2010 Prius Navigation Manual

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Transcript of 2010 Prius Navigation Manual



This manual explains the operation of the Navigation System.Please read this manual carefully to ensure proper use. Keep thismanual in your vehicle at all times.

The Navigation System is one of the most technologically advancedvehicle accessories ever developed. The system receives satellite sig-nals from the Global Positioning System (GPS) operated by the U.S.Department of Defense. Using these signals and other vehicle sen-sors, the system indicates your present position and assists in locatinga desired destination.

The navigation system is designed to select efficient routes from yourpresent starting location to your destination. The system is also designedto direct you to a destination that is unfamiliar to you in an efficient manner.The system uses DENSO maps. The calculated routes may not be theshortest nor the least traffic congested. Your own personal local knowl-edge or “short cut” may at times be faster than the calculated routes.

The navigation system’s database includes Point of Interest categories toallow you to easily select destinations such as restaurants and hotels. Ifa destination is not in the database, you can enter the street address ora major intersection close to it and the system will guide you there.

The system will provide both a visual map and audio instructions. The au-dio instructions will announce the distance remaining and the direction toturn in approaching an intersection. These voice instructions will help youkeep your eyes on the road and are timed to provide enough time to allowyou to maneuver, change lanes or slow down.


Please be aware that all current vehicle navigation systems havecertain limitations that may affect their ability to perform properly.The accuracy of the vehicle’s position depends on the satellite con-dition, road configuration, vehicle condition or other circumstan-ces. For more information on the limitations of the system, refer topages 306 through 307.





Basic information before operation

� Initial screen 26

� Touch screen operation 27

� Inputting letters and numbers/List screen operation 28

� Screen adjustment 31

� Function help 32

� Map screen operation 33

Current position display 33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Screen scroll operation 33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switching the screens 39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Map scale 41. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foot print map 42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orientation of the map 43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Map icons 43. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

� Speech command system 44Command list 47



When the “POWER” switch is in ACCES-SORY or ON mode, the initial screen willbe displayed and the system will beginoperating.

CAUTIONWhen the vehicle is stopped with thehybrid system operating, always ap-ply the parking brake for safety.

After a few seconds, the “CAUTION”screen will be displayed.

After about 5 seconds, the “CAUTION”screen automatically switches to the mapscreen. When the “MAP/VOICE” buttonis also pushed, the map screen is dis-played.

While the “CAUTION” screen is displayed,the “DEST” or “SETUP” button cannot beoperated. And if the “Calendar” button onthe “Information” screen is touched, thescreen will change back to the “CAUTION”screen. In about 5 seconds, or when the“MAP/VOICE” button is pushed or the“Show Map” is touched, the “CAUTION”screen will change to the map screen.

Initial screen



� Maintenance informationThis system informs about when to replacecertain parts or components and showsdealer information (if registered) on thescreen.

When the vehicle reaches a previously setdriving distance or date specified for ascheduled maintenance check, the “Infor-mation” screen will be displayed when thenavigation system is in operation.

To disable this screen, touch “Do NotDisplay This Message Again”. Thisscreen goes off if the screen is not op-erated for several seconds.To prevent this information screen from be-ing displayed again, touch “Do NotDisplay This Message Again”.

To register “Maintenance information”, see“—Maintenance” on page 300.

This system is operated mainly by thetouch screen buttons on the screen.

To prevent damage to the screen, light-ly touch buttons on the screen with thefinger. When a button on the screen istouched, a beep sounds. (To set a beepsound, see page 236.)Do not use objects other than the fingerto touch the screen.

INFORMATION� If the system does not respond to

a touch on a touch screen button,move the finger away from thescreen and then touch it again.

� Dimmed touch screen buttonscannot be operated.

� Wipe off fingerprints using a glasscleaning cloth. Do not use chemi-cal cleaners to clean the touchscreen.

� The displayed image may becomedarker and moving images may beslightly distorted when the displayis cold.

� Under extremely cold conditions,the map may not be displayed andthe data input by a user may be de-leted. Also, the touch screen but-tons may be harder than usual todepress.

� When you look at the screenthrough polarized material such aspolarized sunglasses, the screenmay be dark and hard to see. If so,look at the screen from differentangles, adjust the screen settingson the “Display” screen, or take offyour sunglasses.

Touch screen operation



When searching for an address or a name,or entering, letters and numbers can be in-put via the touch screen.

INFORMATIONKeyboard layout can be changed.(See page 239.)

� To input letters and numbersTo display the alphabet keys, touch“A−Z”.

Enter letters by touching the keys directly.

: Touching this button erases oneletter. By holding this button, let-ters will continue to be erased.

On certain letter entry screens, letters canbe entered in upper or lower case.

: To enter in lower case.

: To enter in upper case.

Inputting letters andnumbers/List screenoperation



� To input symbolsTo display symbol keys, touch “Other”.

Enter symbols by touching the symbolkeys directly.

: Touching this button erases oneletter. By holding this button, let-ters will continue to be erased.

� To display the list

To search for an address or a name, touch“OK”. Matching items from the databaseare listed even if the entered address orname is incomplete.

If the number of matches is five or less, thelist is displayed without touching “OK”.

INFORMATIONThe number of matching items isshown to the right side of the screen.If the number of matching items ismore than 999, the system displays“∗∗” on the screen.



� List screen operationWhen a list is displayed, use the appropri-ate button to scroll through the list.

To shift to the next or previouspage.

Touch or to scroll through

the displayed list.

This expresses a displayed screenposition.

If appears to the right of theitem name, the complete name istoo long for the display. Touchto scroll to the end of the name.

Touch to scroll to the beginningof the name.

� SortingThe order of a list displayed on the screencan be rearranged.

1. Touch “Sort”.

2. Select the desired sorting criteria.Sorting criteria are as follows:

“Distance”: To sort in the order of dis-tance from your current location.

“Date”: To sort in the order of the date.

“Category”: To sort in the order of thecategory.

“Icon”: To sort in the order of the icons.

“Name”: To sort in order by name.



You can adjust the contrast and brightnessof the screen. You can also turn the displayoff, and change the screen to either day ornight mode.

� Contrast and brightness adjust-ment

The contrast and brightness of the screencan be adjusted depending on the bright-ness of your surroundings. You can alsoturn the display off.

1. Push the “DISP” button.

2. Touch the desired button to adjustcontrast and brightness.“Contrast” “+”: Strengthens the contrastof the screen.

“Contrast” “–”: Weakens the contrast ofthe screen.

“Brightness” “+”: Brightens the screen.

“Brightness” “–”: Darkens the screen.

3. After adjusting the screen, touch“OK”.The screen goes off when “Screen Off” istouched. To turn the display screen backon, push the “DISP” button again, or pushthe “DEST” or another screen mode but-ton.

INFORMATIONWhen you do not touch any button onthe “Display” screen for 20 seconds,the previous screen will be displayed.

Screen adjustment



� Changing between day mode andnight mode

Depending on the position of the headlightswitch, the screen changes to day mode ornight mode.

To display the screen in day mode evenwith the headlight switch on, touch“Day Mode” on the adjustment screenfor brightness and contrast control.If the screen is set in day mode with theheadlight switch turned on, this condition ismemorized in the system even with the hy-brid system turned off.

If the instrument panel light control switchis turned fully to upper, the displays condi-tion is not changed to night mode even ifheadlight switch is turned on.

When appears on the screen, an ex-

planation of the function can be displayed.

1. Touch .

2. Touch the button of the desiredfunction.

Function help



When starting the navigation system, thecurrent position is displayed first.

This screen displays the current vehicleposition and a map of the surrounding localarea.

The current vehicle position mark ( 1 ) ap-pears in the center or bottom center of themap screen.

A street name will appear on the bottom ofthe screen, depending on the scale of themap ( 2 ).

You can return to this map screen thatshows your current position at any timefrom any screen by pushing the “MAP/VOICE” button.

While driving, the current vehicle positionmark is fixed on the screen and the mapmoves.

The current position is automatically set asthe vehicle receives signals from the GPS(Global Positioning System). If the currentposition is not correct, it is automaticallycorrected after the vehicle receives sig-nals from the GPS.

INFORMATION� After the 12 volt battery disconnec-

tion, or on a new vehicle, the cur-rent position may not be correct.As soon as the system receivessignals from the GPS, the correctcurrent position is displayed.

� To correct the current positionmanually, see page 251.

When any point on the map is touched,that point moves to the center of the screenand is shown by the cursor mark ( 1 ).

Use the scroll feature to move the desiredpoint to the center of the screen for lookingat a point on the map that is different fromthe current position of the vehicle.

If the finger is continuously held on thescreen, the map will continue scrolling inthat direction until the finger is removed.

A street name, city name, etc. of thetouched point will be shown, depending onthe scale of the map ( 2 ). Distance fromthe current position to will also beshown ( 3 ).

After the screen is scrolled, the map re-mains centered at the selected locationuntil another function is activated. The cur-rent vehicle position mark will continue tomove along your actual route and maymove off the screen. When the “MAP/VOICE” button is pushed, the current ve-hicle position mark returns to the center ofthe screen and the map moves as the ve-hicle proceeds along the designated route.

INFORMATIONWhen the one−touch scroll feature isused, the current vehicle positionmark may disappear from the screen.Move the map with a one−touch scrollagain or push the “MAP/VOICE” but-ton to return to the current vehicleposition map location display.

Map screen operation — — Current position display

— Screen scroll operation(one−touch scroll)



� To set the cursor position as a des-tination

A specific point on the map can be set asa destination using the one−touch scrollfunction.

Touch “Enter ”.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

� To register the cursor position as anaddress book entry

Address book entry registration enableseasy access to a specific point.

Touch “Mark”.When you touch “Mark”, the followingscreen appears for a few seconds, andthen the map screen returns.

The registered point is shown by on themap.



To change the icon or name, etc., see “ (b)Editing address book entries” on page108.

Up to 100 address book entries can be reg-istered. If there is an attempt to registermore than 100 address book entries, anerror message will appear.

� To see information about the iconwhere the cursor is set

To display information about an icon, setthe cursor on it.



POI INFORMATIONWhen the cursor is set on a POI icon, thename and “Info.” are displayed at the topof the screen.

Touch “Info.”.

Information such as the name, address,and phone number are displayed.

If “Enter ” is touched, the position of thecursor is set as a destination.

If there is already a set destination, “Go to” and “Add to Route” are displayed.

“Go to ”: To delete the existing destina-tions and set a new one.

“Add to Route”: To add a destination.

To register this POI as an address bookentry, touch “Mark”. (See page 107.)

If is touched, the registered tele-

phone number can be called.

INFORMATIONThe desired Point of Interest can bedisplayed on the map screen. (See“ — Display POI icons” on page 90.)



ADDRESS BOOK ENTRYINFORMATIONWhen the cursor is set on an address bookentry icon, the name and “Info.” are dis-played at the top of the screen.

Touch “Info.”.

Information such as the name, address,and phone number are displayed.

If “Enter ” is touched, the position of thecursor is set as a destination.

If there is already a set destination, “Go to” and “Add to Route” are displayed.

“Go to ”: To delete the existing destina-tions and set a new one.

“Add to Route”: To add a destination.

To edit an address book entry, touch“Edit”. (See “(b) Editing address book en-tries” on page 108.)

To delete an address book entry, touch“Delete”.

If is touched, the registered tele-

phone number can be called.



DESTINATION INFORMATIONWhen the cursor is set on a destinationicon, the name and “Info.” are displayedon the top of the screen.

Touch “Info.”.

Information such as the name, address,and phone number are displayed.

To delete a destination, touch “Delete”.

If is touched, the registered tele-

phone number can be called.

XM� NavTraffic TEXT INFORMATIONWhen you touch the XM� NavTraffic iconon the map, the XM� NavTraffic info. barwill appear on the upper part of the screen.

Touch “Info.”.

Traffic information is displayed on thescreen.

Touch “Detail” to display detailed trafficevent information.



Any one of the screen configurations canbe selected .

1. Touch this button to display the fol-lowing screen.

2. To select the desired screen config-uration, touch one of the following but-tons.

Depending on the conditions, certainscreen configuration buttons cannot beselected.

:To display the single map screen.(See page 40.)

:To display the dual map screen.(See page 40.)

:To display the compass modescreen. (See page 41.)

:To display the freeway screen.(See page 76.)


To display the turn list screen.(See page 78.)

:To display the arrow screen. (Seepage 78.)

:To display the intersection guid-ance screen or the guidancescreen on the freeway. (See page77.)

— Switching the screens



� Screen configurationsSINGLE MAPThis is a regular map screen.

While on a different screen, touching

will display the single

map screen.

The screen shows the single map.

DUAL MAPA map can be displayed split in two.

While on a different screen, touching will display the dual map


The screen shows the dual map. The mapon the left is the main map.

The right side map can be edited by touch-ing any specific point on the right side map.

This screen can perform the following pro-cedures:

1. Changing the map scale2. Displaying the POI icon3. Show XM� NavTraffic Info. (See page

96.)4. Changing the orientation of the map

Touch “OK” when you complete edi-ting.The screen returns to the dual map screen.



COMPASS MODECurrent vehicle position is indicated with acompass.

While on a different screen, touching will display the compass

mode screen.

Information about the destination and cur-rent position, as well as a compass, is dis-played on the screen.

The destination mark is displayed in the di-rection of the destination. When driving re-fer to the longitude and latitude coordi-nates, and the compass, to make sure thatyour vehicle is headed in the direction ofthe destination.

INFORMATIONWhen the vehicle travels out of thecoverage area, the guidance screenchanges to the compass modescreen.

Touch or to change the scale

of the map display. The scale bar and indi-cator at the bottom of the screen indicatesthe map scale menu. The scale range is150 feet (50 m) to 250 miles (400 km).

Touch or until the scale bar

changes normally. By continuing to touchthe button, the scale bar changes smooth-ly.

The scale of the map display can bechanged by touching the scale bar directly.It is not available while driving.

The map scale is displayed under thenorth−up symbol or heading−up symbol atthe top left of the screen.

INFORMATIONWhen the map scale is at the maxi-mum range of 250 miles (400 km),

is not shown. When the mapscale is at the minimum range of 150feet (50 m), is not shown. Inareas where the foot print map isavailable the map scale changes from

to when at the minimumrange.

— Map scale



For the area which is covered by the footprint map (Some areas in the followingcities: Detroit, Chicago, N.Y., L.A), you canswitch to the foot print map on a scale of 75feet (25 m).

� To switch to the foot print map

changes into when the map

is scaled down to 150 feet (50 m).

To display the foot print map, touch.

To delete the foot print map display, touch


INFORMATION� If the map or the current position is

moved to the area which is not cov-ered by the foot print map, thescreen scale automaticallychanges to 150 feet (50 m).

� On the foot print map, a one waystreet is displayed by .

� It is not possible to perform scroll-ing on the foot print map (one−touch scroll) while driving.

� To display building informationInformation is available only for buildingsfor which information is recorded on themap disc.

Touch “Info.” while the foot print map isdisplayed.

Details of POIs in some buildings may bedisplayed.

For detailed POI information, touch thebuilding name. You can see details of theselected POIs.

— Foot print map



The orientation of the map can be changedfrom North−up to Heading−up by touchingthe orientation symbol at the top left of thescreen.

Touch or .

� North−up screen

� Heading−up screen

North−up symbol

Regardless of the direction of vehicle trav-el, North is always up.

Heading−up symbol

The direction of vehicle travel is always up.A red arrow indicates North.

Icon Name




Business facility






Shopping mall


— Orientation of the map —Map icons



The speech command system enablesyou to operate the navigation system, au-dio system and hands−free system by giv-ing a command.

1. Push the talk switch.After a beep sounds, the “Voice Menu”screen is displayed.

INFORMATIONVoice guidance for the speech com-mand system can be skipped bypushing the talk switch.

2. After a beep sounds, say the com-mand of your choice.

Speech commands are marked with .

Speak the commands as displayed on thescreen.

If you want to check the command list, say“Command list” to display the commandlist screen. (See “—Command list” onpage 47.)

Speech command system—



3. Following voice guidance, say thecommand displayed on the screen.If a desired outcome is not shown, or if nochoices are available, say “Go back” ortouch “Go Back” to return to the previousscreen.

To cancel speech command recognition,say “Cancel”, touch “Cancel”, or pushand hold the talk switch.

If the navigation system does not respondor the confirmation screen does not disap-pear, please push the talk switch and tryagain.

If a speech command cannot be recog-nized within 6 seconds, the voice guidancesystem will say “Pardon?” (“Command notrecognized.” will be displayed on thescreen) and speech command receptionwill restart.

If a speech command cannot be recog-nized two consecutive times, the voiceguidance system will say “Paused. To re-start voice recognition, push the talkswitch.”, then be suspended.

� Microphone (Type A)

� Microphone (Type B)

It is unnecessary to speak directly intothe microphone when giving a com-mand.

INFORMATION� Wait for the confirmation beep be-

fore speaking a command.� Voice commands may not be rec-

ognized if :� Spoken too quickly� Spoken at a low or high volume� The windows or sunroof are open� Passengers are talking while

voice commands are spoken



� Speech command example: Search-ing for a route to your home.

1. Push the talk switch.2. Say “Go home”.If a home address is not registered, thevoice guidance system will say “Yourhome is not set” and you will be promptedto enter a home address. (See page 101.)

When the speech command is recog-nized, a map of the area around your homeis displayed.

3. Touch “Enter” or say “Enter”, andthe system starts searching for a routeto your home.To return to the “Voice Menu” screen, say“Go back” or touch “Go Back”.

Touch “Cancel” or say “Cancel”, and thespeech command system will be can-celed.

When you search the destination byPOI, this screen is displayed.

INFORMATIONIn the following conditions, the sys-tem may not recognize the commandproperly and using speech com-mands may not be possible.

� The command is not correct orclear.Note that certain words, accents, orspeech patterns may be difficult forthe system to recognize.

� There are some noises such aswind noise, etc.



The system has a voice recognition com-mand list. You can operate the voice rec-ognition system by saying any commandfrom the displayed command list. Howev-er, the XM� NavTraffic commands cannotbe used where the XM� NavTraffic serviceis not available. (For details, see “XM�NavTraffic” page 96.)

1. Push the talk switch.

2. Say “Command list”.

3. Say the command of your choice tooperate the system.To confirm commands on the screen,

touch or to scroll through the

command list. This function is availableonly when the vehicle is not moving.

INFORMATIONWhen the “Voice Menu” screen is dis-played, all the commands in the voicerecognition command list can be rec-ognized.

—Command list



� Speech command example: Chang-ing map screen

1. Push the talk switch.2. Say “Command list”.

3. Say “Dual map”.To confirm commands on the screen,

touch or to scroll through the

command list. This function is availableonly when the vehicle is not moving.

When or is touched, push the talk

switch again and say the command.

The screen shows the dual map.

� Speech command example:Chang-ing map scale

1. Push the talk switch.2. Say “Command list”.

3. Say “Zoom in” or “Zoom out”.To confirm commands on the screen,

touch or to scroll through the

command list. This function is availableonly when the vehicle is not moving.

When or is touched, push the talk

switch again and say the command.

The scale of the map display is changed.





� Destination search 50

Selecting the search area 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by Home 52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by Preset destinations 52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by “Address” 53. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by “Point of Interest” 57. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by “Previous Destinations” 63. . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by “Address Book” 64. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by “Emergency” 64. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by “Intersection & Freeway” 65. . . . . . . . . . Destination search by “Map” 68. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destination search by “Coordinates” 69. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting set destinations 69. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

� Starting route guidance 70



Push the “DEST” button.

You can use one of 10 different methods tosearch your destination. (See pages 52through 69.)

INFORMATIONWhen searching the destination, theresponse to the touch screen buttonmay be slow.

Change the selected region in order to seta destination from a different region by us-ing “Address”, “Point of Interest” or “Inter-section & Freeway”.

1. Touch “Search Area” to display amap of the United States and Canadadivided into 12 regions. (For map data-base information and updates, see “Mapdatabase information and updates” onpage 308.)

2. Touch one of “US1” through “CAN”to select a region to search.3. Touch “OK” and the previousscreen returns.

Destination search — — Selecting the search area




ButtonStates included in the searchregion




ArizonaColoradoMontanaNew MexicoUtahWyoming


IowaKansasMinnesotaMissouriNorth DakotaNebraskaSouth Dakota







ConnecticutMassachusettsMaineNew HampshireNew JerseyNew YorkRhode IslandVermont


Washington, D.C.DelawareMarylandNew JerseyPennsylvaniaVirginiaWest Virginia


FloridaGeorgiaNorth CarolinaSouth Carolina

“HI” Hawaii


ButtonProvinces and regions in-cluded in the search region

“CAN”All provinces and regions inCanada included in this button.



1. Push the “DEST” button.

2. Touch “Go Home”.The screen changes and displays the maplocation for home and the route prefer-ence. (See “Starting route guidance” onpage 70.)

If home has not been registered, a mes-sage will be displayed and the settingscreen will automatically appear.

To use this function, it is necessary to seta “Home” address. (To register “Home”,see page 101.)

INFORMATIONGuidance starts from the current ve-hicle position to your home if “OK” istouched even while driving.

1. Push the “DEST” button.

2. Touch any of the preset destinationtouch screen buttons on the “Destina-tion” screen.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the preset destination point andthe route preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

If a preset destination point has not beenregistered, a message will be displayedand the setting screen will automaticallyappear.

To use this function, it is necessary to set“Preset Destinations”. (To register “PresetDestinations”, see page 103.)

INFORMATIONGuidance starts from the current ve-hicle position to the preset destina-tion point if “Go to ” is touchedeven while driving.

— Destination search byHome

— Destination search byPreset destinations



There are 2 ways to search a destinationby address.(a) Search by city(b) Search by street address

1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Address” on the “Destina-tion” screen.

3. Touch the button for the desiredmethod.

(a) Selecting a city to search1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Address” on the “Destina-tion” screen.

3. Touch “City”.

4. Input a city name.

5. Touch the button of the desired cityname from the displayed list.

— Destination search by“Address”



6. Input the street name and touch“OK”.

7. When the desired street name isfound, touch the corresponding but-ton.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

8. Input a house number.

If the same address exists in more thanone city, the current screen changes to theaddress list screen.




1. Touch “Last 5 Cities”.

2. Touch the button of the desired cityname.If the navigation system has never beenused, this function will not be available.

The current screen changes to the screenfor inputting a street name. (See “(a) Se-lecting a city to search” on page 53.)

(b) Search by street address1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Address” on the “Destina-tion” screen.

3. Touch “Street Address”.

4. Touch numbers directly on thescreen to input a house number.After inputting a house number, touch“OK” to display the screen for inputting astreet name.

5. Input the street name and touch“OK”.



6. When the desired street name isfound, touch the corresponding but-ton.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

If the same address exists in more thanone city, the current screen changes input-ting the city name or to the address listscreen.

7. Input a city name.

8. Touch the button of the desired cityname from the displayed list.

INFORMATIONYou can search for a street name us-ing just the body.Example : S WESTERN AVEYou can input “S WESTERN AVE”,“WESTERN AVE” or “WESTERN”



There are 3 ways to search by Points of In-terest.(a) Search by name(b) Search by category(c) Search by phone #

1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Points of Interest” on the“Destination” screen.

3. Touch the button for the desiredmethod.

(a) Search by “Name”1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Point of Interest” on the“Destination” screen.3. Touch “Name” on the “Point of In-terest” screen.

4. Input the name of the Point of Inter-est.

5. Touch the button of the desired des-tination.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

When inputting the name of a specificPoint of Interest, and there are two or moresites with the same name, the list screenis displayed.

INFORMATIONTo search for a facility name usingmultiple search words, put a spacebetween each word.

— Destination search by“Point of Interest”



Touch the button of the desired des-tination.If the same name exists in more than onecity, a search can be performed more easi-ly with “City” and “Category”. (See “�Selecting a city to search” on page 58 and“� Selecting from the categories” on page59.)

INFORMATIONThe desired Point of Interest can bedisplayed on the map screen. (See“ — Display POI icons” on page 90.)

� Selecting a city to search

1. Touch “City”.

2. Input the city name.

3. Touch the button of the desired cityname from the displayed list.

INFORMATIONTo cancel the city setting, touch “AnyCity”.



� Selecting from the categories

Touch “Category”.

If the desired POI category is on thescreen, touch the name to display a de-tailed list of the POI category.

If the desired POI category is not on thescreen, touch “List All Categories” to listall POI categories.

When the desired category is touched, thePOI name list screen is displayed.

(b) Search by “Category”The destination can be set by selecting thesearch point and the POI category.

1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Point of Interest” on the“Destination” screen.3. Touch “Category” on the “Point ofInterest” screen.

Set the search point by the followingmethod:1. Set the search point from near the ve-

hicle’s current position2. Set the search point from along the

chosen route3. Set the search point from near a city

center4. Set the search point from near a des-


It is possible to display the names of POIslocated within approximately 200 miles(320 km) from the selected search point.



SETTING THE SEARCH POINT FROMNEAR HERETouch “Near Here”.The search point is set at the current posi-tion, and the “POI Category” screen will bedisplayed. (See page 62.)

SETTING THE SEARCH POINT FROMALONG MY ROUTETouch “Along My Route”.The search point is set and the “POI Cate-gory” screen will be displayed. (See page62.)


2. Input the city center name.

3. Touch the button of the desired citycenter name.The search point is set and the “POI Cate-gory” screen will be displayed. (See page62.)



SELECTING FROM THE LAST 5 CITIES1. Touch “Near City Center”.

2. Touch “Last 5 Cities”.

3. Touch the button of the desired citycenter name.The search point is set and the “POI Cate-gory” screen will be displayed. (See page62.)


2. Touch the button of the desired des-tination.The search point is set and the “POI Cate-gory” screen will be displayed. (See page62.)



� To search POIs near the searchpoint

When the search point is set, the “POICategory” screen will be displayed.

Select the desired POI category.If the desired POI category is not on thescreen, touch “List All Categories” to listall POI categories.

Select the desired POI category fromthe list.

By touching the button of the desired item,the screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

(c) Search by “Phone #”1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Point of Interest” on the“Destination” screen.3. Touch “Phone #” on the “Point of In-terest” screen.

4. Input a telephone number.5. After inputting a telephone number,touch “OK”.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

If there is more than one site with the samenumber, the following screen will be dis-played.



INFORMATION� If there is no match for the tele-

phone number inputted, a list ofidentical numbers with differentarea codes will be displayed.

� To set an address book entry as adestination using the phone num-ber, the number must already beregistered. (See page 111.)

1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Previous Destinations” onthe “Destination” screen.

The previous starting point and up to 100previously set destinations are displayedon the screen.

3. Touch the button of the desired des-tination.“Delete”: To delete the previous destina-tion. (To delete previous destinations, seepage 117.)

The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

INFORMATIONThe list of previous destinations canalso be deleted by touching “DeletePrevious Dest.” on the “NavigationSettings” screen when the vehicle isstopped. (See “ — Deleting previousdestinations” on page 117.)

— Destination search by“Previous Destinations”



1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Address Book” on the “Des-tination” screen.A list of registered address book entries isdisplayed.

3. Touch the button of the desired ad-dress book entry.“Options”: To register or edit addressbook. (See page 106.)

The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Emergency” on the secondpage of the “Destination” screen.The display changes to a screen to selectpolice stations, dealers, hospitals or firestations. While driving, only nearby policestations, dealers, hospitals, or fire stationsare shown. The current position is shownwith an address, and the latitude and thelongitude at the top of the screen.

3. Touch the desired emergency cate-gory.The selected emergency category list isdisplayed.

— Destination search by“Address Book”

— Destination search by“Emergency”



4. Touch the button of the desired des-tination.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

INFORMATIONThe navigation system does notguide in areas where route guidanceis unavailable. (See page 307.)

There are 2 ways to search.(a) Search by intersection(b) Search by Freeway Entrance/Exit

1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Intersection & Freeway” onthe second page of the “Destination”screen.

3. Touch the button for the desiredmethod.

— Destination search by“Intersection & Freeway”



(a) Search by “Intersection”1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Intersection & Freeway” onthe second page of the “Destination”screen.3. Touch “Intersection” on the “Inter-section & Freeway” screen.

4. Input the name of the first intersect-ing street which are located near thedestination to be set.5. Touch “OK”.

6. Touch the button of the desireditem.

7. Input the name of the second inter-secting street.

8. Touch the button of the desireditem.After inputting the two intersecting streets,the screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)



If the same two streets cross at more thanone intersection, the screen changes anddisplays the menu to select the city namewhere the streets intersect. Select the city,and the map location of the selected des-tination and the route preference. (See“Starting route guidance” on page 70.)

(b) Search by “Freeway Entrance/Exit”1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Intersection & Freeway” onthe second page of the “Destination”screen.3. Touch “Freeway Entrance/Exit” onthe “Intersection & Freeway” screen.

4. To input a freeway name.Be sure to use the complete name of thefreeway or highway, including the hyphen,when entering the destination. Freewaysand interstates use an “I” (I−405). US high-ways use the state designation before thenumber (CA−118).

5. Select the desired freeway by touch-ing the button.



6. Either a freeway “Entrance” or“Exit” can be selected.

7. To input a freeway entrance or exitname.8. Touch “OK”.

9. Touch the button of the desired en-trance or exit name.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Map” on the second page ofthe “Destination” screen.

The screen changes and displays the maplocation that was previously displayed justbefore the destination input operation andthe route preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

INFORMATIONGuidance starts if “OK” is touchedeven while driving. However, the cur-sor cannot be moved.

— Destination search by“Map”



1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Coordinates” on the secondpage of the “Destination” screen.

3. Input the latitude and the longitude.4. When the input is finished, touch“OK”.By touching the button of the desired point,the screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)

A set destination can be deleted.

1. Push the “DEST” button.2. Touch “Del. Dest.” on the “Destina-tion” screen.When more than one destination is set, alist will be displayed on the screen.

3. Touch the destination for deletion.“Select All”: To select all destinations onthe list.

“Unselect All”: To unselect all of the se-lected destinations.

4. Touch “Delete”.

A message appears to confirm the requestto delete.

5. To delete the destination(s), touch“Yes”.If “Yes” is touched, the data cannot be re-covered.

If “No” is touched, the previous screen willreturn.

— Destination search by“Coordinates” — Deleting set destinations



The system searches for the guidanceroute again, and displays the entire route.

INFORMATIONSet destinations can also be deletedby touching “Route”. (See “ — Delet-ing destinations” on page 83.)

After inputting the destination, the screenchanges and displays the map location ofthe selected destination and the route pref-erence.

1. Scroll the map to the desired point.“Adjust Location”: To adjust the positionin smaller increments.

When an arrow facing the desired pointis touched, the map scrolls in that di-rection.Releasing the finger from the arrow willstop the scrolling.

2. Touch “Go to ”.

The system starts route search and dis-plays recommended routes.

If there is already a set destination, “Go to” and “Add to Route” are displayed.

“Go to ”: To delete the existing destina-tions and set a new one.

“Add to Route”: To add a destination.

“Info.”: If this button is displayed on thetop of the screen, touch it to view itemssuch as name, address, and phone num-ber.

Starting route guidance



1 Current position2 Destination point3 Type of the route and the distance4 Distance of the entire route

3. To start guidance, touch “OK”.“Turn List”: The following screen displaysthe list of the roads up to the destination.

“3 Routes”: To select the desired routefrom 3 possible routes. (See page 72.)

“Edit Route”: To change the route. (Seepage 73.)

INFORMATION� Guidance can be paused or re-

sumed. (See “— Pausing and re-suming guidance” on page 89.)

� If “OK” is touched until a beepsounds, demo mode will start.Push the “MAP/VOICE” button tofinish Demo mode.

� The route for returning may not bethe same as that for going.

� The route guidance to the destina-tion may not be the shortest routenor a route without traffic conges-tion.

� Route guidance may not be avail-able if there is no road data for thespecified location.

� When setting the destination on amap with a scale larger than 0.5miles (800 m), the map scalechanges to 0.5 miles (800 m) auto-matically. Set the destinationagain.

� If a destination is entered, the roadnearest to the point you selected isset as the destination.


Be sure to obey traffic regulationsand keep road conditions in mindwhile driving. If a traffic sign on theroad has been changed, the routeguidance may provide incorrect in-formation.




1. To select the desired route from 3routes, touch “3 Routes”.

2. Touch “Quick”, “Alt.” or “Short” toselect the desired route.“Quick”: Recommended route. This route is indicated by an orange line.

“Alt.”: Alternative route.This route is indicated by a purple line.

“Short”: A route by which you can reachthe destination in the shortest distance.This route is indicated by a green line.

“Info.”: To display the following informa-tion about each of the 3 routes.

1 Time necessary for the entire trip2 Distance of the entire trip3 Toll road4 Freeway5 Ferry



� Edit routeYou can again designate the conditions ofthe route to the destination.

Touch “Edit Route”.

“Add”: To add destinations. (See page82.)

“Delete”: To delete destinations. (Seepage 83.)

“Reorder”: To reorder destinations. (Seepage 82.)

“Preferences”: A number of choices areprovided on the conditions which the sys-tem uses to determine the route to the des-tination. (See page 87)

INFORMATION� Even if the “Freeways” indicator is

dimmed, the route cannot avoid in-cluding a freeway in some cases.

� If the calculated route includes atrip by ferry, the route guidanceshows a sea route. After you travelby ferry, the current vehicle posi-tion may be incorrect. Upon recep-tion of GPS signals, it is automati-cally corrected.







� Route guidance screen 76

� Typical voice guidance prompts 79

� Distance and time to destination 81

� Setting and deleting destinations 82

Adding destinations 82. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reordering destinations 82. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting destinations 83. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

� Setting route 84

Detour setting 84. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route overview 85. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route preference 87. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pausing and resuming guidance 89. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

� Show on map 90

Display POI icons 90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route trace 94. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

� XM NavTraffic 96

∗: Point of Interest



During route guidance, various types ofguidance screens can be displayed de-pending on conditions.

� Screen layout

1 Distance to the next turn and thearrow indicating turning direction

2 Current street name3 Distance and travel/arrival time to

the destination4 Current position5 Guidance route

INFORMATION� If the vehicle goes off the guidance

route, the route is searched again.

� For some areas, the roads have notbeen completely digitized in ourdatabase. For this reason, theroute guidance may select roadthat should not be traveled on.

� When you arrive at your destina-tion, the destination name will bedisplayed on the top of the screen.Touching “��Off” clears the dis-play.

� During freeway drivingDuring freeway driving, the freeway exit in-formation screen will be displayed.

This screen displays the distance to thenext junction and exit, or POIs in the vicin-ity of the freeway exit.

1 Current position2 Points of Interest that are close to

a freeway exit3 Exit number and junction name4 Distance from the current position

to the exit or junction5 Current street name

“Map”: To display the selected map of theexit vicinity.

: To scroll for farther junctions or exits.

: To scroll for closer junctions or exits.

: To scroll for the closest 3 junctions or


Route guidance screen



� When approaching a freeway exit orjunction

When the vehicle approaches an exit orjunction, the guidance screen for the free-way will be displayed.

1 Next street name2 Distance from the current position

to the exit or junction3 Current position

“Off”: The guidance screen on freewaydisappears and the map screen appears.

When touching or push-ing the “MAP/VOICE” button, the guid-ance screen on freeway reappears.

� When approaching an intersectionWhen the vehicle approaches an intersec-tion, the intersection guidance screen willbe displayed.

1 Next street name2 Distance to the intersection3 Current position

“Off”: The intersection guidance screendisappears and the map screen appears.

When touching or push-ing the “MAP/VOICE” button, the inter-section guidance screen reappears.



� Other screensTURN LIST SCREENOn this screen, the list of turns on the guid-ance route can be viewed.

Touching during guid-

ance displays the turn list.

1 Next street name or destinationname

2 Turn direction3 Distance between turns4 Current street name

ARROW SCREENOn this screen, information about nextturns on the guidance route can be viewed.

Touching during guid-ance displays the arrow screen.

1 Exit number, street name contain-ing number or next street name

2 Turn direction3 Distance to the next turn4 Current street name



The voice guidance provides various mes-sages as you approach an intersection, orother point where you need to maneuverthe vehicle.

4.7 miles

0.5 miles

1 “Proceed about 5 miles to Mainstreet.”

2 “In half of a mile, right turn ontoMain street.”

3 “Right turn.”

4 (Beep sound only)

INFORMATION� The street names may not be pro-

nounced correctly or clearly due totext−to−speech function.

� On freeways, interstates or otherhighways with higher speed limits,the voice guidance will be made atearlier points than on city streets inorder to allow time to maneuver.

4.2 miles

0.5 miles

1 “Proceed about 4 miles to thetraffic circle.”

2 “In half of a mile, traffic circleahead, and then 3rd exit aheadonto Main street.”

3 “The 3rd exit ahead.”

4 “The exit ahead.”

5 (Beep sound only)

Typical voice guidanceprompts



One−way road

One−way road

∗: The system indicates a U−turn if the dis-tance between two one−way roads (of op-posite directions) is less than 50 feet (15m) in residential areas or 164 feet (50 m)in non−residential areas.

1 “In half of a mile, make a legalU−turn.”

2 “Make a legal U−turn ahead.”

3 (Beep sound only)

The system announces the approach tothe final destination.

1 “Your destination is ahead.”

2 “You have arrived at your des-tination. The route guidance isnow finished.”

INFORMATION� If the system cannot determine the

current vehicle position correctly(in cases of poor GPS signal recep-tion), the voice guidance may bemade early or delayed.

� If you did not hear the voice guid-ance command, push the “MAP/VOICE” button to hear it again.

� To adjust the voice guidance vol-ume, see “� Voice volume” onpage 243.



When the vehicle is on the guidance route,the distance and the estimated travel/arriv-al time to the destination are displayed.When the vehicle is not on the guidanceroute, the distance and the direction of thedestination are displayed.

When driving on the guidance route andmore than one destination is set, the dis-tance and the estimated travel/arrival timefrom the current position to each destina-tion are displayed.

1. Touch this button to display the fol-lowing screen.

2. Touch the number button to displaythe desired destination.

The distance, the estimated travel timeand the estimated arrival time from the cur-rent position to the selected destinationare displayed.

Estimated travel time is dis-played.

Estimated arrival time is dis-played.

To switch to estimated arrivaltime.

To switch to estimated traveltime.

Displayed while driving off theguidance route. The destina-tion direction is indicated byan arrow.

INFORMATIONWhen the vehicle is on the guidanceroute, the distance measured alongthe route is displayed. Travel timeand arrival time is calculated basedon the set vehicle speed information.(See page 247.) However, when thevehicle is not on the guidance route,the distance is the linear distance be-tween the current position and thedestination.

Distance and time todestination



You can add destinations and searchagain for the routes.

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Add”.3. Input an additional destination inthe same way as the destinationsearch. (See “Destination search” onpage 50.)

4. Touch the desired “Add DestinationHere” to determine the arrival order ofthe additional destination.

When more than one destination is set,you can change the arrival order of thedestinations.

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Reorder”.

3. Select the desired destination andpress “Move Up” or “Move Down” tochange the arrival order.4. Touch “OK”.5. After selecting the destinations,touch “OK”.The system searches for the guidanceroute again, and displays the entire route.

Setting and deletingdestinations —— Adding destinations — Reordering destinations



A set destination can be deleted.

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Delete”.When more than one destination is set, alist will be displayed on the screen.

3. Touch the destination for deletion.“Select All”: To select all destinations onthe list.

“Unselect All”: To unselect all of the se-lected destinations.

A message appears to confirm the requestto delete.

4. To delete the destination(s), touch“Yes”.If “Yes” is touched, the data cannot be re-covered.

If “No” is touched, the previous screen willreturn.

The system searches for the guidanceroute again, and displays the entire route.

— Deleting destinations



While the route guidance is operating, youcan change the route to detour around asection of the route where a delay iscaused by road repairs, or an accident,etc.

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Detour”.

3. Select the button below to select thedesired detour distance.“1 mile (km)”, “3 miles (km)” or “5 miles(km)”: Touch one of these buttons to startthe detour process. After detouring, thesystem returns to the original guidanceroute.

“Whole Route”: By touching this button,the system will calculate an entire newroute to the destination.

“Around Traffic”: If you touch this button,the system will search for the route basedon the traffic congestion information re-ceived from XM� NavTraffic. For details,see “XM� NavTraffic” on page 96.

Setting route —— Detour setting



This picture shows an example of how thesystem would guide around a delaycaused by a traffic jam.1 This position indicates the location of

a traffic jam caused by road repairs oran accident.

2 This route indicates the detour sug-gested by the system.

INFORMATION� When your vehicle is on a freeway,

the detour distance selections are5, 15, and 25 miles (km).

� The system may not be able to cal-culate a detour route depending onthe selected distance and sur-rounding road conditions.

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Overview”.

The entire route from the current positionto the destination is displayed.

“OK”: To start guidance.

“Turn List”: The following screen displaysthe list of the roads up to the destination.

“Preview”: To preview the route.

— Route overview



You can scroll through the list of roads by

touching or . However, not all

road names in the route may appear on thelist. If a road changes its name without re-quiring a turn (such as on a street that runsthrough two or more cities), the namechange will not appear on the list. Thestreet names will be displayed in orderfrom the starting point, along with the dis-tance to the next turn.

These marks indicate thedirection in which you shouldturn at an intersection.

Touch “Map” on the “Turn List” screen.The point which you choose is displayedon the map screen.

� Route preview

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Overview”.

3. Touch “Preview”.



: To indicate the next destination.

: To preview the route to the nextdestination.

: To preview the route to the nextdestination in fast−forward mode.

: To stop the preview.

: To review the route to the previousdestination or starting point.

: To review the route to the previousdestination or starting point infast−forward mode.

: To indicate the previous destina-tion or starting point.

� To select route typeYou can designate the route conditions ofthe route to the destination.

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Preferences”.

3. Touch “Quick”, “Short” or “Alter-nate” and touch “OK”.

— Route preference



The entire route from the starting point tothe destination is displayed.

“OK”: To start guidance.

“Edit Route”: To change a route. (Seepage 73.)

� To select route featuresA number of choices are provided on theconditions which the system uses to deter-mine the route to the destination.

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Preferences” to change theconditions that determine the route tothe destination.

3. Select the desired route preferenceby touching the button.When searching for a route, the system willavoid routes when the indicator is off.

4. After choosing the desired routepreference, touch “OK”.



� Starting route from adjacent roadYou can start the route guidance from theadjacent road.

(ex. When route guidance is set on thefreeway, but the vehicle is driven parallelalong the freeway.)

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Preferences”.

3. Touch “Start from Adjacent Road”.When there is no adjacent road, this buttonwill not be displayed.

� To pause guidance

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Pause Guidance”.

The screen will return to the current posi-tion map without route guidance.

INFORMATIONWithout route guidance, “PauseGuidance” cannot be used.

— Pausing and resumingguidance



� To resume guidance

1. Touch “Route”.

2. Touch “Resume Guidance”.

The screen will change to the current posi-tion map with route guidance.

Points of Interest such as gas stations andrestaurants can be displayed on the mapscreen. You can also set their location asa destination and use them for route guid-ance.

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

2. Touch “Select POI” to display a par-ticular type of Point of Interest on thescreen.When the Points of Interest to be displayedon the map screen have already been set,“Change POI” is displayed.

A screen with a limited choice of Points ofInterest will be displayed. (To change thedisplayed POI, see page 249.)

Show on map —— Display POI icons



� Selecting POIs to be displayedUp to 5 categories of icons can be dis-played on the screen.

Touch the desired Point of Interestcategory to display POI location sym-bols on the map screen.By selecting the desired POI category andthen touching “OK”, the selected POIicons are displayed on the map screen.

To turn off the Points of Interest icons onthe map screen, touch “Clear”.

“Other POIs”: If the desired Point of Inter-est can not be found on the limited choicescreen, touch this button.

“Find Local POI”: When searching for thenearest Point of Interest, touch this button.Then choose one of the categories. Thesystem will list the points within 200 miles(320 km). (See page 92.)

Touch “Other POIs” on the “Select POIIcons” screen.When a Point of Interest category is se-lected from either the limited list or thecomplete list, the screen will display sym-bols of those locations on the map screen.

Select the desired POI categories.

The selected category icon appears on thetop left of the screen.

By selecting the desired POI category andthen touching “OK”, the selected POIicons are displayed on the map screen.

If the desired POI category is not on thescreen, touch “List All Categories” to listall POI categories.



Select the desired POI categories fromthe list.

The selected category icon appears on thetop left of the screen.

By selecting the desired POI category andthen touching “OK”, the selected POIicons are displayed on the map screen.

To return to the POI category selectionscreen, touch “More”.

� To display the local POI listPoints of Interest that are within 200 miles(320 km) of the current position will belisted from among the selected categories.

1. Touch “Find Local POI” on the “Se-lect POI Icons” screen.

2. Touch the button of the desiredPoint of Interest.The selected Points of Interest are dis-played on the map screen.

“Near...”: To search for Points of Interestnear the current position or along theroute.



“Near Here” : When “Near Here” istouched, the list of Points of Interest nearthe current position will be displayed.

“Along My Route” : When “Along MyRoute” is touched, the list of Points of In-terest along the route will be displayed.

� To set a POI as a destinationYou can select one of the Points of Interesticons on the map screen as a destinationand use it for route guidance.

1. Directly touch the Point of Interesticon that you want to set as a destina-tion.The map will shift so that the icon is cen-tered on the screen and overlaps with thecursor . At this time, the distance fromthe current position is displayed on thescreen. The distance shown is measuredas a straight line from the current vehicleposition to the POI.

2. When the desired Point of Interestoverlaps with the cursor, touch “Enter

”.The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination androute preference. (See “Starting routeguidance” on page 70.)



� To hide POI icons

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

2. Touch “POI Icons”.The “POI Icons” indicator is dimmed.

The map screen will be displayed with thePOI icons hidden.

To display the POI icons again, touch “POIIcons” on the “Show on Map” screen.

It is possible to store the traveled route upto 124 miles (200 km) and retrace the routeon the display.

INFORMATIONThis feature is available on the mapwith more detailed map scale than 30mile (50 km).

— Route trace



� To start recording the route trace

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

2. Touch “Route Trace”. “Route Trace” indicator is highlighted.

� To stop recording the route trace

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

2. Touch “Route Trace”. The followingscreen will be displayed.

Touching “Yes” stops recording and theroute trace remains displayed on thescreen.

Touching “No” stops recording and theroute trace is erased.



The XM� NavTraffic service that allows thenavigation system to display traffic infor-mation on the map is available if your satel-lite radio tuner can receive traffic informa-tion.

To receive the XM� NavTraffic service, asubscription to the XM� Satellite Radiowith NavTraffic is necessary.

The XM� NavTraffic is available in the con-tiguous 48 U.S. states and some Canadiancities. For details about the XM� NavTraf-fic service coverage area, refer towww.xmradio.com (U.S.A.) or www.xmra-dio.ca (CANADA).

� How to activate the XM� NavTrafficservice

To receive the XM� NavTraffic service,it is necessary to activate the service.To activate the service, an extra fee isrequired in addition to subscriptionfees for the XM� Satellite Radio. Fordetails about service and activation,call XM� Listener Care Center at1−800−967−2346 (U.S.A.) or1−877−438−9677 (CANADA).

Customers should have their radio IDready; the radio ID can be found by select-ing “channel 000” on the radio. For details,see “(b) Displaying the radio ID” on page155.

XM� Satellite Radio has the responsibilityfor all fees and service, they are subject tochange.

The following operations can be per-formed.

� Show XM� NavTraffic InformationTraffic information is displayed on the map.(See page 97.)

� Auto Avoid TrafficIf any heavy congestion or moderate traffichas been detected on the guidance route,it may be possible for you to select anotherroute offered by the system. (See page248.)

� Traffic Voice GuidanceTraffic information is provided using voiceguidance. (See page 244.)

� Show Free Flowing TrafficFreely flowing traffic is shown by the arrowon the map. (See page 249.)

INFORMATION� Traffic voice guidance is available

only in English. To select English,see “� Selecting a language” onpage 237.

� When the “Traffic Information” in-dicator is dimmed, “Auto AvoidTraffic”, “Traffic Voice Guidance”and “Show Free Flowing Traffic”will not operate.

XM� NavTraffic



� Show XM� NavTraffic information

1. Touch “Show on Map”.

2. Touch “Traffic Information”. “Traffic Information” indicator is high-lighted.

XM� NavTraffic information is displayedon the map.

� On Map screen

� On Freeway information screen



1 XM� NavTraffic iconWhen any traffic information has beenreceived, the XM� NavTraffic icon willappear on the map screen. Touching theXM� NavTraffic icon on the screen willstart voice guidance for the traffic informa-tion. (See page 38.)

INFORMATIONWhen the XM� NavTraffic icon istouched, voice guidance for the traf-fic information will start even if “Off”for “Traffic Voice Guidance” is se-lected.

2 XM� NavTraffic information arrowWhen any XM� NavTraffic information hasbeen received, the XM� NavTraffic infor-mation arrow will appear on the mapscreen. The color of the arrow changesdepending on the traffic information re-ceived.

“Orange”: Heavy congestion

“Yellow”: Moderate traffic

“Green”: Freely flowing traffic

3 XM� NavTraffic indicatorWhen any XM� NavTraffic information hasbeen received, the XM� NavTraffic indica-tor will appear on the screen. The color ofthe indicator changes depending on thetraffic information received.

“White”: Traffic information has been re-ceived.

“Yellow”: Traffic restriction information onthe guidance route has been received(touch switch*).

“Orange”: Congestion information on theguidance route has been received (touchswitch*).

*: Touching the XM� NavTraffic indicatorwill start voice guidance.





� Navigation settings 100

Setting up the “Home” 101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting up the “Preset Destinations” 103. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting up the “Address Book” 106. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting up the “Areas to Avoid” 112. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting previous destinations 117. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Points or areas on the map can be regis-tered.

The registered points can be used on the“Destination” screen. (See “ — Destina-tion search by Home” on page 52, “ — Des-tination search by Preset destinations” onpage 52 and “ — Destination search by“Address Book”” on page 64.)

Registered areas are avoided at the timeof route search.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.

2. Touch “Navi.”.

On this screen, the following operationscan be performed.

No. Function

1 Sets home(See page 101.)

2 Sets preset destinations(See page 103.)

3 Sets address book(See page 106.)

4 Sets area to avoid(See page 112.)

5 Deletes previous destinations(See page 117.)

6 Detailed navigation settings(See page 245.)

Navigation settings —



If home has been registered, that informa-tion can be recalled by using the “GoHome” touch screen button on the “Des-tination” screen. (See “— Destinationsearch by Home” on page 52.)

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Touch “Home”.

� Registering home (See page 101.)� Editing home (See page 102.)� Deleting home (See page 103.)

(a) Registering home1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Home” on the “NavigationSettings” screen.

4. Touch “Set Home”.

5. Enter the location in the same wayas for a destination search. (See “Des-tination search” on page 50.)

— Setting up the “Home”



When registration of home is completed,the “Edit Home” screen will be displayed.

6. Touch “OK”.To edit registered information, see “(b)Editing home” on page 102.

(b) Editing home1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Home” on the “NavigationSettings” screen.

4. Touch “Edit”.

5. Touch “Edit” for the item you wantto change.“Name”: To edit home name. The namescan be displayed on the map. (See page110.)

“Location”: To edit location information.(See page 111.)

“Phone #”: To edit telephone numbers.(See page 111.)

“Icon”: To select icons to be displayed onthe map. (See page 109.)

6. Touch “OK”.



(c) Deleting home1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Home” on the “NavigationSettings” screen.

4. Touch “Delete”.5. To delete home, touch “Yes”. Tocancel the deletion, touch “No”.

If preset destination has been registered,that information can be recalled by usingthe “Preset Destination” touch screenbutton on the “Destination” screen. (See“— Destination search by Preset Destina-tions” on page 52.)

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Touch “Preset Destinations”.

� Registering preset destination (Seepage 104.)

� Editing preset destination (Seepage 105.)

� Deleting preset destination (Seepage 106.)

— Setting up the “PresetDestinations”



(a) Registering preset destinations1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Preset Destinations” on the“Navigation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Set”.

5. Enter the location in the same wayas for a destination search. (See “Des-tination search” on page 50.)

6. Select a position for this preset des-tination.

When registration of preset destination iscompleted, the “Edit Preset Destination”screen will be displayed.

7. Touch “OK”.To edit registered information, see “(b)Editing preset destinations” on page 105.



(b) Editing preset destinations1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Preset Destinations” on the“Navigation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Edit”.

5. Touch the button of the desired pre-set destination.

6. Touch “Edit” for the item you wantto change.“Name”: To edit preset destination names.The names can be displayed on the map.(See page 110.)

“Location”: To edit location information.(See page 111.)

“Phone #”: To edit telephone numbers.(See page 111.)

“Icon”: To select icons to be displayed onthe map. (See page 109.)

7. Touch “OK”.



(c) Deleting preset destinations1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Preset Destinations” on the“Navigation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Delete”.

5. Touch the preset destination fordeletion.“Select All”: To select all preset destina-tions on the list.

“Unselect All”: To unselect all of the se-lected preset destinations.

6. Touch “Delete”.7. To delete preset destination, touch“Yes”. To cancel the deletion, touch“No”.

Points or areas on the map can be regis-tered.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Touch “Address Book”.

� Registering address book entries(See page 107.)

� Editing address book entries (Seepage 108.)

� Deleting address book entries (Seepage 112.)

— Setting up the “AddressBook”



(a) Registering address book entries1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Address Book” on the “Nav-igation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “New”.

5. Enter the location in the same wayas for a destination search. (See “Des-tination search” on page 50.)

After the address book entry has been reg-istered, the “Edit Address Book Entry”screen will be displayed.

6. Touch “OK”.To edit registered information, see “(b)Editing address book entries” on page 108.

INFORMATIONUp to 100 address book entries canbe registered.



(b) Editing address book entriesThe icon, name, location and/or telephonenumber of a registered address book entrycan be edited.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Address Book” on the “Nav-igation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Edit”.

5. Touch the button of the desired ad-dress book entry.

6. Touch “Edit” for the item you wantto change.“Name”: To edit address book entrynames. The names can be displayed onthe map. (See page 110.)

“Location”: To edit location information.(See page 111.)

“Phone #”: To edit telephone numbers.(See page 111.)

“Icon”: To select icons to be displayed onthe map. (See page 109.)

7. Touch “OK”.



� To change “Icon”

1. Touch “Edit” of “Icon”.

2. Touch the desired icon.Change pages by touching “Page 1”,“Page 2” or “With Sound” tab.

SOUND ICONSYou can set a sound for some addressbook entries. When the vehicle ap-proaches the location of the address bookentry, the selected sound will be heard.

1. Touch “With Sound” on the “Ad-dress Book Entry Icon” screen.

2. Touch the desired sound icon.The next screen appears when “Bell (withDirection)” is touched.

Touch either or to adjust the

direction. Touch “OK”.The bell sounds only when the vehicle ap-proaches this point in the direction that hasbeen set.



� To change “Name”

1. Touch “Edit” of “Name”.

2. Enter the name using the alphanu-meric keys.Up to 32 characters can be entered.

3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.

DISPLAYING MEMORY POINT NAMESThe name of an address book entry can beset to display on the map.

To show the name, touch “On” on the“Edit Address Book Entry” screen. Tonot show it, touch “Off”.



� To change “Location”

1. Touch “Edit” of “Location”.

2. Touch one of the 8 directional touchscreen buttons to move the cursor to the desired point on the map.3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.

� To change “Phone #” (telephonenumber)

1. Touch “Edit” of “Phone #”.

2. Enter the number using numberkeys.3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.



(c) Deleting address book entries1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Address Book” on the “Nav-igation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Delete”.

5. Touch the button to be deleted.“Select All”: To select all addresses in theaddress book.

“Unselect All”: To unselect all of the se-lected addresses.

6. Touch “Delete”.7. To delete the address book entry,touch “Yes”. To cancel the deletion,touch “No”.

Areas you want to avoid because of trafficjams, construction work or other reasonscan be registered as areas to avoid.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Touch “Areas to Avoid”.

� Registering areas to avoid (Seepage 113.)

� Editing areas to avoid (See page114.)

� Deleting areas to avoid (See page117.)

— Setting up the “Areas toAvoid”



(a) Registering areas to avoid1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Areas to Avoid” on the “Nav-igation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “New”.

5. Enter the location in the same wayas for a destination search, or displaythe map of the area to be avoided. (See“Destination search” on page 50.)

6. Scroll the map to the desired point.“Adjust Location”: To adjust the positionin smaller increments.

7. Touch “Enter”.

8. Touch either or tochange the size of the area to beavoided.9. Touch “OK”.

INFORMATION� If a destination is input in the area

to avoid or the route calculationcannot be made without runningthrough the area to avoid, a routepassing through the area to beavoided may be shown.

� Up to 10 locations can be regis-tered as points/areas to avoid.



(b) Editing area to avoidThe name, location and/or area size of aregistered area can be edited.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Areas to Avoid” on the “Nav-igation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Edit”.

5. Touch the desired area button.

6. Touch “Edit” for the item you wantto change.“Name”: To edit the name of the area toavoid. The names can be displayed on themap. (See page 115.)

“Location”: To edit area location. (Seepage 116.)

“Size”: To edit area size. (See page 116.)

“Active”: To turn on or off the area to avoidfeature. To turn on the feature touch “On”on the “Edit Area to Avoid” screen. To turnoff the feature touch “Off” on the “EditArea to Avoid” screen.

7. Touch “OK”.



� To change “Name”

1. Touch “Edit” of “Name”.

2. Enter the name using alphanumerickeys.Up to 32 characters can be entered.

3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.

DISPLAYING NAMES OF AREAS TO BEAVOIDEDThe name of an area to be avoided thatmay be displayed on the map can be set.

To show the name, touch “On” on the“Area to Avoid” screen. To not show it,touch “Off”.



� To change “Location”

1. Touch “Edit” of “Location”.

2. Touch the 8 directional touchscreen button to move the cursor tothe desired point on the map.3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.

� To change “Size”

1. Touch “Edit” of “Size”.

2. Touch either or tochange the size of the area to beavoided.3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.



(c) Deleting areas to avoid1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Areas to Avoid” on the “Nav-igation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Delete”.

5. Touch the button to be deleted.“Select All”: To select all registered areasto avoid in the system.

“Unselect All”: To unselect all registeredareas to avoid in the system.

6. Touch “Delete”.7. To delete the area, touch “Yes”. Tocancel the deletion, touch “No”.

The previous destination can be deleted.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Touch “Delete Previous Dest.”.

4. Touch the button you want to delete.“Select All”: To select all previous des-tinations in the system.

“Unselect All”: To unselect all previousdestinations in the system.

5. Touch “Delete”.

— Deleting previousdestinations



6. To delete the destination, touch“Yes”. To cancel the deletion, touch“No”.





� Telephone (Hands−free system for cellular phone) 120

Enter a Bluetooth phone 124. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call on the Bluetooth phone 129. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receive on the Bluetooth phone 136. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Talk on the Bluetooth phone 136. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

� Calendar 139



Hands−free system allows you to makeor receive a call without taking yourhands off the steering wheel by con-necting your cellular phone.This system supports Bluetooth�.Bluetooth� is a wireless data system bywhich you can call without your cellularphone being connected with a cable orplaced on a cradle.

If your cellular phone does not supportBluetooth�, this system can not function.

The operating procedure of the phone isexplained here.

For registering and setting of the phone,see “Telephone settings” on page 254.


While driving, do not use a cellularphone or connect the Bluetooth�phone.


Do not leave your cellular phone inthe car. The temperature indoor maybe high and damage the phone.

INFORMATION� In the following conditions, the

system may not function.� The cellular phone is turned off.� The current position is outside

the communication area.� The cellular phone is not connec-

ted.� The cellular phone has a low bat-

tery.� Even if your cellular phone sup-

ports both hands−free and audioBluetooth� connections, it may notbe able to connect to the hands−free connection at the same time.

� When using Bluetooth� audio andhands−free at the same time, thefollowing problems may occur.� The Bluetooth� connection may

be cut.� Noise may be heard on the

Bluetooth� audio playback.

Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.

Telephone(Hands−free system forcellular phone)



INFORMATIONThis system supports the followingservice.

� Bluetooth� SpecificationVer.1.1 or higher(Recommended: Ver.2.0+EDR orhigher)

� Profiles

� HFP (Hands Free Profile)Ver.1.0 or higher(Recommended: Ver.1.5 or higher)

� OPP (Object Push Profile)Ver.1.1

� PBAP (Phone Book Access Pro-file) Ver.1.0

If your cellular phone does notsupport HFP, you cannot enter theBluetooth� phone, and take OPP orPBAP service individually.Please go to “http://www.toyota.lets-talk.com/” to find approvedBluetooth� phones for this system.

By pushing the telephone switch above,you can receive a call or hang up withouttaking your hands off the steering wheel.

� Type A

� Type B

You can use the microphone abovewhen talking on the phone.The other party’s voice outputs from thefront speaker. When the received calls orreceived voice outputs, the audio from theaudio system or voice guidance from thenavigation system will be muted.



INFORMATION� Talk alternately with the other party

on the phone. If you talk at the sametime, the voice may not reach eachother. (It is not a malfunction.)

� Keep the volume of receiving voicedown. Otherwise, an echo will beheard and receiving voice can beheard outside of the vehicle. Whenyou talk on the phone, speak clear-ly towards the microphone.

� In the following situations, yourvoice may not reach the otherparty.� Driving on unpaved road. (Mak-

ing a traffic noise.)� Driving at the high speed.� The window is open.� Turning the air−conditioning

vents towards the microphone.� The sound of the air−condition-

ing fan is loud.� There is an effect from the net-

work of the cellular phone.

1 Indicates the condition ofBluetooth� connection.

“Blue” indicates an excellent connectionto Bluetooth�.

“Yellow” indicates a bad connection toBluetooth�, resulting in possible deteriora-tion of voice quality.

: No connection to Bluetooth�.

2 Indicates the amount of batterycharge left.

Empty FullThis is not displayed when the Bluetooth�is not connected.

The amount left does not always corre-spond with the one of your cellular phone.The amount of battery charge left may notbe displayed depending on the phone youhave. This system doesn’t have a charg-ing function.3 Indicates the receiving area.

“Rm” is displayed when receiving inRoaming area.

“Hm” is displayed when receiving inHome area.

The receiving area may not be displayeddepending on the phone you have.



4 Indicates the level of reception.

Poor Excellent

The level of reception does not always cor-respond with the one of your cellularphone.

The level of reception may not be dis-played depending on the phone you have.

When you are out of the service area or ina place inaccessible by radio waves, “NoService” is displayed.

An antenna for the Bluetooth� connec-tion is built in the display. The indica-tion of the Bluetooth� connection mayturn yellow and the system may notfunction when you use the Bluetooth�phone in the following conditions andplaces.� Your cellular phone is hiding behind the

display (behind the seat or in the glovebox and console box).

� Your cellular phone touches or iscovered with metal materials.

Leave the Bluetooth� phone on the placewhere “Blue” indication is displayed.

About the phonebook in this systemThe following data is stored for every regis-tered phone. When another phone is con-necting, you cannot read the registereddata.

� Phonebook data

� Voice tag

� All of call history

� Speed dial

When you delete the phone, theabove−mentioned data is also deleted.

When you release your car:A lot of personal data is registeredwhen you use the Hands−free system.When you release your car, initializeyour data. (See “� Delete personaldata” on page 240.)If you initialize it, the former state will nevercome back again. Pay much attentionwhen initializing the data.

You can initialize the following data in thesystem.

� Phonebook data

� Call history data

� Speed dial data

� Voice tag data

� Bluetooth� phone data

� Volume setting

� Details setting



FCC ID : HYQDNNS025Type : DNNS025IC : 1551A−DNNS025 Canada 310

This device complies with Part 15 of theFCC Rules and RSS−210. Operation issubject to the following two conditions :(1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, in-cluding interference that may cause un-desired operation.

CAUTIONChanges or modifications not ex-pressly approved by the party re-sponsible for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate theequipment.

CAUTION: Radio Frequency Radi-ation ExposureThis equipment complies with FCCradiation exposure limits set forth foruncontrolled equipment and meets theFCC radio frequency (RF) ExposureGuidelines in Supplement C to OET65.This equipment has very low levels ofRF energy that it deemed to complywithout maximum permissive expo-sure evaluation (MPE). But it is desir-able that it should be installed and op-erated with at least 20 cm and more be-tween the radiator and person’s body(excluding extremities: hands, wrists,feet and legs).

Co−location: This transmitter mustnot be co−located or operated in con-junction with any other antenna ortransmitter.

To use the hands−free system, youneed to enter your phone into the sys-tem. Once you have registered it, youcan make a hands−free call.If you haven’t yet registered anyBluetooth� phones, you must first registeryour phone according to the followingprocedure.

Please see “� Registering a Bluetooth�phone” on page 256 of additional registra-tion when registering.

1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.

2. Touch “Phone”.

— Enter a Bluetooth� phone



3. Touch “Yes” to connect your phone.

4. When this screen is displayed, inputthe passcode displayed on the screeninto the phone.For the operation of the phone, see themanual that comes with your cellularphone.

If you want to cancel it, touch “Cancel”.

5. When the connection is completed,this screen is displayed.You do not need to enter the phone in caseof using the same one.

When this screen is displayed, follow theguidance on the screen to try again.



� Connecting a Bluetooth� phoneAUTOMATICALLY

When you register your phone, autoconnection will be turned on. Alwaysset it to this mode and leave theBluetooth� phone in a condition whereconnection can be established.

When the “POWER” switch is in AC-CESSORY or ON mode, a nearby cellu-lar phone you have registered issearched for.Next, the system automatically con-nects with the latest of the phones con-nected to in the past.Then, the connection result is dis-played.This screen appears when the Bluetooth�phone is first connected after the “POW-ER” switch is in ACCESSORY or ONmode.

INFORMATIONIt may take time, the phone connec-tion is carried out during Bluetooth�audio play.



MANUALLYWhen the auto connection has failed or“Handsfree power” is turned off, youhave to connect Bluetooth� manually.1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.

3. Touch “Connect Phone”.

4. Touch “Handsfree Power”, or selectthe phone to connect.

5. The “Connect Bluetooth*” screen isdisplayed.*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of

Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

6. When the connection is completed,this screen is displayed.Now you can use the Bluetooth� phone.



When you connect the phone whileBluetooth� audio is playing

This screen is displayed, and theBluetooth� audio will stop temporarily.

� Reconnecting the Bluetooth�phone

If the Bluetooth� phone isdisconnected with a poor receptionfrom the Bluetooth� network when the“POWER” switch is in ACCESSORY orON mode, the system automaticallyreconnects the Bluetooth� phone. Inthis case, the connection result is notdisplayed.If the Bluetooth� is disconnected on pur-pose such as you turned your cellularphone off, this does not happen. Recon-nect it by the following methods.

� Select the Bluetooth� phone again.

� Enter the Bluetooth� phone.



After you enter the Bluetooth� phone,you can call by using hands−free sys-tem. You can call using the 6 methodsdescribed below.� By dialYou can call by inputting the phonenumber.This cannot be operated while driving.

1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.

You can also push of the steeringwheel to display the “Phone” screen.

2. Touch “Phone”.

3. Touch the desired key to input thephone number.

Each time you touch , an inputted

digit is deleted.

When you touch “Redial”, the number youcalled last is inputted.

Touch or push of the steering


— Call on the Bluetooth�phone



� By phonebookYou can call by phonebook data whichis transferred from your cellular phone.The system has one phonebook foreach telephone. You can register up to1000 numbers in total of phonebooks.This cannot be operated while driving.

1. Touch “Contacts”.

2. Select the desired data from the list.

3. Select the desired number from thelist.

Touch or push of the steering




When the phonebook is empty

1. Touch “Contacts”.

2. Touch “Yes” if you want to transfernew contacts from a cellular phone.Touch “No” if you want to edit thephonebook.

� By speed dialYou can call using registered phonenumbers which can be selected from aphonebook. (See “� Registering thespeed dial” on page 274 for registeringthe speed dial.)This can be done while driving.

1. Touch “Speed Dials”.

2. Touch the desired number to call.You can change the page by touching“Speed Dial 2” or “Speed Dial 3” tab.



� By call historyYou can call by call history which has 4functions below.All: all the numbers above which

were memorized

Missed: calls which you missed

Incoming: calls which you received

Outgoing: numbers which you called

You can call using the latest 5 call historyitems shown by “All” while driving.

1. Touch “Call History”.

2. Select the desired data from the list.When the list is switched, touch “All”,“Missed”, “Incoming” or “Outgoing” tab.

3. Touch or push of the steer-

ing wheel.



You can call using the latest call historyitem.

1. Push of the steering wheel todisplay the “Phone” screen.

2. Push of the steering wheel todisplay the “Call History” screen.

3. Push of the steering wheel to se-lect the latest history item.

4. Touch or push of the steer-ing wheel to call the latest history item.

� When you call by phonebook, thename (if registered) is displayed.

� When you call the same numbercontinuously, only the newest numberis registered.

� When a phone number registered inthe phonebook is received, the nameand the number are displayed.

� Unnoticed phone number such as apublic phone is not memorized in thesystem.

� A international phone call may not bemade depending on the cellular phonewhich you have.

� By voice recognition

You can call by giving a command. (Forthe operation and command of voicerecognition, see “Speech commandsystem” on page 44.)This can be operated while driving.

The “Dial by Name” operating procedure isexplained here.

Other operating procedures are also simi-lar.



DIALING BY NAMEYou can call by giving a voice tag regis-tered in the phonebook. For setting thevoice recognition, see “—Setting thevoice tag” on page 281.When you select “English” of “Language”,you can call by giving a name registered inthe phonebook.

For setting the voice recognition, see “�Registering the phonebook data” on page267.

Example: Call MIKE.

You: Push the talk switch.

System: “After the beep, please say acommand.” “Such as “GoHome”, “Destination”, “Phone”,“Audio” or “Command List”.”“(beep)”

You: “Phone.”

System: “Phone.” “Say a command.” “Such as“Dial by Number”, “Dial by Name”, “Redial”, “Call Back” or “Connect Phone”.” “(beep)”

You: “Dial by Name.”

System: “Dial by Name.” “Say a namefrom your contact list.” “(beep)”

You: “MIKE.”

System: “MIKE.” “Say the type of number.” “Such as “Mobile”, “Home”, “Work” or “Other”.” “(beep)”

You: “Home.”

System: “MIKE.” “Home.”“Push the off−hook switch todial or say “Dial”.”“(beep)”

You: “Dial.”

System: “Dial.”

Now, you can call MIKE.



Calling without the voice recognitionAfter the entry number is displayed, youcan also call by pushing of the steeringwheel or touching “Dial”.

Cancelling the voice recognitionThe voice recognition will be cancelledwhen you do the following.� Keep on pushing the talk switch.

� Push of the steering wheel.

� Touch “Cancel”. (Except for recogniz-ing the command.)

� Say “Cancel”.

� By POI* call

You can call by touching when it isdisplayed on the screen from naviga-tion system. (See “POI INFORMATION”on page 36 for details.)*: Point of Interest



When a call is received, this screen isdisplayed with a sound. Touch or

push of the steering wheel to talk onthe phone.To refuse to receive the call:

Touch or push of the steeringwheel.

To adjust the volume of received call:Touch “–” or “+” or use the volumeswitch of the steering wheel.

On the international phone call, the otherparty’s name may not be displayed cor-rectly depending on the cellular phonewhich you have.

While you are talking on the phone, thisscreen is displayed. You can do the op-eration below on the screen.To adjust the volume of the other party’svoice:

Touch “–” or “+” or use the volumeswitch of the steering wheel.

To hang up the phone:

Touch or push of the steeringwheel.

To mute your voice:Touch “Mute”.

To input a Key:Touch “0−9”.

To transfer the call:Touch “Call Transfer”.

You cannot change from Hands−free callto cellular phone call while driving.

When you change from cellular phone callto Hands−free call, the Hands−free screenwill be displayed and you can operate it onthe screen.

Transferring method and behavior are dif-ferent depending on the cellular phonewhich you have.

For the operation of the phone, see themanual that comes with your cellularphone.

— Receive on theBluetooth� phone

— Talk on the Bluetooth�phone



When you touch “0−9”

Touch the desired number to input thekey.To hang up the phone:

Touch or push of the steeringwheel.

This cannot be operated while driving.

If the continuous tone signal is regis-tered in a phonebook, this screen ap-pears. (If not registered, “Send” and“Exit” are not displayed.)Confirm the number displayed on thescreen and touch “Send”. The numberbefore marked sign will be sent.When you touch “Exit”, this function willbe finished and normal tone screen ap-pears.

To hang up the phone:

Touch or push of the steeringwheel.

The continuous tone signal is the markedsign (p or w) and the number followingphone number. (ex. 056133w0123p#1�)

You can do this operation when you wantto operate an answering machine or use atelephone service in bank for example.You can register the phone number andthe code number in the phonebook.



� By voice recognition

You can operate “Mute” and “SendTones” by giving a command during acall.The operating procedure is similar to othervoice recognition. (For the operation ofvoice recognition, see “Speech commandsystem” on page 44.)

� Interrupt call

When the call is interrupted by the thirdparty while talking, this screen is dis-played.

Touch or push of the steering

wheel to start talking with the other party.

Touch or push of the steeringwheel to refuse the call.



Everytime you touch or push of

the steering wheel while interrupt call, theother party will be switched.

If your cellular phone is not accepted forHFP Ver. 1.5, this function can not be used.

INFORMATIONInterrupt call operation may differdepending on your phone companyand cellular phone.

To view calendar.

1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.

2. Touch “Calendar”.

On this screen, yellow line appear underthe current date.

or : To change month.

or : To change year.

“Today”: To display the current month cal-endar (if another month will be displayed).








� Quick reference 142

� Using your audio system 143

Some basics 143. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radio operation 150. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CD changer operation 161. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bluetooth audio operation 173. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

� Audio remote controls 181

� Audio system operating hints 183



Operations such as selecting a preset station and adjusting the sound balance are car-ried out on the touch screen. To display the audio screen, push the “AUDIO” button.

1 Function menu display screenTo control the radio, CD changer,Bluetooth� audio player or AUX,touch the touch−screen buttons. Fordetails, see page 145.

2 Function menu tabTo control the radio, CD changer,Bluetooth� audio player or AUX,touch the touch−screen tabs. For de-tails, see page 145.

3 “TUNE FILE” knobTurn this knob to move the stationband and files up or down. For de-tails, see pages 151, 156 and 169.

4 “SEEK/TRACK” buttonPush “�” or “�” button to seek up ordown for a station, or to access a de-sired track, file. For details, see pa-ges 152, 157, 165, 169 and 179.

Quick reference



5 “AUDIO” buttonPush this button to display the audiocontrol screen. For details, see page145.

6 “AUX” buttonPush this button to turn theBluetooth� audio player or AUX on.For details, see pages 145, 150 and178.

7 “CD” buttonPush this button to turn the CDchanger on. For details, see pages145 and 164.

8 “SAT” buttonPush this button to choose an SATstation. For details, see pages 145and 156.

9 “FM” buttonPush this button to choose an FM sta-tion. Each time this button is pushed,the mode switches between FM1 andFM2. For details, see pages 145 and150.

10 “AM” buttonPush this button to choose an AM sta-tion. For details, see pages 145 and150.

11 “ ·CLOSE” buttonPush this button to display the“Load·Eject” screen or close the dis-play. For details, see page 161.

12 “PWR VOL” knobPush this knob to turn the audio sys-tem on and off, and turn it to adjust thevolume. For details, see page 145.

This section describes some of the basicfeatures of your audio system. Some in-formation may not pertain to your system.

Your audio system works when the “POW-ER” switch is turned to ACCESSORY orON mode.

CAUTIONFor vehicles sold in U.S.A. and Cana-da:

� Part 15 of the FCC RulesFCC Warning:Changes or modifications inconstruction not expressly approvedby the party responsible for com-pliance could void the user’s author-ity to operate the equipment. Radiofrequency exposure. This device isapproved for Mobile Application onlyand, to comply with applicable FCCradio frequency exposure regula-tions, must be used with a distance ofat least 7.9 in. (20 cm) between the an-tenna and the body of any person atall time during use.

Using your audio system — — Some basics



� Laser products� Do not take this unit apart or at-

tempt to make any changesyourself. This is an intricate unitthat uses a laser pickup to re-trieve information from the sur-face of compact discs. The la-ser is carefully shielded so thatits rays remain inside the cabi-net. Therefore, never try to dis-assemble the player or alter anyof its parts since you may be ex-posed to laser rays and danger-ous voltages.

� This product utilizes a laser.Use of controls or adjustmentsor performance of proceduresother than those specified here-in may result in hazardous radi-ation exposure.


To prevent the 12 volt battery frombeing discharged, do not leave theaudio system on longer than neces-sary when the hybrid system is notoperating.

(a) Speech command system


By pushing the switch above, you canoperate the speech command system.For the operation of the speech commandsystem and the list of commands, seepages 44 and 47.



(b) Turning the system on and off

“AUDIO”: Push this button to displaytouch−screen buttons for audio system(audio control mode).

“PWR VOL”: Push this knob to turn theaudio system on and off. Turn this knob toadjust the volume. The system turns on inthe last mode used.

You can select the function that enablesautomatic return to the previous screenfrom the audio screen. See page 236 fordetails.

(c) Switching between functions

Push the “AM”, “FM”, “SAT”, “CD” or“AUX” button to turn on the desiredmode.


Push the “AUDIO” button and touch the“AM”, “FM”, “SAT”, “CD”, “BT” or“AUX” tab to turn on the desired mode.



Push these buttons or tabs if you want toswitch from one mode to another.

If the disc is not set, the CD changer doesnot turn on.

You can turn off the CD changer by eject-ing all the discs. If the audio system waspreviously off, then the entire audio systemwill be turned off when you eject all thediscs. If the other function was previouslyplaying, it will come on again.









The touch−screen buttons for radio, CDchanger, Bluetooth� audio player andAUX operation are displayed on thefunction touch−screen button displayscreen when the audio control mode isselected. Touch them lightly and di-rectly on the screen.Touch the tab to select the desired modewhen the audio control mode is selected.

The selected switch is highlighted.

INFORMATION� If the system does not respond to a

touch of a touch−screen button,move your finger away from thescreen and then touch it again.

� You cannot operate dimmedtouch−screen buttons.

� Wipe off fingerprints using a glasscleaning cloth. Do not use chemi-cal cleaners to clean the touchscreen.



(d) Automatic sound levelizer (ASL)When the audio sound becomes difficult tohear due to road noise, wind noise or othernoises while driving, select “On”. The sys-tem adjusts to the optimum volume andtone quality according to the speed of car.

1. Push the “AUDIO” button.


2. Touch “Sound” to display the soundadjustment screen.


3. Touch “DSP” tab to display thisscreen.4. Touch “Automatic sound levelizer”.5. Touch “On” or “Off”.6. Touch “OK”.

(e) Tone and balanceToneHow good an audio program sounds to youis largely determined by the mix of thetreble, mid and bass levels. In fact, differ-ent kinds of music and vocal programsusually sound better with different mixes oftreble, mid and bass.

BalanceA good balance of the left and right stereochannels and of the front and rear soundlevels is also important.

Keep in mind that if you are listening to astereo recording or broadcast, changingthe right/left balance will increase the vol-ume of one group of sounds while de-creasing the volume of another.




1. Touch “Sound” tab to display thisscreen.2. Touch the desired button.“Treble” “+” or “–”: Adjust high−pitchedtones.

“Mid” “+” or “–”: Adjust mid−pitchedtones.

“Bass” “+” or “–”: Adjusts low−pitchedtones.

“Front” or “Rear”: Adjusts sound bal-ance between the front and rear speakers.

“L” or “R”: Adjusts sound balance be-tween the left and right speakers.

3. Touch “OK”.The tone of each mode (for such as AM,FM and CD changer) can be adjusted.

(f) Your CD changerWhen you insert a disc, insert it with the la-bel side up. This CD changer can store upto four discs. The changer will play fromtrack 1 through to the end of the disc. Thenit will play from track 1 of the next disc.

The changer is intended for use with 4.7 in.(12 cm) discs only.


� Do not stack up two discs for inser-tion, or it will cause damage to thechanger. Insert only one disc intothe slot at a time.

� Never try to disassemble or oil anypart of the changer. Do not insertanything other than a disc into theslot.



(g) AUX adapterThe sound of portable audio playersconnected to the AUX adapter can beenjoyed. Push the “AUX” button or pushthe “AUDIO” button to display audioscreen and touch the “AUX” tab to switchto AUX mode. When the portable audioplayer is not connected to the AUXadapter, the tab will tone down. Fordetails, refer to the “Owner’s Manual”.

(a) Listening to the radio

Push the “AM” or “FM” buttons or pushthe “AUDIO” button to display audioscreen and touch the “AM” or “FM”tabs to choose either an AM or FM sta-tion.“AM”, “FM1” or “FM2” appears on thescreen.

When you push the “SAT” button or touchthe “SAT” tab on AUDIO screen, “SAT1”,“SAT2”, “SAT3” station appears on thescreen. For details about satellite radiobroadcast, see “—Radio operation (XM�Satellite Radio broadcast)” on page 155.

— Radio operation



Turn the knob clockwise to step up thestation band or counterclockwise tostep down.Your radio automatically changes to stereoreception when a stereo broadcast is re-ceived. “ST” appears on the screen. If thesignal becomes weak, the radio reducesthe amount of channel separation to pre-vent the weak signal from creating noise.If the signal becomes extremely weak, theradio switches from stereo to mono recep-tion. In this case, “ST” disappears from thescreen.


(b) Presetting a station1. Tune in the desired station.2. Touch one of the touch−screen but-tons (1 — 6) you want and hold it untila beep is heard. This sets the station tothe touch−screen button and the fre-quency appears on the touch−screenbutton.Each radio mode (AM, FM1 or FM2) canstore up to 6 stations. To change the pre-set station to a different one, follow thesame procedure.

The preset station memory is cancelledwhen the power source is interrupted bythe 12 volt battery disconnection or ablown fuse.



(c) Selecting a stationTune in the desired station using one of thefollowing methods.

Preset tuning: Touch the touch−screenbutton (1 — 6) for the station you want.The touch−screen button is highlightedand the station frequency appears on thescreen.

Seek tuning: Push the “�” or “�” buttonof “SEEK/TRACK”. The radio will beginseeking up or down for a station of thenearest frequency and will stop on recep-tion. Each time you push the button, thestations will be searched automaticallyone after another.

To scan all the frequencies: Touch“SCAN” on the screen briefly. “SCAN” ap-pears on the screen. The radio will find thenext station and stay there for a few se-conds, and then scan again. To select astation, touch “SCAN” again.

To scan the preset stations: Touch“SCAN” on the screen for longer than asecond. “P. SCAN” appears on the screen.The radio will tune in the next preset sta-tion, stay there for a few seconds, and thenmove to the next preset station. To selecta station, touch “SCAN” again.

(d) Radio Data SystemYour audio system is equipped with RadioData Systems (RDS). RDS mode pro-vides you to receive text messages fromradio stations that utilize RDS transmit-ters.

When RDS is on, the radio can— only select stations of a particular pro-gram type,— display messages from radio stations,— search for a stronger signal station.

RDS features are available for use only onFM stations which broadcast RDS infor-mation.




“Type � �”Each time you touch “� Type ” or “Type�”, the program type changes as in thefollowing:


� MISC (Miscellaneous)

� INFORM (Information)

� EASY LIS (Easy listening)

� CLS/JAZZ (Classical music and Jazz)

� R & B (Rhythm and Blues)


� ALART (Emergency message)


“TypeSeek”When a program is set, “Type Seek” ap-pears. Touch the switch and the systemstarts to seek the station in the relevantprogram type.

If any type program station is not found,“Nothing” appears on the display.




“Message”If the system receives a radio text fromRDS station, “MSG” appears on the dis-play. Touch “Message”, and a text mes-sage is displayed on the screen. This func-tion is available only when the vehicle isnot moving.

When you touch “Message Off”, the dis-play returns.

(e) Traffic announcement


“Traffic”A station that regularly broadcasts trafficinformation is automatically located.

When you touch “Traffic”, “Traf. Seek”appears on the display and the radio willstart seeking any traffic program station.

If no traffic program station is found,“Nothing” appears on the display.

If a traffic program station is found, thename for traffic program station is dis-played for a while until a traffic announce-ment is received.



To listen to a satellite radio broadcast inyour vehicle, a subscription to the XM�Satellite Radio service is necessary.

(a) How to subscribe to an XM� Satel-lite Radio

An XM� Satellite Radio is a tuner designedexclusively to receive broadcasts providedunder a separate subscription. Availabilityis limited to the 48 contiguous U.S. statesand some Canadian provinces.

How to subscribe:You must enter into a separate serviceagreement with the XM� Satellite Radio inorder to receive satellite broadcast pro-gramming in the vehicle. Additional activa-tion and service subscription fees applythat are not included in the purchase priceof the vehicle and optional digital satellitetuner.

For complete information on subscriptionrates and terms, or to subscribe to the XM�Satellite Radio.

U.S.A.—Visit on the web at www.xmradio.com orcall 1−800−967−2346.

Canada—Visit on the web at www.xmradio.ca or call1−877−438−9677.

The XM� Satellite Radio is solely responsi-ble for the quality, availability and contentof the satellite radio services provided,which are subject to the terms and condi-tions of the XM� Satellite Radio customerservice agreement.

Customers should have their radio IDready; the radio ID can be found by tuningto “channel 000” on the radio. For details,see “(b) Displaying the radio ID” below.

All fees and programming are the respon-sibility of the XM� Satellite Radio and aresubject to change.

Satellite tuner technology notice: Toyota’s satellite radio tuners are awardedType Approval Certificates from XM� Sat-ellite Radio Inc. as proof of compatibilitywith the services offered by the XM� Satel-lite Radio.

(b) Displaying the radio IDEach XM� tuner is identified with a uniqueradio ID. You will need the radio ID whenactivating XM� service or when reportinga problem.

If you select the “CH 000” using the“TUNE FILE” knob, the ID code of 8 al-phanumeric characters appears. If you se-lect another channel, display of the IDcode is canceled. The channel(000) alter-nates the display between the radio ID andthe specific radio ID code.

—Radio operation(XM� Satellite Radiobroadcast)



(c) Listening to satellite radio

Push the “SAT” button or push the “AU-DIO” button to display audio screenand touch the “SAT” tab to choose aSAT channel.“SAT1”, “SAT2” or “SAT3” appears on thescreen.

Turn this knob to select the next or pre-vious channel.If you turn continuously, you can rapidlyscroll forward or down through the chan-nels.

(d) Channel category


Touch either “� Type” or “Type �” to goto the next or previous category.



(e) Presetting a channel1. Tune in the desired channel.


2. Touch one of the channel selectorbuttons (1 — 6) and hold it until a beepis heard.This sets the channels to the touch−screen button and the name and numberof the channel appears on the touch−screen button.

Each touch−screen button can store threeSAT channels. To change the preset chan-nel to a different one, follow the same pro-cedure.

The preset channel memory is cancelledwhen the power source is interrupted bythe 12 volt battery disconnection or ablown fuse.

(f) Selecting a channelTune in the desired channel using one ofthe following methods.

Preset tuning: Touch the channel selec-tor button (1 — 6) for the channel you want.The button (1 — 6) is highlighted and chan-nel number appears on the display.

To select channel within the currentcategory: Push the “�” or “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK”. The radio will step up ordown the channel within the current chan-nel category. Touch “TypeSeek”. The ra-dio will step up the channel within the cur-rent channel category.


To scan the currently selected channelcategory: Touch “SCAN” briefly. “SCAN”appears on the display. The radio will findthe next channel in the same channel cate-gory, stay there for a few seconds, andthen scan again. To select a channel,touch “SCAN” a second time.

To scan the preset channels: Touch“SCAN” and hold it until you hear a beep.“P.SCAN” appears on the display. The ra-dio will find the next preset channel, staythere for a few seconds, and then move tothe next preset channel. To select a chan-nel, touch “SCAN” a second time.



(g) Displaying the title and name


When you touch “Text”, the song/programtitle and the artist name/feature are dis-played.

Up to 16 alphanumeric characters can bedisplayed. (Some information will not befully displayed.)

When you touch “Text” again, the displayreturns.



(h) If the satellite radio tuner malfunctionsWhen problems occur with the XM� tuner, a message will appear on the display. Refer-ring to the table below to identify the problem, take the suggested corrective action.


The XM� antenna is not connected. Check whether theXM� antenna cable is attached securely.

A short circuit occurs in the antenna or the surroundingantenna cable. See a Toyota certified dealer for assis-tance.


You have not subscribed to the XM� Satellite Radio.The radio is being updated with the latest encryptioncode. Contact the XM� Satellite Radio for subscriptioninformation. When a contract is canceled, you canchoose the “CH000” and all free−to−air channels.

The premium channel you selected is not authorized.Wait for about 2 seconds until the radio returns to theprevious channel or “CH001”. If it does not change au-tomatically, select another channel. If you want to listento the premium channel, contact the XM� Satellite Ra-dio.

NO SIGNALThe XM� signal is too weak at the current location. Waituntil your vehicle reaches a location with a stronger sig-nal.

LOADINGThe unit is acquiring audio or program information. Waituntil the unit has received the information.

OFF AIRThe channel you selected is not broadcasting any pro-gramming. Select another channel.

−−−−−There is no song/program title or artist name/featureassociated with the channel at that time. No actionneeded.


The channel you selected is no longer available. Waitfor about 2 seconds until the radio returns to the pre-vious channel or “CH001”. If it does not change auto-matically, select another channel.

Contact the XM� Listener Care Center at 1−800−967−2346 (U.S.A.) or1−877−438−9677 (Canada).




This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for aclass B digital device, pursuant toPart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interfer-ence in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordancewith the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio com-munications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation.

If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television re-ception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of thefollowing measures:

—Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.

—Increase the separation betweenthe equipment and receiver.

—Connect the equipment into an out-let on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.

—Consult the dealer or an experi-enced radio/TV technician for help.

Information to user

Alternation or modifications carriedout without appropriate authoriza-tion may invalidate the user’s right tooperate the equipment.

INFORMATIONThis XM� tuner supports “AudioServices” (Music and Talk) of onlyXM� Satellite Radio and “TextInformation”∗ linked to the respective“Audio Services”.∗:Text Information includes, StationName, (Artist) Name, (Song) Title andCategory Name.



(a) Inserting discs

The “POWER” switch must be in ACCES-SORY or ON mode.

Your CD changer can store up to 4 discs.

You can set a disc at the lowest empty discnumber.

1. Push the “ ·CLOSE” button. The“Load·Eject” screen appears.


2. Touch “Load”. The display opens.

3. The amber indicators at either sideof the slot start blinking. When the indi-cators change to green, insert only onedisc. After the disc is loaded, the amberindicators at either side of the slot startblinking again. When the indicatorschange to green, you can insert thenext disc.

4. Push the “ ·CLOSE” button toclose the display.The changer will automatically start play-ing from the last disc you inserted.

If the label faces down, the disc cannot beplayed. In this case, “Check CD” appearson the screen.

— CD changer operation




� Do not place anything on theopened display, as such items maybe thrown about and possibly in-jure people in the vehicle duringsudden braking or in an accident.

� To reduce the chance of injury incase of an accident or sudden stopwhile driving, keep the displayclosed.

� Take care not to jam your handwhile the display is moving. Other-wise, you could be injured.


� Do not obstruct the display while itis moving. It could damage youraudio system.

� Do not insert one disc stacked ontop of another one or feed them incontinuously, to prevent discsfrom getting stuck in the changer.

INFORMATIONUnder extremely cold conditions, thedisplay may react slowly or operationsound may become louder.

(b) Ejecting discs� A single disc alone:

1. Push the “ ·CLOSE” button. The“Load·Eject” screen appears.


2. Touch the disc number to beejected.The display opens and the amber indica-tors at either side of the slot start blinking.After the disc is ejected, the amber indica-tors change to green. A disc can be in-serted.



� All the discs:

1. Push the “ ·CLOSE” button. The“Load·Eject” screen appears.


2. Touch “Eject All”.The display opens and the amber indica-tors at either side of the slot start blinking.After the disc is ejected, the blinking indi-cators stay on.

3. Remove the disc.The indicators start blinking again and thenext disc is ejected.

If a disc is not removed within 15 secondsafter it is ejected, the operation will be can-celed.

When all the discs are removed, the amberindicators change to green. A disc can beinserted.


The numbers of the trays where the disc isnot set are dimmed.


If a disc cannot be ejected, do not for-cibly take out the disc. Keep pushingthe “ ·CLOSE” button for approxi-mately 5 seconds and release it. Atthis time, the audio disc and the mapDVD−ROM will be ejected.



(c) Playing a disc

Push the “CD” button or push the “AU-DIO” button to display audio screenand touch the “CD” tab if the discs arealready loaded in the changer.The discs set in the changer are playedcontinuously, starting with the last disc youinserted. The disc number of the disc cur-rently being played, the track number andthe time from the beginning of the programappear on the screen.

When play of one disc ends, the first trackof the following disc starts. When play ofthe final disc ends, play of the first discstarts again.

The changer will skip any empty disc trays.

(d) Selecting a desired disc


Touch “Change Discs” on “CD” screenand touch the desired disc number onthe screen.The selected disc number is highlighted.

The changer will start playing the selecteddisc from the first track.



(e) Playing an audio disc


Push the “AUDIO” button and touch the“CD” tab, then touch the “ChangeDiscs”. Choose an audio disc numberto display this screen.

SELECTING A DESIRED TRACK“SEEK/TRACK” button: Use for directaccess to a desired track.

Push the “�” or “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” and repeat it until the de-sired track number appears on the screen.As you release the button, the changer willstart playing the selected track from thebeginning.

“Select” for Track: The desired track canbe selected from a list. This function isavailable only when the vehicle is not mov-ing.

Touch “Select”. The track list is displayed.



Touch the desired track number. Thechanger will start playing the selectedtrack from the beginning.

: By touching this touch−screen but-

ton, the list moves up by 5 track groups. Ifthis button is touched when the top page ofthe list is displayed, the last page is dis-played.

: By touching this touch−screen but-

ton, the list moves down by 5 track groups.If this button is touched when the last pageof the list is displayed, the top page is dis-played.

�, �: If � appears to the right of the itemname, the complete name is too long forthe display.

Touch � to scroll to the end of the name.Touch � to scroll the beginning of thename.

Fast forward: Push the “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” and hold it to fast for-ward the disc. When you release the but-ton, the changer will resume playing fromthat position.

Reverse: Push the “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” and hold it to reverse thedisc. When you release the button, thechanger will resume playing.


SEARCHING FOR A DESIRED TRACKOR DISCSearching for a desired track —Touch “SCAN” on the screen brieflywhile the disc is playing.“SCAN” appears on the screen. Thechanger will play the next track for 10 sec-onds, then scan again. To select a track,touch “SCAN” on the screen a secondtime. If the changer reaches the end of thedisc, it will continue scanning at track 1.

After all the tracks are scanned in onepass, normal play resumes.

Searching for a desired disc —Touch “SCAN” on the screen for longerthan a second while the disc is playing.“D.SCAN” appears on the screen. Theprogram at the beginning of each audiodisc will be played for 10 seconds. To con-tinue listening to the program of yourchoice, touch “SCAN” on the screen asecond time.

After all the audio discs are scanned in onepass, normal play resumes.




OTHER FUNCTIONS“RPT”: Use it for automatic repeat of thetrack or disc you are currently listening to.

Repeating a track —Touch “RPT” briefly while the track is play-ing. “RPT” appears on the screen. Whenthe track is finished, the changer will auto-matically go back to the beginning of thetrack and play the track again. To cancelit, touch “RPT” once again.

Repeating a disc —Touch “RPT” for longer than a secondwhile the disc is playing. “D.RPT” appearson the screen. When the disc is finished,the changer will automatically go back tothe beginning of the disc and play the discagain. To cancel it, touch “RPT” onceagain.

“RAND”: Use it for automatic and randomselection.

Playing the tracks on one disc in ran-dom order —Touch “RAND” briefly while the disc isplaying. “RAND” appears on the screen.The system selects a track on the disc be-ing listened to in random order. To cancelit, touch “RAND” once again.

Playing the tracks on all the audio discsin random order —Touch “RAND” for longer than a secondwhile the disc is playing. “D.RAND” ap-pears on the screen. The system selectsa track on all the audio discs in the changerin random order. To cancel it, touch“RAND” once again.

If a CD−TEXT disc is inserted, the title ofthe disc and track will be displayed. Up to29 letters can be displayed.



(f) Playing a MP3/WMA disc


Push the “AUDIO” button and touch the“CD” tab, then touch the “ChangeDiscs”. Choose an MP3/WMA discnumber to display this screen.


“Folder�”: Touch this touch−screen but-ton to go to the next folder.

“Folder�”: Touch this touch−screen but-ton to go to the previous folder.

“Select” for Folder: The desired foldercan be selected in a list. This function isavailable only when the vehicle is not mov-ing.

Touch “Select”. The folder list is dis-played.


Touch the desired folder number. Thechanger will start playing the first file of theselected folder.

: By touching this touch−screen but-

ton, the list moves up by 5 folder groups.If this touch−screen button is touchedwhen the top page of the list is displayed,the last page is displayed.

: By touching this touch−screen but-

ton, the list moves down by 5 foldergroups. If this touch−screen button istouched when the last page of the list isdisplayed, the top page is displayed.



SELECTING A DESIRED FILE“SEEK/TRACK” button: Use for directaccess to a desired file.

Push the “�” or “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” and repeat it until the de-sired file number appears on the display.As you release the button, the changer willstart playing the selected file from the be-ginning. When “RAND” or “FLD.RPT” ison, the file number within the folder you arecurrently listening to appears.

Fast forward: Push the “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” and hold it to fast for-ward the disc. When you release the but-ton, the changer will resume playing fromthat position.

Reverse: Push the “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” and hold it to reverse thedisc. When you release the button, thechanger will resume playing.


“TUNE FILE” knob: Use for direct accessto a desired file in the disc.

Turn the “TUNE FILE” knob to step up ordown all the files in the disc you are cur-rently listening to. The file number ap-pears on the display. When “RAND” or“FLD.RPT” is on, all the files in the folderyou are currently listening to can bestepped up or down.




“Select” for File: The desired file can beselected in a list. This function is availableonly when the vehicle is not moving.

Touch “Select”. The file list is displayed.


Touch the desired file number. The chang-er will start playing the selected file fromthe beginning.

: By touching this touch−screen but-

ton, the list moves up by 5 file groups. Ifthis touch−screen button is touched whenthe top page of the list is displayed, the lastpage is displayed.

: By touching this touch−screen but-

ton, the list moves down by 5 file groups.If this touch−screen button is touchedwhen the last page of the list is displayed,the top page is displayed.




SEARCHING FOR A DESIRED FILETouch “SCAN” on the screen brieflywhile the disc is playing.“SCAN” appears on the screen. Thechanger will play the next file in the folderfor 10 seconds, then scan again. To selecta file, touch “SCAN” on the screen a sec-ond time. If the changer reaches the endof the folder, it will continue scanning fromfile 1.

After all the files are scanned in one pass,normal play resumes.


SEARCHING FOR A DESIRED FOLDERTouch “SCAN” on the screen for longerthan a second while the disc is playing.“FLD.SCAN” appears on the screen. Theprogram at the beginning of each folder willbe played for 10 seconds. To continue lis-tening to the program of your choice, touch“SCAN” on the screen a second time.

After all the folders are scanned in onepass, normal play resumes.




OTHER FUNCTIONS“RPT”: Use it for automatic repeat of thefile or folder you are currently listening to.

Repeating a file —Touch “RPT” briefly while the file is play-ing. “RPT” appears on the screen. Whenthe file is finished, the changer will auto-matically go back to the beginning of thefile and play the file again. To cancel it,touch “RPT” once again.

Repeating a folder —Touch “RPT” for longer than a secondwhile the folder is playing. “FLD.RPT” ap-pears on the screen. When the folder isfinished, the changer will automatically goback to the beginning of the folder and playthe folder again. To cancel it, touch “RPT”once again.

“RAND”: Use it for automatic and randomselection of the folder or the disc which youare currently listening to.

Playing the files in one folder in randomorder —Touch “RAND” briefly while the disc isplaying. “RAND” appears on the screen.The system selects a file in the folder youare currently listening to. To cancel it,touch “RAND” once again.

Playing the files in all the folders on onedisc in random order —Touch “RAND” for longer than a secondwhile the disc is playing. “FLD.RAND” ap-pears on the screen. The system selectsa file in all the folders. To cancel it, touch“RAND” once again.

When a file is skipped or the system is in-operative, touch “RAND” to reset.



(g) If the player malfunctionsIf “CD Error” appears on the screen, audiosignals of the disc cannot be read or thesystem has trouble. Push the “CD” buttononce again.

If the changer does not operate, check thatthe disc surface is not soiled or damaged.If the disc is O.K., the temperature of thechanger’s internal mechanism may beraised because of high external tempera-ture. Remove the disc from the changer tocool it.

If the changer still does not operate, haveit checked by your dealer.

If an MP3/WMA disc contains CD−DAfiles, only CD−DA files are played. If anMP3/WMA disc contains files other thanCD−DA, only MP3/WMA files are played.

The Bluetooth� audio system enablesusers to enjoy music played on a porta-ble player from the vehicle speaker viawireless communication.


This audio system supportsBluetooth�, a wireless data systemcapable of playing portable audiomusic without cables. If your portableplayer does not support Bluetooth�,the Bluetooth� audio system will notfunction.

—Bluetooth� audiooperation



INFORMATIONPortable players must correspond tothe following specifications in orderto be connected to the Bluetooth� au-dio system. However, please notethat some functions may be limiteddepending on the type of portableplayer.

� Bluetooth� SpecificationVer.1.1 or higher(Recommended: Ver.2.0+EDR orhigher)

� Profile

� A2DP (Advanced Audio Dis-tribution Profile) Ver.1.0

� AVRCP (Audio/Video RemoteControl Profile) Ver.1.0 or highe(Recommended: Ver.1.3 or higher)

Please go to “http://www.toyota.lets-talk.com/” to find approvedBluetooth� phones for this system.

Bluetooth is a trademark owned byBluetooth SIG. Inc.

CAUTIONDo not operate the player’s controlsor connect to the Bluetooth� audiosystem while driving.


Do not leave your portable player inthe car. In particular, high tempera-tures inside the vehicle may damagethe portable player.

INFORMATION� In the following conditions, the

system may not function.� The portable player is turned off.� The portable player is not con-

nected.� The portable player has a low bat-

tery.� It may take time, the phone connec-

tion is carried out duringBluetooth� audio play.



1 Indicates the condition of theBluetooth� connection.

“Blue” indicates an excellent connectionto Bluetooth�.

“Yellow” indicates a bad connection toBluetooth�, resulting in possible deteriora-tion of audio quality.

: No connection to Bluetooth�.

2 Indicates the amount of batterycharge left.

Empty Full

Remaining charge is not displayed whilethe Bluetooth� is connecting.

The amount left does not always corre-spond with the one of your portable player.

This system doesn’t have a charging func-tion.

An antenna for the Bluetooth�connection is built in to the display. Theindication of the Bluetooth�connection may turn yellow and thesystem may not function when you usethe Bluetooth� portable player in thefollowing conditions.� Your portable player is hiding behind

from the display (behind the seat or inthe glove box or console box).

� Your portable player touches or is cov-ered with metal materials.

Leave the Bluetooth� portable player in aplace where the “Blue” indication is dis-played.

The portable player information is regis-tered when the Bluetooth� audio system isconnected. When you release possessionof your vehicle, remove your portable play-er. (See “(a) Removing a Bluetooth� au-dio” on page 296.)



FCC ID : HYQDNNS025Type : DNNS025IC : 1551A−DNNS025 Canada 310

This device complies with Part 15 of theFCC Rules and RSS−210. Operation issubject to the following two conditions :(1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, in-cluding interference that may cause un-desired operation.

CAUTIONChanges or modifications not ex-pressly approved by the party re-sponsible for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate theequipment.

CAUTION: Radio Frequency Radi-ation ExposureThis equipment complies with FCCradiation exposure limits set forth foruncontrolled equipment and meets theFCC radio frequency (RF) ExposureGuidelines in Supplement C to OET65.This equipment has very low levels ofRF energy that it deemed to complywithout maximum permissive expo-sure evaluation (MPE). But it is desir-able that it should be installed and op-erated with at least 20 cm and more be-tween the radiator and person’s body(excluding extremities: hands, wrists,feet and legs).

Co−location: This transmitter mustnot be co−located or operated in con-junction with any other antenna ortransmitter.

(a) Connecting Bluetooth� audio play-erTo use the Bluetooth� audio system,you need to enter your portable playerinto the system. Once you haveregistered it, you can enjoy your musicon the vehicle’s audio system. (See“—Setting Bluetooth� audio” on page295.)For the operation procedure for theportable player, see the instructionmanual that comes with it.� When the connection method is

“From Vehicle”.� When the auto connection is on

When the portable player is stand-by for the connection, it will be au-tomatically connected wheneverthe “POWER” switch is in eitherACCESSORY or ON mode.

� When the auto connection is offManually connect the portableplayer in accordance with the fol-lowing procedure.



Touch “Connect”.


When the connection is completed, thisscreen is displayed. Now you can use theportable player.


This screen will appear when the connec-tion has failed.

� When the connection method is“From Portable Player”

Operate the portable player and con-nect it to the Bluetooth� audio system.For the operation procedure for theportable player, see the instructionmanual that comes with it.

Touch “Connect”.


Connect the portable audio player to theBluetooth� audio system.


This screen will appear when the connec-tion has been successfully established.



� Reconnecting the portable playerIf the portable player is disconnected witha poor reception from the Bluetooth� net-work when the “POWER” switch is in AC-CESSORY or ON mode, the system auto-matically reconnects the portable player.In this case, the connection result is notdisplayed.

If the Bluetooth� is disconnected on pur-pose such as you turned your portableplayer off, this does not happen.

Reconnect it by the following method.

� Select the portable player again.� Enter the portable player.

(b) Playing a Bluetooth� audio� Playing and pausing a Bluetooth�



Push the “AUX” button or push the“AUDIO” button to display this screenand touch the “BT” tab if theBluetooth� audio player is alreayconnected.

Touch and the music will start playing.

Touch and the music will pause.

Touch and the music will start playingagain.

Depending on the portable player that isconnected to the system, the music may

start playing when touching while it ispaused. On the other hand, the music may

pause when touching while it is play-ing.



Some titles may not be displayed depend-ing on the type of portable player.

� Selecting a desired track


“SEEK/TRACK” button: Use for directaccess to a desired track.

Push the “�” or “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” and repeat it until the de-sired track number appears on the screen.As you release the button, the portableplayer will start playing the selected trackfrom the beginning.

Fast forward:Push and hold the “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” to fast forward the play-er. When you release the button, the porta-ble player will resume playing from thatposition.

Reverse:Push and hold the “�” button of“SEEK/TRACK” to reverse the player.When you release the button, the playerwill resume playing.

INFORMATIONDepending on the portable player thatis connected to the system, certainfunctions may not be available.



� Selecting a desired album


“Album �”: Touch this button to go tothe next album.“Album �”: Touch this button to go tothe previous album.

INFORMATIONDepending on the portable player thatis connected to the system, certainfunctions may not be available.

� Other function


“RPT”: Use this control to automatic re-play the track you are currently listening to.

Repeating a track—While the track is playing, touch “RPT”briefly.“RPT” appears on the screen. When thetrack is finished, the player will automati-cally play it again. To cancel the repeat,touch “RPT” once again.



“RAND”: Use this for automatic and ran-dom selection of tracks on the album thatyou are currently listening to.

Playing the tracks in the album in ran-dom order—While the track is playing, touch“RAND” briefly.“RAND” appears on the screen. The sys-tem selects a track in the album you arecurrently listening to. To cancel this func-tion, touch “RAND” once again.

INFORMATIONDepending on the portable player thatis connected to the system, certainfunctions may not be available.


Some parts of the audio system can be ad-justed using the switches on the steeringwheel.

Details of the specific switches, controls,and features are described below.1 Volume control switch2 “��” switch3 “MODE” switch

1 Volume control switchPush “+” side to increase the volume. Thevolume continues to increase while theswitch is being pressed.

Push “–” side to decrease the volume.The volume continues to decrease whilethe switch is being pressed.

Audio remote controls(steering switches)



2 “��” switchRadioThis switch has the following features—

To select a preset station:Quickly push and release the “�” or “�”side of the switch. Do this again to selectthe next preset station.

To seek a station:Push and hold the “�” or “�” side of theswitch until you hear a beep. Do this againto find the next station. If you push theswitch on either side during the seekmode, seeking will be cancelled.

To step up or down the frequency, pushand hold the switch even after you hear abeep. When you release from the switch,the radio will begin seeking up or down fora station. Do this again to find the next sta-tion.

XM� Satellite Radio—

To select a preset channel, push the “�”or “�” side of the switch. Repeat until adesired channel is found.

CD changerUse this switch to skip up or down to a dif-ferent track in either direction.

To select a desired track or file:Quickly push and release the “�” or “�”side of the switch until the track you wantto listen to is set. If you want to return to thebeginning of the current track, push the“�” side of the switch once, quickly.

To select a desired disc:Push and hold the “�” or “�” switch untilyou hear a beep to change to the next orthe previous disc. Repeat this operationuntil you reach the disc you want to listento.

Bluetooth� audio playerUse this switch to skip up or down to a dif-ferent track or album in either direction.

To select a desired track:Quickly push and release the “�” or “�”side of the switch until the track you wantto listen to is set. If you want to return to thebeginning of the current track, push the“�” side of the switch once quickly.

To select a desired album:Push and hold “�” or “�” switch until youhear a beep to change to the next or theprevious album. Repeat this operation un-til you reach the album you want to listento.3 “MODE” switch

Push “MODE” switch to select an audiomode. Each push changes the mode se-quentially if the desired mode is ready touse.

To turn the audio system on, push the“MODE” switch.

To turn the audio system off, push and holdthe “MODE” switch until you hear a beep.




To ensure correct audio system op-erations:

� Be careful not to spill beveragesover the audio system.

� Do not put anything other than anappropriate disc into the CDchanger.

� The use of a cellular phone insideor near the vehicle may cause anoise from the speakers of the au-dio system which you are listeningto. However, this does not indicatea malfunction.

RADIO RECEPTIONUsually, a problem with radio receptiondoes not mean there is a problem with yourradio — it is just the normal result of condi-tions outside the vehicle.

For example, nearby buildings and terraincan interfere with FM reception. Powerlines or telephone wires can interfere withAM signals. And of course, radio signalshave a limited range. The farther you arefrom a station, the weaker its signal will be.In addition, reception conditions changeconstantly as your vehicle moves.

Here are some common reception prob-lems that probably do not indicate a prob-lem with your radio:


Fading and drifting stations — Generally,the effective range of FM is about 25 miles(40 km). Once outside this range, you maynotice fading and drifting, which increasewith the distance from the radio transmit-ter. They are often accompanied by distor-tion.

Multi−path — FM signals are reflective,making it possible for two signals to reachyour antenna at the same time. If this hap-pens, the signals will cancel each otherout, causing a momentary flutter or loss ofreception.

Static and fluttering — These occur whensignals are blocked by buildings, trees, orother large objects. Increasing the basslevel may reduce static and fluttering.

Station swapping — If the FM signal youare listening to is interrupted or weakened,and there is another strong station nearbyon the FM band, your radio may tune in thesecond station until the original signal canbe picked up again.


Fading — AM broadcasts are reflected bythe upper atmosphere — especially atnight. These reflected signals can inter-fere with those received directly from theradio station, causing the radio station tosound alternately strong and weak.

Station interference — When a reflectedsignal and a signal received directly froma radio station are very nearly the samefrequency, they can interfere with eachother, making it difficult to hear the broad-cast.

Static — AM is easily affected by externalsources of electrical noise, such as hightension power lines, lightening, or electri-cal motors. This results in static.

Audio system operatinghints




Cargo loaded on the roof luggage carrier,especially metal objects, may adverselyaffect the reception of XM� Satellite Radio.

Alternation or modifications carried outwithout appropriate authorization may in-validate the user’s right to operate theequipment.

CARING FOR YOUR CD CHANGERAND DISCS� Your CD changer is intended for use

with 4.7 in. (12 cm) discs only.

� Extremely high temperatures can keepyour CD changer from working. On hotdays, use the air conditioning to coolthe vehicle interior before you use thechanger.

� Bumpy roads or other vibrations maymake your CD changer skip.

� If moisture gets into your CD changer,you may not play even though they ap-pear to be working. Remove the discfrom the changer and wait until it dries.

CAUTIONCD changer use an invisible laserbeam which could cause hazardousradiation exposure if directed out-side the unit. Be sure to operate thechangers correctly.


CD changer� Use only discs marked as shown abo-

ve. The following products may not beplayable on your changer.

Copy−protected CDCD−ROM




� Special shaped discs


� Transparent/translucent discs


� Low quality discs


� Labeled discs


� Do not use special shaped, trans-parent/translucent, low quality orlabeled discs such as those shownin the illustrations. The use of suchdiscs may damage the changer, orit may be impossible to eject thedisc.

� This system is not designed for useof Dual Disc. Do not use Dual Discbecause it may cause damage tothe changer.

� Do not use a disc with protectionring. The use of such disc maydamage the changer, or it may beimpossible to eject the disc.

� If a disc cannot be ejected, do notforcibly take out the disc. Keeppushing the “ ·CLOSE” buttonfor approximately 5 seconds andrelease it. At this time, the audiodisc and the map DVD−ROM will beejected.




� Correct � Wrong

� Handle discs carefully, especiallywhen you are inserting them. Holdthem on the edge and do not bend the-m. Avoid getting fingerprints on them,particularly on the shiny side.

� Dirt, scratches, warping, pin holes, orother disc damage could cause theplayer to skip or to repeat a section ofa track. (To see a pin hole, hold the discup to the light.)

� Remove discs from the players whenyou are not using them. Store them intheir plastic cases away from moisture,heat, and direct sunlight.


To clean a disc: Wipe it with a soft, lint−free cloth that has been dampened withwater. Wipe in a straight line from the cen-ter to the edge of the disc (not in circles).Dry it with another soft, lint−free cloth. Donot use a conventional record cleaner oranti−static device.



MP3/WMA FILES� MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) and WMA

(Windows Media� Audio) are audiocompression standards.

� The MP3/WMA player can play MP3and WMA files on CD−ROM, CD−Rand CD−RW discs.

The unit can play disc recordings com-patible with ISO 9660 level 1 and level2 and with the Romeo and Joliet filesystem.

� When naming an MP3 or WMA file, addthe appropriate file extension (.mp3 or.wma).

� The MP3/WMA player plays back fileswith .mp3 or .wma file extensions asMP3 or WMA files. To prevent noiseand playback errors, use the appropri-ate file extensions.

� The player can play only the first ses-sion using multi−session compatibleCDs.

� MP3 files are compatible with the ID3Tag Ver. 1.0, Ver. 1.1, Ver. 2.2, and Ver.2.3 formats. The unit cannot displaydisc title, track title and artist name inother formats.

� WMA files can contain a WMA tag thatis used in the same way as an ID3 tag.WMA tags carry information such astrack title, artist name.

� The emphasis function is availableonly when playing MP3/WMA files re-corded at 32, 44.1 and 48 kHz. (Thesystem can play MP3 files with sam-pling frequencies of 16, 22.05, and 24kHz. However, the emphasis functionis not available for files recorded atthese frequencies.)

� The sound quality of MP3/WMA filesgenerally improves with higher bit rate-s. In order to achieve a reasonable lev-el of sound quality, discs recorded witha bit rate of at least 128 kbps are rec-ommended.

Playable bit ratesMP3 files:MPEG1 LAYER3—64 to 320 kbpsMPEG2 LSF LAYER3—64 to 160 kbpsWMA files:Ver. 7, 8 CBR—48 to 192 kbpsVer. 9 CBR—48 to 320 kbps

� The MP3/WMA player does not playback MP3/WMA files from discs re-corder using packet write data transfer(UDF format). Discs should be re-corded using “pre−mastering” softwarerather than packet−write software.

� M3u playlists are not compatible withthe audio player.

� MP3i (MP3 interactive) and MP3PROformats are not compatible with the au-dio player.

� The MP3 player is compatible withVBR (Variable Bit Rate).

� When playing back files recorded asVBR (Variable Bit Rate) files, the playtime will not be correctly displayed iffast−forward or reverse operations areused.

� It is not possible to check folders thatdo not include MP3/WMA files.

� MP3/WMA files in folders up to 8 levelsdeep can be played. However, thestart of playback may be delayed whenusing discs containing numerous lev-els of folders. For this reason, we rec-ommend creating discs with no morethan two levels of folders.

� It is possible to play up to 192 folders or255 files on one disc.





Folder 1003.mp3Folder 2004.mp3005.wma

Folder 3006.mp3

� The play order of the compact disc withthe structure shown above is as fol-lows:

001.mp3 002.wma . . . 006.mp3

� The order changes depending on thePC and MP3/WMA encoding softwareyou use.

CD−R and CD−RW discs� CD−R/CD−RW discs that have not

been subject to the “finalizing process”(a process that allows discs to beplayed on a conventional CD player)cannot be played.

� It may not be possible to play CD−R/CD−RW discs recorded on a musicCD recorder or a personal computerbecause of disc characteristics,scratches or dirt on the disc, or dirt,condensation, etc. on the lens of theunit.

� It may not be possible to play discs re-corded on a personal computer de-pending on the application settings andthe environment. Record with the cor-rect format. (For details, contact theappropriate application manufacturersof the applications.)

� CD−R/CD−RW discs may be damagedby direct exposure to sunlight, hightemperatures or other storage condi-tions. The unit may be unable to playsome damaged discs.

� If you insert a CD−RW disc into theMP3/WMA player, playback will beginmore slowly than with a conventionalCD or CD−R disc.

� Recordings on CD−R/CD−RW cannotbe played using the DDCD (DoubleDensity CD) system.



TERMSPacket write—This is a general term that describes theprocess of writing data on−demand toCD−R, etc., in the same way that data iswritten to floppy or hard discs.

ID3 Tag—This is a method of embedding track−re-lated information in an MP3 file. This em-bedded information can include the tracktitle, the artist’s name, the album title, themusic genre, the year of production, com-ments and other data. The contents canbe freely edited using software with ID3 tagediting functions. Although the tags are re-stricted to the number of characters, the in-formation can be viewed when the track isplayed back.

WMA Tag—WMA files can contain a WMA tag that isused in the same way as an ID3 tag. WMAtags carry information such as track title,artist name.

ISO 9660 format—This is the international standard for theformatting of CD−ROM folders and files.For the ISO 9660 format, there are two lev-els of regulations.

Level 1:

The file name is in 8.3 format (8 characterfile names, with a 3 character file exten-sion. File names must be composed ofone−byte capital letters and numbers. The“_” symbol may also be included.)

Level 2:

The file name can have up to 31 characters(including the separation mark “.” and fileextension). Each folder must contain few-er than 8 hierarchies.

m3u—Playlists created using “WINAMP” soft-ware have a playlist file extension (.m3u).

MP3—MP3 is an audio compression standard de-termined by a working group (MPEG) ofthe ISO (International Standard Organiza-tion). MP3 compresses audio data toabout 1/10 the size of that on conventionaldiscs.

WMA—WMA (Windows Media� Audio) is an audiocompression format developed by Micro-soft�. It compresses files into a size small-er than that of MP3 files. The decoding for-mats for WMA files are Ver. 7, 8, and 9.







� Advanced parking guidance system 192



The advanced parking guidance sys-tem helps back up parking by display-ing a rear−view image in order to pro-vide a reference for back upmaneuvering, as well as automaticallycontrolling the steering wheel whenbacking into a target parking positionset on the screen. The system will notautomatically back up or regulatespeed.The advanced parking guidance system isnot an automatic parking system. It is asystem to assist back up parking.

As the system only assists with parking ina set target parking position, there aretimes when the system will be unable torender this assistance, depending on fac-tors such as road surface or vehicle condi-tion, or the distance to the set target park-ing position.

Depending on the characteristics of thecamera lens, the distance to or position ofpeople or obstacles shown on the screenmay differ slightly from actual conditions.

SELECTING A LANGUAGESee “� Selecting a language” on page 237for the procedure to select a language.Once you select a language, the advancedparking guidance system will indicate thatlanguage until you select another lan-guage.


� Never depend on the advancedparking guidance system entirelywhen backing up. Always makesure your intended path is clear.Use caution, just as you wouldwhen backing up any vehicle.

� Never back up while looking only atthe screen. The image on thescreen is different from actualconditions. Depicted distancesbetween objects and flat surfaceswill differ from actual distances. Ifyou back up while looking only atthe screen, you may hit a vehicle, aperson or an object. When backingup, be sure to check behind and allaround the vehicle visually andwith mirrors before proceeding.

� Back up slowly, using the brakepedal to control the vehicle’sspeed.

� If you seem likely to hit nearby ve-hicles, obstacles or people, de-press the brake pedal to stop thevehicle, and then disable the sys-tem by touching on thescreen.

� Use the system for flat spaces.� As the steering wheel moves auto-

matically in the parallel parking as-sist mode and parking assistmode, be aware of the followingpoints:� Keep clothing such as neckties,

scarves and long sleeves awayfrom the steering wheel, as theymay become entangled. Also,keep children away from thesteering wheel.

� If you have long fingernails, becareful not to injure yourselfwhen the steering wheel moves.

Advanced parking guidancesystem —



� If there is a problem, stop the ve-hicle and disable the system bytouching on the screen.

� Be sure to check that the vehiclecan actually park in the targetspace before beginning operation.

� Do not use the system in the follow-ing conditions:� Outside of parking areas� In unprepared parking area such

as gravel or sand� In parking areas that are crooked

or have level variations� On slippery or icy roads, or in

snow� If the asphalt is melted due to

harsh sunlight� If there are obstacles in the tar-

get parking position (inside thegreen frame), or obstacles be-tween the vehicle and the park-ing space

� If there are a large number of ve-hicles or pedestrians passing

� In areas unsuitable for parking(overly small parking space, cliffetc.)

� If the image is hard to see due todirt, direct sunlight, shadow orsnow on the camera lens

� If you are using tire chains oremergency tire(s)

� Do not use tires other than thoseinstalled by the manufacturer, asthe system may not function cor-rectly. Furthermore, if you changethe tires, there may be errors in thepositions of the lines and framesdisplayed on the screen. If youwish to change your tires, see yourToyota dealer .

� In the following conditions, as-sisted parking in the set parkingposition may not be possible:� The tires are extremely worn, or

the tire inflation pressure is low� You are carrying an extremely

heavy load� There is a load in one side of the

vehicle only, causing the vehicleto lean

� Tires have received a strong im-pact, such as bumping against acurb, resulting in improperwheel alignment

� Do not use the system when theback door is not completelyclosed.

� If the back of the vehicle is hit, theposition and mounting angle of thecamera may change. Be sure tohave the camera’s position andmounting angle checked at yourToyota dealer.

� As the camera has a water proofconstruction, do not detach, disas-semble or modify it. This maycause incorrect operation.

� If the temperature changes rapidly,such as when hot water is pouredon the vehicle in cold weather, thesystem may not operate normally.

� If the camera lens becomes dirty, itcannot transmit a clear image. Ifwater droplets, snow, or mud ad-here to the lens, rinse with waterand wipe with a soft cloth. If thelens is extremely dirty, wash it witha mild cleanser and rinse.

� If you scrape the camera cover, orscrub it with a hard brush or anabrasive agent, you may scratchthe cover, leading to poor picturequality.



� Do not allow organic solvent, carwax, window cleaner or paint coat-ing to adhere to the camera. If thishappens, wipe it off as soon aspossible.

� If the camera is subjected to a colli-sion, or the camera orientationconfirmation lines are not in linewith the bumper, it is likely that thecamera position or angle of instal-lation has become crooked. Seeyour Toyota dealer as soon as pos-sible.

� Use your own eyes to confirm thevehicle’s surroundings, as the dis-played image may become faint ordark, and moving images will bedistorted, or not entirely visiblewhen the outside temperature islow. When backing up, be sure tocheck behind and all around the ve-hicle visually and with mirror be-fore proceeding.

� Do not attach any accessorieswithin the detection range of thesensors.

� A sensor may not operate properlyin the following situations.� There is ice, snow or mud on the

sensor. (When it is removed, thenormal operation will return.)

� The sensor is frozen. (When thesensor warms up, it will return tonormal.) At low temperatures inparticular, sensors that are fro-zen may not detect a parked ve-hicle.

� When the vehicle is tilted.� In extreme hot or cold weather.� When driving on bumpy roads,

slopes, gravelled roads or grass.

� Devices issuing ultrasonicwaves are operated around yourvehicle, such as a horn fromanother vehicle, motorcycle en-gine, air braking sound fromheavy−duty vehicles.

� When rain or water is splashedover the vehicle.

� When a radio antenna or fenderpole is mounted on your vehicle.

� The sensor approaches tooclose to a parked vehicle.

� The sensor is covered in anyway.

� The bumper or sensor receives astrong impact.



� Area displayed on screenImage is displayed approximately levelon screen.

Corners of bumper

On screen

The area covered by the camera is limi-ted. Objects which are close to eithercorner of the bumper or under thebumper cannot be seen on the screen.

The area displayed on the screen mayvary according to vehicle orientation orroad conditions.



� The advanced parking guidancesystem camera

The advanced parking guidance systemcamera is located on the back door asshown in the illustration.

The camera uses a special lens. The dis-tance of the image that appears on thescreen differs from the actual distance.

In the following cases, it may become diffi-cult to see the images on the screen, evenwhen the system is functioning.

� In the dark (for example, at night)

� When the temperature near the lens isextremely high or low

� When water droplets are adhering tothe camera, or when humidity is high(for example, when it rains)

� When foreign matter (for example,snow or mud) adheres to the cameralens

� When the camera has scratches or dirton it

� When the sun or the beam of head-lights is shining directly into the cameralens

If a bright light (for example, sunlight re-flected off the vehicle body) is picked up bythe camera, the smear effect∗, peculiar tothe CCD camera, may occur.∗: Smear effect—A phenomenon that oc-curs when a bright light (for example, sun-light reflected off the vehicle body) ispicked up by the camera; when trans-mitted by the camera, the light source ap-pears to have a vertical streak above andbelow it.

If you install the antenna of a wireless de-vice close to the camera, the screen imagemay be affected by the electromagneticwaves, and the system may not functioncorrectly. Install an antenna away from thecamera.

The method for adjusting the picture quali-ty of the advanced parking guidance sys-tem is the same as that for the navigationscreen.



Instructions given are only examples.When and how much to turn the steer-ing wheel will vary according to trafficconditions, road surface conditions,vehicle condition, etc. when parking.It is necessary to be fully aware of thisbefore using the advanced parkingguidance system.Also, when parking, be sure to checkthat the parking space will accommo-date your vehicle before maneuveringinto it.


Depending on the circumstances ofthe vehicle (number of passengers,amount of luggage, etc.), the set tar-get parking position displayed on thescreen may change. Be sure to checkvisually behind and all around the ve-hicle before proceeding.

(a) To activate the advanced parkingguidance system

To activate the advanced parking guid-ance system, shift to “R” when the“POWER” switch is in ON mode.� If you move the shift position out of “R”,

the screen returns to the previousscreen. Operating another function ofthe navigation system will displayanother screen.

� Even if the shift position is in “R”, if youpush any of the mode buttons aroundthe display, such as “MAP/VOICE” or“INFO·PHONE”, the screen will switchto that mode.

—Maneuvering whenparking



1 Camera orientation confirmationlinesIf the edge of the bumper displayedon the screen does not match thecamera orientation confirmationlines, the camera may not be alignedcorrectly. Have the vehicle checkedby your Toyota dealer.

2 Parallel parking assist mode but-tonTouching this button turns parallelparking assist mode on.

See “ — Parallel parking assist mode” onpage 202 for details.3 Parking assist mode button

Touching this button turns parking as-sist mode on.

See “ — Parking assist mode” on page 214for details.

� To adjust the volume of the voice guid-ance, ask your Toyota dealer for de-tails.

PRE−SUPPORT SWITCHUse this switch to turn on/off the pre−support function and to switch assistmode between parallel parking assistmode and perpendicular parking assistmode.

Pushing the pre−support switch while“POWER” switch is in ON mode and thevehicle is travelling below 9 mph (15 km/h)with the shift position in any position otherthan “P” or “R”, will cause the screen tochange in the following order:

Pre−support function OFF (Navigationscreen, etc.)

↓Parallel parking assist mode pre−sup-port screen

↓Perpendicular parking assist modepre−support screen

↓Pre−support function OFF (Navigationscreen, etc.)If the pre−support function cannot be used,two beeps will sound.



(b) Disabling the advanced parkingguidance systemWhen in the parking assist mode or par-allel parking assist mode, in the follow-ing case the voice guidance will say“The guidance has been canceled”, amessage will be displayed, and the sys-tem will be disabled. For displayedmessage, see page 226.After the following operations� Moving the steering wheel

� Using the accelerator

� Moving the shift position out of “R”

� Applying the parking brake

� Switching the screen display

In the following situation� If the vehicle slips forward or stops af-

ter taking your foot off the brake pedal

� If the backing speed is too fast

� If normal assistance cannot be ren-dered due to worn tires or low tire infla-tion pressure

� If the target parking position has notbeen confirmed on the target parkingposition setting screen before backingup

� Any warnings displayed on the screenare not acknowledged before backingup

� If there is a system malfunction

� If the system temperature protectionfunction operates

If the system is disabled while backing up,grip the steering wheel firmly and depressthe brake pedal to bring the vehicle to ahalt. The system has been completely dis-abled, so you may either start again fromthe beginning, or if you wish to finish park-ing manually, be sure to operate the steer-ing wheel as you would normally.

If a hands−free phone call is received, thehands−free screen will be displayed, andthe system will be disabled.



In any of the following situations, thereis a margin of error between the set tar-get parking position on the screen andthe actual distance/course on the road.

� When the grade behind the vehicleslopes up sharply, objects appear tobe farther away than they actuallyare.

—Driving precautions



� When the grade behind the vehicleslopes down sharply, objects ap-pear to be closer than they actuallyare.

� When any part of the vehicle sagsdue to the number of passengers orthe distribution of the load, there isa margin of error between the settarget parking position on thescreen and the actual distance/course on the road.



Parallel parking assist mode assiststhe driver with parallel parking by auto-matically controlling the steering wheelwhen backing up, in order to park in thetarget position set on the screen.

CAUTION� When backing up, be sure to check

your surroundings and behind thevehicle for safety, and back upslowly, depressing the brake pedalto control vehicle speed.

� If you seem likely to hit nearby ve-hicles, obstacles or people, de-press the brake pedal to stop thevehicle, then disable the system bytouching on the screen.

As the system only assists with parking ina set target parking position, there aretimes when the system will be unable torender this assistance, depending on fac-tors such as road surface or vehicle condi-tion, or the distance to the set target park-ing position.

Use the system with full understanding ofthe fact.

If a message is displayed while maneuver-ing, follow the procedures outlined in “ —What to do when this sort of message isdisplayed” on page 226.

The illustrations here describe the proce-dure for pulling into a parking space on theright. For pulling into a parking space onthe left, substitute left for right and vice ver-sa in all steps.

The operating method differs dependingon whether or not the pre−support functionis in use.

PRE−SUPPORT FUNCTIONThe pre−support function can be usedwhen there is a space between twoparked vehicles. If a parking space isdetected, this function will inform thedriver using a tone when the vehicle isin a position to begin backing up, andguides the vehicle to a position fromwhich assistance can be given.Guidance will not be given if the detectedspace is narrow.

Parking between two vehicles

� 1 Push the pre−support switch once

2 Identify a parking space3 Get into a position to begin back−

up maneuvering

— Parallel parking assistmode



INFORMATION� To allow the pre−support system

to activate accurately, move the ve-hicle as slowly as possible (at aspeed that will allow the vehicle tobe stopped suddenly).

� If only one vehicle is parked, thepre−support system cannot beused.

� The function cannot be used if theshift position is in “P” or “R”, or ifthe vehicle speed is greater than 9mph (15 km/h).

� In order to identify parking spacesand detect parked vehicles usingthe sensors on both sides of thefront bumper, guidance cannot begiven if a space is not detected.

� Parking space guidance andsearching continues until the ve-hicle speed is greater than 9 mph(15 km/h) or until the function isturned off by pushing the pre−sup-port switch.

(a) When the pre−support function isin use

� 1 Push the pre−support switch once

2 Sensor detection range

1. With the vehicle speed at less than9 mph (15 km/h) and the vehicle on thenear side of the parking space, push thepre−support switch once. Confirm thatthe display has switched to the “Paral-lel parking mode” screen.



INFORMATION� The mode will switch with each

push of the pre−support switch.

� If the shift position is in “P” or “R”,or if the vehicle speed is 9 mph (15km/h) or above, two beeps willsound when the pre−supportswitch is pushed, and the displaywill not change.

� 1 Approx. 3 ft. (1 m) 2 Desired parking location

2. Move the vehicle to a position paral-lel to the road (or road shoulder) that isalso approximately 3 ft. (1 m) away fromthe parked vehicle, and then proceedstraight forward.

INFORMATIONTo cancel the guidance function, turnoff the pre−support function by push-ing the pre−support switch twice.



3. Stop the vehicle when two chimessound.

INFORMATION� Two chimes sound when the ve-

hicle reaches a position fromwhich the front edge of the leadingparked vehicle can be seen along-side.

� Move the vehicle forward as slowlyas possible so that the vehicle canbe stopped as soon as the twochimes sound.

� The chimes will not sound if the ve-hicle does not arrive in a backing−up position. If the vehicle isstopped and the shift position isshifted to “R” before the chimessound, the screen shown in step 4of “(b) When the pre−support func-tion is not in use” on page 206 isdisplayed.

4. Shift to “R”.For operation after shifting to “R”, see step5 of “(b) When the pre−support function isnot in use” on page 206.



(b) When the pre−support function isnot in use

� 1 Approx. 3 ft. (1 m)2 Desired parking location

1. Move your vehicle slowly to a posi-tion parallel to the road or shoulderapproximately 3 ft. (1 m) away fromparked vehicles.To facilitate the setting of the target parkingposition, the front side sensors detect thevehicles parked in front of and behind theparking space and identify the target park-ing position.

2. Stop your vehicle in a positionwhere you can see the front edge of theleading parked vehicle right besideyou, with the steering wheel straight.




Be sure to stop the vehicle parallel tothe road or shoulder. If the vehicle isnot parallel, the assist location will bevery near the shoulder. If it looks likethe vehicle will hit or mount theshoulder, depress the brake pedal tostop the vehicle, and touch onthe screen to deactivate the system.

If there is no leading parked vehicle, thesystem will display the target parking posi-tion (green or red frame) in the positionused last time the parallel parking assistmode was activated.

3. Shift to “R”.

4. Touch on the screen.

5. Use the arrow to align the greenframe with your target parking space,and touch “OK”.You can also move the green frame bytouching the screen (area other than thearrows).

There are tricks to align the green frame.See “� Tips for setting the target parkingposition” on page 211.

If the frame is displayed in red, you cannotuse the parallel parking assist mode topark in that location. See “� When a redframe is displayed in the assist mode” onpage 229.



When the green frame is displayed, if youbegin backing up without touching “OK”,the message “Parking position has notbeen set.” appears. If you continue to backup, you will hear a warning tone and thesystem will be disabled.

If the frame is red, there will be no guidanceeven if you begin backing up.

If the orientation of the frame is opposite tothat of the target parking space, touch


There may be times when, due to imagedistortion, the green frame does not matchthe parking space lines on the road sur-face. In this case, use the warning flag andgreen extension guide line to set the targetparking position.

You may adjust the target parking positioneven after starting the parallel parking as-sist mode.

CAUTION� Always check that there are no ob-

stacles in the green frame or be-tween your vehicle and the parkingspace, and that the warning flagand extension guide line do notoverlap any parked vehicles orwalls.

� If there are obstacles in the greenframe or between your vehicle andthe parking space, or the warningflag or extension guide line over-laps a parked vehicle or wall, thereis a danger of collision. In thiscase, do not use the parallel park-ing assist mode. The same appliesif the green frame overlaps theshoulder.

� The warning flag is only a guide.Be sure to directly check your sur-roundings and behind the vehiclefor safety, and back up carefully.

� If the road surface has level varia-tions or a gradient between thestarting position and target park-ing position, it will not be possibleto correctly set the location, whichmay cause the parking position tobe misaligned or crooked. In thiscase, do not use the parallel park-ing assist mode.



6. Position yourself as you wouldwhen backing up normally, and restyour hands on the steering wheel with-out applying any pressure. Check yoursurroundings and behind the vehiclefor safety, and slowly back up, usingthe brake pedal to control the vehicle’sspeed.

If you touch , assistance is can-celed.

If the vehicle’s backing up speed is toofast, a warning tone will sound and themessage “Speed is too fast.” will be dis-played. If you continue to back up at thatspeed, the system will be disabled. Backup at a speed that does not cause thewarning tone to sound.

The green frame displayed on the screenis approximately the same size as your ve-hicle. (The green frame displayed whensetting the target parking position is thesize of a normal parking space.)

You can change the target parking position

by touching . If you are backing up,or have already moved close to the target

parking position, will turn gray, andyou will be unable to change the target.

Touch the arrows to move the target park-ing position, and then touch “OK”.

You can only move the target parking posi-tion left or right, and the warning flag willnot move even if you adjust the target park-ing position.




� When backing up, be sure to checkyour surroundings and behind thevehicle for safety, and back upslowly, depressing the brake pedalto control vehicle speed.

� If a collision seems likely, depressthe brake pedal to stop the vehicle,then disable the system by touch-ing on the screen.

7. Once the vehicle is mostly withinthe target parking position, voice guid-ance will give a message, and parallelparking assist mode will finish.For safety, voice guidance is given slightlybefore the target parking position. Further-more, at that point system control will fin-ish, so grip the steering wheel firmly, andfinish parking in the desired position, usingthe brake to control the vehicle’s speed.

Check in front and behind the vehicle visu-ally and check with the mirrors while back-ing up.



� Tips for setting the target parkingposition

Useful information for setting the targetparking position (green frame)

ALIGNING THE GREEN FRAMEThere are two ways to align the greenframe with the parking space, either usingthe arrows on the screen, or by touchingthe screen at points other than the arrows.

Using the arrows on the screen

By touching the arrows displayed on thescreen, you can move the green frame.

Adjusting the left−right alignment first willmake subsequent alignment easier.



Directly touching the target point

By touching the point you wish to move theframe to, you can move the green frame.

1. Touch the front edge of the placeyou wish to move.

2. The frame will be moved as shown.If you touch the following areas, the greenframe will not move:

� The area surrounding the arrows.

� The area near the lower touch−screenbutton on the screen.

� Areas too far away to park in the rangeof 34.4 ft. (10.5 m) or more behind thecurrent position, and/or 16.4 ft. (5.0 m)or more either left or right from the cur-rent position.


The assisted parking position will move leftor right of the set target parking position.



In this case, if you align the warning flagwith the rear of the forward parked vehicle,and the green extension guide line with thelower edge of the parked vehicle’s rearwheel when setting the target parking posi-tion, the left side of your vehicle will beroughly in line with the left side of the frontparked vehicle once assisted parking iscomplete. If you are parallel parking on theopposite side of the road, left and right willbe reversed.

� 1 Narrow

CAUTIONIf the parked vehicle is narrow, orparked close to the shoulder, the as-sisted parking position may be quiteclose to the shoulder. If the vehicleseems likely to hit or mount theshoulder, depress the brake pedal tostop the vehicle, and disable the sys-tem by touching .



Parking assist mode assists the driverwith perpendicular parking by automat-ically controlling the steering wheelwhen backing up, in order to park in thetarget position set on the screen.

CAUTION� When backing up, be sure to check

your surroundings and behind thevehicle for safety, and back upslowly, depressing the brake pedalto control vehicle speed.

� If you seem likely to hit nearby ve-hicles, obstacles or people, de-press the brake pedal to stop thevehicle, then disable the system bytouching on the screen.

As the system only assists with parking ina set target parking position, there aretimes when the system will be unable torender this assistance, depending on fac-tors such as road surface or vehicle condi-tion, or the distance to the set target park-ing position.

Use the system with full understanding ofthe fact.

If a message is displayed while maneuver-ing, follow the procedures outlined in “ —What to do when this sort of message isdisplayed” on page 226.

The illustrations here describe the proce-dure for pulling into a parking space on theright. For pulling into a parking space onthe left, substitute left for right and vice ver-sa in all steps.

The operating method differs dependingon whether or not the pre−support functionis in use.

PRE−SUPPORT FUNCTIONThe pre−support function can be usedwhen another vehicle is parked on thenear side of the intended parkingspace. This function uses a tone to giveparking guidance.Guidance will not be given if the detectedspace is narrow.

Parking on the next side of anotherparked vehicle

� 1 Push the pre−support switch twice

2 Identify a parking space3 Get into a position to maneuver

the steering wheel4 Get into a position to begin back−

up maneuvering

— Parking assist mode(Perpendicular parking)



INFORMATIONIf only one vehicle is parked, the pre−support system cannot be used topark on the right side of the vehicle.

Parking between two parked vehicles

� 1 Push the pre−support switch twice

2 Identify a parking space3 Get into a position to maneuver

the steering wheel4 Get into a position to begin back−

up maneuvering

INFORMATION� To allow the pre−support system

to activate accurately, move the ve-hicle as slowly as possible (at aspeed that will allow the vehicle tobe stopped suddenly).

� The function cannot be used if theshift position is in “P” or “R”, or ifthe vehicle speed is greater than 9mph (15 km/h).

� In order to identify parking spacesand detect parked vehicles usingthe sensors on both sides of thefront bumper, guidance cannot begiven if a space is not detected.

� Parking space guidance andsearching continues until the ve-hicle speed is greater than 9 mph(15 km/h) or until the function isturned off by pushing the pre−sup-port switch.



(a) When the pre−support function isin use

� 1 Push the pre−support switch twice

2 Sensor detection range

1. With the vehicle speed at less than9 mph (15 km/h) and the vehicle on thenear side of the parking space, push thepre−support switch twice. Confirm thatthe display has switched to the “Back−in mode” screen.

INFORMATION� The mode will switch with each

push of the pre−support switch.

� If the shift position is in “P” or “R”,or if the vehicle speed is 9 mph (15km/h) or above, two beeps willsound when the pre−supportswitch is pushed, and the displaywill not change.

2. Move the vehicle to a position per-pendicular to the parking space, and asclose as possible to the parked vehicle.

INFORMATION� Move the vehicle forward as slowly

as possible so that the steeringwheel can be turned as soon as thechime sounds.

� To cancel the guidance function,turn off the pre−support functionby pushing the pre−support switchonce.



3. As soon as the chime sounds, rotatethe wheel halfway or more and proceedforwards.

INFORMATIONThe chime sounds when the center ofthe parking space can be seen direct-ly beside the vehicle.

4. When two chimes sound, stop thevehicle and straighten the steeringwheel.

INFORMATION� Move the vehicle forward as slowly

as possible after turning the steer-ing wheel so that the vehicle can bestopped as soon as the two chimessound.

� The chimes will not sound if the ve-hicle does not arrive in a backing−up position after the steeringwheel has been maneuvered. If thevehicle is stopped and the shiftposition is shifted to “R” before thechimes sound, the screen shownin step 5 of “(b) When the pre−sup-port function is not in use” on page218 is displayed.

5. Shift to “R”.For operation after shifting to “R”, see step6 of “(b) When the pre−support function isnot in use” on page 218.



(b) When the pre−support function isnot in use

1. Move your vehicle slowly to a posi-tion perpendicular to the parkingspace, and as close as possible to theparking space.Positioning the vehicle perpendicular tothe parking space allows the angle of theparking position to be identified easily.

2. Move your vehicle to a positionwhere you can see the center of theparking space right besides you.To facilitate the setting of the target parkingposition, the front side sensors detect thevehicles parked at the left and right of theparking space and identify the target park-ing position.

It is possible to identify the target parkingposition even if there is only a vehicleparked on one side of the parking space.

If no vehicle or small vehicles are parkedon both sides of the desired parking space,stop with the steering wheel straight.

By stopping the vehicle here, you canmostly identify the parking location, mak-ing it easier to set the target parking posi-tion.

Make sure the steering wheel is straightwhen you stop. If not, the parking locationcannot be identified.

If you do not stop in front of the parkingspace, the system will refer to the angle ofthe vehicle relative to the target parkingspace, and display the target parking posi-tion (green or red frame) in the positionused last time the parking assist mode wasactivated.



3. Position your vehicle so that youcan enter the parking space, then stopthe vehicle with the steering wheelstraight.To enter the target parking space more ac-curately, position your vehicle with a largerheading angle.

4. Shift to “R”.

5. Touch on the screen.

6. Use the arrow to align the greenframe with the desired parking space,then touch “OK”.You can also move the green frame bytouching the screen (area other than thearrow).

There are tricks to align the green frame.

See “� Tips for setting the target parkingposition” on page 223.

Areas in which you are unable to park aredisplayed in red.

If the frame is displayed in red, you cannotuse the parking assist mode to park in thatlocation. See “� When a red frame is dis-played in the assist mode” on page 229.

When the green frame is displayed, if youbegin backing up without touching “OK”,the message “Parking position has notbeen set.” appears. If you continue to backup, you will hear a warning tone and thesystem will be disabled.

If the frame is red, there will be no guidanceeven if you begin backing up.

If the orientation of the frame is opposite tothat of the target parking space, touch




There may be times when, due to imagedistortion, the green frame does not matchthe parking space lines on the road sur-face. In this case, attempt an approximatematch in an area where the warning flagdoes not overlap with any parked vehiclesor obstacles.

You may adjust the target parking positioneven after starting the parking assistmode.

CAUTION� Always check that there are no ob-

stacles in the green frame or be-tween your vehicle and the parkingspace, and that the warning flagdoes not overlap any parked ve-hicles or walls.

� If there are obstacles in the greenframe or between your vehicle andthe parking space, or the warningflag overlaps a parked vehicle orwall, there is a danger of collision.In this case, do not use the parkingassist mode.

� The warning flag is only a guide.Be sure to directly check your sur-roundings and behind the vehiclefor safety, and back up carefully.

� If the road surface has level varia-tions or a gradient between thestarting position and target park-ing position, it will not be possibleto correctly set the location, whichmay cause the parking position tobe misaligned or crooked. In thiscase, do not use the parking assistmode.



� If the red area which denotes anarea unsuitable for parking over-laps with the lines of the parkingspace, you will be unable to park,as the parking space is judged asbeing an area unsuitable for park-ing. Progress to a position wherethe parking space lines do notoverlap with such an area.

7. Position yourself as you wouldwhen backing up normally, and restyour hands on the steering wheel with-out applying any pressure. Check yoursurroundings and behind the vehiclefor safety, and slowly back up, usingthe brake pedal to control the vehicle’sspeed.

If you touch , assistance is can-celed.

If the vehicle’s backing up speed is toofast, a warning tone will sound and themessage “Speed is too fast.” will be dis-played. If you continue to back up at thatspeed, the system will be disabled. Backup at a speed that does not cause thewarning tone to sound.

The green frame displayed on the screenis approximately the same size as your ve-hicle. (The green frame displayed whensetting the target parking position is thesize of a normal parking space.)



You can change the target parking position

by touching . If you are backing up,or have already moved close to the target

parking position, will turn gray, andyou will be unable to change the target.

Touch the arrows to move the target park-ing position, and then touch “OK”.

CAUTION� When backing up, be sure to check

your surroundings and behind thevehicle for safety, and back upslowly, depressing the brake pedalto control vehicle speed.

� If you seem likely to hit nearby ve-hicles, obstacles or people, de-press the brake pedal to stop thevehicle, then disable the system bytouching on the screen.



8. Once the vehicle is mostly withinthe target parking position, voice guid-ance will give a message, and parkingassist mode will finish.For safety, voice guidance is given slightlybefore the target parking position. Further-more, at that point system control will fin-ish, so grip the steering wheel firmly, andfinish parking in the desired position, usingthe brake to control the vehicle’s speed.

Check in front and behind the vehicle visu-ally and check with the mirrors while back-ing up.

� Tips for setting the target parkingposition

Useful information for setting the targetparking position (green frame)

THE DISPLAY POSITION OF THEGREEN FRAMEThe system decides the initial positioningof the green frame by the position of theparking space detected by the front sidesensors or the position of the vehicle whenit stops, and by detecting the white lines ofthe parking space in the camera image toidentify the parking space location.

The front side sensors identify the parkingspace location and the white lines nearthat location are detected.

The front side sensors cannot identify theparking space location, or the parkingspace location may be misaligned in thefollowing situations.

� A vehicle is parked at the back of theparking space or the sensors cannotdetect a parked vehicle due to vehicleshape etc.

� The sensors cannot detect a pole orwall beside the parking space.

� The sensors detect a pedestrian or ob-ject near the parking space.

If there are no vehicles parked on eitherside of the target parking space when yourvehicle stops, the approximate parkingspace location is identified, and the whitelines in that location are detected. For thisreason, stopping in front of the parkingspace will make the detection of targetparking space’s white lines easier.

Successful detection of the parkingspace’s white lines may not be possible,depending on the shape of the line.



In the following circumstances, detec-tion of the parking space lines on theroad surface may not be possible:� The lines are faded or dirty, making

them unclear.

� The road surface is of a light colorwhich does not contrast well with thewhite lines.

� The parking space lines are a color oth-er than white (yellow etc.).

� The area is dark, for example at nightor in a covered parking lot.

� During or after rain, when the road sur-face is wet and reflects light, or puddleshave formed.

� The sun is shining directly on the cam-era, for example early morning or lateafternoon.

� The parking space is covered withsnow or de−icing agent.

� There are markings or maintenancemarks on the road surface.

� The color or brightness of the road sur-face is not uniform.

� Hot or cold water has splashed on thecamera, and the lens is fogged.

� There are dirt or water droplets on thelens.

If the point at which you stop is correctlyidentified, the green frame will display theparking space accurately. If the white linesof the parking space have not been cor-rectly identified, the green frame will notmatch the parking space even if you stopin the correct location. In this case, adjustthe point at which you stop as needed.

ALIGNING THE GREEN FRAMEThere are two ways to align the greenframe with the parking space, either usingthe arrows on the screen, or by touchingthe screen at points other than the arrows.

Using the arrows on the screen

By touching the arrows displayed on thescreen, you can move the green frame.



Directly touching the target point

By touching the point you wish to move theframe to, you can move the green frame.

1. Touch the front edge of the placeyou wish to move.

2. The frame will be moved as shown.If you touch the following areas, the greenframe will not move:

� The area surrounding the arrows.

� The area near the lower touch−screenbutton on the screen.

� Areas too far away to park in the rangeof 31.2 ft. (9.5 m) or more behind, and/or either left or right from the currentposition.


If the lines of the parking space are widerthan the green frame, position the frame sothat the difference between the frame andthe parking space lines is equal on bothsides.



Message Cause What to do! Parking position cannot beset.

Not in an area where sys-tem use is possible.

Change the vehicle’s posi-tion, referring to the helpfunction.

! Check APGS system.Have your vehicle checkedby a dealer.

There is a malfunction inthe system.

Have your vehicle checkedby your Toyota dealer.

! Use on flat surface. � The vehicle has rolledforward on a slopedroad.

� The vehicle does notmove even if you takeyour foot off the brakepedal.

Do not attempt to use thesystem in those sorts ofconditions.

! System cannot guide un-der current conditions.

If the message is displayedonly when the system is op-erating, it is likely that thetires are worn, or tire infla-tion pressure is low.

Check tires for wear andpressure.

If the message is displayedconstantly, there is mostlikely a malfunction.

Turn the “POWER” switchto OFF, then to ON mode.If the message is stilldisplayed, have the vehiclechecked by your Toyotadealer.

The vehicle has skidded orthe tires have been locked.

Do not attempt to use thesystem on a slippery roadsuch as snowy road.

! APGS not available now. The system has temporari-ly overheated.

Turn the “POWER” switchto OFF, then to ON mode.Wait a few moments beforeuse.

There is a malfunction inthe voice guidance system.

Have your vehicle checkedby your Toyota dealer.

The hybrid system has notbeen started.

Turn the “POWER” switchto ON mode and start thehybrid system. If the mes-sage is still displayed, havethe vehicle checked byyour Toyota dealer.

! Release parking brake. The parking brake hasbeen applied.

Release the parking brake.

! Too much force applied tothe steering wheel.

You are exerting too muchpressure on the steeringwheel.

Loosen your grip on thesteering wheel.

— What to do when this sort of message is displayed



Message Cause What to doSteering position is notstraight. Turn the steeringwheel to LEFT (or RIGHT).

The steering wheel is notstraight.

Straighten the steeringwheel.

Steer to left (or right) untilthe frame becomes green.

It is possible to begin topark if you turn the steeringwheel in the direction indi-cated.

Turn the steering wheel inthe direction indicated untilthe frame turns green (themessage “Too much forceapplied to the steeringwheel” is displayed). Turnthe wheel slightly morethan necessary to over-come tire resistance. Onceyou have turned the steer-ing wheel, you can no lon-ger change the target park-ing position. Be sure toalign the frame before turn-ing the steering wheel.

! Parking position has notbeen set.

You have begun to back upwithout touching “OK”.

Stop the vehicle and touch“OK”.

! Speed is too fast. The speed at which you arebacking up is too fast.

Back up at a speed thatdoes not cause the warningchime to sound, using thebrake pedal. The systemwill be disabled if you backup too quickly.

! Guidance canceled byuser operation.

You have turned the steer-ing wheel or depressed theaccelerator pedal duringthe assist mode.

The system has been dis-abled, so restart from thebeginning.

! Accelerator pedal hasbeen depressed.

You have depressed theaccelerator pedal whensetting the target parkingposition.

Do not depress the acceler-ator pedal.

! Guidance unavailable. Some sort of malfunctionhas occurred within thesystem.

Have the vehicle checkedby your Toyota dealer.

! System not ready.−

Take your vehicle to yourToyota dealer.

! Clean Park Sonar. In extreme cold weather orforeign matter gets on thesensors.

Have the vehicle checkedby your Toyota dealer.



Message and voice guidanceIn the parallel parking assist mode and parking assist mode, voice guidance accompa-nies the following messages displayed during parking position setting and steeringwheel control. (Voice guidance may not be given depending on the reason the messagewas displayed.)

MessageVoice Guidance (Warning tone)

During settingDuring steering wheel


! Check APGS system. Have yourvehicle checked by a dealer. (One chime)

(Two beeps) The guid-ance has been can-celed.

! System cannot guide under cur-rent conditions. −

(Two beeps) The guid-ance has been can-celed.

! APGS not available now. (One chime)(Two beeps) The guid-ance has been can-celed.

! Release parking brake. (One chime)(Two beeps) The guid-ance has been can-celed.

! Parking position has not been set. (One chime) −

! Speed is too fast. −

(Several beeps andthen two beeps) Theguidance has beencanceled.

! Guidance canceled by user op-eration. −

(Two beeps) The guid-ance has been can-celed.

For the adjustment of the volume, ask your Toyota dealer.



� When a red frame is displayed in theassist mode

If the frame turns red and the message“Adjust the frame to the target.” is dis-played while setting the target parkingposition, you cannot use the assist mode.

In this situation, move the target parkingposition, or move the position of the ve-hicle.

The frame may be displayed in red, de-pending on the location and angle of thevehicle when “R” is selected.

Furthermore, even if the frame is displayedin green, if you move the frame to a loca-tion unsuitable for parking using the assistmode, the frame will change to red.

When in the parking assist mode, if themessage “Steer to left (right) until theframe becomes green.” is displayed, youmay use the assist mode by turning thesteering wheel.

1. Align the frame with the target park-ing position.2. While stopped, turn the wheel to theleft (right) until the frame turns greenand “Too much force applied to thesteering wheel.” is displayed.Turn the wheel slightly more than neces-sary to overcome tire resistance.

If you turn the wheel too far, the directionof turn displayed on the screen will re-verse.

3. Touch “OK”.Once you have turned the steering wheel,you can no longer change the target park-ing position. Be sure to align the frame be-fore turning the steering wheel.



HELP FUNCTIONIf you touch “OK”, the reason the frame isdisplayed in red will be displayed. Movethe vehicle appropriately, referring to thescreen.

1. Touch “OK”.2. Move the vehicle in accordance withthe message displayed.See the following items for information onthe messages displayed.

If you move the frame to a position accept-able to the assist mode, a chime willsound.

3. If you have moved the vehicle for-wards, shift to “R”.

4. Check that the frame is green, and ifthat position is acceptable, touch“OK”.


� 1 Too far

If the vehicle is too far from the parkingspace, the message “Start from a positionnearer to the target parking area.” is dis-played.



� 1 Angle too small

If the orientation of the vehicle is incorrect,the message “Start with larger vehicleheading angle.” is displayed.

� 1 Near the front of the parkingspace

2 Too close

If the vehicle is near the front of the parkingspace, or too close, the message “Startfrom a position farther from the target park-ing area.” is displayed.




� 1 Too far

If the vehicle is too far from other parkedvehicles, the message “Start from a posi-tion nearer to adjacent vehicle.” is dis-played.

� 1 Too close

If the vehicle is too close to other parkedvehicles, the message “Start from a posi-tion farther from adjacent vehicle.” is dis-played.



� 1 Too far forward

If the vehicle is too far forward, the mes-sage “Start after moving slightly back-ward.” is displayed.

� 1 Too far back

If the vehicle is too far back, the message“Start after moving slightly forward.” is dis-played.



How to correctMake sure to initialize the system in thefollowing situations.

� The 12 volt battery is disconnected andreconnected.

� The system initialization in progressscreen is displayed when the shift posi-tion is moved to the “R” (due to low bat-tery etc.).

The help screen appears when istouched. Make a correction using thefollowing method in accordance with thedisplay.

When the vehicle is stopped, turn thesteering wheel all the way to the left, thenall the way to the right. (It does not matterin which direction—right or left—you turnfirst.)

When the screen returns to the original dis-play, correction is complete.

If the above screen remains, have the ve-hicle inspected at your Toyota dealer.

— Initializing the system





� General settings 236(Used for language selection and the on/off settings of operation sounds and automatic screen change.)

� Clock settings 241(Used for changing time zones and the on/off settings of daylight saving time.)

� Voice settings 242(Voice guidance can be set.)

� Navigation settings 244(“Home” and “Preset Destinations” can be set and edited.)

� Detailed navigation settings 245(Average cruising speed, displayed screen contents, and POI icon categories can be set.)

� Telephone settings 254(Bluetoothr phones can be registered.)

� Audio settings 292(Settings are available for portable audio devices and Bluetoothr audio devices players.)

� Vehicle settings 300(Vehicle information can be set.)



Used for language selection and the on/offsettings of operation sounds and automat-ic screen change.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.

2. Touch “General”.

3. Touch the items to be set.4. Touch “Save”.


On this screen, the following functions canbe performed.

No. Function

1You can change the language.(See “� Selecting a language” onpage 237.)

2 “On” or “Off” can be selected tosound beeps.


“On” or “Off” can be selected forautomatic screen changes fromthe audio screen to the map.When “On” is selected, thescreen will automatically return tothe map from the audio screen af-ter 20 seconds.

General settings



No. Function

4Line color can be changed. (See“� Selecting the line color” on page238.)

5Keyboard layout can be changed.(See “� Selecting a keyboard lay-out” on page 239.)

6Distance unit can be changed.(See “� Unit of measurement” onpage 238.)

7The personal data can be deleted.(See “� Delete personal data” onpage 240.)

� Selecting a languageYou can change the language.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “General” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Touch “Language”.

4. Touch the desired button.The previous screen will be displayed.

5. Touch “Save”.



� Selecting the line colorLine color can be changed.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “General” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Touch “Line Color”.

4. Touch the desired color.

The line color will be changed.

5. Touch “Save”.

� Unit of measurementDistance unit can be changed.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “General” on the “Setup”screen.

Then touch to display page 2 of the

“General Settings” screen.

3. Touch “Unit of Measurement”.

4. Select “Kilometer” or “Mile”.5. Touch “Save”.

INFORMATIONThis function is available only in En-glish or Spanish. To switch lan-guage, see “� Selecting a language”on page 237.



� Selecting a keyboard layoutKeyboard layout can be changed.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “General” on the “Setup”screen.

Then touch to display page 2 of the

“General Settings” screen.

3. Touch “Keyboard Layout”.

4. Touch “ABC” or “QWERTY” of“Keyboard Layout” to choose the key-board layout.5. Touch “Save”.


� “ABC” type

� “QWERTY” type



� Delete personal dataThe following personal data can be de-leted or returned to their default settings:

� Maintenance conditions

� Maintenance information “off” setting

� Address book

� Areas to avoid

� Previous points

� Route trace

� Phonebook data

� Call history data

� Speed dial data

� Voice tag data

� Bluetooth� phone data

� Phone volume setting

� Details phone setting

This function is available only when the ve-hicle is not moving.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “General” on the “Setup”screen.

Then touch to display page 2 of the

“General Settings” screen.

3. Touch “Delete Personal Data”.

4. Touch “Delete”.

5. Touch “Yes”.



Used for changing time zones and the on/off settings of daylight saving time.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.

2. Touch “Clock”.

3. Touch the items to be set.4. Touch “Save”.


On this screen, the following functions canbe performed.

No. Function

1 Time zone can be changed. (See“� Time zone” on page 242.)

2 “On” or “Off” can be selected fordaylight savings time.

Clock settings



� Time zoneA time zone can be selected and GMT canbe set.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Clock” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Touch “Time Zone”.

4. Touch the desired time zone.If you touch “Other”, adjust the zonemanually.

5. Touch “OK”.

Voice guidance can be set.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.

2. Touch “Voice”.

3. Touch the items to be set.4. Touch “Save”.

Voice settings




On this screen, the following functions canbe performed.

No. Function

1The voice guidance volume canbe adjusted or switched off. (See“� Voice volume” on page 243.)

2 Voice guidance during route guid-ance can be set to “On” or “Off”.

3Voice guidance during audio sys-tem use can be set to “On” or“Off”.

4 Voice recognition talkback can beset to “On” or “Off”.


When “On” is selected, thespeech command system can beoperated without pressing the talkswitch more than once.

6When using the traffic informationfunction, voice guidance can beset to “On” or “Off”.

� Voice volumeThe voice guidance volume can be ad-justed or switched off.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Voice” on the “Setup”screen.

3. Select the desired level by touchingthe number.If voice guidance is not needed, touch“Off” to disable the feature.

When selected the number or “Off” will behighlighted.

4. Touch “Save”.



� Traffic voice guidanceYou can receive congestion informationthrough voice guidance while being guidedto your destination.

To turn the “Traffic Voice Guidance” on:

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Voice” on the “Setup”screen.

Then touch to display page 2 of the

“Voice Settings” screen.

3. Select “On” of the “Traffic VoiceGuidance”.4. Touch “Save”.

INFORMATION� This function is available only in

English. To select English, see “�Selecting a language” on page 237.

� When the “Traffic Information” in-dicator is dimmed, “Auto AvoidTraffic”, “Traffic Voice Guidance”and “Show Free Flowing Traffic”will not operate.

Points or areas on the map can be register-ed.

On this screen, the following operationscan be performed.

No. Function

1 Sets home(See page 101.)

2 Sets preset destinations(See page 103.)

3 Sets address book(See page 106.)

4 Sets area to avoid(See page 112.)

5 Deletes previous destinations(See page 117.)

6 Detailed navigation settings(See page 245.)

Navigation settings



Average cruising speed, displayed screencontents, and POI icon categories can beset.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.

2. Touch “Navi.”.

3. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings”.

4. Touch the items to be set.5. Touch “Save”.

Detailed navigation settings




On this screen, the following functions canbe performed.

No. Function

1Average cruising speed can beset. (See “� Driving speeds” onpage 247.)

2 The automatic input function canbe set to “On” or “Off”.

3During route guidance, voice guid-ance for the next street name canbe set to “On” or “Off”.


“On” or “Off” can be selected todisplay cautionary massageswhen the route includes traffic re-strictions or seasonally restrictedroads.

5When “On” is selected, freelyflowing traffic can be shown withthe arrow.

No. Function


Displayed POI icon categories canbe set. (See “� POI categorychange (Select POI icons)” onpage 249.)


Buttons displayed on the mapscreen when “��Off” is touchedcan be set. (See “� Screen layoutfunction (“��Off” function)” onpage 250.)


The current vehicle position markcan be adjusted manually. Miscal-culation of the distance caused bytire replacement can also be ad-justed. (See “� Current position/tire change calibration” on page251.)


Display of pop−up information canbe set to “On” or “Off”. (See “�Pop−up information” on the page253.)



� Driving speedsThe speed that is used for the calculationof the estimated travel time and the esti-mated arrival time can be set.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings” onthe “Navigation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Driving Speeds”.

5. Touch or to set the averagevehicle speeds for “Residential”, “MainStreets”, and “Freeways”.To set the default speeds, touch “De-fault”.

6. After setting of the desired speedsis completed, touch “Save”.

INFORMATION� The displayed time to the destina-

tion is the approximate drivingtime that is calculated based on theselected speeds and the actualposition along the guidance route.

� The time shown on the screen mayvary greatly depending on prog-ress along the route, which may beaffected by conditions such astraffic jams and construction work.

� It is possible to display up to 99hours 59 minutes.



� Auto avoid trafficThe guidance route automaticallychanges to another route to avoid heavycongestion.

To turn the “Audio Avoid Traffic” on:

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings” onthe “Navigation Settings” screen.

4. Touch “On” of the “Auto Avoid Traf-fic”.5. Touch “Save”.

When congestion information about theguidance route has been received, ascreen will appear to ask you whether toreroute to avoid the congestion.

If you wish to reroute, touch “Yes”. Anoth-er route to allow you to avoid the conges-tion will appear.

If you do not wish to reroute, touch “No”.

INFORMATIONWhen the “Traffic Information” indi-cator is dimmed, “Auto Avoid Traf-fic”, “Traffic Voice Guidance” and“Show Free Flowing Traffic” will notoperate.



� Show free flowing trafficFreely flowing traffic is shown with the ar-row.

To turn the “Show Free Flowing Traffic” on:

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings” onthe “Navigation Settings” screen.

4. Select “On” of the “Show Free Flow-ing Traffic”.5. Touch “Save”.

INFORMATIONWhen the “Traffic Information” indi-cator is dimmed, “Auto Avoid Traf-fic”, “Traffic Voice Guidance” and“Show Free Flowing Traffic” will notoperate.

� POI category change (Select POI icons)

Select from among the 6 icons displayedon the “Customize POI Icons” screen, sothat setting of the icons to be displayed onthe map screen can be done easily.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings” onthe “Navigation Settings” screen.

Then touch to display page 2 of the

“Detailed Navi. Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Customize POI Icons”.

5. Touch the category button to bechanged.



6. Touch the desired group.

If the desired POI category is not on thescreen, touch “List All Categories” to listall POI categories.

7. Touch the desired category.8. Touch “OK”.

� Screen layout function (“��Off”Function)

Each touch screen button and currentstreet name on the map screen can be dis-played or hidden.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings” onthe “Navigation Settings” screen.

Then touch to display page 2 of the

“Detailed Navi. Settings” screen.

4. Touch ““��Off” Function”.

5. Touch the button to be turned off.The button becomes dimmed.To set the default, touch “Default”.

6. Touch “Save”.



� Current position/tire change cal-ibration

The current vehicle position mark can beadjusted manually. Miscalculation of thedistance caused by tire replacement canalso be adjusted.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings” onthe “Navigation Settings” screen.

Then touch to display page 2 of the

“Detailed Navi. Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Calibration”.

5. Touch the desired button.

INFORMATIONFor additional information on the ac-curacy of a current vehicle position,see “Limitations of the navigationsystem” on page 306.

POSITION/DIRECTION CALIBRATIONWhen driving, the current vehicle positionmark will be automatically corrected byGPS signals. If GPS reception is poor dueto location, you can manually adjust thecurrent vehicle position mark.

1. Touch “Position / Direction”.

2. Touch the 8 directional touchscreen button to move the cursor tothe desired point on the map.3. Touch “OK”.



4. Touch either the or to ad-

just the direction of the current vehicleposition mark.5. Touch “OK”.The map will be displayed.

TIRE CHANGE CALIBRATIONThe tire change calibration function will beused when replacing the tires. This func-tion will adjust the miscalculation causedby the circumference difference betweenthe old and new tires. If this procedure isnot performed when the tires are replaced,the current vehicle position mark may beincorrectly displayed.

To perform a distance calibration pro-cedure, touch “Tire Change” on the“Calibration” screen.The message appears and the quick dis-tance calibration is automatically started.A few seconds later, a map will be dis-played.



� Pop−up informationWhen the “Pop−up information” is turnedon, the pop−up information will be dis-played.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Navi.” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Detailed Navi. Settings” onthe “Navigation Settings” screen.

Then touch to display page 2 of the

“Detailed Navi. Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Pop−up Information”.

5. Touch “On” or “Off”.6. Touch “Save”.

When the “Pop−up Information” is turnedoff, the following messages will not be dis-played.

This message appears when the system isin the POI mode and the map scale is over0.5 miles (1 km).

The message appears when the map isswitched to the twin map screen mode.



“Telephone settings” can be changedon the “Phone settings” screen.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.

2. Touch “Phone”.

Please refer to the following pages foreach setting.

You can adjust the voice and ring vol-ume.

1. Touch “Volume”.

2. Change each setting according tothe following procedures.3. When you complete all settings,touch “Save”.

Automatic volume settings for highspeedThe system will automatically increase thevolume by one step up when the speed ex-ceeds 50 mph (80 km/h).

Telephone settings — — Volume setting



� Voice volume setting1. Touch “Voice Volume”.

2. Touch “–” or “+” to adjust the voicevolume.3. Touch “OK”.

� Ring volume setting1. Touch “Ring Volume”.

2. Touch “–” or “+” to adjust the ringvolume.3. Touch “OK”.

� Initializing the settingsYou can initialize the settings.1. Touch “Default”.

2. Touch “Yes”.



“Manage phone” is accessed from the“Connect Phone” screen.1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Phone”.

3. Touch “Manage Phone”.

Please refer to the following pages foreach setting.

� Registering a Bluetooth� phone

1. Touch “(add new)” to register yourcellular phone to the system.

2. When this screen is displayed, inputthe passcode displayed on the screeninto the phone.For the operation of the phone, see themanual that comes with your cellularphone.

If you want to cancel it, touch “Cancel”.

— Manage phone



3. When the connection is completed,this screen is displayed.You do not need to enter the phone in caseof using the same one.

When this screen is displayed, follow theguidance on the screen to try again.

When another Bluetooth� device isconnected

When another Bluetooth� device is cur-rently connected, this screen is displayed.

If you want to disconnect it, touch “Yes”.

INFORMATIONWhen you register your phone,Bluetooth� audio will disconnect. Itwill reconnect automatically whenyou finish registration. It will not bereconnected depending on the phoneyou are using.



You can also register a new Bluetooth�phone in the following way.1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Manage Phone”.

4. Touch “Options”.

5. Touch “New Phone”.

6. Touch “(empty)” to register yourcellular phone to the system.The following operations are the sameas the operation after you touch “(addnew)”.



� Selecting a Bluetooth� phoneIn case you register more than oneBluetooth� phone, you need to choosea favorite one.You can select the Bluetooth� phonefrom a maximum of 4 numbers.“(add new)” is displayed when you havenot registered a Bluetooth� phone yet.

Although you can register up to 4Bluetooth� phones in the system, only oneBluetooth� phone can function at a time.

1. Select the phone to connect.The Bluetooth� mark is displayed whenyou connect the phone.

2. The “Connect Bluetooth*” screen isdisplayed.*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of

Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

3. When the result message is dis-played, you can use the Bluetooth�phone.



When you connect the phone whileBluetooth� audio is playing

This screen is displayed, and theBluetooth� audio will stop temporarily.

When another Bluetooth� device isconnected

When another Bluetooth� device is cur-rently connected, this screen is displayed.

If you want to disconnect it, touch “Yes”.

Setting the handsfree powerYou can select the state of “HandsfreePower”.

The state changes between “On” and“Off” every time you touch “HandsfreePower”.For the “Handsfree Power”, see“Changing the handsfree power” onpage 286.



� Editing the Bluetooth� phoneYou can see the information of theBluetooth� phone on the system oredit.“Device Name”

The name of Bluetooth�. . . . . phone which is displayed onthe screen. You can change itinto a desired name.

If you change a device name,the name registered in yourcellular phone is not changed.

“Device Address”The address peculiar to the. . . . . system. You cannot change it.

If you have registered twoBluetooth� phones with thesame device name and youcannot distinguish one fromthe other, refer to it.

1. Touch “Options”.

2. Touch “Edit Phones”.

3. Select the phone to edit.

4. This screen is displayed.If you want to change the device name,touch “Edit”.



5. Use the software keyboard to inputthe device name.

6. Confirm the device name and touch“OK”.

� Deleting a Bluetooth� phone

1. Touch “Options”.

2. Touch “Remove Phones”.



3. Select the desired phone or touch“Select All”, then touch “Delete”.You can select multiple phones and deletethem at the same time.

4. Touch “Yes”.

INFORMATIONWhen you delete a Bluetooth�phone, the phonebook data will bedeleted at the same time.

� By voice recognition

You can operate “Connect Phone” by giv-ing a command.

“Connect Phone” includes “Select Phone”,“Add New Phone” and “Handsfree PowerOff” (On).

The operating procedure is similar to othervoice recognition. (For the operation ofvoice recognition, see “Speech commandsystem” on page 44.)

When you select the command of “AddNew Phone”, you must carry out the follow-ing operation on the screen.



INFORMATIONPhonebook data is managed for ev-ery registered phone. When anoth-er phone is connecting, you can notread the registered data.

“Phonebook” is accessed from the“Phonebook Settings” screen.1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Phone”.

3. Touch “Phonebook”.

Please do each setting from thisscreen.

“Setting the phonebook” is accessedfrom the “Contacts” screen.1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Phonebook”.

4. Touch “Manage Contacts”.

Please refer to the following pages foreach setting.

— Phonebook — Setting the phonebook



You can also display the “Contacts”screen in the following way.1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Contacts”.

4. Touch “Options”.

5. Touch “Manage Contacts”.

� Transferring a phone numberYou can transfer the phone numbers inyour Bluetooth� phone to the system.The phonebook manages a maximumof 4 phonebooks in all. Up to 1000 per-son’s data (up to 3 numbers a person)can be registered in total of phone-books.Transfer it while the hybrid system is oper-ating.

1. Touch “Transfer Contacts”.

2. Touch “Replace Contacts” or “AddContacts”.In case that the phonebook containsphonebook data, this screen is displayed.



3. Transfer the phonebook data to thesystem using the Bluetooth� phone.This screen appears while transferring. Tocancel it, touch “Cancel”. If the transfer-ring is interrupted on the way, the phone-book data transferred until then can bememorized in the system.

When you have touched “Replace Con-tacts”:If your cellular phone does not supportPBAP or OPP service, you can not use thisfunction.

If your phone supports PBAP service, youcan transfer the phonebook data withoutoperating your phone.

If your phone does not support PBAP ser-vice, you must transfer the phonebookdata by operating your phone.

When you have touched “Add Con-tacts”:If your cellular phone does not supportOPP service, you can not use this function.

You can transfer the phonebook data onlyby operating your phone.

4. In case that you have touched “AddContacts”, this screen is displayed.If you want to transfer another phone-book, touch “Yes”.


When this screen is displayed, try thetransfer operation again.



When another Bluetooth� device isconnected

When another Bluetooth� device is cur-rently connected, this screen is displayed.

If you want to disconnect it, touch “Yes”.

INFORMATIONBluetooth� audio will disconnectduring transfer on phonebook data.In this case, it will reconnect auto-matically when data transfer finish-es. (It will not be reconnected de-pending the phone you are using.)

� Registering the phonebook dataYou can register the phonebook data.Up to 3 numbers per person can be reg-istered.

1. Touch “New Contact”.

2. Use the software keyboard to inputthe name and touch “OK”.



3. Input the phone number and touch“OK”.If you want to use the tone signal afterthe phone number, input the tone signaltoo.

4. Select the phone type.

5. When two or less numbers in totalare registered to this contact, thisscreen is displayed.When you want to add a number to thiscontact, touch “Yes”.



� Editing the phonebook dataYou can register the phone number in“Phone#1”, “Phone#2” and “Phone#3”separately.

1. Touch “Edit Contacts”.

2. Select the data you want to edit.

3. Touch “Edit” for the desired nameor number.4. Edit the name or the number. (See “�Registering the phonebook data” onpage 267.)5. When you complete the edit, touch“Save”.



You can also display the “Edit Contact”screen in the following ways.

From “Contact Data” screen1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Contacts”.4. Select the desired data from the list.

5. Touch “Options”.

6. Touch “Edit Contact”.

From “Call History” screen1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Call History”.4. Select the desired number from thelist.

5. Touch “Add Contact” or “UpdateContact”.

6. In case that you have touched “Up-date Contact”, this screen is displayed.Select the desired data from the list.



� Deleting the phonebook dataYou can delete the data.When you release your car, delete allyour data on the system.

1. Touch “Delete Contacts”.

2. Select the desired data or touch“Select All”, then touch “Delete”.You can select multiple data and deletethem at the same time.

3. Touch “Yes”.



You can also delete it in the followingway.1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Contacts”.4. Select the desired data from the list.

5. Touch “Options”.

6. Touch “Delete Contact”.

7. Touch “Yes”.

INFORMATIONWhen you delete a Bluetooth�phone, the phonebook data will bedeleted at the same time.



“Speed dials setting” is accessed fromthe “Speed Dials” screen.1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Phonebook”.

4. Touch “Manage Speed Dials”.

Please refer to the following pages foreach setting.

You can also display the “Speed Dials”screen in the following way.1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Speed Dials”.

4. Touch “Options”.

— Speed dials setting



� Registering the speed dialYou can register the desired phonenumber from phonebook. Up to 18numbers per phone can be registered.

1. Touch “New Speed Dial”.

2. Select the data you want to register.

3. Touch the desired phone number.

4. Touch the touch−screen button youwant to register in.



5. If you select a touch−screen buttonyou registered before, this screen isdisplayed.Touch “Yes” if you want to replace it.

6. When this screen is displayed, theoperation is complete.

You can also register the speed dial inthe following ways.From “Speed Dial” screen1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Speed Dials”.

4. Touch “(add new)”.

5. Touch “Yes” to set new speed dial.



6. Select the data you want to register.

7. Touch the desired phone number.

From “Contact Data” screen1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Contacts”.4. Select the desired data from the list.

5. Touch “Options”.

6. Touch “Set Speed Dial”.



7. This screen is displayed.The following operations are the sameas the operation when you operate itfrom the “SETUP” button.

� Editing the speed dialYou can edit the speed dial.

1. Touch “Edit Speed Dials”.

2. Touch the touch−screen button youwant to edit.

3. Touch “Edit”.



4. Use the software keyboard to inputthe name.

5. Touch “Save”.

� Deleting the speed dialYou can delete the speed dial.

1. Touch “Delete Speed Dials”.

2. Select the desired data or touch“Select All”, then touch “Delete”.You can select multiple data and deletethem at the same time.



3. Touch “Yes”.

You can delete the call history.

1. Touch “Delete Call History”.

2. Select the desired history to delete.

— Deleting call history



3. Select the desired data or touch“Select All”, then touch “Delete”.You can select multiple data and deletethem at the same time.

4. Touch “Yes”.

You can also delete the call history inthe following way.1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Call History”.

4. Touch “Delete”.

5. This screen is displayed.The following operations are the sameas the operation when you operate itfrom the “SETUP” button.You can similarly operate other call his-tory.



“Setting the voice tag” is done by dis-playing “Voice Tags” screen.1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Phonebook”.

4. Touch “Manage Voice Tags”.

Please refer to the following pages foreach setting.

You can also display “Voice Tags”screen in the following way.1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Contacts”.

4. Touch “Options”.

5. Touch “Manage Voice Tags”.

— Setting the voice tag



� Registering the voice tagYou can register a voice tag for up to 20numbers.

1. Touch “New Voice Tag”.

2. Select the data you want to register.

3. Touch “� REC”, and record a voicetag.

4. Touch “� Play” to play the voicetag.When you complete the voice tag registra-tion, touch “OK”.

INFORMATIONWhen you use the voice tag, do notchange the language setting fromthe language setting used when reg-istering.If they are different, the voice recog-nition can’t recognize the voice tagthat you have registered.



You can also register the voice tag inthe following way.1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.2. Touch “Phone”.3. Touch “Contacts”.4. Select the desired data from the list.

5. Touch “Options”.

6. Touch “Set Voice Tag”.

7. This screen is displayed.The following operations are the sameas the operation when you operate itfrom the “SETUP” button.



� Editing the voice tag

1. Touch “Edit Voice Tags”.

2. Select the data you want to edit.

3. This screen is displayed.The following operations are the sameas the operation when you register thevoice tag.

� Deleting the voice tag

1. Touch “Delete Voice Tags”.

2. Select the desired data or touch“Select All”, then touch “Delete”.You can select multiple data and deletethem at the same time.

3. Touch “Yes”.



— Bluetooth�You can confirm and change theBluetooth� settings.1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Phone”.

3. Touch “Bluetooth*”.*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of

Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

4. This screen is displayed.

The information displays the followingitems.

“Device Name”The name in the Bluetooth�. . . . . network. You can change it.

“Passcode”The password when you regis-. . . . . ter your cellular phone in thesystem. You can change it.

“Device Address”The address peculiar to the. . . . . system. You can not change it.If the same device name is dis-played on the screen of yourphone, refer to it.

If you want to change the settings, referto the following pages.When you change the settings, touch“Save” after changing them.



� Changing the Bluetooth� settingsYou can change the Bluetooth� set-tings according to the following proce-dures.

Changing the handsfree powerThe “Handsfree Power” display showsthe following state.When “Handsfree Power” is “On”:

The Bluetooth� phone is automaticallyconnected when you put into the “POW-ER” switch to ACCESSORY or ON mode.

When “Handsfree Power” is “Off”:The Bluetooth� phone is disconnected,and the system will not connect to it nexttime.

You can select the state of “HandsfreePower”.On: The auto connection is turned on.Off: The auto connection is turned off.You can not change the state from “On”into “Off” while driving.

1. Touch “Handsfree Power”.

2. Touch “On” or “Off”.



3. Touch “Save”.In case that the state of “HandsfreePower” is changed from “Off” into“On”, Bluetooth� connection will be-gin.When you connect the phone whileBluetooth� audio is playing

This screen is displayed, and theBluetooth� audio will stop temporarily.

Editing the device name

1. Touch “Edit” of “Device Name”.

2. Use the software keyboard to inputthe device name.

INFORMATIONThe device names are commonBluetooth� audio and Bluetooth�phone.If you change the device name of thephone, the device name of the audiowill change at same time.However, passcodes can be set sep-arately.



Editing the passcode

1. Touch “Edit” of “Passcode”.

2. Input a passcode and touch “OK”.

� Initializing the Bluetooth� settingsYou can initialize the settings.

1. Touch “Default”.

2. Touch “Yes”.If the state of “Handsfree Power” ischanged from “Off” into “On”, Bluetooth�connection will begin.



If you connect a phone whileBluetooth� audio is playing

This screen is displayed, and theBluetooth� audio will stop temporarily.

You can do the detail settings.1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Phone”.

3. Touch “Details”.

4. Do each setting according to the fol-lowing procedures.5. When you complete each setting,touch “Save”.

— Details



� Incoming call display

You can select the method of the in-coming call display.

1. Touch “Incoming Call DisplayMode”.

2. Touch “Full Screen” or “DropDown”.“Full Screen” mode

When a call is received, the. . . . . Hands−free screen is dis-played and you can operate iton the screen.

“Drop Down” modeThe message is displayed on. . . . . the upper side of the screen.You can only operate thesteering switch.



� The Bluetooth� connection statusat start up

When the “POWER” switch is in AC-CESSORY or ON mode and the Blue-tooth� is automatically connected, theconnection check is displayed.When “Display Phone Status” is “On”,this status is displayed.When “Display Phone Status” is “Off”,this status is not displayed.

1. Touch “Display Phone Status”.

2. Touch “On” or “Off”.



� Initializing the settingsYou can initialize the settings.

1. Touch “Default”.

2. Touch “Yes”.

The portable player to connect can beselected. The registered audio informa-tion can be confirmed and edited.� Selecting a portable playerIf you register a second portable player,either one can be selected for connec-tion.


1. Push the “SETUP” button.


2. Touch “Audio” on “Setup” screen.

Audio Settings——Select portable player




3. Touch “Select Portable Player” on“Audio setting” screen.You can select from a maximum of twoBluetooth� portable players.

“Empty” is displayed when you have notregistered a portable player yet. TheBluetooth� mark is displayed when youchoose the portable player.


4. Select desired portable player andthen touch “OK”.Although you can register up to two porta-ble players in the system, only one porta-ble player can function at a time.

� Displaying Bluetooth� informationYou can see or change the informationof the portable player on the system.“Device Name”

The name of Bluetooth� portable. . . player which is displayed on thescreen. You can change it into a de-sired name.

“Device Address”The address peculiar to the system. . . . You cannot change it. If you have reg-istered two Bluetooth� portable play-ers with the same device name andyou cannot distinguish one from theother, refer to it.

“Connection Method”The connection method can be. . . switched between “From Vehicle” and“From Portable Player”.


Select the desired portable player andthen touch “Portable Player Info”.



� Changing a device nameYou can change a device name. Even ifyou change a device name, the nameregistered in your portable player is notchanged.


1. Touch “Portable Player Info” on“Select Portable Player” screen.


2. Touch “Edit” for “Device Name” on“Portable Player Information” screen.


3. Use the software keyboard to inputthe device name.

� Selecting Connection methodThe connection method can be se-lected.From Vehicle: Connect the audio sys-tem to the portable player.From Portable Player: Connect the por-table player to the audio system.


Select desired connection method“From Vehicle” or “From PortablePlayer” and then touch “Save”.

INFORMATIONIf the connection method is set to“From Portable Player”, “AutoBluetooth∗ Connect” cannot beselected.

∗: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG.Inc.



The Bluetooth� audio settings can beset.� Registering your portable player


1. Touch “Bluetooth∗ Audio Setting”on “Audio Settings” screen.


2. Touch “Register” of “Bluetooth∗

Audio” on “BT Audio Settings” screen.∗: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of

Bluetooth SIG.Inc.


3. When this screen is displayed, enterthe passcode displayed on the screeninto the portable player.For the operation of the portable player,see the manual that comes with it.

If you want to cancel the entry, touch “Can-cel”.


4. When the connection is complete,this screen is displayed.You do not need to enter the portable play-er in case of using the same one.


When this screen is displayed, follow theguidance on the screen to try connectionagain.

—Setting Bluetooth� audio



When another Bluetooth� device isconnected

When another Bluetooth� device is cur-rently connected, this screen is displayed.If you want to disconnect it, touch “Yes”.

INFORMATIONIf the device corresponds with bothBluetooth� phone and Bluetooth�audio, register and connect theBluetooth� phone first or aconnection failure may occur whenregistering the Bluetooth� audio.

(a) Removing a Bluetooth� audio


1. Touch “Remove” of “Bluetooth∗

Audio” on “BT Audio Settings” screen.


2. Select the portable player you wantto delete and touch “OK”.


3. Touch “Yes” to unregister the se-lected portable player.∗: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of

Bluetooth SIG.Inc.




If the selected portable player is in use, thisscreen will appear. Touch “Yes”. The sys-tem will disconnect the portable player andremove it.

(b) Connecting Bluetooth� audioAUTOMATICALLY


Touch “On” for “Auto Bluetooth∗ connect”to activate the automatic connection forthe Bluetooth�. Always set it to this modeand leave the Bluetooth� portable player ina condition where connection can beestablished. The “Auto Bluetooth∗

Connect” cannot be selected if theconnection method is set to “FromPortable Player”.∗: Bluetooth is a registered trademark of

Bluetooth SIG.Inc.


When the “POWER” switch is in ACCES-SORY or ON mode, the selected portableplayer will be automatically connected andthe connection result is displayed.



MANUALLYWhen the auto connection failed or turnedoff, you have to connect Bluetooth� manu-ally.

For the manual operation, see page 176.

(c) Changing the passcodeThe passcode for registering your por-table player on the system. You canchange this to 4 to 8 digit number ofyour choice. The default is “0000”.


1. Touch “Edit” of “Passcode” on “BTAudio Settings” screen.


2. Enter the new 4−8 digits passcodeand touch “OK”.

Each time you touch , an input digit

is deleted.



(d) Changing the device nameYou can change a device name. Even ifyou change a device name, the nameregistered your portable player is notchanged.


1. Touch “Edit” of “Device Name” on“BT Audio Settings” screen.


2. Enter the new device name andtouch “OK”.

INFORMATIONThe device names are commonBluetooth� audio and Bluetooth�phone.If you change the device name of theaudio, the device name of the phonewill change at same time.However, passcodes can be setseparately.

(e) Initializing the Bluetooth� audiosettingsYou can initialize the settings.


1. Touch “Default” on “BT Audio Set-tings” screen.


2. Touch “Yes”.



When the navigation system is turned on,the “Information” screen displays when it istime to replace a part or certain compo-nents. (See page 27.)

1. Push the “SETUP” button.

2. Touch “Vehicle”.

3. Touch “Maintenance”.

� Setting maintenance information (Seepage 301.)

� Setting dealer (See page 302.)

Vehicle Settings —— Maintenance



(a) Maintenance information setting1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Vehicle” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Maintenance” on the “Ve-hicle Settings” screen.

4. Touch the desired button.For details of each touch screen button,see “INFORMATION ITEMS” on page301.

“Delete All”: To cancel all conditionswhich have been inputted.

“Reset All”: To reset the item which hassatisfied a condition.

“Set Dealer”: To register dealer informa-tion. (See “ (b) Dealer setting” on page302.)

“Dealer Info.”: To edit dealer information.(See “ (b) Dealer setting” on page 302.)

“Reminder”: When this button is touched,the indicator is illuminated. The system isset to give maintenance information withthe “Information” screen. (See page 27.)

When the vehicle needs to be serviced, thetouch screen button color will change toorange.

INFORMATION ITEMS“Engine oil”: Replace engine oil

“Oil filter”: Replace engine oil filter

“Rotation”: Rotate tires

“Tires”: Replace tires

“Battery”: Replace 12 volt battery

“Brake pad”: Replace brake linings

“Wipers”: Replace wiper blades

“Coolant”: Replace engine and invertercoolant

“Brake oil”: Replace brake fluid

“Trans. fluid”: Replace transmission fluid

“Service”: Scheduled maintenance

“Air filter”: Replace air filter

“Personal”: New information items canbe created separately from provided ones.



5. Input the conditions.“Date”: The next maintenance date can beinput.

“Distance”: The driving distance until thenext maintenance check can be input.

“Delete”: To cancel the date and distanceconditions.

“Reset”: To reset the date and distanceconditions.6. Touch “OK”.The screen then returns to the “Mainte-nance” screen.

INFORMATION� For scheduled maintenance infor-

mation, please refer to the “Sched-uled Maintenance Guide” or “Own-er’s Manual Supplement”.

� Depending on driving or road con-ditions, the actual date and dis-tance may differ from the storeddate and distance in the system.

(b) Dealer settingIt is possible to register a dealer in the sys-tem. With dealer information registered,route guidance to the dealer is available.

1. Push the “SETUP” button.2. Touch “Vehicle” on the “Setup”screen.3. Touch “Maintenance” on the “Ve-hicle Settings” screen.

4. Touch “Set Dealer”.

5. If the dealer has not been registered,enter the location of the dealer in thesame way as for a destination search.(See “Destination search” on page 50.)

When “Set Dealer” registration is finished,the “Dealer” screen will be displayed.



6. Touch “Edit” for the item you wantto change.“Dealer”: To enter the name of a dealer.(See page 303.)

“Contact”: To enter the name of a dealermember. (See page 303.)

“Location”: To set a location. (See page304.)

“Phone #”: To set a telephone number.(See page 304.)

“Delete Dealer”: To delete the dealer in-formation displayed on the screen.

“Enter ”: To set the displayed dealer asa destination. (See “Starting route guid-ance” on page 70.)

� To edit “Dealer” or “Contact”

1. Touch “Edit” of “Dealer” or “Con-tact”.

2. Enter the name using the alphanu-meric keys.Up to 32 characters can be entered.

3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.



� To edit “Location”

1. Touch “Edit” of “Location”.

2. Touch the 8 directional touchscreen button to move the cursor tothe desired point on the map.3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.

� To edit “Phone #” (telephone num-ber)

1. Touch “Edit” of “Phone #”.

2. Enter the number using numberkeys.3. Touch “OK”.The previous screen will be displayed.





� Limitations of the navigation system 306

� Map database information and updates 308

Changing the map DVD−ROM 317. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



This navigation system calculates thecurrent vehicle position using satellitesignals, various vehicle signals, mapdata, etc. However, the accurate posi-tion may not be shown depending onthe satellite condition, road configura-tion, vehicle condition or other circum-stances.The Global Positioning System (GPS) de-veloped and operated by the U.S. Depart-ment of Defense provides an accurate cur-rent vehicle position, normally using 4 ormore satellites, and in some case 3 satel-lites. The GPS system has a certain levelof inaccuracy. While the navigation sys-tem will compensate for this most of thetime, occasional positioning errors of up to300 feet (100 m) can and should be expec-ted. Generally, position errors will be cor-rected within a few seconds.

When your vehicle is receiving signalsfrom the satellites, the “GPS” mark ap-pears at the top left of the screen.

The GPS signal may be physically ob-structed, leading to inaccurate vehicleposition on the map display. Tunnels, tallbuildings, trucks, or even the placement ofobjects on the instrument panel may ob-struct the GPS signals.

The GPS satellites may not send signalsdue to repairs or improvements beingmade to them.

Even when the navigation system is re-ceiving clear GPS signals, the vehicleposition may not be shown accurately orinappropriate route guidance may occur insome cases.


The installation of window tintingmay obstruct the GPS signals. Mostwindow tinting contains some metal-lic content that will interfere with GPSsignal reception of the antenna in theinstrument panel. We advise againstthe use of window tinting on vehiclesequipped with navigation systems.

Limitations of the navigation system



(a) Accurate current vehicle positionmay not be shown in the followingcases:� When driving on a small angled Y−

shaped road.

� When driving on a winding road.

� When driving on a slippery road suchas in sand, gravel, snow, etc.

� When driving on a long straight road.

� When motorway and surface streetsrun in parallel.

� After moving by ferry or vehicle carrier.

� When a long route is searched duringhigh speed driving.

� When driving without setting the cur-rent position calibration correctly.

� After repeating a change of direction bygoing forward and backward, or turningon a turntable in the parking lot.

� When leaving a covered parking lot orparking garage.

� When a roof carrier is installed.

� When driving with tire chains installed.

� When the tires are worn.

� After replacing a tire or tires.

� When using tires that are smaller orlarger than the factory specifications.

� When the tire pressure in any of thefour tires is not correct.

INFORMATIONIf your vehicle cannot receive GPSsignals, you can correct the currentposition manually. For informationon setting the current position cal-ibration, see page 251.

(b) Inappropriate route guidance mayoccur in the following cases:� When turning at an intersection off the

designated route guidance.

� If you set more than one destination butskip any of them, auto reroute will dis-play a route returning to the destinationon the previous route.

� When turning at an intersection forwhich there is no route guidance.

� When passing through an intersectionfor which there is no route guidance.

� During auto reroute, the route guid-ance may not be available for the nextturn to the right or left.

� It may take a long time to operate autoreroute during high speed driving. Inauto reroute, a detour route may beshown.

� After auto reroute, the route may not bechanged.

� An unnecessary U−turn may be shownor announced.

� A location may have multiple namesand the system will announce one ormore.

� Some routes may not be searched.

� If the route to your destination includesgravel, unpaved roads or alleys, theroute guidance may not be shown.

� Your destination point might be shownon the opposite side of the street.

� When a portion of the route has regula-tions prohibiting the entry of the vehiclethat vary by time or season or otherreasons.

� The road and map data stored in yournavigation system may not be com-plete or may not be the latest version.



After replacing a tire, implement the op-eration described in the “TIRECHANGE CALIBRATION”. (See page252.)This navigation system uses tire turningdata and is designed to work with factory−specified tires for your vehicle. Installingtires that are larger or smaller than the orig-inally equipped diameter may cause inac-curate display of the vehicle’s position.The tire pressure also affects the diameterof the tires so please make sure the tirepressure of all four tires is correct.

This system uses the maps of DENSO.


© 2007 NAVTEQ. All rights reserved.

© 2007 Tele Atlas North America, Inc.All rights reserved. This material is pro-prietary and the subject of copyrightprotection and other intellectual prop-erty rights owned by or licensed to TeleAtlas North America, Inc. The use ofthis material is subject to the terms ofa license agreement. You will be heldliable for any unauthorized copying ordisclosure of this material.

Data by infoUSA Copyright © 2007, AllRights Reserved.

© 2007 VISA Corporation

Copyright © CoStar Realty InformationInc.

The Bullseye Design is a registeredtrademark of Target Brands, Inc.

Map database informationand updates —






LICENSE GRANTDENSO CORPORATION (“DENSO”),as a licensed distributor of theDATABASE, grants to you anon−exclusive, non−perpetual licenseto use your copy of the DATABASE foryour personal use or for your use inyour business’ internal operations andnot for any other purpose. This licensedoes not include the right to grantsub−licenses.

OWNERSHIPThe DATABASE and the copyrightsand intellectual property andneighboring rights therein are ownedby Tele Atlas North America, Inc.(“TANA”) and its licensors. ThisAgreement does not transfer any titleor interest in the DATABASE, exceptfor the license to use the DATABASEaccording and subject to the terms andconditions of this Agreement. Youshall not alter, obscure or remove anycopyright notices, trademark notices orother restrictive legends relating to theDATABASE.

The DATABASE comprises confiden-tial and proprietary information andmaterials of TANA. Accordingly, youshall hold the DATABASE in confi-dence and trust. You shall take rea-sonable steps to protect the DATA-BASE from misappropriation or mis-use. You shall not extract stand−alonedata from or publish any part of the DA-TABASE without the prior written con-sent of TANA and its licensors.

LIMITATIONS ON USEThe DATABASE is restricted for use inthe specific system for which it wascreated. Except to the extent explicitlypermitted by mandatory laws, you maynot extract or reutilize any portion ofthe contents of the DATABASE, norreproduce, copy, duplicate, modify,adapt, translate, disassemble,decompile, or reverse engineer anyportion of the DATABASE.

TRANSFERYou may not transfer the DATABASEto third parties, except together withthe system for which it was created,provided that you do not retain anycopy of the DATABASE, and providedthat the transferee agrees to all termsand conditions of this AGREEMENT.






WARNINGSThe DATABASE comprises facts andinformation from government andother sources reflectingcircumstances in existence before youreceived the DATABASE, which maycontain errors and omissions.Accordingly, the DATABASE maycontain inaccurate or incompleteinformation due to the passage of time,changing circumstances, and due tothe nature of the sources used. TheDATABASE does not include or reflectinformation relating to, among otherthings, neighborhood safety; lawenforcement; emergency assistance;construction work; road or laneclosures; vehicle or speed restrictions;road slope or grade; bridge height,weight or other limits; road or trafficconditions; special events; trafficcongestion; or travel time.



U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTSIf you are an agency, department, orother entity of the United StatesGovernment, or funded in whole or inpart by the United States Government,then use, duplication, reproduction,release, modification, disclosure ortransfer of this commercial product andaccompanying documentation, isrestricted in accordance with theLIMITED or RESTRICTED rights asdescribed in DFARS252.227−7014(a)(1) (JUN 1995)(DOD commercial computer softwaredefinition), DFARS 227.7202−1 (DODpolicy on commercial computersoftware), FAR 52.227−19 (JUN 1987)(commercial computer softwareclause for civilian agencies), DFARS252.227−7015 (NOV 1995) (DODtechnical data − commercial itemsclause); FAR 52.227−14 Alternates I,II, and III (JUN 1987) (civilian agencytechnical data and noncommercialcomputer software clause); and/orFAR 12.211 and FAR 12.212(commercial item acquisitions), asapplicable. In case of conflict betweenany of the FAR and DFARS provisionslisted herein and this Agreement, theconstruction that provides greaterlimitations on the Government’s rightsshall control.

Contractor/manufacturer is Tele AtlasNorth America, Inc., 11 LafayetteStreet, Lebanon, NH 03766−1445.Phone: 603.643.0330. The DATA-BASE is ©1984−2007 by Tele AtlasNorth America, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RE-SERVED. For purpose of any publicdisclosure provision under any federal,state or local law, it is agreed that theDATABASE is a trade secret and a pro-prietary commercial product and notsubject to disclosure.

If you are an agency, department, orother entity of any State government,the United States Government or anyother public entity or funded in whole orin part by the United States Govern-ment, then you hereby agree to protectthe DATABASE from public disclosureand to consider the DATABASE ex-empt from any statute, law, regulation,or code, including any Sunshine Act,Public Records Act, Freedom of Infor-mation Act, or equivalent, which per-mits public access and/or reproductionor use of the Licensed Products. In theevent that such exemption is chal-lenged under any such laws, thisAgreement shall be consideredbreached and any and all right to retainany copies or to use of the DATABASEshall be terminated and considered im-mediately null and void. Any copies ofthe DATABASE held by you shall im-mediately be destroyed. If any court ofcompetent jurisdiction considers thisclause void and unenforceable, inwhole or in part, for any reason, thisAgreement shall be considered termi-nated and null and void, in its entirety,and any and all copies of the DATA-BASE shall immediately be destroyed.



END USER TERMSThe data (“Data”) is provided for yourpersonal, internal use only and not forresale. It is protected by copyright, andis subject to the following terms andconditions which are agreed to by you,on the one hand, and DENSO COR-PORATION (“DENSO”) and its licen-sors (including their licensors and sup-pliers) on the other hand.

� 2007 NAVTEQ. All rights reserved.

The Data for areas of Canada includesinformation taken with permission fromCanadian authorities, including: � HerMajesty the Queen in Right of Canada,� Queen’s Printer for Ontario,� Canada Post Corporation,GeoBase�.

NAVTEQ holds a non−exclusive li-cense from the United States PostalService� to publish and sell ZIP+4�information.

�United States Postal Service�2007.Prices are not established, controlledor approved by the United States Post-al Service�. The following trademarksand registrations are owned by theUSPS: United States Postal Service,USPS, and ZIP+4.


Personal Use Only. You agree to usethis Data together with vehicle naviga-tion system for the solely personal,non−commercial purposes for whichyou were licensed, and not for servicebureau, time−sharing or other similarpurposes. Accordingly, but subject tothe restrictions set forth in the followingparagraphs, you may copy this Dataonly as necessary for your personaluse to (i) view it, and (ii) save it, pro-vided that you do not remove any copy-right notices that appear and do notmodify the Data in any way. You agreenot to otherwise reproduce, copy,modify, decompile, disassemble or re-verse engineer any portion of thisData, and may not transfer or distributeit in any form, for any purpose, exceptto the extent permitted by mandatorylaws. Multi−disc sets may only betransferred or sold as a complete setas provided by DENSO and not as asubset thereof.



Restrictions. Except where you havebeen specifically licensed to do so byDENSO, and without limiting the pre-ceding paragraph, you may not (a) usethis Data with any products, systems,or applications installed or otherwiseconnected to or in communication withvehicles, capable of vehicle naviga-tion, positioning, dispatch, real timeroute guidance, fleet management orsimilar applications; or (b) with or incommunication with any positioningdevices or any mobile or wireless−con-nected electronic or computer devices,including without limitation cellularphones, palmtop and handheld com-puters, pagers, and personal digital as-sistants or PDAs.

Warning. The Data may contain inac-curate or incomplete information dueto the passage of time, changing cir-cumstances, sources used and the na-ture of collecting comprehensive geo-graphic data, any of which may lead toincorrect results.

No Warranty. This Data is provided toyou “as is,” and you agree to use it atyour own risk. DENSO and its licen-sors (and their licensors and suppliers)make no guarantees, representationsor warranties of any kind, express orimplied, arising by law or otherwise, in-cluding but not limited to, content, qual-ity, accuracy, completeness, effective-ness, reliability, fitness for a particularpurpose, usefulness, use or results tobe obtained from this Data, or that theData or server will be uninterrupted orerror−free.

Disclaimer of Warranty: DENSO ANDITS LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIRLICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS)DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OFQUALITY, PERFORMANCE,MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE ORNON−INFRINGEMENT. SomeStates, Territories and Countries donot allow certain warranty exclusions,so to that extent the above exclusionmay not apply to you.




Export Control. You agree not to ex-port from anywhere any part of theData provided to you or any directproduct thereof except in compliancewith, and with all licenses and approv-als required under, applicable exportlaws, rules and regulations.

Entire Agreement. These terms andconditions constitute the entire agree-ment between DENSO (and its licen-sors, including their licensors and sup-pliers) and you pertaining to the sub-ject matter hereof, and supersedes intheir entirety any and all written or oralagreements previously existing be-tween us with respect to such subjectmatter.

Governing Law. The above terms andconditions shall be governed by thelaws of the State of Illinois, withoutgiving effect to (i) its conflict of lawsprovisions, or (ii) the United NationsConvention for Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods, which isexplicitly excluded. You agree tosubmit to the jurisdiction of the State ofIllinois for any and all disputes, claimsand actions arising from or inconnection with the Data provided toyou hereunder.

Government End Users. If the Data isbeing acquired by or on behalf of theUnited States government or any otherentity seeking or applying rights similarto those customarily claimed by theUnited States government, this Data isa “commercial item” as that term is de-fined at 48 C.F.R. (“FAR”) 2.101, is li-censed in accordance with these End−User Terms, and each copy of Data de-livered or otherwise furnished shall bemarked and embedded as appropriatewith the following “Notice of Use”, andshall be treated in accordance withsuch Notice:




425 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606

This Data is a commercial item asdefined in FAR 2.101 and is subject

to these End−User Terms underwhich this Data was provided.

©2007 NAVTEQ − All rights reserved.

If the Contracting Officer, federal gov-ernment agency, or any federal officialrefuses to use the legend providedherein, the Contracting Officer, federalgovernment agency,or any federal offi-cial must notify NAVTEQ prior to seek-ing additional or alternative rights in theData.





The Point Of Interest Data (“POI”Data) in the navigation system is inpart provided by infoUSA Inc.(“infoUSA”). By using the POI Data,you accept and agree to all termsand conditions set forth below.

1. Ownership

All rights, title and interest to theinfoUSA POI Data shall be retained byinfoUSA.

2. Limitations on use

Except to the extent explicitly per-mitted by mandatory laws, you may notextract or re−utilize any portion of thecontents of the POI Data, nor repro-duce, copy, modify, adapt, translate,disassemble, decompile, or reverseengineer any portion of the POI Data.

3. Transfer

You may not transfer the POI Data tothird parties, except together with thesystem for which it was created, pro-vided that you do not retain any copy ofthe POI Data.

4. Disclaimer of warranty


5. Limitation of liability


END USER LICENSE AGREEMENTPersonal Use Only. You agree to usethis information for solely personal,non−commercial purposes, and not forservice bureau, time−sharing or othersimilar purposes. You may not modifythe information or remove any copy-right notices that appear on the infor-mation in any way. You may not de-compile, disassemble or reverse engi-neer any portion of this information,and may not transfer or distribute it inany form, for any purpose. Without lim-iting the foregoing, you may not usethis information with any products, sys-tems, or applications installed or other-wise connected to or in communicationwith vehicles, capable of vehicle navi-gation, positioning, dispatch, real timeroute guidance, fleet management orsimilar applications.

No Warranty. This information is pro-vided to you “as is,” and you agree touse it at your own risk. DENSO and itslicensors (and their licensors and sup-pliers, collectively “DENSO”) make noguarantees, representations or war-ranties of any kind, express or implied,arising by law or otherwise, includingbut not limited to, and DENSO ex-pressly disclaims any warranties re-garding content, quality, accuracy,completeness, effectiveness, reliabil-ity, fitness for a particular purpose,non−infringement, usefulness, use orresults to be obtained from this infor-mation, or that the information or serv-er will be uninterrupted or error−free.Some states, territories and countriesdo not allow certain warranty exclu-sions, so to that extent, the above ex-clusion may not apply to you.




Indemnity. You agree to indemnify,defend and hold DENSO and itslicensors (including their respectivelicensors, suppliers, assignees,subsidiaries, affiliated companies, andthe respective officers, directors,employees, shareholders, agents andrepresentatives of each of them) freeand harmless from and against anyliability, loss, injury (including injuriesresulting in death), demand, action,cost, expense, or claim of any kind orcharacter, including but not limited toattorney’s fees, arising out of or inconnection with any use or possessionby you of this information.

END USER NOTICEThe marks of companies displayed bythis product to indicate business loca-tions are the marks of their respectiveowners. The use of such marks in thisproduct does not imply any sponsor-ship, approval, or endorsement bysuch companies of this product.

There are two types of areas availablefor route guidance. In one type of area,primarily around metropolitan centers,detailed route guidance is available forthe entire area. In the other type of area,all roads are displayed on the map butroute guidance is limited. The naviga-tion route might lack precision becausethe data (no right turns, one−way traf-fic, etc.) is not complete. It is still pos-sible to reach the destination by follow-ing the arrow direction and distance asshown on the bottom left of the screen.The arrow points in the direction of thedestination. The distance shown is asmeasured in a straight line from the cur-rent vehicle position to the destinationarea.In order to provide you with as accuratemap information as possible, we are al-ways gathering information such as onroad repairs and carrying out on−site in-vestigations. However, the names ofroads, streets, facilities, and their locationsfrequently change. In some places,construction on roads may be in progress.For that reason, information on someareas in this system might be different fromthe actual location.

The map database is normally updatedonce a year. Contact your Toyota dealerfor information about the availability andpricing of an update.



1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.

2. Touch “Map Data”.

3. Touch “ DVD”.

4. Insert a new map DVD−ROM with thelabel side up.

5. Push the “ ·CLOSE” button toclose the display.

— Changing the mapDVD−ROM




� Do not place anything on theopened display, as such items maybe thrown about and possibly in-jure people in the vehicle duringsudden braking or in an accident.

� To reduce the chance of injury inthe case of an accident or suddenstopping while driving, keep thedisplay closed.

� Take care not to jam your handwhile the display is moving. Other-wise, you could be injured.


� Do not obstruct the display while itis moving. It could damage yournavigation system.

� If a disc cannot be ejected, do notforcibly take out the disc. Keeppushing the “ ·CLOSE” buttonfor approximately 5 seconds andrelease it. At this time, the audiodisc and the map DVD−ROM will beejected.

INFORMATIONUnder extremely cold conditions, thedisplay may react slowly or operationsound may become louder.

� To confirm the database versionand disc coverage area

1. Push the “INFO·PHONE” button.

2. Touch “Map Data”.

Make sure the version of the database onthis screen.

To display the disc coverage area, touch“Map Data Coverage”. Confirm the cov-ered area on the screen.

Contact your Toyota dealer to find out ifthere is a more recent update released.


The “Destination” screen allows you to search for a destination. To display the “Destina-tion” screen, push the “DEST” button.

1 “Address”A house number and the street addresscan be input by using the input keys.

53. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 “Point of Interest”

Select one of the many Points of Interestthat have already been stored in the sys-tem’s database. 57. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 “Previous Destinations”

A destination can be selected from any ofthe last 100 previously set destinationsand from the previous starting point.

63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 “Del. Dest.”

Set destinations can be deleted. 69. . . . .

5 “?”Function help for the “Destination” screencan be viewed on this screen. 32. . . . . . . 6 “Address Book”

The desired location can be selected froma registered entry in the “Address book”.(To register address book entries, see “(a)Registering address book entries” on page107.) 64. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 “Emergency”

One of the four categories of emergencyservice points that are already stored in thesystem’s database can be selected.

64. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Quick reference (“Destination” screen)


8 “Intersection & Freeway”The names of two intersecting streets or afreeway (interstate) entrance or exit can beentered. This is helpful if only the generalvicinity, not the specific address, is known.

65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 “Map”

A destination can be selected simply bytouching the location on the displayedmap. 68. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 “Coordinates”A destination can be set using latitudesand longitudes as coordinates. 69. . . . . . 11 Preset destination touch screen

buttonsOne of 5 preset destination points can beselected by touching the screen directly. Ifa preset destination point has not beenregistered, a message will be displayedand the setting screen will automaticallyappear. To use this function, it is neces-sary to set the “preset destination”. (Toregister a “Preset Destination”, see “(a)Registering preset destinations” on page104.) 52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 “Go Home”A personal home address can be selectedwithout entering the address each time. If“Home” has not been registered, a mes-sage will be displayed and the settingscreen will automatically appear. To usethis function, it is necessary to set a“Home” address. (To register “Home”, see“(a) Registering home” on page 101.)

52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The items shown on the “Setup” screen can be set. To display the “Setup” screen, pushthe “SETUP” button.

1 “General”Settings are available for language selec-tion, operation sounds, automatic screenchange, etc. 236. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 “Clock”Used for changing settings for time zones,daylight saving time, etc. 241. . . . . . . . .

3 “Voice”Voice guidance can be set. 242. . . . . . .

4 “Navi.”Settings are available for average cruisingspeed, displayed screen contents, POIicon categories, etc. 245. . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 “Vehicle”Settings are available for vehicle informa-tion such as maintenance information.

300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 “Audio”Settings are available for portable audiodevices, Bluetooth� audio devices etc.

292. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7 “Phone”Bluetooth� phones and phone numberscan be registered, and the receiver volumecan be adjusted. 254. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Quick reference (“Setup” screen)


This screen can be used to display the calendar and information on operation of thehands−free phone, etc. To display the “Information” screen, push the “INFO·PHONE”button.

1 “Phone”To view hands free phone information.

124. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 “Map Data”

Displays information regarding the mapdata disc version or coverage area.

317. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 “Calendar”

To view calendar. 139. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Quick reference (“Information” screen)