2014 SPAA Trends Report - Global Wellness Summit...treatment rooms, sun rooms and outdoor spa...

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Transcript of 2014 SPAA Trends Report - Global Wellness Summit...treatment rooms, sun rooms and outdoor spa...

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2014 SPAA Trends Report

GREEN BRANDING AND GUILT FREE CONSUMERISM The new status benchmark is letting others know that you are using sustainable goods.

Repurposed and guilt free. Green is the new brand label. Peer pressure P-O-P (peer on peer).

Spas will start to advertise their green certification. Product

sourcing will increasingly be on the consumer’s radar. Packaging

will begin to be reusable, such as seed inlaid paper ready for

planting. Essential oils and carrier oils will boldly describe wild

crafting practices, distillation and harvesting methods. Dark,

impersonal treatment rooms will give way to sun drenched

treatment rooms, sun rooms and outdoor spa spaces. Perishable

home care, refillable and custom created body care and fruit,

vegetable derived retail will become more of a luxury requirement

in skin care. Why recycle when you can reuse? In home spas, roof

top spa gardens and freshly made back bar in the spa for

treatment room use will all be trending in 2014. Finally, green

travel will act as the new status symbol. Traveling to an organic

destination spa in a cave in the Himalayas will be the new cue that

the individual has socio-economically arrived.



“Hacked-off” consumers are indicating that they will not support businesses that drill their

information through Internet usage. They don’t want their data used against them. In this era

of cloud computing and Google glass, spa-goers are fine

with customer loyalty programs, with the gathering of

medical data if secured via HIPPA like policies. Spa-goers

are not opposed to smart systems calibrating their best use

of the hydrotherapy pools or skin scanners for reading and

diagnosing their skin. However, selling that data in any way

or sharing it with manufacturing or marketing firms and spa-

goers see ruby red.

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Technology will make up to 18% of all global purchases worldwide in 2014. The multiple device,

wearable technology era is here. Sensors will be everywhere for easy upload of an individual’s

image for professional esthetics treatments,

plastic surgery, color cosmetic display and

hairstyling options. MRI like body scanners will

allow for bodywork customization, contouring

options, Rolfing, chiropractic and more designed

just for the individual. Integration through smart

devices will integrate home care use appliances

like hand held IPL (intense pulsed light) units to

maintain the non-ablative skin rejuvenation and

dermal resurfacing when in between spa visits.

Ways that technology will be used to achieve wellness both body and mind:

Self-tracking technology: Sleep monitoring, diet monitoring, vital data, diabetes monitoring, running/sport calorie monitoring, personal genome, personal medicine, new type of self-tracking device, portable mobile tools.

Behavior change analysis and platform: Behavior change modification, mindfulness, biofeedback, EMDR, hypnotherapy.

Cognitive and biomedical modeling: Mind spas, neurological mapping, brain chemistry optimization, physiological modeling, biomedical informatics, systems biology, network analysis, mathematical human function modeling

Data driven wellness and collective intelligence: Data mining and knowledge modeling for wellness, collective intelligence, smart fitness, life log analysis, case studies, data visualization, human computation


Age reversal: Cosmetic surgery could be a thing of the past,

thanks to research from US bio-pharmaceutical company

Bioquark that may, in effect, "reset" the aging process.

Topicals: Delivery systems are expected to be a big part of the

skin care component for 2014. Forms of Vitamin A have always

been a favorite active ingredient for remodeling the epidermis.

Personal care devices for use at the home will continue to grow

both in treatment options and price points. Advances in

cosmeceuticals, professional care and homecare devices will

reduce the time necessary to achieve optimal results and a more

natural look.

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Stem cell therapy will continue to make

advancements as well as the use of one’s own fat for

contouring, filling the concave portions of the profile.

Stem cell facelifts will become a standard option.

As a recent Mintel report indicated skin care options

as well as color cosmetics will be multi-purposed. Lip

color that may be purposed for blush. Brow, eye

colorant and lash tint all in one product. Moisturizer

that is both an excellent humectant and sun

protectant and so forth. The crunch for time makes

efficient and effective skin nourishment and color cosmetic options a must.


Computerization: Accelerating Progress is Inevitable, “After growing wildly for years, the field

of computing appears to be reaching its infancy.” John Pierce

We continue to effectively double our computing power roughly every eighteen months. Tasks

that were once impossible are now possible and at a smaller, less expensive rate.

Recognition scans are the norm on lap tops. They can and will likely become the norm for

gently gathering beauty, health and wellness data. Not only your preferences and your

purchases but also your biorhythmic data such as your resting heart rate, your lymphatic

progress during a body wrap. The hydration level of your epidermis can easily be monitored

and recorded in a facial scan or from a wireless wand making diagnosis of skin condition and

treatment both easier and consistently quantified. With the addition of nutritional input,

medical data, fitness goals and neurological information the whole person will truly be able to

be assessed with comprehensive goals charted and measured.

While big data isn’t popular among

consumers when gleaned without their

permission, when group data is scrubbed

and allowed to form natural associations this

collective wisdom will be harnessed to assist

the individual to reach fitness goals, weight

loss goals and wellness goals that

individually a healthcare provider would be

unable to create.

Computers can do some things much better

than people can even when you consider the individual’s capacity for creativity. What we do in

life echoes in eternity. Over time, algorithms used to sift through quadrillions of life experiences

will become extremely sophisticated, accurate and easily accessible.

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The promise of the genome and the end of disease is

a reality. We are only beginning to see what

potential the mapping of the genome will bring. This

is true for aging, beauty, health and life as we know

it. Disease may cease to exist in the future.

Disease from dictionary dot com:

A disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from

the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance,

toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment.

Dis-ease is by its very nature something that is imbalanced. There are infectious diseases with

an underlying pathogen and non-infectious diseases (like cancer), syndromes, imbalances and

psychological problems. Will we be able to tweak the human genome to tidy up these issues?

Is aging just a result of something that can be adjusted in our makeup? As medicine blends

with wellness expect these challenges to become lessened and quality of life to incrementally




Depending on the spa goer the demands are clear:

some want to travel and spa slowly with a bespoke

approach to beauty and healthy spa care. They wish

to fully immerse themselves in the culture while

engaging in traditional therapies that are offered in

the manner that they have been enjoyed in a culture

for hundreds of years. This spa goer wishes to savor

the experience while also learning a new life skill,

working on spiritual or emotional goals and feeling

better both physically and energetically as a result of

the spa journey. Spas will honor this type of spa goer by constructing treatment programming

that embrace the goals of the spa guest at a destination facility by combining travel with

cultural excursion, goal matching priorities such as weight loss, nutritional re-patterning, and

stress reduction.

Experience on Demand, Life on demand, “The time savior” will be primarily on tap at day spas

where busy executive, urban dweller and hectic soccer moms can get a natural pedicure, facial

and brow shaping all expertly offered stat. The quick blow out, makeup enhancement and

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lunchtime express services will also be in demand. The important operations strategies for

these successful spa offerings will include accurate and convenient booking. Retail and gift

certificate purchases and delivery will also be in demand as well as corporate giving options.


A personal yet distinctive choice at the spa is

who you choose to spa with. While day spas

and medical spas typically host the frequent

spa goer who attends individually, resorts,

destination spas and mindful retreats are

most often attended by couples. While in

spa services like couples massage and

girlfriend side by side facials are more

popular than ever, so is the trend of in suite

spa-ing at the hotel or resort by couples,

multi-generationals and VIP’s simply seeking some privacy. Some spas have gone so far as to

devote entire floors or wings of their facility for the purpose of those requiring the utmost of

discretion or private small parties just as plastic surgeons have partitioned their practices over

the many years that plastic enhancements have been an acceptable cosmetic choice for



While there does finally appear to be some real synergy between that which is “beautiful” and

that which is “well” or free of dis-ease, there is also a bit of a turf war in place. While some

want fast results best secured at a surgeon’s office, other

consumers seek natural options at all costs even if the

results are less impressive.

Creating a natural look with regular maintenance is also

trending. Plastic surgeons offices are more than ever

before offering injectables to soften lines, restore volume

and create contouring that allow for a more youthful look

without the severity of the traditional facelift. Dermal fillers

such as Juvederm®, Voluma®, Radiesse®, Restylane®,

Perlane® or Sculptra® are artfully being used to add volume

to the face. Restoring facial volume can give the face a more

youthful appearance. Also, injections of purified proteins

such as Botox® or Dysport® are used to weaken facial

muscles that cause wrinkles. A combination of medical

homecare, monthly spa visits and tweeks like fat injection

and slight lift procedures allow for little down time if any

and a refreshed look that doesn’t fade.

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Another dramatic shift in aesthetic medicine

includes creating strong features such as

pronounced cheeks and chins. Micro-liposuction

for the face and neck allows the surgeon to sculpt

the desired look carving out unwanted fat and

creating areas of prominence. Men want to look

leaner, meaner and younger while women want to

look refreshed and alive. Plastic surgery

enhancements are being considered across the

board for busy professionals in their thirties and

forties who want that extra push in their careers.

Ethnic looks of all sorts are becoming more

requested as the global economy expands to

embrace all nationalities and not a decidedly

western European look. Strong noses, eye

variations and features that tell of one’s heritage

are being embraced and flaunted.

Other popular medical spa procedures for 2014


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)--PRP has been used for years in other specialties to assist with

wound healing because it is rich in growth factors and is emerging in the non-surgical aesthetic

industry. By applying PRP either in a minimally invasive fashion, or by injecting it into specific

areas of the face, you can induce new collagen formation and create a beautiful more youthful


New Mom Renewal--A Mommy Makeover is a

recently trending package of surgical options

to reverse the effects of childbearing and age.

It is a series of procedures, typically consisting

of a tummy tuck, breast lift and augmentation

that can be performed individually or in

conjunction with one another to provide a

refreshed image after childbirth. Having these

performed at the same time decreases overall

recovery time, reduces surgical fees, and in

some cases, creates fewer incision sites.

Brachioplasty-- is the removal of excess, aging

skin from the upper arms – often referred to

as ‘bingo wings’ and gives tighter, more toned

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and youthful arms. An ever increasingly popular treatment among mature ladies who feel self-

conscious about their ‘flappy’ upper arms or for those who have lost significant amounts of

weight and want to tighten up the skin.

Lipotripsy-- is a non-invasive, pain-free treatment that works by stimulating the fat breakdown,

collagen synthesis and lymphatic drainage. Lipotripsy treats the arms, saddlebags, thighs, hips,

love handles and abdomen, having an ultimately slimming effect on the body. A clinically-

proven method to reduce cellulite, the increase in oxygen levels results in an improvement in

skin elasticity and the skin’s smoothness is dramatically enhanced, which is a must for those

seeking a beach-ready body.

WELLNESS Will corporate wellness programs work or not? Much of

what is planned have to this point only impacted the

upper levels of leadership in corporate settings. Many of

those taking advantage of wellness programs like access to

a gym were already using gyms. Nonetheless chronic

disease is an exponential problem that can be diverted if

lifestyle habits change. Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, heart

disease and smoking related disease are all lifestyle

alterable conditions and show immediate returns on the

individual’s health when habits are re-patterned.

Corporate wellness programs offering employees health

vouchers, choices of pre-fabricated medical plans and

incentives for behaviors that increase the likeliness of low

absenteeism, high productivity and improved general

health. However the variances in these programs are not

yet standardized to deliver accurate data on how such

programs will affect the general population. For instance,

many of the early adopters to wellness programming in the corporate arena were already

proponents of workplace health programs. Additionally, socioeconomic status—income,

education, cultural heritage and similar factors weigh heavily on diet and lifestyle habits going

into mandatory health care programs.

Employer health insurance claims for obesity and related chronic diseases: $93 billion per year.

$1.3 trillion in other costs annually due to lost productivity, absenteeism. Obesity alone was responsible for 39 million lost workdays and 63 million visits to the physician

last year according to the National Business Group on Health. Productivity losses due to heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes linked to poor nutrition


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According to the American Journal of Health Promotion’s in-depth analysis, employers with work site health promotion programs see on average:

27% reduction in sick leave absenteeism 26% reduction in health costs, and 32% decrease in workers’ compensation and disability claims.

But the most important finding has to do with all-around wellness ROI. For every dollar invested in wellness, employers saw an average savings of $5.81 due to improved employee health and reduced medical claims. That’s significantly higher than the wellness ROI figures of $3 to $4 for every dollar invested that are more commonly reported.


Inevitably as the Affordable Care Act in the United States hits full stride it will become difficult

for the average consumer to receive the level of care that they are accustomed to or need

based on their health profile. In most socialized economies those who can afford to do so pay

more to enhance their individual care options. For the

upper 5% of most consumers this isn’t anything new.

Concierge health and executive level preventative and

diagnostic care has been around for decades. The

emerging wellness paradigm will affect how premium

care is offered, delivered and ultimately what price

points will be most competitive.

If the rest of the world follows the European model for

spa + wellness + healthcare + stress management, spas

will be forced to adhere to modalities that are

established treatments for preventing ailments as well

as for treating known conditions like asthma.

Furthermore, the type of profession that an individual is

engaged in will suggest periods of rest or programs of

care. For instance, first responders will be given more

vacation time due to the physical and emotional toll

taken on their bodies while practicing their profession.

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Global standards, medical regulation, scope

of practice, level of care will increasingly

become regulated if not by the countries

that house these facilities and medical

clinicians then by the consumers who chose

to patronize them. International franchises

that are broad based as well as those

offering specialty care will go from small

starts to broader reaching organizations in

2014 and beyond. Look for chains that excel

in wet therapies, contouring, dermablasion,

specialty massage as well as the standard laser spas, injectable kiosks and value massage with

esthetics offerings.

SPA TRAVEL Travel packages are now more tailor-made programs for clients to fulfil a more personalized

approach for their requirements, rather than just selling fixed packages with set inclusions.

Health and Fitness whether at home or while traveling are much more focused on mixing up

the cardio, strength and balance mix with varying routines to keep the client entertained,

burning calories and achieving rapid results. Spa hotels are finally creating programs for clients

needing this tailored

approach. That same

personal touch is

carrying over into dining

options, made to

specifications room

service menus, lobby as

a juice bar and in suite

or in spa treatments.

Spas for many years now

have offered indigenous

treatments and personal

growth seminar options.

The want for personal

growth, learning and

spiritual enrichment has always been present in the spa and wellness genre. The change is the

increasing number of individuals on their path. More now than ever spa goers want to see the

tree that produced the root that their skin lotion came from. Increasingly spa travelers want to

receive massage from a villager who has lived the modality that the spa is offering as an

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extension of the experience, the culture and the hospitality that comes with a traveler from one

culture embracing the history and traditions of another culture.

Wellness tourism is becoming more substantial placing expenditures of: $800 billion to $1.1

trillion for cultural tourism, $350 billion to $550 billion for culinary tourism, $325 billion to $480

billion for eco-tourism and $250 billion to $375 billion for sports tourism.

SPA AND FITNESS Travel for fitness such as yoga, Pilates, Qi Gong, Nia, Feldenkrais or customized soft movement

modalities has settled into individuals doing precisely as their body dictates. The mixture of

types of movement is as diverse as the individuals attending these group fitness sessions. The

rise of barre and boxing to

the masses is simply

another way that fitness is

finding the individual where

they can embrace their

body type and enjoy their


High impact may be out but

high intensity is not out of

favor. Group fitness weight

training, boot camp styled

training and some very

stringent caloric programs

have increased their

tortured regimens now

seeing more than a 10%

increase across the board at

away days and destination

spas of those individuals

ready to take the leap into a

leaner, fitter self. The rise in Type 2 Diabetes has a significant portion of the global population,

not just the United States, in a rush to decrease their visits to the physician and increase the

longevity and quality of their lives.

Fitness for those who were already fit is increasingly becoming a cross-training extravaganza of

climbing, rope training, aerial acrobatics, plyometrics, calisthenics, dance, martial arts, salsa and

really anything involving movement, strength training and core stability.

Guided imagery has expanded to individual meditation as a lifestyle option. While it is common

to gather for a sitting together it is more common than ever for individuals and couples to

meditate in the morning, for lunch, at a stop light. Capturing moments of otherwise

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squandered relaxation is becoming

for some a bit more like breathing.

More than ever before fitness is

becoming mindful with journaling

and automatic writing offering the

emotional cleansing, healing and

renewal that comes with

maintaining a healthful diet and

balanced lifestyle. Many

fitness/wellness consumers are

trying to tackle chronic problems

like stress and shifting unhealthy

habits like smoking or overeating.

In many ways the shift in fitness to embrace wellness offers a new spectrum of opportunity for

clubs, trainers and fitness centers.

More than ever before fitness as an industry is offering services that fit their core market. In

essence, fitness is about the participant and not the going trend. While the uber-fit tackle their

workouts with personal trainers befitting an Olympian or starlet, many are embracing family

fitness including hiking, skiing, running and biking together. Couples are enjoying down time

with some up movement like biking through the Napa Valley or climbing a volcano. Fitness,

wellness, mindfulness—these catch words are a part of living a holistic (or wholistic) lifestyle.

Literally, embracing the whole person.

THE ENLIGHTENED SPA Boomers comprise roughly 2 billion

travelers worldwide. As boomers age

they are not only attempting to age

differently, but they are also starved for

purpose. Some are legacy building while

others are gracefully moving into a new

stage in their lives. Iconic boomer Jane

Fonda aptly titled this phase her, “Third

Act.” Empty nesters are redefining their

lives post children or entering both new

relationships and virtual careers. Return

on investment doesn’t just mean the

best value for one’s spa visit, it also

means putting your money where your

values are. The authenticity that

consumers crave lies in all of the smaller

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acts that make up a full life. It isn’t just anti-aging it is what does your brand do? What are

your core character traits and before I support your brand may I see the results of your

corporate actions? Finally, boomers want peace and quiet. They demand high quality service.

Boomers are by far the wealthiest group of travelers out there and are the first to complain if

something goes wrong.

Millennials (18 to 30 year olds) are traveling much more frequently than other demographics

have at this stage of life. Instead of settling down right away this group wants to branch out

and experience different cultures. They are more apt than any other group has been to work

abroad. They demand creative tourism, and seek out boutique urban spa experiences rather

than destination spas. Away day spas and hot springs are favorites when paired with physical

pursuits like climbing, marathon running, road racing, skiing or mountain biking. More than

ever before this demographic is choosing international travel over domestic travel.

Multi-generational travel is on the rise as families seek what is really important which is

relationship nurturing. This results in spa visits that can be communal, where a family goes to

the spa together each experiencing what they would prefer at the spa. Also the use of the spa

suite within the hotel is popular for this type of family travel where spa services are brought to

the family’s cluster of rooms or portion of the rented out resort. Cruise ships have taken the

lead in exploring multi-generational travel experiences. Making the spa comfortable for 5 to 70

year olds is a challenging factor to this opportunity.

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UTRA-LUXURY The number of affluent consumers is

expected to increase both in the

United States and in emerging market

sectors as the middle class continues

to reach upper, middle class status.

The number of affluent households in

the United States is projected to

increase from 10.5 million in 2012 to

20.5 million in 2020 and Japan and

Western Europe and especially

Germany are likely going to be the

largest spenders in the wellness

category. China, Russia and India are

expected to surpass the current

trends sometime around 2020-2025.


The concept of masstige, the marketing approach of

taking a luxury brand and offering a specific line from

the brand or a portion of a core brand at low enough

price points that middle market consumers can

purchase the goods, isn’t working. Sadly, this

approach often dilutes the parent brand sometimes

leaving market fatalities. Of course, what works for

one international market will not work for all and vice

versa. With Asia begging for luxury brands it will be

interesting to see how attempts at masstige will work or perish in China, India and other key

Asian market segments.

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HEALTHFUL FEASTING 2014 will ramp up like no other year for traveling

with the pleasure of harvesting, cooking, raw dining

and mastering one’s own palette of mixing flavors

and beverages. All rules put aside the focus will be

on creating menus that are easy, fun and nutritious.

Recreating ancient dining options including grinding

nuts and grains by hand, gathering and blending

herbal flavor boosters and fostering the production

and tradition of heirloom species.

Villas, homestays and bed and breakfast like options

as well as farm to table won’t only be found for

purposes of dining but also for all over body care.

Spa treatments will be made up from the many garden options used for spectacular meals.

Options for farm to spa care include beautiful cold pressed oils like flax and rape seed. Freshly

gathered lavender, rose, verbena and marigold (calendula) will yield full bodied essential oil

options for the nose as well as for the treatment room. Cedar and enzymatic therapies will

offer natural options to resurfacing and collagen/elastin production in the esthetic room. Water

for treatments will include sun drenched distilleries for the purest water options possible. Salt

and herb scrubs, baths and soaks will be popular both at the spa and for home use.

On the nutritional front there is a flip side to organic farming which is synthesized food. What

happens if food becomes a power house

of what is good for you while tasting like

something you crave? What if a bundle

of alginates blended with amino acids

tastes like a steak but uses very little

water and production costs to create?

Fiona Harvey, environmental

correspondent for The Guardian in the

UK wrote,

“Scientists from Oxford University and

Amsterdam University suggest that lab-

grown meat could reduce greenhouse gases by up to 96 percent in comparison to raising

animals. The process would require between seven percent and 45 percent less energy than

the same volume of conventionally produced meat.” While most would shun this idea and

favor organic farming, what if an engineered process were better for the environment and

more nutritious?

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The Spa Association is your one-stop organization for

information, industry resources, education, and community

connections in the spa industry. No other organization unites

medical spas, day spas, club spas, resorts, hotel spas, and

wellness centers. SPAA is the premier association for spa

owners and business-to-business providers and a trusted

resource for consumers.


Melinda Minton, Executive Director SPAA

1001 E Harmony Road, Suite A 167

Fort Collins, CO 80525

www.thespaassociation.com, www.spaaprofessionals.com

