2015 Bi Trends

Post on 15-Sep-2015

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Transcript of 2015 Bi Trends

  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 1

    Top BI Trends

    for 2015

    Helping Users Make

    Smarter Decisions

  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 2


    How Great BI Insights Add Value ................................................................................................................................3

    Continuous Data Streams: Can BI Cope? ....................................................................................................................3

    Cloud or On-Premises? ...............................................................................................................................................4

    Data Security in the Cloud ..........................................................................................................................................5

    Collaborate or Perish ..................................................................................................................................................6

    Social Media BI ...........................................................................................................................................................7

    Buyers Wish Lists .......................................................................................................................................................7

    Multi-Screen Support .................................................................................................................................................8

    In Summary .................................................................................................................................................................9

    References ............................................................................................................................................................... 10

  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 3

    How Great BI Insights Add Value

    A large multinational insurance company had been settling claims to the tune of several billion dollars

    annually. Looking for greater savings, the company decided to focus on a type of claim that initially

    appeared low risk but tended to grow into expensive litigation. To detect such claims early, the company

    focused on:

    Better profiling of customers

    Analyzing customer behavior from their call logs, website visit behavior, social media activity

    Social media analysis of individuals and companies suspected of fraud practices

    The result? A 1% reduction in annual settlement amounts. These savings translated into tens of millions

    of dollars.

    The lesson here was not that business intelligence adds to the bottom line. We all know it does. The true

    lesson was that BI initiatives that go beyond number crunching can deliver some surprising results. Ever

    larger quantities of data are available about clients, competitors and collaborators, and any business that

    can truly handle this data and understand the patterns it contains can derive actionable insights.

    Continuous Data Streams: Can BI Cope?

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing. It comprises all devices - other than PCs, laptops, smartphones

    etc. - that can connect to the Internet. IoT devices have built-in communication that allows them to

    generate and transfer data about their internal state or the external environment. In 2009, these devices

    numbered about 0.9 billion. By 2020, they will have grown to 26 billion. Compare this with the numbers

    of PCs, laptops smartphones, etc which shall reach about 7.3 billion by 2020, and it becomes clear

    that these new devices will need to be handled efficiently. These 26 billion IoT devices will generate about

    $300 billion in revenue via services activities related to the field.

    To realize the true potential of these 26 billion devices, we will require BI applications that can cope with

    a stream of continuous data rather than with stable, well defined databases.

    This will need a fundamental change in the way Business Intelligence applications are conceptualized,

    planned and constructed. By its very nature, a data stream is continuous, it does not stop and settle, it

    could have breaks in it and there could be gaps in the data. There could be corrupted data in the stream

    as well.

    The BI application will need to work with imperfect data and yet have the capability to deliver meaningful


  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 4

    This change in BI application capability is not

    going to come all of a sudden, niche applications

    will emerge at first, for instance in the field of

    factory sensors, and based on the inputs from

    sensors embedded in the machine tools and

    their control systems, real time intelligence will

    be created that will in turn be used to manage

    operations better.

    Some of these niche applications are already

    functional; others will emerge as technology

    evolves. However, business managers must

    understand that the IoT is here to stay. With

    time, embedding communication capabilities

    into devices will get cheaper and the IoT will

    grow rapidly. In 2015 and in the years that follow,

    BI applications will be built to take advantage of

    this capability.

    Cloud or On-Premises?

    There is no clear answer to this question as yet. While the vendors are definitely moving in the direction

    of cloud-based systems, users are still ambivalent. In fact slightly more than 60% of the user base still

    prefers to have their solution hosted internally. This is probably indicative of the value they give to BI

    functions and their desire to keep their data secure and under their own control. There is also a perception

    that cloud-based systems cannot be customized comprehensively.

    This will change gradually as the cost benefits become clearer and

    security and availability issues are addressed. We can expect

    vendors to focus on highlighting benefits of using cloud-based

    systems. Vendors will also create cloud-based systems that can

    be customized more closely to what users need. In all probability,

    vendors will stress that:

    Cloud-based systems are easier to deploy and manage

    There is a reduced need for expert IT staffing

    Modern systems can be customized easily to give customers the exact functionality they need

    Costs are lower

    Security and availability needs are met

    The Internet of Things will include:

    Advanced medical equipment

    Factory automation sensors

    Farm land sensors

    Vehicular data pickups

    Remote monitoring for rail and road


    Electrical and water distribution


    Weather sensors

    Smart building technology

    and so on Gartner Research

    60% users still prefer

    to have their data and

    BI solutions hosted on

    their own premises.

  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 5

    The expectation is that the numbers of cloud-based BI solution users will continue to increase. However,

    the speed of uptake would be gradual and smaller to mid-sized companies would adopt cloud-based

    solutions earlier. Larger companies are more conservative and might have already made substantial

    investments in their on-premise solutions, hence they may take a little longer to switch.

    Data Security in the Cloud

    Over the last two years, governments have begun to exercise a greater degree of control over cloud-

    based data. The US Government has been particularly active and there have been court judgments that

    say that a local search warrant issued against a person or a company in the US will also have jurisdiction

    over data that they may have stored in a data center outside the US. While the issue is still not resolved

    (Microsoft has gone to court seeking quashing of the part of the order that applies to foreign data centers),

    many businesses have begun to worry about the security of their data, from hackers as well as the

    government. There have even been instances when the owner of the data was not even informed that

    their data had been handed over to the government.

    Many computer security vendors have begun to offer data security solutions that tokenize selected data

    before it is stored. This is different from encryption. Tokenization replaces critical data with a token that

    has the same format as the data but has a

    meaningless value. Since the token has the same

    format as the original data, any application using it

    can continue to function as before. However just

    before the results are displayed to users, the tokens

    are replaced by their real values. Thus, if data stored

    in the cloud is stolen, only tokenized values are


    As mentioned, tokenization solutions are presently

    offered by vendors who claim to be able to provide

    security while ensuring any application will continue

    to function as before. Their solutions have been

    shown to work with ERP, CRM and BI solutions from all vendors. Such solutions are gaining in popularity

    because absolutely no changes are required to be made to complex applications.

    It is very likely that 2015 will see at least some of the more agile BI solution providers, probably some of

    the midsized ones, offer built-in tokenization solutions. This is certainly something that knowledgeable

    customers will look for.

    Tokenization is substituting a

    sensitive data element with a

    non-sensitive equivalent,

    referred to as a token that has

    no extrinsic or exploitable

    meaning or value


  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 6

    Collaborate or Perish

    In the last two to three years, BI has moved from being an individual activity to a collaborative one.

    Traditionally, a BI practitioner sat by herself and used the data and the tools at her disposal to understand

    trends and draw lessons. BI could be a lonely task under such circumstances, especially so because you

    have to sell the results of the analysis to the management.

    In recent years however, developers have understood the power of crowdsourcing ideas. If you are

    dealing with a large quantity of complex data, many minds work better than one. Besides, while there

    may be silos in a business, the business itself does not work in silos. Sales, marketing, manufacturing

    and all the other departments have to work together to produce goods and services that a customer

    values. Collaborative BI uses the expertise of all these domains so that the situation is better understood

    and its impact on the business as a whole is better appreciated.

    A well-designed collaborative BI application has the collaboration tools built in and it encourages people

    to work together rather than only focus on one aspect of the business.

    In a well-designed collaborative BI application, participants in the decision making progress work

    together, regardless of physical location and:

    Share their interpretation of the reports and insights generated by the BI tool

    Work together on charts, grids and infographics

    Work seamlessly inside and outside the corporate firewall to involve employees and partners in

    the BI generation process

    Expand the use of BI tools by helping it gain widespread acceptance

    In almost all cases, collaborative BI is able to generate more meaningful insights and give a better return

    on investment. BI vendors have recognized this and a number of BI solutions are being optimized for

    collaborative use. In many cases, users are not charged anything extra for the collaborative features. We

    expect the collaboration to become easier and more effective in 2015.

    If there is one thing that is holding people back from more pervasive collaboration, it is the company

    culture. Most people are worried about placing their views on record for everyone else in the group to

    see. Businesses will need to create a culture of openness and this can only be done top down. An

    associated issue will be learning how to collaborate. We have seen this in email use where people send

    a mundane message to a long list of people just in case and these messages end up clogging inboxes

    and wasting everyones time. Such cultural issues will take time to change and evolve. Therefore while

    the capability for collaboration will exist, businesses will only gradually learn to take full advantage of

    collaborative BI.

    Businesses that can change their culture and bring genuine internal collaboration will see much greater


  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 7

    Social Media BI

    Social media is becoming increasingly powerful as a tool for

    sharing, as well as shaping, opinion and businesses have to be

    aware of what is being said about them in social media. As a

    business grows, the chatter about it on social media increases

    as well and while these conversations have great value, this can

    be hard to discover or make sense of.

    We saw in the first section of this report how the multinational insurance company used social BI to

    understand its customers better and saved tens of millions of dollars annually.

    A social media BI tool is able to answer questions such as the following:

    What is being said about your business?

    Who is saying it?

    What is the frequency of their posts?

    What do people feel about your current products and services?

    What kind of responses do their comments generate?

    What is being said about your competitors?

    This kind of information can be invaluable to a company trying to improve its market share or for one that

    is looking for new products ideas. Many social media sites themselves have understood the value of user

    generated content and are offering analytical services that you can use straight away.

    Buyers Wish Lists

    A BI application or solution is not an IT toolkit and

    therefore it is no surprise that the vast majority of BI

    solution buyers are not IT professionals but business

    professionals. The bulk of enquiries come from the people

    in operations who need BI as a tool to help them run their

    businesses better.

    What do most of the users of BI solutions want from their


    The vast majority of users want high quality and easily customizable dashboards and scorecards, they

    want built-in tools that let them run queries and create reports with ease. The end user, the business

    professional, is not really interested in deeply technical issues such as the extract, transform and load

    IT Professional



    Who Demands BI Software?

  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 8

    functions (ETL), or issues of online analytical processing (OLAP), or even things like data mining and BI

    cubes. All of these advanced concepts are probably for the advanced data scientist.

    The business professional simply wants to get her job done. Ease of use will be an important asset. As

    more vendors grasp this essential requirement, we will see suites that are intuitive, easy to use and assist

    the user in quickly getting what she wants. 2015 and the years to come will offer solutions that dont

    require a knowledge of advanced analytic techniques.

    The value of data analytics expertise is not undermined: this will become a niche field for the highly

    qualified expert. Most users will get by with the basic functions that can be easily understood and used.

    An overwhelming majority of users want a BI

    Suite that is complete and ready to use out

    of the box. They are not interested in a best

    of breed solution that combines offerings

    from different sources to create something

    extremely advanced. Businesses want

    simplicity of management and use and they

    will drive vendors to create simple solutions

    that do not need to be managed by IT


    Multi-Screen Support

    User are spoilt when it comes to choice of platform. They can use their desktops, laptops, mobile devices

    and even smart watches. BI solutions will adapt to whichever screen size the user is working with and

    display data that is most critical for the user at that moment in time. With time, multi-screen support will

    get better and more effective.

    While the very small screens, such as smart watch screens, have not yet gone mainstream, vendors will

    start moving in that direction as well. One can easily expect reminders and alerts to show up on these

    small devices in the coming year.

    How long will it take for BI dashboards to be available on Goggle Glass? We cannot answer this question

    with any certainty yet, but the technology exists and is now coming to mainstream users. It is only a

    matter of time when Glass will show up in business meetings with its users getting absolutely updated

    information from their BI systems.

    While technology matures quickly, there will be issues of business etiquette associated with wearable

    devices such as Glass that will take longer to evolve.







    Quality dashboard / scorecards

    Querying and reporting

    Data warehouse



    Data Mining & Predictive

    What Do the Users Really Want?

  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 9

    In Summary

    To conclude, one can say that Business Intelligence applications will need to adapt to some major

    changes that are now becoming mainstream. One major change is the way data streams in for analysis.

    Whereas previously, BI used data that had been collected in a database, an ever increasing number of

    devices with embedded sensors and communication capabilities will generate continuous streams of

    data. BI solutions will need to handle these streams and generate meaningful insights and analysis. While

    databases will not go away anytime soon, BI solutions will need to handle large data streams as well.

    For all the news and hype surrounding the cloud, users are still careful about where their data is stored.

    There are worries about security and with governments seeking to control cloud-based storage and

    demanding access to stored data, these worries are getting accentuated. Expect to see innovative

    security services being developed. This is not restricted to BI alone but to all kinds of applications that

    store their data in the cloud.

    There is value in a multi-disciplinary approach to data analysis. This is leading to the emergence of

    collaborative BI where professionals from different branches of a business can work together to draw

    more multi-dimensional insights.

    Social Media BI is yet another field that has become important. People say a lot on social media and an

    analysis of what is being said about your company, its line of business and its competitors can give rise

    to valuable insights that no business can ignore.

    The demand for a BI solution is emerging more from the business professionals in a company rather than

    from the IT professionals. This is only to be expected because the business professional gains the most

    from a successful BI implementation. As a consequence of the demand originating from business people,

    there is also a requirement that the solution be easy to use and provide just the functionality that business

    professionals need. Many complex functions are not being seen as adding immediate value and may

    stay confined to very niche and specialist areas.

    The last point we covered is about multiple types of display screens. These can range from the data wall

    to the smart watch. A smart BI solution will detect the screen the user is using and will tailor its display


    The truly successful BI applications will blend themselves in the work flow of the company so successfully

    that users will not realize that the insights they are getting are arising from a separate application program.

    The best BI solutions will make business professionals smarter.

  • Top BI Trends for 2015 | Compare Business Products 2015 10


    Gartner Press Release on the Internet of Things


    More details on the IoT



    Cloud Based BI



    De Filippi, P, McCarthy, S, Cloud Computing: Centralization and Data Sovereignty European Journal

    for Law and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2012, available at http://ejlt.org/article/view/101/234

    US Judgment on Cloud Data Sovereignty


    Collaborative BI



    Data on customer preferences
