2015 - SA Freight Council Conference 2015/SAFC... · 1:50 The National Rail Safety Regulator...

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Transcript of 2015 - SA Freight Council Conference 2015/SAFC... · 1:50 The National Rail Safety Regulator...

Conference: 23 September 2015

Event Location:: The Lakes Resort Hotel


Full Day Conference

Quality Speaker Line-up

Two Course Lunch

Drinks & Networking

Tickets from $100 (+GST)

Major Sponsor


Speaker Program ….……….2

Registration …….…..………3

Sponsors ….…….…..………4

The inaugural SAFC conference is to explore

critical issues impacting the SA transport and

logistics industry as it continues to perform its

vital facilitation function for South Australian


Our conferences are noted for the variety of

subjects covered, the quality of the speakers and

the crispness of their presentations all at a

reasonable price!

This coming Conference is no exception. Come

and learn, listen and discuss key issues and

solutions for SA's transport and logistics industry

in terms of regulation, productivity,

environment and innovation.

Flinders Port Holdings



23 September The Lakes Resort Hotel

9:40 SA’s Mining Future in an Uncertain Global


Jason Kuchel, CEO,



REGISTER HERE > http://www.safreightcouncil.com.au/

8:30 Welcome


SA Freight Council

Early Morning Session sponsored by

8:15 Registration

8:40 Ministerial Address:

'Freight Transport Directions and Opportunities in

SA - The Government's View'

The Hon. Jamie Briggs, Minister for Cities and

the Built Environment

9:10 Shadow Ministerial Address:

'Freight Transport Directions and Opportunities in

SA - The Opposition's View'

Vickie Chapman MP, Deputy Leader and

Shadow Minister for Infrastructure

3:20 SAFC’s Regulatory Priorities

Evan Knapp, Consultant,

South Australian Freight Council

11:10 Greening for Profit

Stephanie Bolt, Environment Manager,

Adelaide Airport Limited

1:50 The National Rail Safety Regulator -

Progress and Priorities

Sue McCarrey, National Rail Safety Regulator

and CEO, Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator

11:50 Sustainable Freight Initiative Launch

Michael McCarthy, Project Officer

SA Freight Council

12:10 Keynote Lunch Speech

sponsored by

1:30 The NHVR - Moving Forward

Karen Vohland, Executive Director, Engagement

& Partnerships, National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

2:10 South Australian Strategic Directions for


Don Hogben, General Manager Planning and

Transport Policy, DPTI

10:20 Intermodal Opportunities in SA

Simon Ormsby, Executive General Manager,

Strategy & Corporate Development, ARTC

Early Afternoon Session

2:50 Afternoon Tea

Late Afternoon Session

11:30 Implications of Climate Change for Transport

Ros DeGaris, Premier’s Climate Change

Council / DeGaris Consulting

2:30 Transport & Logistics Challenges in


Rob Kerin, Chair,

Primary Producers South Australia

3:40 Open Forum - SAFC Listening

Tell us your Issues, Priorities, Needs & Wants

Neil Murphy, CEO,

South Australian Freight Council

5:00 Drinks and Nibbles

4:30 SAFC Annual General Meeting

6:00 Close


SA Freight Council Conference The Lakes Resort Hotel 23rd September

10:00 Coastal Shipping Reform

Ian Maitland, Partner,

Wallmans Lawyers

10:40 Morning Tea

Late Morning Session sponsored by

12:10 “Getting a Fair Share for SA”

Nick Xenophon,

Independent Senator for South Australia


The South Australian Freight Council Conference represents exceptional value for attendees.

With a full day conference ticket, including a sit down two-course lunch, starting at only $100 (+ GST) the conference is not to be missed.

Register now to ensure your place alongside some of the state’s leading transport and logistics identities.

For more Conference information Click Here


Click on the “Click to Pay Now” button to be

taken directly to the Conference Payment Page

Payment can be taken via PayPal or Credit/

Debit Card



Come and meet our conference sponsors, supporters and speakers and thank them for their support.

It means the price of attending the event is affordable.

Major Sponsor

Session Sponsors

Limited Sponsorship Packages are available. For sponsorship enquiries please contact SAFC’s Neil Murphy at

murphy.neil@safreightcouncil.com.au or by phone at 08 8447 0688