2014 2015 - Lubbock ISD

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Transcript of 2014 2015 - Lubbock ISD


Student Opportunities

Coronado High School

Table of Contents

Academic Competition 1 – 3

Language Club 4

Career and Technology Clubs 5

Fine Arts and Journalism 6 - 8

Leadership and Service 9

Honor Societies 9

Spirit Groups 10 - 11

Sports 12 - 14

Parent Opportunities


Name of Organization: Academic Decathlon Team

Sponsors: Mika Smith

Description:Students compete in 10 events including math, music, fine arts, literature, social studies,

essay, interview, speech, economics and super quiz.

Membership Requirements:Class enrollment and sponsor approval are based on teacher recommendation for eleventh

and twelfth grade students.

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information:Scholarship money is available for students who win medals at regional or state


Name of Organization Chemistry Club

Sponsor: Nicole Steele

Description:Students with a high interest in chemistry meet and celebrate "National Chemistry Week"

and "Mole Day". Students also meet and learn about practical chemistry.

Membership Requirements: Enrollment in AP Chemistry. Teacher approval required.

Costs and Fees: $5.00 membership (other fees may apply for participation in certain events)

Additional Infor Check out the web page. Follow the Coronado Student Organizations link.

Name of Organization Mock Trial Team

Sponsors: Todd McKay

Description:Students compete with other Lubbock schools in the spring on both sides of a case written

by Dallas attorneys. Teacher approval required.

Additional Info: Check out the web page. Follow the Coronado Student Organizations link.

Membership Requirements: Application / Audition

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information:Team members must be committed to the project. Students will practice on some

weekends in December, January, and February.

Name of Organization: U.I.L. Literary Criticism, Spelling and Ready Writing

Sponsors: Pam Ryan


Students attend contests and compete against other schools with the opportunity to

advance to state competition in events such as literary criticism, spelling, and ready


Membership Requirements: Interest in literature, reading, writing. You must get sponsor approval to take this class.

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information:Competing in U.I.L. enhances the chance to score well on college entrance exams and looks

great on college applications. This weighted class also allows students to travel across



Name of Organization: U.I.L.. Math, Number Sense, and Calculator Applications

Sponsors: Cecilee Echols

Description:Students compete year-round in various U.I.L. math and science competitions including

number sense, calculator, math and science.

Membership Requirements:Good grades in math and /or science and enrollment in Pre-AP or AP math classes. You

must get sponsor approval to take this class.

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information:

Students have the opportunity to travel out of town to competitions. Competing in U.I.L.

will enhance a student's chances of scoring high on college entrance exams. Scholarships

are available at State. This is a weighted class.

Name of Organization: U.I.L. Accounting Team

Sponsors: Brent Chamberlain

Description: Students compete in U.I.L. contests at the local, district, regional and state levels.

Membership Requirements:

Students must be enrolled in or have successfully completed Accounting I, and must be

committed to attend contests several Saturdays during the school year and work additional

hours on practice exams. You must get sponsor approval to take this class.

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information:

The U.I.L. Accounting contest consists of a one-hour objective test which covers the

complete Accounting Cycle for sole proprietorships and corporate accounting,

merchandising businesses and payroll.

Name of Organization: U.I.L. Science Team

Sponsors: Cecilee Echols

Description:Students compete year round in U.I.L. science competitions at the local, district, regional

and state levels.

Membership Requirements:Good grades in science and enrollment in Pre-AP or AP science classes. Requires Teacher


Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information: None

Name of Organization: U.I.L.. Computer Applications

Sponsors: Brent Chamberlain

Description: Students compete in U.I.L. contests at the local, district, regional and state levels.

Membership Requirements:

Focuses on word processing speed and accuracy, computer skills in database and

spreadsheet, and integration of applications. You must get sponsor approval to be on

this team.

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information: Students must be proficient in MS Office: Word, Excel, Access.


Name of Organization: U.I.L. Academics - Current Events & Issues

Sponsors: Russell Hill


Students take written exams on weekends and in class in competition against other

schools. High scorers can advance to district, regional and state competitions. Students

will also research, write and present facts about current issues and events.

Membership Requirements:Students should be motivated to learn details about current events and world news.

Requires instructor approval.

Costs and Fees: $25 for subscriptions and T-Shirt

Additional Information: See Mr. Hill for class enrollment and scheduling.

Name of Organization: U.I.L. Social Studies

Sponsors: Mika Smith

Description:Students attend contests and compete on written exams against other schools with the

opportunity to advance to state competition.

Name of Organization: Mustang Robotics Club

Sponsors: Nancy Schunke

Description:This club is a group of students who explore engineering and robotics concepts. We

prepare for various competitions throughout the year.

Membership Requirements: Enrollment in Robotics class or teacher approval

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information: Students are responsible for Robotivcs Team fund raising.


Name of Organization: French Club

Sponsors: Diana Belson

Description:For the last four years, Coronado has joined with Monterey and Lubbock High Schools to

raise $19,000.00 to build a school in Cambodia.

Membership Requirements: Current or former French students.

Costs and Fees: Donation to the project

Additional Information: Food and Movie Nights

Name of Organization: Spanish Club "La Tertulia"

Sponsors: All Spanish teachers


We celebrate traditional activities: "Dia de la Independencia" (16 de Septiembre), "Guerra

contra los Franceses" (5 de Mayo), "Dia de los Muertos" (2 de Noviembre), "Posadas"

(Banquete de Navidad), "Pascua" (Easter).

Membership Requirements: All students currently and previously enrolled in Spanish classes

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information: Any teacher or student in Spanish classes may present an initiative and organize an event.

Name of Organization: Coronado German Club

Sponsors: Greg Ball


This club meets every other week for special activities and cultural events. We focus on

Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There are optional short trips to German communities

outside Lubbock.

Membership Requirements: Anyone in German I, II, III P-AP, IV AP or with an interest in the German language.

Costs and Fees: Cost of activity or cultural event

Additional Information: Consult instructor

Name of Organization: Latin Club

Sponsors: Alicia B. Ball

Description:By joining the Latin Club at CHS you become a member of the League and the Texas State

Classical League. You will receive a Latin T-Shirt!

Membership Requirements: Current and former Latin students

Costs and Fees: $25 for new members, $20 for returning members

Additional Information:Scholarships available; after school practices for out-of-town competitions each year, extra

credit movie nights

Name of Organization: American Sign Language Club

Sponsors: Valerie Kochis


Students will be involved with the deaf in Lubbock, working with Scilent Raiders at Texas

Tech to improve signing skills and use American Sign Language (ASL). They will also spend

time with the Elementary Deaf Education students to mentor them.

Membership Requirements: To be determined

Costs and Fees: To be determined



Name of Organization: CHS Agriscience/Future Farmers of America

Sponsors: Cassie Sanders


This organization offers training in leadership and judging skills. Students complete

projects and compete in contests and shows, study animal and plant production, wildlife,

and other areas of Agriscience. This club is fun and exciting.

Membership Requirements: Current enrollment in an agriculture science course.

Costs and Fees: $15 club dues and $5 additional fee for Wildlife and Recreation Management

Additional Information:Awards and scholarships are available to students through competition and involvement.

Raising livestock projects is optional but highly recommended.

Name of Organization: BPA /Marketing Education

Sponsors: Lynette Moore, Andrew Strawn

Description:The mission of Business Professionals of America is to contribute to a world class work

force through the advancement of leaderhip and technological skills.

Membership Requirements: Current enrollment in a CTE course at Coronado

Costs and Fees: Total $25 per year ($8-local, $12-state, and $5-nationally) May vary

Additional Information:Promotes and fosters ambition, leadership, sociability and positions of excellence in career

and technological student organizations.

Name of Organization: FCCLA (Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America)

Sponsors: Gencie Houy, Ira Gonzales, Jennifer Strong, Terrye Smith, Loressa Pecoraro


FCCLA is one of largest Career and Technology organizations in the U.S. It encourages

personal growth and leadership through Family and Consumer Sciences education, and

focuses on the multiple roles of family members, wage earners, and community leaders.

Members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical

thinking, interpersonal communications, practical knowledge, and career and technology


Membership Requirements:Students must be presently enrolled or previously enrolled in a Family and Consumer

Sciences course. (high school or middle school)

Costs and Fees: $35 includes dues and T-shirt

Additional Information:Coronado has a very active chapter. It meets once a month and participates in numerous

service projects.

Name of Organization: SKILLS USA Texas

Sponsors: Trade & Industrial Teachers


This is a club for students enrolled in Auto Tech, Auto Collision & Repair, Building Trades,

Cosmetology, Electrical Trades, Metal Trades, Trade and Industrial Career Preparation, and


Membership Requirements: Any student enrolled in a Trade & Industrial Class.

Costs and Fees: $15.00 - $20.00 a year dependent on the type of class enrollment

Additional Information: District, state, national, and international levels of leadership and skills competition



Name of Organization: Coronado Bands

Sponsors: Josh Shaw, Daniel Timmerman

Description:Marching Band, Concert Band, Jazz, Ensemble, Drum Ensemble, Woodwind Ensemble, Brass

Ensemble, Solo and Ensembles

Membership Requirements:Prior musical knowledge and/or participation in previous band programs is required.

Auditions are required for proper placement.

Costs and Fees: Band fees apply. Amount to be determined.

Additional Information: For additional information call Coronado Band Office at 766-0636.

Name of Organization: Coronado Choirs

Sponsors: Catherine Stevenson

Description:Vocal music - experiencing music from pop to classical. Concentration on vocal technique,

sight reading, and choral skills.

Membership Requirements:

SIGN UP: Any student may be in choir provided they meet the minimum requirement of

matching pitch and demonstrate the ability to sing a one octave scale. The Chorale, Scarlet

Fever and Madrigal Singers are director approved via competitive audition.

Costs and Fees: There is a choir fee of $20 per student for a choir T-Shirt and UIL Food.

Additional Information:

Evening concerts and UIL Concert & Sightreading Contest are requirements for courses in

choral music. Monday evening rehearsals are a requirement for all Varsity Choir Members

during the Spring semester.

Name of Organization: Coronado Orchestra

Sponsors: Laura Flanagan and John Cain

Description:CHS orchestra is a full symphonic orchestra. String orchestra, chamber orchestra, chamber

ensembles, and soloists perform a variety of music.

Membership Requirements:

There is no beginning orchestra class at the high school level. Class enrollment: student

must have previous Orchestra experience and be approved by high school director to

enroll. Audition is required for proper placement in varsity or junior varsity orchestra.

Costs and Fees:Uniform basics are provided by CHS. Our spring trip is funded by student per individual

account. Some school instruments are available with rental fee.

Additional Information:

Concert preparation in the form of outside individual practice, section rehearsals before

and after school, and playing tests are a requirement for course work. Concert

participation is a requirement for course work.

Name of Organization: International Thespian Society #2728

Sponsors: Melody G. McDaniel


This club is for all students interested in theatre and play production. The club takes its

name from Thespis, the first Greek actor. Students are Members of International Thespian


Membership Requirements:This club is open to any CHS student. Students earn points to join this club. Points are

earned through participation in school plays. Students are Initiated in May each year.

Costs and Fees: One time dues payment of approximately $23.00 to the international office

Additional Information: None



Name of Organization: The Crest Newspaper

Sponsors: Russell Hill


The Crest is the CHS student published newspaper and website. All work is done by

students including news gathering, stories, articles, ad sales, and computer layout. The

Crest is printed approximately every 6 weeks. Advanced computer credit is available on

student transcripts for second-year staffers.

Membership Requirements: Enrollment in newspaper class with adviser approval.

Costs and Fees: $50 for International Journalism Honor Society Membership and T-Shirt

Additional Information:

CHS students have received top national and state awards for 28 consecutive years.

Students receive excellent experience for career in print or broadcast media and extensive

experience on computers in desktop publishing. Transcript technology credit is available

for advanced staffers. This class may be taken pass/fail by juniors and seniors.

Name of Organization: El Viajero Student Yearbook

Sponsors: Stacey Conley


Students produce pages with InDesign and Photoshop on Dell computers.. The 300 page

book is distributed in May to students who ordered in Oct. and Nov. Advanced computer

credit for high school transcript may be granted to 2nd year staffers.

Membership Requirements: Enrollment in Yearbook class with adviser approval.

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information:

Top national & state awards received for 28 consecutive years. Excellent experience for

career in print or broadcast media and journalistic writing. Receive extensive experience

on computers in areas of design & desktop publishing. Computer credit available for

advanced staffers. May be taken pass/fail by juniors and seniors.

Name of Organization: CHS Web Team

Sponsors: Russell Hill

Additional Information:Cotact Mr. Hill, Room 211 and bring examples of your work or provide your personal web

address (if you have one).


Name of Organization: Texas Future Music Educators (TFME)

Sponsors: Laura Flanagan, Josh Shaw, Catherine Stevenson


This organization is established by the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) for

students enrolled in Texas schools in grades 9-12 who are interested in becoming music

educators. This organization provides service to our quadrant's musical organizations and

provides information to its members on preparing to become a college music education

major and a future music educator.

Membership Requirements:Students must be a member of the CHS Band, Choir, or Orchestra programs and have their

director's approval to join. Students must maintain academic eligibility.

Costs and Fees:

State membership fee is $15.00 per academic year. Attendance for the trip to the Texas

Music Educator's Association Convention in San Antonio, TX is funded by student per

individual account.

Additional Information:

This organization provides service to our quadrant's musical organizations and provides

information to its memers on preparing to become a college music education major and a

future music educator. TFME members are invited to participate at the annual TMEA

Convention beginning on Friday. During the convention, events include: College Night,

attending a division-specific performance event, a state meeting with guest

clinician/speaker, one All-State concert event (Jazz Ensemble concert as a bonus), and

clinic sessions.


Name of Organization: Student Council

Sponsors: Brent Chamberlain

Description: Coronado student government

Membership Requirements: Students are elected to office. Participation requires one class period.

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information:Student Council plans activities, pep rallies, homecoming and fundraisers, and volunteer

opportunities. Student Council meets monthly.

Name of Organization: Superintendent's National Merit Scholars Program

Sponsors: Neoka Perez (Lubbock High School)


Students learn techniques and strategies to answer questions on the verbal, math, and

writing parts of the PSAT and SAT. Students receive an extensive notebook of

math/vocabulary materials and take a minimum of 5 practice tests.

Membership Requirements:L.I.S.D.. students are invited to participate in the program based on their score

performance as sophomore students taking the October PSAT.

Costs and Fees:

Tuition is $150 for the entire May-September program. Scholarship applications and

extended payment plans are available for anyone who needs such assistance. Tuition is

subject to change.

Additional Information:The program consists of morning classes for four summer weeks in June and two review

nights in the fall. Fall Reviews are subject to change.

Name of Organization: National Honor Society

Sponsors: Pam Ryan, Brent Chamberlain, Colby Malouf, and Kristi Starr

Description:This society is for sophomore, junior and senior students who achieve and maintain an

overall 3.60 GPA. NHS emphasizes character, scholarship, and service.

Membership Requirements: 3.60 GPA

Costs and Fees: $17.00 per year

Additional Information:

Students are inducted in the fall each year. Students are required to obtain a certain

number of hours of service. The organization participates in several service projects

throughout the year and hosts a blood drive every Fall.




Name of Organization: Coronado Pom

Sponsors: Stacy Haechen and Marla Mayfield


This spirit organization is open to students who are interested in school spirit, community

involvement, dancing and performing. Involvement develops character, leadership,

individual responsibility, physical well-being and a positive self image.

Membership Requirements:

Students must attend every girls and boys varsity basketball home game, football games,

basketball pep rallies, and special events as designated by the administration and

sponsors. Students must meet and maintain standard U.I.L. eligibility requirements.

Membership is determined by tryouts before a panel of judges.

Costs and Fees: Costs involved will not prohibit any student from participating. Fund raising is required.

Additional Information: Dance experience is necessary.

Name of Organization Coronado Spirit Groups-Cheerleaders, Bell Crew, & Mascot

Sponsors: Ira Gonzales

Description:Cheerleaders, bell crew and mascot members raise school spirit, support athletic teams

and promote Coronado High School in the community.

Membership Requirements:

8 Freshman cheerleaders, 8 JV Cheerleaders-Sophomores only, 12 Varsity Cheerleaders, 3

Bell crew and 2 mascot-11th and 12th grade students. Selection is made by committee

and student body vote.

Costs and Fees: Money for some uniform items. Fundraising is required.

Additional Information: None

Name of Organization Golden Girls

Sponsors: Football Boosters


Golden Girls is a school spirit organization that promotes and encourages Coronado

Mustang Football and Varisty football players by attending games, decorating and


Membership Requirements:

Students must be a female junior or senior, have no discipline referrals, no conflicting

sports/activities/jobs and must meet and maintain U. I. L. eligibility requirements.

Students must also be dedicated in attendance to weekly Tuesday night meetings to

decorate during the football season.

Costs and Fees:Golden Girl members must purchase a golden Girl shirt and participate in annual bake sale

and Spirit Shout-Out Sales.

Additional Information:

Girls are selected through a short interview process, teacher referral and

discipline/attendance checks. Attendance is mandatory for weekly Tuesday night

decorating sessions during the football season, at all home games, and events designated

by sponsors. Fundraising is also required.

Additional Information:

Girls are selected through an interview process. Girls meet weekly to make posters and

decorate. Attendance is required at all home games and events designated by the sponsor.

Fundraising is involved.



Name of Organization

Basketball Belles

Sponsors: Hailey Hannan

Description:Basketball Belles promote Coronado Basketball by attending games, decorating and


Membership Requirements: 2.5 overall GPA and attendance at all boys and girls basketball home games

Costs and Fees: $30.00 dues ( pays for decorating supllies and shirt)

Additional Information:

Girls are selected through a short interview process, teacher referral and

discipline/attendance checks. Attendance is mandatory for weekly Tuesday night

decorating sessions during the football season, at all home games, and events designated

by sponsors. Fundraising is also required.

Additional Information:

Members must commit to being present for all boys and girls basketball home games.

Members must also commit to being present to decorate the boys and girls basketball

locker rooms the day before each home game.

Name of Organization: Diamond Dolls

Sponsors: Debbie Sagebiel

Description:Diamond Dolls promote Coronado Baseball by attending games, decorating and


Membership Requirements:

Basic knowledge and love of baseball, enthusiasm, no serious discipline referrals; no

conflicting spring sports or activities; must meet and maintain U.I.L. eligibility

requirements. Interviews held to determine membership. Open to 10th, 11th, and 12th

grade girls

Costs and Fees: $30 membership dues

Additional Information:

Girls are selected through an interview process. Girls meet weekly to make posters and

decorate. Attendance is required at all home games and events designated by the sponsor.

Fundraising is involved.


Name of Organization: Competitive Athletics

Sponsors/Coaches: Kent Jackson, Campus Athletic Coordinator and Head Football Coach

Jimmy Johnson, Girl's Athletic Coordinator and Head Softball Coach

Membership Requirements: Coaches Approval

Costs and Fees:

Additional Information: Please find specific information on the following pages.

Name of Organization: Non-Competitive Sports/Activities: Special Olympics

Sponsors/Coaches: Gail Douglas


Students with special abilities compete in bowling, basketball, track and field, gymnastics,

softball, skating, and swimming. Opportunities also exist for students to volunteer to

assist in these competitions.

Membership Requirements: People with disabilities; physical required; ages 8 and up

Costs and Fees: None

Additional Information: Contact Gail Douglas for information on how to volunteer. 766-0653

**** Sports ****

“C.A. - Competitive Athletics - UIL SPORTS”

Coronado Athletic Coaching Staff embraces a “program” mentality and encourages all freshmen to participate in two or more sports.

Freshman Boys C.A. (Competitive Athletics)

Fall Sports: Cross- Country, Football

Winter/Spring Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Wrestling

Spring Sports: Baseball, Track and Field

Year Round Sports: Golf, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, (these sports have both a fall and a spring competitive season)

**Golf , Tennis, Student Training, and Swimming and Diving require “pre-approval” from the CHS Head Coach in order for a freshman to sign up.(Contact info is listed on the next page)

**Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer will have try-outs and cuts. Signing up to participate does not guarantee a place on the team.


Freshman Girls C.A. (Competitive Athletics)

Fall Sports: Cross- Country, Volleyball

Winter/Spring Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Wrestling

Spring Sports: Softball, Track and Field

Year Round Sports: Golf, Swimming and Diving, Tennis (these sports have both a fall and spring competitive season)

**Golf, Tennis, Student Training, and Swimming and Diving require “pre-approval” from the CHS Head Coach in order for a freshman to sign up. (Contact information is listed below)

**Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, and Soccer will have try-outs and cuts. Signing up to participate does not guarantee a place on the team.

Coronado Head Coaches Contact Information

Campus Athletic Coordinator/Head Football:

Kent Jackson kentjackson@lubbockisd.org 806-219-1135

Girl’s Athletic Coordinator/Head Softball:

Jimmy Johnson jimmyjohnson@lubbockisd.org 806-219-1137

Head Baseball: Gary Hix ghix@lubbockisd.org Head Boys Basketball : Randy Dean rdean@lubbockisd.org Head Girls Basketball : Kriss Ethridge methridge@lubbockisd.org Head Boys and Girls Cross Country : Tim Torres tjtorres@lubbockisd.org Head Boys Golf: Joe Welborn jwelborn@lubbockisd.org Head Girls Golf: Tommy Heisser theisser@lubbockisd.org Head Boys Soccer: Allistair Caldwell acaldwell28@lubbockisd.org Head Girls Soccer: Monte George mgeorge@lubbockisd.org Co-aquatic director and Head high School Swim Coach: Trey Hayes dhayes@lubbockisd.org Co-Swimming and Diving: Penny Dipomazio pdipomazio@lubbockisd.org Head Boys and Girls Tennis: David Denham ddenham@lubbockisd.org Head Boys Track and Field: Jason Shahan jshahan@lubbockisd.org Head Girls Track and Field: Tim Torres tjtorres@lubbockisd.org Head Boys and Girls Trainer: Shelly Macias smacias@lubbockisd.org Head Volleyball: Casey Trout ctrout51@lubbockisd.org Head Boys Wrestling: James Vint jvint@lubbockisd.org Head Girls Wrestling: C. Ray Gregory cgregory288237@lubbockisd.org

Parent Opportunities

Band Booster Club

Baseball Booster Club

Basketball Booster Club – Boys

Basketball Booster Club – Girls

Choir Booster Club

Cross Country – Track Booster Club - Girls

Football Booster Club

Golf Booster Club

Lubbock FFA Booster Club

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Pom Team Booster Club

Senior Graduation Party

Soccer Booster Club

Softball Booster Club

Spanish Booster Club

Speech/Debate Volunteer Parents

Spirit Booster Club

Swimming and Diving Booster Club

Tennis Booster Club

Theater Volunteer Parents

Track Team Booster Club

Volleyball Booster Club

These and other opportunities allow parents to become involved with their teenagers at Coronado High School.