20140821 en-perl in-automotive_logistics_lubos_kolouch

Post on 11-Jan-2015

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YAPC::EU presentation - When you write software for the Automotive industry, you quickly find out that "good enough" is not good enough. In the world of production without warehouses, with Just-In-Time or even Just-In-Sequence deliveries, your program has to work smoothly under any condition. You find out that some traditional solutions based on proprietary systems, and in with them connected languages, simply do not work. You find it out usually on Sunday at 3 in the morning, when you are waken up and you have a few minutes to find a solution, in order not to stop the automotive factory production. We found this solution in Linux and Perl.

Transcript of 20140821 en-perl in-automotive_logistics_lubos_kolouch