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Working Party on Euro-Mediterranean industrial cooperation


Introduction Core Team Background to the Project Project Scope

Field Research Policy Inventory Good practices and expert analysis

Emerging findings Overview of preliminary opportunities for

improvement based on expert analysis and overview of trends


Project Team

Team Leader- Kim Møller, Oxford Research Derek Light, Oxford Research Henrik Mahncke, Oxford Research

Framework Contract Coordinator- Rob van der Horst, EIM Koos Van Elk, EIM

National Experts – Expert researchers in sustainable enterprise development in each of the partner countries



Country National Researcher Institution

Algeria Dr. Samir Baha-Eddine Maliki Mr. Amine Metaiche

University of Tlemcen

Egypt Dr. Alia Mohamed Abdel Monem El Mahdi

Cairo University

Israel Dr. Sibylle Heilbrunn Ruppin Academic Center

Jordan Dr. Ibrahim Hassan Saif Rani Khoury

Jordan University/Excel Consulting Associates

Lebanon Dr. Saifedean Ammous Dr. Walid Marrouch

Lebanese American University

Morocco Dr. Mohamed Derrabi  Al Akhawayn University



Mr. Muhannad HamedDr. Nabil Sukkar

Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS)

Syria Dr. Nabil Sukkar The Syrian Consulting Bureaufor Development and Investment

Tunisia Dr. Sofiane Ghali Dr. Zouhour Karray

University of 7 November

Background to the Project

Project Objective: To identify, analyse, contextualise, and describe

policy measures and good practice in Mediterranean partner countries with respect to sustainable enterprise development

Specific Purpose: Inform about policy measures taken or planned in

each of the nine countries covered by the project Identify and present good practice illustrating a

country's progress in the field of sustainable enterprise development


Scope of the ProjectParameters of the study

Enterprise Development From Euro-Med Charter: “a set of policies and measures aimed at

improving the business environment and operational conditions for enterprises…”

Sustainable- European Small Business Act - Principle Nine: “enabling SMEs to turn environmental challenges into opportunities” Enterprise/ Industrial Policies Governance is important- institutional framework development Horizontal policies or impacts- but sector-specific policies are


Environmental outcomes, but not environmental study Policies, regulations, institutions Eco-efficiency and sustainable production Purely environmental policies are a separate topic


Reporting Process

First Draft Report - 19.09.2011 Country Overview Inventory of policies Good practice Good practice database

Second Draft Report - 07.11.2011 Revised Field Research Expert Analysis

Final Report - 27.01.2012 Finalized Field Research and Expert Analysis Feedback from stakeholders Summary Report- Key policies, trends, and recommendations Methodology and executive summaries Translation into French


Scope of the studyData collection tool

Policy Framework Matrix Units that are consistent, valid, and relevant to study

objectives Simplicity - the creation of widely-applicable, generic


Generic policy instruments Compiled list based on traditional and emerging instrument

types Iterative process- refined before and after data collection

Enterprise-level impacts that reflect current European trends, offering opportunities for collaboration and convergence:

New products and services End-of-pipe versus Cleaner Production approaches Resource efficiency Regulatory versus market-based approaches 8

Scope of the studyData collection tool

Instruments Institutional or public organisational

development Regulation and standards development Administrative procedures Taxation or financial instruments Measurement and assessment

mechanisms Access to finance Technological development Research and development support Commercialisation support Education, skills, and training Entrepreneurship support Networks and partnerships Information services Demand support (incl. green public

procurement) Institutional or public organisational


Enterprise-level Impacts Uptake of environmental

regulations Improved Resource efficiency

(including energy) Maximizing use of renewable

energy and resources Reducing pollution and emissions

(end-of-pipe- EOP) Cleaner production and business

operations (CP) Improving product lifecycle Creation of new markets or

enterprises (incl. business models) Development of eco-innovative

products or services


Enterprise Impact


Uptake of environmental regulations

Improved Resource efficiency (including energy)

Maximizing use of renewable energy and resources

Reducing pollution and emissions (end-of-pipe- EOP)

Cleaner production and business operations (CP)

Improving product lifecycle

Creation of new markets or enterprises (incl. business models)

Development of eco-innovative products or services

Institutional or public organisational development

Regulation and standards development

Administrative procedures

Taxation or financial instruments

Measurement and assessment mechanisms

Access to finance

Technological development

Research and development support

Commercialisation support

Education, skills, and training

Entrepreneurship support*

Networks and partnerships

Information services

Demand support (incl. green public procurement)

Institutional or public organisational development

Sustainable Enterprise Development

Total of 89 examples of sustainable enterprise development Very positive findings Excellent sample size to carry out further inquiry

Some limitations Multi-component or cross-cutting instruments Varying concepts of sustainability and precision Policy-making approach: holistic versus dedicated policy

instruments or sector-specific measures Number of policies is not a good proxy for measuring progress

in sustainable enterprise development

Some trends emerge from descriptive overview but further analysis is required


Frequency- Instrument type

Field ResearchCountry overview

Field ResearchCountry overview


Frequency- Enterprise-level impacts

Sustainable Enterprise Development

Preliminary results only. Further research into trends required,

to be included in Final Report (early 2012)

Lack of market-based instruments Access to finance tends to be ad hoc or one-time grants Few incentive-based financing instruments Very limited demand-support mechanisms

Limited effort at changing markets or industries Few measures to support product-improvements or eco-

innovation Notable exception: Cleaner Production appears to be

increasingly common, especially linked to centers for cleaner production

Lower standards at product level could have implications for export markets


Sustainable Enterprise Development

In some cases, reflects priorities of international partners Main instruments include access to finance coupled with technical

assistance ‘Domestic’ policies tend to be regulatory or institutional

development in nature Weak systems-focus – limited examples of entrenching


Governance Several examples of stakeholder engagement and leadership from

private sector and not-for-profit organizations Limited examples of evaluation; varies significantly across

countries Some examples of comprehensive measures, but most instruments

appear to be one-off initiatives Number of examples of inter-sectoral cooperation: academic, public

sector, and enterprises working together for a variety of purposes


Field ResearchGood practice and Independent Expert Analysis

Collaboration between the core team and the expert researchers in each country

Good practices: Two per country Based on good practice criteria, balanced against priority

areas and available data sources

Independent Expert Analysis Focus on priority areas Country-level analysis Strengths, weaknesses, and critical factors affecting

implementation Preliminary set of recommended opportunities for


Emerging conclusions and recommendations, though further analysis is required



Country Selected good practice

1. Algeria 1) Law on Protection of the environment and sustainable development

2) National Centre of Cleaner Production Technologies

2. Egypt 1) Egyptian Pollution Abatement Project 2) Achieving Compliance with Environmental Regulation in Industry

3. Israel 1) Green Entrepreneurship Course2) Israeli Centre for Green Business

4. Jordan 1) EDAMA initiative 2) Environment Fund

5. Lebanon 1) Promotion of Decentralized Power Generation 2) Model for reduction of industrial wastewater

6. Morocco 1) Partial Exemption of Investment under the Investment Charter 2) Clean Development Mechanism

7. Pal. Auth. 1) SMEs Loans Mortgage programme2) Green loans

8. Syria 1) Syrian Agency for the Development of SMEs 2) Trust for Development

9. Tunisia 1) National Program for Integrated and Sustainable Management of Waste2) Program of Institutional Support in Environmental Education

Sustainable Enterprise DevelopmentEmerging Opportunities for Improvement

Fill the gaps - several examples of potential for diffusion of established instruments, market-based instruments and especially demand-support measures

Shift from ad hoc approaches to comprehensive measures - establishes linkages and generate cumulative effects

Support system change - Examples of entrenching sustainable enterprise through innovation or through the improvement of the regulatory, legal, and financing systems

Raise Awareness- Strengthen networks and intermediaries to reach broader set of enterprises, and communicate with the public


Sustainable Enterprise DevelopmentEmerging Opportunities for Improvement

Focus on results– significant lack of policy learning due to insufficient evaluation and weaknesses in implementation

Prioritize skills development - required to promote entrepreneurship but also to prepare the workforce to adopt new technologies and shift to new industries

Leveraging existing systems rather than building additional measures - Shifting existing industries and agencies to becoming more sustainable rather than creating new industries or agencies

Again, further analysis of key policies and trends is forthcoming in Final Report (early 2012)


Sustainable Enterprise DevelopmentIndicators of progress

Development is not a linear process Various approaches to dealing with sustainable enterprise


Avoid prescriptive indicators based on the choice of instruments to address problems

The current charter is ‘problem oriented’ (skills, access to finance) rather than solution-specific

Remember: Enterprise Development Avoid particular sector (energy generation) and focus on

enterprise-level impacts Avoid focus on public-sector development Avoid focus on ecology or environmental protection

Sustainable enterprise development is horizontal, not vertical

Consider integrating sustainability into the other ten dimensions


Merci! Thank you!

Derek Light, Oxford Researchdli@oxfordresearch.dk