· 2013-2014 prince of peace...

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confirmation handbook

2013-2014 prince of peace lutheran church a family of christians, growing in faith and reaching out in love

staff contact: gloria allhiser coordinator of youth ministry 920.739.5255 2330 e. calumet st appleton, wi 54915


Why does the church have confirmation?

It isn’t commanded in Scripture, and Lutherans do not believe that confirmation is a sacrament (a sacred act carrying a special blessing, like baptism and Holy Communion). But as Lutherans, we teach that young people should experience confirmation. Why?

Confirmation is about assisting young people in the journey from their parents’ faith (or baptismal sponsors, or other adult influences) to faith for themselves. Many of us were baptized as infants or young children, before we were able to make those baptismal promises ourselves. Our parents and baptismal sponsors made those promises of faith for us. In confirmation we give young people the chance to learn about the faith into which they were baptized and affirm their faith in Jesus Christ for themselves.

Confirmation also provides students with instruction about becoming active members or partners of their faith community or church. Members or partners are needed to fulfill certain duties of the church for the church to simply be. We are called to take active roles in our faith and in our church.

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Therefore, confirmation is not about a special blessing nor is it a final step in one’s church life. Confirmation is a new beginning, a further instruction, a step in the lifelong journey of faith in Christ. This is not a graduation, a program, or schooling. Confirmation is an elective experience that includes worship, outreach, learning, and fellowship. We ask that those wishing to begin the confirmation journey commit to covenant and carry through on the baptismal promises made. Purpose of Confirmation Confirmation is not merely a rite of passage in which all of-age church members can take part. It is a process of discipleship. It is studying and applying the faith of the Christian church into which you were baptized. Confirmation Sunday is a very special day when you publicly announce that the faith into which you were baptized is the same faith to which you are committing your life. On your Confirmation day you are promising to continue and grow in you faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The purpose of confirmation is to prepare you to make a lifelong commitment to following Christ.


when you were young and your parents brought you to be baptized, they made some awesome promises:

To live with you among God’s faithful people,

Bring you to the word of God and the holy supper, Teach you the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments,

Place in your hands the holy scriptures, And nurture you in faith and prayer, So that you may learn to trust God,

Proclaim Christ through word and deed, Care for others and the world God made,

And work for justice and peace. (ELW 228)

These promises are huge and exciting! These things will help you grow in your faith in Jesus and help you understand the unconditional love that is given to you as a child of God. Working together, you, your parents, and the church can all make sure these promises are fulfilled.

faith is taught in the home, supported by the church Confirmation classes are a formal learning environment designed for students to learn about the Bible and the Christian/Lutheran faith that they are preparing to profess. However, learning is not limited to the confines of the church building. Faith is primarily and most importantly taught and affirmed in the home. Many activities involved in the confirmation experience are things that can and should frequently be done as a family setting (for example, worshiping together as often as able, helping the student work on his/her memorization).

start-of-the-year covenant meetings with the youth ministry coordinator (gloria allhiser) – for parents & students Prince of Peace is ready to help make all of those baptismal promises a reality. We are partners with you in your faith journey, and partners with your parents as they support, encourage, and teach you. In order to best fulfill our promise to support parents and students, we desire to have a “covenant” meeting with just you, your parents, and the youth ministry coordinator. We’ll talk about what the year holds and what each party (student, parent, and church) needs to do to be as supportive of this faith journey as possible. Covenant meetings will be scheduled for August and September, to be completed before the start of confirmation classes.


the confirmation journey - course topics/curriculum year one – seventh grade The Biblical Narrative This curriculum highlights key elements of the biblical narrative—the story of God’s redemption of us throughout history. We’ll be seeing and hearing the stories of the Old and New Testament through video and engaging reading. Students will be asked to memorize a key verse for each month/unit and will also memorize the books of the Bible. Please refer to the memorization list

at the end of the handbook to find the memorization checklist. Texts/materials: The Bible (NIV Student Bible) Class time: Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00

year two – eighth grade The Small Catechism The second year of confirmation focuses on Martin Luther and the Small Catechism, covering the following: who is Martin Luther, the Ten Commandments, The Apostle’s Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, The Sacrament of Baptism, and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This year also uses the Here We Stand curriculum. Students will be asked to memorize the 10 Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Apostle’s Creed. Please refer to the memorization list at the end of the handbook to find the memorization checklist.

Texts/materials: The Bible (NIV Student Bible) Here We Stand Student Book Class time: Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00

year three – ninth grade Sticky Faith & Faith Mentors Students will meet for the first part of the year in small groups and will experience what it means to have their faith “stick” as they grow. For the second part of the year students will select an adult to serve as their “faith mentor” and will meet together for faith-based conversations. Texts/materials: The Bible (NIV Student Bible) Class time: Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00


the confirmation journey - worship, outreach, learning, & fellowship “outside the classroom”

worship participation – complete the following each year: __fill out 10 worship notes __participate in a worship experience in an extra way once each year: Usher, greet, read, special music, etc. outreach/service projects – complete 10 hours of outreach/volunteering each year: __PoP sponsored outreach events __on your own/with a different group (through school, sports, scouts, clubs, etc) __ PoP Sunday School, nursery, or VBS retreats – students must attend the 7th/8th grade fall retreat at least once during those

two years, and 9th grade students are encouraged to attend the winter high school retreat:

__7th/8th grade fall BLAST! retreat at Imago Dei Village – Nov 1-3, 2013 __9th grade winter retreat at Imago Dei Village – Jan 17-19, 2014 confirmation camp – students must attend one week of camp after their 7th or 8th grade

year (students may of course attend twice) sunday morning DEVOS – this is a fellowship/devotional time for 7th-12th grade students

on alternating Sunday mornings (2nd & 4th Sundays each month) 9:40-10:20am in the youth room, led by Gloria and adult/parent volunteers

regular worship attendance Regular worship is a vital part of confirmation instruction as well as in our daily life. It is important to instill the habits of discipleship, which includes regular worship. Worship is not about “what I get out of it.” Worship is about giving praise to God for all the wonderful things that God has done. Families are encouraged to worship together as often as they are able, and Prince of Peace offers several worship opportunities not only on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings throughout the year, but on Wednesday evenings during the seasons of Advent and Lent. There are ample opportunities for students to fulfill their worship participation expectations each year!


wednesday night schedule Wednesday evenings incorporate many different elements in to our learning time. Wednesdays are not just about learning in groups but are also about enjoying time with your brothers and sisters in Christ while building healthy relationships with peers, adults, and God! The evening schedule is as follows: 5:45-6:30pm grilled cheese wednesday* 6:30-6:50pm gathering (opening worship as a large group with all grades) 7:00-8:00pm growing (class time) *optional opportunity to enjoy food and relax with friends before class. Eat, play games, just talk—the

youth room (and basketball courts, weather dependant) are open for all to enjoy!

attendance / being prepared / fulfilling commitments If you are a member of any sports team or music group, attendance and being properly prepared at regular practices/rehearsals and games/performances is mandatory. You cannot be a member of the team without showing up regularly and being prepared! The same goes for confirmation. Attendance is mandatory for Wednesday class sessions as is fulfillment of worship participation/outreach/retreat/camp requirements and completion of the memorization checklist each year. Excessive absences and failure to make up missed work may result in meetings with the coordinator of youth ministry and/or the pastors. It may also mean repeating a year of confirmation or doing extra work to stay on schedule. We understand (because our staff and parent leaders are parents with busy lives and busy kids themselves) that schedules are hectic and there are many demands on students’ and parents’ time/energy. We believe that faith formation belongs at the top of the priority list and hope that families make the effort as best as they are able to ensure that full confirmation participation is a priority during this three year journey.

materials needed each week seventh grade eighth grade ninth grade bible bible bible pen/pencil pen/pencil pen/pencil folder folder folder here we stand book journal


confirmation fees There is a program fee of $25 to help cover the cost of curriculum supplies, materials, and special events (e.g. unity worship). Please see the outline below for additional program costs (books, retreats, etc). seventh grade eighth grade ninth grade bible - $25 program fee - $25 confirmation Sunday - $40 program fee - $25 retreat - $65 program fee - $25 retreat - $65 retreat - $65 replacement Bibles (NIV Student Bible) are available for $25 and replacement Here We Stand Student Books are available for $12. please note – no child will be prevented from participating fully in the confirmation experience due to financial reasons. Financial assistance and scholarships are available. payment – payment for the program fee and books are due at time of registration. Retreat payments are due at time of retreat registration (separate forms will go out to all students for retreats and confirmation camp).

confirmation communication We do our best to maintain regular communication with parents and students through various outlets. Please be aware of the following communication outlets:

Email –

Text message updates –

Bulletin board flyers/announcements (check in narthex and by Gloria’s office)

Verbal and written announcements on Wednesdays

Church newsletter and weekly bulletins

Facebook –

Prince of Peace website –


seventh grade memorization checklist _____ books of the old testament (by the end of january) _____ books of the new testament (by the end of april) _____ september memory verse

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 _____ october memory verse

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. Genesis 9:16

_____ november memory verse That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians…and when the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant. Exodus 14:30-31

_____ december memory verse The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul. Psalm 23:1-3a

_____ january memory verse “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Mark 1:17

_____ february memory verse Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

_____ march memory verse For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

_____ april memory verse Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4


eighth grade memorization checklist october: _____ the apostle’s creed november: _____ Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those

who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. december: _____ Galatians 5:22 – But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

january: _____ the lord’s prayer febuary: _____ the ten commandments


seventh grade schedule

9/18 – Creation

9/25 – God Builds a Nation

10/2 – Joseph: From Slave to Deputy

10/9 – Deliverance

10/16 – New Commands, New Covenant

10/23 – Guest Presentation on Suicide

10/30 – Wandering

11/6 – The Battle Begins

11/13 – From Shepherd to King

11/20 – BOWL-A-THON (offsite)

11/27 – Thanksgiving Break (NO CLASS)

12/4 – Advent / Trials of a King

12/11 – Advent / The King Who Had It All

12/18 – Advent / Kingdom’s Fall

12/25 – Christmas Day (NO CLASS)

1/1 – New Years’ Day (NO CLASS)

1/8 – Daniel in Exile

1/15 – The Return Home

1/22 – The Birth of the King

1/29 – Jesus’ Ministry Begins

2/5 – UNITY WORSHIP (offsite)

2/12 – No Ordinary Man

2/19 – Jesus, the Son of God

2/26 – The Hour of Darkness

3/5 – Ash Wednesday (6:30 worship)

3/12 – Lent / Resurrection

3/19 – Lent / New Beginnings

3/26 – Lent / Paul’s Mission

4/2 – NO CLASS (AASD Spring Break)

4/9 – Lent / Paul’s Final Days

4/16 – NO CLASS (Holy Week)

4/23 – End of the year party!

Schedule for Advent & Lent: 5:45-6:30 grilled cheese wednesday 6:30-7:10 advent/lenten worship 7:15-8:00 class Normal schedule: 5:45 grilled cheese Wednesday 6:30 gathering worship in sanctuary 7:00-8:00 class time


eighth grade schedule

9/11 – KICK OFF (parents & students)

9/18 – Apostle’s Creed Overview

9/25 – Creed, Article One

10/2 – Creed, Article Two

10/9 – Creed, Article Three

10/16 – The Sacrament of Baptism

10/23 – Guest Presentation on Suicide

10/30 – Word with Water

11/6 – The Sacrament of Communion

11/13 – Take and Eat

11/20 – BOWL-A-THON (offsite)

11/27 – Thanksgiving Break (NO CLASS)

12/4 – Advent / Lutheran Worship

12/11 – Advent / Acolyte Training

12/18 – Advent / Christmas activity

12/25 – Christmas Day (NO CLASS)

1/1 – New Years’ Day (NO CLASS)

1/8 – The Greatest Prayer (Lord’s Prayer)

1/15 – God’s Kingdom and Will

1/22 – God Gives and Forgives

1/29 – Temptation, Trial, and Deliverance

2/5 – UNITY WORSHIP (offsite)

2/12 – Ten Commandments (Us & God)

2/19 – Ten Commandments (Us & Others)

2/26 –

3/5 – Ash Wednesday (6:30 worship)

3/12 – Lent /

3/19 – Lent /

3/26 – Lent /

4/2 – NO CLASS (AASD Spring Break)

4/9 – Lent /

4/16 – NO CLASS (Holy Week)

4/23 –

Schedule for Advent & Lent: 5:45-6:30 grilled cheese wednesday 6:30-7:10 advent/lenten worship 7:15-8:00 class Normal schedule: 5:45 grilled cheese Wednesday 6:30 gathering worship in sanctuary 7:00-8:00 class time


ninth grade schedule

**9/15 – KICK OFF (Students & Parents)

9/25 – Sticky Faith: NOTICE

10/2 – Sticky Faith: UNPLUG

10/9 – Sticky Faith: RECEIVE

10/16 – Sticky Faith: YEILD

10/23 – Guest Presentation on Suicide

10/30 – Sticky Faith: SIMPLIFY

11/6 – Sticky Faith: LAMENT

11/13 – Sticky Faith: LOSE

11/20 – BOWL-A-THON (offsite)

11/27 – Thanksgiving Break (NO CLASS)

12/4 – Advent / Sticky Faith: MADE NEW

12/11 – Advent / Personal Faith Statements

12/18 – Advent / White Elephant Party

12/25 – Christmas Day (NO CLASS)

1/1 – New Years’ Day (NO CLASS)

1/8 – Student/Faith Mentor KICK OFF

1/15 – Faith Mentoring: GOD

1/22 – Faith Mentoring: FAITH

1/29 – Faith Mentoring: CHURCH

2/5 – Faith Mentoring: SERVICE

2/12 – Faith Mentoring: PURPOSE

2/19 – Class wrap-up


**KICK OFF IS ON A SUNDAY!! Schedule for Advent 5:45-6:30 grilled cheese wednesday 6:30-7:10 advent worship 7:15-8:00 class Normal schedule: 5:45-6:30 grilled cheese Wednesday 6:30-7:30 gathering worship in sanctuary 7:00-8:00 class time