2010 Program Sharing Brochure

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Program Sharing is Minnesota's premier conference showcasing effective prevention programs, practices and strategies around the issues of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and related violence (ATOD). This conference highlights evidence-based prevention principles in the domains of planning and evaluation, education and skill development, community organization, public and organizational policy and professional growth and responsibility. Program Sharing is a two-day, statewide conference that provides opportunities for prevention practitioners and those interested in learning about ATOD prevention methods to increase their effectiveness and that of their programs.

Transcript of 2010 Program Sharing Brochure


Sponsored by the Minnesota Prevention Resource Center (MPRC). Funding provided by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division. Planning support by the Minnesota Departments of Human Services, Health, Education, Public Safety and the University of Minnesota Boynton Health Service.

Register online today!



OCTOBER 13–14, 2010St. Cloud Civic Center, St. Cloud, MN






EDWARD P. EHLINGER Director and Chief Health Officer Boynton Health Service, University of MinnesotaChair of MN’s SPF-SIG Advisory Council

DAVID MINETA Deputy Director of Demand Reduction White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

� Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 0 8� Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0

Welcome to the 2010 Program Sharing

Conference. This conference

provides learning, networking and skill-building opportunities

to those who work to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse

and the recreational use of tobacco (ATOD). The conference

agenda also encompasses violence prevention as it relates to

ATOD use. By sharing how their programs work, and what is

effective prevention, presenters and participants learn from

one another in this exemplary, two-day learning community.

Program Sharing, now in its 36th year, offers current research, promising approaches and programming enabling Minnesota’s prevention workforce to carry effective messages and prevention efforts to a wide range of audiences across the state.

Conference Goals Learn about implementing specific ATOD prevention strategies currently in use with various target audiences.

Learn about evidence-based, commu-nity-based, population-wide prevention and health promotion approaches.

Meet the DHS-ADAD staff, Regional ATOD Prevention Coordinators, the MPRC staff and the regional MPRC Consultants who serve your region of Minnesota.

Make connections with others interested in preventing problems associated with alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and related violence.

Have personal wellness opportunities available to help support you in your role as a prevention professional.

Personal Wellness OpportunitiesAs a way to say THANK YOU for all your hard work in serving your communities this past year with your prevention efforts, please take advantage of the available

opportunities for you to be refreshed and renewed throughout the conference. Some of these opportunities include:

Exhibits on self-care

Onsite chair massage in Exhibit Hall—10 minute time slots available for purchase.

Yoga class offered 6:30–7:30 a.m. Thursday, Oct 14 in the Schliplin Room in the St. Cloud Civic Center, 2nd floor. All levels welcome. Bring your own Yoga mat and water bottle. There will be a few mats available to use.

Group walk at 12:45 p.m. on October 13. Meet by registration table for a 20-minute walk outside. If too cold or raining, the walk will take place inside the St. Cloud Civic Center.

Create your own art at the craft table in the Exhibit Hall.

Places to Explore During Your Time in St. Cloud

Where do people go for a fun evening in St. Cloud? Downtown is the answer! Take in some live music, dancing, karaoke, comedy, pool and food. Get outdoors! Take a pleasant walk down the streets of Historic Downtown—it’s a refreshing

� Register onl ine today at w w w.emprc.org/ps�010

Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0 �Register onl ine today at w w w.emprc.org/ps�010 �

change. You will find many unique and specialty items, some of which are located in buildings dating as far back as 1880. Enjoy local establishments for dinner or to get a great cup of coffee. All addresses and information, plus coupons to various establishments can be found at the Visitor’s Bureau Booth in the Exhibit Hall.

Making New Friends; Reconnecting with Old OnesLooking for an opportunity to connect with other prevention professionals like you? Then you will want to find yourself at the Networking Session on Wednesday, October 13 from 4:00–5:00 p.m. in the Exhibit Hall. Come and meet other prevention professionals from around the state including the Regional Prevention Coordinator and MPRC Consultant that serve your region of the state. There will be hors d’oeuvres, activities, prizes and FUN!

Organizations, Projects, Vendors and Artisan Displays Visit the Exhibit Hall to view the displays of various organizations that focus on ATOD and related violence prevention, as well as healthy wellness artisian displays. You are encouraged to visit the exhibits throughout the conference. Exhibits will be open from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday and 7:45 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on Thursday.

Passport for Around the WorldPrizes, prizes and more prizes! Interested in winning free theater tickets, ski passes or other great prizes? Then you will need your passport! The Program Sharing Conference passport, that is. Your passport will be included in your participant packet that you will pick up at registration. You will travel around the world of exhibitors and if you get at least 10 exhibitors to stamp your passport, your name will be put into the drawing at the end of the conference. Prizes will be awarded at 2:45 p.m. on Thursday, October 14 during the closing session. You must be present to win.

Cyber Café Located in the Exhibit Hall, the Cyber Café offers you free access to check email, search the Internet or ask questions of our experts.

Food Continental breakfast and Thursday afternoon’s refreshment break will be set up in the Exhibit Hall. Please feel free to bring your breakfast with you when you go to Glenn Carlson Hall to hear the keynote speakers. Lunches will be served in the Glenn Carlson Hall. Vegetarian options will be available. Please check the box, “veg-etarian meals requested” when registering. Wednesday afternoon’s Networking Reception will take place in the Exhibit Hall.

Who should attend? ATOD prevention professionals School chemical health personnel Public health educators Psychologists and Counselors Parents and Students Law enforcement personnel School nurses Social service specialists Anyone interested or working in ATOD and violence prevention


Keynote SpeakersEDwArD P. EhlingEr, MD, MSPh

Dr. Ed Ehlinger is currently the Director and Chief Health Officer

of Boynton Health Service at the University of Minnesota. He is an

adjunct Associate Professor in the University of Minnesota’s School of

Public Health in the Maternal and Child Health Program in the Division

of Epidemiology. Previously, Dr. Ehlinger was the Director of Personal

Health Services for the Minneapolis Health Department.

Dr. Ehlinger is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and

has a Master of Science Degree in Public Health. He is a member and

past chair of the Public Health and Preventive Medicine committee of

the Minnesota Medical Association, past president of the Minnesota

Public Health Association and the North Central College Health

Association, and president of the Twin Cities Medical Society. In �009

Dr. Ehlinger was appointed by Governor Tim Pawlenty as the chair of

the Minnesota Strategic Prevention Framework Advisory Council.


David K. Mineta was confirmed unanimously by the United States

Senate on June ��, �010 to be the Deputy Director of Demand

Reduction for the Office of National Drug Control Policy. In this posi-

tion, Mr. Mineta oversees ONDCP Office of Demand Reduction which

focuses on promoting drug prevention and drug treatment programs,

as well as the agency’s newly created focus on programs for individu-

als in recovery from addiction.

Mr. Mineta’s focus of drug prevention and treatment services has been

longstanding. Since 1996, Mr. Mineta has worked with Asian American

Recovery Services (AARS) throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. He

started as a manager of a youth prevention program, but rose quickly

to associate director and, since �007, deputy director. As deputy direc-

tor, he oversaw all agency grant writing and institutional technology

departments, and assisted in strategic planning, community consor-

tiums, and other necessary functions. Before joining AARS, Mr. Mineta

was a counselor in the San Jose Unified School District and later in

Santa Clara’s Alcohol and Drug Department.

From November of �000 through July �010, Mr. Mineta served as a

trustee with the Jefferson Union High School District in Daly City.

In May �009, he was appointed to the Center for Substance Abuse

Prevention National Advisory Council. Mr. Mineta is a member of

the American Public Health Association and Community Anti-Drug

Coalitions of America.

Mr. Mineta studied Political Science at the University of California,

Berkeley and earned his Masters of Social Work from California State

University, San Jose in 1990.�

Preventing impaired Driving in MinnesotaAmy Roggenbuck, Minnesota Department of Public Safety-Office of Traffic Safety

We lose just over 400 people in Minnesota each year in traffic crashes. Of these fatalities, roughly half are alcohol related crashes. These crashes can be prevented by changing driver behavior and

Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0 �

W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 0

8:00 – 8:30 am rEgiSTrATiOn / COnTinEnTAl BrEAKFAST / EXhiBiT hAll OPEn

8:30 – 9:00 wElCOME / AnnOUnCEMEnTS

9:00 - 10:15 KEYnOTE SPEAKEr / gEnErAl SESSiOn

where is the Evidence leading Us in Our Approach to Alcohol?Edward P. Ehlinger, Director and Chief Health Officer Boyton Health Service - University of Minnesota

Despite numerous legislative and programmatic efforts, alcohol contin-ues to take a huge toll on the physical, mental, and economic health of Minnesotans of all ages. Organizations and communities expend a great deal of time and resources in efforts to reduce the excessive use of alcohol, to prevent the negative consequences linked to alcohol, or to respond to the damage caused to individuals and/or the community by the irre-sponsible use of alcohol. Much research has been done on this issue and many programs and interventions have been implemented with the hope of curtailing this problem. However, the overall rate of high risk drinking has remained at unacceptable levels. This session will review the data on the major approaches that have been tried and critique why they may not have had a significant impact on the overall high-risk drinking rates. With a specific focus on the data highlighting the role that the price of alcohol, the marketing of alcohol, and the linkage of alcohol and sports have in perpet-uating the problems of alcohol in our society, this session will discuss the potential of changing the way we frame the issue of excessive alcohol use from being an issue of adolescents and young adults that needs commu-nity attention to a societal issue that needs a community-wide approach of which adolescents and young adults are a critical component. Glenn Carlson Hall

10:15 - 10:30 PrEvEnTiOn AwArD

10:30 – 11:00 BrEAK/EXhiBiTS

11:00 – 12:15 rOUnD 1 SESSiOnS

Understanding Minnesota’s Social host OrdinancesGordy Pehrson, Minnesota Department of

Public Safety-Office of Traffic Safety

This learning session will take the mystery out of what social host ordinances in Minnesota really are, and will provide information on identifying and engaging others essential to successfully adopting an ordinance at the community or county level. Room: Bell

day one

11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.rOUnD 1 SESSiOnS (con’t.) All i need is a Miracle: Using Your

Evaluation results in the real worldEllie Church, South St. Paul School District Michelle Gerrard and Kristin Dillon, Wilder Research

Many communities are required to evaluate their efforts, but don’t have the resources to hire professional evaluators. In this ses-sion, participants will learn about easy-to-implement tools that have been used in other communities to make changes to their programs, as well as how participants can incorporate similar evaluation tools into their programs. Room: Swisshelm

Prevention Planning for Underage Drinking with the Minnesota Student Survey Anu Sharma, S & S Training and Consulting Jerry Evans, Evaluation Technical Assistance

Local data give local leaders information and knowledge with which to act. Using combined results of Minnesota Student Survey data from 12 Minnesota school districts that gave permission, we statisti-cally identified risk and protective factors most influential in youth alcohol use. We will discuss how prevention leaders can adapt or replicate this model using local data, or combine these results with other qualitative and quantitative data to inform development of a logic model. Room: Mitchell

Creative Capacity Building for CoalitionsLaura Bennett (RPC/Region 2), Carlton Cook Lake St. Louis Community Health Board, Cynthia Tri (RPC/Region 6), Parenting Resource Center, Melissa Perreault (RPC/Region 1), Polk County Public Health, Lynn Halmrast (RPC/Region 3), Clay County Public Health, Amber Tisue (RPC/Region 5), Project Turnabout

We cannot do this work alone. Our most successful efforts come from the combined strengths of coalition members, partners, and supporters. This session will give ideas and strategies to build capacity and create sustainability within a coalition. Find out new and exciting ways to strengthen your

community norms. There are many pro-grams being implemented at the commu-nity level across the State that address the dangers of impaired driving. Attendees will learn about the scope of the problem, what programs are currently being implemented across the state, and how to implement these programs in their home communities. Room: Edelbrock

what’s Up with the SPF Sig? (Mn Strategic Prevention Framework State incentive grantMinnesota Department of Human Services, SPF SIG Management Team

The Minnesota Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) project is in its second of five years of Federal funding. The SPF SIG, which is housed in the Department of Human Services Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division, is intended to build both State and com-munity-level capacity to implement the SPF model. The Minnesota SPF SIG Advisory Council has identified three priority prob-lems for this project: past 30 day alcohol use among youth, binge drinking among youth, and binge drinking among 18-25 year olds. Come and learn how to imple-ment this model, the progress the State of Minnesota has made thus far and where we are headed in the future. Room: Weidner

One voice Our voice - A video Tool for reaching ParentsBrenda Badger, Cathy Rude and Stacy Gallop, Hopkins School District

Do you struggle with connecting with par-ents? Do you believe your community has empowering and knowledgeable voices? Learn how HCC: One Voice created a video tool for sharing prevention messages, and how this tool has not only educated par-ents, but empowered them. Room: Clarke

6 Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0

day one

Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0 7

coalition. See examples and hear stories from community leaders throughout MN. Leave with at least five new ideas that you can use now! Room: Alexander

12:15 – 1:15 lUnCh

12:45 – 1:05 grOUP wAlKMeet at Registration table

1:15 – 2:30 rOUnD 2 SESSiOnS

Targeting the Adult ProviderTina Neary, Chisholm Kids Plus, Cheryl Bisping, Fairview University Medical Center-Mesabi, Laura Bennett (RPC/Region 2), Carlton Cook Lake St. Louis Community Health Board

A look at the various environmental strate-gies available to reduce underage alcohol use, with a focus on the Zero Adult Provider Project, Social Host Ordinance, Responsible Beverage Training, and Alcohol Compliance Checks. Room: Bell

Today’s Tobacco industry: innovation in response to regulationKatie Engman, Ramsey Tobacco CoalitionBetsy Brock, Association for Nonsmokers-Minnesota

The tobacco industry has mastered the art of innovation in response to regulation. The 1998 Tobacco Settlement Agreements were meant to limit tobacco advertising. However, since these settlements, the tobacco industry-advertising budget has doubled. The industry has also developed a slew of new products to avoid taxation and get around smoke-free laws. This ses-sion will provide an in-depth description of today’s tobacco industry complete with hands-on examples of new tobacco prod-ucts and marketing pieces. Room: Alexander

Tales from the Trenches: lessons learned in Community Organizing for Policy ChangePat McKone, American Lung Association of Minnesota

The presenter will share the highs and lows of tobacco control advocacy campaigns, including lessons learned, community orga-nizing strategies, media, and coalition build-ing and how they can be applied to other issue campaigns. Practical examples will be interwoven in the “tale” along words of en-couragement and challenges for the future. Room: Mitchell

Preaching to the Choir? Effective Parenting StrategiesMike Coyne, Minnesota Institute of Public Health

Prevention professionals often feel frustrat-ed trying to involve parents in their preven-tion programs. This session will re-examine who their target audience is, how we mea-sure success, and discuss a recent study that shows parents are talking to their kids about ATOD. It will also provide opportuni-ties for participants to share what they’ve done, and to learn from one another. Room: Clarke

Protecting You, Protecting Me: lessons learned in implementing at Minneapolis northAaron Spading, North Community High School

An introduction to and summary of a suc-cessful service-learning program at North High School in Minneapolis focused on mental and emotional health. The pro-gram is a partnership between M.A.D.D., Hazelden, local individual funders and the school system, where high school students learn lessons on wellness (particularly sur-rounding alcohol use and abuse), and teach those lessons to students in the community, grades 1–5. The program has run success-fully for four semesters, 2008–2010. Room: Swisshelm

day one

1:15 – 2:30 p.m. rOUnD 2 SESSiOnS (con’t.)

� Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0

not what the Doctor OrderedRick Moldenhauer, MN Depart. of Human Services - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Division

Abuse of prescription medications is the fastest growing drug pattern in Minnesota. Abuse of pharmaceuticals brings with it additional dangers and rationalizations not found with illegal substances. This course will focus on three categories; opiates, anxiolytics and stimulant medication, giving patterns of use and symptoms of intoxica-tion and withdrawal, and how they often present as unrelated medical and mental health issues. Room: Weidner

Prevention Burnout or living what we Teach? The importance of building the capacity of your prevention team by promoting stress reduction strategiesCynthia Tri (RPC/Region 6), Parenting Resource Center

Work is often cited as a primary cause of stress. Working long hours in prevention as well as strained family relationships with spouses and children also lead to stress. However, there are ways to reduce the feeling of stress. Cynthia Tri conducted a qualitative research study that explored if a relationship exists between what stress reduction strategies social workers employ with their clients and what they practice themselves. The purpose of this research was to assess if social workers practice what they teach their clients. This is impor-tant as in the last decade there has been a considerable amount of talk about the im-portance of stress reduction and prevention. Come and learn how to build the capacity within your teams and the importance of professionals practicing stress reduction strategies. Room: Edelbrock

2:30 – 2:45 BrEAK / EXhiBiTS

2:45 – 4:00 p.m.rOUnD 3 SESSiOnS

Empowering Youth to be Catalysts for healthPaula Butler and Renee Cole, Itasca County Public Health, Meghan Bown, Get Fit Itasca and SHIP

Each fall in Itasca County, a Youth Leadership Training is held. The day long event is a collaboration with organizations including: Itasca County Public Health, Catalyst Staff, Git Fit Itasca, Northeast Minnesota Regional ATOD and four county school districts. Five high school students are selected from each of the five high schools to be trained to become Peer Educators on healthy eating and tobacco prevention at the day long event. The trained Peer Educators present to the sixth graders in their school districts what they learned on healthy eating and tobacco prevention. Room: Bell

Engaging Youth in Substance Use PreventionAnn March, Morrison County Public Health

Youth involvement is essential in youth sub-stance use prevention, but getting youth involved, keeping them engaged and de-veloping youth-adult partnerships can be challenging. The Pierz Area Coalition will share its journey through challenges and successes to the development of an active student group. Room: Alexander

integrative Methods to Adolescent PreventionJamie Hedin, Roseville Area SchoolsDeb Mosby, Metropolitan State University

This presentation will teach attendees how to utilize experiential therapeutic modalities to help adolescents gain coping strategies. By using brief interventions and practical applications, attendees are encouraged to seek balance in wellness for the adoles-cents they work with. Room: Edelbrock

day one

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Visit the Cyber CaféCheck out the ExhibitsSee the Artisan DisplaysEnjoy Good Food and Conversation


Meeting Your goals with Developmental AssetsStephanie Drakulich, Search Institute

Search Institute’s Developmental Assets framework can help launch, inform and sustain a successful prevention effort. Asset building emphasizes inspiring, inviting, and equipping all types of people—including professionals, parents, other adults, and youth—to contribute to the well-being of children and adolescents. The positive approach of assets and the focus on re-lationships is a refreshing change from a deficit-based approach. Search Institute’s decades of innovative research can help you bridge the research and practice gap. Room: Clarke

Effective (and Ethical) ATOD PreventionKevin Spading, Minnesota Prevention Resource Center

Attendees will be able to strengthen their understanding of how ethical strategies strengthen effective ATOD prevention and are provided with an overview of effective prevention methodologies. Case studies will be provided to demonstrate how ethical choices, made by individuals or systems can alter the effectiveness of ATOD preven-tion in a community. Participants will also recognize how ATOD prevention is a com-munity wide effort that requires honesty and transparency within stakeholders in order to be effective and ethical. Room: Swisshelm

Developing Capacity for Community-Based Prevention leadershipJerry Evans, Evaluation Technical AssistanceAnu Sharma, S & S Training and Consulting

Leadership is a critical factor in building capacity. Prevention leaders need to know prevention science, understand the SPF, be skilled in strategic planning and coalition management, as well as competent in using data. We will present results of a year-long study of ten leaders and communities in Minnesota, summarizing four leadership

styles and tasks for which they are espe-cially suited. These results offer recom-mendations on leadership development for prevention professionals and funders that support them. Room Mitchell

The importance of Using reliable DataJay Jaffee and Laura Hutton, Minnesota Department of Health

The SPF-SIG requires data-driven deci-sion-making. In this age of the internet and electronic communication data is every-where. One can find data that supports any position you wish to make. Unreliable data is often used to support decisions about behavior and policy affecting substance use in our communities. Those working to prevent substance abuse problems need to be credible and need to use reliable data to inform decision-making in their communi-ties. Room: Weidner

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. nETwOrKing rECEPTiOn hosted in Exhibit hall

day one

T H U R S D AY, O C T O B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 0

8:00 – 8:30 a.m. rEgiSTrATiOn / COnTinEnTAl BrEAKFAST EXhiBiT hAll OPEn

8:30 – 8:45 AnnOUnCEMEnTS / OPEning rEMArKS

8:45 – 10:00 KEYnOTE - gEnErAl SESSiOn

The national Drug Control Strategy: Bringing Prevention Efforts to Scale


This presentation will provide an overview of the Obama Administration’s 2010 National Drug Control Strategy and its plans to reduce drug use and its consequences over the next five years. The critical role prevention plays in the Strategy will be highlighted including efforts to build a national system of local “prevention-prepared” communities. Glenn Carlson Hall

10:00 – 10:15 BrEAK / EXhiBiTS

10:15 – 11:30 rOUnD 4 SESSiOnS

Building Coalition Structure - how can we work smarter?Denise Reese, Bloomington Public Health

Taking the time now in dealing with the structure of your coalition will pay dividends later. The more structured your coalition is, the more your team members will perceive it as effective, become engaged and own the process. This session will explore the value of structures such as role descriptions, by-laws/guidelines, steering committees and work groups, and written agenda/minutes. Participants will get ready-to-use tools that will help make coalition infrastructure work for you! Room: Bell

Understanding Adolescent risk-tak-ing Utilizing a Multi-dimensional FrameworkColleen Gengler, U of MN Extension ServiceJodi Dworkin, University of Minnesota

In this session a multidimensional frame-work for understanding adolescent risk-tak-ing will be presented. Participants will be challenged to consider risk-taking through cognitive, social, psychobiological, and

emotional lenses. By understanding an ado-lescent in context and recognizing the many factors, which influence teen’s decisions about risky behaviors, this holistic approach enhances understanding of risk-taking and the ability to develop effective prevention programs. This framework can be used within the community to assist with preven-tion planning. Room: Alexander

Evaluation on a Shoestring BudgetLaura Martell Kelly, Laura Schauben and Monica Idzelis, Wilder Research

This presentation will debunk the myth that evaluation can’t be done without a lot of money. We will address how evaluation can save you money or help you secure funds and discuss options for targeting your evaluation to get the most bang for your limited buck. Come learn and share innova-tive ways to incorporate evaluation into your programming. Room: Weidner

10 Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0

day two

Compassion Fatigue? The Cost of Doing Our Job?Daniel Casey, UMTTI

Learn the potential effects of Compassion Fatigue on the systems we encounter, our workplace, our families, our clients, our world. Explore how to better handle the demands of emotionally draining work or experiences and how to help those around us handle theirs. Room: Clarke

Teens, Energy Drinks Mixed with Uppers & DownersDan Becker, District 742 Schools

Through a highly visual presentation, partici-pants will see how the energy drink industry has targeted the adolescent population. This presentation will show how the pres-sure for clearer labeling and selling has caused major brands to add warning labels. This presentation will cover how energy drinks are being used as chasers, mixed with harder drugs and how the popularity of mixing with alcohol continues to grow in the adolescent population. Room: Swisshelm

The Sum of a whole is greater than its Parts: A collaboration approach to implementing effective youth prevention programsEmily Anderson, NW Hennepin Human Services Council, Shaylene Baumbach, Olmsted County Public Health Services and Susan Vileta, Cotttonwood-Jackson County Community Health Services

In prevention, there is no one way to achieve your goal. There are many paths to follow: some may lead to dead ends and others, straight to the top. Factors like time, target population and funding can add obstacles to your paths, but can also provide opportuni-ties for learning and growth. In this session, we will walk you through how to bring diver-gent paths together through collaboration to determine appropriate strategies for imple-menting effective youth prevention programs and practices. Room: Mitchell

Telling the story about communities. how Prevention Professionals can put together a user friendly community needs assessment. Cynthia Tri (RPC/Region 6), Parenting Resource CenterMelanie Ferris and Amy Leite, Wilder Research

Community Needs Assessments can pro-vide communities with a valuable tool to utilize in writing grants, gathering baseline data, and directing people in the right direc-tion for their prevention efforts. When using data from different sources, information can be difficult to interpret or seem contradicto-ry. Come and learn ways to gather primary and secondary data, hear tips on design-ing focus group questions, and discuss ways to analyze and present your findings. Participants will learn elements of the pro-cess of putting together a community needs assessment that is user friendly. You will also find out how communities have utilized their assessments in their SPF-SIG process. Room: Edelbrock

11:30 – 12:30 lUnCh / EXhiBiTS

12:30 – 1:45 rOUnD 5 SESSiOnS

re-educating the Public on Marijuana SafetyCharles Reznikoff, Hennepin Faculty Associates

In this presentation we will discuss the epidemiology of marijuana use nationwide, including treatment episodes in Minnesota. I will review the neurochemistry of cannabi-noids, and discuss potential medical appli-cations. Finally, I will list the conditions that predispose me to marijuana use. Room: Bell

10:15 – 11:30 (con’t.) rOUnD 4 SESSiOnS

Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0 11

day two

Applying a Youth Development Model to Substance Abuse within Juvenile Justice Cheryl Kraeger, Juvenile Justice Coalition of Minnesota

The JJC mapped out the intersection be-tween the chemical health and juvenile justice systems. The presenter will share the results of the mapping project, including areas that are working, gaps, and opportu-nities for improving the system. To address the issues identified in the mapping project, the JJC’s Substance Abuse Work Group developed a Continuum of Care model. The session will end with a discussion and dialogue on implementing the Continuum of Care model in Minnesota communities. Room: Alexander

Assessing Cultural Capacity in Community-Based ATOD Prevention Efforts Amy Leite and Edith Gonzali-Lee, Wilder Research; and Annie Tepfer, PACT 4 Families Collaborative

Presenters will share assessment methods and findings from focus groups conducted with parents and youth of specific cultural communities in Western Minnesota. Wilder staff will present on the methods and data, and coalition coordinators will discuss how the coalitions have used or plan to use in-formation obtained through the assessment. The presentation will also highlight methods for assessing cultural capacity of coalitions working in ATOD prevention. Room: Weidner

Thriving with Your Teen-Developing a Parent networkMike Coyne, Minnesota Institute of Public Health

This session will compare different parent-ing styles. Research shows that parent engagement reduces many risk behaviors during the teen years. We will discuss which styles work best, and how parent

engagement has a positive impact on teens. We’ll discuss how you can create an effec-tive parent network. Room: Bell

An Environmental Management Approach to Alcohol Prevention through Community Building in a Campus neighborhoodRobert Reff and Amy Haggerty, St. Cloud State University

The environmental management approach to prevention means working together to change the community environment that contributes to AOD problems. Developed by St. Cloud State University, the Husky Neighbor Program aims to contribute to a safer environment where residents know and respect one another. Such community building results in stronger communities where people are socially responsible, re-spectful behaviors are valued, and impor-tant issues affecting the community, such as high-risk drinking, are discussed and dealt with openly. Room: Swisshelm

Engaging YouthAnn Orren, Chemical Health Coalition of Yellow Medicine CountyBrenda Arntzen and Tammie Doebler, Roseau County Prevention Coalition

Presenters will share how they have in-volved youth in their coalitions, why it’s important to involve youth in your environ-mental planning and strategies, and various ways to get and keep youth involved and engaged with the projects. Room: Mitchell

1:45 – 2:00 BrEAK / EXhiBiT

2:00 – 3:15 ClOSing SESSiOn AnD PrizE DrAwing

Bringing it all home: implementing the SPF in Your CommunityRoom: Glenn Carlson Hall

12:30 – 1:45 p.m. (con’t.) rOUnD 5 SESSiOnS

1� Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0

day two

8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Registration / Continental Breakfast / Exhibit Hall Open

8:30 - 9:00 Welcome / Announcements / Introduction to SPF & Conference Structure Kevin Spading, Director of Minnesota Prevention Resource Center (Glenn Carlson Hall)

9:00 - 10:15 Keynote / Where is the Evidence Leading Us in Our Approach to Alcohol? Edward P. Ehlinger, Director and Chief Health Officer, Boyton Health Service, U of MN

10:15 - 10:30 Prevention Award

10:30 - 11:00 Break / Exhibits

11:00 - 12:15 Round 1 Sessions

12:15 - 1:15 Lunch (Group Walk at 12:45 - 1:05 meet at registration table)

1:15 - 2:30 Round 2 Sessions

2:30 - 2:45 Break / Exhibits

2:45 - 4:00 Round 3 Sessions

4:00 - 5:00 Networking Reception (hosted in Exhibit Hall)



6:30 - 7:15 a.m. Yoga (Schliplin Room)

8:00 - 8:30 Registration / Continental Breakfast / Exhibit Hall Open

8:45 - 10:00 Announcement and Opening Remarks (Glenn Carlson Hall)

8:30 - 8:45 Keynote / The National Drug Control Strategy: Bring Prevention Efforts to Scale David Mineta, Deputy Direction of Demand Reduction White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (Glenn Carlson Hall)

10:00 - 10:15 Break / Exhibits

10:15 - 11:30 Round 4 Sessions

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch

12:30 - 1:45 Round 5 Sessions

1:45 - 2:00 Break / Exhibits

2:00 - 3:15 Closing Session and Prize Drawing

After reviewing the information-packed sessions described on the previous pages, set your own agenda by writing in the session titles that most interest you and meet your needs.

Register onl ine today at w w w. e m p rc. o rg / p s 2 0 1 0 1�

Closing Session & Prize Drawing (Glenn Carlson Hall)

your conference at a glance


COnFErEnCE lOCATiOnSt. Cloud Civic Center 10 Fourth Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN �6�01 ��0-���-7�7�, �00-��0-7�7�

hOTEl ACCOMMODATiOnSThere are blocks of rooms reserved under the Program Sharing conference at the following facilities:

1) Radisson Suite Hotel, �0� West Germain, ��0-6��-1661 (conference rate: $9�.00 plus tax per night)

�) GrandStay Residential Suites, �1� Sixth Ave South, ��0-��1-��00 (conference rate: single or double one bedroom suite $�9.90, single or double two bedroom studios $99.00 plus tax per night)

�) Best Western Kelly Inn, Hwy. �� and Fourth Ave South, ��0-���-�700 (conference rate: single $70.00, double $�0.00 plus tax per night)

To make a reservation, call the hotel directly and request a room in the Minnesota Prevention Resource Center – Program Sharing Conference block.

Other facilities in the St. Cloud area include: 1) Country Inn & Suites, 1�0 Seventh Ave SE, ��0-���-7199�) Best Western Americanna Inn, ��0 South Hwy 10, ��0-���-�700�) Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites, 7� South �7th Ave, ��0-���-9000

ACCESSiBiliTYIf you need an accommodation for a disability, please contact Kari Erdman at 76�-��7-��10 or �00-7��-1�7� on or before September 1�, �010.

CErTiFiCATE OF ATTEnDAnCECertificates of attendance listing dates and hours of the sessions will be available in each breakout session room. You must be in attendance in the session to receive your certificate. CEUs applied for: Minnesota Boards of Psychology, Social Work, Peace Officers, School Administrators; Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy; and Minnesota Certification Board (MCB). If you are interested in learning more about Minnesota prevention certification, please contact MCB at 76�-���-97�7.

COnFErEnCE CAnCEllATiOn POliCYRegistration fees, minus a $�0 administrative fee, will be refunded if cancellation is made in writing to the Minnesota Prevention Resource Center’s office on or before September �0, �010. Fees are nonrefundable after this date, but registration can be transferred to another person.

wEBSiTEFor updated conference information visit our website at www.emprc.org/ps2010.

ADviSOrY COMMiTTEEA special thanks to the following advisory committee members for their talent and time: Al Fredrickson, Phyllis Bengtson and Collin Frazier, MN Department of Human Services – Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division; Jay Jaffee, MN Department of Health; Kathy Brothen, MN Department of Education; Gordy Pehrson, MN Department of Public Safety; Dana Farley, University of MN – Boynton Health Services; and Kevin Spading, Kari Erdman and Lynne Gosselin, MN Prevention Resource Center.

conference logistics

1. register by September 10 and receive the Early Bird Discount!

❏ Full Conference (Oct. 13–14) $130 ❏ Full Conference Student (Oct. 13–14) $90 ❏ One Day (Oct. 13 only) $90 ❏ One Day Student (Oct. 13 only) $50 ❏ One Day (Oct. 14 only) $90 ❏ One Day Student (Oct. 14 only) $50

After September 10 registration ❏ Full Conference (Oct. 13–14) $160 ❏ Full Conference Student (Oct. 13–14) $100 ❏ One Day (Oct. 13 only) $100 ❏ One Day Student (Oct. 13 only) $75 ❏ One Day (Oct. 14 only) $100 ❏ One Day Student (Oct. 14 only) $75

$___________________ TOTAl AMOUnT DUE

2. registrant information (Please type or print clearly)

BILLING ADDRESS (if different than above)





Daytime phone

3. Method of Payment ❏ Check enclosed made payable to Minnesota Prevention Resource Center (MPRC). (Please reference registrant name on check)

❏ Visa ❏ Mastercard MN Sales Tax Exemption #__________________________

Card # ____________________________________________Expir. Date ___________________

Name (exactly as on card) ________________________________________________________

Address (exactly as on card) ______________________________________________________

Signature _____________________________________________________________________

❏ Bill my organization. Purchase order number is ___________________________________

ONLINE: www.emprc.org/ps�010 click on Program Sharing 2010 Registration

FAX: 76�-��7-7��1

MAIL: MPRC, Attn: Lynne Gosselin, �7�0 Highway 10 NE Mounds View, MN ��11�-�09�

A registration refund (less $30 administrative fee) will be issued if written cancellation is received, on or before September 30, 2010. Fees are nonrefundable after this date but registration can be transferred to another person. No confirmations will be sent.

The 36th Annual Program Sharing Conference may be photographed and video recorded by MPRC staff. Registration and attendance of each participant of this conference acknowledges that as a participant you willingly give your permission to be video recorded and/or photographed, and that the recordings and photographs are the property of MPRC and may appear in promotional and marketing pieces, montages or on the MPRC website.





Email Daytime phone

❏ Vegetarian meal requested ❏ Special needs with meals_______________________________

conference registration














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