2014 may

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Transcript of 2014 may


May 2014


Copy for the June 2014 edition needs to be handed in bySunday, 18th May.

Please submit items in good time.You can leave copy in the “B” Pigeon Hole for Richard Brown to collect,

or hand it directly to him on a Sunday morning.You can also e-mail copy to richardmbrown6@gmail.com

Thank You. Editor

Principal ContactsMinister: Rev. Sue Powell Tel: 020 8462 2212Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168Fabric Steward Mr. Chris Wood Tel: 020 8462 2444Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108Caretaker: Mr. Ian Jones Tel: 020 8313 1556Church Website www.hayesfreechurch.comCatalystEditor: Mr Richard Brown

Contents : - Items not covered by the diary of events.

HAYES FREE CHURCH111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HUSunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.00 p.m.We are a member of the United Reformed Church.We believe in Justice and Peace.

This month’s website: -The website of the month is The Leprosy Mission (LM). Rhoda Leeds

was our LM secretary for about 50 years. Now, it is Martin Nunn.Information and donation envelopes are in the front porch of HFC.

Here is the web address: leprosymission.org.ukNow, turn to Page 12 for more details. Ed

Sunday Services; a thought.. 2Church Notices 3 - 4Edison saying 3Saints’ Days.... 5 - 6Cartoon 6Rubber Glove Challenge; Quiz 7Traidcraft Exchange letter 8Catalyst Needs You! 9Notice Board 10 - 11

Website of the month 12Child Poverty Strategy; Briefs 13Cancer Research Floral demo 14Foodbanks and Destitution 15Beckenham Chorale Concert 16Moments; The way things once were 17Istanbul etc pilgrimage 20Church Organisations I B C


Letter from the Minister

Dear Friends,

Spring is just about over, summer comes, and wehave the rebirth of flowers in our gardensto enjoy; along with barbeques, evenings sittingin the garden, and the ‘joy’ of grass cutting!

As many of you will know, I am a proud Grandma again! Emmy was born onthe 14th April, and I loved going to meet her and play with grandson Eli.

New life brings joy, and it brings responsibilities. For the parent, thetravails are endless; for the gardener, a constant round of weeding andfeeding; for us as Christians a seemingly never-ending need forforgiveness and love!

What joy we have that the New Life Christ offers isn’t a one off / oncein a lifetime opportunity – but a ‘For All of Life’ offer that never runsout.

We can never diminish God’s love for us, His joy in us is constant – what ablessing that is for us all.

As we celebrate summer sun, summer flowers, and the joy of blue skies –let us also celebrate by telling someone else what it is that makes us sojoyful! The disciples offered New Life to all who would listen, and wecan do the same. New Life in Christ is freedom – freedom because weknow ourselves loved – freedom because whatever happens, we know Godis with us forgiving us and surrounding us with His love.

That is surely too good to keep to ourselves!

Let us share the Good News of New Life!

Now, please turn to page 9. Ed


Sunday Services

v Jim Holman is a Methodist preacher. He has led services at HFCin the past.

v David Stoner is well known to us. He is a member of variousgroups at HFC.

v John Cox is known to us, having conducted services at HFC inthe past.

v Judy (Judith) Davies is a new preacher. She will be speaking tothe Women’s Fellowship on the 20th of May.

Some notes on the visiting preachers.

May 20144th 10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman

6.00 pm - Holy Communion - David Stoner

11th 10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister 6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister

18th 10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister

25th 10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister 6.00 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies

A Thought for TodayBeing kind is much more important than being right, for sometimes alla person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks, but a patient heartthat listens.

Author Unknown-----------------------------

My apologies if this thought for today has appeared in a recentedition of Catalyst (I cannot find it in Catalyst), but think it worthinclusion for this month.


June 2014

1st 10.30 am - Morning Service - 6.00 pm - Holy Communion -


News of the Church FamilyAnnouncements are welcome :-BMD - Changes of address, etc.

Your prayers would be appreciated for: -Jim Pearson, Mike Duke, Ruth Rees, Jessie Martin,

and Helen Hebbes.

Church MeetingsThe next Elders’ meeting will be on Tuesday, 6th May at 8.00 pm in thesmall hall.

The next Church meeting, will be on Sunday 25th May, immediatelyafter the AGM at 12.00 noon - following the morning service.

Women's Contact GroupOn the 12th of May we will enjoy a meal at the Pickhurst Tavernat 12.30 p.m.

The following meeting will be at 8.00 pm on the 2nd June at DaphneCummings’s home.

Sylvia MackTuesday Prayer Meetings for MayHeld at 10.00am at the following homes:- 6th Martin Nunn’s. 13th Betty Coster’s. 20th Brenda Cordingley’s. 27th The Church.Then in June: - 3rd Martin Nunn’s.Please address any queries to Martin Nunn.

Saturday FellowshipWe will not be meeting in May. Martin will be on the “Unlock London”

charity walk, visiting churches in the City of London.(There is more information on-line at unlock-urban.org.uk)

The next meeting will be on the 7th of June at 2.30pm at BarbaraJones’ home. Martin Nunn will be leading a Bible Study. You arewelcome to join us.

Men's GroupThe next Men’s Group meeting will be Pitch and Put at Sparrows Denon Thursday 15 May at 7.30 pm.

"All bibles are man-made."- Thomas A Edison -


Ministry of FlowersThank you to those who will be providing flowers this month.

A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed.After the Sunday evening services, the flowers are distributed tomembers and friends, bringing joy to the recipients.Mavis RighiniHayes Mothers’ & Toddlers’ ClubWe welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied

by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Fridayafternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 perfamily – tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time whenadults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playingwith toys and activities in the company of other children.ü Our Summer term started on April 25th.ü We are planning to hold our 'Sell and Buy tables' for two weeks this

term on May 16th and 23rd.ü Our half term holiday is on May 30th when there is no meeting.We look forward to seeing you.Judith Stoner - Secretary.

Bible Study GroupThe Bible Study group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of eachmonth at 2.30pm in the small hall.

Worship GroupThe Wednesday Reflections Group meets at 6.30pm on the 4thWednesday of each month.Linda MichieNotice Sheets - May & 1st Sunday in June May 4th & 11th Daphne Cummings 8777 2487 18th & 25th Brenda Cordingley 8462 3920 June 1st Pam Collison 8658 0748

If you require items to be included in the notice sheets, please contactthe appropriate person by the previous Tuesday.

4th - David & Undine- i.m.o. our fathers

11th - Cath Brown

18th - Gill Bran 25th - Dorothy Sandy


Women's Fellowship

M eetings are in the small hall at 2.00 p.m., unless otherwise stated,on Tuesdays and finish about 3.30 p.m.

The May meetings will be: - 6th Open meeting13th Marilyn Bogus talks about Hospices of Hope in Romania20th Judith Davies talks about Beatrix Potter27th Shortland Singers

The first meeting in June will be: -3rd Gentle Exercises

MINI-AMBULANCEMembers who use the mini-ambulance are asked to phone

Marion Swanborough on 8462 3981 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday whenthey are unable to come to the meetings.

As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for apleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty tointerest everyone.

Sue & Marion

Saints’ Days in the Church Calendars-----------------

A new feature is starting this month, and should run for a year. We aregoing to list the principal days for the apostles, major saints and otherkey events, for each month. The information will be drawn fromWikipedia.

A prayer dedicated to each saint or apostle will be published in thisfeature. The prayers are freely available online in Catholic andEpiscopal websites.

For May there are 2 main dates:-1st St Philip the Apostle. Patron saint of pastry chefs and

hatters. St James the Apostle. Patron saint of many, including

pharmacists and pilgrims.14th St Matthias. Patron saint of carpenters and tailors.

St. Matthias has another saint’s day in February. This is his main day.The reason why will be revealed in the February 2015 edition ofCatalyst.

The prayers are on the next page.....


.... Continued from the previous page

A prayer to Saint PhilipO Glorious Saint Philip, at the Last Supper you said to Jesus, "Lord, showus the Father and it will be enough for us." Help us to make this ourprayer also and to seek God in all things. Obtain for us the grace toknow the Father and Jesus Christ whom he has sent - for in this doeseternal life consist.


A prayer to St. JamesO glorious Apostle, Saint James, who by reason of thy fervent andgenerous heart was chosen by Jesus to be witness of His glory onMount Tabor, and of His agony in Gethsemane; thou, whose veryname is a symbol of warfare and victory: obtain for us strength andconsolation in the unending warfare of this life,that, having constantlyand generously followed Jesus, we may be victors in the strife anddeserve to receive the victor's crown in heaven.


A prayer to St. MatthiasO Almighty God, who in the place of Judas chose your faithful servantMatthias to be numbered among the Twelve: Grant that your Church,being delivered from false apostles, may always be ordered andguided by faithful and true pastors; through Jesus Christ our Lord, wholives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, nowand for ever.


Cartoon out of copyright.


Rubber Glove Challenge!-----------------------

Fair Trader Pat Kirkham has found a rather uniqueuse for Traidcraft rubber gloves!

"I'm always intrigued to see where the Geobars havegone around the country, so I thought I'd start offthe new year with a rubber gloves story!

"Last year my husband reached 60 and decidedhe'd swim the River Conway from Trefriw toLlandudno, approximately 14 miles. There were

supporters along the route as well as supporting boats with him, oneguiding him into the deep water, one keeping him in a straight lineand the other with Geobar supplies keeping him energized

"All this of course was done as a sponsored event and as you can see,rubber gloves have another use apart from washing up!

"To combat the cold river, what better waterproof hand cover thanTraidcraft Rubber Gloves - perfect!

"So, does anybody else have any unusual uses for rubber gloves? I giveyou the challenge."

Please send your rubber glove stories to Susan Scottsusans@traidcraft.co uk

--------------------Footnote: -Apologies for this extra story about Fairtrade. It’s always your editor’s

intention to strike a fair and impartial balance regarding additionalmaterial used in Catalyst.

EdWater Words

All of the answers in this Bible Quiz are to do with water.1) Where the disciples fished. (Mark 1)2) It parted to allow Moses and the Israelites through. (Exodus 14)3) Jacob met his future wife here. (Genesis 29)4) Paul was on his way to Rome when this happened. (Acts 27)5) How Jonah travelled when the sailors threw him overboard.

(Jonah 1)6) The river in which Jesus was baptised. (Matthew 3)Get your answers to the editor by the closing time & date which is10.30am on Sunday 18th May. Answers can be placed in his pigeonhole or emailed. The winner’s name will be drawn from a hat. The prizeis related to the main story on this page. :-)


Women’s Contact Coffee MorningWe will be holding the next coffee morning in the

Small Hall on the 10th of May (World Fair Trade Day)from 10.00am to 12.00 Noon.

We are continuing to raise monies to contribute todisaster relief funds in different parts of the world.

We hope to see you at the Coffee Morning, and why not bring a friend?

Please note that the monies raised from the coffee mornings areseparate from those raised through the refreshments trolley afterSunday morning services.

Barbara Jones

The Fairtrade Sunday StallWe hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th

Sunday of each month. In May, it will be the 11th and the 25th.Please continue to support your fair trade stall. Thank you.

Richard and Barbara.Traidcraft ExchangeKingsway, Gateshead, NE11 ONE. UKT+44(0)1914910591 F+44(0)1914976562

www.traidcraft.org uk24 March 2014

Mrs B Jones

Dear Mrs Jones

A huge thank you for taking part in the Traidcraft Big Brew 2014!

I am so pleased to hear that your event was a success, and we are all very grateful for your kindgift of £123.00, please do pass on our thanks to all those who supported this event.

Last year Traidcraft's development programmes gave thousands of families in East Africa andAsia a hand up out of poverty. Without your generosity this work simply would not be able tocontinue.

You may remember that this year's Traidcraft Big Brew resources were based on tea farmers inBangladesh and how their lives have been transformed since working with Traidcraft, throughaccess to training and equipment. Jamal Uddin is one of the farmers benefitting from increasedyields and higher income. He says, "Everyone wants to move forward... Those of us who havegone into tea plantation, for us a lot of change has come"

On behalf of everyone at Traidcraft, and all those we work with in the developing world, thankyou again for joining us in making a difference.

Yours sincerely,

Karen SmithSupporter Relations Team


Catalyst Needs You!This page will be kept for YOUR contributions - NOTHING ELSE will go on this page.

Hopefully, you will be inspired to share some pictures, poetry or stories.

Eli and Emersyn




SOCIAL EVENING FOR CHRISTIAN AID WEEK-------------------------------------------

Quiz and The Trading Game with fish and chip supper7-9pm on Saturday 17 May in the large hall

Enter a team of 4-6 people for the quiz and game, or justjoin up with other people on the evening to make ateam. The Trading Game is a Christian Aid game

exploring how a country's prosperity is affected by trade.Tickets cost £10 and are available from John Curry.

All profits to Christian Aid.More details from:

John Curry ( 8249 3663) or johncurry132@hotmail.co.ukOr

David Hawthorn ( 8249 7188) ordavidw. hawthorn l @ btinternet.com)

Christian Aid Week 11 - 17 May, 2014

---------------------------The evening service on Sunday 11

May on the theme of“Give people a future without fear”.

Has been cancelled.With apologies to all.

-----------------The service will now be an Evening

Service led by the Minister.



HFC Book Club----------

The Church is beginning a new group- a book club.

We will meet on the first Thursday ofthe month at 8pm in the small hall.Books will be distributed in churchwhen they arrive - the current bookis unknown, as the one ordered isnot in stock! So it will be a surprise

package!We are looking forward to seeing you


Bank Holiday Rambles.Don’t forget that we will benefit from 2 days oframbles in May.

The rambles will be in the Weald of Kent wherebeautiful views are guaranteed.

Each ramble will be about 5 miles long and wewill enjoy a pub lunch as part of the day.

All are welcome to join us at 10.15 am in theRosary car park on Monday 5th May, andMonday 26th May.

More details from Martin Nunn.


Website of the Month The Leprosy MissionExtracts from the website are below.

Main topics inthe website: -· About us· What isleprosy?· How wehelp· Where wework· Our history· Openinformation· FAQs


Child Poverty Strategy---------------

From the Praxis Newsletter No 56 - March 2014

The Government published its child poverty strategy on 27 February.The major story in the press was that although the actual documentcontained no mention of this it was announced that theGovernment’s attempt to redefine poverty is to be dropped.The Churches agreed with academics and charities that theproposed new definition was flawed and risked further stigmatisingsociety’s most vulnerable people, so this change in Govt policy wasgreatly welcomed.

Child Poverty is predicted to rise and rise substantially. The driving forcebehind this rise is expected to be the changes in the tax and benefitsystem introduced in the last 2 years. The strategy announced neithera shift in policy nor any extra measures to tackle child poverty.The Children’s Society and JPIT each responded with the Children’sSociety publishing positive suggestions of what could be done.


Praxis Newsletter is the public issues newsletter of the Baptist, Methodistand United Reformed Churches.

You may have missed the following in the budget---------------------


The scout and guide movements, cadets and St John Ambulanceservice are to get £10 million raised from fines levied on bankswhose employees fiddled the Libor inter-bank lending rate.

Military and emergency services charities already benefit from theproceeds, but that will be extended to search-and-rescue andlifeboat services.

The Chancellor said he wants the "fines paid by those who havedemonstrated the worst of values to support those whodemonstrate the best of British values".'



Wednesday, 21st May 2014

1.30 entry for 2.00pm start

Floral Demonstration byPatricia Ellis - Chelsea Gold Medal Winner

Followed by 'Afternoon Tea'

£12.50 per person

The Coney Suite, The WarrenMPH Sports Club, Croydon Road, Hayes BR2 7AL

ContactMrs Barbara Baker Tel No 020 776 1256Email barbarabaker®hotmail.co.uk

Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England a Wales (1089464), Scotland (6C041666) andThe Isle of Man (1103).

Agape SupperChurches together in Hayes

are again holding an Agape Supperat our Church

on Friday 9th May at 7.00 p.m.Our speaker this year is Andrew Dunsmore, the Official Photographerat Westminster Abbey . He will regale us with stories and photos of hiswork.

This is always a very enjoyable evening in the company of friends fromother Churches in Hayes and includes a two course meal.

The price will again be £5 and we hope that many from the Churchwill support this event.

Please see Sylvia Mack for more informationand to add your name to the list.


Praxis NewsletterThe public issues newsletter of the Baptist, Methodist

and United Reformed ChurchesExtract from Newsletter 56 March 2014

Vincent Nicholson

Foodbanks and Destitution

Churches and their responses to poverty have been in the news overthe past weeks. The spark was an interview that Vincent Nichols gaveto the Daily Telegraph. Without directly criticising any aspect ofgovernment policy Nichols observed that churches and charitieswere seeing more and more people destitute and needing the helpwith very basics of life including food. Importantly he said it was adisgrace that this should happen in a country as wealthy as the UK. Inresponse the DWP quoted misleading statistics about Universal Creditand JPIT replied A day later David Cameron responded to VincentNichols in an article in the Telegraph which included untrue statisticsand JPIT again replied.

The Hunger Fast campaign was launched with a letter in the DailyMirror from leaders of a huge range of Churches. It explicitly namedwelfare reform as the driving force behind the increase in severepoverty that the leaders are seeing in the communities they serve.Blogs on food poverty and injustice by Rev Ruth Gee President of theMethodist Conference and Rev Sally Coleman are also well worthreading.

JPIT continues to engage with and support churches that providefoodbanks to link their life and faith, and to challenge the structuralcauses of poverty. We are keen to hear from you if you and/or yourchurch is involved with a foodbank in your local area and arealready doing this sort of work. Do share ideas of the kind ofresources you would find helpful. It would also be good if you couldindicate whether you are working within a Churches Togetherpartnership and/or with the Trussel Trust.

Please contact Matt Collins tel: 020 7467 5223 who is co-ordinating thiswork.


About Beckenham ChoraleThe Chorale is a mixed choir of about 70 voices. We work withorchestras large and small and sometimes we sing unaccompanied.We perform in St. George’s Church - a fine concert venue with superbacoustics.

All voices welcome, especially tenors. Interested singers shouldcontact the Membership Secretary, Gillian Scales atmembership@beckenhamchorale.org.uk



Not this week nor this month dare I lie downIn languor under lime trees or smooth smile.Love must not kiss my pale face that is brown.

My lips, panting, shall drink space, mile by mile;Strong meats by all my hunger; my renownBe the clean beauty of speed and pride of style.

Cold winds encountered on the racing DownShall thrill my heated bareness; but awhileNone else may meet me till I wear my crown.

Wilfred Owen (1893 - 1918)This poem is in the book “The Complete Poems and Fragments ofWilfred Owen” edited by Jon Stallworthy - first published by ChattoWindus in 1983.

-------------------------------------This item is from The Great War Archive, University of Oxford

(www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ww1lit/gwa); © The Estate of Wilfred Owen

The way things once wereThis year’s theme covers sayings or poetry from the First World War


Happy moments, praise God

Difficult moments, seek God

Quiet moments, worship God

Painful moments, trust God

Every moment, thank God


May 20141st Thu 8.00 pm - Book Club Inaugural Meeting Page 11

2nd Fri

3rd Sat

4th Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - Jim Holman 6.00 pm - Holy Communion - David Stoner

5th Mon May Day Bank Holiday10.15 am - Bank Holiday Ramble Page 11

6th Tue10.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 5 8.00 pm - Elders’ Meeting Page 3

7th Wed

8th Thu

9th Fri 7.00 pm - Agape Supper Page 14

10th Sat 10.00 am - Women’s Contact Coffee Morning Page 8

11th Sun10.30 am - Parade Service - The Minister Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 8 6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister

12th Mon 12.30 pm - Womens’ Contact Group Page 3

13th Tue 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 510.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3

14th Wed

15th Thu 2.30 pm - Bible Study Group Page 4 7.30 pm - Men’s Group Page 3

16th Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4

17th Sat 7.00 pm - Social Evening - Christian Aid Week Page 10

18th Sun Catalyst copy due date IFC10.30 am - Morning Service - John Cox 6.00 pm - Evening Service - The Minister



22 June Church Meeting at 12.00 noon.

June 2014

1st Sun 10.30 am - Morning Service - 6.00 pm - Holy Communion -

May 201419th Mon Victoria Day (Scot.)

20th Tue 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 510.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3

21st Wed

22nd Thu

23rd Fri 2.00 pm - Mothers’ and Toddlers’ Group Page 4

24th Sat

25th Sun

10.30 am - Holy Communion - The Minister Followed by Fairtrade stall Page 812.00 pm - AGM and Church Meeting Page 3 6.00 pm - Evening Service - Judy Davies

26th Mon Spring Bank Holiday10.15 am - Bank Holiday Ramble Page 11

27th Tue 2.00 pm - Women’s Fellowship Page 510.00 am - Tuesday Prayer Meeting Page 3

28th Wed 6.30 pm - Worship Group Page 4

29th Thu 2.30 pm - Bible Study Group Page 4

30th Fri

31st Sat


CHURCH ORGANISATIONSDay Organisation Contact PhoneSunday10.25am Sunday Club Mike Duke 8462 5103Weekdays 9.15 -12.15pm12.15 -12.45pm

Pre School GroupP/School lunch club

Jayne Carvell 07913 299773

Monday5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 8249 99826.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 8325 39568.00pm - 1st Women's Contact

GroupSylvia Mack 8462 1938

Tuesday10.00am Prayer Meeting Martin Nunn 8462 59182.00pm Women's Fellowship Sue Powell 8462 22127.00pm Scouts Paul Hasling 3236 0083Wednesday3.30pm - 4th Messy Church Sue Powell 8462 22125.15pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 5749626.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 8325 39566.30pm - 4th Reflections Group Bill Michie 8658 41678.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295Thursday2.30pm - 2nd, & 4th

Bible Study Sue Powell 8462 2212

5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 8325 34697.15 - 8.45pm Senior Guides Georgina Chappell 07983 4713088.00pm - 1st HFC Book Club Sue Powell 8462 22128.00pm - 3rd Men's Group Bruce Tannock 8325 62648.00pm - 2nd,

& 4thIgnatian Spirituality

GroupDavid Hawthorn 8249 7188

Friday9.00 - 12.00pm Coffee morning during term times2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Judith Stoner 8462 30236.30pm Guides Teresa Cheyne 8777 6042Saturday2.30pm - 1st Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 8462 5918

NOTE: - Some of the organisations meet once or twice per month.This is indicated by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. The numbers relate to which

week day of the month, NOT the calendar date.

Final Thought

The man who walks with God always gets to his destination.

(Rhoda’s quotation first used in September 1991)