2.009 3-ideas presentationweb.mit.edu/2.009/www/lectures/8_ideasPresentation.pdf · 2.009 3-ideas...

Post on 22-Jul-2020

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Transcript of 2.009 3-ideas presentationweb.mit.edu/2.009/www/lectures/8_ideasPresentation.pdf · 2.009 3-ideas...

2.009 3-ideas presentation

Edward R. Murrow1908-1965, television news pioneer Producer of news reports leading to the censure of Joseph McCarthy

to be persuasive, we must be believable; to be believable, we must be credible; to be credible, we must be truthful.

2.009 3-ideas presentation

3-ideas presentation, 2019

Wrap up Miscellaneous items

idea area for your team will be posted by 5 PMpresentations/review forms on website at ~9 PMemailed feedback before your lab, all Wednesday AMfeedback summarized on website

notebooks in lab this weekdigital notebook submission 10 PM Thursdaycommit time sheet data

Patent search tutorial on Wednesday

2.009 3-ideas presentation

3-ideas presentation, 2019