2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results

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Transcript of 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Kay(en 0e.. *e( Lion PA Pre-school $ ages 3-' Years 3

    6avin Sny(er #aco.s PA Kin(ergarten 1

    "arissa $eck York PA Kin(ergarten 2

    "yla Pere! York PA Kin(ergarten 3

    Hort Hall Results Page 1 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204! "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    01 - Pumpkin Etra!agan"a #$ records

    Pumpkin Face Painting and %ecoration &'o Car!ing( 2* records

    "a((ie ace "arietta PA irst ra(e 1

    "itchell $ro,n Seven PA irst ra(e 2

    Davi( Schar(t York PA irst ra(e 3

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Secon( ra(e 1

    Penelo&e $rosis Dover PA Secon( ra(e 2

    Chase Parks York PA Secon( ra(e 3

    race $olco% York PA 6hir( ra(e 1

    annah Stover York PA 6hir( ra(e 2

    Lillian $aker York PA 6hir( ra(e 3

    $ts%&% York PA orth ra(e 1

    Sa%el 7ster.erg York PA orth ra(e 2

    Cavan $eck York PA orth ra(e 3

    6yler Kline(inst York PA ith ra(e 1

    $rooke rey Dover PA ith ra(e 2

    Colin Al.right Dover PA ith ra(e 3

    Alyssa Connors Enola PA Si+th ra(e 1

    6rent "engel e, Sale% PA Si+th ra(e 2

    Kylee Lan(is Dallasto,n PA Si+th ra(e 3

    01 -Giant Pumpkin , records

    he Giant Pumpkin Weigh-.++ , records

    #ason *o(es Dover PA iant P%&kin 0eigh-79 1

    Darrell *o(es "ont 0ol PA iant P%&kin 0eigh-79 2

    6a%%y *o(es Dover PA iant P%&kin 0eigh-79 3

    12 - Ha/ Grain 10 records

    room Corn and rooms 1# records

    #oann Kna. elton PA $roo% Corn - *e( 1

    #a%es E.erly elton PA $roo% Corn - *e( 2

    "arlyn S%elt!er 0rightsville PA $roo%s - Stan(ar( 1

    nter :ay York PA $roo%s - Stan(ar( 2

    *onal( S%elt!er 0rightsville PA $roo%s - Stan(ar( 3

    Denise 0erner York PA $roo%s - 0isk 1

    aley :ay York PA $roo%s - 0isk 2

    D,ayne S%elt!er 0rightsville PA $roo%s - 0isk 3

    Seth 0erner York PA $roo%s - ire&lace $roo% 2

    "arlyn S%elt!er 0rightsville PA $roo%s - ire&lace $roo% 2

    *onal( S%elt!er 0rightsville PA $roo%s - ire&lace $roo% 3

    D,ayne S%elt!er 0rightsville PA $roo%s - Any 7ther $roo% 1

    nter :ay York PA $roo%s - Any 7ther $roo% 2

    aley :ay York PA $roo%s - Any 7ther $roo% 3

    Grain 3eed Crops 12 records

    *yan "iller Ste,artsto PA Corn - y.ri( - iel( 1

    Carter "yers Airville PA Corn - y.ri( - iel( 2

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    A(rey Ayres a,n PA Corn - y.ri( - iel( 3

    Sarah Ayres a,n PA Corn - y.ri( - iel( 4

    Carlyn ; Cro,l Delta PA Corn - y.ri( - Single Cross 1

    Dean "iller Ste,artsto PA Corn - y.ri( - Single Cross 2

    Hort Hall Results Page 2 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204! "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Carol ill Evans York PA Sn>o,er ea(s -

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    12 - Ha/ Grain 10 records

    Grain 3eed Crops 12 records

    Sarah Ayres a,n PA 7ats - Porter ?1B2 &eck 1

    Seth 0erner York PA 7ats - Porter ?1B2 &eck 2

    Carl Shearer Dills.rg PA 7ats - Porter ?1B2 &eck 3

    Dean "iller Ste,artsto PA 7ats - Porter ?1B2 &eck 4

    Denise 0erner York PA 7ats - 7gle ?1B2 &eck 1

    nter :ay York PA 7ats - 7gle ?1B2 &eck 2

    A(rey Ayres a,n PA 7ats - 7gle ?1B2 &eck 3

    Sarah Ayres a,n PA 7ats - 7gle ?1B2 &eck 4

    *yan "iller Ste,artsto PA 7ats - Any 7ther ?1B2 &eck 1

    Sarah Ayres a,n PA 7ats - Any 7ther ?1B2 &eck 2

    A(rey Ayres a,n PA 7ats - Any 7ther ?1B2 &eck 3

    Carl Shearer Dills.rg PA 7ats - Any 7ther ?1B2 &eck 4

    *yan "iller Ste,artsto PA 0heat - Dynasty ?1B2 &eck 1

    A(rey Ayres a,n PA 0heat - Dynasty ?1B2 &eck 2

    $ryce S%elt!er York PA 0heat - Dynasty ?1B2 &eck 3

    Dean "iller Ste,artsto PA 0heat - Dynasty ?1B2 &eck 4

    $ri(get S%elt!er York PA 0heat - ree(o% ?1B2 &eck 1

    Denise 0erner York PA 0heat - ree(o% ?1B2 &eck 2

    nter :ay York PA 0heat - ree(o% ?1B2 &eck 3

    aley :ay York PA 0heat - ree(o% ?1B2 &eck 4

    Dean "iller Ste,artsto PA 0heat - 6itan ?1B2 &eck 1

    a.rielle York PA 0heat - 6itan ?1B2 &eck 2

    Denise 0erner York PA 0heat - 6itan ?1B2 &eck 3

    "arlyn S%elt!er 0rightsville PA 0heat - 6itan ?1B2 &eck 4

    Dean "iller Ste,artsto PA 0heat - 6yler ?1B2 &eck 1

    Sarah Ayres a,n PA 0heat - 6yler ?1B2 &eck 2

    nter :ay York PA 0heat - 6yler ?1B2 &eck 3

    A(rey Ayres a,n PA 0heat - 6yler ?1B2 &eck 4

    a.rielle York PA 0heat - Penn%ore ?1B2 &eck 1

    Seth 0erner York PA 0heat - Penn%ore ?1B2 &eck 2

    *onal( S%elt!er 0rightsville PA 0heat - Penn%ore ?1B2 &eck 3

    aley :ay York PA 0heat - Penn%ore ?1B2 &eck 4

    *yan "iller Ste,artsto PA 0heat - Any 7ther

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Sarah Ayres a,n PA "iscellaneos - *ye ?1B2 &eck 2

    #e9rey Kiser Seven PA "iscellaneos - *ye ?1B2 &eck 3

    Dean "iller Ste,artsto PA "iscellaneos - *ye ?1B2 &eck 4

    Sarah Ayres a,n PA "iscellaneos - Soy.eans ?1B2 1

    A(rey Ayres a,n PA "iscellaneos - Soy.eans ?1B2 2

    Dean "iller Ste,artsto PA "iscellaneos - Soy.eans ?1B2 3

    "arlyn S%elt!er 0rightsville PA "iscellaneos - Soy.eans ?1B2 4

    Hort Hall Results Page # o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204! "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1, - 6egeta5les #1, records

    6egeta5les #1, records

    Laren Anstine Seven PA $eans= Shelle( - Ki(ney ?1 Pt 1

    #oann Kna. elton PA $eans= Shelle( - Ki(ney ?1 Pt 2

    rene $ricker Seven PA $eans= Shelle( - Ki(ney ?1 Pt 3

    0ayne $ricker Seven PA $eans= Shelle( - Ki(ney ?1 Pt 4

    $ri(get *oth *e( Lion PA $eans= Shelle( - Li%as ?1 Pt 1

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA $eans= Shelle( - Li%as ?1 Pt 2

    Ker%it "iller elton PA $eans= Shelle( - Li%as ?1 Pt 3

    Dane e%%ill len *ock PA $eans= Shelle( - Li%as ?1 Pt 4

    #oann Kna. elton PA $eans= Shelle( - avy or So& 1

    #a%es E.erly elton PA $eans= Shelle( - avy or So& 2

    Allen 6ro,.ri(ge York PA $eets - lo.e Sha&e( - Plate 1

    Lin(a S oll 0in(sor PA $eets - lo.e Sha&e( - Plate 2

    $rian Leh%an 0rightsville PA $eets - lo.e Sha&e( - Plate 3

    0ayne $ricker Seven PA $eets - lo.e Sha&e( - Plate 4

    Donal( #ackson *e( Lion PA $eets - al Long - Plate o ve 1

    #a%es E.erly elton PA $eets - al Long - Plate o ve 2

    #oann Kna. elton PA $eets - al Long - Plate o ve 3

    Keith o((inott Street "D $eets - al Long - Plate o ve 4

    6erry lanagan alia+ PA $eets - eaviest $eet 1

    Christine alia+ PA $eets - eaviest $eet 2

    Karen 0ine%iller Ste,artsto PA $eets - eaviest $eet 3

    6rinity $rnicke Ste,artsto PA $eets - eaviest $eet 4

    #oann Kna. elton PA $roccoli - Large ea( 1

    Ells,orth Leh%an 0rightsville PA $roccoli - Large ea( 3

    $rian Leh%an 0rightsville PA $roccoli - Large ea( 4

    #oann Kna. elton PA $rssel S&rots - 1' S&eci%ens 1

    #oann Kna. elton PA Ca..age - Danish *e( 1

    Ells,orth Leh%an 0rightsville PA Ca..age - Danish Dtch 1

    $rian Leh%an 0rightsville PA Ca..age - Danish Dtch 2

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    "elissa $roge PA Cc%.ers - Pickling ?n(er 3 1

    #oann Kna. elton PA Cc%.ers - Pickling ?n(er 3 2

    Dane e%%ill len *ock PA Cc%.ers - Pickles ?3-' 1

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Cc%.ers - Slicing ?over ' 1

    Karen 0ine%iller Ste,artsto PA Cc%.ers - Slicing ?over ' 2

    #oann Kna. elton PA Cc%.ers - Slicing ?over ' 3

    *o.ert $a% *e( Lion PA Egg&lant - 1 S&eci%en 1

    Hort Hall Results Page o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204! "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    #oann Kna. elton PA Parsni&s ?&late o 3 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA Peas - Po(s ?1 &o(s ot (rie( 1

    Allison Lonkart Le,is.erry PA Peas - Po(s ?1 &o(s ot (rie( 2

    Eli!a.eth Le,is.erry PA Peas - Po(s ?1 &o(s ot (rie( 3

    #a%es E.erly elton PA Peas - $lack Eye( Peas 1

    #oann Kna. elton PA Peas - Sna& Peas 1

    #a%es E.erly elton PA Peas - Sna& Peas 2

    Hort Hall Results Page * o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12044 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1, - 6egeta5les #1, records

    6egeta5les #1, records

    "elissa #aco.y Dills.rg PA Pe&&ers - ot ?&late o ' - 1

    race $ro,n Seven PA Pe&&ers - ot ?&late o ' - 2

    #ohn oller "ont 0ol PA Pe&&ers - ot ?&late o ' - 3

    ick eshe( - 1

    #ohn oller "ont 0ol PA Pe&&ers= S,eet= thin >eshe( - 2

    Karl Kyken(all York PA Pe&&ers= S,eet= thin >eshe( - 3

    Kay Kessler S&ring PA Pe&&ers= S,eet= thin >eshe( - 1

    *ay%on( Le.er len *ock PA Pe&&ers= S,eet= thin >eshe( - 2

    #oann Kna. elton PA Pe&&ers= S,eet= thin >eshe( - 3

    Carol ill-Evans York PA Pe&&ers= S,eet= thin >eshe( - 4

    $ar. Shive 6ho%asville AP Pe&&ers - S,eet= thin->eshe( - 1

    #anet $iros York PA Pe&&ers - S,eet= thin->eshe( - 4

    Kathy Keller York PA Potatoes - Kenne.ec ?1 &eck 1

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA Potatoes - Kenne.ec ?1 &eck 2

    #oann Kna. elton PA Potatoes - Kenne.ec ?1 &eck 3

    Ker%it "iller elton PA Potatoes - Kenne.ec ?1 &eck 4

    Ker%it "iller elton PA Potatoes - *e( Pontiac ?1 &eck 1

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA Potatoes - *e( Pontiac ?1 &eck 2

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA Potatoes - S&erior ?1 &ecl 1

    Ker%it "iller elton PA Potatoes - S&erior ?1 &ecl 2

    Ker%it "iller elton PA Potatoes - 7ther

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Karen 0ine%iller Ste,artsto PA eaviest rish Potato nior% 3

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA eaviest rish Potato nior% 4

    #osh "c(o,ell Dallasto,n PA Potatoes - *e( 1

    Allen 6ro,.ri(ge York PA Potatoes - *e( 2

    "itchell rove elton PA Potatoes - *e( 3

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA Potatoes - *e( 4

    Kathy Keller York PA Potatoes - 0hite 1

    Hort Hall Results Page ) o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12044 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1, - 6egeta5les #1, records

    6egeta5les #1, records

    Ker%it "iller elton PA Potatoes - 0hite 2

    6ristan Phil.rook York PA Potatoes - 0hite 3

    $entley Phil.rook York PA Potatoes - 0hite 4

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA Potatoes - Any 7ther Color 1

    Kay Kessler S&ring PA Potatoes - Any 7ther Color 2

    Ker%it "iller elton PA Potatoes - Any 7ther Color 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA Potatoes - Any 7ther Color 4

    #oann Kna. elton PA Potatoes= S,eet - #ersey 6y&e= 1

    Allen 6ro,.ri(ge York PA Potatoes= S,eet - *e(

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Laren Anstine Seven PA P%&kin #ack- 7-L - 4th 'th 3

    ene Donal( lenville PA *a(ishes - *e( *on( 1

    #oann Kna. elton PA *a(ishes - *e( *on( 2

    #a%es E.erly elton PA *a(ishes - 0hite Long 1

    #oann Kna. elton PA *a(ishes - 0hite Long 4

    Crtis Parrish York PA *h.ar. - $nch o ' 1

    Lehea or(on York PA *h.ar. - $nch o ' 2

    Hort Hall Results Page 7 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12044 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1, - 6egeta5les #1, records

    6egeta5les #1, records

    "a(elin S%elt!er York PA *h.ar. - $nch o ' 3

    o,ar( $illig anover PA *h.ar. - $nch o ' 4

    #oann Kna. elton PA Salsiy - 7yster *oot ?&late o ' 1

    Allen 6ro,.ri(ge York PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - $sh 1

    $rian Leh%an 0rightsville PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - $sh 2

    $ran(on "n(is *e( Lion PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - $sh 3

    Karen 0ine%iller Ste,artsto PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - $sh 4

    Laren Anstine Seven PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 1

    Keith o((inott Street "D S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 2

    rene $ricker Seven PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 3

    0ayne $ricker Seven PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 4

    "elaine Anstine Seven PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 1

    Keith o((inott Street "D S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 2

    rene $ricker Seven PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 3

    Laren Anstine Seven PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 4

    rene $ricker Seven PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 1

    Steven $ark(oll Dover PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 2

    $ar.ara Street "D S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 3

    Keith o((inott Street "D S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 4

    Ells,orth Leh%an 0rightsville PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 1

    $rian Leh%an 0rightsville PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 2

    #ohn oller "ont 0ol PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 3

    "elaine Anstine Seven PA S@ash ?s%%er ty&e - 4

    #oann Kna. elton PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - Acorn - 1

    #a%es E.erly elton PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - Acorn - 2

    Keith o((inott Street "D S@ash ?,inter ty&e - Acorn - 3

    $ar.ara Street "D S@ash ?,inter ty&e - Acorn - 4

    $entley Phil.rook York PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - $tternt 1

    Kyle Dennis S&ring PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - $tternt 2

    6rinity $rnicke Ste,artsto PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - $tternt 3

    6ristan Phil.rook York PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - $tternt 4

    Keith o((inott Street "D S@ash ?,inter ty&e - ..ar( 1

    Evan "iller Dover PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - ..ar( 2

    $ar.ara Street "D S@ash ?,inter ty&e - ..ar( 3

    athan "iller Dover PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - ..ar( 4

    Karen 0ine%iller Ste,artsto PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - 6r.an 1

    athan "iller Dover PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - 6r.an 2

    6rinity $rnicke Ste,artsto PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - 6r.an 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - 6r.an 4

    Eliana "cCarthy Pottsville PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - S&aghetti 1

    $ri(get *oth *e( Lion PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - S&aghetti 2

    #a%es E.erly elton PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - S&aghetti 3

    6rinity $rnicke Ste,artsto PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - S&aghetti 4

    athan "iller Dover PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - 7ther 1

    Keith o((inott Street "D S@ash ?,inter ty&e - 7ther 2

    6rinity $rnicke Ste,artsto PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - 7ther 3

    Evan "iller Dover PA S@ash ?,inter ty&e - 7ther 4

    Scott "iller Dover PA S@ash - Largest ?,eight 1

    Karen 0ine%iller Ste,artsto PA S@ash - Largest ?,eight 2

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Leanne erree York PA S@ash - Largest ?,eight 3

    Anthony Sa.ol( East $erlin PA S@ash - Largest ?,eight 4

    Ker%it "iller elton PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 1

    olan i&e York PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 2

    #ohn Pokrivka Seven PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 3

    eral( York PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 4

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1, - 6egeta5les #1, records

    6egeta5les #1, records

    Kathy Sorenson York PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 2

    *th rove York PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 3

    *ichar( 0itten York PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 4

    #ohn oller "ont 0ol PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - Pink 1

    "arti #oines Ste,artsto PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - *e( 1

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - *e( 2

    Ker%it "iller elton PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - *e( 3

    Dalena Little anover PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - *e( 4

    6o% Pen(ergast York PE 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 1

    Lin(a S oll 0in(sor PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - 2

    ao%i S&ring PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - Any 1

    6o% Pen(ergast York PE 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - Any 2

    #erry enry *e( Lion PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - Any 3

    *th Alice S%ith York PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - Any 4

    #i% Leh%an Dills.rg PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - $y 1

    6o% Pen(ergast York PE 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - $y 2

    Caryl Legat York PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - $y 3

    Daniel Krieg anover PA 6o%atoes ?Large rite( - $y 4

    *ichar( York PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - *e( 1

    Ker%it "iller elton PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - *e( 2

    "arie Cothran 6ho%asville PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - *e( 3

    0illia% rreri York PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - *e( 4

    *o.ert Schr% York PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - *e( 1

    A%ie $a% York PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - *e( 2

    $ar.ara "%%ert Seven PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - *e( 3

    $ar.ara Schr% York PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - *e( 4

    #ohn Pokrivka Seven PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - 1

    $ar. 0arner Dover PA 6o%atoes ?S%all rite( - 1

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    ina rey 0rightsville PA 6rni&s ?&late o ' 1

    #a%es E.erly elton PA 6rni&s ?&late o ' 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA 6rni&s ?&late o ' 4

    #i% "c(o,ell Dallasto,n PA 0atercress ?2 .nches in 1

    #osh "c(o,ell Dallasto,n PA 0atercress ?2 .nches in 2

    #oann Kna. elton PA 0ater%elons - "i(get 6y&es 1

    0ayne $ricker Seven PA 0ater%elons - "i(get 6y&es 2

    Hort Hall Results Page 11 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12044 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1, - 6egeta5les #1, records

    6egeta5les #1, records

    Kan(i Stetler 0ellsville PA 0ater%elons - "i(get 6y&es 3

    Laren Anstine Seven PA 0ater%elons - "i(get 6y&es 4

    0ayne $ricker Seven PA 0ater%elons - 7.long in sha&e 1

    An(re, orh%an lenville PA 0ater%elons - 7.long in sha&e 2

    Laren Anstine Seven PA 0ater%elons - 7.long in sha&e 3

    "ark E.erly Dallasto,n PA 0ater%elons - 7.long in sha&e 4

    $rian Leh%an 0rightsville PA 0ater%elons - *on( or 7val 1

    "arshall rove elton PA 0ater%elons - *on( or 7val 2

    "ark E.erly Dallasto,n PA 0ater%elons - *on( or 7val 3

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA 0ater%elons - *on( or 7val 4

    #i% Leh%an Dills.rg PA Largest Single 0ater%elon 1

    )achary Keller $iglerville PA Largest Single 0ater%elon 2

    0ayne $ricker Seven PA Largest Single 0ater%elon 3

    "in(y $ly%ire elton PA Largest Single 0ater%elon 4

    #oann Kna. elton PA o%e ar(en - Dis&lay - 1 o 1

    Ells,orth Leh%an 0rightsville PA "arket $asket - 1 each o 1 1

    #oann Kna. elton PA "arket $asket - 1 each o 1 2

    "elissa #aco.y Dills.rg PA "arket $asket - 1 each o 1 3

    Steven $ark(oll Dover PA "arket $asket - 1 each o 1 4

    *an(all "iller *e( Lion PA or(s - "i+e( ?' s&eci%ens 1

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA or(s - "i+e( ?' s&eci%ens 2

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA or(s - "i+e( ?' s&eci%ens 3

    At%n latelter Seven PA or(s - "i+e( ?' s&eci%ens 4

    Davi( Davis Pylesville "D or(s - 7ne

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    lo 0ay.right S&ring PA Patio ar(ening - Egglant 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA Patio ar(ening - Lettce= Lea 3

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1, - 6egeta5les #1, records

    6egeta5les #1, records

    Crtis Parrish York PA er.s - *ose%ary in F inch or 1

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA A&&les - "ts 1

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA A&&les - oneycris& 1

    A%an(a 0oerner 7rrtanna PA A&&les - oneycris& 2

    $ar.ara Ahrens "ancheste PA A&&les - oneycris& 3

    Annette ella% PA A&&les - oneycris& 4

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA A&&les - Pink La(y 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 1, o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12044 "#ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1# - Fruits 1)0 records

    Fruits 1* records

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA A&&les - Pink La(y 2

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA A&&les - Pink La(y 3

    Annette ella% PA A&&les - Pink La(y 4

    Pal E.erly Dallasto,n PA A&&les - Any 7ther 1

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA A&&les - 6ray Pack - *e( 1

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA A&&les - 6ray Pack - Any 7ther 1

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA A&&les - it Package 1

    "ark E.erly Dallasto,n PA A&&les - it $asket 1

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA A&&les - it $asket 2

    Pal E.erly Dallasto,n PA A&&les - it $asket 3

    ancy She York PA Cra. A&&les - 7rna%ental 1

    San(ra S&angler S&ring PA Cra. A&&les - 7rna%ental 2

    Lin(a S&angler S&ring PA Cra. A&&les - 7rna%ental 3

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Crest aven 1

    "ark E.erly Dallasto,n PA Peaches - Crest aven 2

    Annette ella% PA Peaches - Crest aven 3

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Crest aven 4

    Sa% art%an York PA Peaches - $lake 1

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - *e( aven 1

    Annette ella% PA Peaches - *e( aven 2

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - *e( aven 3

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Sentry 1

    $ar.ara Ahrens "ancheste PA Peaches - Loring 1

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Loring 2

    Annette ella% PA Peaches - Loring 3

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Loring 4

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - #ohn $oy 1

    $ar.ara Ahrens "ancheste PA Peaches - #ohn $oy 2

    Annette ella% PA Peaches - #ohn $oy 3

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Snhigh 1

    Annette ella% PA Peaches - Snhigh 2

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Snhigh 3

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Larol 1

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Peaches - Larol 2

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Peaches - Larol 3

    Annette ella% PA Peaches - Larol 4

    A%an(a 0oerner 7rrtanna PA Peaches - 0hite - 0hite ale 1

    $ra( 0oerner 7rrtanna PA Peaches - 0hite - 0hite ale 2

    Sa% art%an York PA Peaches - 0hite - 0hite ale 3

    A%.er 0oerner 7rrtanna PA Peaches - 0hite - 0hite ale 4

    Charles E *iley York PA Peaches - Any 7thers ?Sho,n 1

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Peaches - Any 7thers ?Sho,n 2

    Charles E *iley York PA Peaches - Any 7thers ?Sho,n 3

    *o.ert C *iley York PA Peaches - Any 7thers ?Sho,n 4

    6anner Al(inger York PA Peaches - Peach .y ,eight 1

    $ar.ara Ahrens "ancheste PA ectarines - ?&late o ' 1

    A%.er 0oerner 7rrtanna PA ectarines - ?&late o ' 2

    $ra( 0oerner 7rrtanna PA ectarines - ?&late o ' 3

    A%an(a 0oerner 7rrtanna PA ectarines - ?&late o ' 4

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Pears - $artlett 1

    Annette ella% PA Pears - $artlett 2

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Pears - $artlett 3

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Pears - $artlett 4

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Pears - *e( $artlett 1

    Pal E.erly Dallasto,n PA Pears - *e( $artlett 2

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Pears - $osc 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 1# o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12044 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1# - Fruits 1)0 records

    Fruits 1* records

    Annette ella% PA Pears - $osc 2

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Pears - $osc 3

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Pears - $osc 4

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Pears - Seckel 1

    Pal E.erly Dallasto,n PA Pears - Seckel 2

    Sa% art%an York PA Pears - Seckel 3

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Pears - Asian 1

    $ill Kaiser S&ring PA Pears - Asian 2

    ina rey 0rightsville PA Pears - Asian 3

    Annette ella% PA Pears - Asian 4

    *o.ert Kohler York PA Pears - Any 7thers ?Sho,n 1

    Annette ella% PA Pl%s - Shiro 1

    Leah linch.agh ella% PA Pl%s - Shiro 2

    Eli linch.agh ella% PA Pl%s - Shiro 3

    $ra( 0oerner 7rrtanna PA Pl%s - Stanley Prne 1

    A%an(a 0oerner 7rrtanna PA Pl%s - Stanley Prne 2

    A%.er 0oerner 7rrtanna PA Pl%s - Stanley Prne 3

    Lillie E.erly Dallasto,n PA Pl%s - Stanley Prne 4

    Anne Patterson York PA igs - ?&late o ' 1

    #ohn Patterson York PA igs - ?&late o ' 2


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    )achary Keller $iglerville PA $erries - *e( *as&.erry 3

    Logan $a%%er Dover PA ative 0il( $erries - 1

    "elissa $roge PA ative 0il( $erries - 2

    Eli!a.eth ry elton PA ative 0il( $erries - Dog 0oo( 1

    *o.in rreri York PA ative 0il( $erries - Dog 0oo( 2

    )achary Keller $iglerville PA ative 0il( $erries - Dog 0oo( 3

    $ar.ara K Lo(er Airville PA ative 0il( $erries - Poke 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 1$ o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12044 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1# - Fruits 1)0 records

    Fruits 1* records

    Dean "iller Ste,artsto PA ative 0il( $erries - Poke 2

    Ann #ackson *e( Lion PA ative 0il( $erries - Poke 3

    )achary Keller $iglerville PA ative 0il( $erries - 0itch 1

    )achary Keller $iglerville PA ative 0il( $erries - Ye, 1

    ancy She York PA ative 0il( $erries - Ye, 2

    A%ie $a% York PA ative 0il( $erries - Ye, 3

    "ark ry elton PA ative 0il( $erries - #ni&er 1

    #oyce ry elton PA ative 0il( $erries - #ni&er 2

    Eli!a.eth ry elton PA ative 0il( $erries - #ni&er 3

    *aye5ean 0iley York PA ative 0il( $erries - Any 7ther 1

    #ean Ch.. elton PA ative 0il( $erries - Any 7ther 2

    #oyce ry elton PA ra&es - Chicken 1

    Eli!a.eth ry elton PA ra&es - Chicken 2

    "ark ry elton PA ra&es - Chicken 3

    Donna Kiser S&ring PA ra&es - Concor( $le 1

    "elissa $roge PA ra&es - Concor( $le 2

    Darryl oke anover PA ra&es - o+ 1

    "ark ry elton PA ra&es - o+ 2

    Eli!a.eth ry elton PA ra&es - o+ 3

    Fruits - 8pples - Grand Champion Gi+t 9tem 1 record

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA ran( Cha%&ion it te% 1

    Wine Grapes , records

    6ony inson= #r S&ring PA 0hite rench - y.ri( - Seyval 1

    6ony inson= #r S&ring PA *e( rench - y.ri( - 1

    6ony inson= #r S&ring PA 0hite

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Allison Lonkart Le,is.erry PA Chestnts - Cltivate( - 2 2

    $ran(on "n(is *e( Lion PA Chestnts - 0il( - 2 1

    $ri(get *oth *e( Lion PA Chestnts - 0il( - 2 2

    $rce ein(el ella% PA Chestnts - Cltivate( - 1 1

    Donal( #ackson *e( Lion PA Chestnts - Cltivate( - 1 2

    Hort Hall Results Page 1 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12044 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    #enna Lightner York PA C& Cakes - Devils oo( 2

    Patricia Eyler York PA C& Cakes - Devils oo( 3

    #ennier York PA C& Cakes - Any other sho,n 1

    Connie Collins elton PA C& Cakes - Any other sho,n 2

    #(y A *iley York PA Pies - A&&le 1

    #(y A *iley York PA Pies - Cherry 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 1* o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204$ "#ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1$ - Home and %air/ Products ,7# records

    aked Products 11, records

    #(y A *iley York PA Pies - Le%on S&onge 1

    #(y A *iley York PA Pies - Peach 1

    Lynn Kann York PA Pies - Peach 2

    #(y A *iley York PA Pies - Shoo>y 1

    Lin(a ershner e, Park PA Pies - Shoo>y 2


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Katrina )ielinski Dover PA Cookies - Dro& Cookies - Any 3

    *o,en ar%an A..ottsto,n PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 1

    *achel Loge "echanics PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 2

    *achel Loge "echanics PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 1

    $ar.ara Kna. York PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 2

    Lisa Sechrist 0ellsville PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 3

    *achel Loge "echanics PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 1) o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204$ "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1$ - Home and %air/ Products ,7# records

    aked Products 11, records

    Catriona 6o(( As&ers PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 2

    Diane York PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 1

    #ohn ose%an York PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 2

    $ar.ara Schroye York PA Cookies - *olle( or Sha&e( 3

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Phili& E A.reght York PA #a%s - A&ricot 2

    *e.ecca Dover PA #a%s - A&ricot 3

    De.orah Klot! York PA #a%s - $lack.erry 1

    Lin(a Payne Pylesville "D #a%s - $lack.erry 2

    *e.ecca Dover PA #a%s - $lack.erry 3

    Carol Cster Ca%& ill PA #a%s - $le.erry 1

    $etty oover a,n PA #a%s - $le.erry 2

    Hort Hall Results Page 17 o+ ,0This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204$ "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1$ - Home and %air/ Products ,7# records

    utters: Hone/ 3preads: ;ams: ;ellies:

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    rene $ricker Seven PA #ellies - "int 3

    Phili& E A.reght York PA #ellies - Peach= 0hite 1

    &aige A.reght York PA #ellies - Peach= 0hite 2

    *e.ecca Dover PA #ellies - Peach= 0hite 3

    lene latelter York PA #ellies - Peach= Yello, 1

    Phili& E A.reght York PA #ellies - Peach= Yello, 2

    *e.ecca Dover PA #ellies - Peach= Yello, 3

    Hort Hall Results Page 20 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204$ "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1$ - Home and %air/ Products ,7# records

    utters: Hone/ 3preads: ;ams: ;ellies:

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    &aige A.reght York PA Canne( rit - $lack.erries 2

    Phili& E A.reght York PA Canne( rit - $lack.erries 3

    Phili& E A.reght York PA Canne( rit - $le.erries 1

    *e.ecca Dover PA Canne( rit - $le.erries 2

    rene $ricker Seven PA Canne( rit - Cantalo&es 1

    Laren Anstine Seven PA Canne( rit - Cantalo&es 3

    Denise Delta PA Canne( rit - Cherries= sor 2

    Hort Hall Results Page 21 o+ ,0This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204$ "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1$ - Home and %air/ Products ,7# records

    Canned Products - Canned Fruit 1$1 records

    &aige A.reght York PA Canne( rit - Cherries= ,hite= 1

    *e.ecca Dover PA Canne( rit - Cherries= ,hite= 2

    *e.ecca Dover PA Canne( rit - Cherries= ,hite= 2

    0ayne $ricker Seven PA Canne( rit - El(er.erries 1

    rene $ricker Seven PA Canne( rit - El(er.erries 2

    rene $ricker Seven PA Canne( rit - ra&es 1

    0ayne $ricker Seven PA Canne( rit - ra&es 2

    Laren Anstine Seven PA Canne( rit - ra&es 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA Canne( rit - "i+e( 1

    Denise Delta PA Canne( rit - "i+e( 2

    Phili& E A.reght York PA Canne( rit - *as&.erries 1

    *e.ecca Dover PA Canne( rit - *as&.erries 2

    &aige A.reght York PA Canne( rit - *as&.erries 3

    Connie ross York PA Canne( rit - Peaches= yello, 1

    #essie Koller e, PA Canne( rit - Peaches= yello, 2

    Shon(a York PA Canne( rit - Peaches= yello, 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA Canne( rit - Pears 1

    Caroleen "iller Dover PA Canne( rit - Pears 2

    #en Kne&&er len *ock PA Canne( rit - Pears 3

    rene $ricker Seven PA Canne( rit - Pl%s= (ark= 3

    Pal A%an York PA Canne( rit - Any 7ther rit 2

    6a%%y Stogh Dover PA Canne( rit - Any 7ther rit 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA $est Dis&lay - Canne( rits - 1

    Kathleen A..ottsto,n PA Canne(

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Diane York PA Canne(

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    #essica anover PA Pickles= *elishes= Saces - 1

    #lia allagher- York PA Pickles= *elishes= Saces - 2

    A%an(a #ones Loganville PA Pickles= *elishes= Saces - 3

    #ohn oller "ont 0ol PA Pickles= *elishes= Saces - 1

    *o,en ar%an A..ottsto,n PA Pickles= *elishes= Saces - 2

    #ose&h arner anover PA Pickles= *elishes= Saces - 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA S&ice( rits - Cantalo&es 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 2, o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204$ "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1$ - Home and %air/ Products ,7# records

    Canned Products - Canned Fruit 1$1 records

    Cory a(e York PA S&ice( rits - 0ater%elon 1

    #lie E%ig Dover PA Drie( rits H

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Ssan ie 0rightsville PA "iniatre Arrange%ent - ' an( 2

    Eli!a.eth Seven PA "iniatre Arrange%ent - ' an( 3

    Shelley Pokrivka Seven PA "iniatre Arrange%ents - not to 1

    Ssan ie 0rightsville PA "iniatre Arrange%ents - not to 2

    #ose&h gent 0rightsville PA "iniatre Arrange%ents - not to 3

    Ann #ackson *e( Lion PA loral Design - 6a.le 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 2# o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 1204$ "#ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1* - Floral Ehi5its 2$0 records

    8rtistic 8rrangemets 2 records

    $eth $ailey Dover PA loral Design - 6a.le 2

    Cut 3pecimen Flo=ers - 8nnuals 10# records

    "elissa $roge PA Agerat% - 3 ste%s= any color 1

    $eth ross York PA Agerat% - 3 ste%s= any color 2A%y o9 York PA Agerat% - 3 ste%s= any color 3

    ancy *tle(ge *e( Lion PA Calen(la - F .loo%s 3

    *o.ert Kohler York PA Cannas - Single ste% any color 1

    Lynette arrison 0rightsville PA Cannas - Single ste% any color 3

    0en(y L *nkle S&ring PA Celosia - Creste( ?cocksco%. 2

    $ar. 0arner Dover PA Celosia - Creste( ?cocksco%. 3

    "ary $aker S&ring PA Celosia - Creste( ?cocksco%. 1

    Donna Ki%%el York PA Celosia - Creste( ?cocksco%. 2

    Lin(a S oll 0in(sor PA Celosia - Creste( ?cocksco%. 3

    0illia% 0arner Dover PA Celosia - Pl%e= &l%oss= 3 2

    $ar. 0arner Dover PA Celosia - Pl%e= &l%oss= 3 3

    $ar. 0arner Dover PA Celosia - S&ikes ?s&icata 3 1

    Donna Ki%%el York PA Celosia - S&ikes ?s&icata 3 2

    Donna Ki%%el York PA Cos%os - ?F $loo%s any one 1

    #oyce enry 6ho%asville PA Cos%os - ?F $loo%s any one 2

    ancy *tle(ge *e( Lion PA Cos%os - ?F $loo%s any one 3

    "organ oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Single largest .loo% 1

    atalie oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Single largest .loo% 2

    atalie oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Decorative or%s= 1 1

    "itchell Dallasto,n PA Dahlias - Decorative or%s= 1 2

    "organ oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Decorative or%s= 1 3

    A(alyn e, PA Dahlias - Decorative= 1 .loo% 1

    "itchell Dallasto,n PA Dahlias - Decorative= 1 .loo% 2

    "organ oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Decorative= 1 .loo% 3

    #oann Englan( York PA Dahlias - Decorative= .i-color= 1

    "itchell Dallasto,n PA Dahlias - Decorative= .i-color= 2

    atalie oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Decorative= .i-color= 3

    $rian Englan( York PA Dahlias - Cacts or%s= 3 .loo%s 1

    #oann Englan( York PA Dahlias - Cacts or%s= 3 .loo%s 2

    atalie oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Cacts or%s= 3 .loo%s 3

    "organ oo( Seven PA Dahlias - $all= 3 .loo%s= 2-3' 1

    atalie oo( Seven PA Dahlias - $all= 3 .loo%s= 2-3' 1

    #oann Englan( York PA Dahlias - Po%&o%= 3 .loo%s & 1

    "organ oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Po%&o%= 3 .loo%s & 2

    atalie oo( Seven PA Dahlias - Po%&o%= 3 .loo%s & 3

    Ssan "iley York PA Dahlias - Single or%= o&en 1

    Ken(al er.er York PA Dahlias - Single or%= o&en 2

    Lin(a er.er York PA Dahlias - Single or%= o&en 3

    Chris "yers S&ring PA Ele&hant Ears - 1 ste% 1

    o&e 0illia%s York PA Ele&hant Ears - 1 ste% 2

    7livia Ann "artin York PA Ele&hant Ears - 1 ste% 3

    #oann Kna. elton PA la(iols - $est single ste%= 2

    $etty $eck York PA la(iols - $est single ste%= 2

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    #a%es E.erly elton PA la(iols - $est

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1* - Floral Ehi5its 2$0 records

    Cut 3pecimen Flo=ers - 8nnuals 10# records

    Lin(a S&angler S&ring PA "arigol(s - (o.le= yello, 3

    Lin(a S oll 0in(sor PA "arigol(s - (o.le= orange 1

    Cin(y Lan(is York PA "arigol(s - (o.le= orange 2

    "organ Lightner York PA "arigol(s - (o.le= orange 3

    Allison Lonkart Le,is.erry PA "arigol(s - (o.le= %i+e( 1

    #ennier York PA "arigol(s - (o.le= %i+e( 2

    Da&hne York PA "arigol(s - (o.le= %i+e( 3

    Ken(al er.er York PA "arigol(s - Any 7ther= 1

    Donna Ki%%el York PA "arigol(s - Any 7ther= 3

    $rian Englan( York PA astrti%s - ?F .loo%s any 1

    Carrie *tle(ge *e( Lion PA astrti%s - ?F .loo%s any 2

    #oann Englan( York PA astrti%s - ?F .loo%s any 3

    Carol #ones East $erlin PA astrti%s - o,ers 7rna%ental - 3

    $ra(y S%ith *e( Lion PA Sn>o,ers 7rna%ental - 1

    #oann Kna. elton PA Sn>o,ers 7rna%ental - 6e((y 1

    ina rey 0rightsville PA Sn>o,ers 7rna%ental - Any 1

    0en(y L *nkle S&ring PA )innias - iant= 4 inches or 1

    Chris "yers S&ring PA )innias - iant= 4 inches or 2

    #on Kline(inst S&ring PA )innias - iant= 4 inches or 3

    Carrie *tle(ge *e( Lion PA )innias - Do.le or Se%i- 1

    "elissa $roge PA )innias - Do.le or Se%i- 2

    0en(y L *nkle S&ring PA )innias - Do.le or Se%i- 3

    "organ oo( Seven PA )innias - Cacts ?&ointe( 1

    "organ oo( Seven PA )innias - D,ar $all= F .loo%s 1

    ancy *tle(ge *e( Lion PA )innias - D,ar $all= F .loo%s 2

    Carrie *tle(ge *e( Lion PA )innias - D,ar $all= F .loo%s 3

    "organ oo( Seven PA )innias - Single= F .loo%s 1

    $ra(y S%ith *e( Lion PA )innias - Single= F .loo%s 2

    Lisa Sechrist 0ellsville PA )innias - Single= F .loo%s 3

    "organ oo( Seven PA )innias - Any 7ther= F .loo%s 1

    6o% Pen(ergast York PE )innias - Any 7ther= F .loo%s 2

    ancy *tle(ge *e( Lion PA )innias - Any 7ther= F .loo%s 3

    Connie Collins elton PA Any /nliste( Ct lo,er o 1

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Carolyn Danner York PA Any /nliste( Ct lo,er o 2

    Ken(al er.er York PA Any /nliste( Ct lo,er o 3

    #oann Englan( York PA $est in Class S&eci%en lo,ers 1

    Cut 3pecimen Flo=ers - Perennials $$ records

    *o.ert Kohler York PA Agerat% - ar(y= 3 ste%s 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 2 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12046 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1* - Floral Ehi5its 2$0 records

    Cut 3pecimen Flo=ers - Perennials $$ records

    Lin(a irestone York PA Agerat% - ar(y= 3 ste%s 2

    Lynn irestone York PA Agerat% - ar(y= 3 ste%s 3

    $etty $eck York PA $((leia - ?$tter>y $sh - 1 1

    "elissa $roge PA $((leia - ?$tter>y $sh - 1 2

    Carrie *tle(ge *e( Lion PA $((leia - ?$tter>y $sh - 1 3

    #oan "iller Dover PE Chrysanthe%%s - ar(en 1

    Eli!a.eth Le,is.erry PA Chrysanthe%%s - ar(en 2

    $ar. 0arner Dover PA Chrysanthe%%s - ar(en 3

    Patricia Eyler York PA Chrysanthe%%s - ar(en 2

    $etty Chronister Dover PA Chrysanthe%%s - Any 7ther 1

    Carrie *tle(ge *e( Lion PA Chrysanthe%%s - Any 7ther 2

    $etty $eck York PA Chrysanthe%%s - Any 7ther 3

    $etty Chronister Dover PA Del&hini% - $le= single s&ike 1

    $etty $eck York PA Echinacea - ?Cone>o,ers - 2

    6ayne Slenker 0rightsville PA erns - #a&anese Painte( ern 1

    Allison Lonkart Le,is.erry PA erns- Any 7ther - 2 ron(s 1

    Lin(a S&angler S&ring PA y(rangea -$all - 1 .loo% any 1

    Patricia Eyler York PA y(rangea -$all - 1 .loo% any 2

    Cynthia Lo,e A..ottsto,n PA y(rangea -$all - 1 .loo% any 3

    Pa%ela *&&ert York PA y(rangea - Collection o ' 1

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= orange 1

    6eresa #e9ers *e( Lion PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= orange 3

    Kathleen $irk York PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= &ink 1

    $ar.ara K Lo(er Airville PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= &ink 3

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= re( 1

    6a%%y Stogh Dover PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= re( 2

    6onia *einert Dover PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= re( 3

    $etty Chronister Dover PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= ,hite 2

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= ,hite 3

    $eth ross York PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= yello, 1

    *th Alice S%ith York PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= yello, 2

    $ar.ara K Lo(er Airville PA *oses - y.ri( 6ea= yello, 3

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA *oses - $i-color 2

    "ary A%an York PA *oses - $i-color 3

    Diane York PA *oses - "iniatre= 1 ste% 1 1

    *th Alice S%ith York PA *oses - "iniatre= 1 ste% 1 2

    $ar.ara K Lo(er Airville PA *oses - "iniatre= 1 ste% 1 3

    $ar.ara K Lo(er Airville PA *oses - 7l( ar(en *ose= 1

    Lin(a S oll 0in(sor PA *oses - 7l( ar(en *ose= 3

    *ichar( $r%gar( York PA *oses - Any 7ther= 3 .loo%s 1

    $o. $a% York PA *(.eckia - ?loriosa Daisy - 1

    A%ie $a% York PA *(.eckia - ?loriosa Daisy - 2

    $eth ross York PA *(.eckia - ?loriosa Daisy - 3

    "elissa $roge PA *ssian Sage - $le 3 ste%s 1

    0en(y L *nkle S&ring PA Se(% - At%n #oy= 3 ste%s 1

    Ann Price-Davis len *ock PA Se(% - At%n #oy= 3 ste%s 2

    San(y Le,is York PA Se(% - At%n #oy= 3 ste%s 3

    San(ra ackler York PA Se(% - Any 7ther= 3 ste%s 1

    $ar.ara K Lo(er Airville PA Se(% - Any 7ther= 3 ste%s 2

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Kay 0il(asin Seven PA Se(% - Any 7ther= 3 ste%s 3

    "issy 0r!.ach $roge PA Any /nliste( Ct &erennial o 1

    6ayne Slenker 0rightsville PA Any /nliste( Ct &erennial o 2

    $eth ross York PA Any /nliste( Ct &erennial o 3

    $etty Chronister Dover PA $est in Class Ct S&eci%en 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 2* o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12046 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1* - Floral Ehi5its 2$0 records

    Flo=ering House Plants 2$ records

    6a%%y Stogh Dover PA Arican

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Eli!a.eth Seven PA $asil - in ,ater 3 ste%s 2

    Esther York PA $asil - in ,ater 3 ste%s 3

    Carol #ones East $erlin PA Laven(er - 3 ste%s in ,ater 1

    A%ie $a% York PA Laven(er - 3 ste%s in ,ater 2

    *th Alice S%ith York PA Laven(er - 3 ste%s in ,ater 3

    ancy *tle(ge *e( Lion PA 7regano - 3 ste%s in ,ater 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 2) o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12046 "#ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    1* - Floral Ehi5its 2$0 records

    Her5s 22 records

    $ar. Shive 6ho%asville AP 7regano - 3 ste%s in ,ater 2

    Eli!a.eth Seven PA 7regano - 3 ste%s in ,ater 3

    #oyce enry 6ho%asville PA Parsley - 3 ste%s in ,ater 1

    lo 0ay.right S&ring PA Parsley - 3 ste%s in ,ater 2

    Patricia Eyler York PA Parsley - 3 ste%s in ,ater 3

    o,ar( $illig anover PA *ose%ary - 3 ste%s in ,ater 1

    *th Alice S%ith York PA *ose%ary - 3 ste%s in ,ater 2

    Connie Collins elton PA *ose%ary - 3 ste%s in ,ater 3

    Connie Long York PA 6hy%e - 3 ste%s in ,ater 1

    *ick Ste&hens Le,is.erry PA 6hy%e - 3 ste%s in ,ater 2

    6a%%y Stogh Dover PA 6hy%e - 3 ste%s in ,ater 3

    *th Alice S%ith York PA Any other variety - 3 ste%s in 1

    $ar. Shive 6ho%asville AP Any other variety - 3 ste%s in 2

    Eli!a.eth Seven PA Any other variety - 3 ste%s in 3

    Shelley Pokrivka Seven PA $est in Class er.s 1

    21 - Wines ,, records

    Wines ,1 records

    "arty e(er Dover PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite 6a.le Dry 1

    6ony inson= #r S&ring PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite 6a.le Dry 1

    #e9rey Al%oney 6ho%asville PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite 6a.le Dry 2

    ancy Lock%an "echanics PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite 6a.le 1

    $rian Lock%an "echanics PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite 6a.le 2

    Egene $ittle York PA ra&e 0ines - *e( 6a.le Dry - 1

    Egene $ittle York PA ra&e 0ines - *e( 6a.le Dry - 1

    Steve Callahan 0rightsville PA ra&e 0ines - *e( 6a.le Dry - 1Kat Lock%an "echanics PA ra&e 0ines - *e( 6a.le Dry - 2

    $rian Lock%an "echanics PA ra&e 0ines - *e( 6a.le Dry - 3

    "arty e(er Dover PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite 6a.le 1

    Ssan 0illia%s anover PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite 6a.le 1

    #e9rey Al%oney 6ho%asville PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite 6a.le 2

    Ssan 0illia%s anover PA ra&e 0ines - *e( 6a.le 0ine 1

    #e9rey Al%oney 6ho%asville PA ra&e 0ines - *e( 6a.le 0ine 2

    "arty e(er Dover PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite S,eet - 1

    #e9rey Al%oney 6ho%asville PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite S,eet - 1

    $rian Lock%an "echanics PA ra&e 0ines - 0hite S,eet - 1

    Erin Chro.ot anover PA ra&e 0ines - *e( S,eet - 1*ay%on( S&ring PA ra&e 0ines - *e( S,eet - 2

    E Dell oor *e( Lion PA ra&e 0ines - *e( S,eet - 3

    Dennis 0illia%s 0ellsville PA rit 0ines - A&&le= Pear an( 1

    *ick 6ri%.le Dover PA rit 0ines - $erry-Stra,.erry= 1

    Shon(a York PA rit 0ines - Peach= Pl%= 1

    *ick 6ri%.le Dover PA rit 0ines - Peach= Pl%= 2

    #e9rey Al%oney 6ho%asville PA rit 0ines - Peach= Pl%= 3

    Erin Chro.ot anover PA Dessert 0ine - Color 1

    #ohn "sser York PA Dessert 0ine - Color 2

    *ick 6ri%.le Dover PA Dessert 0ine - Color 3

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    #a%es isher 0rightsville PA "ea( or oney 0ine - 0hite or 1

    Kat Lock%an "echanics PA "ea( or oney 0ine - 0hite or 2

    Wines - Grand Pri"e 2 records

    Erin Chro.ot anover PA $est 0ine 1

    Hort Hall Results Page 27 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12046 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Exhibitor Name City State Class Description Place

    21 - Wines ,, records

    Wines - Grand Pri"e 2 records

    "arty e(er Dover PA 2n( $est 0ine 1

    2, - 8piar/ Products 11 records

    ees: Hone/ and Wa 11 records)achary Keller $iglerville PA $ees - Any *ace= one ra%e 1

    )achary Keller $iglerville PA oney - Light Co%. ?3 3

    #lia Krt! Dover PA oney - Light e+tracte( honey= 1

    #ack St%& Dover PA oney - Light e+tracte( honey= 2

    Egene oover "t 0ol PA oney - Light e+tracte( honey= 3

    Egene oover "t 0ol PA oney - A%.er e+tracte( 1

    Al.ert Krt! Dover PA oney - A%.er e+tracte( 2

    #lia Krt! Dover PA oney - A%.er e+tracte( 3

    )achary Keller $iglerville PA oney - inely crystali!e( 1

    )achary Keller $iglerville PA Pre $ees,a+ - ot less than 1

    #o(y 0al(e $iglerville PA Pre $ees,a+ - ot less than 2

    #0 - Culinar/ Corner 1, records

    lue Ri55on 8pple Pie # records

    Eli!a.eth Seven PA $le *i..on A&&le Pie 1

    De. 0alker East $erlin PA $le *i..on A&&le Pie 2

    #i% Po(laseck S&ringgrove PA $le *i..on A&&le Pie 3

    $ren(a "oore "t 0ol PA $le *i..on A&&le Pie 4

    Pa Pre+erred Chocolate Cookie: ro=nie or ar , recordsLara Ar(ner York PE Cookie= $ro,nie or $ar ?Age 8 1

    Dar.y ar%an A..ottsto,n PA Cookie= $ro,nie or $ar ?Age 8 2

    Crtis e%%ann *e( Lion PA Cookie= $ro,nie or $ar ?Age 8 3

    Pa Pre+erred Classic Chocolate Cake ake Contest , records

    Shelley Pokrivka Seven PA Shrne Pa Preerre( Classic 1

    "ary a%% Dover PA Shrne Pa Preerre( Classic 2

    De.ra "artin Conestoga PA Shrne Pa Preerre( Classic 3

    PE>8P 8ngel Food Cake , records

    Erika el,ig S&ring PA Angel oo( Cake 1

    Shelley Pokrivka Seven PA Angel oo( Cake 2

    Dorothy "artin Conestoga PA Angel oo( Cake 3

  • 8/11/2019 2014 York Fair - Hort Hall Results


    Hort Hall Results Page ,0 o+ ,0

    This software is registered to York Fair 9/16/2014 12046 "#

    ShoWorks 2012 - www.airsotware.com