2012-05 - Ocean's Heritage

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The quarterly newsletter of the Township of Ocean Historical Museum, Monmouth County, New Jersey.

Transcript of 2012-05 - Ocean's Heritage

Ocean’s Heritage, Spring 2012

Loved Ones Go to War: Local Stories of World War Two

Exhibit Opens at the Woolley HouseSome days change everything. Just

think of September 11, 2001. The exhibit opening in June in the West

Gallery of the Woolley House asks us to consider another. On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, destroying 20 ships and nearly 200 planes, killing more than 2,000 American sailors and soldiers, and wounding another 1,000. The country was at war, and overnight, everything changed.

The new exhibit, Loved Ones Go to War: Local Stories of World War II, high-lights the impact of the war on a sam-pling of local veterans and those they left behind. The stories are taken from a global range of war experiences—from the Pacif-ic campaign and European Theater; from the Navy, Marines, Army, and Army Air Corps; from combat and support services; from officers and enlisted men.

The exhibit draws a striking contrast to recent wars, which can seem distant and detached. It makes clear that no one—not those who fought, not their loved ones—was untouched by the chal-lenges, sacrifices, risks, and tragedies of the world war.

Consider:• An estimated 10 million men and

women—from a U.S. population of 132 million—enlisted or were drafted into the military to fight World War II. (Contrast that to the estimated 1.5 million—from a population of 313 million—on active duty today.) In effect, every American household had a relative, friend, or neighbor in the service and in harm’s way. By the end of the war, more than 400,000 Ameri-can military were dead and another

600,000, wounded.• Almost overnight, the U.S. economy

transformed into a war material sup-ply line. The needs of the military came first, and basic commodities—like sugar, flour, milk, and gasoline—were in scarce supply to American families. Rationing became a way of life. Victory gardens sprang up in backyards and public spaces.

• Women went to work in record num-bers to fill jobs vacated by men at war. Civilians were trained to spot enemy aircraft, scan the horizon for German submarines, and patrol utility plants. Here in Asbury Park, blackout drapes along the boardwalk prevented en-emy subs from using coastal lights to silhouette and target passing ships.

The new exhibit brings the story home. The veterans it highlights are the “boys next door.” Their stories are tales of patriotism, sacrifice, and danger. They are

also tales of the families and communities who stayed behind—awaiting word from loved ones, coping with the fears, losses, and demands of the war. The stories inspire compassion and respect. Some are heroic, others touch us for their simple humanity. All offer fascinating insight into our national char-acter more than a half a century ago.

Come see for your-self. Check the website oceanmuseum.org for details on the opening.

Museum Program Director Cheryl Miller with her father, Jack Morris, whose story is featured in the new exhibit.

Friday Flag RaisingsIn conjunction with the new exhibit, the Museum is honoring deceased local World War II veterans with

a flag raising ceremony each week from June 15 to December 7, 2012.

Every Friday at 6:30 p.m., a new flag will be raised at the Eden Woolley House and fly in honor of that week’s veteran. The flag can be provided by the family or the Museum.

Local Boy Scouts will officiate over the raising and lowering of the flags. A sign in front of the flag pole will give information about the vet-eran being honored. The family and the public are welcome.

Call 732-531-2136 to raise the flag for your loved one.

HeritageThe Township of Ocean Historical Museum Vol. 28, No,. 2, Spring 2012

The Eden Woolley House


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring 2012

Norma Eberhardt Dauphin’s (1929-2011) art work and art collection are

on display in the Terner Gallery of the Ocean Township Library for the months of May and June. Norma, best known as an actress and top model of the mid-20th century, also painted and collected art. The pieces featured in the Terner Gallery show the full range of her talents:• Stills of Norma by some of the 20th

century’s top photographers—includ-ing Richard Avedon and Andres De Dienes.

• Norma’s own work, a collection of charming and whimsical folk art..

• Sketches by her husband, French actor and war hero, Claude Dauphin.

• Art from her personal collection, including works inspired by or dedi-cated to her by the artists.The art show expands the portrait

of Norma depicted in the mini-exhibit at the Eden Woolley House. The Museum exhibit tells Norma’s story—from her “discovery” on the Asbury Park board-walk through her years in New York, Hollywood, and Paris. It acknowledges the role she played, as a founding member and Honorary Trustee, to put the Mu-seum on the map. The art show reveals alittleknownsidetothismulti-talentedOakhurst native.

The Terner Gallery is in the reading rooms of the Ocean Township Library, located behind the Woolley House. It is open Monday, 10 to 9; Tuesday, Wednes-day, and Thursday, 9 to 9; Friday, 1 to 5; Saturday, 9 to 5.

Art Show Opening

Chimney Sweep (shown above) is among Norma’s work on exhibit. It is typical of her whimsical themes and folk-art style.

August Panel Discussion

Memories of World War II: Up Close and Personal

The freedom that we enjoy today is due to the dedi-

cation and sacrifice of each veteran who proudly served our country. Referred to as “The Greatest Generation”, World War II veterans know how important their contribu-tion has been and continues to be. They have earned our gratitude and respect.

On Tuesday, August 14 at 7:15 pm at the old Oakhurst School Auditorium, 163 Mon-mouth Road, volunteers from Brookdale Community College’s Center for World War II Studies and Conflict Resolution will speak about the war from their own viewpoints.

Naval veterans (and former high school classmates) Doug Foulks and Paul Frisco will discuss their experiences in the Pacific.

Vietnam era veteran Barry Rosenzweig, whose father was killed in the D-Day Invasion, will share “A War Orphan’s Perspective on WWII and Beyond.” In addition to the events of June 6, 1944, he will touch on conflicts the U.S. has been involved in, those service members that paid the ultimate price, the POW/MIA Flag “YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN”, and what it means to be a veteran.

A pianist, Barry will also help us return to the ‘40s by playing tunes from that era on keyboard, both prior to and after the presentation. Feel free to dress forties-style and join in song! Veterans are encouraged to wear their uniforms.

The program is open to the public free of charge, however, donations are always appreciated. Also, refreshments will be served. Please bring a non-perish-able item for the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties.

Hindenburg over Asbury ParkThis photo of the Hindenburg on what may have been its final and fateful flight was given to the Museum by Scott Szegeski and Marilyn Schlossbach of Asbury Park’s Langosta Lounge, in memory of Ruth Bennett. Now on display at the Woolley House.


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring 2012

The Wanamassa Fire Company was established February 6, 1922 and is going strong

90 Years of ServiceOn February 6, 1922, twenty-four residents met at the home of Sidney D. Van Dyke to organize the Township’s second

fire department and second fire district. Seven officers were chosen at that meet-ing. John Leary was appointed President and Sidney Van Dyke was chosen Chief, a position at that time called Foreman. The total “Roll of Active Members” listed for February 6, 1922 was 35, a copy of which is on file at the Township of Ocean His-torical Museum.

Spring Lake Fire Department and the Oakhurst Fire Company donated old hose reels. The equipment was housed in the garage of Joseph Smith on South Wana-massa Drive until a wooden building was erected for the apparatus on Sunset Av-enue between Garvin and Laurel Avenues. At this time, the Fire Company was able to fight only small fires. Asbury Park and other neighboring communities were called on to help with larger blazes.

The Fire Company incorporated October 13, 1922. The same day, it ordered a Simplex motorized pumper at the cost of $1,000.00. Having outgrown their frame garage by 1927, they purchased a tract of land at the intersection of Wickapecko Drive and Sunset Avenue to construct a two-story brick building. In 1927, at a total cost of $25,000, a new fire house was constructed. In 1928, the building also became the home of the Sanders A. Wertheim First Aid and Safety Patrol with an ambulance donated to the Squad by Sanders A. Wertheim.

The Fire Company had a baseball team, which had become quite famous. They played on land the Fire Company owned on Park Boulevard. At that time, the Township wanted to develop the land at the intersection of Park Boulevard and Logan Road as a recreational park. In 1967, the Wanamassa Fire Company partnered with the Township of Ocean in a land swap. The Township swapped an eleven-acre tract in what was known at

Information compiled by Margo Simpson

that time as ‘the sand hills’ for the land on Park Boulevard. The ‘sand hill’ lot was undeveloped and un-cleared land located to the south of the western end of Sunset Avenue. Construction of the ball field was a time-consuming undertaking.

Patrick Strano, a Fire Company member and local contractor cleared the land at no charge. Members of the Fire Company donated their time clearing fill-ing and leveling the land. (The fill came from Wanamass’s Lollipop Pond, which was being dredged at the time.)

The ball field was used for a number of years until the team started to decline

and better fields were avail-able. After the field sat idle for a number of years, the Fire Com-pany ‘leased’ it to the Township of Ocean at no charge. Today the fields are lighted and are the home of the Township of Ocean Babe Ruth Baseball Team.

Over the years, as the com-munity grew and fire apparatus improved and enlarged, a new fire house was needed. The Fire Company secured land across the street on Wickapecko Drive and a new fire house was dedicated on

April 18, 2001. With the dedication of the new fire

house, the Wanamassa First Aid Squad moved into the old fire house. Currently, the original building houses two ambu-lances, a utility vehicle, a rescue boat, the fire police van, an antique fire engine and a fitness room.

In 2012, the Wanamassa Fire Compa-ny serves Township of Ocean Fire District #2 with a 100% volunteer company who, in addition to fire fighting cover water rescues, extrication, decontamination, and fire suppression.

Another successful night in our Speakers’ Series

Four times a year, the Museum presents a speaker or panel on a

topic that brings local history to life. The events, held at the old Oakhurst schoolhouse, 163 Monmouth Road, Oakhurst, are free to the public.

March 6, the speakers were Jim Foley and Dr. Rich Fernicola--local history buffs and experts on ship-wrecks and life-saving along the Jer-sey Coast. Together they painted the picture of dangerous seas and heroic rescues.

Mark your calendar for August 14, when a panel of World War II veterans tell their stories. (See article on page 2.)

Speakers Jim Foley (left) and Dr. Rich Fernicola share their expertise.


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring 2012

PresidentMessage from the Museum

Let’s face it: museums without visitors are lifeless, empty rooms with no purpose. What brings a museum to life? Visi-tors and volunteers!

April 9th marked National Volunteer Week and recognized the hard work of volunteers across the nation. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every volunteer who helps the Museum and keeps it running year after year.

As an all-volunteer organization, we know the value our volunteers bring. From giving tours to special events, the impact of their work is felt in every corner of the museum. I’m in awe of their dedica-tion, talent, and expertise. On behalf of the museum, “thank you.”

“Thank you,” too, to our visitors. A few stories show why we treasure them as much as our artifacts. • Donna Renninger found the museum

on the website and came from Florida to work on her ongoing genealogy and book. Our Head Librarian, Ellen Gulick, spent two days going through records with Donna, sharing family stories and laughter. She even found a link between their family histories!

• A caller from Atlanta told us of a child’s guitar he bought at an estate sale. Inside the guitar was written: “Norma May Eberhardt, 185 Oakhurst Rd., Oakhurst NJ.” He found Norma through our website’s description of the museum’s exhibit on her life.

• A young man, cleaning his side yard, found what looked like a gravestone. He called the museum to ask about the name on the stone and if his home might be over a burial ground. Each day we are surprised and de-

lighted by our visitors. Their stories add to our history and give what we do real meaning.

On behalf of the museum, thank you to the volunteers and visitors whose sup-port makes everything possible.

By the NumbersMuseum Membership

* Memberships cover families. The count of individuals belonging to the Museum is higher.

295 Total number of 2011 memberships*

32 Number of new Museum memberships in 2011

263 Number of members renewing memberships

63% Percentage of members living in Ocean Township

31% Percentage of members living in other NJ communities

6% Percentage of members living outside NJ

$14,000 Total income raised by membership

$1,900 Total income from Business Memberships

38% Percentage of budget raised by membership dues

Brenda Wityk

Master carpenter volunteer extraordinaire recognized for servicePhil Parratt made Honorary Trusteee

March 6, the general membership affirmed the Museum Board’s decision to make Phil Parratt, retired master carpenter, a lifetime Honorary Trustee in

recognition for his contributions to the Eden Woolley House. Phil volunteered more than 2500 hours to bring the Woolley House back to

life. He restored all of the upstairs windows, some of the woodwork, rehung doors, added shelves in most of the closets, repaired the playhouse, and took on other carpentry projects in the house. Phil’s expert carpentry skills helped to ensure that the Eden Woolley House is truly an architectural gem. His volunteer efforts saved the Museum more than $125,000!


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring 2012

Annual American Doll Tea Party July 15

The fourth annual American Doll Tea Party takes place under tents at the

Eden Woolley House on Sunday, July 15, from 1 to 3 (rain date Sunday, July 22).

Dolls and teddy bears take over the Museum for this sellout event that cel-ebrates the relationships of children with their favorite doll or teddy. Events of the afternoon: making a craft, a fashion show to show-off the outfit of the doll or teddy, a storytime, and a tasty tea party. Doll and teddy bear collections are on dis-play and a Doll Shop features handmade clothes and accessories.

Tickets are $25 and admit one child (5 years or older) and an adult. Tickets for additional children are $10 each. Seating is limited. Reservations are a must. Tickets go on sale after June.

Call 732-531-6040 or the Museum at 732-531-2136.

I Remember . . .

As we see the fleet of school buses carrying children from their neighbor-hoods to the schools in town, we recall that before the 1950’s, the Board of

Education did not own any school buses. It contracted instead with an indi-vidual who owned a bus to transport students to school. The population was such that Oakhurst and Wanamassa students could walk to school and only one bus was needed to bring the few Wayside students to Oakhurst and all of the teen age students to Asbury Park High School. For many years, Parker Woolley, a Wayside farmer who used his school bus as a source of extra income, was the school bus driver the kids remembered.

In 1997, the late Russell Danielson told the story of a morning trip to Asbury Park High School on Parker Woolley’s bus. Along Monmouth Road in West Allenhurst the bus broke down. The students evacuated the bus and stood on the side of the road smiling at the prospect of a day off from school as Woolley jacked up the bus to find a broken axle. With the help of some boys, he removed the broken part, dug into the long tool box that stretched across the back of the bus, pulled out an extra axle and repaired the bus. Much to the disappointment of the students, they arrived just 20 minutes late for school.

In 2007, the late Charlie Grippaldi recalled Parker Woolley as a gentleman and a great bus driver, so punctual that in four years of high school Charlie was never late for homeroom. As testament to Woolley’s relationship with the students, Grippaldi told of a budding comedian Richard Phoenix who would prepare each evening with a string of jokes for his morning performance. As he got on the bus he would stand in the front and rattle off his latest one-liners, keeping the bus riders and the driver in stitches. Grippaldi told how at least once a year Woolley would offer to take all his high school students to an away basketball game at no expense. And no matter how many times Charlie forgot his saxophone or his books on the bus, they would always be there waiting for him the next day.

Do you have an old photo or memory of life in Ocean Township ? We in-vite you to share your story with our new column “I Remember..” Send your idea to the Museum at: Box 516, Oakhurst, NJ 07755 or call 732-531-2136.

Asbury Park High School opened in 1927. Until Ocean TownHigh School opened in 1965, students from the community attended school here. In this “I Remember...,” stories of those early student “commuters” are retold.

Cousins Lauryn Grossman, Ava Gregory, and Emily Grossman prepare for the American Doll Tea.

In memoryRobert Paddock

These dolls, dressed as Eden Woolley’s daughters, help the young guests at the tea imagine how children lived 150 years ago.


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring 2012

Year round, Museum volunteers work to create the handmade quilt raffled off each December. They also craft the other quilts and handmade stitched and knit items sold at Museum events and in the Museum Shop.

This year’s quilt, the Mu-seum’s 25th, is “By the Sea.” It is blue and white, with a sea shell

theme that reflects images of the New Jersey Shore. The winning raffle ticket will be selected at the Holiday

Exhibit, Sunday, December 2, at the Woolley House. Rafflle tickets are available now. Call Mary Hill at (732) 531-2136 for more information.

8th Annual Tea a success no matter how you measureSpring Tea raises more than $3,000 for the Museum

The 8th Annual Spring Tea was held on Saturday, April 28, at the West Park

Recreation Center. Ninety-one guests dined on afternoon sweets, browsed tables of hand-made crafts, and took their chances on the Museum’s handmade quilt and 24 different gift baskets.

Hat contest winners, left to right: Elaine Slocum (Most Creative), Marie Dahrouge (Most Original), Louise Napoli (Most Humorous), and Rose Gregori (Prettiest)

Contributing BusinessesAMC TheatresBedrock Bistro

The Dauphin GrilleGiamano’s Restaurant

Houlihan’sMiddlebrook Galleria Cinemas

MoonstruckRiver’s Edge CafeThe Sitting Duck

Two River Theatre Co.Uva Restaurant


Some guests wore charming hats and their finery was judged for creativity, fun, and beauty. Hat contest winners (see photo) received prizes for their colorful contributions to the day’s fun.

Heather Mac Donald portrayed Mrs. Phoebe Woolley--third wife of Thomas,

builder of the oldest part of the Woolley House. Phoebe explored the “Lost Art of Taking Tea,” recreating an afternoon tea in the 18th century.

September MacCarthy and Nicholas Marchetti, both junior docents with the Museum, returned this year to serenade guests with songs from the “Sound of Music” and “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

Fun aside, the Tea is serious business for the Museum. This year, thanks to the hard work of volunteers and the generos-ity of guests and contributing businesses, the Tea raised more than $3,000 to keep the Eden Woolley House open and active.

Volunteer quilters have put thousands of hours into this work of art--and labor of love2012 Quilt is a thing of beauty

Quilters plying their craft in their workroom on the second floor of the Woolley House


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring 2012

The newest room of the Woolley House may look like a kitchen, but it does double duty for the Museum as a

small theater. On March 22, the “Kitchen Theater” hosted Vice President Heather MacDonald--better known to some as Phoebe Woolley--who shared her expertise as an histori-cal interpreter with an audience of potential characters!The idea is to equip interested volunteers to take on the person-ality and dress of a person from the past--to bring history to life for Museum visitors.

The workshop was the first of several. Call 732-531-2136 or check the web at oceanmuseum.org to learn more.

Museum Vice President , Heather MacDonald, discusses the basics at the “Living the History” workshop

Eileen McCormack brought the Museum’s newsletter from its early incarnation as a photocopied amateur publi-cation to the professional-looking Ocean’s Heritage we’ve come to know. She has passed the job on after years of dedication. We appreciate her contribution.

Living history workshop is the first of several

Matt Woolley and Heather MacDonald as Eden and Elizabeth Woolley at Eden’s birthday party, March 4

Thank you, Eileen

Walking Tours starting at the Woolley House Eden Woolley House. Guided tours of historic grounds. The 1st and 2nd Sundays of the month and by appointment.

Art Show: The Art & Art Collection of Norma Eberhardt Dauphin (Companion exhibit at Woolley House) Terner Gallery, Ocean Township Library—Library hours through June

Exhibit Opening: Loved Ones Go to War: Local Stories of WWII June (TBA)—West Gallery, Eden Woolley House Photos and artifacts tell the stories of WWII veterans and their families here in Monmouth County. (Check the website oceanmuseum.org for opening date.)

4rd Annual American Doll and Teddy Bear Tea * Sun., July 15, 1- 3:30 pm (rain date July 22) –Eden Woolley House. Tea and treats, fun, doll and bear fashion show, arts and crafts, doll boutique on the Museum grounds—special exhibits inside

Panel: Memories of WWII: Up Close and Personal Tuesday, August 14, 7:15—Oakhurst School Auditorium

4th Annual Ghost Walk* Sun., Oct. 21, 5:30 –Eden Woolley House & Terner Gallery. Historical characters come to life

Panel: Living Voices: Memories of Jewish War Veterans” Tuesday, November 13, 7:15—Oakhurst School Auditorium

Holiday Exhibit Weekend Sat. and Sun., December 1 & 2—Eden Woolley House Miniatures, trains, dolls, and a holiday boutique and bakery

* Call the Museum (732-531-2136) for reservations

Coming Events

Mark your calendar


Ocean’s Heritage, Spring 2012

New exhibit opening in June

“Loved Ones Go to War: Local Stories of World War Two”

The Eden Woolley HouseHome of the Township of Ocean Historical Museum

703 Deal Road • Ocean, NJ 07712( Mailing address: P.O. Box 516 •Oakhurst, NJ 07755)

Museum Hours732-531-2136 • oceanmuseum.org

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 1 to 4Thursday evening: 7 to 9

1st and 2nd Sundays of the month: 1 to 4