20121118 the end pt 2 (ps. timothy loh)-chin

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Transcript of 20121118 the end pt 2 (ps. timothy loh)-chin

人们看待这个课题的 3 个方式The way people wrap around this subject:

• 迷信方式 Superstitious way

人们看待这个课题的 3 个方式The way people wrap around this subject:

• 迷信方式 Superstitious way

• 科学方式 Scientific way

人们看待这个课题的 3 个方式The way people wrap around this subject:

• 迷信方式 Superstitious way

• 科学方式 Scientific way

• 灵性方式 Scriptural way

人们看待这个课题的 3 个方式The way people wrap around this subject:

《圣经》看待末日的方式 The way Bible wrap around THE END:

《圣经》看待末日的方式 The way Bible wrap around THE END:

• 末日时候 - 末后的日子 The End time – the last days

《圣经》看待末日的方式 The way Bible wrap around THE END:

• 末日时候 - 末后的日子 The End time – the last days

• 末日事件 - 基督第二次降临 The End Event – the 2nd Coming of Christ

《圣经》看待末日的方式 The way Bible wrap around THE END:

• 末日时候 - 末后的日子 The End time – the last days

• 末日事件 - 基督第二次降临 The End Event – the 2nd Coming of Christ

• 末日审判 The End Judgment

基督第二次降临 The Second Coming of Christ

基督第二次降临 The Second Coming of Christ

• 《旧约》提到他的第一次降临 300 次 His first coming was mentioned 300 times in OT

基督第二次降临 The Second Coming of Christ

• 《旧约》提到他的第一次降临 300 次 His first coming was mentioned 300 times in OT

• 在总共 216 章的《新约》提到第二次降临318 次 The Second Coming is mentioned 318 times in 216 chapters in NT

基督第二次降临 The Second Coming of Christ

• 马太 24 、马可 13 、路加 21 、哥林多前书 15 、帖撒罗尼迦前书与后书、犹大和启示录是主要经文 Matt 24, Mk 13, Lk 21, 1 Cor 15, 1st and 2nd Thess, Jude, Revelations are key passages

彼得后书 2 Peter 3:3-43 你们首先要知道这一点 : 在末后的日子里 , 将有好讥诮的人出来讥诮 , 他们顺着自己的欲望生活 ,4   并且说 :“ 他来临的应许在哪里呢?其实自从祖先睡了以来 , 一切都继续存留 , 与创世之初一样 .”3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

几时 When

马太 Matt 24:36 “ 至于那日子和那时刻,没有人知道,连诸天之上的天使们也不知道,子也不知道,唯有父知道  “ But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

几时 When

使徒行传 Acts 1:7 耶稣对他们说 :“ 父凭着自己的权柄所定的时候和日期 , 不是你们可以知道 .And He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

如何 How

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

如何 How

• 他会亲自地到来 He will come personally

帖撒罗尼迦前书 1 Thess 4:16-17 16  因为在发令的呼喊声中 , 在天使长的声音和神的号角声中 , 主要亲自从天降临 , 而且那些在基督里死去的人要先复活 .16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

如何 How

• 他会亲自地到来 He will come personally

帖撒罗尼迦前书 1 Thess 4:16-17 17 然后我们这些还活着存留的人 , 要与他们一同被提到云里 , 在空中与主相会。这样 , 我们就要永远与主在一起了。 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

如何 How

• 他会明显和公开地到来 He will come visibly and publicly

路加 Luke 21:27 27 那时候 , 人们将要看见人子带着极大的权能和荣耀 , 在云彩中来临 。 "At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory."

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

如何 How• 他会突然和料不到的时刻到来 He will come suddenly and unexpectedly

马可 Mk 13:35-36 35 所以你们要警醒 , 因为你们不知道这家的主人什么时候回来 , 或傍晚 , 或半夜 , 或鸡叫时, 或凌晨 ;36 免得他忽然回来 , 看见你们在睡觉 .35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning— 36 lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping.

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

为什么 Why

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

为什么 Why

• 审判邪恶的人 To Judge the Wicked

帖撒罗尼迦后书 2 Thess 1:7-9 7 也要使你们这些受患难的人与我们一同得到安息 .8  神要在烈火中报应那些不认识神的人 , 以及那些不顺从我们主耶稣福音的人 ; 7 and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

为什么 Why

• 审判邪恶的人 To Judge the Wicked

帖撒罗尼迦后书 2 Thess 1:7-9 9 他们将受到刑罚 ,就是永远的灭亡 , 从主面前被隔绝 ,离开他权能的荣耀。9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

为什么 Why

• 带来完整的救赎 To Bring Completion to Salvation 希伯来 Heb 9:28 28 照样 , 基督为了担当众人的罪孽, 也被献上一次 ; 将来还要再一次显现 , 不是为了罪 ,而是为了使那些热切等待他的人得到救恩。 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

关于第二次降临的问题Questions on 2nd Coming

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

1. 罪孽会达到顶峰 Sin will reach its peak

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

1. 罪孽会达到顶峰 Sin will reach its peak

2. 最终的大叛教 Great Apostasy

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

1. 罪孽会达到顶峰 Sin will reach its peak

2. 最终的大叛教 Great Apostasy

3. 反基督 Anti Christ

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

1. 罪孽会达到顶峰 Sin will reach its peak

2. 最终的大叛教 Great Apostasy

3. 反基督 Anti Christ

4. 兽的印记 Mark of the Beast

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

1. 罪孽会达到顶峰 Sin will reach its peak

2. 最终的大叛教 Great Apostasy

3. 反基督 Anti Christ

4. 兽的印记 Mark of the Beast

5. 全球政府 One World Government

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

1. 罪孽会达到顶峰 Sin will reach its peak

2. 最终的大叛教 Great Apostasy

3. 反基督 Anti Christ

4. 兽的印记 Mark of the Beast

5. 全球政府 One World Government

6. 大灾难 Great Tribulation

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

7. 哈米吉多顿之战 Battle of Armageddon

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

7. 哈米吉多顿之战 Battle of Armageddon

8. 胜利与荣耀的教会 Victorious and glorious church

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

7. 哈米吉多顿之战 Battle of Armageddon

8. 胜利与荣耀的教会 Victorious and glorious church

9. 迷失的人的大收割 Great Harvest of lost people

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

7. 哈米吉多顿之战 Battle of Armageddon

8. 胜利与荣耀的教会 Victorious and glorious church

9. 迷失的人的大收割 Great Harvest of lost people

10.基督第二次降临与被提 2nd Coming of Christ and Rapture

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

7. 哈米吉多顿之战 Battle of Armageddon

8. 胜利与荣耀的教会 Victorious and glorious church

9. 迷失的人的大收割 Great Harvest of lost people

10.基督第二次降临与被提 2nd Coming of Christ and Rapture

11.死人复活 Resurrection of the dead

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

7. 哈米吉多顿之战 Battle of Armageddon

8. 胜利与荣耀的教会 Victorious and glorious church

9. 迷失的人的大收割 Great Harvest of lost people

10.基督第二次降临与被提 2nd Coming of Christ and Rapture

11.死人复活 Resurrection of the dead

12.千禧年 Millennium

《圣经》明确地指出 :What the Bible is clear:

如何准备 How To Get Ready

马太 Matt 25 “ 那时 , 天国好比十个童女 ,拿着她们的灯出去迎接新郎 .2 她们当中有五个是愚拙的 ,五个是聪明的 .3 那些愚拙的童女带着她们的灯 ,却没有带油 ; 4 而那些聪明的带着瓶子里的油 , 以及自己的灯 .5 后来新郎迟延不到 ,她们都打盹 , 睡着了 . “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.

如何准备 How To Get Ready6“ 半夜里 , 有人喧嚷 :‘看哪 , 是新郎 !你们出来迎接 !’ 7“十个童女都醒过来 ,修整她们的灯 .8愚拙的对聪明的说 :‘ 请把你们的油分一点给我们 , 因为我们的灯要灭了 .’ 9“但那些聪明的回答说 :‘不行 ,绝不够我们和你们用的 . 你们还是到卖油的那里去 , 为自己买吧 .’6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’

如何准备 How To Get Ready10“ 可是她们去买的时候 , 新郎就来了 . 那些预备好了的 ,与新郎一同进去赴婚宴 ,门就关上了 .11“ 后来其余的童女也来了 , 说 :‘主啊 , 主啊 ,请给我们开门 !’12“但是新郎回答说 :‘我确实地告诉你们 : 我不认识你们 .’13“ 所以你们要警醒 , 因为你们不知道那日子和那时刻 . 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. 11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.

如何保持你的油灯继续燃烧How to Keep Your Lamp Burning

如何保持你的油灯继续燃烧How to Keep Your Lamp Burning

1. 信仰上保持警醒 Be alert spiritually

如何保持你的油灯继续燃烧How to Keep Your Lamp Burning

1. 信仰上保持警醒 Be alert spiritually

2. 加入并成为教会活跃的一份子 Be committed and functioning part of a Church

如何保持你的油灯继续燃烧How to Keep Your Lamp Burning

1. 信仰上保持警醒 Be alert spiritually

2. 加入并成为教会活跃的一份子 Be committed and functioning part of a Church

3. 当一个得胜者 Be an overcomer

如何保持你的油灯继续燃烧How to Keep Your Lamp Burning

1. 信仰上保持警醒 Be alert spiritually

2. 加入并成为教会活跃的一份子 Be committed and functioning part of a Church

3. 当一个得胜者 Be an overcomer

4. 热切地侍奉上帝 Be fervent in serving God

如何保持你的油灯继续燃烧How to Keep Your Lamp Burning

1. 信仰上保持警醒 Be alert spiritually

2. 加入并成为教会活跃的一份子 Be committed and functioning part of a Church

3. 当一个得胜者 Be an overcomer

4. 热切地侍奉上帝 Be fervent in serving God

5. 对上帝的恩典保持信心 Be confident in God’s grace