canon. 1, 298 1,337 1,446 - - Dist. l .Rook . , k ......... 2 11 12 Canon city ~art)==~:::::::::: llli6 Dlilt. t~~ooooa •...••.••..•.• 559 466 618 WI Blue R ' CUV----------·-····

2, 941 2,478 1,890 Dlst.1377, W born .••.••••..•. 669' 866 840 t11

t; 718 1,96S 1, 190 Dist. 1420, Middle River •.•••.• ~b 1,004 1,073 l)l8t. llf08, BmJ!WW!l.. .......... 547 1i02 566 Dist. 1686, Ashland ••••••••••••• 451 ' 562

t!:fi~oit33llbl7~ ~821 ln 19i0; dlst;r!ct; 1881 orn:;ntzed !rom part of distrlot 1254ln1940. trlcit ~ 1 'fu io'and 1949; part;of dlstrictl 7 annexed to Albany city In 1949

l no~ t ninl960. • to 1 but not revloualy returned se arately llllW t¥ In 1114f. Parts o! districts 10~, 1120, and 11:02 annexed to :Rome city In 1949.



County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 Cmmty and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 --- ------ ------

Fulton County _____________ - 473,572 392, 886 318,587 Gordon County _____________ 18,922 18,445 16,846 Gwinnett County-Con. --------- --------- Dist. 1397, Puc,rntts ____________ 579 575 887 Dist. 460, Cooks ________________ 7,905 4, 767 3, 559 Dist. 849, Calhoun 2a ___ -------- 7,503 6,438 5, 151 Dist. 1564, DacuJa ______________ 862 787 880

Dist. 479, Bryants "-------·---- 3, 777 2, 481 1, 424 Calhoun citv "----------- ----- 8,S81 ~,955 2,371 .Dacula town _________________ 389 815 804 East Point city ~art)"-------- 40 --2,-.saii - --TiiOi

Dist. 858, Lily Pond ____________ 1,234 1, 332 1, 230 Dist. 1578, Garner _____________ 762 '734 719 Dist. 499, Red Ou "----------- 4, 315 Dist. 874, Fairmount ___________ 1, 282 1,179 1, 204 Dist. 1587, Rocky Creek-----~-- 563 650 488 Dist. 530, Black Hall"--------· 7, 683 3, 707 3,003 Fairmount citV---------------- 578 474 504 Dist. 1504, Suwanee .. __________ 1,275 1,216 1, 184

East Point cit11 (part)_-------- 985 169 --·i;ecii Dist. 973, Seventh ______________ 1, 069 1, 502 1, 591 Suwanee toW'I!._. _____________ 357 179 S14 Dist. 652, Palmetto. ____________ 2, 071 1, 741 Dist. 980, Resaca _______________ 1, 032 1,009 856 Dist. 1749, Duncans ____________ 673 606 492 Palmetto town (part) __________ 1,1!31 1,019 948 Dist. 1054, Sugar Valley .. ______ 845 1,054 978 Dist. 722, Buckhead ____________ 26, 794 16,814 10, 356 Sugar Valle11 town ____________ S14 £39 $00 Habersham County ..... ·--- 16,553 14, 771 i2, 748 Dist. 781, Sandtown. ___________ 1, 189 801 660 ---------

Dist. 733, Campbellton _________ Dist. 1055! Plainvillo ___________ 1, 428 1, 241 1, 171 Dist. 409, Clarksvme:. _________ 3,206 2,365 1,823

574 472 430 Plainvll e town __________ --·-- 142 131! 1S4 Clarksville city ________________ 1, 106 850 817 Dist. 734, Old Ninth ___ ·-··--·- 1, 013 861 572 Dist. 1056, SonoravilJe. _________ 1, 379 l,i~ 1,407 Dist. 414, Mud Creek __________ 1,347' 1,088 960 Dist 757, Goodes _______________ 757 785 701 Dist. 1057, Twenty-!ourth ______ 957 712 A.lto town (part)------------- 198 1S6 14B Dist. 823, Donble'Branch ______ 1,140 1, 251 1, 141 Ranger town __________________ 189 100 143 Dist. 422, Deep Creek s1 ________ 965 1,164 1,123 Dist. 842, Old First--------·-·· 811 805 1, 040 Dist. 1063, Eighth------···----· 665 859 853 Tallulah Falls town (part) st._ 170 --------Dist. 845, Roswell.------------- 3,362 2, 734 1, 568 Dist. 1064, Oostanaula __________ 621 651 591 Dist. liOl, Batesvme ____________ 454 --·-59-0- ll20

Roswell town----·----------·- £,US 1,6SS 1,48B Dist.1235, Coosawatteo ________ 617 577 612 Dist. 666, Cool Springs _________ 180 326 294 Dist. 892, Little River __________ 645 680 583 Oakman town 28. ·------------ 1£7 Mountain Park city ___________ 1/i 10 -·-i;457 Dist.1595, Blue Springs ________ 290 -·--2s1i ··---400 Dist. 752/ Center liilL-------- 1, 467 1,474 J,254 Dist. noo, Oak Grove. _________ 2, 650 l, 629 Cornel acitv (part) s1 _________ 14 ----491" --------Dist. 1134, ,Fairhurn ____________

Grady County ______________ 18, 928 19, 654 19,200 Mount Air~tozun _____________ fB 354 3, 671 2, 975 2, 503 --------- Dist. 977, Fa play _____________ 75 440 425

Fairburn citV------------·---- 1,889 1,602 1,872 Dist. 5531

Higdon ______________ 1, 642 1, 433 1, 674 Dist. 1021, Fork ________________ 647 704 439 Dist. 1165, R!V"ertown __________ 412 548 549 Dist. 576, Duncanvllle .......... 649 771 1,057 Dist. 1391, Falling Water _______ 7'17 946 879 Dist. 1172, Newtown ___________ 856 813 720 Dist. 621, Lime Sink ... ________ 485 689 729 Dlst.1449, Cornelia ____________ 3, 138 2,291 2,068 Dist. 1176, Alpharetta __________ 2, 580 2, 212 1, 686 Dist. 720, Whigham ____________ 1,883 2, 195 1, 965 Camelia city (part) 11 _________ 2, 410 1,808 1,54B Alpharetta town ______________ 917 647 477 Whigham town_-·-·---------- 471 593 442 Dist. 1204, Union _______________ 698 577 505 Dist. 753, Cairo ________________ 9, 686 8,850 7, 455 Dist. 1486, Demorest"------ ___ 1,628 1,305 980 Dist. 1226, Grogans _____________ 847 610 254 Cairo city ___ .-·--------------- 5,577 4,659 S, 169 .Demorest town"-------------- 1,166 8£0 790 Dist. 1227, B~ Creek ___________ 514 669 627 Dist. 1258, Ragans ______________ tl!\l 873 1, 022 Dist.1612, Baldwin-----------· 685 641 517 Dist. 1289, A amsville __________ 3,097 1,940 l, 179 Reno lou:n ________________ ---- 108 69 £6 Baldwin town (part) __________ 369 304 !!SB Dist. 1328, Collins ______________

Di•t. 1440, S~ence ______________ 1. 3~1 1, 672 1,823 Dist.1648, Glacle Creek ________ 877 736 652 0,256 7,007 5,804 Dist. 1507, Bowing Cave _______ 1, 107 1, 3l3 1, 501 Dist. 1693, View ________________ 737 701 814

Dist. 1332, Ea.st Point"-------- 16, 640 13, 100 11, 526 Dist. 1558, S~ing Hill __________ 824 1,077 1,072 East Point city <jlart)"-------- 1B,S15 lB, 062 ·--ii;7sii

Dist. 1641, P e Park ___________ 650 751 902 Rall County ________________ 40,113 34,822 30,313 Dist. 1348, South end 21 _______ 17, 544 12, 258 Pine Par.~ town.------------·- 1£6 181 191 ---------Dist. 1362, Peachtree"--------- 4, 773 3,312 2,226 Dist. 268, Tadmor(L ___________ 1,310 1, 149 1, 152 Di~t. 1511, Center Hill"------- 22, 093 12, 155 8,460 Greene County _____________ 12,843 13, 709 12, 616 Dist. 385, Morgan ______________ 741 740 694 Dist.1589, Haftevllle 21 _________ 13, 418 8, 187 6,812 -----· --- Dist. 392, Clinchem ____________ 626 469 574

East Point c ty (part)"------- 9,840 178 -------- Dist. 1371 Fluker--------------- 124 234 237 Dist. 403, Glade ________________ Ml 491 546 Hapeville citU----·-----·------ 8,560 6,069 4,s24 Dist. 138l Woodville__ __________ 548 795 608 Dist. 410, Naramore ____________ 710 601 536

Woodv lletown ?art)"------- ss4 458 SSS Belltan tewn (parR----------- 194 188 119 Dist. 1615.R College Park ;1 ______ 11, 228 7,875 5, 769 Di•t. 140, Union oint--------- 2, 662 2, 497 2,366 Dist. 411, Gainesvi e ___________ 22,291 18, 876 15, 340

College ark city/lart) •1 _____ 11,SBB 7,876 6,311 Union Point town. ___________ 1,724 1,566 1,6~ GaineBtJille ci111---------------- 11,IJSO 10,s4s 8,624

D~ni~;{1~~~:~~--:t:_~:::::::: 1, 500 884 776 Dist. 141, Reynolds ____________ 873 1, USO 1,040 Gainesville Gott on M Illa ( un·

1,490 BBi 776 Siloam town (part)"---------- BB 91 111 de":i:Jr<iiiciiiii'(un.iiic~i======== 1, 708 -------- --------Dist.1762, Poole n _____________ 5.971 2,40 1,049 Dist. 142; Siloam.-------------- 637 758 893 1,618 --------____ ,.. ___

Atlanta city (part)•I ____________ 293, 779 273,294 245, 623 Siloam town (part)"---------- 63 !!7 157 Dist. 143

6 Greensboro ___________ 3, 744 3, 569 3, 104 Dist. 413, Roberts _____________ , 4tl4 473 471i

Gilmer County _____________ 9,963 9,001 7,344 Greens oro c.itv.----··------ --- B,888 s,459 S,115 Dist. 434, Quillian"------------ 1,252 1,275 1,~5 Dist, 565, Wilsons ______________ 1,878 859 --------- Dist. 144, White Plains _________ 1,420 1,257 1, 138 Chicopee (uninc.) _____________ 1,161 Dist. 850, Ellijay _______________ 4, 735 3, 684 2,360 -Tiii6- -----~58 East Ellijay town _____________ 549 460 S98 Siloam town (part)"---------- 169, --·-.;iir -----408 Dist. 569, Bark Camp __________ 1,17S

Ellijay citv.--------·--·-----· 1,527 1,~ 657 White Plain8 rltV------------- 359 Dist. 570, Whelchels ____________ 966 664 439 Dist. 145, Oreshamvllle _________ 390 6ll3 515 Dist. 575, Fork _________________ 794 722 634 Dist. 864, Tickanotley __________ 498 336 Dist. 146, Oakland .. ___________ 279 249 355 Dist. 803, Blf: Hickory _________ 449 ll16 452 Dist. 907, Boardtown ___________ 314 459 404 Dist. 932, Cartecay _____________ 623 723 671 Dist. 147, Macedonia ___________ 169 252 324 Dist. 810, Po ksvJ!lo ____________ 565 736 764

Dist, 958, Mountaintown _______ 521 654 570 Dist. 148, Penfield. _____________ 620 722 361 Dist.1270, Flowery Branch ____ 1,~i 1, 329 1, 121

Dist. 1009, Tails Creek _________ 326 442 419 Penfield town ______________ --- 74 218 184 Flowery Branch town _________ 506 418 Woodville town (part)"------- 160 Dist. 1035, Leaches _____________ 242 324 347 -------- -------- Dist.1385, Candler _____________ 645 692 751 Dist. 1091, Ball Ground ________ 367 443 444 Dist. 149, Wrayswood __________ 206 331 373 Dist.1419, Friendship __________ 355 414 369

Dist. 1135, Town Creek ________ 749 406 457 Dist. 160, LlbertY-------------- 264 330 273 Dist. 1557, Gillsville. ___________ 510 544 695 Dist. 161, Salem ________________ 149 277 252 Gillsville town (part) __________ 116 114 138 Dtst. 1136, Cherry Log _________ 810 490 388 Dist. 162

1 Ruth _________________ 220 205 289 Dist.1605, Oakwood .... _______ 955 960 832

Dist. 1274, R!dgewari----------- 229 80 156 Dist. 163. Walker•---·-··-----·- 538 550 488 Oakwood town. _______________ gg5 207 189 Dist.1302, Coosawa tee ________ 242 350 252 Dlst.1690, Lula. _______________ 798 713 630 Dist. 1341, Diamond ____________ 134 285 288 Gwinnett County __________ 32,320 29, 087 27,853 Lula town ____________________ 378 IJ16 815 Dtst. 1355, Alto _________________ 50 118 111 ---· ------ Dist. 1695, Tom Bell •••• -----"· 614 490 456 Dist. 1498, Bucktown __________ 114 135 141 Dist. 404, Goodwin------------- 814 743 664 Dlst. 1745, Clermont ___________ 962 1,064 1,~~~

Glasc<>ck County ___________ Dist. 405, Berkshire ____________ 2,650 1,666 1,630 Olerm<mt town ______________ -- s~ S97

3, 579 4,M7 4,388 Dist. 406, Pinckneyville. _______ 4, 143 2,667 2,587 ---------- Norcross city _______________ --- 1,s40 979 89S Hancock County ••• , ••• ----· 11, 052 12, 764 13,070 District 1167 ____________________ 940 1, 174 934 Dist, 407, Lawrenceville. _______ 4,622 3,915 4,062 ---------Gibson city (part) 21_ ·--------- 400 474 442 Lawrenceville ci!Y------------- s,oss s,sss S,158 District lOL .. ----------------- 553 589 689 District 1168 20 _________________ 1, 253 1, 706 1,874 Dist. 408/ Oates .• -------------- 1,683 1,579 1,571

District 102 _____________________ 2,502 2, 605 2, ~~~ District 1169.. __________________ 938 1, 097 1, 085 Snellvi le town ____________ ---- 309 1104 105 Sparta city (part)------------· 1,070 1,060

Mitchtll town ••• -------------- £40 SB8 1137 Dist. 444, Hog Mountain. ______ 1, 575 842 828 District 103 _____________________ 379 342 244 District 1234 ___________________ c 448 570 495 Dist. 478, IIarbins .. ____________ 1,104 1,065 1,020 DJstrict 104----------------·---· 106 199 390

Bl~~rtci61J~~-~1'.~~~:=::=:==::=: 07 366 439 Glynn County ______________ 29,046 21, 920 19,400 Dist. 544, Martins------------·. 1,010 1,522 1,286 374 283 358

--------- Dist. 550, Sugar Hill-----~------ 5,492 6,300 5,297 District 108 _____________________ 266 571 448 Dist, 25; Sea Islands 21 ___________ 3,006 1,978 1, 268 Buford citV-. ---·-----------·- 3,8111 4, 191 3,367

District 109 _____________________ 53 216 315 St. Simons (uninc.) ___________ 1, 706 Rest Haven town-------------- 147 91

~---- .. -- Dist. 111, Culverton ____________ 577 774 800 District 26 "------·-·----------- 22,821 -i7;464- --i.5;iiii4 Suuar Hilltown-------------- 789 690 -------- Bl~t.i~i211~~:.V-~!==::=: ::: ::::::: 001 628 643

Brunswick city (part) ;1_ ------ 17, 95~ 15, 085 14, OIJIJ Dist. 571a :Rockbridge __ -------- 1, 116 094 1,028 2,378 1,988 2,003 Dock Junction (uninc.) (Part)_ 4, JS Dist. 126 , Duluth------------- 1, 430 1,248 1,426 Spartaeit11 (part)------------- gu BOS 741 District 27 ______________________

865 ----700- -----685 .Duluth town __________________ 84.8 6!!6 608 District 114.-------------------· 7Si 11\3 District 1356 ____________________ 2, 119 1,398 1, 235 Dist. 1295, 13ay Oreek __________ 1, 968 1, 912 1,804 District 116--------------------· 1, 086 1,191 1,172

Dock Junction (uninc.) (part)_ SB -------- -------- Grayson town _________________ SS7 SSS !145 District 117 ________________ ----. 698 876 785 District 1499 ... -------------·--- 235 320 408 L9oanville city (part) so ________ 58 -------- -------- Dlstriot 118...------------------ 1, 119 1,353 1,272

11 FULTON.-Annexations: parts of districts 479, 1832, and 1589 to East Point city in 194~; parts of districts 499and.1332 to district 1615 in 1945; part or district 1589 to College Park city in 1949; part of district 1589, including Oolloge Park city to district 1615 ln 1949; patt or district 1615 to distTlct 1332 in 19!9; parts of districts 530 and 1762 to Atlanta city In 1945; parts of districts 530 and 1,762 to Atlanta city in 1949; and parts of districts 5301 1348, 1362, and 1511 to Atlanta city in 19,50. Part of Union City reverted to district 1725 in 1944.

"GLAscocK.-Glhson city returned in 1940 as a town in district 1167 only. That part of Gillson city in distrlct 1168 bad no population In 1950. 11 GLYNN.-Brunswick city returned In 1940 as in district 26 only. Tbat part of Brunswick city in district 25'had no population in 1950. Part of district 26 annexed to Brunswick

citylnl949. ' ··· ,.. · . 21 GoRDON.-Part of district 849 annexed to Calhoun city in 1945. Oakl!lan town incorporated in 1939 but not returned separately in 1940. "GREENE.-Woodville town returned In 1940 as Jn district 138 only. Siloam town returned in 1940 as in districts 141and142 only. so GwINNETT.-Loganville city returned In 1940 as in Walton county only. st HABERSHAM.-Part of district 422 annexed to Tallulall Falls town in 1944. Cornelia city returned in 1940 as in dlstriot 1449 only. Part of district 1486 annexed to Demorest

town in 1949. • 81 HALL.-Distrlct 434 returned In 1940 as Qulllians.



Ootntty arid minor civil cUvli!Jon 1950 11140 1930 County nnd minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 ----------1------1----11·----------I------ --->11-----------1---------Uan.lllon Counl)' ••••••••••• M,663 14,371 13,263

S,272 i,417

Henry County-Con. Dist. 767, Sandy Ridge •..•••••. Dist. 775, Stockbridge"-------­

Stockbridpe cit11 "- •• -----·----Dl!lt. G511, T~poosa .•••••••..• ~city .••.•••••••••••.

Pis.U1i, l!imltitb .••....••••••• Dist. Jim', :Moantntn View ..... Di$t. Wll, I.J;ttlll Crook .•••..••• DI${;. 11-13, Buchantm .......... . ~rwmltltN---'············

1125, Bl1n«illlbe ......... . Bwml!ll ••••...••••••

Dbt., 1331, Felton •••••••.•••... J)js;t.. MU, Waoo~----·····-----

IV.uotwn ...•••••••••••.•••. l)le,t. 147~ Dni.ketown ••.•.•••• D~. Ull2, Bereii .•••••...•••••• Dist. ~t. St:eadnum .•••.•.•••• Dllit.-... Ccrl:nth ••••••.•.•...

----um l,BM

867 307 212

2, 071 661 600

3,2*2 f,199

591 ll40 BS8 451 369 581 002

2, 988 t,3tl8

837 270 548

2,212 604 75'1

2, 715 1,708

58ll 891 004

l, 170 411 511 482

7'.r/ 274 426

2,340 4!9 745

l,Mll 1,0tJO

628 667 BOS

l, 155 344 538 488

Dist, 888, Shake Rag __________ _ Dist. 1477, Flippen ••...••.••••.

5g4 1,810

717 672 722

406 1,4!i8

44s 483 636

708 1, 218

39B li82 li54

Houston County ••••.•.••••• 20,964 11,303 11,280 -----

Dist. 500, Upper Eleventh...... 911 6-'!8 li60 Dist. 527, Tenth................ 780 903 851 Dist.Ml, Old Thirteenth...... 480 893 1,091

Elko town .••• ------·--------- 188 189 199 Di.st. 542, Twelfth .••.• --------- 1, 349 1, 375 1, 040 Dist. 619, Lower Town"....... 3,302 2,167 1,848

Perr11 cltv (part)"------------ B,479 864 804 Dist. 765, Upper Fourteenth._. 519 677 512 Di.st. 769, Lower Fifth 11........ 9, 652 906 976

·-··757· --·--923 Barrio! C.UJily .............. 11,2615 11,428 ll, 140

Warner Ro/Jim town"--·----- 7,988 Dist. nl, Upper Fifth.......... 676 Dist.ll26, New Thirteenth .••.. 1,080 Dist. 928, Upper Town n_______ 1, 633

1, 093 1, 203 1, 233 1, 283

I'*t. {\l)5, .. ~:::::::::: Dllit. GOO, ()it;tnula.. .......... -- • l'.Hat.. 'i'llll; Goodmanslll ........ .

nf!tr:. i::e.: NiiieiOOntii.":: J:'.>Ult. m, ·Biue spr-Jnr-···---·-n1et. m1, Dll.vid!IQll _________ _ Dlllt. 752,. M!lnm Oross Roads.

Dil!t. mi, Valley Plalna .••••••. D1$t. ll20, Wbltlllwille .••••••••• Dftlt.1134 .. Wn>"erly Hall .•••••••

W!llM']fl l'lalltOU'n ........... . Pllit. ltl!I!, Upper Nineteenth ••.

B:: 1~:SS, eo~1!:'8MountiiD.-vallw "----- ..... ·--·--------

Dist. l884. Skinners n ..•••••••.

l,144 449 141 ell()

1,6116 1,000

817 667 246 4M 391

956 572

1, 106 800 608 664

2,215 4711 340 005

1,491 1,200

709 658 454 673 301

868 493 ll40 669 280 001

1,641\ 498 293 882 SM

l, 142 68$ 68S 695 739 338

982 608

l, 186 516 283 ll05

681 -------- --------289

Perrv city (part)"------------ 1,970 Dist. 970, Lower Eleventh...... 576

878 594 661 993

Irwin County............... 11, 973 12, 936 12, 199 --- ---

Dist. 518, Old Fifth............ 457 623 499 Dist. 001, Irwlnvllle............ 1,035 1,122 753 Dist, 1388, Minnie.............. 675 628 597 Dlst.1421, Rooorts............. 864 911 880 Dist. 1529, Ocilla............... 4, llS9 4, 759 4, 671

Ocilladt11 .••.•••.•••.•••••••. S,897 s,114 1,os4 Dlst.1643, Oslerfleld........... 868 1,065 1,133

OsierfieUl town................ 147 118 s941

Dist. lll61, Mystic.............. 779 821 'SO Mustlc town.................. !81 !51J !78

Dlst.1662, Abba.·---·--·-·---- 699 937 887 Dist, 1670, Fletcher............. 727 859 881 Dlst.1753, Holt •. -----·----·-·· 980 1, 211 009

Jackson County ......•.••.• 18,997 20,089 21,609 ----

Hut CGunly .••••••.•••••••• U,.t5 15,612 15, 174

4, 720 S,048 2, 100

Dist. 242, Red Stone............ 683 648 743 Dist. 245, Jefferson.--------··-- 4, 270 3, 969 4, 031

Arcade cit11. - ----------------- 114 98 94

~.1117 .• Shoal Oreek ........ . t>1.St. UUI; Mccurry._ ••••••.•. D:lllt. Ulll:, .A.llord •••••••••••••••

lllllll'd County •..•••••••••••

~M. $!!., Oookav!lle. ---···-·--!st. 7Q!!, l'Iowiton •. -----------

Blst:. 7$1, TexruL ••••••••••••.•. flit. '119\~ Grove .••••••••. i!lt. m, Fnmkllo •••.•••••••••

D. l!'rlon/llilbclt!I- ............... . :mt. m. . 1111tl'lllbntchoo. --• - ••

"·C'eiri!Mtlh11te~M t~wn. __ •.• _. _ .. ""'~-J:i Ootinth ......•.••.•..

..,.., -----·------····---:O:Jilit. mlll, St&te Lina .•.••••••.. lHllt.11$lL ltooknlo ....• -·--·--·-Dlllt. l!H·r, Waln1tt Hill ........ . Illllt.111$!7, 9~h ........... . nlst.16111, ~ .. tu •..•...••••.•.. lil:l!lt. 1706, "~- ........ .

5,417 s,11114 1,938

!18 14$

1,051 947

1, 106 l'JOIJ 87

1,338 1, 7211



4,702 11,fJ111 2,077

155 167

1,1171 1,306 1,264 s~

l, 557 1, 976 1,257

8, 610

m 158

1, 176 1,322 l, 237

$71 50

1,638 2,021


9,102 ----·--113 299 m 32li 358 334 47$ 6118 818 376 460 483

1, 334 l, 4118 l, 103 4•• 890 m 707 873 Bro

Jef[eraoncity_________________ s,040 1,889 1,869 Dist. 248, Randolph____________ 71!8 810 • 920 Dist. 2.53, Newtown............ 1,186 1,217 1,386

Nichol.8<m town.------------·- Ut t111 1115 Dist. 255, Mlnlsh............... 5,62.'i 5, 633 5,382

Commerce citf,··--·--····-··-- 8,IU1 3,1194 s,oos Dist. 257, Harr sburg___________ 1, 293 l, 563 1, 687

Dist. 428, Cunningham. ________ · PendergTass town .•.•••.•.•.•.

Dist. 455, Miller ...... --·---·--­Dist, 4661 Wilson .••.••.•••••.•.

Mavmlle town (part) ••••••••• Dlst.1407, Hoschton .••. ______ _

Hoschton town .•. ____________ _ Dist. 1001, Talmo .• ----···-·---

Talmo tfl'W71 •• ••••••••••••••••

Dist. 1704, Center ............. . Center town ... -··-------·-·-­

Dist. 1747, Attica ...•..•...••••• Dist. 1766, Porter •...••.•.•.•.•.

Braselton town •.•.•••••••• ·---

573 641 842 189 189 ss4 716 980 1, 236 782 930 1, 122 t16 1110 t68 560 681 780 1178 864 4117 571 738 953 tlit 131 181

512 11t 820 008 165

563 109

1,002 714 197


l,~ 793 189

~~ ~i m 1asper County______________ 7,473 8, 772 8,594

135 144 101 Dist. 262, Lazenby............. 162 369 256 'I" 517 Dist, 288, Horeb................ 173 281 202 • ~ 5.'13 Dist. 289, Smith and Jordan.... 331 226 336 ~g l,m 1, :~ Dist'. 200, wyatt............... 411 575 510

~! s211 970 DGf."~~.tB'l:ckwell:::::::::::: a~ ~ Jf US lt 898 DLst. 292, Henderson and Cook 172 286 339 !64 Dist. 2113, Hfllsboro ____________ : 3li7 458 669 lS, •• 1 Dist. 294, Johnson and Malone. 197 265 343 --""- 15, 119 15, 924

749 867 Dist. 295, Monticello......... • 2,673 2, 477 2, 135 sn. 1 ""' WI Monticellocitv .............. : •. 1,018 1,746 1,599

700 '""'" 967 Dist. 296, Marlin and Burney__ 167 176 100

M~j ? lr }Im Dirarnes29_'7: ... ~-~~~~~--~d 341 500 622 1; 415 1; 34~ 1,~ Dist. 363h8hady Dale •••••••• :: 895 649 913 -406 S.40 • SS n:"U4 all town ..••••• _______ S58 159 148

Jell' Davis County__________ 9, 299

Dist. 1364, Hazlehurst •••..•.•.. Hazlehurst citY----------------

Dlst. 1620, Whitehead _________ _ Denton citY------·-----------­

Dlst. 1621, Altnmnha ...•••..••• Dist. 1622, Ocmulgee. _________ _ Dist. 1631, Blackbum ..••••.••.

5, 239 s. 687 1, 027

£78 943 880

1, 210

Jefl'erson County........... 18, 855

Dist, 76, Stapletons Cross Roads _______________________ _ Dist. 77, Stellavllle ... _________ _

Matthews town .. ------------­Stellaville town ...••.•••••••...

Dist. 78, Venice _______________ _ Dist. 79, Grnngc .•• ------------­Dlst. 81, Wrens •..• : •••.••.•.•. Wrens town •• _______________ _ Dist. 82, Louisville ••. _________ _

Louiwille cll!l-------··--------Dlst. 83, Wadley ______________ _

Wadley town ..• ··------------Dist. 84, Alexander ____________ _ Dist. 85, Bartow ______________ _

Fartow town _________________ _ Dlst.1460, Stapleton .•••......• Stapleton town _______________ _ Dist. 1593, Avera ______________ _

Avera town.-----------------­Dlst.1802, Phillips ••••.•.•••...

953 1·n3

69 222 678

2,824 1, 880 3,670 t,£91

3,fi75 1, 624

875 1,947·

347 l,328

866 740 t80 377

1enklns County .••.•••••••• 10, 264

Dlst.1634, Blrdsville ••••....... Dist. 1635, Millen a&_-----·-----Millen city•& ________________ _ Dlst.1636, Green Fork ________ _ Dlat. 1037, Big Horse Creek .•.. Dist. 1638, Scarboro ..•••.•••••• Dist. 1639, Lewis ______________ _ Dist. 1640, Butts.--------------

907 4, 808 8,449

733 256 681 975



4, 434 1, 782 l, 138

t54 go!) 925

1, 435

20, 040

1, 170 1,836

145 89

285 863

2, 945 1, 19£ 3, 250 1,803

3,M7 1,~~g 2,358

438 1, 247

842 1, 180

t98 427


990 4,810 t,8£0

975 411 852

1, 878 2,427

Johnson Conni)' ___________ _ 9, 893 12, 953

Dist. 55, Klte •••• --------------Klte town ____________________ _ Dist. 56, Pullens .•••.•••••••••. Dlst.1201, Wrl!l11tsville ...••...

Wrivhlsrlllle c1t11--------------­Dlst. 1202, Rlng)aw "---------­Dist. 1203, Ivy._---------------Dist. 1266, Smith ______________ _

Scott town ___________________ _

Dist. 1301, Brays ______________ _ Dist. 1326, Powell.. •.•••.•.•••• Dist. 1396, Price _______________ _ Dist. 1405, Span _______________ _ Dist. 1746, Adrian _____________ _

Adrian city (part) ____________ _ Dist. 1820, Moores Chapel.. ..••

1ones County _____________ _

1,004 447 354

3,300 1,760

281 349 766 194

1,~~t 441 729 526 £85 643


1, 306 47t 547

4, 197

1, ~~~ 649 890 t56

1, 328 774 313 914 719 881 936



3, 760 1,878 1, 020

S15 893 965


20, 727

1,135 1,m 98

371 1,092 2,656 1,085 3,453 1,650

3,403 1, 055 1, 298 2,343

4111 1,424

4SS l, 150

£58 431

12, 908

1,243 4,461

s.~r 533

1,037 1, 536 3,107

12, 681

1, 237 438 518

4, 179 1, 741

32.'i 613 992 865

1,123 672 382 994 834 419 812


Dist. 202, Wallace .•••••.•..•••• ---------

Dist. 299, Flnneys _____________ _ Dist. 300, Barrons .• -----------­Dlst. 301, Tranqullla ••••.•••••• Dist. 304, Roberts •..•. ________ _ Dist. 305, Lesters ______________ _ Dist. 347, Towles ______________ _ Dist. 358, Popes _______________ _ Dist. 359, Burden _____________ _ Dist. 360, Whites ___________ , __ _

Dlst. 361, Hawkins ____________ _ Dist. 377, Hammocks ....•••••.. Dist, 378, Ethridge ____________ _ Dist. 447, Sanders _____________ _

EMt Juliette town ___________ _ Dist. 450, Clinton _____________ _ D (lrav town (part)IB ___________ _

l.~t. 459, Davidson ___________ _ Gray town (part)"------------

251 317 752 162 913 254 157

1, 078 532 205

470 64

174 503 sos

1, 042 6S! 664 184

535 247 789 373 659 450 169 957 701 204

503 169 217 574 321

1, 041 698 743

484 303 880 363 858 532 160 gg4 801 246

586 202 239 680 41!3 953 653 711

1184 9116 4 D t. 'Denegal.............. 33 135 192 La Co .._ 390 526 Iru !st. 365, Lawrence.···--·----- 245 355 445 mar un.,.............. 10, 242 10, 091 9, 745

l!Sll 69.5 722 Dist, 873, Gla.desvllle 327 412 Dist. 504, Jobnstonvllle •••.•••.• ~ -m ~ 577 l, 001 I, 242 Dist. 379, Mlnter and.Giistraii-- 396 561 i~ Blst' 52.1, ~happell "--·---·---- 827 846 717 3, llllll 2, 114 2, 444 Dlst. 380, Roblnson and Kelly::. 197 333 240 ;J.

1;i533, amesvllle ..•• _______ 6, 581 5, 709 5, 392

Ml· 619 1,00S Dist. 005, Waters............... 18 38 6 Ba:;a ~o1wn.................. 591 746 595 "~d=~:m IWts ot districts t172 d I es le citv........... 4, 18/i 8, 585 8,286 !I' f ' Stoekbrldp elty 1n 'f m~s~~:t~d~~i~~~~fi~1m0f:~ fart of district 781 In 1947. ·---

Qf~ llllnl ""'""""""' iumexed tol'errycityln 1945

· Warner oblns town lncorporat~r1~ 1943. Part of district 769 annexed to Warner Robins town ·~~·ll"~b ....... _ ........ -.-~~~ ?!,(illen city in 1949, ;,: '''''"''• """' • ~·"' '"'""' l'"" Ill! llllci:e}'ll. ~.~·~;411»41)•.Q!J!\d~4SOonly.

a2ll *um0d hl t9'ili .a tlnlon. ville,


County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County Md minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division ------ ---Lamar County-Con. Lowndes County-Con. Meriwether County ________ Dist. 539, Redbone _____________ 752 928 984 Dist. 663, Valdosta"----------- 25, 563 20, 130 18, 024 Dist. 540, Milner _______________ 1, 209 l, 555 1, 615 Faldosta city"---------------- 20, 040 15, 595 13, 48£ Dist. 657, Rocky Mount ________ Milner town. _________ , _______ 345 35$ 9£0 Dist. 1246, Onslcy ______________ 543 I, 097 1, 326 Rocky Mount town ___________ Dist. 1494, Piedmont ___________ 266 274 178 Dist. 1267, Hahira ______________ 3, 628 4, 013 4, 147 Dist. 665, Gr~cnvillc ..•. --------Piedmont town _______________ SJ, 88 91 Hahira town. _________________ 1,010 080 941 Greenville city _________________ Lanier County._. ___________ 5, 151 5,632

Dist. 1268, Lake Park __________ 1, 180 1,260 I, 394 Dist. 669, Woodbury ___________ 5,190 Lake Park town ______________ 894 987 424 WoodbltrV town _______________ --------- Dist. 1307, Oat Creek ___________ 1, 340 1, 003 1, 500 Dist. 704, Warm Springs _______ Dist. 586, Sirmans ______________ 790 854 1, 115 Dist. 1500, Dasher ______________ 967 I, 184 I, 026 Warm Springs city ____________ Dist. 1052, Stockton ____________ 734 884 841 Dist. 705, Alvaton ______________ Dist. 1300, Lakeland ___________ 3,627 3,894 3,234 Lumpkin County ___________ G,574 6,228 4,927 Alvaton town ••• ______________ Lakeland city _________________ 1, 661 1,502 1,006 ---------Diet. 821, Anrnrla ______________ 536 473 348 Dist. 700, Cove 46 _______________ Laurens County ____________ 33, 123 33, 606 32, 693 Dist. 831, Martins Ford ________ 153 242 216 Dist. 715, Odessadale ___________ --------- Dist. 837, Dahlonega. __________ 2,493 1, 656 I, 175 Odessadale town .• ------------Dist. 52, Smiths ________________ 2, 054 1, 599 1, 365 Dahlonega city ________________ £, 15£ 1,£94 00/i Dist. 726, White Sulphur Dist. 86, Buckeye ______________ 1, 154 1,264 1, 301 Dist. 838, Shoal Creek __________ 276 429 377 Springs _____________ •..••• --Dist. 341, Burgamy ____________ 884 1, 143 982 Dist. 840, Nlmblewl!L •...••.•. 169 278 259 Dltrand town _________________

Dist. 342, Dublin'°------------- 13, 382 10, 896 9, 905 Dist. 900, Yahoola ______________ 467 370 329 White Sltlphur Springs town .• Dublin city"----------------- 10, £32 7,814 6,681 Dist. 935, Davis ________________ 594 593 399 Dist. 809, St. Marks ____________ Dist. 343, Plnetucky ___________ 1,371 1, 746 I, 615 Dist. 900, Crnmbys ____________ 165 182 135 St. lvfarks town _______________ Dist. 344, Hampton Mill _______ 1,903 2, 551 2, 725 Dist. 1051, Wahoo ______________ 300 405 381 Dexter town ___________________ £64 9£4 338 Dist. 1213, Gay-Oakland. ______ Dist. 345, Harvard _____________ 1, 225 810 1,238 Dist. lll6, Chestatee. __________ 188 204 195 Gau town _____________________ Montrose town ________________ !14£ 90 226 Dist. 1244, Frogtown ___________ 245 257 204 Dist. 1281, Luthersvi!Jo _________ Dist, 1252, Hightower __________ 71 200 119 Luthersville town ______________

Dist. 391, BaileY-----------~--- 803 982 917 Dist. 1296, Cane Cteek _________ 184 261 223 Dist. 1290, Gill 4'---------------Dist. 1309, Jackson _____________ 1, l~~ 1, 346 1,292 Dist. 1352, Mlll Creek __________ 298 297 257 Manchester city (part)~·-------Lovett town ___________________

125 159 Dist. 1415, Jones Creek _________ ---·345· 18 15 Dist. 1400, Lone Oak ___________ Dist. 1338, Oconee ______________ 1,056 1,~g~ 1,205 Dist. 1551, Porter Springs ______ 349 295 Lone Oak town. ______________ Minter town __________________

14s 1£3 Dist. 1401, Jones MiJl __________ Dist. 1367, Lowery _____________ 1, 132 1, 437 1,547 McDuffie County ___________ 11,443 10,878 9,014 Dist. 1368, Burch _______________ I, 630 2, 184 2, 110 ------ --- Dist. 1408, Midway ____________ Dist. 1369, Reedy Springs ______ 1,409 1, 561 1, 635 Dlst.132, Republican __________ 413 522 642 Primrose town ________________ Rentz town ___________________ 80£ 819 946 Dist. 133, Dearing ______________ 2,254 2,550 2,223 Dist. 1474, Raleigh _____________ Dist. 1412, Carters ______________ 545 831 788 Dearing town _________________ 925 £7tl £46 Raleigh citv-------------------Dist. 134, Thomson ••• --------- 7, 244 li,877 4, 142 Dist. 1495, Harris City _________ Dist. 1681, Dudley _____________ I,263 l,m 1, 383 Thomson city _________________

S,489 9,088 1,914 Dist, 1520, Chalybeate Springs __ Dltdley town __________________ £7£ £5£ Dist. 152, Mount Auburn ______ I, 108 1,218 985 Ch alybeate Springs town •• ____ Dist. 1682, Cadwell.. __________ 1,448 1, 935 1, 740 Dist. 274, Wrightsboro _________ 424 701 1,022 Jvfanchester city (part) _________ Cadwell town. ________________ 810 £91 £08 Dist. 1720, Rockledge ___________ 696 921 936 Mcintosh County __________ 6,008 5,292 5,763 Miller County ______________ ---'--- ---Lee County: ________________ 6,674 7,837 8,328 Dist. 22, South Newport"----- 881 862 779 District 903 ____________ : ________

--------- Dist. 271, Darien _______________ 659 597 332 Poykin town·-----------------Dist. 738, Palmyra _____________ I, 317 1, 414 1, 656 Dist. 1312, Sapeloe Island 4•. ___ 309 380 402 Colquitt city __________________ Dist. 915, Leesburg _____________ 1, 338 1,m 1, 719 Dist. 1480, Jones ________________ 869 970 1, 656 District 1029 ____________________ Leesburg city __________________ 659 691 Dist. 1514, Barrington __________ 473 431 616 District 1160 .••• ----------------Dist. 975, Redbone _____________ 943 1, 128 1, 131 Dist. 1515, Crescent. ___________ 1,437 1,037 1, 041 Dist. 976! Smlthvill~----------- 1, 787 1, ~~~ I,823 District 1771.. __________________

I, 380 1, 015 937 Mltcbell County ____________ Smithv lle city (part) u ________ 672 777 Darien citl!-------------- ----- 1,380 1,015 937 Dist. 1238, Chokee_ ------------ 1, 289 1, 775 1, 999 Macon County _____________ 14, 213

Dist. 625, Baconton ____________ 15, 947 16,643 Baconton town·---------------Liberty County _____________ 8,444 8,595 8, 153 --------- Dist. 791, Maples ______________

--------- Dist. 543, Marshallville. __ ----- 2, 205 2,452 2, 543 Cotton town.-----------------District 15. __ ------------------ 2,8gz 2, 537 2,304 Marshallville town ____________ 1, 121 905 981 Dlst.1033, BranchvilJe _________ Flemington town (part) "- ____ District 740 .. ___________________

606 756 686 Dist.1173, Camilla _____________ Riceboro city __________________ £67 --·-sar -----£33 District 757.. ___________________ 1, 674 1, 731 2,0PO Camilla city_-----------------District 17 ______________________ 1,6~~ 1, 970 1, 789 Ideal town ____________________ 318 £88 £85 Dist. 1194, Pelham"-----------Flemington town (part) 4• _____ Dist. 770, Montezuma __________ 5, 899 6,689 6,757 Meigs town (part) ____________ . Hines••ille town _______________ 1,£17 ----680" ---·-416 Montezuma city ______________ 2, 9£1 S,948 2,£84 Pelham city 11 _________________ District 1359 ____________________ 1,314 1, 234 934 District 814 ____________________ 839 · 1, 157 1, 213 Midway town _________________ 2£8 08 4£ District 1002 ___________________ 683 869 1,054 Dist. 1299, Parker. _____________ District 1453 ____________________ 1, 311 537 731 Dist. 1070, Oglethorpe __________ 2, 307 2,293 2,310 Dist. 1548, Pehble City _________ Oglethorpe city ________________

1,£04 1,048 953 Dist.1603, Sale City ___________ District 1476.. __________________ 811 740 908 Sale City town ________________

Flemington town (part) "- ____ !!8 Madison County. __________ 12,238 13,431 14,921 Dist. 16ll, Raiford_------------Dist. 1756, Monticello· __________ 479 ----ii2ii" ----·295 --------- Dist. 1699, Hinsonton __________ Balance of connty u------~----- 1, 242 1, 192 Dist. 203, Fork _________________ 947 1,079 1,079 Carlton town _________________ £49 £84 844 Monroe County ____________

Lincoln County _____________ 6,462 7,042 7,847 Dist. 204, Danielsville. __________ 1, 463 I, 720 2,430 Danielsville city _______________ £98 939 £96 Dist. 466, Middlebrook _________ --------- Dist. 205, Brookline ____________ 1, 4~0 1, 436 l, 910 Dist. 467, Cabaniss _____________ Dist. 182, Shady nm ___________ 127 237 268 Comer town ___ --------------- 88£ 811 900 Dist. 473, Bentons ______________ Dist. 183, Salem ________________ 452 637 600 Dist. 202, Pocotalngo ___________ 1,463 I, 481 I, 925 Dist. 474, Kelsey _______________ Dist. 184, Samuels ______________ 597 847 928 Ila town _________________ ~---- £25 £S4 £33 Dist. 480, Forsyth ______________ Dist. 185, Sybert. ______________ 399 538 770 Pocotalago town--------------- 68 5fJ 1£6 Forsyth citll-------------------Dist. 186, Lincolnton ___________ 2, 624 1, 911 2, 539 Dist. 523, High Falls ___________ Lincolnton town ______________ 1, 815 894 916 Dist. 382, Grove HilL __________ 2, 726 2, 768 2, 685 Dist. 554, Brantleys ____________ Dist. 187, Goshen ______________ 628 802 888 Colbert town __________________

j07 846 999 Dist. 557, Culloden _____________ Dist. 188, White Plains. ________ 437 691 729 Hltll town ____________________ 68 133 130 Culloden village _______________ Dist. 269, Parks ________________ 1, 198 1, 379 1/125 Dist. 383, Pitman ______________ 1, 285 1,417 1, 865 Dist, 438, Mill ...• -------------- 1, 793 2,052 1,557 Dist. 595, Evers ________________ Long County _______________ 3,598 4,086 4, 180 Dist. 591, Harrison _____________ 741 843 871 Dist. 596, Dillard .• _____________ --------- Royston city (part) ____________ 8 1£ Dist. 599, Russellville.---------Dist. 16, Eye Patch ___________ - 508 737 907 Dist. 1616, Collins.------------- 400 --·-535· 593 Dist. 618, Burgnys_ ------------Dist. 24, Lndowioi_ ___________ 2,242 1, 662 I, 434 Bolingbroke town _____________ Ludowici city ________________ 1,39S 866 615 Marion County _____________ 6,521 6,954 6,968 Dist. 632, Proctors.------------Dist. 1544, Tibet ______________ 124 270 216 --------- Dist. 634, Cox.-----------------Dist. 1672, Beards Creek••---- 518 476 595 Dist. 710, Kinchnfoonee. _______ 398 444 406 Dist. 1756, Oak·DaJe __________

= 206 296 295 Dist. 807, Buena Vista ..•••• , •. 2,420 2,239 2,212 Montgomery County _______ Balance of county u ___________ 645 733 Buena 1Tista city ______________ 1,4S8 1, 161 1,097 Dist. 808, Tazewell.. ___________ 576 628 662 Dist. 275, Long Pond ___________ Lowndes County ___________ 35,211 31, 860 29, 994 Dist. 948, Brantley _____________ 823 1,0-07 976 Alston town __________________ --------- Dist. 955, Fort Perry ___________ 527 624 696 Dist. 1343'v.Monnt Vemon. _____ Dist. 661, Naylor _______________ 982 1, 229 !, 224 Dist. 1034, Draneville __________ 911 975 937 Mount ernon city ___________ Naylor town __________________ S90 S61 S59 Dist.•1339, Pine Knot __________ 42'1 523 500 Dist. 1567, Higgston ____________ Dist. 662, Clyattville ___________ 1,008 1,344 1,353 Dist. 103\l, Doyle _______________ 442 514 579 Higgston town_---------------

"LAURENS.-Part of district 342 annexed to Dublin city in 1941. "LEE.-Smithville city returned in 1940 as a town In Lee County only. 12

LIBERTY.-Flemington town incorporated In 1941. District I&.13 disorganized in 1941 and now shown ns "Balance of county". 43 LoNG.-Part of district 1132 annexed to district 1672Jn1941; remaining part disorganized in 1941 and n.ow shown ns "B~lance of county", •• LowNDEs.-Parts of district 663 annexed to Valdosta city in 1944 and 1949, and parts of Valdosta city reverted to district 663 In 1949. u Mcll'!TOBH.-Distrlct 22 returned in 1940 as Pine Harbor .• District 1312 returned in 1940 by number only. 46 MERIWETHER.-District 706 returned in 1940 as Red Bone. Part of district 1290 annexed to Manchester city in 1946,

•1 MrTCHELL.-Part of district 1194 annexed to Pelhlllll city In 1946.

1950 1940

21, 055 22,055 ------938 1, 129 27 84

2,004 2,008 783 OBS

2, 172 985

2, 235 865

1,962 I, 630 557 608 802 1, 127 95 109

352 306 I, 017 1, 535

55 79

957 1, 169 180 181 SB 8

640 850 48 48

1, 151 241

1,429 £6£

1,088 J, 176 ::m 954 4,479 3, 756 3,407 2,891

628 727 1£0 187 218 316

310 369 £4 59

428 479 48 94

577 730 1,332

£5/i 1,084

118 677 586

9,023 9,998 ------4,370

1£0 4, 561

118 1,664 1,410 1, 998 2, 245 2,655 3, 192

22,528 23, 261 ------1,652 1, 956

600 504 . I,~~ 1,639

1!5 1,105 1, 307 7, 756 7, 640 S,145 £,588 6, 708 5,469

31 50 .4,365 B,579

1,206 1, 554 495 738

1,164 £811

1, 406 3£9

539 744 540 808

10,523 IO, 749 ------616 800 440 596 346 376 390 402

4,408 3,322 s,1es £,SU

203 250 572 655 773 922 t81 S51

457 556 544 692 248 371 480 532 87 103

414 439 632 836

7, 901 9,668 ------923 1, 012 147 £1S

1, 588 1,~ 990

1,045 1, 086 156 141


---· 22,43T ---1,069

--------l,~~: 2,389'

849" 1,435'·

400 1,m:

307" 1,486




1, 717" £51'

1, ~~7: 4,021 8,040

732 140 261

296 40

511 ao 814

1, 071 9



4, 101 59

89 B' 283' ~692

23,62 0'

2,0 53' s· 49

1,681 14

1, 16 S' g

7,09 2' /j 1!,0f

5,81 4 S' I!:

4 S,76

1, 5 83 T 6'


78 l,~o

82 80

7 ll'

11, 60 ()

5 IJ 6' 5 ll' r 8' 1 (i r

00 64 49 38

2, 97 s,s1

25 73

I, 18 38

75 1,1

1 00 T 3 I! z 3

36 li8 10 45 77

10,02 ()>

1, 19


094 fl 3 !I

06 Q

77 1,0




11 .. 1s GEORGIA


~Y WJil!ll!Mre!VlldlvlillW ~1~1~ County nnd mlnorclvll division I~~~ Countynnd minor ciVil division ~I~~

758 uo 977 508

1,002 1,008


1,()46 Rll8

1,~ l, 140 2',244


1, 157 tM


d~ 2,087


11, Sill! 12, 713 12, 488

a, 1!:19 2:7iii 2, 648 S,489 t,046 l,~

610 443 "''" 468 li83 562 780 rm 1,042 - s14 rrs 665 72() 573 001 sro 9'13 U1 S18 t98 672 780 760 lllI ta

&ll2 &IS 887 628 672 626 700 762 uo 003 301 413 WT 950 ~70 601 17B tU 25:! 441 404 ~l JOS 19'1

1, 183 656 200 378 582

Mu~ <:l!>un.I)> •••••••••. 118,0JS 74,494 ----9, 9ilO 9; Bl 9 9,91!(). 9,819

3!i0. 531 41, u 7 25, ll14 I, 461 t, I/St

$7,BS4 ~984 3,482 . 613 8,4811 1 619 1, 730 1, 479 u.......... ~1, 010 26, 9311

fl.:~:.::::::: 38,8()6 17,~

1,131 sos 194 401 400

8, 623 8,11211

514 20, 21)3 1,'fl:tl

11,$.,fJ. 8,8(15 8,305 1,351

18, 231l l!J, 961


--- 18,J16 17,200

Oconee County............. 7,009 7,576 8,082 ---------Dlllt. 221, Wntk!nsvlllo ...... --- 1, 528 1, 277 1,473

Watklns&lille touin .......... ___ 1162 558 4£5 Dist. m, I<'lll'lll!ngton.. ........ 962 1, 083 1, 087

llishop town.................. 258 eir $41 Farmington cltu............... 181 165 99

Dist. 223, Scull Shoals.......... 486 657 612 Dist. 224, Dark Corner......... 620 727 842 Dist. 225, Wlldrat.............. 768 1,025 1,076 Dist. 239! High Shoals.......... 9


1,041.: 1,


b:aall>il t t011>n............... .. .m North High Shoal$ town"····· 1R4

Dist. 240, Buncombe........... 1,009 Bogart town (part)............ 403

Dlst. 261, Salem................ 367 Dist. 1331, Mars Rill........... 351

Oglethorpe County ....... .. 9, 958 12, 430

Dist. 226, Beaverdam ...•..•... Dist. 227, Woll.skin ........... .. Dist. 22&, Bowling Groon ..... . Dist. 229, Lexington ......... : .•

Ltr111{fton town •••••.•.•••.••• Dist. 230, Woodstock .......... . Dist. 2:12, Bairdstown ......... . Dist. 233, Slmston ..... ____ ····-Dist. 234, Falling Creek ....... .

.Ma:reya toton ................ .

Dist. 235, Pleasant Hill ........ . Bmitlumia t0111111 ••••••••••••••

Dist. 2116, Grove Cr~k ........ . Dlst. 237, Gll\de ............... . Dist. 238, Goo.se Pond ......... . Dist.1303, Cr&wford .......... .

Crawford citv ................ .

PauJdlnir Counl)> .......... .

Dist. 832, Burnt IIlckOO'y ••..• Dist. 839, Nineteenth ......... :~ Dist. 912, Weddington ........ . Dist. 951, Caln ................ . Dist. 1003, Acom Tree ........ .. Dlst.1~. California.. ..••••••• Dist.1080, Dallas .••..••••...••

n:uros1':'8lii "'i'weniieiii: ::: :: Dist.1087, Pumpkin Vine ... : ••

Dist. 1207, Eutah .............. . Dist.1218, Humphrey ......... . Dist. 1381, IIlnun... .• .. •. • . ·

Rimm town ............... ::: D!st.1414! Braswell ........... .

Braswel town .............. .. Dist.1«:1, Tall1'poosa ......... . g~-155.1, Union .............. .

.1554, Raccoon •••••••.•.•. Dlllt.1596, Roxanna ........... .

767 527 633

1, 029

:u ll!O

1,3116 840 BO.I,

402 80 l,m

570 1,576


975 712 944

1,205 617 602 207

1,396 1,~~

514 99

1, 144 831

1,058 1, 772


11,7Ji2 12,832

345 478 711 522 373

1,013 2, 719 1, 817

284 662

634 848

1,419 299 46 25

601 503 154 380

410 583 001 000 368 946

8,431 1,92'

431 378

691 52!1

1,207 18$ 103

(i(/ 623 689 279 370


l,~~ 796

1,298 466 716 194

1,520 1,066


600 167

1,222 870

1,089 1, 743



438 569 775 000

-418 880

2, 752 J,~~


503 539

1, 218 903 159

711 682 664 307 300

Peach County.............. 11, 705 10, 378 IO, 268 ----Dlst.181~ Valley.............. 8, 745 7, 122 6,863 Fort Vakucltg ............... 6,81!0 4, 89~~ 4,560

Dlst.1814, I'owersvllle_________ 817 "" 784 g~t.18l5, Myrtle.............. 303 550 589

Is t. 1816, Claude.............. 612 727 822 D t.1$17, Byran............... l, 228 1, 126 1, 210

Bvnm town.................... 879 905 318 PiokenS County-........... 8, 855 9, 136 9, 687

Dist. 794, Tnlldng R.ook........ 600 517 568 m:r·~~~Dt~Road........... 987 1,026 1,055 D•-t' "' · mmon Tree.... 225 367 846

... 1036, TmckwbeeL....... 758 756 857 7fklng Rock town............ 94 103 110

D~ · 1098, Town. ---• • • . .. . . . . . 2, 015 1, 421 1, 298 Di f!Wtown •••••• -........... 1,880 676 6a3 rn' · 10911, GrnBlll'. Knob........ 488 624 725 ni:~· 1101, JerwmJem ......... -• 387 431l 518

.1129, Townsend.......... 1,179 1,357 1,628

Pierce County-Con. Dist. 1250, Mershon ___________ _ Dist. 1330, Sweats •••••.•.•••••• Dist. 1491, Dowlings ........... · Dist. 1609, Walkersv!lle ..••••.• Dist. 1694, Bristol.. ___________ _

Bristol town _________________ _

009 667 316 301 513 187

1,002 739 356 422 514 114

1,244 903 322 582 695 £05

Pike County .••••••• -....... 8,459 10, 375 10, 853

Dist. 505, Concord ............ . Concord town ................ .

Dist. 534, Hollonvllle .......... . Dist. 516, Driver"····-·-------

Williamson town ........... ~. Dist. 551, Meansville .......... .

Mean8Ville town ............ . Dist. 580, Zebulon ............. : Zebulon cUy •• _______________ _

Dist. 581, Springs ••••• - ...•••• Dist. 592, Second .............. : Dist. 1465, Molona ............ .

Molena cltu ................. ..

1,387 960 646 887 S11

1,012 224


999 896

l, 100 907

1, 621 409

1,035 1,023

£17 1,086

198 1, 905


1,018 1,285 1, 402


1, 687 447 958

l, 341 2£6

l,016 169

1, 885 576

1,057 l, 153 1, 756


Polk County................ 30, 976 28, 467 25, 141

Dist. 1072, Rockmnrt "··-······ Rockmart cU11 "--------------­

Dist. 1078, Bunoombe-~-------­Taylor.vllle town ('fJO:TfJ "---··

Dist. 1074, Fish Creek ..•••••••• D~t. 1075, Cedartown "--······

edartown citv "·-··------···· Dlllt.1076, Hampton .......... . Dist. 1079, Esom Hill ...•••••••• Dist. 1223, Youngs ____________ _

Dist. 1447, Brownings ......... . Dist. 1400, Blooming Grove ••.. Dist. 1518, Antioch. __ _ Dist. 1570, Lake Creek.:::::::: Dist. 1588, Aragon ............. .

Aragon (unlnc,) ••••..•••.••••

Pulaski Connty ···-·-·--····

Dist. 364, Mltohells ........... . Dist, 3~, Hartford •••.• -••••.•• Dist. 511, Duprees •.•...•••••••• Dist. 512, Hawkinsville ....... .

J-Iawkln.wille cltV----·-·-··-··· Dist. 764, Wb!tfteld ........... . Dist. 1236, Blue Springs .•••••.• Dist. 1677, Finlayson ••••••••••.

Finlevson town •••••••••••••..

Putnam Conni)> .•••••••••.•

Dist. 306, Glados ...... Dist. 807, Rockvllle~ ••• :::::::: Dist. 308, Popcnstle .••.••...••. Dist. 309, Tompkins .......... .. Dist, 310, Donegal •.••...•..•. E~;: m· gpposiuon .•••••••. :: Dill , J arrard ............. .

D'· t. 313, obnson ............. . wt. 314, Kinderhook ........ .

Dist. 367, Fork ••••..•••••••.•• :

D1Efdt 3~, Eatonton ........... ..

D~t. ~Olllef~lf:,c······-······ Dist. 374: Rnrri!o'ri::::::::::::: Dist. 875, Patrick .••••••• g~t. ll81l, .A.sbbank .••..•• ::::::

t. 390, Hawkins •••••.••.•••.

Quitman County .......... _

Dist. 811, Georgetown •• _______ _ fltorgetown village ........... .

6,490 8,821

603 8£

1, 637 13, 566 9,470 1,021

835 1,282

6, 017 9,764


4,970. 11,1!64


--i;ii43" -----829 12, 466 11, 015 9,0$5 8,JS4 l, 108 l, 057

780 700 822 910

271 366 403 436 341 409 426 725 729 860 769 SH

3, 549 3, 574 2, 631 1, 272 --------- ----···-

8, 808

799 965 946

4,4.73 9,94£

327 683 6}5 79

7, 731

205 mo 468 233 310 427 244 122 334 99

3, 940 2·ifs

246 102 427 190

3, 015


1,053 1,130 1,153 4,412 8,()()()

513 785 783 1£9


280 346 611 367 288 373 409 244 413 124

3, 642 $,899

178 427 146 458 209



1,062 936

1,018 3,859 2,484

420 899 Bll 112


267 559 517 287 315 417 382 206 326 166

3,218 1, 876

260 368 294 550 245

3,820 ---------

400 682 498

Dult. 1195, Oak Grove ••.•• - •• · Dist. 1190, Florida ..•.•. _ ·­Dist. 1197, Bumbleton •• :.::::::

2,005 550 323 422 265

2,217 867 399 469 350

2,165 845 li76 565 514 m ~ 684 B~: u~ f:i? Top.......... 118 155 171

"''' 6llll eoo Dist '""'' ville............ 408 623 S85 1,317 tfi: 3,686 Mi\ • .., Nelson.............. 11&7 734 SW Rabun Conni)>............. 7,424 7,821 6,331

~ 671! s,m fil!i: i~, ountatn:::: ~ tfs r~g Dist. 436, Obeohero •.•• - ........ ~-mo 449 ·039 005 729 D'~ 169$, ldjje........... 240 308 293 Dist. 452, Warwoman.......... 201 245 299 11911 fJfY1 11$1 ..,t, 1801, 445 465 450 Dist. 509, Tallulah............. 453 447 350 1!9l!· 1198 826 Pi<)l' Co

17 Dist. 556, Tennossee Valley 1 364 l 467 1 275

~ 1116 587 ce un ··--·-········ 11, 112 11,800 12,522 Dillard town ............. :·:·· '188 'so4 'SlO Dist 584 Blallksbee:r - -- Mountain Olt11 town (part) •• 129 9IJ 47

fiQ ! 066 m' k K'4 dt ····-·····- .'i,873 6, 138 .'i, 944 Dist. 587 Clayton -·-- a 270 3 131 2 o UI 4811 D!it~ii81 Pntf-········--··--· S,171 2,010 1,817 Clauto~ cltv ..... :::::::::::::: /SOR / 088 ' 37 • 67$ Patter ' tow1I enion........... 2, 443 2, 629 2, 832 Mountain Olt11 town (part) '401 '·'"8 ~~8 m a~ to ()(I BIJ1I .-------·······- 656 541 528 Tiger town .. ______________ ~::: 1119 ~9 ts~ ~~l~N m~~~:i~~~:·tPf¥1ot 1rd1~ disorganized In lll{2and now shown as "Balance of county"

• r o <>rte ... e town In districts 461 and 1513 had no population In 1950. Oxford town returned

butll'Otr&~ separately In 1940. ·

),'fhUM:l. 'raylotsvllle town. returned in 1040 as in Dartow county only. " · Pll+tS of dlsttl?b 1075 a~exed to Cedartown city



County and minor civil division\ 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 ------ ---Rabun County-Con, Spalding County-Con. Taliaferro CountY.-Con. Dist. 597, Tiger"--------------- 669 627 653 Dist. 10G5, Orrs "--------------- 4,642 3,253 3, 317 District 605 __________ _. __________ 274 Tallulah Falls town (part)53 ___ 09 73 106 Experiment (uninc.) (part) ____ 1,£00 District 6oo._ ___________________ 204 Dist. 636, Persimmon ___________ 357 461 570 Griffin city (part) "----------- 630 ----i?X -----iss District 607 _____________________ 765 Dist. 1014, Moccasin ____________ 262 311 250 Dist. 1066j Akins _______________ 2, 133 1,488 1,504 District 608 _____________________ 386 Dist. 1275

1 Stonepile ____________ 400 426 448 East Gr [fin (uninc.) (:part) ___ 674

Randolph County ___________ 13, 804 16, 609 Orchard I-Jill town ____________ SS -----8ii- ----·-73 Tattnall County ____________ 15, 939 17, 174 Dist.1067, Mount Zion ________ 703 824 802 ------------ Dist. 40, Tyson _________________

1,032 Dist. 718, Cuthbert---------"--- 5,006 5, 558 5, 152 Dist.1068, Union ______________ 1,417 1,396 1, 240 Dist. 41, Reidsville _____________ 2,51G Cuthbert city ________ --------_ 4,026 s,it7 S,£36 Dist. 1069, Africa _______________ 1,877 1,554 4,m Reidsville citv- ---------------- 1,f68 Dist. 777, Brooksville_: ________ 712 8 3 664 Sunnvside village------------- 109 123 Dist. 351, Cobbtown ___________ 1,417 Dist. 934, Carnegie _____________ 1, 620 l, 385 1, 533 Dist. 1159, Line reek __________ 411 458 423 Gabbtown city _________________ S88 Carnegie town ________________ 197 f62 -------- Dist. 1825, Experiment _________ 4, 250 3,698 -------- Dist. 1370, Manassas ___________ 729 Dist. 947, Fountain Bridge _____ 896 2,191 2, 361 Experiment (unin'ili (part) ____ 3,066 -------- lviana.ssas city ________________ 1£8 Dist. 954, Springvale ___________ 665 903 943 Dist. 1830, East Gri n 11 _______ 1,081 --1;299- -------- Dist. 1432, Glennville.--------- 4,111 Springvale town _______________ JS7 148 180 East Griffin (unlnc.) (part). __ 905 -------- -------- Glennville citfi- _ -------------- 2,327 Dist. 998, Farmers Academy ___ 647 739 1, 680

Dist. 1601, Col ins-------------- 1, 911 Dist. 1131, Coleman ____________ 950 1, 226 1, 132 Stephens County ___________ 16, 647 12, 972 11, 740 Callins city_------------------ 038 Goleman town ________________ 296 270 400 --------- Dlst.1645, Elza ________________ 2,065 Dist. 1334, Shellman ____________ 2,456 2,494 2,099 Dist. 215, Big Smith ___________ 734 909 948 Dist. 1700, Mendes------------- l,082 Shellman city _________________ 1,090 1,009 1, 117 Dist. 267, Wolf Pit _____________ 1, 315 1, 153 l, 174 Dist. 1710, Birdford ____________ 447 Dist. 1566, Benevolence ________ 852 1, 310 1, 610 Dist. 402, Curraheo ____________ 242 346 441 Dist. 1761, Longview ___________ 629 Benevolence town _____________ 167 190 260 Dist. 440, Toccoa _______________ 12, 965 9,058 7,420 Richmond County __________ 108,876 81,863 72, 990

Toccoa city_---------------- __ 6, 781 Ii,~~ 4,60! Taylor County __ - ---------- 9,113 Dist.1473, Broad River_ _______ 480 735 ------------ Dlst.1647, Martin _____________ 911 876 1,0~~ Dist. 737, Daviston _____________ 293 District 119 "------------------- 22, 521 4,289 2, 944 Avalon town __________________ 161 113 Dist. 741, Reynolds ____________ 1,849 Augusta city (part).---------- 0,682 1,364 781 Martin town _________________ 207 S42 463 Reynalda town ________________ 906 District 120 ________________ , ____ 18, 922 18, 051 17, 446 Dist. 743, Carsonville ___________ 617 Augusta city (part) ___________ 18, DBS 18, 061 11,446 Stewart County ____________ 9, 194 10, 603 11, 114 Dist. 757, Butler_-------------- 3,316 District 123 ___________________ 13, 102 14, 274 11, 572 --------- Butler town __ ---------------- 1, JBS Augusta city (part)_---------- 8,968 10,010 9,016 Dist. 725, Oconee _______________ 838 987 1,m Dist. 768, Panhandle ___________ l,053 District 124--------------------- 1, 075 1,297 1, 360 Omaha town __________________ ~17 f1J Dist. 853, Howard .• ------------ 381 District 600--------------------- 21, 969 12, 163 12, 232 Dist. 727, Richland ____________ 2,400 2,451 2,644 Dist, 1071, Cedar Creek ________ 557. Augusta city (part) ___________ 21,980 JS,189 a,sss Richland city _________________ 1,671 1,~97 1,677 Dist. 1656, Rustin ______________ 426 District 1269 "------------------ 26, 932 27, 287 22, 688 Dist. 747, Pataula ______________ 722 53 1,030 Dist. 1772, Potterville __________ 021 Augusta city (part) ___________ 16,967 24,031 so, 867 Dist. 780, Antioch ______________ 779 848 714 District 1434 ____________________ 1, 530 1,456 1, 606 Dist. 796, Lumpkin ____________ 2,529 2,814 2,703 Telfair County _____________ 13,221 Hephzibah town _______________ 526 616 648 Lumpkin city _________________ 1,209 1,210 1, 108 ---District 1660-------------------- 1,930 1, 351 1,270 Dist. 801, Florence _____________ 547 084 960 Dist. 337, Lumber City ________ 1,851 District 1760 !! __________________ 895 797 874 Lumber City town ____________ 1,1!3S Blythe town (part) ____________ 269 164 186 Dist. 816, ScienceviIJe __________ 491 722 714 Dist. 338, JacksonvlJle __________ I,~~ Dist. 965, Green Hill ___________ 186 261 230 Dist. 339, Temperance __________ Rockdale County ___________ 8,464 7,724 7,247 Dist. 966, Brooklyn ____________ 314 396 378 Dist. 340, MoRae _______________ 2,719 --------- Dist. 988. Midway _____________ 388 487 6ll0 McRae citY------------------- 1,~ Dist. 475, Sheffield _____________ 1, 139 l, 137 1, 168 Dist. 1284, Cobbville ___________

Dist. 476, Town---------------- 4, 131 3,569 3,448 Sumter County _____________ 24,208 24,502 26,800 Dist. 1344, Milan _______________ 1,408 Conyers city __ ---------------- s,oos 1,619 1,495 --------- Milan town (part) ____________ liS6 Dist. 561, Honey Creek _________ 1, 196 1, 102 978 District 687--------------------- 651 l, 180 1,564 Dist. 1251, Lorraine ____________ 502 475 420 District 745 ____________________ 1,503 1, 738 2, 193 Dist. 135~ Scotland ____________ 633 Dist. 1619, Milstead ____________ 1,496 1,441 1, 233 District 756-------------------- 2,410 3,~;~ a,m Scotian town (part)I&•-------- SW Milstead (uninc.) _____________ 1,076 -------- -------- De Soto village _____________ .•• 909 Dist. 1300, Nelly _______________ 664 LeBlie village _______________ --- 411 479 6SO Dist. 1485, Towns ______________ 343 Schley County _____________ 4, 036 5,033 5,347 District 759 ___ ----------------- 1,530 1, 614 1,379 Towns town __________________ 96 --------.- District 789 !& __________________ 14,134 12, 043 11,662 Dist. 1524, Mount CarmeJ ______ 409 Dist. 785, Lickskillet ___________ 491 643 726 Americus city 11 _______________ 11,389 9,181 8,760 Dist. 1530. Helena ______________ 1,526 Dist. 882, Lacrosse _____________ 881 1, 205 1, 234 District 88L------------------- 1, 332

1, ~i~ 2,465 HeZ.na town __________________ 1,0B'l Dist. 946, Patton Hill __________ 597 855 959 Plalni town __________________ 640 809 Dist. 1707, Sunshine ____________ !i23 Dist. 961, Town---------------- 2, 067 2,330 2,428 Dist. 1755, Thomas _____________ 497 Ellaville city _______ , __________ 886 918 764 District 993 ___ ---------------- - 892 l,m 1, 195 Andersonville village __________ £81 !81 Terrell County _____________ 14,314-Screven County ____________ 18, 000 20,353 20,503 District 1007 __ ----------------- 1, 153 1, 235 1,424 ------------ Smithville city (:part) 11 ________ 4 - ----·927 Dist. 811, Twelfth ______________ 1, 215 District 34. _ ------------------- 5, 410 5,309 4,452 District 1185. ---------- ----·--- 573 734 Dist. 909, Third ________________ 915 Sylvania city __________________ £,939 S,691 1, 781 Herod town ___________________ Je6 District 35 ___ -------------- -· -- 2, 260 2,488 2,565 Talbot County ______________ 7,687 8,141 8,458 Dist. 1143, Bronwood ___________ 1, 640 District 36.- _ ------------------ 2, 008 2, 410 2, 678 ------ Bronwood town _______________ 357 District 37 _ -------------------- 572 552 456 Dist. 681, Pleasant Hill _________ 174 292 406 Dist. 1150, Dover _______________ 541 District 38 _____________________ 600 735 658 Dist. 685, Talbotton ____________ 1, 742 1, 558 1,569 Dist. 1154, Town _______________ 5, 994 District so _____________________

1, 040 1, 409 1, 561 Talbotton town _______________ 1,176 1.gfg 1,064 Dawson city_----------------- 4, 411 District 259 ____________________ 920 1,322 1,393 Dist. 6881

Box Springs __________ 662 543 Dist. 1459, New Eleventh ______ 128 District 260 ____________________ 1, 284 1, 386 1,479 Dist. 689, Flint HilL __ -------- 887 730 785 District 1286 ___________________ 1, 479 1, 851 2,059 lvianchesler city (part) ________ 5!! 45 £9 Dist. 1470, Parrott ______________ 1, 116 Hilltonla town ________________ 818 !!46 1£6 Dist. 876, Red Bone ____________ 147 187 232 Parrott town _________________ !!91 Dist. 877, Centerville ___________ 235 324 396 Dist. 1673, S11!1ser _______________ 1, 994 District 1653 ___________________ 1, 165 1,462 1, 730 Dist, 883, Prattsburg ___________ 111 292 363 Sasser town·------------------ 371 Rocky Ford town ____________ , £78 9£0 370 Dist. 886, Harts ________________ 415 !i57 675 Dist. 1750, Graves. _____________ 771 District ltl76 _________ • __________ 1, 257 1, 429 1,462 Thomas Count:r------------ 33, 932

Newington town ______________ 4£9 966 366 Dist. 889, Geneva ______________ 853 881 691 Oliver city"------------------ £SS S11 24! (leneva town __________________

£00 :803 179 ---Dist. 894, O'Neals ______________ 643 674 721 Dist. 637, Thomasvllle "------- 19, 700 Seminole County ___________ 7,904 8,492 7,389 Dist. 902, Valley __ ------------- 1, 308 1,401 1, 267 Thomawllle city 11 _____________ 14, 4£4 --- --- lVoodlancl town _______________ 6£1 489 468 Dist. 754, Boston _______________ 3.128 Dist. 635, Spring Creek ________ 1, 224 1, 626 1, 463 Dist. 904, Rough Edge _________ 109 279 329 Boston cltY------------------- 1,036 Dist. 1046, Donalsonville _______ 3, 551 3,630 2,629 Dist. 1705, Junction City _______ 401 453 481 Dist. 76:1. Ways ________________ 1, 010 Donalsonville city (part) "- .. --- S,953 1, 718 1, 183 Junction City town. __________ £59 3£6 841 Dlst.1212, Coolidge ____________ 1, 805' Dist. 1387, Rock Pond _________ 549 704 570 Coolidge town ____________ ----- 764 Dist. 1430, Steam Mill _________ 828 695 1, 139 Taliaferro County __________ 4,515 G, 278 6, 172 'Dist. 1227, Ochlocknee _________ 1, 705 Dist.1431, Iron City ___________ 1, 752 1,837 1, 588 --------- Ochlocknee town ______________ 608 Donalsonville city (part) "·---- !!16 ------- - -------- Dist. 172, Raytown,. __________ 791 1,m 1,m

Dist. 1282, Metcalf _____________ 808 Iron Oity'town ________ : _______ £98 £89 300 Sharon city (part)------------- 16S .. fs[~tcalftown_ ----- ----------- £08 Dist, 601, Crawfordville ________ 1, 218 1, 231 l,m D st. 1508, Meigs _______________ 1, 927 Spalding County ___________ 31, 045 28,427 23,495 Crawfordville city _____________ 968 1,066 Meigs town (part) ____________ 1,088 --------- District 602--------------------- 116 276 814 Dist. 1583, Pavo ________________ 1,239 DL~t. 490, Oabin ________________ 1,079 1,410 1, 351 District 603 _____________________ 357 470 438 Pavo town (paill-------------- 480 Dist. 1001, Town _______________ 13, 452 13,047 lO, 183 /3haron city (:part) _____________ 71 99 106 Dl.st.1614, Merr ville _________ 959 Griffin city (part) 11 ____________ JS,46!! 18,047 10, 189 District OOL------------------- 404 636 644 Merrillville town ___ ----------- 109

"RABUN.-Part of district. 597 ann~ll'.efl.tq Tqllul!ll,;F..Us .towp, !P.1944, . .· · . . "R1cmr0Nn.-Part of district 1269 annexed to district 119 In 1947. District 121 annexed to district 1760 In 1947. usonEVEN.-Oliveroityretuinedinl940·asa:*!>1'91J; .:·: ::. : "'. , •G SEMINOLE.-Donalsonville city returned in 1940 as in dIStrlct 1046 only. ·· . : , , .. ,.,, , n SPALDING.-Tha.t part of Griffin city in district 1065 returned in 1940 as in district Hl3o; 1940 and 1930 figures revised accordingly. is SUMTER.-Parts of district 789 annexed to Americus city in 1945 and 1946. Smithville city, returned in 19jO as a town in Loo County only. •&• TELFAm.-Scotland town returned in 1940 as in Telfair Councy- only. . . : "THOYAB.-Parts of district 637 annexed to Thomasville city ln 1946 and 1947.



---390 655 854 OU5

16,243 ---1, 137 2' ii~

1, 502 S76 822 186

3,mo 1,674' 2,253

71S 1, 714 1, 105

852 822

10, 768 ---

489 2,056

871 906

3,462 1,093

l,i~~ 878 539 684

15, 145 ---1, 922 1,044 1, 593 1, 012 2, 591 1,695

695 1, 555


583 t38 983 513 116 681

1, 752 1,078

827 638

16, 675 ---1, 821

014 141

1,872 437 646

6,034 S,681


1,446 887

2,472 865


31,289 ---

16, 599· 1!!,688 3,147 1,090 1,287 1, 009

608 1, 855

429 895 161

l,~~ 1,356

41!! 993 n1


3 49 00 9 4 7

79 72


1, 38 2 5 1 5 5 0

1, 90 OS

1, 49 S9 91 1

3,45 97

5 3 9 0 g

1,60 2,27

61 1, 04 1, 12 6

2 8

97 83

10,61 7

4 50 2, 1 94

0 41

5 7

00 96

88 7

2,91 86

J,3 5

7 7

835 40 8.~

14,9 97

11 43 94 69 59

1,9 1,0 l, l 1, 1 2,1 1,!l iJi 1,5 65

/JS 4 8 20 !J 6 ~ 6 f 6

64 46 22 05 83 75 25


8 8

18,2 90

75 83 64 46 86 51 92 t7


2,1 1, ~ 2, 1

4 7

6,4 3,8

1,5 51 BS 37 1!! 47

8 2,5

4 1,3

32, 6 12

07 SS 78 43 86


15, 9 11, 7 4,2 1,!!

9 1,

4 98 04 1, 7

1, 3 $

2,3 9

1, 5


449 80 66 42 57 29

469 976 09



County !lllld minor elvll dlvlslon 196-0 I 1940 I 1930 County and minor civil dlvJslon 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930

-------- --------------------Thomas Countr-Con. Turner County-Con. Walton County _____________ 20,230 20,777 21, 118

Dist. IMll, l':Uabeile ............ 701 711 871 Dist. 162.5, Rebecca .•• ---------- 1,079 l,2ll8 1,330 ---D1$1. lll&1, Barwicl<.c·--·-····· 890 916 on Re/Jecca town.-------------·-- !l95 g~ !l88 Dist. 250, Brantleys ____________ 846 948 944

Bar1&'ick ~n (part) ••. ------- !l£9 216 164 Dlst.1626, Amboy·--··-------- 839 l, 144 Campton town.--------------- 168 190 173 Dist. 1627, Dakota •• - -----·---- 605 722 670 Dist. 415, Lindley ______________ 886 957 l, 117

Tin County ................ 22,645 18, 599 16,068 Dist. 1628, !IobbY-------------· 3.58 495 414 Between town _________________ 1!l0 115 108 --------- Dist. 1629, Clements ___________ 606 837 748 Dist. 416, Broken Arrow _______ 892 1, 157 1, 194 Dillt. 000, Chula.-----·-------·- 1,386 1, 579 1,668 Dist. 1721, Coverdale ........... 72\l 794 720 lValnut Grove town.---------- 121 117 110 D&it.11211, Ty Ty ••.••••••••••• 1, 800 1,8&1 1,700 Dist. 17.58, Davis ............... 297 362 553 Dist. 417, Buncombe .•..••.••.. 1, 956 2,066 2, 154 Tu 'I'!' town .................. 418 -44S 45! Loganville city ~art) 01 ________ 646 6S7 681 Dist. 1314, Tifton .•.•••••••••••. 13, 923 9, 776 7,407 Twiggs County .•••••••••••• 8,308 9, 117 8,372 Dist. 418, Social lrcJe _________ 2,844 2,823 2, 748

'f%.~:ne>/t?;.-1uiiiiiiii"ru • · ctin: · 6,831 6,2t8 S,SIJO -------- Social Circle citV-----------·-- 1,685 1,7S5 1, 766 Dist. 323, Pearson •••••.•.•.•••. 457 644 424

im.J ............... -- -·-···· t,710 .... ~ ....... ... _ .. ,. ___ Dlst. 324, Ware .•.••.•••••••••• 284 li58 497 Dist. 419, Town •••.•.•••••••••• 6, 224 Ii, 558 Ii, 120

Diilt. Ulll, Dosia ••••••••••••••. 828 831 972 Dist. 325, Jetforsonville ••••• -··- 1, 618 1, 658 1,456 Monroe citY----·····---------- 4. 54!1 4,168 S,706 Jeffersonville dtv •• ---·---···- 781 1,~t 69! Dist. 421, Brook.--------------- 633 506 549 Diil!t. UOO, Brlghttlll ............ 782 791 958 Dlst. 326, Shady Grove ••••••••• 678 l, 210 Dist. 454, Mountain. ___________

1, 7~~ 1,J~~ 2, 159 Dilit. 16112, Brookflllld •••••••.•• 1,072 1, 1i'll l, 134 Dist. 354, Jiiggsvllle ••••.•.••••• 1,827 1,220 1,206 Gratis town------------------- 107 Dist. ltlm!, El<iorndo •••••••.•••. 1,185 1,166 l, 101 JJanviUe town (part) __________ 188 160 1711 Dist. 502, Allen ••• -------------- 787 909 905 Dlllt. Uli62, Ol:llega ea •••••••.•••• l, 603 1,416 1,029 Dist. 355, Sm!th .• -------·------ 1, 042 I,080 l,046 Jersey town ___________________ 188 188 196 Omega tiHl/n °'·····-·-········ ~6 ()()8 /JU Dist. 356, McDonald.------···· 639 %6 610 Dlst. 003, Blasingame __________ 943 1, 131 1,324

899 819 Dist. 55!l, Richardson __________ 1, 133 1, 373 1, 405

17,3$2 16, 952 17, 165 Dist. 372, Bluff ••••••.••••••..•. 1,127 Good Hope town------------·- 189 et9 194 Toombs County .••••••••••• J)ist. 3911, Tarversville •••••••... 170 310 376 Dlst. 1663, Booths-------------- 481 576 639 ----- Dist. 42.5, Marlon ••••.• --------- 101 463 326 Dist. 1675, Whatleys .•••••••... 812 793 860 Dlit. 39, g Read .....•.•.•. 1, Otl4 l, 162 1, 21i2 Dist. 1322, Hammock .••••••.•• 36/i 460 402 Dll>t.43, Crossing.-··-··· 1,738 l, li72 2,037 Ware County ••••••••••...•• 30,289 27, 929 26,558 Dkt.51, .. ...... •"" ........... ,. .. ~ 6,061 5,030 5, 723

01i ... 1oa dty .. ...• ·---·-·---··· £() SB Union County .••••••••.•••• 7,318 7,680 6,340 ---------v"idalltl dtli (part)"-····-··-- 5,110 4,109 ·--:;585 -------- Dist. 451, Waresboro ___________ 1, 369 I,~~~ 1, 259 D.lllt. 1192, Jue 1!.ldge .......... 44-0 482 618 Dist. 834, Choestoe _____________ 647 795 707 Dist. 1030, Ila~ood •. --------- 690 909 District HOO .................... 1,063 1,377 1,474 Dist. 843, Ivy Log •.••• -------·- 509 505 533 Dist. 1060, Bl ley •••• --------- 852 1,014 964 Dilltrltlt 1521 ••. -- • ·······-----·. 854 1,004 1,480 Dist. 865, Blairsville •••••••••••• 1,333 1,229 870 Dist. 1082, Glenmore ___________ 367 402 394 Dist. t5:!6cktyons .............. - 4,075 3,438 3,454 Blairsville town ••••••••••••••• i30 868 908 Dlstrlct 123i_ __________________ 23,839 20, 546 18, 918 S,799 1,tl()(J 1,445 Dist. 994, CIUlada ••••••••••••.. 97 408 272 :LJllJ-'JJ>I u •••••••••••.•••••••. Dist. 005, Go.ddlstown __________ 310 327 2.58

He/Jardullle (unlnc.) ___________ 1,118 ·1a:ras· ··is;sia Waycross cllfi-·-------·------- 18,899 D111t. 1715, Nonnantown ••• _ .•. 370 ~2.5 447 nist. 006, Arkaquah •.• ------·-· 539 489 483 Dist. 1256, M' wood_---------- 852 1,m l,089 NormtmttlWll to!C'n .••••••••••• 78 1SJ 160 Dist. 1018, Upper Young Clllle. 641 574 494 Dist. 1372, Jamestown __________ 688 620 ........................... 425 litl3 680 Dist. 1024, Gum Lrc- ····-· -·-· 518 715 628 Dist. 1404, Braganzta ___________ 201 2'72 674 611 1116 w D !st. 1060, Lower oung Cane. 478 628 468 Dlst.1490, Manor ______________ 931 l, 165 1, 046 1,302 l,300 Dist. 1147, Brasstown. - -----··- 144 215 161

Dist. 1669, Beach _______________ 500 561 685 109 ,. __ ......... _ .................. Dist. 1155, Dooly ••••••••••••••• 4117 654 lil4 Beach town.--------------·--- as 87 168

Towns County •••••••••••.• 4,803 4,9.2li 4,346 Dist. 1162, Coosa ............... 750 724 li20 11, 18i Dist. 1241, Coopers Creek. _____ 68 106 138 Warren County ••••••••••••• 8,779 10,236

Dl5t. 8113, Mllllt!donla .•••••••••• 894 870 611 Dist. 1409, Owltown ••• -----·-·· 427 411 299 ---------Dillf.. 91&, Bra.sstown ••••••••••. 4S 508 451! Dist. 150, Panhandle .•••.•••.•• 680 647 598 Dll!l;. 900, Hiawassee •.•••••••••• 1,206 1,646 1,~~i Upson County ...••••••••••• 25,078 25,064 19, 509 Dist. 153, English ••••.••..••... 764 1, 171 1, 261 Iliawuaeetown .• _, •••••••••.• 1175 1(18 ------- Dist. IM, Jewens.-------------- 1, 342 J, 737 1, 724 Dist.1138, Lo-..·er Hightower .•• 460 324 307 Dist. 470, Jug ..... ----···-····- 679 884 820 Dist. 105, Stag Ha!L .• ----··-- 1, Oo9· 1, 363 1,325 Dist.1243, lliawMl!OO River .••• 30! 367 282 Dl,t. 494, Blackankle ••••••••••• 276 371 282 Camak town (part) ••••••••••• £17 £1£ 188 :P!Jt. 1264., Upper lI!ghtower --- 5() 236 246 Dist. 537, Flint ••••••••••••••... 962 1,282 1, 100 Dist. lli7, Ellm.------··-·-···-- 484 475 575 Dist'.1::8kiYoung Harris ••••••• 1, 3!i6 910 '798 Dist. 555, Redbone -····--·-···· 3, 181 l,44Ji 1,301 Dist. 158, Norwood------------· 1, 028 1, 41i2 l,924 y~ 1>rrl8tQ1/ffl ••.•••••••• 450 U8 318 SUoertown city (part) "· •••••• 908 Norwood ttlWll-------------·-- £68 £69 401 Dist, l, Tate City .•••••••••. 70 6.1 70 Dist. 561, Town"----·-·-······ lli, 001 "j6,"600- --ii~saa Dist. 151!, Barnett ______________ 466 563 731 Treutlen County ........... 6, 52.2 7,632 7,488 E4Bt Th&mastcm v111ar-···--- 3, Ost 9,690 8,061 Dist. 425, Warrenton"--------- 2, 956 2,828 3,053

Lincoln Park (nninc. ------·- 1,576 Camak town (part) •••••..•.•• 16S 148 157 --------- .S'llllertown cUu (part) "-- -•••• 1,4t9 --9; iJSO- ·--1:m Warrentcm city u ______________ 1,44£ J,£84 1,!!89 Dl!lt. 1221, Lothair ••••••••••••• 001 1,110 1, run Thomastan citu "---------.··· 6,580 6,396 4,9.M I>1$t. usa, Soperton"·-··-----· t,42.ll S, 1145 s,zn Washington C<>unty .••.•••. 21,012 24,230 25, 030 Sopm:on dtk. ····-·-·--·-··· 1, 1167 1,1189 1,m DL~t. 588, Union Hill ••••••••••. 834 725 927 PM:11687,0t •!... •••••••••••• 62.1 742

Yatenille town •• - ·----···---- 190 S,jl) £81 ---------1:>,ist. 1763, Olllls Springs u •••••• 605 m 870 Dist. 589. Hootenvllle ••••••.••• 435 514 44() Dist. 88, Oconee"------------·- 911 1, 41i9 1, li75 P:h\t. 17M, Ott~---······· 581 tlM 721 Dist. 133ll, Reeves.----·-----··· 809 974 837 Dist. 89, Wommack"---------- 500 670 717 l:>iit. 1780, n ck e ........... 325 444 5.51 Dist. 1577, The Rock ...•••••••. 788 877 987 Dist. 00, Strange .• ---·-··-----· 313 390 390 Dist. 91, Harrison ______________ 092 779 849 Troup Cou.nt;r .••••••••••••• 49,841 43,879 se, 1s2 The Rock town.------·-····-· 147 179 171

Harrison town •• -------------- 261 t98 174 -------- Dist. 1610, Atwater ••••••••••••. 1, 154 1,aoz 892 Dist. 92, Joseys _________________ 885 1, 129 1,259 Dist. $511, La Grange 11 ••••••••• 28, 353 23, 771 21,344 Walker County ............. 38, 198 31,024 26,206 Dist. 93, Sun Hill •• -··---·----- 1, 5i~ l, 974 2!017 L/i ~clt'{rU_. ............ u,ou tl,983 to,191 Sander81>ille city (part) •• ______ 86S --·i;ii2ii D1$1.. (156, t ernnn •• ------·' 1,652 l,~~ 1,:: -------- Dist. 946 Davisboro ••.•• -----·-- 1, 493 l, 777 Dt\lt. 673, liarr!Bonville .•.•••••• 511 Dist. 869, Chestnut Flat .•..••. 1,202 005 894 Dat>I• OTO city _________________

469 589 664 Dlst. 007, Rough Edge ••••••••• 1,246 1, 121 1, 63-0 Dist. 871, La Fa~ette "-------·- 7,303 5,881 5,306 DflJt .• 6911, Mottntvme ....••••••• l, 623 1,5.52 l,~.A La Favette cltu ---·-·--·-··--- 4.m 3,601) t,~~~ Dist. 95, Cato •••••• ------·-···- 437 664 710 Mounti>lllt to-•....••••••••. 141 198 Linwood town.--·----·-·-···- 85 sos Dist. 96, Giles __________________ 599 763 7.58 Dfli1;, 6flll, O'Neals Mill •.••••••. 1, 157 1,124 006 Dist. 881, Pond Springs •••••.•• 873 1,089 003 Dist. 700, R.t>gll>llilVllle •••••••••• 5,83n 5, 600 3, 68-0 Dist. 943, W!ls-On •.•••••••.••••• I, 161 1,212 l, 160 Dist. 97, Sandersville ___________ 4, 755 2,824 3 538

HogalfllfJllle city •••••••••••••.• 3,7fl.9 3,1188 J,8611 Dimt. 944, Peavlne .••.••••••••.. 1, 910 1,477 1,360 Sanderwllle cliu (part) ________ 4,4os f,478 3:011 Dist. 953, East Armucbee •••••• 770 976 88(}

Dist. 98, Hebron. ______________ 758 1,040 1,021 Dillt, ?OJii, West Point ••.•.••...•• 5, 980 4, 83.1 3, 235 Dist. 980, Cane Creek •••••••.•. 1,289 I,206 1,067

Dist. 99, Deepstep ______________ • 797 1, 011 l,9~g Wut rnt ell~-.······--···· .,f,076 S,6111 e,140 Dist. 1053, West .Armuchee •.... 439 597 581 Deepstep town ...•••••••••..•. 159 174 :Ptst. m, West arnon. .••.•••. 581 601 739 Dist. 100, Clays ________________ 289 434 466

~. IOO, An~loch ••••••••.••.•. 139 198 238 Dist. 1161, Mountain"------··· lllili 1,008 846 Dist. 136, Buncombe ___________ 272 474 4/ili l'.:>W. 1!1)4, l!lllL •• - •••••• 1,103 l, 211- I, 178 Dist. !WI, Chattanooga Vlll· Dist. 1253, Riddleville ••.••.••.• 891 1,078 1,311

J;):=:~ . ··--······· 831 627 414 Jey "· --·-·-·--···-----·-····- 4,078 2,569 2,216 Riddleville town _______________ 108 115 U1 'I) .• 100 MIU •••••••••• 182 262 159 Dist. 1800, Dougberty •.•••.•••• 2()1) 169 221.1 Dlllt.:lll•, 647 808' 7M Dlst.1808, Cedar Grove •.•••••• 539 632 539 Dist. 1315, Tabernacle. _________ 281 336 274 Dist. lSOQ, Kens~on •••.••••. 1, 08li l,lll 1,086 Dist. 1345, Stonewall ___________ 346 398 500 Tu:rur CounlJ, •••..••••••• 10,47t 10, 846 ll, 196 Di3t. 1s121

Rossv e •••••••••••• 11, 922 7,21/i 5,308 l)ist.1350, Warthen------------ 1,012 1, 163 l, 124 ~~~£.~°:!'.~!~-~~~>_~: 61 ··a:iSs -···a;isa Dist. 1384, Cleveland___________ 406 602 769

D@i, ]~ $~~~::::::::::: 2,031 1,~} 2, 161 3,891 Dist. 1399, Northern............ 526 746 673 a,:i 619 Dillt. 1818, ChiOkllll14uga ••.•••• 3,568 4,448 3,825 Dist. 1488, Tennille _____________ - 3, 309 4, 519 3,615 I ....................... 3,3114 3,456 Chickamauga c1t11.--·-··-·-·-- 1,~~ 1,1166 1, 71/i &nderaville city (part)........ SO 785 --Toiiii ..t S,SUJ S,'66 t,073 Dist. 186~, Fairyland"-·--···•· .............. .. ......... ~ .... - Tennille city.................. 1, 713 1,758 ilf'l'tn:;-:!IM-tl!lldilltrlet 1Mhn1u1~ to Omeg11town In 11147, 11 Ti!ltl'l.llllll.- tli)tp 6'.l l!Jld ln\ llll!ll&X!ld to Vidalia c:lty in 1949. "~ lllSO'llllU~~ to Soperton city In lll4Q, District 1763 returned in 1940 as Gilles Spring. 11 tw'!1l'.-P1lt't Gf lll$trlet ti) Lii Grange city In 11146. Gi. ·~re clty ~ 1n IQ;I() as a town. 11· fltty ~l\!!!l l.11 t9'IO as In district 561 only. Part of Sllvertown atty reverted to district 561 In 1946. Parts.of district 561 annexed to Thomaston city In

-~871, l11!1~1lrol nturn«i In 1940 as Lafayette, Lookout Mountain, and Lisbon, respectively. La Fayette city returned In 1940 as Lat~yette. District 18Sl W ll:t fi94t trQut~ ot · t IUU. Fort oia.ethorpe to-.. n ln:oorporated in I 941. 11r kf.llltm.-~v · CltyJ'\ltt11:111oofu.t:\rwf1t a.ltQnllOUntyonly. • 'W ~.-1'1ii't 9lf dilJt:tklt 4llll ~ ~ lltl'tntaxuilty In 1949. Iii• W ..wml'lfRJT<J,'.lf.·-Dlstrleta 11$ and l!ll l'.tturtle.i ht t1141l 88 Cohrom and Wanumck, respectively.

•,µ __________________ ................ ....



County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 1940 1930 County and minor civil division 1950 ------ ------Wayne County _____________ 14, 248 13, 122 12,647 Whitfield County-Con. Wilkes County-Con. --------- Dist. 631, Ninth ________________ 1,219 1,098 848 Dist. 179, Anderson ____________ 911 Dist. 333, GardL ______________ 487 618 769 Dist. 868, Trlckum. ____________ 044 853 638 Tignall town __________________ 502 Dist. 583, Odum ________________ 2,429 3, 025 2,525 Dist, 872, Dalton 73 _____________ 23, 924 16, 685 12, 868 Washington city (part) 74 ______ 16 Odum town ___________________ 889 469 489 Dalton city 73 _________________ 15, 968 10,448 8,160 Dist. 180, Goose Nest ___________ \)\}\)

Dist. 1217, Screven------------- 1,385 1,414 1, 970 Dist. 1049, Tunnel Hill. ________ 1, 042 718 595 Dist.181, Broad River _________ 485 Screven town __________________ 752 684 505 Dist.1233, Mlll Creek __________ 662 383 384 Dist. 12551

Jesup _______________ 7,553 4, 994 4, 316 Dist. 1278, Cohutta .• --~-------- Wilkinson CountY-------"-- 9, 781 Jesup cttY--------------------- 4,605 s,oas £,SOS l,~~ 917 923 ---Dist. 1313, Mount Pleasant _____ 246 401 543 Dist. 1294, Upper Tenth ________ 533 545 Dist. 327, Irwinton _____________ 2,li15 Dist. 1519, Madray _____________ 1, 176 1,490 1,475 Dist. 1298, Carbondalo _________ 1, 100 953 726 Dist. 1526, Ritch _______________ 072 1, 180 1, 049 Dist, 1305, Fincher _____________ 962 760 530 Irwinton town.--------------- 700 Jvfclntyre town ________________ 194 Dist. 1433, Rocky Face _________ 945 604 652 Dist. 328, Bloodworth __________ 861 Webster County ____________ 4, 081 4,726 5, 032 Dist. 3206 Passmore .• _--------- 503 --------- Wilcox County _____________ I0, 167 12, 755 13, 439 Tooms oro town (part) "------ £93 Dist. 978, Preston 10 ____________ 2,265 2,258 I, 727

Preston town __ --------------- £60 849 8~1 --------- Dist. 3306

Lords ________________ 901 Dist.1092, Weston _____________ 985 l, 123 1, 300

Dist. 433, Forest Glen __________ . 279 462 527 Tooms oro town (part) 11 ______ 418 Weston town __________________ JBS J7S 285

Dist. 1103, Seville ______________ 838 1, 140 1,230 Dist. 1093, Gooseberry __________ 601 742 818

Seville town ___________________ 187 S45 SS7 Dist. 331, Ramah ______________ 2,522 Dist. 1105, Slaughter Creek. ____ 230 281 245

Dist. 1158, Abbeville ___________ 2,1~ 2,388 2,641 Gordon town ______ ------------ 1,161

Abbei>ille clt11------------------ 1,0JO 1,0J8 Ive11 town (Wart) "------------ 1!! Wheeler County ____________ 6,712 8,535 9, 149

Dist. 1177, Ryles Mill __________ 350 497 565 Dist. 332, Gr mn _______________ 591 Dist.1321, Maple Branch ______ 531 614 716 Dist. 352, High Hill .• ---------- 353 --------- Dist. 1442, Rochelle ____________ 2,047 2,487 2,521 Dist. 3~3, Turke{; Creek ______ -- 1,090 Dist. 393, Alamo _______________ 1,826 2,206 2,367 Rochelle ci111------------------ 1,~~~ 1,175 1,053 Danville town r.art>---------- £73 Alamo town __________________ 800 048 nts Dist.1546, Davis MilL ________ 483 483 Dist.1245, Bethe-------------- Ui9 Dist. 394, McArthur ____________ 1, 153 1, 608 1,674 Dist.1505, Ivey ________________ 286 Dist. 1417, Landsburg 11 ________ 882 1,068 1,282 Dist. 1561, Sibbio _______________ 452 822 511 Ivey town (part) 11 ____________ 114 Dist. 1450, Erick 11 _____________ 933 1,SOS 1, 316 Dist. 1598, Pitts ________________ 1,020 1,273 1,421 Dist. 1531, Glenwood ___________ 1,315 1, 576 1, 516 Pitts town.--------·---------- 907 871 SB~ Worth County ______________ 19,357 menwood town __ - ------------ 684 825 509 Dlst.1630, Pineview.----------- 572 747 71 Dist. 1600, Sprln~hilL _________ 603 769 994 ---Pineview town ________________ 910 950 SSS Dist. 512, Oa.kfield _____________ S63 Scotland town part)71 _________ 18 -------- -------- Dist.1667, Pleasant Grove _____ 341 497 708 Oakfield tou:n----------------- 108

White County ______________ 5, 951 6,417 6, 056 Dist. 1708, Pope CitY----------- 457 536 59S Warwick town (part) "------- SB --------- Dist. 1752, Double Run ________ 048 809 805 Dist. 867, Sylvester"----------- 4,258

Dist. 426, Mossy Creek--------- 865 1, 102 1,047 S11lve8ter city 76 ________________ S,OSIJ Dist. 427, Nacoochee ___________ 707 580 752

Wllkes County _____________ 12,388 15,084 15,944 Dist. 1044, Doles._------------- 1, 515 Dist. 558, Tesnatee. ____________ 176 269 242 --------- Dist.1121, Warwick ____________ 1, 131 Dist. 721, Blue Creek ___________ 365 417 423

Dist.164, Town ________________ 4, 231 4, 133 3, 759 Warwick town (part) 1•------- SIJ7 Dist. 836, Town Creek _________ 159 232 263 Wa8hinoton city (part) 74 ______ li,780 3,li37 S,J58 Dist. 1124, Gordy a ___ --------- I, 068 Dist. 861, Mount Yonah _______ 1,536 1, 586 1, 273 Dist.165, Newtown ____________ 525 815 860 Dist. 1346, Sumner------------- 1, 266

Cleveland city 12 _______________ 589 471 498 Dist. 166, Derbyshire ___________ 022 841 1,045 Sumner town _________________ SSll Dist. 862, Shoal Creek __________ 473 549 471 Dist. lfi7, Mallorys ____ --------- 42\l 502 770 Dist. 1439, Blue Ridge __________ 313 303 250 Dist. 168, Donegal.. ___ ---·----- 523 ns2 742 Dist. 1428, Red Rock ___________ I, 200 Dist. 1441, White Creek ________ 877 821 631

Dist. 169, Tyrone _______________ 644 740 "845 Dist.1570, Warrior.---·-------- 929 Dist. 1497, Chattahoochee ______ 480 558 704

Dlst.171, Irvin _________________ 754 967 1,034 Dist. 1590, Poulan ______________ 1,424 Helen town ___________________ 191 198 ~5!! Dist. 174, Mackasookee _________ 225 602 619 Poulan citu.------------------ 750 Dlst.175, Upton _______________ 009 1,~n 1,019 Dist.1591, Minton _____________ 1,338

Whitfield County ___________ 34,432 26, 105. 20,808 Metasvllle town _______________ BS 17J Dist. 1594, Bridgehoro __________ 998 --------- Dist.1002, Aultmans ___________ 612

Dist. 027! Tilton ________________ 654 624 541 Dist.176, Pento ________________ 483 720 777 Dist. 1655, Pino HllL---------- 1,088 Tilton own------------------- 100 99 104 Dist.177, Bussey _______________ 481 576 758 Dlst.1701, Shingler__ ___________ 1, 001

Dist. 628, VarnelL------------- 1, 235 1, 151 926 Dist. 178, Jenkins ______________ 515 789 777 Dist.1724, Vickers _____________ 211 Dist. 629, Lower Tenth _________ 566 826 632 JJanburg tou·n ________________ J81 tOS J68 Dist.1800, Tempy ______________ 455

1o WEBSTER.-Distrlct 802 annexed to district 978 in 1946.



---1, 230




11, 025 ---2,521

680 !09

1, ~~~ --i;355·


2, 657 1,5!4


1, ~~~ 261 548 ___ ,. ____

21,374 ---l,m --3;67i(

s, 19J 1, 719 1, 107

S71J l,060 1, 6li7


1,297 1,429 I, 715

070 1, 542 I, 382

800 809

1, 218 432 425


1, 182 505




2,344 581 110

0 1,32 48-0

--T478 865

2,093 1, 199

-----780 478

1, 041 248 296 534 _______ ..


1,092 SJ 0

35 4 6 B

--·a;r-1,98 1, 60 1, 45

881 1,475 1, 735


1, I 22 1 4

1, 02 1, 27

611 1,6 93 1, 488

678 9

I, 203 322 565

71 WHEELER.-Districts 1417 and 1450 returned in 1940 as Landsberg aud Erich, respectively, Scotland town returned In 1940 a.sin Telfair County only; that part of Scotland town in district 1450 had no population in 1950.

71 WHITE.-Cleveland city returned In 1940 as a town. 1• WHITFIELD.-Part of district 872 annexed to Dalton city In 1946. 74 WILR"ES.-Washlngton city returned Jn 1940 as In district 164 only. 71 WILR"INSON.-Toomsboro town returned in 1940 as in district 330 only. Ivey town incorporated Jn 1950. 10 WORTH.-Warwick town returned in 1940 as in district 1121 only. Part of district 867 annexed to Sylvester city In 1946. District 1124 returned in 1940 as Oordy.



"Uni.ne." de:;ilgM~ llll llnl:noorpomted 111Me. Figures for I MO not a va!lable for unincorporated places or places incorporated since April I, 1940. Astcdsk (*) ~enotes an. incorporated p!lloo under 2,roo located In an urbanized area. Specific unlncorporatecl places lnslclc urbanized areas not separately ldentlllecl and therefore not !Istecl In this table. For lll30 population or incorporated pllices, soo table 6]

----City, k11wn, v1g:r;.orun· ~ plsce County 1950 1940 City. town, vll~e, or un-

incorporate place County 1950 1940 City, town, vlllacfe' orun-Incorporate place County 1950 1940

----- - ------------ -----Abbeville •• --------- •.•. Wilcox •••••.•• 8'dO 1,010 Buckhead._ .•.•.•••.•. - . Mo~an .•••.•. 220 214 Decatur ...•.•. '. .•.•.•.•• De Kalb. _____ 21, 635 16, 561 Aewmth •••••••••••••••. Cobb ••.•.•.•. l,{66 1,267 Buena Vista .. ___________ Ma on ••••.•• 1,428 I, 161 Deepstep .•.....•.•.••.•. Washington ••• 159 174 Ad:!ilnlvUle .••••••. -·-· •. Bartow •• _____ 9HI 827 Bulord __________________ Gwinnett. ____ 3,812 4, 191 Demorest._------------- Habersham. __ 1, 160 820 Aool .................... Cook .......... 2,776 2, 134 Butl~r ................... Taylor .••.•.•. I, 182 1,093 Denton.·-···----------- Jeff Davis ...•. 273 254

{Emanuel •.•.•. } Byrnmvllle .............. Dooly ••••••••. 288 275 De Soto .•...•..••••••••• Sumter··------ 309 295 Adrilm •••••••••••••• -- •• Johru!on _______ 503 680

~~'i.:1iu:::: ::: :::::::: :: Peach ......... 379 30.5 De Soto Park (unlnc.) ..• Floyd .•.•••... 1, 005

ff:i):::::::::::::::::: Montfiomery •. li08 liOO Laurens ...•.•. 310 291 Dexter.----------------- Laurens _______ 204 324 Whee er .•.•••• 800 640 Cairo ....•.•.•. - .•. -·-· -· Gracly _ ----··· 5, 577 4,653 Dickey ....•.. ----------- Calhoun ______ 135 115 .Alllpahll ••••• -- •••••••• -- Berrien ••• _ .• - ro5 494 Calhoun.------ .•. --- -.. Gordon ••.•.•. 3, 231 2,955 Dlflle (unlnc.) .. --------- Decatur .••••.. 1, 782 Albimy •.•••••••••••.•••. Dougherty •.• - 31, 156 19,0M Clllllak ..•••.•.•••.•...•. Warren. ______ 379 360 Dillard~----- •.•. -------- Rabun ..•.•••. 186 204 .Aldora •••••••••••••• -· •. '.Laniar •••••• -- Sill 746

Clllllllla .•••.•.•.•.•.•... Mitchell .•.•.. 3,74li 2, 588 Dixie ......... ----------- Brooks ________ 261 221 .Alma .••.••••••.••• -· •••• Bacon ••.•••.•. 2,588 l,&I(} Clllllpton ... --- • _ -------- Walton ...•••. 163 190 Dock Junction (unlnc.). Q]ynn ________ 4, 100

fff~~:::::::::::::: Fulton ________ 917 647

Canon.--------·-------· {Franklin •.•.•. } W6 496 Doerun_ ..• ------------- ~~~~~~::::: 902 832' Montgomery .. 147 213 Hart .......... Donalsonville .. --------- 2, 569 1,718 .Alro ••••••••••••••••••• -· {Banks.-----·-· } 802 217

Canoochee ______________ Emanuel.. •.•. 62 53 Doraville*---- ___ -------- De Kalb. _____ 472 300 Baberaha.m • - .

Canton .••...•.•.....•.•• Cherokee ...••. 2, 7l6 2, 651 Douglas .•.•...•...•••.•. Coffee _________ 7,428 5, 171> .Utt> Park (untnc.) •• - • -- Floyd .•.•.•.•• 1, lllli ----ioo Carl.. ...•.•••.•.•••••.•. Barrow ....... 214 135 Donglasville. ____________ Douglas _______ 3,400 2,551> ..Uvaron ................. Meriwether._. D5 Carlton.·---··--·------- Madison. _____ 249 284 Dublin __________________ Lanrens .. _____ 10, 232 7,814 Amerleus---------- •.•.•• Sumter .••.•.•. 11, 389 9,281 Carnegie.·------ •• ______ Randolph ...•. 197 262 Duektown ______________ Forsyth _______ 58 51 Antlermn Ville ••• -- -••••• Sumted' ..•.•••. 281 211 Carnesville .••. _ .•. _ .•. _. Franklin ...... 349 361 Dudley _________________ Laurens ..••••• 272 25()

.!~------·······-· Morgan ..••••. 178 255 Carrollton ____ . __ ••• --- •• Carroll.. ...... 7, 7.53 6,214 Duluth ..•••.•••••••.•••. Gwinnett. ____ 842 6i6 J.rabl. •.•••••••••••••.•.

cr1.sp _________ 376 388 Cartersville •..•••••••.•. Bartow ••.•.•. 7,270 6, 141 Du Pont ________ ; _______ Clinch ________ 285 382 A!'llg()n (tlnlnc.) ••••.•... Polk .••••••••. 1,272 --·--gs Cave Springs ............ Floyd ...•••.•. 959 982 Durand .•••••••.•••.•••• Medwether ___ 186 181 Areiide •••••••••••. ··---- Jackson ••••••• 114 Cecil .......... __________

Cook ... ------· 254 216 East Albany (unlnc.) ___ Dongberty .... 1, 177 .Argyle ........ -----·-·-· Cltnch ..•••..• 244 278 Cedartown ______________ Polk .••••...•. 9,470 9,025 East Ellijay _____________ Gilmer ________ 549 400

.Arlington ..... ·--· -- ---- {Calhoun ••.••. } l,882 1,337 Eady ......... Celanese '{lll!lg1) (unlnc.) Flg?,d ......... 1, 945 East Grlllln (nnlnc.) ..•. Spalding ______ 1, 539 Center.----------------· Jn son ....... 112 !Oil East Juliette ____________ Jones .•..•.•••• 303 ---·a2i .Ashburn ................ Turner •••••••• 2, 918 2,200 Centralhatchee __________ Heard .....•.•. 239 201 Eastman_ _______________ Dodge ________

.3. 597 3,311 Aj;CQ (unlno.) ............ Bartow ••••••• 1,443 ·20;oro Chalybeate Spdngs .•.•. Meriwether .•. 255 113 East Newnan (unlnc.) _. Coweta _______ 1,525 Athens •••••.•.•••.•••.•. Clarke ........ 28,180 Chamblee ............... De Kalb ..•.•• 3,445 1.081 East Point.------------· Fulton ____ ; ___ 21,080 -i2;4o~ Atlanta .•••.•.••• --·---- fDe Kalb •••.•. }831,314 302,288 Fulton. •..•••. Charles._.-----·--··--·· Toombs ....... 20 38 East Thomaston ________ Upson ________ 3,082 3, 590 Attapulgus ..•. ---- •.• --- Decatur ..••••• 457 315 Chatsworth ........ , ..•. Murray _______

1,214 1,001 Eastville .••.••• --·-._. __ Oconee ________ 96 13Z Chauncey, ______________ Dodge ........ 348 387 Eatonton •••.••• -----_._. Putnam ••.•••• 2,749 2, 39() .Aubnm ••••.•••••••••••. BarrQw ••••••• 301 286 Chester •. ------------··· Dodge .•...• , •. 315 281 Edison •••••.•.•..••••••. Calhoun ______ 1, 247 1,241 Augusta .•••••••••••••••• Richmond •••• 71, ll08 &,1119 Chickamauga .. - ••• ,. .•. __ Walker ...••... 1, 747 1,665 Elberton ________________ Elbert_ _______ 6, 772 6,188 Allit&ll. ................. Cobb.----··-· 1,418 1,229

Avalon ••.•.••••••••••••. ~:r:i::::::: 151 113 Chicopee (unluc.) ••••••. Rall. ......•••• 1, 151 Elizabeth (unlnc.) _______ Cobb _________ 1,067 Avera...----------------- 230 2118 Chipley •.•.••••••.•...•. Harris ......... 817 709 Elko .. _--------------- __ Houston. _____ 188 ---·isi> Clarkstcm• ·--------·-··· De Kalb ...... 1, 165 921 Ellaville _________________ Schley ________ 886 928 C~-~~~~:::::: De Xalb. ----· 1,070 569 Clarksville .••.•••••.•.•. Habershlllll .•. 1,106 850

fillfft~~:::::::::::::::: Colquitt. _____ 429 427 Mitchell.. •••• 000 5M Claxton ________ ••• _ .•. __ Evans ....••.•. 1,923 1,808 Gilmer ________ 1,527 1,497 .'.Bil:lnbridge .............. Dllelltur ••••••• 7,662 6,3li2 Baldwfu---···-·--·----· {Bws ......... } 400 402 Clayton ......... _._ •• --- Rabun •.•.•.•• 1,302 1,088 Emerson. _______________ Bartow _______ li08 453 Habersham ••. Clermont.-------------- Rall ........... 823 297 Empire_-----------··- •• Doclf,e- ------- 157 16Z Cleveland .•••. _____ .•••. White ......... 589 471 Enigma _________________ Berr en _______ 499 529 Bllll Ground------··---- Cherokee _____ . 700 711 Climax.--------·-···· .•. Decatur ....... 373 372 Eton ••• ---------··------

Murray _______ 297 231>

=~;:::::::::::::: Lamar •••••••• 4.,186 3,.536 Cobbtown •••••••••••••. Tattnall ....•.• 288 275 Experlmen((nnlnc.) .••• Spalding, _____ 4, 265 Brooks ........ lll7 lM Jefferson •.•••• M7 438 Cochran .•.•••••••••••.•. Bleckley •••.•• 8,357 2, 464 Fairburn .•••••.•• _______ Fulton ________ 1,889 1, 50Z l!·~---··-······-· {Brooks ........ } 436 409 Colbert •• --·----- .•. --- . Madison .•.••. 407 345 Fairmount ••••....•.•••• Gordon _______ 578 474 Thomas .•.•••. Colman.---·----·-·· .•• Randolph _____ 295 270 Fair Oaks (unlnc.), _____ Cobb _________ s, 131

=:::::::::::::::::: ~ling •.••••. S,4Qll 2,916 College Park ............ {c1ar,ton.. •••••. }14., 535 8,218 Farmington_ ____________ Oconee ________ 121 161> Fu! on •.•.•••. Farrar.----·-· •.• __ ----. Jasper ••••••••• 30 16· 111'11------- ... ' 62 87 Colllns. --- • --· •.•••••.•• Tattnall ..•••.. 688 712

llellton. ___ -- --- ---- -- -•. ~S--·•·····} 266 2113 Fayetteville .•...•.•••••. Fayette ....... 1,032 832' ~lenee ............. ~- .. ··----- Colquitt. ••••.•.•••.•.•. Miller._ ....... 1,664 1,416 Flnleyson _____ .. ··---- .. PulnskL _____ 79 121> Randolph .•••. 157 190 Colum bm .•••.•. _. _ .•.•. Mul!C(lgee .•.•• 79, 611 53, 280 Fitzgerald •...•..•....... Ben nm ______ 8, 130 7,388 Berlin-----·------······ Colqnltt. _____ 300 322 Comer .••.•••.•...•...•. Madison ______ 882 811 Flemington _____________ Liberty _______ 90 Bethlehem-•••• --• -· •.•. Barrow ••••••. Commerce.·-·---------- Jackson .•••.•. 3,351 3,294 Flovilla..---------·-· --- . Butts ••..••... 315 241> !MO 242 Concord •..•••.•.•. ___ .•. Pike ..•.••.••. 860 403 11$t'ween .... ------·----- Walton. ___ ••• 120 115 Flowery Branch ________ Hall_ _________ 610 506· Bibb Otty• ····---·------ Muscogee··--- 1, 452 1,631 Con~···--·--···-···-- Rockdale .••• -• 2, 003 I, 619 Folkston •••••.•. -------· Charlton. _____ 1, 515 1,024 ~=bear:::::::::::::: Oconee ........ 253 217 Coo dge ................ Thomas .•.•.•. 764 608 Forest Park _____________ Pierce ......... 2,271 2,010 Cordele.-----·---------- Crisp ••.•••.•• 9,462 7,929 Clayton .••.• __ 2, 653 577

Corinth.-----·-- __ -· •••. Heard ..••••••• 135 144 Forsyth.----·----···-· __ Monroe ••.•.•. 3, 125 2,37Z BlaltllV1lle ••••• ---- ---... Union .•.•••••. 430 4.58 Cornella ______________ .-·

Habersham •.. 2, 424 1,808 Fort Gaines _____________

Clay---------- 1,339 1,357 l31Uely ••••••••••• --- • ·- Early··-····-- 3,234 2, 774

Fort Oglethorpe .•••.•.•. {Catoosa _______

} 692 J:llt111 Ridge. ............. Fannin ......•• 1, 718 1, 3llZ Cotton ••..•••.•••••••••• Mitchell. ___ •• 146 125 Walker ••••••• Bltttft<m ................. rn:ri-e·.:~:::::: } 244 246 Covington •••.•••••••••• Newton .•••••• li, 192 3,900 Fort Valley _____________ Peach. ________ 6,820 4,953 ill1tll11 .................. 268 181 Crandall •••••.•• _------- Murray •.••••. 202 213 Franklin •.•.•.•••...•.•. Hearcl ..•••• ___ 425 390 ruchmond. - .. Crawfutd ...•..•.•••.•.•• Oglethorpe_ ___ 666 812 Franklin Springs ________ Franklin ______ 182 116

Clarke .••••••• } Crawfordville .• ···--- .•• Tal1nrerro ••.•• 966 I, 056 Fullerville. _ -----· •.•. __ CarroJL ______ 529 438 ~ ............ ______ Oconee ........ 459 370 Crosland ................ OoJ.qultt ...... 127 220 Funston •. -------- _____ • Colquitt. ••.•• 233 19() ~~---·---·--··· '.Monroe ••••••• 87 103 Culloden .•.••••••••••••. Monroe ••.•••• 261 251 Gainesville ........ _____ . HaJL _________

11, 930 10,243 =------·-··-·---·-· 'l'liwtt111 .•••••• l,~ 1,099 Cumming .•••••••.•...•. Forsyth ••••.•. 1,264 958 Gatnesville Cotton Mills Rall __ -------- 1, 708 · . wk .................. Morpn •••.••• 318 Cuaseta. ·----·-·-· -···-- Chattahoochee 671 367 (un!ne.).

~if I~f ~~f~~~~~ Cuthbert ••••...•..•...•• Randolph ..•.. 4,025 3,447 Garden Clty1 •------·-· Chatham _____ 1,557 784 Garroll •••••••• 1, 156 l,oot Dl!Wln ..•.•••.•.•.•••.•. Gwinnett ••..• 300 315 Gartlelcl ••.•••.•. ------ .• :a:art .......... 303 284 Emanuel.. •.•• 213 291 Elbtltt •••••••• 714 63-l Dahlonega.----···-····- Lumpkin ..... 2, 152 1,294 g:K0v.il::::::::::::::::: Medwethcr ••. 241 262 Miller •• _ ••••• 120 us B~~:::::::::::::::::: Evans ...••.•.. 195 294 Talbot. _______ 209 208

Ji~---·-·- lllli 197 Pan!cllng ..•.•. 1,817 1,922 GMrgetown .••..•.•••••. gultman ______ 550 367 Dalton •••••. --- ---- .•••• Whitfield •• --- 16, 008 10, 448 Gibson .••. ______________ Jascock ______ 460 474 ....... ,,.,,., ................ ,~-· 21 fi6 Dam"®lls ...... ···-----. Early ••••••••• 402 477 rnanks _______ : } ............... ,,,"•'"'"' ..... -<" .. ' 2, 200 1,~ E:t~ma:::::::::::: . Wilkes •••••.•. 181 203 Gillsville .••••••...•.•.• - Hall _________ 152 157 ............ ,.,w ............. .,.,.,,.. m - Madison. _____ 298 333 Girard._-------·····--- • Burke .•.•.•.• - 244 800 ..- ... ,.,..,,.,., .. ,.,.,.,.,,..._,.,,,., 131 lH .{Twl~----·} , .... ,,,., ... ,,,,.. .. ..,_~,.._,.,,. m 437 Dllllvllle ••••••••.•••••• 461 423 Glennville ..• ____________ Tattnall. •••• - 2, 327 1,674 Wilk ----- Glenwood ______________

• Wheeler ...•.. - 684 625 'WI\ sos Darten .••.•.•.• --·- .•... Mcintosh .•.•. 1,380 1,015 Glor!ana-R agsdale Dougherty ____ 1, 612 ,.,,.. .. _.,'I".., ......... .., ....... Bf );114 Davfs:boro ............... Washington ..• 469 .533 (nnlnc.), W$ DaWBOn .•••••••••••••••• TerreJL ....... 4,411 3, 681 Godfr'jt···-·-·-····--··· Morgan _______ 168 197 .......... ,..._ .. .., ........... "\' 17 11'114 ! :t;G;l!iil l'>aWllO!lvllle •••. _ .•.••• _. E:llWSOll ....... 318 319 Good ·ope·-·-------·-· Walton _______ 189 219 '661 l!ll1. ,, Dearing ................. cDntlle ••••. 325 273 Gordon.---··----------· WJ!klnson. __ • l, 761 1,524 I Gardim Oliy nl~4 fin lilliO 1111 lnlllllltrl$il Olty Gardens,




City, town, village, or County 1950 1940 City, town, village, or County 1950 1940 City, town, village, or County 1950 19(0 unincorporated place unincorporated place unincorporated place

Graham _________________ Appling _______ 160 165 Lovejoy _________________ Clayton. ______ 204 114 North Atlanta ___ -----·- De Kalb ______ 5,930 1,365 Gmntville _______________ Coweta, _______ 1,359 1,267 Lovett---------·- .• _ .. __ Laurens _______ 80 125 North Canton (uninc.} __ Cherokee ______ 1,913 Grntis ______________ . ____ Walton _______ 70 105 LudowicL ______________ Long __________ 1,332 866 North Elgh Shoals ...... Oconee ________ .124 ----269 Gray __ ------- --- ---- __ -- Jones._------- 866 698 Lula._---- - --- ----- - --- -Han ___________

378 316 Norwood ________________ Wancn _______ 268 Grayson __ ------------ -- Gwinnett _____ 227 228 Lumber City ________ "" __ Telfair_------- 1,232 1,044 Nunez.-------- __ ------- Emanuel. _____ 82 155 Graysville _______________ Catoosa _______ 120 126 Lumpkin .. -------------- Stewart. ______ 1, 209 1,210 Oakfield ____ ------------ Worth-------- ms 121 Greensboro _____ --- ---- __ Greene ________ 2,688 2,459 Luthersville.------------ Moriwether ___ 312 354 Oakman ________________ Gordon. ______ 127 ----200 Greenville ________ ----- __ Meriwether ___ 733 683 Lyerly ____ -------------- Chattooga _____ 524 368 Oak I'ark •. _____________ Emanuel__ ____ 308 Griffin.----------------- Spalding ______ 13, 082 13, 222 Lyons ____________ ·------ Toombs _______ 2, 799 1, 900 Oakwood ________________ Hall._ _________ 225 207 Guyton.---------------- Effingham ____ 633 549 McCaysville ____ : _______ Fannin ________ 2,007 1,832 Ochlocknee ... ___________ Thomas _______ 503 429 Hagan_ --- __ . ____________ EvanB ________ 525 685 McDonough .. ------·--- Hen~-------- l, 635 1, 232 Oc!lla. -------- ----------

Irwin. ________ 2,697 2, 124 Hahira __________________ Lowndes. _____ 1, 010 980 ~~~;r:.~~:::::::::::::: Wilk son _____ 194 209 Odessadnlo. ____________ . Meriwether ___ li5 79 Hamilton _______________ Harris ________ 449 473 Telfair ________ 1,904 l, 595 Odum ___________________ Wayne_, ______ 389 469 Hampton __ --- __________

w~~~~=:::::: 864 619 Me.con ___ .-------------- Bibb __________ 70,252 57, 8(\5 OE!ethorpe.------------- Maoon ________ 1,204 1,04& Hapeville. ____ --- _______ 8, 560 5,059 Madison_------·---- ____ Morgan _______ 2,489 2, 045 0 oopee ________________ Toombs _______ 63 135

Haralson _______________ ,, Coweta _______ 142 108 Manassas._------------- TattnalJ _____ .. 128 165 Oliver---·------- -- -- ---- Screven _______ 223 211 Harlem.---------------- Columbia _____ 1, 033 736

Manchester.------------{Meriwether ___

} 4, 036 3,462 Omaha------------------ Stewart _______ 217 211 Harrison.------- ________ Washington .. _ 261 298 Talbot. _______ Omega ___________ ---- --- Tilt----------- \)1\6 008 Hartwell-- _____ -------·- Hart_ _________ 2,964 2,372 Mansfield.-------------- Newton _______ 446 432 Orchard HilL __________ Spalding. _____ 82 89 Hawkinsville ____________ Pu!sskL ______ 3,342 3,000 Marietta ________________

Cobb. - - ------ 20, 687 8,667 Oslerfie!d. _________ ------ Irwin ______ -- 147 118 Hazlehurst ______________ Jeff Davis _____ 2,687 1, 732 Marshallville. ___________ Macon ________ 1, 121 905 Oxford---· -- ------------ Newton _______ 817 616 Hebar.dville (uuinc.) ____ Ware _________ 1, 113 ----iiiii Martin ________ - ----- ---- S~hens ______ 207 242 Palmetto ________ -------- {Coweta •. ----- } 1, 257 1, 029 Helen ___________________ White _________ 191 Matthews _______________ Je erson------ IGO 145 Fulton ________ Helena ________ ---------- Telfair ________ 1, 027 1,073 Maxeys.--------------·- Oglethorpe ____ 204 226 Parrott ____ -- ___ --------- Terrell ________ 291 337 Hephzibah ______________ Richmond ____ 525 516 Maysville _______________ {Banks _________ }

538 514 Patterson._---------- ___ Pierce.-------- 656 541 Jackson _______

Herod ___________________ Terrell _______ - 126 141 Pavo ____ --- . __ ------ - -·- {Brooks.-------} 808 706 Hiawassee _______________ Towns ________ 375 163 Meansville ______________ Pike __________

224 103 Thomas-------Hickox _____ ----_-------_ Brantley ______ 139 83 Meigs ___________________ {MltcholL--- - } 1, 125 927 Payne•---------- -- --- ---

Bibb __________ 520 535 Higgston ________ -------- Montgomery __ 155 141 Thomas _______ Pearson ___ -------- ______ Atkinson ______ 1,402 J,057 Hllltonia ___ ,. -------- ___ Screven _______ 318 246 Menlo ___________________ Chattooga _____ 453 414 Pelham _______ ---------- Mitchell- _____ 4,3\15 '.l,b11l Hinesville _______________ Liberty------- 630

Menillville ______________ Thomas _______ 109 121 Pembroke.------------·-

Bryan _________ 1, 171 1,039 1, 217 Hiram __________________ Paulding ______ 299 282

Metasvllle. ·------------ Wilkes ________ 82 169 PenderEB------------- Jackson _______ 180 180 Hoboken. _______________ Brantley ______ 492 386 Penfiel -----------------Greene ________ 74 218

Hogansville.------------ Troup ________ 3, 769 3,886 MetcslL. -- --- ---- ------ Thomas ..• ___ - 206 161 Pepperton _______________ Butts _________ 572 085 Holly Springs ___________ Cherokee. ____ 386 256 Metter ______ ------------ Candler _______ 2,091 1,823 Perry _______ --·--------- Houston ______ 3,849 1,642 Middleton._------------ Elbert. ________ 144 224 Homeland _______________ Charlton ______ 276 213

·Midville. _______________ Burke _________ 682 780 Piedmont _______________ Lamar. _______ 34 SS Homer.----------------_ Banks __ ------ 340 283 Pinehurst __ --- ____ • _____

B~llaiiJ:::::: 430 474. Homervl!Je _______ ------ _ Clinch ________ 1, 787 1,g~

Midway .. - _______ : _____ Liberty _______ 2211 96 Pine Lake _______________ 566 2 Hoschton_----·--------- Jackson _______ 378 Mldway-Hardwick(un- Baldwin.--·-- 14, 774 Pine Park _______________

Grady_ - -- ---- 126 181 Howell ____________ ------ Echols.------- 169 174 inc.). Pineview ________________ Wilcox ________ 310 350

Milan .. -----------------{Dodge ______ -- }

750 748 HulL ____________ ---·--- Madison. _____ 153 133 Telfair ••• ----- Pitts---·------------ -- __ Wilcox_ _______ 31Yl 371 Ideal. _______________ ---- Macon ________ 318 238 Plainfield. ___ ----------- Dodge ________ 117 182 Da. --·--------- ____ ---·- Madison ______ 225 224 Mllleqgevme ____________ Baldwin ______ 8,835 6, 778 Plains.----- -- -------- ---

Sumter ________ 546 528 Iron City _______________ Semlnole ______ 21)3 289 Millen.----------------- Jenkins _______ 3,449 2, 820 PlainvUJe •. ------------- Gordon _______ 142 132 Irwinton ________________ Wllk!nson ____ 700 089 Milner __________ -------- Lamar.------- 345 352 Pocotalago_ ------------- Madison ______ 68 52

Ivey_---------------~--- Wilkinson _____ 46 Milstead (un!nc.)------- Rookd\\.le ______ 1,075 Pooler ______ -··---------- Chatham _____ 818 736

Jackson.---------------- Butts_-------- 2,~~ --i;iii7 Mineral Bluff-----------Fannin ________

209 181 PortaL------------------ Bulloch _______ 532 556

Jakin __ ---·------------- Early __ -----'- 264 Minter ______ -- -- --- -- --- Laurens _______ 143 135

Porterdale _______________ Newton _______ 3,207 3, 116 Jasper _____________ ------ P-!ckens _______ 1,380 576 Poulan __________________ Worth ________ 750 !170 Jefferson.--------------- Jackson _______ 2,040 1,839 Mitchell. -- ----·----- ---

Glasoock ______ 240 228 Powder Springs.-------- Cobb. ________ 610 431 Modoo _______________ --- Emanuo]._ ____ 32 J effersonvllle. _____ ------ Twl~gs ________ 787 804 Molena. - - ·-------·- - ---

Pike __________ 307 310 Preston •• __ ------------- Webster_. _____ 260 349 Jenkinsburg _____________ :Sut --------- 166 166 Monroe. ----- --- -- --- --- Walto!}------- 4,542 4, 1611 Primrose _______________ , Meriwether .•. 24 .;g

Jersey ___________________ Walton _______ 182 188 Pulaski. ________________ Candler------- 234 241 Jesup_--------- _________ Wayne ________ 4,605 2,903 Montezuma _____________ Macon ________ 2,921 2,346 Quitman ________________ Brooks---·---- 4, 769 4,450 Jonesboro_-------------- Clayton _______ 1, 741 1,204 Monticello.------------- Jasper _________ 1, 918 1, 746 Raleigh •• --------------- Meriwether. __ 48 94

Montrose •• - ------------ Laurens _______ 242 90 Junction City ___________ Talbot. _______ 259 326 Moreland.-------------- Coweta _______ 306 321 Rsnger _______________ --- Gordon.------ 183 160 Kennesaw _______________ Cobb _________ 564 436 Morgan _________________ Calhoun ______ 304. 282 -Rat City _______________ Berrien •. _____ 676 638 Keysville _______ -------- Burke _________ 304 863 Re ecca. ________________ Turner ________ 295 342 Kingsland _______________ Camden ______ I, 169 619 Morganton ______________ Fannin ________ 244 285 ReidsvJlle ______ --------- Tattnall. _____ 1, 266 806 Kingston ________________ Bartow _______ 675 653 Morrow----------------- Clayton _______ 326 Reno _________ ---------·- Grady __ ------ 108 63

Kite. __ ------- ___ ------- Johnson _______ 447 472 Morven _________________ Brooks ________ 474 612

Rentz _____ -----_----_ --- Laurens _______ 302 319 Moultrie. ___ ---------- -- Colquitt------ 11, 639 10, 147 La Fayette•------------ Walker_ ______ 4,884 3,609 Mountain City _________ Rabun ________ 524 524 Rest Haven------------- Gwinnett..·-- 147 91 La Grange. _____________ Troup ________ 25,025 21, 983 Reynolds ________________ Taylor ________ 906 871 Lakeland._·------------ Lanier ________ 1, 551 1, 502 Fulton ________ 15 10

Rhine ______________ ----- Dodge ________ 614 463 Lake Park ______________ Lowndes ______ 334 387 Mountain Park _________

Riceboro ______ ------ --- . Liberty _______ 267 '3M Mount AirY------------- Habersham ___ 416 437

Lake Tara ______________ Clayton _______ 224 Mount Vernon ___ ------- Montgomery __ 990 900 Richland _______________ Stewart_----·- 1, 571 I, 497 Lavonia ..• ---·-------- __ Franklin ______ 1, 766 ""i;ii67 Mountvllle ______________ Troup _________ 142 298 Riddleville .•• ___________ Washington ___ 106 115 Lawrencevllle. __________ Gwinnett.---- 2, 932 2, 223 Motmt Zion.------------

Carroll ________ 141 84 Rincon __________________ Effingham ____ 424 285

~~burg:::::::::::::::: Calhoun ______ 721 717 Ringgold ________________ Catoosa _______ 1, 192 882 Lee~---------- 659 716 Mystic ___________ ----- - - Irwin __ ------- 281 256 Riverdale. -- -------- -- -- Clayton _______ 263 207

Nallunta--------- -- --- -- Brantley ______ 739 561 Lenox.-------·----------

Cook __________ 789 647 Nashville ______ --- -- --- -- Benien _______ 8,414 2,449 Riverside .•• ------------ Colquitt.----- 305 307 Leslie.-------·-------- __ Sumter ________ 417 479 Naylor __________ - ----- -- Lowndes ______ 200 261 Roberta ••• -- ------ ---- -- Crawford _____ 673 5a5 Lexington_. _________ ---- Oglethorpe ____ 514 517 Nelsdn •••. ----- ______ . --

{Cherokee ______ } 645 679 Rochelle. ___ ---------- -- Wilcox ________ 1,097 1, 175 LlllY--------------------

Dooly _________ 177 214 Pickens _______ Rockmart _______________ Polk---------- 3, 821 3, 764

Lincoln Park (nn!no.) ___ Upson ________ 1, 575 Rocky Ford------------- Screven _______ 278 320

Lincolnton. __ •---------- Lincoln _______ 1, 315 894 Newborn ________________ Newton _______ 298 307 Rocky Mount ___________ Meriwether ___ 'J.7 M New Holland (unlnc.)---

Han ___________ 1,618 Lindale-Silver Creek (un- Floyd _________ 3,234 Newington •. ------------

Screven _______ 429 366 Rome.------·----------- Floyd _________ 29, 015 26, 282 Inc.).

Newnan----------------- Coweta _______ 8,218 7,186 Roopville. __ -- -- -- __ -- __ CarrolL------ 202 230 Linwood. _______ ----·--- Walker ________ 858 302 Newton _______________ -- Baker__ _______ 503 514 Rossville ______ ---- ______ Walker ________ 3,892 3, 538 Lithonia •• -------------- De Kalb _______ 1,538 1, 554 Roswell ••. -- -- -_ -------- Fulton ________ 2, 123 l, 622

Locust Grove ___________ Henry ________ 405 349 Nicholls _________________ Coffee _________ 806 660 {Franklin---- •. } 2,039

Loganville __ --·--------- {Gwinnett----- } 699 Nicholson, ______________ Jackson _______ 252 212 Royston _____ -- --- ___ ---- Hart.. ________ 1, 549

Walton _______ 627 N oroross. - ------·------- Gwinnett.---- 1, 840 979 Madison--~---Lone Oak _______________ Meriwether ••• 120 137 Norman Park. __________ CoJciultt.. ____ 882 587 Ruckersvllle. ___________ Elbert ________ 74 65 Louisville _______________

Jefferson.----- 2,231 1,803 Normantown ____________ Toombs _______ 78 122 Russell __________________

Barrow------- 129 126

• La Fayette returned In 1940 as Lafayette.



~ vlllilg~. or tedpbce County 1960 1114-0 City, town, village, or

unincorporated place County 1950 1940 City, town, village, or unincorporated place County 1950 1940

Rntlool!ll ................ M Ql'gllll. - •• - •• 482 5liO Summertown ...•.•.•••.. Emanuel.. .•.• 137 148 Uvalda ....••••••.••••••. Montgomery •• 511 592 St. Marks ....•.....•.•.. Meriwether ..• 43 48 Summerv!lle ••..•.•••••• Chattooga ..••• 3,973 1, 358 Valdosta •••••.•••••••••• Lowndes .••.•• 20, 046 15, 595 St. Marys .•.••..•....... Camden •••••. 1,348 733 Sumner •••.•...••..••... Worth •••...•. 226 340 Vanna •••••••••••.•...•. Hart .•••••.••. 145 167 St. Simons Island Glynn •••••••• 1, 706 SunnYJ!ide ...•.•......... Spalding ..•..• 169 123 Vidalia ....•..••..•.••.• Toombs •.••••• 5,819 4, 109

(ttnlne.). Surrency ...•.••.....•.•. .Appling •••••• - 295 431 Vidette ..•••••••••••••••• Burke .••....•. 159 160

Sale City .••..••••.•••.•. Mitchell .••••• 289 329 Suwariee_,. ___ -- --~---- -- Gwinnett ••... 357 179 Vienna ..... ····--------- Dooly .•.•••••• 2,202 2,063 &mdersvllle .•........••. Washington ••• 4, 4!!0 3,566 S wa!nJlboro ...•....•.•••. Emanuel.. •••. 4,300 3, 575 Villa Rica ....••••••••••• {CarrolL ...... } 1, 703 1, 522 &rdls .•••.. ··········-·· Burke .••.••••. 005 66'1 Syoomore •••...••.•.•... Turner ..•.•••• 624 001 Dou~s .•..•.• Silsioor ••••• ---· •• -- •••••• Temill ..•••... :m 365 Sylvania ...•...•...••.•.• Screven ••••••. 2,939 2,531 Waco •••••.••••.•..•••.• Hara son .•••.. 328 304 Savannah .•••••.•••••••• Chatham ••••. 110, 638 95, 996 Sylvester------------···· Worth •••••... 2,623 2, 191 Wadley···-··-----······ Jetferson •••••• 1, 624 1, 133

Savannah Beach •••••••• Chatham .••••. 1,006 644 Talbotton ..•.•.••..•••.. Talbot.. .••••. 1, 175 1, 060 Waleska _________________ Cherokee •..... 385 264 Scatllllld .•••••••.••••••• {Tel lair._ .•••.• } 218 238 Talking Rook ••••••.••.. Pickens ••.•••• 94 103 Walnut Grove •••• ______ Walton ....••• 121 117

Whooler ••••••. TallapoClllll ••.••••..•..•. Haralson •.•••• 2,826 2,338 Warm Sf{lnr:;-·······-- Meriwether ••• 557 608 S~t .................... Johnson _______ 194 2.56 Tallulah Falls .•••••••••• {Habersham ••• } 239 73 Warner ob ns .....••••• Houston •••••• 7,986 ·-1;284 Sottven ................. Wayne ••..•••• 752 6M Habun ...••••. Warrenton •...•••••••••. Warren ••..•.. 1,442

&lru:lhl ........... ·---·-·· Oomta ....... 770 671) Talmo •••••••.••••....•. Jackson •••• -•• 152 131 Warwick .••••••••.••..•. Worth-:. ••..••• 449 379 Bev'ille ..•• -······-·----· WD~X- •••...• 187 24.I Tarrytown .••••....••••• Montgomery •• 250 298 Washington _____________ Wilkes ••••••.. 3,802 3, 537 ghady Dale'"····-······ J!l.l;P<ll' ••••••••• 253 lW Taylorsvllle ••••.•••••••• {Bartow ••..••• } 260 233 Watklnsvllle •.•••••••••• Oconee .••..... 662 558 hannl\11 (unfne.) .•••••• F~---·-· 1,676 Polk ••...••.•• Waverly Ha.II ••..•••.•.• Harris .....•••• 600 569 llharon .................. T o .••.• 224 ····m Temple .••.•••••••.....• Carroll.. .•••.• 676 624 Waycross •••••••••••••.. Ware .•..••..•. 18, 899 16, 763 =burg .............. Coweta ....••• 133 114 Tenn!lle .••••••.•••.••••• Washington .•. 1, 713 l, 758 Waynesboro ••.••.•••••• _ Burke .•.•..... 4,461 3, 793 an •••.••.•..•••••. Randolph •.•.• 1,000 1,003 The Hock .....••••.••••. Upson ••••..•. 147 179 Wesley ••••..•••.•••..••• Emanuel ..•••. 66 """"i73 Blloa.m •••••••••••••.•.•• Greene ..•••••• 324 318 Thomaston ..•.•••••••••. Upson ••.•••••• 6,580 6,396 Weston ••.•••....••••••. Webster ..•••.• 162 Bllvlll"tzywn ••••••.•..•••• Up$0n .•.••••. 3,387. 3, ll30 ThomasvflJe _____________ Thomas .•••••• 14,424 12,683 West Point.- .••••••....• Troup .••••••.• 4,076 3,m Smltbonla_ •••.•...•••••. Oglethorpe ..•• 80 llll Thomson •.•••.•..••••••. McDutno •••.. 3,489 3,088 Whigham ••••••..•.••••• Grady ••••..•. 471

llmtthvme .•.••.••••••••• {Lee---------·· } 1176 619 Thunderbolt• •..•••••••• Chatham ••••• 1,238 886 White .••.•..••••.••••••• Bartow •..••.• 454 474 Sumter •••••••• Tifton ................... Tift ___________ 6,831 5, 228 ~U~f~liii::::::::::: Clarke .•.••••• 493 599

Sm~---·····--·------ Cobb •••.•••.• 2,006 1,440 Tiger. _______ ••••••••••.. H11b1m ...••••• 269 289 Greene •••••••• 359 364 Slle vIDtL .••••••.•••.•• GwlnnetL ••. 300 204 Tl~alL •••••••••••••••• Wilkes .• ______ 002 567 Whitesburg •• ___________ Carroll .••..... 400 341 Boeial Circle_ .••••••••••• Walton ••••••• 1, 685 l, 735 Ti ton ••••• ·--·-··--·-··· Whitfield •••.. 100 93 White Sulphur Springs •• Meriwether ••• 32 3

Soperton .• --·-······. --- Treutlen .•.•.• 1,667 1, 331.l Toccoa .••.•••••. -----··- stmhens ______ 6, 781 5,494 Willacoochee .•••••••••.• .A tklnson •••••• 987 003 Bpa;rkfl •••••••••••••.•••• Cook .•..••••.• 887 695 Toomsboro .••.....•.•••. W kinson .•..• 711 500

Wllllamson ______________ Pike •••••••••• 211 217 Sparta. - •• ·····--·-····· Rancook ..•••• 1,954 1,872 Towns •••••....•.••••••• Telfair •••.•••• 06 216 Winder ••••••.•..•.••••. Barrow ••••... 4,604 3,974 Sp;dngtle]d .•.••..••••••• EJllngha.m •.•• 627 4!ilJ Tronton .•.••••••••••.••• Dade ...••••••• 755 570 W!nJlton .•••.••••••••••. Dou,las .•.•••• 154 201 Bp!ing Place_ ••••••••••• Murray ••••••. 214 219 Trion ••••.•••.•••••••..• Chattooga .•••• 3,028 3,800 Winterville .••.•••••••••• Olar e ••.••••• 453 503

B~---··-··-··-·· Randolph •.••• 127 148 Tucker (unlno.) •••••••.. De Ks!b •••••. 1,474 Woodbine ...••••.••••••. Camden ••••.. 700 873 Woodbu~------------·· Meriwether ... 985 865 s )!lleton ••••••••••••••• J etll;rson •••••• 355 342 Turin.·······----------- Coweta ••••••• 1&5 """"i4ii Woodlan ---·------·--·· Talbot •...•••• 621 489 Statesboro ..•.••••..••••• Bulloch ••••••• 6,097 5,028 Twin CitY-······-·--··· Emanuel.. .... l,018 1,019 Woodstock .••.•••••••... Cherokee •••••• 045 389 Statham ••••.••••...•••• Darrow ..••••• 626 OOll Tyrone .•.••••••.••.••••• Faftette ••..••. 156 118 Woodville •••••••••••••.. Greene .••.•••• 484 458 Stella ville •••..•••..••••• Jetl'erson ...... 69 89 Ty Ty ••••••••.••••••••• Tl t •..•.•••••• 478 442

Stillmore .•••••••••.••• -· Emanuel.. .... Woolsey ••••••••••••...•• Fayette ••••••. 00 115 420 4913 Unadilla ••• _ •••.•...•.•. Dooly _________ 1,098 1,137 Wrens .••.•.••••...••••.. Jefferson •••••• 1,380 1, 192 Stookbridp •••.••.••••• - g:ii&ii:::::: 717 44ll Union City ••••••••••••• Fulton .••••••• 1,400 884 Wrightsville .....•••••••• Johnson .•.•••• 1, 750 1.~tig Stone Monnta!ti. ••••••.• 1,800 1,408 Union Point. •••.••••••. Greene •••.•••• 1, 724 1,566 Yatesville ... ------------ Upson ..•••••• 290 l!u111U" Hill ............... Gwinnett ••••• 7s:t 500 Unlonvllie-Ph!lllpsburg Tift ••••••••••. 2, 770 Yoong Harris ••••••••••. Towns •••••••• 400 258 Sugar Valley •••••••••••• Gordon ••.•••• 214 239 (unlno.). Zebulon ••••••••••• ------ Pike •••••••••• 539 543



[Other incorporated places of more than 5,000 (Amerlcns, Bainbridge, Cedartown, Columbus, Cordele, Covington, Decatur, Douglas, Fort Valley, Hapeville, La Orange, Milledgeville, Newnan, Savannah, Statesboro, Thomaston, Thomasville, Toccoa, and Valdosta cities, and North Atlanta and Warner Robins towns) have no wards)

City and ward

Albany •••••••••••••••••••••••••

Ward 1 ..•....•...•.....••.• Ward 2 ..••..•.•...•..•.•.•• Ward 3 ..•..•......••...••.. Ward 4 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 5 •••••••••••••••••••••

Athens ••••.••..•......•.. --···­

Ward 1. .•••••..••••.••.•••• Ward 2 .••••••.....•••..•••. Ward 3 •••..•.•....•.••••... Ward 4 .................... . Ward 5 •••..•••....•..••••..

Atlanta ....•.•..•..•..••.•••••..

Ward 1. •••••.••...••.••••.• Ward 2 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 3 •.•..••..••••...••... Ward 4 ..••••.•..•••....•.•. Ward 5 •....•......•.•..••.. Ward 6 .•••••.....••..•••...

Augusta ...•.•••••.•.•.•....••..

Ward 1. ••••••••......•.•..• Ward 2 .••..••..••.•.......• Ward 3 .••...•....••......•. Ward 4 •••••••••••••••••.••• Ward 5 .••..••.•••.••....... Ward 6 •••..••..••••••....•• Ward 7 •.••.••..••.•....•••.

Brunswick •..••..•..••.•••......

North Ward ..•••..•.....••. South Ward .•.•...•••...••.

Cairo .. _________________________ _

Ward 1. .••••••••..•.••••••• Ward 2 •.••..•...•.•.•..•...

Popula· ti on

31, 155

3,273 12, 664 4,245 7,001 3,972

28, 180

4,622 6, 126 8, 571 4,290 4, 571


66,271 36, 384 70, 417 53, 097 65, 192 39, 953


6,328 7,340

10, 702 16, 574

9, 257 9,069

12, 238

17, 954

11, 641 6, 313


612 2,026

City and ward

Cairo-Con. Ward 3 ..•....•••.••....••••• Ward 4 ...•••...•..•..•••••.

Carrollton .• , ••••.•.••••..••.•••

Ward 1. ..••••.•..••..•••••• Ward 2 .••.••.•...••••••••.. Ward 3 •...••...•••.•.••.••. Ward 4. ••....•.••••••...•••

Cartersville •.••••.••..•...•.•••• . Ward 1. •.....•.••••••...••• Ward 2 .••...••.•••...•••••. Ward 3 .....•.•••.•..•...••• Ward 4 ••••••••••• -. ••••••••

College Park ...•••.•.••....••••

Ward 1. ••••.•....•....•.•.. Ward 2 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 3 .....•••..••.••...•••

Dalton .•. :~ ..••••.••..•.••••.•..

Ward 1. .....•••••••••...•.. Ward 2 ...•••.•••••••..•.•.• Ward 3 .•.•.••••..•.•••.••.• Ward 4 •••••••••••••••••••••

Dublin ....••..••.••..••.....•••

Ward 1 .••••••....••...•.••• Ward 2 .•..•..•••.•.•••.••.. Ward 3 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 4. •...•••.•.•....•.••.

East Point. •.•...•.•...•....••.

Ward 1. •..••.•...••...•.••• Ward 2 .••••..••.•..•.•••••• Ward 3 .••.••••.....•.•••••. Ward 4 .••....•...••..••.••.

Popnla· ti on

1, 441 1,408


1, 609 2, 155 2,100 1,889


2, 758 798

2,086 1,628


3,8.'iO 5, 470 5, 215

15, 968

3, 634 4, 573 3, 122 4, 639

10, 232

1, 891 3,256 2, 518 2, 567


5, 592 4, 813 6, 840 3,835

City and ward

Elberton ..••••••••••...••..••••

Ward 1. .•.•.•••••.• ,. •••••• Ward 2 ..••••.•.••• ., ••••••. Ward 3 ••....•••••..•...•.•• Ward 4 ..••••••...• ., ••••••• Ward 5 .••....••••.. ,. ••••••

Fitzgerald.--····-··········-· .•

Ward 1. .•••.•.••.•••••••••• Ward 2 ••••..••••.••••.••••. Ward 3 ...•..•••.••.••..•.•. Ward 4 .••••••••••••••••••••

Gaineirville ••••... ·····-····--·-

Ward 1 ......••...•••...•.•. Ward 2 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 3 •.•••....•.•••••••••.

Griffin .••.•.••••••.•...•.••••.•

'Ward 1. ••••••..•••••••••••• Ward 2 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 3 ..••.••••..•.•...•..• Ward 4 .•••••••••...•...••••

Macon •••.•.•••••••••.••••••...

Ward 1. ••••.•••.. c .•.•••••• Ward 2 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 3 ..••...••••••••..••.. Ward 4. .•••••••.••.•••.•..• Ward 5 •••••••••••••••••••••

Marietta ••..•.•••.•.•••••.•••..

Ward!. .••.••••.••••...•.•. Ward 2 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 3 .................... . Ward 4 .••....••••..•••.•••. Ward 5 ..•••••.•••.•••..•.•. Ward 6 ..•.••••.••.••...••.• Ward 7 .••.•••.•....•••••.••



1,925 1, 157 1,782

658 1,250


1,790 1, 853 2,562 1,925


3, 182 3,878 4,876


4,090 4,077 2,852 2,963


11, 175 15, 136 18,200 rn, 13s 6,603

20, 687

3,244 2,557 1,404 1,002 4,694

906 6,880

City and ward

Moul trle ••.••••••.••.•• - . - -· - •.

Ward 1. ••...••••.•.••.•.•.. Ward 2 .....••••••..••..••. -Ward & ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 4 .................... .

Rome ••••••.•..••••••••••••..• -

Ward 1. .••..•••...••••••.•. Ward 2 .•••••••••••••••••••• Ward 3 •••••..••••••.•••••.• Ward 4 ..••.••••.•••••.•..•• Ward 5 .••••••••..•..•..•••• Ward 6 ••••••••••••••••••••• Ward 7 .••••.•.•.•••••••.••• Ward 8 .••....••••••••.....• Ward 9 .••.•••••••.••••....•

Tifton .••.•••••••.••..•..•..••.•

Ward!. .•••••••..•••••••••• Ward 2 .••..•.••••.•.••.••.• Ward 3 ...•••.••••..••...••• Warr! 4 ••••••••••••••••••••• War'15 .•••••..•....••.•••••

Vidalia ••....••.•..••••••••.••.•

Ward 1. ••••••••••.•.•..•••• Ward 2 •••.•••.•....••••.•.• Ward 3 ..•..•..•••..•••...•• Ward 4 •••••••••••••••••••••

Waycrolfli. - ••••••••••••••••••••

Ward 1. .•••••••......•••••. Ward 2 ..••.•.•.•.••.•••.••• Ward 3 ...•••••••..••..•••.• Ward 4. •••••.•••••.••...... Ward 5 .•.•••.••••••......•. Ward 6 ........••...•.•.•..•

Popula· ti on


1,547 4,474 2,5&7 s, 031

29, 615

2,411} 982' 769

4,469 4, 164 4,673 3,998 3, 124 5,02C>

G, 831

2,05& l, 823'

425 1, 7/i9 ' 766-


1,323 1,042' 1,910 1,644


5,942 2,697 2,520 1, 729 2,50Z 3,509



["Districts" shown here are militia districts]

.Area Population .Arca Population


T.hat partof thearea In Georgia 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••• 9,902 The area_ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••...•••••.••.•.•... --- , __ 507_,_88_7

331, 314 The part of the urbanized area Includes the following parts of minor civil ~= :~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::: 176, 673 divisions:

T!':i:r~~~es the following minor clvil dlvlsJonsand parts of ~a&Et.~~~~~~~~~~~====:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 31 734 Dist. ism Rossville (part)------------------·--------------------------

2,248 2, 248 7,654 7,063 3,892 a.,~~t~:~~~5:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~ n~m1,ef3yiail(!epa;,i5:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 691

De K&lb Coltnty (part) ..•••••••••••••••••. -····----··· ........... - ..... ·•·· Dist. 531, Decatur {part) ..................... _ ........................ .

Avondale Estates city •••..••••••..•.. _ •.•.••..•.. ---···-·······------

~ilf ~H::rrn~;f I~'.)II~f ~'.!'.'.I'.'.'.~'.'.~'.;;;;;j;;;;;~;; O~lee elty (partL ............. ······- .... ······-·--···· ........ . North .Atlante town •••••••••••......... --- ....• -- -· ••••.••. - --- --· -·-

DI$. 1327, Olarltston (part) •••••....• ---····-------··-···-- --- ··- --- ---Olarkston town ..................................................... .

:f {il~:::::::::-:-_:l-\-_ tti-[\!t: ::::::::

PW!~j;~~ti~JJl~~;;;;;;;~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;; East Point clty (nartl.----···-····--·-····.-····-····················

Dist. m. Buckheail (part).--·-··-········------·--·---·······--·------Dlst.1328, Oolllnll (part) ............................................... . Dist. J.:!32, E!lst Pofut (part) ................ -·--- .. --·--·-----·--- --- ---East Point clty (part) •••••••••••• ___________________________________ _

gi:t ~ ~~'t:OO~p~>_-:_·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Dist. 1611, Oenter Hill (part)_ ........................................ .

:~~Tu~~~~~~~~:~:~:~:~~~~:~:~:~~:~::::::~~::::::::~~:: ~llege Park cfty (part) ............................................. . Dist. 1762, Poole (part) ................................................ . Atlanta clty (part) .................................................... .


97,077 42,250 1,070 21,~

98 98

13 220 s:a11 5, ll30

1,477 l, 165

mo 502 30

472 81l2 427


407,076 7,675

40 40

fl,3011 985

20, 909 5,213

16, 528 16,215

6, 741 4, 32ll

17,400 12, 838 3, 840 8, 660

11, 228 11,228 4,027

293, 779

The area............................................................ 87, 733 1----

~=:iv..:::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: :: :: Ik:: The mba:nlied area includes the following minor clvfi divisions and parts or

mlnor cl"11 dlvlslons;

In Ge6rgla •• -- ------· •••••••••• ······--·-···· ----· ·-. ·-···. -·········


3;;~:~:-_i:-:-l~l::~l~::-::::::::~:-l:--::::-::~-ln Soa:th Caf>llhla ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••..••• ·--··· ---····- ••••••



84,014 H,3211 9,682

18, 922 18, 922

8,070 8, 1168

21, 009 21,000 20, 784 16, 007


3,659 3,659 3, 659

COLUMBUS URBANIZED AREA The area .•••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ---- .•.•..•.•• ------ --

Columbus city----- •••••••••••••••••••••••• -- -·---------------- ---- ---- -- - -Outside city .•••••••••••• ---- ••••. ____ •....•. ___ • __ ..•••••• -------------- __ .

The urbanized area lnoludes the following minor civil divisions and parts of minor civil d!vlslons:


79, 611 38, 874

In Georgia •• ---······-·····---------~------------------------------_. 95, 180 , ___ _ M11Srogee County (part) ••••.• ~----·-····---------···---------------·------ 95, 180

n3~1=1:i~-:ii~~ ?g~c:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~: g~g

:~~R~ijITT~i~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rn :1~ m n3~1i:bii's0~t~;Jfl~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~: ~g~

In Alabama ••. ---········------························-·-···-·-·---- 23, 305 , ___ _ RllllSell County .•• -------·······------·---·-----·----·----------···---·-··· 23, 305

Election prec. I, Phenix Oity (part)--------·------·-----·---·-·c····--- 23, 305 Phenix Olty •••••••••••••..••.•••.•. ··················-····--------·-- 23, SOD


The area .•••••• ·-·····--·-····-------···-·--------·-------·---·----- 93,499 , ___ _ ~:~~e c~f y:::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :: :: ~: m The urbanized area Includes the following minor civil dlvlslon and parts

of minor civil divisions:

-~11 ll'illill[:~1;111~1:;~:;1;;[11:1;;;;11;1;ii;1; Dist. 1085, Vinevllle (partl--------------·----·-------------------------

MaCQn city (pl\rt) •.•••••.....•••••••••••••••.••••. ___ ------·- --------Payne city .••••.•••... ----•.••••••••..•...... _ .. _ .•.•. _ .. __ ._ •. ·--- __

SAVANNAH URBANIZED AREA The area •••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• _···------------ •• _ •••• _ •••. ___ _

~':.i=t~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The urbanized area Includes the following minor olvll divisions and parts of

minor civil dlvlsli)ns:

93,499 Zl, 552 14, 118 2, 726 I, 539

11, 673 IO, 255 12,035 12,035 13, 662 13, 562 25, 951 18, 743



llll, 638 8,568

128, 196 35, 855 811,855 9, 160 9, 180

11, 978 11, 978 62, 645 62, 645

1,4411 1,238

632 2'¥1

6,250 1,057

1 ll'or the d~tlon, map, and population ot thei entire Chattanooga, Tenn., Urbanized .Area, see table 9 and aooompanylng map of corresponding rep0rt for Tennessee.


URBANIZED AREA MAPS The.five ur?a~ized areas having their central cities in Georgia,

for which statistrns are shown in table 9, are depicted in the follow­ing maps. The shaded areas, in combination, comprise the urbanized areas. To assist in locating the exact external bound-

aries of the areas, each boundary feature (street segment, political boundary, or other) has been assigned a number. The boundary segments thus numbered are shown on the map and the features to which they apply are presented in the following key.


. Atla~ta Urbanized Area Main urbaniz.ed. part: (1) Corporate limits of North Atlanta,

(2) corporate hm1ts of Chamblee, (3) property line of Gordon Airfield, (4) Candler Rd., (5) corporate limits of North Atlanta (6) Candler Rd., (7) Conasauga Dr., (8) Canoochee Dr., (9) Oostanaula Dr. and Oostanaula Dr. extension, (10) Tugalos Dr., (11) Coosawatte Dr:.i~ (12) Brierwood Rd., (13) North Decatur Rd. (North Druid tlills Rd.), (14) property line of Standard .Town and Country Clubi,.., (15) East Roxboro Rd., (16) Southern R. R., (17) East Paces .Verry Rd., (18) Adina Rd., (19) Crest Ave., (20) extension of Wesley Ter.,

(21) Morosgo Dr., (22) La Vista Rd., (23) Dist. 722, Buckhead­Dist. 1362, Peachtree line_,_ (24) South Fork of Peachtree Creek, (25) Lakeshore Dr~ (26) "lakely Dr. and Blakely Dr. extension, (27) S. A. R. R., \28) Cheshire Bridge Rd., (29) Wellborn Dr., (30) corporate limits of Atlanta, (31) Peachtree Creek, (32) Houston Mill Rd. (33) North Gatewood Rd., (34) Gatewood Rd., (35) Wallace Mill Rd., (36) S. A. R. R., (37) South Fork of Peachtree Creek, (38) Fork Creek, (39) Medlock Rd., (40) Black­man Dr.,

(41) North Decatur Rd., (42) Lawrenceville Rd., (43) unnamed road, (44) Fork Creek1 (45) Ponce De Leon Ave., (46) Georgia R. R. spur, (47) Georgia R. R., (48) Chestnut St., (49) Patterson St., (50) Ponce De Leon Ave., (51) Annie St., (52) Aldridge Ave., (53) property line of Scotdale Cotton Mill, (54) Dairy Rd., (55) extension of Kentucky Ave. and Kentucky Ave., (56) Atlanta Ave., (57) Ponce De Leon Ave., (58) Valley Brook Rd., (59) South Fork of Peachtree Creek, (60) McLendon Dr.,

(61) Tanner Dr., (62) East Ave., (63) Stone Mountain Hwy., (64) Dist. 531, Decatur-Dist. 1327, Clarkston line

1 (65) Calhoun

Rd. and Calhoun Rd. extension, (66) unnamea stream (67) Maple St., (68) 7th St., (69) Cedar St., (70) 1st Ave., (71j Pine St., (72) Stone Mountain Rd., (73) property line of Ingleside Golf Course, (74) Covington Rd., (75) corporate limits of Avondale Estates, (76) property line of Forest Hill Golf Course, (77) Colum­bia Dr,, (78) Midway Rd., (79) Oldfield Rd., (80) corporate limits of Decatur,

(81) corporate limits of Atlanta,t (82) Memorial Dr., (83) Fair St., (84) Delano Dr., (85) White uak Dr., (86) Old Hickory Dr., (87) extensiqn of Eastwood Dr, and Eastwood Dr., (88) Line Dr., (89) Joyce Dr., (90) Miller St., (91) Dist. 531, Decatur-Dist. 536, Panthersville line, (92) Glenhill Pl. and Glenhill Pl. extension, (93) Northview Ave., (94) Candler Rd, (95) Southview Ave., (96) Dist. 536 Panthersville-Dist. 1666, East Atlanta line, (97) Hillside Ave., (98) Cooper St., (99) De Kalb Dr., (100) Stanton St.,

(101) Hillside Ave., (102) Allendale Dr., (103) corporate limits of Atlanta, (104) Parker St., (105) Hillcrest Ave. (106) Quillan Ave., (107) Southview Ave. (McAfee Rd.), (108) Doolittle Creek, (109) corporate limits of Atlanta, (110) Dist. 1586, Kirkwood­Dist. 1666, East Atlanta line, (111) corporate limits of Atlanta, (112) Dist. 1586, Kirkwood-Dist. 1666, East Atlanta line, (113) corporate limits of Atlanta, (114) Moreland Ave., (115) Intrench­ment Creek, (116) corporate limits of Atlanta, (117) Custer Rd., (118) Funston St., (119) Federal Ter., (120) Marion Ave.,

(121) McDonough Blvd., (122) corporate limits of Atlanta,

~123) Sawtel Ave., (124) Richmond Ave., (125) Schoen St., 126) Jonesboro Rd., (127) Harper Rd., (128) Browns Mill Rd., 129) Greendale Dr., (130) Fremont Ave., (131) extension of

Adelle St., (132) Meadow Ave., (133) Harper Rd., (134) property line of Lakewood Park, (135) Dist. 530, Black Hall-Dist. 1348, South Bend, (136) Old Hapeville Rd., (137) Polar Rock Rd., (138) Bickwell ·St., (139) Bagwell Rd., (140) extension of Pegg Rd. and Pegg Rd., . . .

(141) Stewar. t Ave.L (14 .... 2) ... A . .v ...... er D. r., (143) .Perkerson R~., .(144) Lakewood Ave., (141>) Stewart Ave., (146) corporate hm1ts of Atlanta, (147) Sylvan Rd., {148). corporate limits of East Point, (149) corporate limits of Hap~ViUei (150). Stewart Ave., (151) Jonesboro Rd., (152) Gra• nd. Av .. e· ;;r:.•·.( .• 15···3).· C. le.ve··.l11;n·d·· .Ave.i (1,5~) South Pryor Rd., (155) corporate linuts o~ He,11evi):le, .(156J DlXle Hwy., (157) C. l·a .. y .. t on.~Ful.ton co.unty Jine1. ( .. ~.58·0·· .. · .. corpora.te limits of Hapeville, (159) Union Rd., .(~f.iO)· CollegE:l PaI'f Rd.,

(161) Atlanta Ave., (162) corporllite limj..i;I! ofHapeville, (163) Flint River, (16~) branch of Flint Rive~ a.65) corpoi.:~te limits of. <?allege Park, (166) C(\rporate limits of .l!iast Point, (167) prope~~Y hne of Fort. McPherson~ .(168) Cam,pbellton Rd., (169) Stanton

Ave., (170) Leslie Ave., (171) Hadlock St., (172) Campbellton Rd., (173) Beechwood Dr., (174) Dist. 530, Black Hall-Dist. 1762, Poole line, (175) power line, (176) Venetian Dr., (177) Cascade Rd., (178) Wills Mill Rd., (179) Sewell Rd., (180) power line,

(181) Wynnewood Dr., (182) Mount Airy Dr., (183) Highview Rd., (184) property line of Greenwood Cemetery, (185) North Utoy Creek, (186) Beecher Circle, (187) Ferris St., (188) Handley Av.~'./ (189) Shirley St., (190) Westwood Ave., (191) property line of westview Cemetery, (192) extension of Brooks Ave. and Brooks Ave., (193) Larchwood St., (194) Barfield Ave., (195) Gordon Rd., (196) power line, (197) Fairfield Pl., (198) unnamed street, (199) Dahlia Ave., (200) extension of Verbena St. and Verbena St.,

(201) Wadley Ave., (202) Wilson Ave., (203) A. B. & C. R. R., (204) corporate limits of Atlanta, (205) property line of Battle Hill Sanitarium, (206) Anderson Ave., (207) Tiger Flowers Dr., (208) Croesus Ave., (209) Morehouse Rd., (210) Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery, (211) Simpson Rd., (212) Collier Ridge Rd., (213) Dale Creek Dr., (214) Forrest Ridge Rd., (215) Baker Ridge Rd., (216) Hightower Rd., (217) Beth Ave., (218) Osborn Rd., (219) Washington ·st., (220) Hightower Rd.,

(221) Bankhead Hwy., (222) Hightower Pl., (223) Hightower Rd., (224) St. Peter Ave., (225) 9th St.~ (226) St. James Ave., (227) 7th St., (228) Ethridge Ave., (229J Hightower Rd., (230) St. Paul Ave. and St. Paul Ave. extension, (231) branch of Proctor Creek, (232) North Grand Ave., (233) Holl.vwood Rd., (234) Hollywood Dr., (235) Gun Club Dr., (236) Alvin Dr., (237) Dist. 1328, Collins-Dist. 1511, Center Hill line, (238) Inman Ave., (239) Lively St., (240) Old Marietta Rd.,

(241) southwestern track of Southern R. R. yards, (242) northernmost track of Southern R. R. yards (243) Marietta : Rd., (244) Thomas St., (245) Zone St., (246) Carroll Dr., (247) Alma St., (248) Ellen St., (249) Marietta Rd., (250) property line of Crestlawn Cemetery, (251) Old Marietta Rd., (252) Southern R. R.~ (253) Bolton Rd., (254) Chattahoochee Ave., (255) Carroll Dr., \256) Dorchester Ave. and Dorchester Ave. extension, (257) Belt Line R. R. spur, (258) northern track of Southern R. R. yards, (259) power line, (260) Ellsworth Ave.,

(261) Chattahoochee Ave., (262) S. A. L. R. R., (263) extension of Seaboard Ave. and Seaboard Ave., (264) Seaboard Pl., (265) Collier Rd., (266) power line, (267) branch of Peachtree Creek, (268) Dist. 469, Cooks-Dist. 1328, Collins line, (269) Brookview Dr., (270) Northcliff Dr., (271) Howell Mill Rd., (272) Memorial Dr., (273) Dist. 469, Cooks-Dist. 1328, Collins line, (274) Dist. 722, Buckhead-Dist. 1328, Collins line, (275) Manor Ridge Dr., (276) Northside Dr., (277) West Wesley Ave., (278) Normandy Dr., (279) Argonne Dr., (280) Pine Valley Rd.,

(281) West Pine Valley Rd., (282) Arden Rd., (283) West Paces Ferry Rd., (284) Habersham Rd., (285) Chatham Rd., (286) West Paces Ferry Rd., (287) East Andrews Dr. (288) Roswell

. Rd., (289) branch of Nancy Cree~ (290) Habersham Rd., (291) Honour Circle, (292) Habersham .l:{.d. (293) Roswell Rd., l294) Piedmont Rd., (295) Ivy Rd., (296) Stratford Rd., (297) North Stratford Rd., (298) Peachtree Rd., (299) Wicuca Rd., (300) North Ivy_Rd.,

(301) Mountain Dr., (302) Stratford Rd.~ (303) Peachtree­Dunwoody Rd., (304) West Club Dr., (305J Club Dr., (306) Davidson Ave., (307) East Brookhaven Dr.

~ IJ:i:i:i:i:i:i:~:;:~t


.,...,_,. __ ·~---


(Continued on p. 11-31)


Incorporated parts

U;nincorporated parts

Nranbered boundary segments

State line

County line

Minor civil division line







531 /

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/ /









~· Incorporated parts

!}~}{:}] Unincorporated parts

12 Numbered boundary segments.


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1 Miies 2


Outlying urbanized :parts: (308) co:rporate limits of Doraville (309) La Vista Rd. (Lindberg Dr.), (310) Cheshire Bridge Rd.: (3ll) Lenox Rd., (312) Woodland Dr, and Woodland Dr. ex­tension, (313) Melante Dr., (314) Cordova Dr., (315) Armand Dr., (316) corporate limits of Clarkston,

(317) Hollywood Rd., (318) Southern R. R., (319) extension of Access Rd. and Access Rd., (320) Bolton Rd., (321) :Brownlee Rd., (322) branch of Proctor Creek {323) Dist. 1328 Collins­Dist. 15111 Center Hill line, {324) Cobb-Fulton county line (325) Access Ra., (326) extension of Bernard Rd. and Be:rnara Rd., (327) Paul Ave., (328) Paul Ave. extended, (329) Bolton Rd. (330) power line, (331) branch of Chattahoochee River, (332) Main St., (333) Sweat Rd., (334) extension of Moore St. and Moore St., (335) 2d St. and 2d St. extension.

Augusta Urbanized Area

(1) Corporate limits of Augusts., (2) corporate limits of North Augusta, (3) corporate limits of Augusta~ {4) AugustB. Levee, (5) unnamed street, (6) Sand Bar Ferry .ttd. (State Hwy. 52) (7) corporate limits of Augusta, (8) EMt Boundary Rd., (9) Belt Line R. R. spur, (10) Belt Line R. R., (11) Beaver Dam Ditch, (12) corporate limits of Augusta, (13) extension of Glass Factory Alley, (14) New Savannah Rd., (15) Belt Line R. R., (16) corporate limits of Augusta, (17) 0. of G. R.R., (18} Aragon Dr., (19) G. & F. R. R., (20) Nixon St.,

(21) State Hwy. 21 (Old Savannah Rd.), (22) Tubman Rd., (23) U. S. Hwy. 25 (Peach Orchard Rd.), (24) extension of Tudor Rd. and Tudor Rd., (25) Tubman Rd., (26) tr. S. Rwy. 25 (Pea.ch Orchard Rd.), (27) Barbara. Dr., (28) State Hwy. 21 (Old Savan­nah Rd.), (29) U.S. Rwy. 25 (Peach. Orchard Rd.), {30) extension of L&zemby Dr. and Lazemby Dr., (31) Memory Dr., (32) Kratha Dr., (33) Dist. 119-Dist. 123 line, (34) North Fork of Oats Creek, (35) White Rd. (Stockade Rd.), (36) Olive Rd., (37) Cook Rd., (38) Tubman Rd., (39) Cherry Rd., (40) Dist. 119-Dist. 123 line, · (41) Kissing Bower Rd. (42) Bushie Rd., (43) George Rd. (Pendleton Rd.), (44) U. S. ·Hwy. 78 (State Hwy. 10 and 12)~ (45) Kissing Bower Rd., (46) Georgia. R. R., (47) extension ot Belmont Ave. and Belmont Ave., (Ml) U. S. Rwy. 78 (State Hwy.

'10 and 12), (49) Sibley St., (50) extension of Easy St. and Easy St., (51) Wheless Rd., (52) Dist.119-Dist. 1269 line, (53) corporate limits of Augusta, (54) WriJ?;htsboro Rd., (55) pro~rty line of Oliver General Hospital, (56) Lake Forest Dr., (57) Bransford Rd. and Bransford Rd. extension, (58) unnamed road and un­named road extension, (59) Fox Spring Rd., (60) Bransford Rd.,

(61) extension of Walton Way, (62) Bransford Rd., (63) Wheeler Rd., (64) Basin St. and Basin St. extension, (65) Hackle St., (6a) Boy Scout Rd,, (67) Ma~nolia. St. (68) Berc.kman Rd., (69) Washington Rd., (70) Woodbine Rd., (71) Bluebird Rd. and Bluebird Rd. extension.

Columbus Urbanized Area

Main urbanized part: (1) Cor~orate limits of Bibb City, (2) corporate limits of Columbus, (3) C. of G. R. R., (4) 54th St. (Thomas Rd.), (5) Hamilton Rd., (6) 48th St., (7) 17th Ave., (8) · corporate limits of Columbus, (9) Yarborough Rd. (45th St.), (10) Rosemont Dr., (I.1) 49th St., (12) Armour Rd., (13) Yar­borough Rd., (14) Rosemont School Rd., (15) unnamed wad, (16) Rosemont Schooi Rd., (17) corporate limits of Columbus, (18) Buena Vista Rd., (19) Bull Creek (20) unnamed stream,

(21) Buena Vista Rd., (22) Dogwood Dr., (23) Steam Mill Rd., (24) Buena Vista Rd., (25) Brennan Rd., (26) C. of G. R. R., (:37) property line of Armour Fertilizer Works (28) S. A. L. R. R., (29) corporate limits of Columbus, (30) Cusseta Rd., (31) Ben­ning Rd., (32) C. of G. R. R., (33) Ykitory Dr., (34) extension of Marathon Dr. and Marathon Dr. (35) State Hwy. 85 (Gla.de Rd.), (36) Victory Rd., (37) Bull Creek, (38) corporate limits of Columbus, (39) Glade Rd. (40) Victory Dr.,

(41) corporate limits .of Columbus, (42) corporate limits of Phenix, (48) corporate Jim)ts of Columbus, (44) Chattahoochie River.

Outlying urbanized parts: (45) Whitesville Rd., (46) Lorenzo Dr., (47} Britt-David Rd., (48) Hamilton Rd., (49) Lorrain St., (50) f:!pring Hill Ave., (51) Ogletree St. and Ogletree St. extension, (52) Carlton Ave.1 (53) Britt-David Rd., (54) Hamilton Rd.

(55) Warm Sprmgs Rd., (56) extension of Boyd Dr. and Boyd Dr., (57) extension of Glenn Rd., (58) Lindsay Creek, (59) property line of Muscogee County Airport, (60) Britt-David Rd., (61)

unnamed road, (62) Moon Rd. (63) private drive, (64) Rogers Dr., (65) Wai:m Springs Rd. (66) Gentian Blvd., (67) Anglin Rd., (68) Cody Rd., {69) Sellers Circle, (70) unnamed street, (71) Cody Rd., (72) Gentian Blvd.,

(73) Norris Rd., (74) Avondale Dr., (75) Norris Rd., (76) Cody :Rd., (77) Oak Circle, (78) Edgewood Dr., (79) Macon Rd., (80) Edgewood Circle, (81) Elm Dr,, (82) Macon Rd.,

(83) Dist. 772-Dist. 921 line, (84) Spring St., (85) Lamour St. and Lamour St. extension, (86) Cooper Creek, (87) C. of G. R.R., (88) Langdon St, (89) Manis Rd.,

(90) Benning Rd. (91) Shelby St., (92) Munson Dr., (93) Engineer Dr., (94) tanier Dr., (95) Collins Dr., (96) Victory Dr., (97) Matthews St., (98) Torch Hill Rd.

Macon Urbanized A.tea (1) Corporate limits of Macon (2) Rome Rd., (3) Clinton St.

(U. S. Hwy. 129), (4) Williams St., (5) Georgia Baptist Dr., (6) Sanford St., (7) Coleman Lane and Coleman Lane extension, (8) Kitchens St., (9) corporate limits of Macon, (10) 8\1lphur Springs Rd., (11) Magnolia. Dr. (12) Melton Rd., (13) Dorothy St., (14) Magnolia Dr., (15) Milledgeville Rd. (Main St.), (16) private road, (17) C. of G. R. R.1.Jl8) Emery Hwy., (19) corporate limits of Macon, (20) Southern.«.. R., , (21) Waterville Rd., (22)Jlrivate road.;. (23) C. of G. R.R. spur,· (24) easternmost track of O. of G. R . .tt. yards, (25) San Carlos Dr. (Antioch Rd.}, (26) Melvin Pl., (27) Dorothy Ave. and Dorothy Ave. extension, (28) property line of Naval Fuse Loading Plant, (29) San Carlos Dr. (Antioch Rd.), (30) Guy Paine Rd. (Wise Rd.), (31) Gantt City Rd. (Meade Rd.), (32) Southern IL R:.i~ (33) Dist. 481, Godfrey-Dist. 520, Rutland line, (34) East Side nwy., (35) Guy Paine Rd., (36) Houston Rd. (37) Auburn St, and Auburn St. extension, (38) 'l'ech Dr., (39) Guy Paine Rd. (Wise Rd.), (40) Pionono Rd.,

(41) Rocky Creek Rd., (42) Tripple Rm Dr., (43) Allen Rd., (44) power line, (45) unnamed stream, (46) Wilson St., (47) Rock St., {48) Hightower Rd., {49) Rollis St., (50) Jesma.ine St., (51) Pine St. and Pine St. extension, (52) Long St., (53) Lineotn Dr., (54) Harris St., (55) Pionono Rd., (56) Dent St., (57) unnamed street, (58) Anthony Rd., (59) Cedar St., (60) Mosely Ave.,

(61) Key St., (62) Dempsey Ave., (63) Dist. 481, Godfrey-Dist. 1085, Vineville line, (64) Woodrow Pl., (65) Brookwood St., (66) Burton St., (67) Seminole St., (68) Colonial Dr., (69) Ridgeland St., (70) Burton St-.i,.. (71) Arnwood Ave. and Arnwood Ave. ex­tension, (72) Edna J:'lace Rd., (73) Walker St. and Walker St. extension, (74) James St., (75) Log Cabin Dr. (U. S. Hwy. 80)~ (76) Robertson Rd., (77) Lawton Rd., (78) Dist. 483, Howa.rd­Dist. 1085, Vinevme line, (79) 6th Ave., (80) South Ave.,

(81) 4th Ave., (82) Brookdale Ave., (83) unnamed stream, (84) Villa Ave., (85) Echo Pl., (86) Pa.lace Ave., (87) George St., (88) Ayers Rd., (89) Napier Ave., (90) U. S. Rwy. 41, (91) C. of G.R.R.

SaYannah Urbanized Area Main urb\\nized part: (1) Property line of Standard Oil Co.

(2) private road, (3) corporate limits of Savannah, (4) abandoned S. E. P. C. Rwy. bed, (5) corporate limits of Thunderbolt, (6) cor­porate limits of Savannah, (7) Montgomery St., (8) Middle Ground Rd., (9) corporate limits of Sava.nnah, (10) Homer Ave., (11) Franklin St., (12) Staley Ave., (13) Jackson St., (14) Belt Ave., (15) corporate limits of Savannah, (16) 56th St. West and 56th St. West extension, (17) Dist. fi.-Dist. 7 line, ,(18) property line of lumber yard, (19) Whatley Ave., (20) Hopkins St.,

(21) corporate limits of Savannah, (22) S. A. L. Rwy., (23) S. A. L. Rwy., (24) Louisville Rd., (25) Dundee Canal, (26) S. A. L. Rwy., (27) C. of G. Rwy., (28) bundee Canal, (29) State Hwy, 26, (30) extension of 7th St. and 7th. St,, (31) extension of private road and private road, (32) Old Augusta Rd. (U. S. Hwy. 80), (33) corporate Jimits·of Garden City, (34) Brampton Rd., (35) Savannah River, (36) corporate limits of Savannah, (37) Dist. 5-Dist. 8 line, (38) S. A. L. Rwy., (39) corporate limits of Savan­nah, (40) Savannah River.

Outlying urbanized pa.rt: (41) U.S. Rwy. 17 (State Hwy. 21 and 25), (42) Coleraine Rd.1 (43) Turnberry St.1 (44) drainage ditch, (45) S. & A. Rwy., (46) U. S. Hwy. 17 (.&rmadale Rd.), (47) Appleby Rd., (48) Bonny Bridge Rd. and Bonny Bridge Rd. extension, (49) Savannah River, (50) Qroperty lfne of Sava.nna.h .Sugar Refinery, {51) S. & A. Rwy., t52) private road.