2012 samvad all-pages_final-csr initiatives in mundra

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Transcript of 2012 samvad all-pages_final-csr initiatives in mundra

a dialogue with our stakeholders


THE TATA POWER COMPANY LIMITED, Bombay House, 24 Mody Street, Mumbai 400001.www.tatapower.com

COASTAL GUJARAT POWER LIMITED (Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Tata Power), Backbay Receiving Station, 148 Gen. J.Bhonsle Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai 4000021

COASTAL GUJARAT POWER LIMITED 4000 UMPP PROJECT SITE, CGPL office Complex, Block B, Tunda Vandh road, Village Tunda, Taluka Mundra Kutch, Gujarat-370435

Concept & Content: The 4th Wheel, AhmedabadDesign: More On Design, AhmedabadDisclaimer: All rights reserved.No part in the publication maybe reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, digital or mechanical, including scanning photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system relating to all or part of the text, photographs, logo types, without first obtaining permission in writing from the company together with the copyright owners as featured.

All the respondents featured in this publication have given their consent for their views, opinions andphotographs to be published.

“The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives

Anthony Robbins

Conversations With The Management

Government Officials | Opinion Leaders Talk About Cgpl’s Presence In Mundra

Project Partner Views

Stories From The Community Around Cgpl Building institutions for sustainable development Building Relationships through Needs based Engagement and Support to Fishermen Farmers Animal Husbandry

Community Dialogue on Increasing access to quality education Bringing health care to the doorstep of communities Investments in infrastructure development Catering to Natural Resource Management Self Help Groups and skill training Recreation and community events

A message from the CR team of CGPL

Kutch is synonymous with a rich culture and heritage, beautiful landscapes, scenic beauty and world famous-intricate embroidery done by traditional local artisans. This district located in Gujarat, has recently become a hot bed for industrial activity in the country. One such town in Kutch to grab the opportunity of economic growth and development; with ports conducive to economic activity and industrious forward thinking people, has been Mundra, a coastal town, known as the ‘Paris of Kutch’.

Coastal Gujarat Power Limited (CGPL)’s establishment is rooted in the ‘Power for all by 2012’ initiative, launched by the Government of India in 2005.CGPL was incorporated on 10th February, 2006, as a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to implement the Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP). This project was meant to provide cheaper power through economy of scale, using super critical technology and benefitting the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. A UMPP is to be implemented through public private partnerships. This was the first UMPP in India and was awarded to Tata Power on 22nd April, 2007 to be implemented in Mundra, Kutch.

Mundra is predominantly agricultural with a strong presence of traditional occupations of animal husbandry and fishing. Social development issues like poor health and education facilities, a lack of occupational and vocational opportunities, underdeveloped infrastructure and a small number of skilled manpower still haunts this area.

Social and environmental change won’t happen overnight. Companies have a responsibility to commit themselves to see that change, and set long-term goals. Our work was initiated in 2007. Since inception, we have undertaken a participatory and needs based engagement with our

surrounding communities. Different thematic areas have been adopted by us, in line with our ethical beliefs and principles. There is still a long way to go to achieve our dream of an empowered and economically stable society. Our work is ongoing, gaining momentum and new positive direction every day. We have always relied on stakeholder feedback to assess our programs and the progress achieved, which is why we bring to you “Samvad”, a hindi word which means ‘Dialogue’. This publication aims to bring varied perspectives from different stakeholder groups about Community Relation’s (CR) engagements, and will set the ball rolling for future CR activities of CGPL in Mundra.

Different chapters in the book are stakeholder interviews taken in the months of May-June, 2012. The interviews were regarding CGPL’s presence in Mundra, CR activities, rationale, planning, strategy, execution, impact achieved and future initiatives.

The first section involves thoughts of the management pertaining to CR, the second and third sections garner views from Government officials, opinion leaders of the area and project partners. The fourth section looks at key community stakeholders and how CGPL has made an impact on their livelihood opportunities. The fifth section brings the reader face to face with village community members who have been beneficiaries of various CR interventions. They tell their stories and narrate the difference CGPL has created in their lives. The last section concludes with the Community Relations (CR) team elaborating on the way forward.

This experience of stakeholder engagement, compiling ‘Samvad’ has been a journey of strengthening the dedication and commitment to Community

Relations (CR) - ‘with’ the community and ‘for’ the community.


to their needs and ensuring improvement in their quality of lives. There is great emphasis laid on building and strengthening community institutions like Village Development and Advisory Committee (VDAC) and SHGs, which will enable communities to realize their rights and entitlements. Our model of working in partnership with NGOs, State and Central bodies has helped us to widen the reach and leverage each partner’s individual experience and expertise, thereby making a substantial difference in the lives of communities.

Our future endeavors include setting up of institutions with market linkages and building a strong brand to benefit the local artisans along with ensuring sustainable livelihoods for fishermen. These will be achieved through SAGARBANDHU program, investments in SHIKSHA SAARTHI project and enabling rural youth to develop life skills needed for employment through skill based vocational training programs.

It shall always be CGPL’s endeavour to have benchmark and comprehensive socio-economic; environmental and bio-diversity improvements in the communities around the Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project.

In line with our beliefs and values, this publication is a great initiative by CGPL to bring together various stakeholders to give their feedback on our community development initiatives, giving due importance to our surrounding community and creating a culture of dialogue with them. Best regards.


Tata Power’s journey over the past 10 decades is a fascinating saga of pioneering initiatives directed towards socio economic empowerment of its com-munities. Today as India’s largest integrated power company, Tata Power has set the momentum for

responsible and ‘sustainable’ growth. The Company intends to be a ‘neighbour of choice’ by demonstrating ‘Care for its Communities’.

Coastal Gujarat Power Limited, in line with this philosophy has begun the journey of engaging its neighboring communities to address their developmental needs and issues. A systematic strategy has been followed for the identification and grouping of stakeholders based on their influence, leading to a phased stakeholder dialogue. It includes exploring and engaging, building and formalizing, implementing actions and then continuously evaluating in a manner that institutionalizes a relationship with communities. The programs and their outcomes are aligned to achieve high level of impact and sustenance.




Tata Power has consistently worked to develop a Community Relations (CR) Strategy keeping in mind business processes and growth till 2025. The process includes referring to Tata Group’s philosophy, Tata

Power enterprise strategy, sustainability model and CR policy and risk.

The scope of the strategy aspires to demonstrate leadership with care,

to mitigate risks, explore opportunities, growth and innovations in the

community domain. The goals of the CR strategy have been designed to benefit both the business and community, thereby creating a sustainable and long term CR model.

For deployment of CR strategy, Tata Power designed new processes (Enterprise Process Model – EPM and Standard Operating Procedures-SOP), which have given a complete overview of how the CR department would function systematically with standardizing all activities. There are three core EPMs, which are to improve living conditions of communities of Affected Villages in projects, to be a neighbor of choice to communities around operations and to learn and co-create caring solutions (including employee volunteering).

CR always initiates entry point activities to understand communities and their needs for long term development. The programmatic approach at Tata Power for conducting CR initiatives is based on different surveys like Social Impact Assessments (SIA), Baselines, Need Assessments and Micro Level Planning. SIA identifies impact of

A strong management is the backbone of any successful company. It is the top management that ultimately makes strategicdecisions and exhibits leadership in an organization. Top Management is considered as the captain of a ship. They establishthe goals and objectives of the business, decide how to use the company’s resources and set the direction which the companywill follow. At Tata Power- CGPL, priorities are clear within the management, with a deep understanding on the importance of community relations and sustainable development. This will be further understood with what CGPL- Tata Power’s management personnel share in this chapter.

The above strategy has taken CGPL to a journey that spans the themes of education, health, income generation and livelihood, natural resource management, infrastructure and institution building.

Some of CGPL’s notable efforts include ‘Project Sujaan’ which has led to overall improvement in academic performance among the children; grazing land mitigation and providing fodder for (3000) cattle in villages applauded by the national and state authorities; Self Help Group (SHG) initiative providing support to 227 women of the villages by initiating microfinance activity and health management comprising of prevention of blindness program by reaching out to 244 people.

CGPL with the assistance of grass root NGOs also implemented Project ‘Uttkarsh’- a holistic community development program catering to the needs of the community through their active participation. Uttkarsh is giving impetus to Safe drinking water by installing RO plants, rural energy and water management by construction of check dams, creation of Adarsh Agwanwadis, establishing milk collection centers, activities related to farming and drip irrigation, and many more. The Company continues to serve its target neighboring communities by working with them to ensure that they benefit from the Company’s presence by proactively responding

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We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. – Native American Proverb

It is realized at CGPL that the Government is a key stakeholder. Our activities aim to substantiate their efforts and no activity is started without their views and consultations. Work is undertaken with representative &accountable NGOs and community based organizations. Employees are recognized and involved as effective channels of communication. It is also crucial to interact with stakeholders in the community in a genuine and fair manner, respond to their concerns, form connections and find a way to disseminate information about ongoing projects so that they are credible and transparent.On this basis, we constantly strive to involve and consult all these stakeholders in our CR undertakings. ‘Samvad’ has been a good way to understand CGPL- Tata Power stakeholders and their views.

Our journey has begun. With the help of the CGPL family, which includes the management, employees, surrounding communities and partners, we have already seen delightful results. We are certain our commitment and perseverance will ensure Mundra enjoys inclusive and sustainable growth in leaps and bounds in the near future. I wish the CR team good luck for future endeavors.


Lately, there has been tremendous national and international emphasis laid on ‘stakeholder engage-ment and participation’ in CSR programs. We thought it best to go one step forward and record the views of; and our conversations with various stakeholders

of Coastal Gujarat Power Limited (CGPL), A Tata Power initiative.

With the advent of industrialization come growth, development and progress. At times this is coupled with suspicion, discontent and opposition. CGPL is committed to increasing the positive impact their operations and functioning has in society. We at CGPL believe that growth is only such, which percolates down to local people and communities. Even though it has been a short time of 5 years in the area, this place is now our home and its people, our family. Decisions for positively ‘reconstructing’ the area are not taken in isolation but with continuous, active stakeholder consultations, participation and dialogue. Each stakeholder of CGPL is given equal priority since we firmly believe the ‘shareholder era’ has passed.

CGPL is always striving for consultations and a process of engagement with different stakeholders. This strategy has been integrated into core business activities and has been measured in terms of its effectiveness in building constructive working relationships.

A top priority at CGPL has been stakeholder identification. Stakeholders have been strategized and prioritized, stakeholders who are directly or indirectly affected by business operations have been identified and socio-economic fact sheets have been developed.

business on society; Baseline surveys find out community socio-economic and cultural profiles and Community and Needs Assessments understand the short and long term needs of the community and current available resources. Based on these, CR department categorizes the community as per the impact, which facilitates action accordingly. CR prepares micro level plans, alternative livelihood plans and village development plans for surrounding communities and marginalized groups including Scheduled Tribes, Schedule Castes, differently-able persons, widows and senior citizens.‘Samvad’ is a case in point, to stress on the importance we give to our stakeholders, their views and experiences with Tata Power. We hope we motivate other corporate houses to attach the same importance to their stakeholders in their operations and growth plans.


Sustainable development is a pattern of economic growth in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment, to ensure needs can be met not only in the present, but also

for generations to come. Sustainability is the long-term maintenance of responsibility towards the Triple Bottom Line- Environmental, Economic, Social as well as Governance performance. It encompasses the concept of stewardship and responsible management of resource use.

Sustainability is a way of working at Tata Power, with utmost care for the environment and people residing in the vicinity of our operations. Our Hydro installation way back in early 19th

Century is testimony to the vision of Jamshedji Tata of having corporate philosophy tied to Sustainable Development. We have taken many Voluntarily Environmental initiatives across our all stations such as the Green Manufacturing Index, Corporate Sustainability Protocol Index (CSPI), Corporate Sustainability Reporting as per Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Our community related activities for social upliftment are based on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations.

We have been growing in the renewable power generation with aggressive plans in solar generation. We feel proud to mention that today 20% of our generation capacity is from renewable sources. As a growing organization, we are developing new projects across the country and our intent is to be

the ‘neighbor of choice’. In caring for the community around us, we build long term relationships with the community and bring in prosperity for the organization as well as the community.

We have developed Principles of Community Engagement which address our actions in Caring for the Community. The Tata Group has always been working with the community and taking steps to build a stronger India. At CGPL, Plant Sustainability Committee integrates social responsibility and environmental concerns with the goal of improving the quality of life of all our stakeholders. We remain committed to the issues of resource conservation, environment protection and the enrichment and development of local communities living around the project vicinity.

The conversations of ‘Samvad’ have us delighted, that we are on the right path of ensuring Sustainability at the basis of our functioning. As we say; Lighting up Lives! I am sure this compilation of conversations will be a guiding source for our future activities in the vicinity of Mundra.My best wishes.

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The philosophy of corporate social responsibility as practiced by Tata Group is legacy of its founders. The multitude of community initiatives the group has sowed and fostered from its earliest days flows from this wellspring voluntary, as opposed to obligatory commitment. – Mr. Ratan Tata

business values and operations to meet expectations of all its stakeholders. The Gandhian philosophy of social work is always given a high place of importance which stresses on the involvement of Panchayati raj systems. Taking that philosophy forward we consulted the village Gram Panchayats to form a Village Development Advisory Council (VDAC), which would be the first contact point for CGPL to undertake any developmental work in the villages. This would ensure participatory and inclusive growth in the area.

I hope this dialogue with our stakeholders would help us to learn and build the future we all visualize together, for a better sustainable tomorrow. As is business and so in stakeholder engagement, it is a process of Plan-Do-Check-Act and I see this document as an input into the Check phase.

I would like to thank the Mundra team for putting up this process. I would also like to thank the VISHWAS team ( our community function identity) for their efforts on the ground to take forward the CR journey


The Tata Group of Companies is perceived to be one of the most exemplary and reputed organizations in the country for having ethics at the centre of their functioning. This is coupled with constantly innovating and extending their reach, to serve

disadvantaged communities.

“No success or achievement in material terms is worthwhile unless it serves the needs or interest of the country and its people”. CGPL holds these words of Mr. JRD Tata at the basis of their operations. We are committed to all our stakeholders and have made significant efforts to link the progress of our communities to our progress, ensuring that they benefit from our presence. The institutional arrangements created in the community, constant interactions with communities, NGOs, state and national bodies working in those areas have resulted in creating substantial differences in their lives.

Our efforts to build long term relationships with our communities through sustainable development continue with zeal and enthusiasm. We recognize that holistic Community development is a journey, which we have started, and there is a long way to go and a lot more to achieve, but we are confident of making a positive dent in the lives of communities we operate in.

This attempt at recording stakeholder conversations and know about various CR interventions from the beneficiaries themselves, will be a benchmark and trend setter for various CSR reporting methods. I wish to

congratulate the team on their hard-work and efforts.


The purpose of community relations at CGPL-Tata Power, is to promote the concept of “Leadership with Trust”. CGPL CR team started this journey in December 2007 with an idea to help people to help themselves. The team initiated rapport building through consultative processes including focus group discussions, entry point programs, networking and convergence.

CGPL’s initiatives in the field of Education, Health, Livelihood Development and social infrastructure development are a few illustrations. The CR initiatives started at an early stage of the project in Mundra. Subsequently, the company was able to launch structured CSR activities in the area

For us, community participation is a critical success factor for any community development effort. Building on this, a series of consultative dialogue with village elected representatives; opinion leaders and community at large were started..

Our presence at Mundra has touched the lives of communities around our areas of operation in many ways, especially in the six catchment villages and hamlets- Tunda-Vandh, Mota Kandagra, Nanabhadia, Tragadi, Tragadi Bunder and Modhva of Mundra and Mandvi Taluka of Kutch.

Our organization is committed to the welfare of society and believes that one of the pre-requistites for sustained business growth is a peaceful neighborhood. CGPL believes in integrating its

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In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder in business but is in fact the very purpose of its existence. - Jamsetji N. Tata, Founder, Tata Group.


“Employment is required for sustainability and empowerment of people. 5 years ago, employment opportunities were scarce. Rain fed agriculture, animal husbandry and handicrafts prevailed as main occupations which gave people measly

incomes. With the advent of companies in the area, employment increased in construction work and ancillary industries and shops.

There has been a constant dialogue between the village and CGPL to improve and provide employment options, which can make the youth more employable. The CR team has been very forthcoming in this regard and plans to conduct baseline surveys pertaining to employment provision. The intervention of CGPL to invest in Gaushalas is a great and unique approach which has resulted due to CGPL’s concern for the mitigation of Gauchar (grazing) land. The company thought to support to the Cattle owners through construction of Gaushala that too in their own land and round the year fodder is provided to the cattle. This intervention has also resulted in an increase in the number of cattle in the

vicinity. In 2007, the population of cattle was just 500 and now the population is more than 1500.This has increased the livelihood prospects of the cattle owners of the vicinity and in turn, their quality of life. This was possible due to series of discussions with CGPL and their pro activeness for supporting the cattle owners of the region. The importance of education has been realized in our village since people have understood that jobs would only be provided to those who are academically qualified and those who are unskilled and uneducated would not be able to get jobs. CGPL has done commendable work for the development of infrastructure


“The Fisheries and Port Department primarily focuses on the development of marine talukas and districts by working extensively towards livelihood up gradation in these areas. A number of schemes

for the social and economic upliftment of fishermen communities have been devised and upgraded. These include provision of subsidized solar lights, kerosene and fishing nets along with marketing subsidies across all coastal districts. The department works to ensure fishermen security, boat registrations, assistance in procuring fishing licenses, regular monitoring of livelihood conditions and preparation of bio metric cards for fishermen. Our work and programs are strengthened by our partnerships with different organizations. CGPL is one of the most noteworthy of them.

In Mundra, small sized fishermen don’t have equipments and find it difficult to survive from traditional farming methods. Many complain of pollution, causing deterrence in their professions. Majority of them lack basic infrastructure in their villages and at their work sites. CGPL has recognized and made ample efforts in the direction of improving their situations. Modern equipments for fishing have been provided by CGPL to the fishermen community in addition to cooking pans, solar lights, etc. which enhances their quality of living and the profitability from fishing. They have given top priority to increase education levels and infrastructure in

their surrounding villages. CGPL provides assistance with a bottom up, participatory approach and always make efforts looking at local contexts and needs. CGPL is doing substantial work for fishermen and constantly aim to build stronger links to their stakeholders and people from their surrounding village communities.”


“I have been in Kutch since the 1980s when the area was severely under developed. Economic and

social development ushered into Kutch, after the 2001 earthquake, when industrial investments picked up rapid pace. Mundra started developing much before that because of its long coastline and established port. Development of the Mundra Port led to many ancillary industries starting in the area, which gave a huge push to self-employment. People also have increased employment opportunities due to the establishment of industries like CGPL. Above increasing employment levels in the area, CGPL has been a step ahead in supporting surrounding communities.

The Gaushala (cowshed) initiative has been a benchmark project for promoting and protecting animal husbandry as an occupation. Villagers have been enthusiastic about the initiative as it provides regular fodder, needed to enhance incomes from animal husbandry. I have circulated, informed and presented this practice amongst many organizations, Government bodies and to the Cabinet Ministry. CGPL has also invested in improving grazing lands in these areas, which has made the milk yield of the cattle higher thereby, increasing the income of the villagers. Their efforts to enhance livelihoods in traditional occupations have been a great boon in surrounding areas. They have undertaken interventions in various other thematic areas for holistic development of their neighboring communities. I am certain that through its sustained and focused CR initiatives, CGPL will add significantly to the momentum of growth and development in Mundra.”


Community Relations (CR) expresses values of fairness, equality, accountability, opportunity, choice, participation, mutuality, reciprocity and continuous learning. Educating, enabling and empowering are the essence of Community Relations at CGPL. We have been strongly supported by Government officials and local village leaders in the vicinity since they believe in our focused CR efforts. The State has been making some serious strides in ensuring overall development of communities. We believe there is tremendous potential to increase this momentum, through partnerships. CGPL has always maintained dialogue, transparency and an approachable attitude with Government bodies and opinion leaders. We are privileged to gain their support and are dedicated to substantiating and strengthening their various programs.

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The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said. - Peter F. Drucker

in our villages. Construction of Community Halls (Samajwadis), a state of the art cricket ground, gardens, animal sheds, street lights, RO water plants, etc. has increased amenities and built sustainable social capital. CGPL’s team constantly conducts meetings with us and consults us on developmental and other social issues through the VDAC. Health issues also exist in the village to a great extent. People have to travel more than 15 kms to reach a hospital. CGPL caters to this problem through their health camps. CGPL is always consulting us and finding solutions to address social and economic problems. These various interventions and interactions of CGPL have increased harmonious relations with the community nearby.”


“The company has undertaken varied initiatives for

the development of the village. There were no social and economic provisions in the village before, now there are development efforts and employment opportunities all

around us. They have provided extensive liveli-hood support, tools to fishermen like fishing nets, built approach roads to our community and invested in other infrastructure amenities. These interventions have helped fishermen increase their productivity and in turn their income levels. Education stands are a very important part in any area’s development. With their various interventions in education the area will definitely prosper in the coming years. We are certain that the company’s presence will bring in a new wave of development for our village. Our journey for prosperity and development with CGPL has started, with a focus on partnerships, and we believe that together we will be able to build a sustainable and happy community.”


“A few years ago, the problems in Mundra were many. Issues of water scarcity and salinity, ailments like cardiac problems, joint pains, child mortality, lack of education, etc. were widely prevalent. CGPL entered our villages by gaining people’s confidence

through community dialogue and participation.

I oversee the operations of an education trust. Primary education is a major issue in rural areas. The mentality of parents against education, higher education facilities being very far, the entire village catchment area having only one school, etc are some of the many reasons for low education levels. CGPL has aided the development of education through its varied programs. They are currently discussing to start a bus service for children in different villages. This will increase enrollment and attendance levels due to increased accessibility to schools. Medical check-ups for children are also done by CGPL in schools. They set up RO plants in collaboration

with local bodies which led to ownership and recycled income in the village. Earlier, people did not know or understand what development is. Local residents had no exposure. The company has led to vision broadening of people. Dams and regular water availability in villages has increased living standards. Job opportunities have increased and so education has been given more importance. The community halls that CGPL built have strengthened associations and facilitated meetings for discussions on development issues. ‘Kutchis’ have a very important role to play in CGPL’s development and the company always acknowledges that. CGPL has a great reputation and we have a lot of confidence in their abilities to solve problems. Wonders will be created with CGPL- Tata Power’s dedication and commitment to community development.”


“Mundra and Mandvi villages have seen many positive changes with CGPL’s efforts. In the next five years I see a higher economic growth of the area, nearby land prices will increase and in turn benefit

the people. The public spaces and gardens constructed by CGPL have been beneficial to the community and increased mobilization and recreation

of people. The launch of the educational learning stations in the name of SUJAAN, have been of great help to us to increase education facilities and spark the interest in students to attend school. CGPL has given educational kits for students; this has attracted more student enrollments and less drop outs in the area. The schools have requested for more educational kits for the coming academic year and CGPL has readily agreed to support this initiative. They are always supportive and helpful when required, in this similar fashion. CGPL has ushered in a new dynamism and positive outlook in people with their efforts”.


“My hospital, which caters to deaf and differently abled individuals, has a very cordial and mutually respectful relationship with CGPL.

The company has always been forthcoming and helped with any required investments,

infrastructure or medicines for our hospital. In the context of CGPL, I have to narrate one of the many incidents which proved to me how responsible and caring CGPL is towards the community.

There was a fire in the village and one woman suffered serious burns and was brought to our hospital. CGPL team members called our hospital and told us to take care of her and not to worry about the expenses. This was very touching since they did not have any vested interests in her well being but were genuinely concerned about the effects of the fire on people of the village.

They have made many interventions in education, health and infrastructure,

and are truly doing a fantastic job in looking after villagers”.

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No success or achievement in material terms is worthwhile unless it serves the needs or interests of the country and its people. – J.R.D tata

The Gaushala (animal shed) intervention has had outstanding impact in providing livelihoods and earning higher incomes in beneficiary villages. There are never any caste issues in implementation and devising programs, since CGPL conducts regular Lok Dayro (Cultural Promotion) programs which bridges the gap and increases community solidarity, respect and interactions amongst communities.

CGPL has perpetually stressed on sustainable and needs based models and focused on gaining trust and talking to stakeholders. Everyone’s voice in the community is heard in their catchment and vicinity villages- not just the rich and influential. The field and managerial staff of CGPL always stay connected to communities through regular meetings, discussions and dialogue. The company has always respected VRTI’s mission and principles of development and never involved us in petty politics, risk mitigation or legitimacy issues. They have always been forthcoming, enthusiastic and supportive with our developmental plans and activities. They assist us with dedication and firm conviction in our organization’s mission. CGPL supports us with monetary, monitoring and personnel contributions and have paved the way for development at a village and individual level.”


“I have been in Kutch for 36 years and the director of VRTI for the past three years. CGPL has always understood that partnerships with NGOs reduce corruption and uneven distribution of wealth issues; that we have the legitimacy and accountability in the area

and would be able to extend the company’s missions better. CGPL has attached considerable importance to natural resource management, the environment and its surrounding community and stakeholders. It has been a privilege to work with CGPL since they have laid heavy emphasis on consultations and stakeholder dialogues which in the long run is important for projects to be a success. Economic gain has been achieved in the area because of CGPL since roads and infrastructure has increased and investments have been made in Green Belts and environmental initiatives. The main areas looked at in partnership with CGPL are Tragadi and Nana Bhadiya villages. We undertook baseline research, stakeholder mappings, needs assessments, consulted CGPL for interventions and implemented their projects.


Drawing on the expertise and energy of many agencies and individuals working together, can increase the impact created by programs. We converge with various local partners and institutes to work for the overall development of the communities around CGPL. We also conduct awareness and necessary training programs to enhance the capacity of the community members and our partners. Our Partners share their experiences on how CGPL has helped in extending their social missions.


“Hole in the wall (HiWEL) was started by Dr. Sugata Mitra at Delhi in 1999 as an NIIT subsidiary and later, a World Bank and IFC funded project. The program has been tested and used in rural and urban areas, by state Governments, under the “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan” of the Central Government and internationally

in places like Cambodia. HiWEL’s main aim is to provide children with an exposure to technology apart from televisions and radios. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems break the barriers to information in education.

The computers under the HiWEL program train and orient children in three areas – English, Computers and Mathematics. CGPL requested us to launch 5 HiWEL learning stations in schools of their surrounding villages. We undertake a baseline study in the area before we start any intervention and the one in Mundra villages was undertaken in July 2011. We learnt that there were high dropout rates, low retention rates, children were very poor in English and Computers and showed tremendous potential in mathematics. The school did have computers but they were inaccessible to students. We launched the project in collaboration with CGPL when the school admissions were on.

An impact study was conducted again in December 2011 with the same sample as the baseline study. Results showed considerable improvements in our content assimilation test which assesses a child on English, computers and math’s learning. The teachers of the school have been delighted with the program since it has also helped in maintaining child’s interest and


“Kalaraksha works for training and promoting local artisans. We have a one year training program, free for women and charged at Rs. 10,000 for men. At the end of the year the artisans have a convocation ceremony and exhibition fair where there is a jury to test their skills and see their work. This is concluded with a

fashion show where we get famous models from Bombay to walk the ramp and model these artisans’s work. CGPL has been supporting and sponsoring the fair from the last 3-4 years. The fair increases awareness about design principles, gives the artisans more product options, merges traditional and contemporary art, making it more market oriented and pushes the use of natural fibers. The fair promotes local artisans and trades since the criteria of enrollment in the program, is that the student should be from the region and he/she should be a traditional artisan. The fair provides a very huge market platform for the artisans as varied buyers come to attend the show and place orders for their designs. Other similar smaller organizations attend the fair, learn about different arts and are motivated to take up such projects. The artisans have grown in their own craft and deal with the market place much more confidently. Women are now very aware and vocal and through this program an out let for creativity is

provided. Sponsorship support for local artisans, teachers and students to International fairs in U.S and all over the world, is the instrumental support extended by CGPL in preserving the local art and furthering our mission. CGPL has always been a great support in our mission and interventions.”

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teacher’s learning. Children have started taking part in the sessions and are able to practice what they learn on these computers. Teachers as well as students have begun to observe, replicate and understand interactive methods of teaching. All this has been made possible due to CGPL’s initiative of launching our program.

We aim to reach every student and teacher in the community, creating an ownership in them for the learning stations. CGPL’s focus is on sustainable development. Our focus is on increasing mainstreamed and institutionalized ICT, taking into account local area specifications. Both the organizations have gelled exceptionally well due to their similar goals and principles and have become a strong team.

The faith for CGPL, I have seen in the eyes of its surrounding communities is fantastic. We could not have asked for a better, people centric organization like CGPL, as our partner.”


“WASMO undertakes a participatory rural approach towards water supply and sanitation. The Government passed a program for primary schools to set up RO and UV plants to reduce the high TDS in drinking water. When studies were undertaken in this area, we found that more than 1000 TDS existed in the water creating major health hazards. We approached CGPL to

support us in setting up RO plants for 12 schools and they readily agreed. They regularly monitor the programs and hold consultations & meetings

with us. CGPL has also formed a water committee of the children in the schools which was an important value addition for the project. CGPL is definitely one of our most forthcoming and supportive partners in Mundra.”


“CGPL is always involved in helping rural areas avail of banking extension services. They have continuously taken our help to spread information on the importance of banking and financial inclusion, filling a check, making accounts, bank deposits, money credits, withdrawals, ATM use, etc to their community members. HDFC has a Tunda gram panchayat

account, which makes the villagers have more faith in savings and using banking facilities. A person has been appointed in the villages to consult

on and solve local banking issues. With CGPL in the area vouching for villagers, we are able to trust them, help open accounts and provide credit. The financial inclusion in rural areas, achieved with the company’s presence has been commendable”.


“I have been working in the bank since 1984. In the last few years, Mundra has become a full fledged town with immense development. The bank has managed to increase accounts in rural areas considerably, due to the presence of CGPL. The focused intervention of the CR team for financial inclusion of communities is admirable. CGPL has given a lot of guidance to

women in the village to form stronger SHGs. There are usually 10-20 people in a group and they contribute between Rs. 10-50 monthly. They use this money for internal lending for various purposes. It is empowering only if they use the money to generate income, for example, buy a cow which will give them returns. Investing money in income generating activities leads to stronger SHGs. There are regular meetings, trainings and workshops for SHGs through

CGPL. Women have become more aware; they attend meetings and trainings and pass on that knowledge to their group. The future looks bright with the company also taking responsibilities of providing job

opportunities and increasing the quality of education in this area.”

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Companies are realizing that it is in their business interest to ‘ do the right thing’ everywhere they operate. Global firms are keenly aware that their long-term investment goals can only be achieved within a stable, healthy and free of social and financial environment. But companies alone cannot solve the challenges associated with social responsibility. They must work in cooperation with governments, civil society groups, development institutions, and citizens. - World Bank


Prosperity in a village, is gauged by the productivity of its people. Unemployment is one of the key problems in rural areas. When CGPL entered Mundra it was committed to the cause of increasing livelihood opportunities. Utilizing local labour and manpower was a key mandate in our operations. Local people have been absorbed and employed at the CGPL plant. Beyond this, employed candidates are given regular trainings in English, confidence building, computers and personality development. Livelihood opportunities in the area have also increased by creation of direct, indirect employment and entrepreneurship as vendors and suppliers among local people. The Green Belt project by CGPL which caters to environment sustainability and aims to build nurseries and dense green patches around the CGPL plant, has also provided considerable amount of jobs in the surrounding villages.


“My family was running a provision store in the village since many years. When CGPL came to our village they gave me the contract to run another provision store in the Plant’s labour colony area. A second store has almost doubled

our family income since all the laborers buy their daily ration from our store. Income from the plant has greatly increased our standard of living. We have been investing the additional income in our children’s education. There are many others who have been given such kind of contracts, helping to overcome limited resources and opportunities in the village.”



“Before CGPL, we used to farm only in the monsoon and had about 12 cattle from which we sold milk the rest of the year. When CGPL was formed, my family was offered the contract to maintain the Labor colony as well as one of the Green belts. I along with my brother have been handling these two contracts from

the last 2 and half years. With the contract work my family’s income has tremendously increased, which I could never imagine 5 years ago.”



“I have been involved in embroidery work all my life. The work was very irregular without any substantial income. I could never take any financial decisions because of the uneven nature of my income. A few years ago, CGPL has provided me an opportunity to work in the green belt which is a nursery. My income flow

has been steady and has bought solidity in my life and finances. I get regular work and my income has increased by over 10%. Many women from my village have been recruited along with me to maintain the green belt. I look after watering of the plants, spraying pesticides, planting new seeds and other regular maintenance work. The company is always positive and strives to provide alternate livelihood opportunities and we are very grateful to them.”


“’Kutchi Bhunga’ is an art passed on to me from my ancestors. It is an art that only three people have originally learnt and has now been passed on to over 50 people in Kutch. The art is used in construction, using cow dung and other traditional material for the mix, which works as self coolants. Such a structure not only saves energy for the organization but at the same time promotes an age old art of the region. CGPL wanted to

construct an office in their Gaushala (animal shed) area. They have hired many traditional artists like my-self and many people locally, to construct the office space. CGPL has taken an important step towards saving the traditional art in the region and preserving cultural heritage and architecture. They have maintained their policy of using local manpower which is very satisfying to our community. I hope that other companies also follow their initiative.”


“CGPL has given a new direction to my life by employing me. Along with working with the company, I am also pursuing my Bachelors degree. Today in India, English has become the business language. One cannot progress in their job unless they have a grip over the language. Understanding of the language increases one’s chances of employability and growth. Taking in view these factors, people

from my villages and the nearby villages who work for CGPL, asked the team to take evening Spoken English classes. Before the English classes it was very difficult for me to grasp what my seniors were talking about, I could never completely be a part of discussions. These classes have helped my language understanding and communication. For all the accounting and legal work only computers are used, where I had issues in understanding the text. After attending the classes I can make legal agreements, use excel sheets and word documents. I was only maintaining documents before, but now with better English I have been given more responsibilities. These classes have truly expanded my exposure and learning prospects for a successful career.

There are very few Graduates in the village, most of them can’t read or write in English and thus they don’t have good job prospects. The

company is very proactive to help the village in their development. With such opportunities in the area, migration to cities for work has reduced. People can now be successful and make money while being in their villages along with their beloved families.”


Institution building is the creation of governance capacities. It entails the reformation of old organizations and institutions, the improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of existing institutions, the restoration of destroyed institutions and the enhancement of authorities’ professionalism.We have adopted a wide definition of institution building, which entails structural reforms as well as capacity building and strengthening of existing institutions. Active community participation is the key to build an empowered community. Strong institutions enable community participation which is critical to community success.

We have made important initiatives - The Village Development Advisory Committee (VDAC) and the Community Information Center (CIC) to ensure community participation by building and strengthening democratic and people centric institutions. Opinion leaders explain the two important institutions and the role they have played in mobilizing communities and ensuring stakeholder participation.


“The most important initiative under-taken by CGPL for the fishermen community in Modhva village has been to advocate and support the establishment of a VDAC in the village. This VDAC was formed after the existing cooperative in the village became defunct and non- existent. Interestingly when the formation of this institution was discussed among

fellow villagers, they opposed this concept but after a series of discussions and a participatory and consultative approach, the community members understood the importance and relevance of VDAC and the present VDAC took steps in the direction of setting up.

The prime objective for the formation of the VDAC was to create ownership among the community for development of the village. It works to coordinate with different agencies for self sustainable models and activities. In addition to assessing the needs of the village it helps in addressing the same in a timely manner so that the dependence syndrome on the company may decrease one day. Earlier we could not have had the faith and confidence in the company but now a lasting bond has been created and cemented. VDAC is a committee parallel to the Panchayat which mainly looks after the planning and execution of development work in the village. This initiative provides a forum to discuss issues and then prioritize them

and work accordingly. Earlier people were very scattered and did not have the strength and voice of a group. VDAC has given us this

power of unity. VDAC deals with various organizations like the Government, various NGOs, etc. working for our overall progress and development. It substantiates and supports the panchayat in developmental work and also works in collaboration with CGPL to undertake various initiatives.

The VDAC gives us a better bargaining power to avail of Government schemes and it has helped in getting investments to start the 8th standard in the village school, the construction of road sanctioned and various other subsidies, loans and grants. VDAC has quicker decision making, as our village is in the interiors and not much Government/NGO support is extended and hence VDAC works as a tool to push development in the area. This intervention was strongly recommended and suggested by CGPL to the village, to undertake the application process and form the committee. The committee got legal registration and was founded a year ago. We are a 15 people team with one person from each fadia (cluster) as part of the team. After having participatory discussions it was expressed to CGPL that something needs to be done for the transportation of fishermen for fishing and they have decided to handover fiber boats to VDAC so that all the fishermen can travel much more for fishing in the sea. These boats are managed by VDAC and also registered in the name of the VDAC.

VDAC has now taken the shape of a formal body and registered as a co-operative so that it may further broaden its scope of work. I would like to mention that since the company’s inception, there have been glaring signs of progress with better roads, solar lights, availability of non saline water, and better availability of fishing equipments, among many others.

Our village has always been in the hinterlands and ignored, with no other organization having done any work here and I am certain CGPL shall always maintain this level of commitment to the village and us, fishermen folk!”

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“Community Information Center (CIC) is a sort of drop box for the community where they come and write applications for their needs and grievances on any program. There is also a soft board where the company puts up details of any open tenders that the community can apply to. It is located in the area of a provision store which is very central to the village and a lot of people visit the area frequently. The company puts up the contracts pertaining to plantations, RO water plants, canteens, job

openings, etc. Programs like these are very important as it iseasy to communicate about opportunities available to the community. Being at a frequented location, it reaches out to many people. Earlier only influential people in the village would know about the different contracts and job openings at the company. Now the information is available to everyone and people can make good use of it. It has also increased interactions with the company. Information about government programs like Gobar (bio-gas) plants and others are communicated by the company through CIC. With CGPL there are more job opportunities in the area. Migration has decreased. I now know that the future will be better and brighter with the facilities and opportunities provided by the company, on a long lasting and sustainable basis”.


Understanding the livelihood systems of the poor is crucial for effective poverty reduction. The livelihoods approach of CGPL puts community households as its central focus and aims to improve the profitability from their existing occupations. We have constantly strived to increase incomes of our community stakeholders through different interventions.


At CGPL, our key stakeholders are fishermen. When we started our CR activities, woes related to fishing as a profession were seen to be many. CGPL pledged to assist these vulnerable fishermen in their occupations. From the formation of VDAC to providing tools used in fishing, to making investments in infrastructure like roads, solar lights, etc., we constantly work to extend support towards them.

Below, some of them describe how CGPL’s presence in the area has led to a constant hand holding support for their occupations and ensured inclusive economic development.


“Modhva has been one of the most impov-erished villages in the area and majority of the population are fishermen. Income levelswere very low and infrastructure was in asorry plight. CGPL has shown us all that can be made history. CGPL and the VDAC mem-bers discussed and conducted feasibility analysis for installation of solar lights in the village. The places were identified with systematic need rankings and decided by

the community itself. In the entire process, CGPL extended tremendous handholding support. They have installed solar lights in important places like the crematorium, on the beach, on the route back to the village, which has been extremely beneficial as there were no lights on the beach and

most fishermen operated late at night. This has increased the safety and made it a sheer ease to commute from the beach to the village. The village and community is always consulted and briefed before initiating any development programs. We are grateful to CGPL for their help and assistance since there are no other organizations working for this community in this village.”


“My family has been living in this vicinity and engaged in this occupation for several generations. Fishermen need to change their nets and other equipments for fishing, Twice in a season which turns out to be a very expensive affair. Hence we are com-pelled to take loans with excruciatingly high rates of interest. The VDAC and the community dwelled on the value chain analysis of the traditional fishing business.

It was understood that if fishermen could get improvised nets then our in-come would increase manifold. It was also decided that every beneficiary should have ownership and invest equally as a contribution to the program, which would be managed and ensured by VDAC.

The VDAC also helps to convey our needs and requirements to CGPL team members who are always forthcoming and supportive in any initiative. By receiving these fishing nets from CGPL our one loan cycle was skipped and we have been able to cut down costs and earn much higher incomes. CGPL has not stopped there. Roads have been built for us, which have given us a

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direct access route between work and home, thereby reducing travel time considerably, since earlier the road was full of beach sand and now there are concrete roads. My quality of life has truly improved. I am much more content and happy as I have more disposable income, with which I have been able to get more fishing tools and equipments. I am proud to say that thanks to CGPL I have been able to organize a family marriage function – debt free!”


“I spend 8 continuous months of a year at the fishing port, making a living. My village has a population of 200 fishermen households, who own a total of around 60-65 boats amongst them and operate from Salaya to Mumbai. With investments by CGPL, our roads have been renovated and are well maintained and a 4kms stretch has been added which leads me to visit home much more often. Transport facilities have

increased, in turn leading to more jobs and higher overall incomes of drivers and porters. A major problem of drinking water has also been catered to by CGPL since now they have set up RO plants which have ensured that there is a daily supply of drinking water as per the needs of all the fisherman households. We feel now that every household is self sufficient in water through this commendable approach of CGPL. The journey with CGPL has started and we believe that the company will work with us in participatory manner for the development of the fishermen residing at Bander”.

ISMAILBHAI, TRAGADI INFRASTRUCTURE “My village is 4.5 to 5 kms away from the coast with the chief occupation being fishing. I have always supported and prop-agated industrialization in the area since I believe it has potential to lead to progress and change. I have witnessed a great trans-formation of my village since now we have much higher land prices, greatly risen income levels and an increase in the price we get for our fish. Lights in the area installed

by CGPL have improved our accessibility and we can now venture deeper in the sea. We compare CGPL to a light house at sea which guides, and shows us direction.

CGPL has extended financial support though grants, distribution of fishing nets and boats, transport facilities, availability of taxis and cars and 6 boats with solar lights have been distributed, with many more initiatives being constantly discussed and in the pipeline. CGPL has constantly sought to understand, consult and extend support to all the 150 fishermen in the village, owning around 24-26 boats. These programs of promise make me hold strong conviction in the bright future of my three children and the next generation in Mundra!”


Agriculture and allied activities support livelihoods of nearly 70 percent of India’s rural population. In recent years, land based livelihoods of small and marginal farmers are increasingly becoming unsustainable, since their land has not been able to support the family’s food requirements and fodder for their cattle. As a result, rural households are forced to look at alternative means for supplementing their livelihoods. Every year millions of poor families migrate in search of work. They are forced to migrate due to a livelihoods collapse in the villages. These distress migrants often lock their homes, take a few meager belongings and move across long distances. We have tried to increase profitability from farming, improving lives and making them sustainable. Our farmer stakeholders explain how.


“I own 8 acres of land. CGPL has helped the profitability from farming by investing in check dams, farm bunding projects, well recharging, waste water storage and recharge. I was a beneficiary of drip irrigation system in 2acres and horticulture plot in one acre, undertaken by CGPL. Drip irrigation is beneficial in more than one way and leads to more profitability from farming. I feel that in the future, those who

have tractors will have JCBs and those who have cycles will have cars and people’s status will keep changing and evolving due to CGPL’s sustained efforts”.


“CGPL has made investments in dairies, drainage, solid waste management, education, etc. The scheme the Government offered regarding subsidized chaff cutters was advocated by CGPL and they made these available to us. Chaff cutters which are an important tool for farming processes are available in the market for Rs.5000. In addition to having an impact on the income, it reduces costs, reduces use of

labour and increases labour productivity. Under the scheme, chaff cutters were subsidized at Rs. 1200 and 10-15 people availed of it, which was only possible due to CGPL’s efforts to spread awareness on this scheme. I am also one of the many people in the village who has also been able to start a diary with the help of CGPL. This elaborates on the work of CGPL to lead the area to productive change in incomes and standards of living.”

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“I own 10 acres of land, am engaged in construction labour and own a seeds shop for the past 12 years. I went with 20 other farmers from the village, to Mundra town for a farmers training workshop. It taught me new ways to increase productivity and judiciously use pesticides. Lectures were made on farming techniques and NRM methods. The training helped me get more information on farming techniques and

best practices in agriculture. I feel that there is a strong need for trainings among farmers. Like other farmers in my village, I had never been to any training before. All of us have been given a new and beneficial orientation to improving the productivity from our farms and making the occupation profitable.”



“My parents own 11 acres of land. We have received one acre of a horticulture plot of papayas through CGPL. We sell the produce to nearby village markets. The papayas are an expensive marketable crop which has led to earning twice the income we did before. Drip irrigation system has also been set up for 1 acre of our land which saves water, increases production and reduces weeds

and soil erosion. This has also led to my family farming all year round and not being dependent on rain. 6 farmers in my village have got one hectare of drip irrigation installed and 5 horticulture plots have been set up by CGPL. There have been more discussions on expanding this project and its beneficiaries, due to its tremendous potential in increasing incomes. This proves how committed CGPL is to our village and its people.”


One of our most promising interventions to support animal husbandry has been setting up a self sustainable Charitable Trust in

the name “Tunda Vandh Gauseva Charitable Trust” having major representation from the villagers. At CGPL we aim to be a neighbor of choice and move from ‘agitation to association’. The company partnered with different stake-holders to develop and implement solutions to ensure that livelihoods of cattle grazing communities in the project affected villages is sustained and augmented. CGPL offered 39 hectares of grazing land to the villagers and provides quality fodder to impacted villages, those who have lost their grazing land to the CGPL plant. The initiative resulted in increased milk yield and enhanced income levels of local people. Other than this, regular vaccination and cattle check up camps are undertaken. We have undertaken focused work in this thematic area and the reader will know more from our beneficiaries.


“I run a dairy called ‘Sarhad’ which is an 11 people cooperative. Earlier milk had very low prices and we got only Rs.11 which has now gone up to Rs.18 which increases, depending on the level of fat in the milk. Milk is supplied by 35 households in the village. This center established by CGPL buys the milk and sells the large quantities collected to Bhindra village for higher

prices. We pay rents for the centre through profits made by the cooperative. Work opportunities were minimal a few years ago and people were only dependent on agriculture and no animal husbandry was possible because of lack of fodder. This has now changed due to CGPL’s fodder supply program. The benefits accrued from the establishment of CGPL in our area

have been numerous”.


“The company has made a Gaushala (animal shed) right next to the plant where all the cattle come for grazing. The company supplies regular fodder in the gaushala. The positive impact of this intervention has been that there has been a regular supply of fodder. With such supply the cattle are healthier and give better milk production

thus increasing our income. Also with the company coming in, the prices of milk have increased, giving us a better return. The company has also employed people in the Gaushala thus creating job opportunities. These are just a few of the great initiatives done by CGPL for our benefit and the betterment of our lives.”

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Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own. - Samuel Johnson


“I am a part of the Gaushala trust, which is formed with people from Vandh, Tunda and the company. The trust takes out a tender and gives the cattle feed contract to the lowest bidder usually from Mandvi or other bigger cities. They undertake the day to day operations of the trust, the company gives the trust a lump sum and they disburse the

payments. This arrangement ensures inclusive development and equal opportunity to all the people in the community. Cattle of both Tunda and Vandh villages graze in the Gaushala. With good quality and adequate fodder, the cattle get good nutrition and give more milk which has improved the income levels. This trust has also has led to new sustainable

job opportunities for people in the villages.”


Education Health Infrastructure Natural Resource Management Women Empowerment Events

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“There was always a dearth in obtaining books for children in the village. Many times, parents would find it difficult to buy books and other stationary due to monetary constraints. We were always dependent on

someone in the village to donate books to us. That has changed due to CGPL. The kits distributed by CGPL contains a school bag with attractive and essential stationary like a color box, lunch box, slate, pencils, chalks and books. Every year CGPL picks up a social theme related to environment conservation, energy conservation, education etc… and highlights these on the bags, which creates a positive awareness among the children and they then pass on the same message to their neighbors, at home with parents, and the community at large. The education kit has been successful in promoting children’s learning, improving teaching practices, improving

attendance and maintaining a child’s interest in school and education. Children from poorer households have benefited from this scheme the most, since now they can attend school being at par with other children and possessing the same books and stationary as them. This keeps them motivated and interested. Their parents also have a lesser burden on being able to afford their children’s education. Now they need not spend their last rupee on sending their children to school. This has been made possible with this impactful and benevolent kit distribution program in schools.”

SHIRIN, STUDENT,16 YEARS OLD, TRAGADI VILLAGEADOLESCENT GIRLS LEARNING CENTRE (AGLC) “Education is not given any importance in our village. I wanted to study post my 8th standard but wasn’t allowed to as the higher education school was in the next village. The Adolescent girls learning center


We understand the importance of education for development. We have made some key interventions to promote education in our vicinity. We have partnered with the Government under their Kanya Kelvani Program to create awareness among community members & encourage parents to admit their children to school. This unique annual program in association with the Government of Gujarat is aimed at increasing the enrollment of children especially girls in primary schools, reduce drop outs, and ignite interest in students. We constantly strive to augment teacher’s skills and improve teaching delivery tools and methods. Our most popular program in schools has been the Sujaan Project, which aims to ‘empower the future generation through value added computer-aided literacy’, under which 5 computer learning centers have been set up in schools in partnership with ‘Hole in the Wall’ initiative. Below, the beneficiaries of these programs explain and state the benefits of these interventions and the positive effect it has had on their lives.

(AGLC) was set up by CGPL a year ago under the UTKARSH program. The program enrolls drop out girls between the ages of 12-18 years. We were a total of 30 students, who came for the classes held for 3 hours, daily. We were taught sewing, agarbatti making, basic English, mathematical tables, basic mathematic calculations, mehendi, embroidery, interactive games, hygiene and were extended knowledge on home science. Before joining this centre I used to struggle with reading and writing but the class has increased my fluency in reading and writing, faster and better. I can also read some English text now. I am now confident in calculations when I am required to buy vegetables or other household things. The classes were an outlet for girls to get out of the house. Before, we were confined to work in the house and weren’t allowed to move out. Attending the AGLC was fun and I had some place to look forward to every day and meet my friends, who I made, through this program. The AGLC has given me a new sense of freedom and independence which I never imagined I could have.”

MANJULA DANICHA,41 YEARS OLD, NANA BHADIYA VILLAGE ADOLESCENT GIRLS LEARNING CENTRE (AGLC), TEACHER “Ek chokri hoshiyar hoye to biji 4 loko ne hoshiyar kari de’ (One smart girl, can teach and influence four other girls). Setting up the AGLC is a good initiative since there is

mutual learning among all the girls and the smart ones can take the lead to teach and influence the other girls. I have been a teacher at the AGLC since the past one 1 year and am also a Mid Day Meal ‘sanchalak’ (worker). Girl’s education was not given any importance in the village where AGLC is implemented. Some of the girls have gone to school previously but their knowledge is very limited. Only 10-12% of the girls in the village get any

primary education and hardly anyone is sent for higher education. The activities undertaken at the AGLC were story writing, reading, English classes, basic mathematics on how to do day to day budgeting and payments, interactions and games, sewing and other vocational and personality development trainings. The main benefit of the program was that this gave them the platform to move out and interact with other girls of their age, thereby increasing their exposure and learning. The introverts and shy girls are now more confident and have made many companions at the AGLC. Discipline, self development, etiquettes and communication skills has been inculcated through this program. Most of the girls belong to the Muslim community and from different sub castes where they never interacted or spoke to each other. In the beginning, at the class they wouldn’t sit with each other but slowly they started to talk and worked in teams for different activities thus cutting out caste barriers. Playing games and regular exercises gave them some physical exercise which they never had an opportunity to, since they usually sat at home and did embroidery work only. We also organized dance competitions which gave an opportunity to the girls to showcase their talent and explore different talents amongst them. The hygiene class gave them a better understanding on their bodies and how to take care of themselves.

With the inception of CGPL there has been a change in the education scenario with activities like AGLC, computer classes and others.. I am always able to communicate needs and ideas through the CR CGPL facilitators. I think the AGLC is an important intervention undertaken by CGPL and should be continued. CGPL has focused on increasing the number of girls enrolled and involved in the project. Recently there have been many conversations on combining this education with more income generation and vocational trainings to increase the value addition of the program for the girls. There is so much promise to what CGPL is doing for our community.”

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HARDIP SINH,13 YEARS OLD, TUNDA VILLAGESUJAAN PROJECT “Multi Media computers have been installed outside our classrooms in schools. Students can access and use this facility. These were installed a year and a half ago. Through these computers we get a better understanding of the topic at hand and it

gives us more practical knowledge and examples than just reading theory. My interest in coming to school and learning has highly increased with the use of computers in the course. Enrollments have also increased in the school since every kid these days wants to learn how to use computers and feel excited to be able to learn on computers. I use the computer for translating work from Gujarati to English, use the dictionary installed in it, to find meanings of new English words I learn in class, read about the different Gujarati writers and about science projects. I am interested in painting so I regularly search for different paintings online and paint those, which has led to me winning awards in painting competitions. It is easier to learn through such Information and Communication Technology (ICT) methods, and I can go back to the computer and re check what I learnt, which helps in exploring more details on the topics I am interested in. I truly feel that this program has opened new horizons. It has given us new direction in pursuing an education which will equip us to get better jobs. We can now learn much more than was previously possible in traditional education systems in our school.”

BHAVANABEN,41 YEARS OLD, TRAGADI VILLAGE ANGANWADI WORKER “Anganwadis in a village are extremely important since they exist to provide care for newborn babies, ensure that all children below the age of 6 are immunized, provide prenatal care for pregnant women and ensure that they are immunized against

tetanus. In addition to this it must also provide post natal care to nursing mothers and provide supplementary nutrition to children below the age of 6 as well as nursing and pregnant women.

Anganwadis also need to work towards providing preschool education to children who are between 3 to 5 years old. CGPL has constantly consulted and supported the infrastructure of the Anganwadi in this village. I have been working as an Anganwadi worker from the last 9 years and have seen the positive transformation of the anganwadi since CGPL has been in the area. CGPL has made swings which the children love and before this they used to just sit inside the class but now with the swings they have an opportunity for outdoor activity. We were given cupboards which are extremely useful, kids were given education kits, essentials like chairs and tables have also been provided and about 15 malnourished kids were given a nutrition kit for 3 months. Looking at such facilities the parents understand the importance of sending their kids to the anganwadi and thus these investments have increased the student intakes.

We provide sukhdi shira (nutritious indian food) at the anganwadi to cater to malnutrition in mothers and children. With VRTI, CGPL organized a ‘Rasoi’(kitchen) contest in the anganwadi where parents from the village were taught different ways to make the same sukhdi and sera in a delicious

way so as to get the children to like and eat the food and increase the nutrition levels of children. After teaching them, a competition was held among the parents to see who makes the most delicious and nutritious sukhdi and sera. This is just one example of the many innovative ideas and projects CGPL has undertaken in the area”.

KRISHNABEN, TEACHER,30 YEARS OLD, MOTA KANDAGARATEACHER’S TRAINING “I have been a teacher for 11 years in government schools and currently am a teacher at the Mota Kandagra government school. CGPL has added tremendous profes-sional value to me since they organized a teacher’s training workshop which taught

me better methods of teaching, discussed issues faced in education and provided solutions for the same. The training also increased my knowledge on management, research and administration related topics.

A total of 60 teachers of seven schools belonging to the Mota Kandagara village clusters attended the training. Information sharing among the teachers on a common platform was the most important benefit of the program. Schools have improved due to collaborations with companies. Funds and grants for investments in education were limited to the Government but this new involvement has lead to positive change and is working like a catalyst for filling the gap in the existing system.

Children now find school more attractive with new books, new tools and advanced technology, teaching methods and celebrating important days and events. There will be serious changes with growth and industrialization in the area. People in the area are more confident, have better roads and

transport systems, more dreams and bigger aspirations and the area is much safer and accessible than earlier. 5 years ago it was impossible to get home at 7pm, now the area is safe and transport is readily available here. There is so much that CGPL has done for our village community like education kits have been distributed under the Kanya kelavni - Pravesh utsav, RO plants have been set up, computer learning stations have been put in place in schools, picture exhibitions and prizes are distributed at events as part of reward and recognition. Lectures for home safety, disaster management, environment awareness etc are also organized for people in the community to be educated, empowered and supported”.

DHARMESH PUTTA,27 YEARS OLD, GUNDIYALI SCHOOL INFRASTRUCTURE, TEACHER“I have always felt that community infrastructure in education and livelihoods needs improvement. CGPL has aided this requirement. Many efforts have also been made by CGPL in health and sanitation for the school. Earlier there was only a boy’s

toilet in the school. Under the infrastructure program, CGPL is constructing a girl’s toilet which has lead to more enrollments and assisted us in minimizing the dropout rates of girls. Under the rural energy program, CGPL has installed a ‘gobar’ gas (biogas) plant in the school which is now preparing mid day meals. Earlier, our school had a chulha (cow dung stove) which led to lots of pollution, eye problems due to smoke and the helpers were less in number. The ‘gobar’ gas stove now leads to a cleaner environment at lesser costs. A prayer hall has been made in the school last month which ensures that prayers are held in the premises in spite of the weather being rainy, hot or cold. This has also provided extra covered space to the children to sit, read, work, interact etc. An RO plant has also

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been set up by CGPL. By this, the water quality has improved and better safe drinking water is available for children. Development for me means that everyone should be educated and empowered, self reliant, capable and employed. CGPL is in this direction through all their interventions and will surely ensure holistic and all round development in the area”


NANABHADIYACGPL’S PRESENCE IN THE AREA, PRINCIPAL “The Sujaan project computers are a blessing in this area for education advancement. This project has the ability to provide remote and underprivileged communities access to previously unav-

ailable ICT resources. I have been in Nanabhadiya for 12 years and feel that CGPL has helped create employment in the area and allowed people to set up animal husbandry professions in their homes. CGPL has always been in dialogue with us for participatory educational approach for the community. We are deprived of technology and infrastructure in education but with CGPL we now see tremendous scope and potential for an increase in these essential facilities.

DAKSHABEN36 YEARS OLD, TRAGADI VILLAGE HEALTH CAMPS“There was a lack of health provisions and regular medical facilities before CGPL.The camps to check Hemoglobin levels, eyecamps, cataract camps, physiotherapy cam-ps, malaria detection camps, blood check up camps, gynecology camps, nutrition camps

for children etc. are undertaken keeping in mind the needs and require-ments of the village and various groups of the community. We are always informed in advance about the health camps conducted by the company. Sessions are also undertaken to understand what issues women face. We were educated on how to cure stomach aches, on hygiene issues, told how

to calculate our Body Mass Index, what to eat to increase hemoglobin levels,

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We strive to bring healthcare at the door step of all our surrounding villages. As it is said, prevention is better than cure, our regular health camps help in detecting diseases that can be diagnosed and cured at an early stage. We have carried out eye camps, first aid training programs, physiotherapy camps, nutrition camps and gynecology camps across villages. Aged people in the village have benefited the most due to these eye camps. Women who can’t travel to cities for check-ups and also who are shy to talk about issues have benefited from the gynecology camps. These camps are just the beginning in our endeavor towards a healthy India.

We have initiated addressing the problem of safe drinking water in villages which is one of the main reasons for low immunity levels in women and children. This has been done by chlorination of village storage tanks, individual storage tanks of each household as per the standards and procedures laid down by the government along with water testing as per WASMO standards and installing RO plants for the community and for schools. This has resulted in a marked improvement in water related ailments in villages. Different women and senior citizen beneficiaries narrate their stories regarding these initiatives.

Sessions are also undertaken to understand what issues women face. We were educated on how to cure stomach aches, on hygiene issues, told how to calculate our Body Mass Index, what to eat to increase hemoglobin levels, which oil to use for different health issues, overweight people got details on what diet to undertake and beneficiaries were given knowledge on menstrual cycles, menopause and birth control. These topics which were once considered taboo, is now openly discussed amongst the women. There are women who feel shy to go to doctors for checkups, find it difficult to express their ailments and even more difficult to afford them. These health and referral camps were very beneficial to us. I am certain Mundra will prosper in coming years with CGPL constantly seeking to learn and address pressing issues in the area.”

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. - Mahatma Gandhi

It was very beneficial for me as it would have been very expensive or unaffordable for me to get treated at any other hospital and I would not be able to get back to my profession. Thanks to CGPL, I am now able to travel around the country making a living in my traditional art - embroidery.”

BHACHIBEN PETHA RABARI,27 YEARS OLD, VANDH VILLAGE GYNECOLOGY CAMPS, BENEFICIARY“I have been staying in the village for the past 9 years. We are always in touch with CGPL through the panchayat and the members of the CR wing. CGPL along with our panchayat members and on the basis

of consultations and door to door surveys every year prepares the health calendar of the village and conducts several identified camps.

I have attended 3-4 health camps and 30-40 women in the village attend it every time it is hosted. We would not be able to reach or afford big hospitals or learn about our ailments and diseases. This treatment is free and medicines post the check-ups and operations are also free. There should be more regular camps since hospitals are 20 kms away and we used to go only when conditions were severe or unbearable.

We are now able to take preventions rather than rush for expensive cures. The health camps started 10-12 months ago and have been the best intervention by CGPL in terms of bettering access to health care facilities in our village.”


72 – TUNDA VILLAGE EYE CHECK-UP CAMPS, BENEFICIARY “I had a lot of difficulty to see from one eye as it was swollen very badly. The checkups at hospitals in the area are very expensive and related surgeries are even more expe-nsive. It also takes long and expensive

travels to avail any such medical help. CGPL organized an eye camp in the village which helped my condition considerably. CGPL’s initiative has helped me in getting my vision back. For old people and women such camps are necessary as we can’t move out much. The company has organized referral services at Bhuj with three days stay, food and other residential facilities. The company has also arranged for our pick and drop facility. These regular checkups help in detecting issues before hand and improve the health status in our village.”

SURTANIBEN,60 YEARS OLD, VANDH VILLAGEEYE CAMPS, BENEFICIARY “I have been engaged in embroidery and tie and dye work since childhood. My vocation and earnings got hampered because of my eye ailments. I was approached by CGPL for the free of cost surgery. They made annou-ncements in the village on their activity

through leaflets, notice boards, door to door visits by company volunteers and invited me to undergo the cataract operation.

JAYANTI BHAI,34 YEARS OLD, MOTA KANDAGARA VILLAGE RO DRINKING WATER FACILITY, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL“I have been a teacher since the past 7 years and been staying in this village for 4 years. We are grateful to CGPL for helping us with RO plants in our school since it has

improved the quality of the water. Many water borne diseases caused by salinity have reduced. There were 6-7 kidney stone cases among children in the school. The RO water plant leads them to drink safe water during school hours which has translated into many health benefits and fewer illnesses among the children.”

GEETABEN MAHENDRABHAI,40 YEARS OLD, TUNDA VILLAGE RO DRINKING WATER FACILITY, HOUSEWIFE “The saline water in the village has caused many health issues. We have direct water supply in our homes but it is not good for drinking. The issues of drinking water were identified by the team of CGPL and

were discussed during our Self Help Group (SHG) meetings. The company conducted the feasibility study for alternate solutions and water testing in our village. The results were then shared with us. This harsh reality educated us and changed our mind to adopt and opt for safe drinking water.

The RO plant set up by CGPL has benefited us as illness like stomach aches and joint pains have drastically reduced. The approach of CGPL for developmental work is unique and under this program employment to the local people has been assured.

The mineral water which we use to purchase from outside at Rs. 20 is now available in our village at a much lower cost. Earlier we use to pay Rs. 10 to the panchayat as water tax for unhealthy water but with this partnership between the panchayat and CGPL, we are getting pure water at our door steps at the same cost. The panchayat regularly monitors the operations and maintenance of this community RO plant. CGPL’s champions are in constant touch with us and we know that they are exceedingly interested in our overall being and development”.

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PUNSHI GADHVI,50 YEARS OLD, MOTA BHADIYA VILLAGE GAUSHALA, ROADS, COMMUNITY HALL - FORMER SARPANCH OF THE VILLAGE“Earlier the entire area was a jungle and there was no availability of fodder, very low agricultural production and animals

were expensive and unaffordable. The Gaushala by CGPL was started in 2009 and now people supply milk to local dairies like Mother Dairy and make good profits. Milk Collection Centers have been created and agricultural plots have been supported. Infrastructure has always been the Government’s priority but with CGPL, new roads have been built which has increased connectivity and safety of the local people. There should be an increased level of investment in the area with regard to infrastructure creation and CGPL has done a great job in embracing that responsibility. There was nothing in the area to ensure sustained development but with the inception of CGPL, there is more employment provision, higher daily wages, new check dams, etc. They always consult opinion leaders and the


The importance that infrastructure plays in people’s everyday lives is often underestimated. Infrastructure investment in the development of communications, IT, roads, urinals, schools, community spaces and hospitals is important to economic development as well as the quality of life in communities. The crucial role played by infrastructure development in creating better conditions of life has been highlighted time and again. We have made some head way in our initiatives to build physical infrastructure like roads, animal husbandry sheds, community halls, invested in public spaces like a state of the art cricket ground, children’s parks, boundary walls for crematoriums, developing village squares and the most important intervention has been the sanitation units program. Hear about the transformation in lives from our community stakeholders.

community at large before making interventions. A place like Mundra, where no one dared to venture is now in the stage of rapid development and social conditions have been made better to live in. This is all to the credit of CGPL.”

PETHABHAI RABARI,36 YEARS OLD, VANDH VILLAGECOMMUNITY HALL, SANITATION “I am a trader and a shop keeper, whose shop has been in the village for the past 10 years. I worked in Mumbai for a few years and decided to return home when I heard of the new era of industrialization in my predominantly agricultural village.

I remember during the initial days when the jungle was cut with the commencement of the company’s construction activity. It was the greatest problem we ever perceived for ladies in our village since open defection was the culture prevailing in our villages. Several meetings and interactions were conducted by the CR team to make us understand the necessity of household sanitation units, but it took us 8-9 months to understand that. CGPL parallely started the SHG movement in the village and through

that, women in the village started taking decisions for their own health and hygiene issues. Their livelihoods improved and through savings, they started contributing in their homes which helped the women in convincing their counterparts on the importance of sanitation units. 300 toilets have now been built in the village to improve sanitation facilities and cater to health issues. This highlights the care and responsibility CGPL extends towards our community and village. The timely effort of CGPL has helped us to overcome these challenges and today we claim that our village has 100% individual sanitation units. Representatives from Government of Gujarat have also visited the village to verify the application submitted by our Gram Panchayat for Nirmal Gram Yojana. I feel that the community hall is also a great investment made by CGPL since it is now possible to host various weddings, functions, meetings, consultations, etc for the villagers.”

HARKHUBEN,32 YEARS OLD, VANDH VILLAGESANITATION UNIT “I have been staying in this village for the past 5 years and there have been holistic initiatives for development in animal husbandry, for community halls and sanit-ation. I constantly interact and meet with the team members of CGPL through my

SHG. I am paid a visit 3-4 times a month by the CGPL CR team. We are always given due importance in any intervention or decision making for the development of the village. The sanitation program of CGPL is where each household is given Rs. 9000 for building individual toilets in their homes. The payment is made by the company after 100% completion of the construction. We have to invest Rs.1500- 2000 depending on how we want the toilets to be.Things have changed drastically in the last few years and earlier open defecation was a common problem. There would

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be issues during the night to venture into the jungle for women and most urinals were set up only for men, creating safety issues. This program has also led to the improvement in social status of women and reduced health issues which we faced earlier. This intervention has truly created a realistic feeling of progress and urbanization in our area.”

DIGVIJAY ZALA,26 YEARS OLD, TUNDA VILLAGE CRICKET GROUND AND PANCHVATI BUSINESSMAN AND YOUTH LEADER“Public spaces like community halls and gardens bring communities together, gives a place to the children to play and families

to go for outings. CGPL’s interventions have been helpful for the community to reap the benefits I just mentioned. Sports has always played an integral part to get communities together, given youth a chance to showcase their talent, identified and groomed talent from the beginning and made them ready to achieve accomplishments at higher stages. The full fledge cricket ground and stadium built by CGPL will help sporting activities not only in the village but at a regional level. This ground is the 2nd biggest in Kutch. I am a part of the sports committee and we plan to hold regional level sporting competitions. Such competitions will increase interactions between different villages in the region and further the brotherhood of Kutch. It will make our village an important area for sporting activities and development in the region. The competitions will help us identify talent at a young age who we can groom to reach national and international levels. The construction of this cricket ground provides me an opportunity to remember the words of Mr. Ratan Tata “A Promise is a Promise”. It was somewhere in 2009-10 when Mr. Prasad Menon (earlier MD of Tata Power)

visited the village. The CR team asked opinion leaders and members of the village panchayats to take ownership of the visit and orient him to the villages. This in our opinion was a real engagement of senior leaders with the community. During the discussion with the panchayat members, women and youth of the villages, Mr. Prasad Menon promised three things, a cricket ground, a community hall at Vandh and starting english speaking classes. All these three promises have been kept by CGPL. This highlights the fact that we are the neighbors of CGPL- Tata Power, in the true sense.”

If there is any great secret of success in life, it lies in the ability to put yourself in the other person’s place and to see things from his point of view – as well as your own. - Henry Ford

LAKHABHAI,56 YEARS OLD, NANA BHADIYAFARM BUNDING “My village has a population of 1200 people and the main occupations are animal husbandry, daily wage labour and farming. Those engaged in farming have reaped good crops and benefits due to the regular actions by CGPL to make agriculture more

profitable & sustainable. There has been a 20-30% decrease in salinity in the area. Fewer irrigation facilities were available earlier in our village which has been changed by the company’s participatory NRM approaches under the Utkarsh program. Through water harvesting structures there has been a reduction in the issue of water recharging and salinity. CGPL has constructed check dams, pond deepening and renovation, farm bunding and used simple techniques of well recharging. One of the important


The Mundra region suffers from deforestation, loss of soil fertility, water scarcity and salinity. We have done extensive work relating to soil conservation, watershed management, and environmental health. We have always included beneficiary and community participation enabling them to have access to natural resources and to the technologies to use these resources productively and sustainably. Over time, communities are constrained to farm degraded land that is increasingly unable to meet their needs or to increase their incomes. We have invested in check dams which store surface water for use both during and after the monsoon and helps in ground water recharge of the area. Recharge of water helps in raising the water table in the area. Availability of water ensures the increase of agricultural yield by multi-cropping. Investments in rain fed agriculture like pond renovations or well recharges have large payoffs in yield improvements and poverty alleviation through income generation and environmental sustainability. Other measures of water conservation like farm bunding, enhances water conservation and productivity, recharges the aquifer over a long period, arresting soil erosion and improving the soil moisture profile. These efforts and their impact can be best told by the beneficiaries themselves.

interventions has been farm bunding of our fields which has helped in storage of water, reduced run-off water to sea and keeps the soil fertile. Earlier, water salinity created many issues like health disorders, increase in the number of people born with ailments and disability and agriculture related disasters. The steps taken by CGPL give us hope that our area will soon have none of these issues prevalent.”

LAKHUBHA,55 YEARS OLD, TRAGADI VILLAGE POND RENOVATION “CGPL has been extremely helpful and forthcoming in tackling the issue of natural resource management. 2 of our ponds have been renovated and recharged, which helped us tremendously. We regularly meet with CGPL’s Utkarsh team to discuss needs and

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activities for the community. The Utkarsh initiative has helped bores in the nearby areas have lesser salinity levels. Agriculture has also improved because of the improvement in water and an increase in the water table. Motor pumps have been constantly running since the pond renovation project, which highlights that due to these kinds of interventions, there is no longer water scarcity and salinity problems. We can now imagine a bright future and profitable agricultural occupation because of CGPL.”

NAVUBHA UDESANG,TRAGADI VILLAGEWELL RECHARGING“We are 6 brothers who own 13 acres of land. The power plant has ensured that the weaker sections of society have better standards and means of living. A lot of people in our family have been getting jobs due to CGPL. Through pond renovations

and well recharge higher incomes and production is possible. Increase in infrastructure like electricity also helps in increasing profitability from farming. Among 6 brothers we have 35 cattle and we get much higher prices for the milk now. We have got a ready market available at the company’s labour colony for sale of milk and other related products. Salinity has reduced in the area due to constant endeavors of CGPL in Natural Resource Management. The last year saw excellent crop production where we grew wheat, cotton, ‘bajri’ and ‘rachko’. Development for me means good yields, good incomes, and money, personal and family satisfaction which CGPL works to achieve in our village.”

DASHUBA JADEJAWELL RECHARGING “I grow cotton, castor and ‘bajri’ on 4 acres of land. I have great regard for CGPL members who visit me and other villagers regularly. With well recharging, water salinity has reduced and the general area water table has changed. Well recharging helps in water conservation and increases

the supply of water available for agriculture. CGPL has helped me for the last 3 years in well recharging. I can strongly tell the difference in increase of production and an increase in my income which helped me raise the standard of living for my family. This program saved me the money since otherwise it would be difficult to make this investment. CGPL has invested in 6 well recharge programs which translate into benefits to more than 150 farmers in the area. CGPL understands that long run sustainability is key to progress & development. This can be observed with their meaningful investments in conserving natural resources.”

MULJI KARSHAN GADHVI,NANA BHADIYACHECK DAMS“4 acres of my land are irrigated and 7 acres are unirrigated. Irrigation systems in this area are poor. The check dam that CGPL has constructed is of 50 meters in the river area. CGPL through its implementing body VRTI, conducted the Participatory Rural

Appraisal (PRA) and undertook consultative sessions with the community. Through check dams, now, more water is stored which prevents saline water to percolate and leads to higher agricultural yields and maximum

production, resulting in increasing incomes. Till now more than 40 farmers have been benefited from the check dam.”

BUDDHA DAMA RABARI,39 YEARS OLD, TRAGADI VILLAGE FARM BUNDING“I heard about the farm bunding option offered by CGPL and approached them to avail the benefits. The process and the details were shared with me by their implementing agency- VRTI, which made me understand the transparent approach

adopted by the company. The declaration form, participatory approach and transparency in the process attracted me to execute the same. We need more companies like CGPL to educate us and help us in identifying and implementing activities to enhance our livelihood opportunities.”

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KUSUMBA JADEJA ,40 YEARS OLD, TUNDA VILLAGE BANDHANI WORKER“Self Help Groups have given us a voice that women couldn’t have before. It has lead to social harmony amongst different community members in the village. As a group we realized we are all working towards each other’s economic betterment.

This group has led to higher savings and more internal lending. We have a democratic approach to give out loans to our members. We take loans for important occasions, health emergencies and for our children’s education. I am confident in dealing with financial issues now. Being a part of a larger group has given us confidence to voice our opinions to the Panchayat, about development and social issues in the village. We have received a Rs. 50,000

grant from the Government under the Mission Mangalam program which has given us a new spark of hope and light in our lives, made possible, because of CGPL.”

KACHANNBA JADEJA,51 YRS OLD, TRAGADI VILLAGESHG GROUP LEADER “I have been heading the Ashapura Sakhimandal from the last two years which has 20 members. Earlier an angawadi worker used to guide the group. There was no capacity building of the members, the anganwadi worker used to collect the money

and deposit it in the bank and we were not given regular accounts. A project to strengthen our SHG was started by CGPL. With this intervention we were


SHGs confers many benefits, both economic and social. SHGs enable women to increase their savings and gain access to credit which banks are increasingly willing to lend. SHGs can also be community platforms from which women become active in village affairs, stand for local elections or take action to address social or community issues like the abuse of women, alcohol, the dowry system, etc. Conscious efforts have been made by CGPL in this domain. CGPL has mobilized local women and formed 22 Self Help Groups (SHG) comprising 221members of whom the majorities are from social and economic backward sections. Our focus has been on building capacities and sustaining existing SHG groups rather than forming more groups. These SHGs have helped to promote savings and yield economic benefits, reduce the dependence on moneylenders and have resulted in empowerment of women. They have resulted in financial inclusion and social security to women enabling them to take loans for livelihood, their children’s education and during emergency health issues. Memberas now understand the importance of saving, are more confident in dealing with financial matters and hold regular monthly meetings. SHG leaders have been trained in effective management of their groups. Some members have also started income generation trades through SHG loans. A few empowered women speak on their experience as an SHG member.

given basic accounting and leadership trainings. We were also taught how to organize meetings, write minutes of the meeting, and check the balance of accounts. We were taught how to allocate responsibilities of the group among its members. All the 20 members pay Rs. 50 towards the group and we deposit the money in the bank. The bank is in Mandvi which is quite a distance from the village. This exposure to go to a city on our own and deal with all the banking requirements has made us independent women. I myself went to ask the bank the whole procedure to apply for the funds under the Government’s Livelihood Promotion program. The savings we collect work as our shield during hard and unforeseen times. We don’t have to get loans from an external lender who usually charges excruciating high interest rates. To maintain regular attendance at our monthly meetings, we charge a fee of Rs. 10 for anyone who doesn’t attend the meeting. These meetings also work as a platform to discuss social and health issues in our village. We take the collective voice of women SHG members in the village to the Panchayat and through this we have got the gutter line fixed, formed the dairy and ensured safe drinking water in the village. I now understand the magnitude and benefit of Lok Bhagidari (Collective participation)”

LEELABEN PARMAR ,48 YEAR OLD, MOTA KANDAGARA VILLAGE. SHG GROUP MEMBER “I used to iron clothes for nearby areas before starting my own grocery store. I had no savings before and had to regularly take loans as my husband wasn’t keeping well and also for my children’s education. Two

years ago my SHG was formed. In the beginning each member paid Rs. 50 which now has increased to Rs. 100. I feel being part of an SHG makes women reap benefits of savings cumulatively and increases their economic

strength as a group. Being a part of an SHG I am extremely confident in dealing with financial matters and discussing matters pertaining to savings and investments which is very unlikely for women in the village. Being a part of a group has made all the women eager to learn and teach each other. I used the savings to invest in my shop. I invested Rs. 5000 initially and then reinvested Rs. 30000 for which I took at Rs. 2000 per month loan; which I recently finished paying. The SHG has made sure that I will never need to beg for money from any money lender now.”

LAXMIBEN POPATLAL RAJGOR ,38 YEAR OLD , MOTA KANDAGARA VILLAGE SHG GROUP MEMBER“The benefit of being a part of a SHG is that all women are woven together and save in a combined fashion, loans are easily available and money is easily accessible. Before the SHG, I never took interest in financial

matters as it was the job of the male counterpart in the family. I never had loans or insurance. Due to my SHG membership, I recently took a Rs. 20,000 loan for health reasons. The SHG has educated and trained us and we move out of the house more often. More opportunities for home based work should be created which will give us additional income and savings. Economic as well as social freedom of women needs to increase in the village and SHGs is a good step in that direction.

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Skill Training For Women

We believe skill development can have a positive and long lasting impact in a community’s economic growth. Kutch is famous on international levels for varied arts and crafts. Women only needed hands on training to further their gifted skills. Through enhancing skills, sustainable employment is created, making women economically independent and having a stronger voice in economic and social decisions. Skill development has made women an earning member in the family which has broken and changed perceptions of male counterparts who now see women as an equal voice in the family. Our beneficiaries throw more light on the skill development trainings undertaken by CGPL.

DHANBAI HATHI ,30 YEARS OLD, NANA BHADIYAVILLAGE EMBROIDERY CLUSTER MEMBER “Skill development is one of the best forms to equip women for livelihood options. I have been doing embroidery work from the last 12 months. I had no knowledge about different forms of embroidery but with the

training from CGPL I now have perfected most of the forms. I now work from home and make a living. The training has helped me understand designs and color combinations better and now I give others suggestions on their designs too. These trainings have improved the quality of my work and products, thereby fetching me higher prices and income.”


EMBROIDERY CLUSTER MEMBER “I am pursuing my 1st Year BBA currently. I am proud to be one of the few girls in my village who has the opportunity to go to a college. With my conviction and zeal I don’t miss any opportunity to learn. I attended the embroidery workshop organized by

CGPL. I had very basic knowledge in embroidery before the training, now I have a much better understanding and my speed in the work has increased tremendously. The classes have given us a space to interact with girls and women from other communities which has increased community cohesion. Such trainings have also increased income prospects for girls in the area.”

PURANBA JADEJA,15 YEARS OLD, TRAGADI VILLAGE TIE AND DYE CLUSTER MEMBER(respondent is deaf and interview was taken with her family member) “Puranba is my relative; she is deaf so she couldn’t study after 3rd standard as the teachers weren’t equipped with tools to teach her. She is a strong and confident girl who did not have a

way to utilize her time and talent. She remained bored and frustrated before she undertook the tie and dye training organized by CGPL. She picked up the art very quickly and her speed is tremendous such that she doesn’t even need to constantly look at the cloth. She can now make productive use of her time while getting a steady income. This training has worked as a boon for her since she has an outlet to showcase her creativity. This has made her an earning member in our family and keeps her occupied, content, focused and happy.”

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform. - Diane Mariechild

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Events provide opportunities for community participation, skills dev-elopment, community volunteering and social, cultural and environment development. Festivals and events have impacts that go well beyond what can be measured in economic terms. CGPL organized three major events for recreation and overall development of local communities. One was ‘Lok Dayro’, a cultural promotion event to bring different groups in villages together, to plan and discuss local problems and solutions. Bal Utsav, organized in Tunda village was an event celebrating children’s talents in art and craft, showcasing them to parents, teachers and other community members. International Women’s day was celebrated to recognize the importance of women in society. A few participants share their experiences.

KANUBHA, TRAGADILOK DAYRO PROGRAM“The Lok Dayro initiated by CGPL is a unique program which brings together different people from the community to mutually enjoy, plan, decide on priorities, contribute to, and work for, collective development of the village. All those who attend the program make some monetary

contributions for village development. The collected money from the community gives us more savings and collections to do work in the village. Contributions in a group are much higher which is not possible in isolation. Last year we collected Rs.12,000 from 50 people. The funds collected were utilized for constructing lakes, ponds, undertaking well recharges, farm bunding, building infrastructure, etc. for the village. At the Lok Dayro, we sing ‘bhajans’ (hymns) and hear spiritual preaching to instill values of peace and harmony. The Lok Dayro program reduces caste issues and brings members of different communities together. We need to organize more programs like this to spread awareness on social ills and educate people on good practices. This event would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and hard work of CGPL.”

REKHABA VAGHELA, 21 YEARS OLD, MOTA KANDAGARA VILLAGE TEACHER - BAL UTSAV “I have been teaching for the past 3 years and have observed how people have now become interested in education since there are more companies in the area and opportunities for jobs have increased. The

village has changed drastically since CGPL. Regular events and activity programs keep children enthusiastic and interested in school. Under Bal Utsav, students from 5th to 8th standards and drop out children, made various art work displays for one day and there was an exhibition on the next day in the school. Teachers taught children art and craft, to make use of waste paper, paper bags, gift boxes, zari works, kites, etc. Through the Bal Utsav program, they exhibited their learning throughout the year and showcased their thought processes and understanding with the medium of art and craft. It was a move away from academics and studies, and they could choose activities that interested them. There should be an increase in these kinds of programs, more teachers and trainers should be

called to undertake these sessions, and more children and classes should be included. The program added knowledge, skills and experience to the children and their parents and should definitely be continued”.

NITABEN,40 YEARS OLD, TUNDA VILLAGEPARTICIPANT - WOMEN’S DAY CEL-EBRATIONS“On International Women’s day in 2011, CGPL organized an exposure visit for women from surrounding villages. All of us were taken to a tourist memorial hall in the vicinity. We were shown different plays on

social issues like dowry, girl child, alcohol ills, about Mission Mangalam, and its benefits. It gave us women, a good exposure to things outside the village and a better knowledge on different interesting topics. Everyone went together so it increased the community unity and we had great fun. Women don’t get enough opportunity to move out of their homes, which CGPL has realized and makes extra efforts to coordinate and organize such fun outings and events for us. This makes us feel very special and increases our importance in our community and society”.

Samvad a dialogue with our stakeholders | 57

This dialogue showcased CGPL’s Community Relations journey so far. It is a matter of great pride and joy to see so many people impacted positively from our presence. Our hard-work and dedication is fruitful and fulfilling only when we receive such kind of a response and vital feedback from our surrounding communities.

Lessons have been learnt in this journey, which we plan to build on and strengthen our efforts further. Community Relations are productive and reap benefits when the community is not seen as external but very much a part of the functioning and existence of the organization. We have maintained this ideology and as elaborated in ‘Samvad’, have always strived to include and incorporate our stakeholder views and requirements in our plans.

In the coming years, we want to build on our CR practices to date, and ensure that our communities receive the continued support and encouragement to begin, continue and extend prosperous and empowered lives. We want to continue to embed CR deeper into the company by involving all stakeholders in plans and interventions.

Our bottom-up approach for finalizing and devising activities has enabled a holistic and sustainable future for the villages around CGPL plant. Our aim is to undertake exemplary and commendable interventions which help underprivileged, disadvantaged communities to break the shackles of poverty and distress.

Our CR initiatives are on-going and we have a long journey to embark on, to ensure this commitment sees concrete change in Mundra. The thematic areas presented in this book are not a comprehensive list of things we work on but are merely a bird’s eye view of our initiatives.

A number of new initiatives and partnerships (could you please write something on this?) are in the pipeline. Our current programs are constantly being monitored and evaluated in order to strengthen our efforts. We always ensure that actions taken are in line with needs expressed by the community, we seek to gain community support for actions that will be undertaken and get people involved in the action and implementation of community and CR interventions.

We are confident of achieving our sustainability intent of ‘Leadership with Care’, by having leading and best practices on Care for the Environment, Care for the Community, Care for our Customers and Shareholders, and Care for our People.

CGPL’s endeavor has just begun and all the thematic areas adopted are works in progress. The extensive efforts will never cease from our end and we shall constantly ideate to create new opportunities for systemic change in our surrounding communities.


I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.

a dialogue with our stakeholders