2009-2010 Special Advisory Committees

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Transcript of 2009-2010 Special Advisory Committees


2009-2010 Special Advisory Committees (Click here to go to 2009-2010 Faculty Committees)

Special Advisory Committees, appointed by the President and other administrative offices, oversee campus operations through the service of faculty, staff and students. Please call the appropriate chair or contact person indicated on the enclosed list if you are interested in serving on a Special Advisory Committee.


Affirmative Action Advisory Committee ................................................................. 4 Associate/Assistant Deans’ Council ..................................................................... 4 Awards Committee .............................................................................................. 5 Blatt Physical Education Center Advisory Committee .......................................... 5 Commencement Committee, Columbia ................................................................ 5 Commencement Committee, System wide ........................................................... 6 Conflict of Interest, Committee on ...................................................................... 7 Disability Affairs Committee .................................................................................. 8 Distance Education Advisory Committee .............................................................. 8 Early Career Faculty Network ............................................................................... 9 Environmental Advisory Committee ...................................................................... 9 Faculty Salary Equity Committee ........................................................................ 11 Fellowships & Scholar Programs Advisory Committee ....................................... 11 Graduate Council ............................................................................................... 14 Health and Safety Oversight Committee ............................................................ 14 Health Services Advisory Committee ................................................................. 15 Horseshoe Historical Restoration Committee ..................................................... 15 Information Technology Council ......................................................................... 15


Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee .................................................... 16 Institutional Biosafety Committee ....................................................................... 16 Institutional Review Board for Human Subject Research ................................... 18 Insurance and Annuities Committee ................................................................... 19 Judicial Council, Carolina Student ...................................................................... 19 Legal Residency Committee ............................................................................... 21 Michael J. Mungo Distinguished Professor of the Year Award Committee ......... 22 Michael J. Mungo Graduate Teaching Award ..................................................... 22 Michael J. Mungo Undergraduate Teaching Award ............................................ 22 Named & Distinguished Professorships, Committee on ................................... 23 Orientation Committee ........................................................................................ 23 Outstanding Faculty/Staff Advisor Award Committee ......................................... 23 Outstanding Freshman Advocate Committee ..................................................... 24 Parking Appellate Court ...................................................................................... 25 Parking and Transit Advisory Committee ........................................................... 25 Press Committee, University .............................................................................. 25 Preston Residential College Advisory Committee .............................................. 26 Provost Advisory Committee on Women’s Issues .............................................. 26 Provost’s Regional Campuses Advisory Council ................................................ 27 Radiation Safety Committee ............................................................................... 27 Registration Committee ...................................................................................... 28 Religious Affairs, Committee on ......................................................................... 29 Retention Committee .......................................................................................... 29 Russell and Educational Foundation Research Awards Committees ................. 30


Safety Committee ............................................................................................... 31 Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee .......................................................... 31 South Carolina Honors College Policy Committee ............................................. 31 Special Admissions, Committee on .................................................................... 33 Student Publications and Communications, Board of ......................................... 33 Student-Trustee Liaison Committee ................................................................... 33 University 101 Academic Advisory Committee ................................................... 34 Vehicle Accident Review Board .......................................................................... 34 Veteran Student Services Advisory Committee…………………………………….35 Women's Faculty Organization Steering Committee ......................................... 35 Women's Gender Studies Advisory Committee ................................................. 36


2009-10 SPECIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Affirmative Action Advisory Committee is a standing University Committee that is appointed to advise the President, the Executive Assistant to the President for Equal Opportunity Programs, and other key administrators on matters relating to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action efforts and achievement. Membership Requirement: Must be a full time faculty or staff member to serve. President of the student body serves as an ex-offico member. G. James Burns, Chair South Carolina Honors College Sally Boyd Continuing Education Academic Credit Programs Kwame Dawes English Ella Marshall Human Resources Bobby Gist Equal Opportunities Programs Scott Goode Chemistry and Biochemistry Jane Jameson Human Resources Walter Parham General Counsel Alex Stroman Student Body Vice President ASSOCIATE/ASSISTANT DEANS' COUNCIL Purpose Statement: This is a self-organized committee that provides a forum for the managers of undergraduate academic programs to discuss common issues, to make recommendations concerning undergraduate academic affairs to the University administration and appropriate faculty committees, and to respond to proposals related to undergraduate academic affairs submitted by members of the University community. The committee meets monthly. Membership Requirement: Membership includes the associate and assistant deans of the various colleges and schools who have direct responsibility for managing undergraduate academic programs, University registrar, senior associate registrars, director of enrollment management, director of admissions, University 101 director, a representative from the Division of Student Affairs, and the associate provost/dean of undergraduate affairs. Sally Boyd Continuing Education Academic Credit Programs Barbara Blaney Registrar's Office Rob Dedmon College of Education Helen Doerpinghaus Office of the Provost Art Farlow Journalism and Mass Communications Andrew Gowan Music Samantha Hastings Library and Information Science D.S. Hodson College of Nursing Mary Stuart Hunter University 101 Carolyn Jones Moore School of Business Loren Knapp Arts and Sciences Gene Luna University Housing Aaron Marterer Registrar’s Office Teresa Moore Arnold School of Public Health Michael Perkins Engineering and Computing Robert Pruzin, Chair Music


Ed Munne Sanchez Honors College Kathy Smiling Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management Gail Stephens Registrar’s Office Scott Verzyl Undergraduate Admissions AWARDS COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The purpose of this committee is to select the most outstanding male and female senior to receive the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award. Jerry Brewer, ex-officio, Secretary Student Life John McFadden, Chair Education Helen Doerpinghaus, ex-officio Office of the Provost Dennis A. Pruitt, ex-officio Student and Alumni Services Lucille Mould Languages, Literatures and Cultures Katie Parham ODK Member Will Payne Secretary of Aczdemic Affairs Anna Hecksher Chair, Senate Academics Committee BLATT PHYSICAL EDUCATION CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee advises and makes recommendations to the President of the University on issues related to the PE Center. Membership Requirement: Membership is composed of one representative of the following areas: Physical Education, Theater and Dance, Exercise Science, Student Life, Campus Recreation, Law Enforcement and Safety, Athletics, 4-6 at large members who are patrons of the PE Center, students, and the Director of Campus Recreation is an ex officio member. Jerry Brewer Student Life Herbert Camp, ex-officio Campus Recreation Larry Durstine Exercise Science Ernie Ellis Law Enforcement Karen French, Chair Physical Education Bob Harman University Housing Murray Mitchell Physical Education Philip Moore Institutional Planning and Assessment Veda Sargent Campus Recreation Valerie Shealy Athletics Department (student) (student) (student) COLUMBIA COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Columbia Campus Commencement Committee is to manage commencement exercises held on the Columbia Campus of the University of South Carolina Membership Requirement: Secretary, Board of Trustees, Chair; Secretary of the Faculty Senate; Senior Member of the Faculty; Dean of the Graduate School; Dean of Undergraduate Studies;


Registrar; President of the Student Body Government; the remaining members of the Committee are assigned because of their positions, the involvement of their department, school, or college in the commencement ceremony, or by virtue of holding positions with responsibility for commencement ceremonies. Thomas Stepp, Chair Board of Trustees Barbara Blaney Registrar Pamela Bowman Special Events James Buggy Graduate School Elizabeth J. Davis Law Helen Doerpinghaus Office of the Provost Ernest Ellis Law Enforcement & Safety Rhonda Filiatreault Office of the Provost Laveta Gibson Music Lee Goodman University Instructional Services Chris M. Horn Publications and Printing Joseph Johnson Senior Faculty Member Sid Kenyon Carolina Coliseum Margaret Lamb Media Relations Michelle Lockhart Special Events Dale Moore Graduate School Harvie Nachlinger Journalism (Announcer) Larry Pearce Publications and Printing Pam Pope Office of the President Dennis Pruitt Student Affairs Bob Pruzin Music Tara Purcell School of Medicine Lisa Robinette Special Events Meredith Ross Student Body President Barbara Salmons Board of Trustees Diane Sanderson Registrar’s Office Michael Taylor Koger Center Karen Tweedy Board of Trustees Tory Watson Special Events SYSTEMWIDE COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Systemwide Commencement Committee is to oversee, coordinate, and establish standards for all commencement exercises of the University of South Carolina on all campuses. Membership Requirement: Secretary, Board of Trustees, Chair; the commencement coordinator for each systemwide campus; the remaining members of the Committee are assigned by virtue of holding positions with responsibility for commencement ceremonies. Thomas Stepp, Chair Board of Trustees Pam Bowman Special Events Jane Brewer USC Salkehatchie Karen Faile USC Lancaster Shana Funderburk USC Lancaster Sherri Jenik USC Aiken Susan Jett USC Union


Frances Krydynski USC Upstate Margaret Lamb Media Relations Michelle Lockhart Special Events Deidre Martin USC Aiken Lynn McGee USC Beaufort Larry Pearce Publications and Printing Pam Pope Office of the President Lisa Robinette Special Events Nancy Scheider USC Beaufort Barbara Salmons Board of Trustees Diane Sanderson Registrar’s Office Mary Fran Smith USC Sumter Karen Tweedy Board of Trustees Tory Watson Special Events COMMITTEE ON CONFLICT OF INTEREST Purpose Statement: The Committee makes recommendations to the Provost regarding conflict of interest and commitment of local unit policies; appeals by faculty; reviews Disclosures of Financial Interest related to federally sponsored projects; and other matters regarding University policy on outside professional activities. Membership Requirement: The Provost will appoint the Committee members. The Committee members will be two academic deans and six faculty members appointed on staggered three year terms. In addition, the Committee will include one from each of the 4-year and 2-year USC campuses, selected by the group that each member represents. Permanent members will be a representative from the University Legal Office; a representative from the Office of Research Compliance; a representative from the Division of Human Resources; and the Vice President for Research. The Chair of the committee shall be appointed annually by the Provost. John Van Zee, Chair Chemical Engineering and Computing (2010) James Buggy Medicine (2012) Noni Bohanak Regional Campuses and Cont Ed (2012) Ronni Godshalk USC Beaufort (2010) Bill Jackson USC Aiken (2011) Donna Richter Public Health (2011) Les Sternberg Education (2011) James Chapman Pharmacy (2011) Mary Anne Fitzpatrick Arts and Sciences (2011) Jim Griffis USC Upstate (2011) Ron Prinz, Psychology (2012) Michael Sutton Mechanical Engineering (2012) Ex-officio Thomas Coggins Director, Research Compliance Stephen Kresovich Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies Jane Jameson Vice President, Human Resources George W. Lampl, III General Counsel


DISABILITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Committee addresses and advises the University administration concerning accessibility issues on campus. Its goal is to ensure fair and equal access to all university resources for students, faculty, and staff who have disabilities. Membership Requirement: The Committee is appointed by the President with membership comprised of university administrative staff, faculty and three students, one who has a disability, who have an interest in disability and accessibility issues. Students are recommended by the student body president with Student Senate approval. Karen Pettus, Chair Student Disability Servicees Karen Brown Thomas Cooper Library (2010) Jeff Cargile Human Resources Jim Demarest Facilities Services Joe Fortune Housing Services Bobby Gist Equal Opportunity Programs Marna Hostetler Thomas Cooper Library (2011) Derrick Huggins Vehicle Management and Parking Services Linda Leech Medicine Ella Marshall Human Resources Wendy Mullin University Technology Services George Lampl Legal Department Tom Syfert Health and Safety/Risk Management William Young (undergraduate student; nontraditional) Clayton A. Copeland (graduate student) DISTANCE EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee is charged with the duty of facilitating the exchange of information concerning distance education among academic units throughout the University and all of its locations, promoting the highest quality and rigorous assessment of all distance education efforts in the University, encouraging research on the effectiveness of distance education technologies and techniques, encouraging faculty innovation in distance education methods and techniques, promoting faculty development in distance education practices and advising the Office of the Provost on matters related to distance education. Membership Requirement: Membership is selected by the Office of the Provost and will include a broad representation of faculty from the colleges and campuses involved in distance education and administrative staff of the University selected and appointed by the Provost. Representatives from Distance Education and Instructional Support, the Office of the Provost, University Libraries, and Computer Services serve as ex officio members. Sam Baker Public Health Karen Brown Libraries Nancy Brown Social Work Jim Buggy Graduate School Jean Carrano USC Sumter, representing all Regional Campuses Hanif Chaudhry Engineering and Computing and Computing


Edward Cox Educational Leadership and Policies Tena Crews Hospitality, Retail & Sport Management Michael Dollar Moore School of Business, PMBA program Laura Fox South Carolina College of Pharmacy Samantha Hastings, Chair College of Mass Communications and Information Studies David Hodson College of Nursing Cindy Jennings USC Upstate, representing all Senior Campuses Linda Leech Medicine Phil Marshall Moore School of Business, undergraduate studies Joann Regan Social Work Dick Vogt Biological Sciences Sally Boyd Regional Campuses and Continuing Education Ex-Officio Members Steve Adams University Technology Services Chris Brown Faculty E-Learning Support Bill Hogue Office of Information Technology Kris Finnigan Office of the Provost EARLY CAREER FACULTY NETWORK Purpose Statement: To maximize the success, retention and quality of life for early career faculty at the University of South Carolina. This will primarily be achieved through five initiative areas: social, research, teaching, clinical, and service. Board members are volunteers, with half of the board serving two year terms and half serving one year terms. The Vice-Chair will assume the position of Chair or Co-Chair. The Board operates democratically, with decisions made by consensus or majority vote. Membership Requirements: The ECFN is open to all assistant level professors and instructors with less than six years of employment at USC. Ron Brown Mass Communications and Information Studies Heather Kitzman-Ulrich, Co- Chair Arts and Sciences Charley Adams, Clinical Initiative Co-Director Public Health Christian Anderson, Teaching Initiative Director Education Raja Fayad Exercise Science Darcy Freedman Social Work Tambra Jackson, Service Initiative Director Education Danny Jenkins, Member At Large Music Matt Kostek, Research Initiative Director Public Health Kara Montgomery, Co-Chair Public Health Jennifer Nyland Medicine Patricia Powell, Social Initiative Director Pharmacy Robin Puett Epidemiology & Biostatics Greg Brower Medicine ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: To provide a broad base of support for development of coordinated university response to environmental issues; to serve as a source of ideas regarding challenges, issues,


problems; and to provide consistent oversight for University environmental policies, progress and compliance. Membership Requirement: The President appoints members from various colleges, schools, and administrative offices (with advice of the chair). Representatives of Student Government, the Graduate Student Organization, the student environmental group (SAGE) and the faculty advisor for the Living/Learning Center for Sustainable Futures in the West Quad are automatically members. The Dean of the School of the Environment chairs the committee. Madilyn Fletcher, Director School of the Environment Michelle Burcin Healthy Carolina Initiative Jami Cambell Student LIfe Greg Carbone Geography James Demarest Facilities Services Kirstin Dow Geology Josh Eagle Law Kevin Elliot Philosophy Christy Friend English Joseph Flora Engineering Jim Gahagan Student Affairs Brian Helmuth Biology William Hogue Chief Information Officer Derrick Huggins Transportation and Vehicle Management Stuart Hunter University 101/National Resource Center Kristen Kennedy Housing Margaret Lamb Media Relations George Lampl General Counsel Scott Lindenberg Student Media Gene Luna Student Affairs Venis Manigo Purchasing Tom Quasney Facilities Planning and Operations Michael Scheffres University Dining Services Rebeca Smith Farmer’s Market Andrew Spicer Business Charles Stevenson Facilities Management Thomas Syfert, co-chair Health and Safety/Risk Management Alicia Wilson Geological Sciences David Whiteman, co-chair Director, Green Quad Morgan Henley Secretary, Environmental Affairs (vacant) Graduate Student Association (vacant) SAGE (Students Allied for a Greener Earth) (vacant) Student Government Association Advisory to Committee Ben Coonrod USC Landscape Architect Jason Craig Green Quad Gwen Geidel Associate Director, SOE Chris Howard Transportation and Vehicle Management Tom Knowles Landscaping and Environmental Services Michael Koman Housing Environmental Programs Manager Laura Pergolizzi Recycling Coordinator Hillary Sparks Office of Sustainability


Jim Sherry Housing Facilities Management Joseph Flora Engineering and Computing FACULTY SALARY EQUITY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Faculty Salary Equity Committee was created in 1996 to be advisory to the Provost regarding matters of salary equity for faculty, and in 2005 the scope was extended to librarians. On an annual basis the Office of Institutional Assessment and Compliance performs a statistical analysis. The Committee uses the results of the analysis to identify faculty including librarians whose salaries appear to be below those expected for individuals of similar rank, discipline, time in service and other characteristics. Respective deans are then asked to explain these cases. The Committee then submits a report to the Provost who in turn reports to the faculty of the University summarizing the findings. Membership Requirement: The Committee consists of six members; three are administrators selected by the President, and three are faculty members selected by the Provost from recommendations of the Faculty Advisory and Faculty Welfare Committees. Helen Doerpinghaus, Chair Office of the Provost Terry Parham Office of General Counsel Jane Jameson Division of Human Resources Phil Moore Institutional Assessment and Compliance Nina Levine English (2011) Edsel Pena Statistics (2011) Donna Shannon Library and Information Science (2011) FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLAR PROGRAMS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: Representing a wide range of administrative and academic units on campus, the committee facilitates in providing the infrastructure and support to academically talented University students in their pursuit of nationally prestigious fellowships and coordinates an enhanced University experience for the Carolina and McNair Scholars. Membership Requirement: University Committee Chairs and Advisors of national fellowship competitions such as Fulbright, Goldwater, Rhodes, Truman, NSF, Udall, Mellon, Javits, NSEP Marshall are members of the advisory committee. The Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies makes these appointments. Representatives from key administrative units such as the Career Center, Admissions SCHC and major colleges also serve on the committee. The Associate Provost and Undergraduate Studies, the Director and Assistant Director of Fellowships and Scholar Programs serve as ex-officio members of the committee. Novella Beskid, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs Davis Baird SC Honors College Jim Burns SC Honors College Erin Connolly Biological Science Ed Dikey Instruction and Teacher Education Helen Doerpinghaus Office of the Provost Josh Eagle Law Lee Ferguson Chemistry and Biochemistry Vicki Hamby Career Center Elise Hammonds Study Abroad Michael Jinnette Undergraduate Admissions


Kevin Lewis Religious Studies Ed Madden English Douglas Meade Mathematics Julie Morris Undergraduate Research John Nelson Biological Sciences Margaret Perkins Fellowships and Scholar Programs Mike Perkins Engineering and Computing and Computing Roger Sawyer College of Science and Math Shelley Smith Sociology Heather Wheeler Undergraduate Admissions Patricia Willer International Programs for Students Dennis Pruitt, ex-officio Student Affairs and Academic Support Services Stacey Bradley, ex-officio Student Affairs and Academic Support Services Jan P. Smoak, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs Cooke Scholarship Jim Burns, Chair SC Honors College Lara Ducate Languages, Literatures and Cultures Carol Harrison History Chris Nesmith Continuing Education Cindy Peachey Financial Aid and Scholarships Jan Smoak, ex officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs Fulbright Grant Jeff Persels, Advisor Languages, Literatures,& Cultures Margaret Perkins, Advisor Fellowships and Scholar Programs Gates-Cambridge Scholarship Kevin Lewis, Advisor Religious Studies Goldwater Scholarship Douglas Meade, Chair Mathematics Sarah Baxter Mechanical Engineering and Computing Scott Goode Chemistry and Biochemistry Briana Timmerman South Carolina Honors College Alicia Wilson Geological Science Novella Beskid, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs Knowles Fellowship Ed Dickey, Advisor Instruction and Teacher Education Marshall Scholarship John Nelson, Chair Biological Sciences Tom Brown History Cinnamon Carlane School of Law Jill Frank Political Science Gordon Smith Walker Institute of International and Area Studies Novella Beskid, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs


Mitchell Scholarship Ed Madden, Chair English Michael Jinnette Undergraduate Admissions Yvonne Ivory Languages, Literatures, & Cultures Mary Ellen O’Leary Mathematics Jan P. Smoak, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships Erin Connolly, Chair Biological Sciences Michael Matthews Chemical Engineering and Computing Melayne McInnes Economics Edsel Pena Statistics Roger Sawyer Arts and Sciences Ken Shimizu Chemistry and Biochemistry Novella Beskid, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs National Security Education Program Elise Hammonds, Chair Study Abroad Kristia Finnigan Office of the Provost David Hudgens Moore School of Business Dean Kinsey History Patricia Willer International Programs for Students Margaret Perkins Fellowships and Scholar Programs Rhodes Scholarship Committee Davis Baird, Chair SC Honors College Madilyn Fletcher School of the Environment Carol Harrison History Kevin Lewis Religious Studies Robert Patterson History William Rivers English Novella Beskid, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs Truman Scholarship Shelley Smith, Chair Sociology Steven Burritt 1995 Truman Scholar Robert Felix School of Law Donald Fowler Political Science George Geckle English David Simmons Anthropology Novella Beskid, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs Udall Scholarship Josh Eagle, Chair School of Law Claudia Benitez-Nelson Geological Sciences Greg Carbone Geography Kevin Elliott Philosophy James Morris Biological Sciences Sacoby Wilson Epidemiology and Biostatistics Jan P. Smoak, ex-officio Fellowships and Scholar Programs


GRADUATE COUNCIL Purpose Statement: The council acts in an advisory capacity to the associate provost and dean of the Graduate School and to the administration, takes action on graduate students' petitions and on faculty requests for graduate grade changes, and performs other duties assigned to it by the graduate faculty or the administration of the university. The council is responsible for the approval of major changes in Graduate School policy, new courses, course changes, new programs, and modifications of existing degree programs so long as such modifications are in accord with general regulations of the graduate faculty. Membership Requirement: The council shall be composed of nine members selected by the Graduate School faculty, nine members appointed by the president of the university, and the dean of the Graduate School, who serves as secretary. Elected Andrea Adams GSA Representative (2010) Cheryl Addy Epidemiology and Biostatistics (2012) Nancy Brown Social Work (2011) Scott Huebner Psychology (2010) Rhonda Jeffries Instruction and Teacher Education (2012) Michelle Maher Educational Leadership and Policies (2012) Francisco Sanchez Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (2011) Donna Shannon Library and Information Science (2011) Andrew Shifflett, Chair English (2010) Shirley Staples Carter Journalism and Mass Communications (2010) Nic Ularu Theatre (2011) Appointed Xiaomin Deng Mechanical Engineering (2010) John Grego Statistics (2012) JoAnne Herman Nursing (2010) Richard Hunt Medicine (2012) Satish Jayachandran Marketing (2010) Murray Mitchell Physical Education (2011) Srihari Nelakuditi Computer Science and Engineering (2012) George Voulgaris Geological Sciences (2010) Mike Wyatt Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences (2010) James Buggy, Ex-officio Interim Dean of the Graduate School Nancy Zimmerman Graduate School, Associate Dean Dale Moore Graduate School Representatives Janice Byrd Graduate School Representatives Kristia Finnigan Office of the Provost Representative HEALTH AND SAFETY OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Committee reviews and provides guidance concerning health and safety issues affecting faculty, staff, and students. The committee can amend health and safety policies and make new policy recommendations when necessary. It also acts as an oversight committee to the Radiation Safety and Biosafety Committees.


Membership Requirement: Members are persons appointed by the President who are qualified by training or expertise in the safe handling of chemical, biological, or radioactive agents or are representatives from the Health and Safety Office, SAM, Health Services, the Animal Resource Facility, Law Enforcement, Facility Services, and the Business and Finance Office. Tom Syfert, Ex-officio Health and Safety/Risk Management (2010) Jane Jameson Human Resources (2010) Shayne Barlow Animal Resource Facility (2010) Tommy Coggins Research Compliance (2010) James Demarest Facility Services (2010) Ernest Ellis Law Enforcement (2010) Stephen Morgan, Chair Chemistry and Biochemistry (2010) Chandrashekhar Patel Medicine (2010) Helen Zeigler Business and Finance (2010) Franklin Bolander Biological Sciences (2010) Mary Robinson Art (2010) Deborah Beck Thomson Student Health (2011) Marc Garland Mechanical Engineering and Computing (2011) Ralf Gothe Physics (2011) Vincent Van Brunt Chemical Engineering and Computing (2011) Lynn Dobbs Health and Safety Programs (2012) Margaret Hunt School of Medicine (2012) Brian Hann Environmental Health and Safety (2012) HEALTH SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Membership Requirement: Members of the Student Health Services Committee should be a faculty member, staff or student of the University of South Carolina who has a professional or personal interest in the health and wellness of the University Community. Gene Luna, Chair Student Development & University Housing Debbie Beck Student Health Services Michelle Burcin Healthy Carolina Herbert Camp Student Life/Campus Recreation Jeff Cargile Human Resources Nicole Carrico Student Health Services Sara Corwin Public Health Larry Durstine Public Health Anna Edwards Student Life Mike Gwiazdonski Dining Services/Sodexho Russell Haber Counseling and Human Development Center Kirsten Kennedy University Housing Mike McKenzie Student Health Center, Clinic Director Eva Monsma Physical Education Karen Pettus Student Disability Services Nancy Richeson Medicine Mike Scheffres University Dining Services Monica Stone Student Health Center, Women’s Care Director Patricia Willer International Programs Ryan Wilson Sexual Health and Violence Prevention and Research


HORSESHOE HISTORICAL RESTORATION COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee ensures the historical beauty of the Horseshoe area and makes recommendations on how to maintain and better the appearance of the area. Membership Requirement: Members are appointed by the President. The committee currently has six faculty and administrators and three students recommended by the student body president with Senate approval. Davis Baird, Chair South Carolina Honors College Kevin Lewis Religious Studies Dennis Poole Social Work Lynn Robertson McKissick Museum Helen Zeigler Business and Finance Thomas McNally, ex-officio University Libraries Patricia Moore-Pastides President’s spouse Robert Weyeneth History Mitch Trott (student) Nick Riley (student) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL, UNIVERSITY Purpose Statement: The UITC will provide advice and counsel regarding University information technology strategies to the Office of Information Technology (OIT), and through OIT to the office of the Provost and the Office of the President. The most important principal guiding UITC activities is to ensure that IT activities and initiatives are closely aligned with the highest academic and business priorities of the University. Membership Requirement: The members represent a cross section of the University system community. Faculty, staff, and students are appointed by the CIO from among those recommended by the University administration. Bill Hogue, ex officio, chair Information Technology Nancy Hart, ex officio University Technology Services Barbara Blaney Registrar Pam Hayes Regional Campuses & Continuing Education Samantha Hastings Library and Information Science Lindsie Cone Medicine Ken Corbett Business and Finance Alma Creighton, ex officio Libraries Stanley Fowler Medicine Jane Jameson Human Resources Debbie Kassianos Sponsored Awards Management Douglas Meade Mathematics Philip S. Moore Institutional Assessment & Compliance David Mullaney Arts and Sciences Ernest M. Pringle Law Mark E. Tompkins Government and International Studies Jason Trenary Music Jeff Farham, ex officio UTS Chris Byrd, ex officio UTS (student)


INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: In 1985, Congress passed the Health Research Extension Act (Public Law 99-158). The law directed the Secretary of Health and Human Services, working through the Director of the National Health Institute, to create guidelines for the care of animals used in research and teaching. The creation of an IACUC is one of the requirements set forth by these guidelines. The IACUC is charged with the review of the care and use of all vertebrate animals in research and teaching, submission of reports to the appropriate governing body, review and inspection of animal care facilities and programs, and review of concerns involving the care and use of animals at the University of South Carolina Membership Requirement: Members are appointed by the President of the University. The committee shall consist of no less than five members and shall include at least: (a) one Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; (b) one practicing scientist; (c) one member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area; (d) one individual who is not affiliated with the University in any way other than membership in the committee and whose interest represent those of the general community. The remainder of the IACUC represents the Departments on the University Campus that utilize vertebrate animals. Graduate student members are nominated by the chair and appointed by the President. Kenneth Walsh, Chair Medicine Shawn Barlow, ex-offico Veterinarian Greg Brower Medicine Marli Clary Drum Nonaffiliated/Community Member Antonia Forsthoefel Nonaffiliated/Community Member Edie Goldsmith Medicine Rupal Pandey Student/Medicine Robert Lawrence Psychology Lawrence Reagan Medicine Marj Peña Biological Sciences Margaret Rentz, ex-officio Animal Resource Facilities Sadiye Rieder Student/Medicine Theresa Smith Pharmacy Matthew Kostek Public Health James Fadel, Alternate Medicine Lorne Hofseth, Alternate Pharmacy Rozalynd McConnaughy, Alternate Medicine-Library Pam Rudd, Alternate Animal Resource Facilities Gabor Szalai, Alternate Biological Sciences Thomas Coggins, Consultant Office of Research Compliance Stephanie Cook IACUC Administrator INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The mission of the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is to review and approve all University of South Carolina research and teaching activities involving the use of biohazardous materials, and to advise the University of policies, procedures and practices that guide researchers in the proper use of biohazardous materials. Biohazardous materials are defined as recombinant DNA molecules, infectious agents/microorganisms, materials derived from human and non-human primates, or biological toxins. Through its reviews, the IBC seeks to ensure that activities


involving such materials are in compliance with applicable University policies, external regulations, and meet standards of good practices consistent with safety of personnel and the general public in ways that best facilitate relevant research or teaching activities of the University. Membership Requirement: The IBC must be composed of no fewer than five members who collectively have broad experience and expertise in biosafety issues. At least two of the IBC members are selected to represent the interests of the local community, and must not be affiliated with USC other than service on the Committee. One member must be identified as the Chair of the IBC, and one person must be identified as the Biosafety Officer (BSO) if work is conducted at the University at the biosafety Level 3 or above. Collectively, the IBC must have expertise regarding the biological agents and areas of research pertinent to USC. The IBC will generally have at least one person with acknowledged expertise in each of the following areas: recombinant DNA technology and associated risks, plant, plant pathogen, or plant pest containment principles, and animal pathogens and infectious disease management and containment principles. Paul Housley, Chair Medicine (2010) Shayne Barlow Veteranarian/Animal Resource Facilities Jody Calkins Palmetto Health Research (2010) Wayne Carver Cell Biology and Anatomy (2012) Ashok Chauhan Medicine (2010) Dan Dixon Biological Scines (2011) Kris Kaigler Pharmacology and Physiology/SOM (2012) George McCoy Benedict College (2010) Jennifer Meredith Community Member (2012) Mark Robbins Health and Safety Richard Showman Biological Sciences (2010) Johannes Stratmann Biological Sciences (2011) Stephanie Cook, Administrator Office of Research Compliance INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD for HUMAN SUBJECT RESEARCH Purpose Statement: The committee reviews and approves research projects using human subjects. Reviews are carried out in accordance with federal regulation and the policies and procedures of the USC Institutional Review Board. Membership Requirement: In accordance with federal regulations, there must be at least five members including one non-scientist and one member not affiliated with the University. Members are appointed by the President. Franklyn F. Bolander, Chair Biological Sciences (2010) Patricia Sharpe Prevention Research Center (2010) Laverne Shuler Public Health (2010) James Burch Epidemiology/Biostatistics (2011) Greg Dwyer Neuropsychiatry (2011) Frank Anderson Community Member (2011) James Burch Epidemiology/Biostatistics (2011) Carol McMahon Pathology (2011) Patricia Phaup Student Health Services (2011) John Shupper Community Member (2011) Holly Watson Pharmacy (2011) Greg Hand Exercise Science (2012) Myriam Torres Latino Studies/ Epidemiology (2012) Allan Brett Medicine (2012)


John Richards Psychology (2012) Kathleen Scharer Nursing (2012) Thomas Coggins, ex-officio Research Compliance Institutional Review Board Alternate Members: Robert Best Medicine Sara Wilcox Exercise Science INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Insurance and Annuities Committee is to assess the Employee Benefits Program and pursue enhancements to existing programs and additional voluntary insurance and annuity benefits that would represent an added value to the University’s faculty and staff. Membership Requirement: The committee is composed of faculty and staff who provide expertise in insurance and investment related disciplines, expertise in the administration of employee benefit programs and represent key employee populations. Faye Sudduth, Chair Human Resources Pam Cope Payroll Helen Doerpinghaus Office of the Provost Jim Flanagan Law Carla Hayes USC Aiken Brian Jowers Medicine Gene Luna Student Affairs Donna Richter Public Health Jane Jameson, ex-officio Human Resources Jeffery Cargile, ex-officio Human Resources George Lampl, ex-officio Legal Office

JUDICIAL COUNCIL, CAROLINA STUDENT Purpose Statement: The Carolina Student Judicial Council consists of a group of students, faculty and staff that serve on hearing panels in disciplinary cases. Students undergo weekly intense training in such matters as statement analysis, kinetics, hearing decorum, and university policy. Members are expected to maintain strict confidentiality in regards to all cases. Membership Requirement: Council members serve as resources for students and are opinion leaders on campus as ambassadors for the university. Council members should always seek to personify the principles and ideals embodied in the Carolinian Creed. Alisa Cooney Liggett, ex-officio Director of Judicial Affairs Faculty Mathieu Deflem, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sociology Kathryn Edwards, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History Chris Holcomb, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English Greg Neihaus, Ph.D. Professor of Business Christy Friend, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English Katherine Barbieri, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Political Science Stan Lomax Lecturer- Business Chris Tollefsen, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Philosophy


Andrew Kustin, Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics Cynthia Davis, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English Eric Svigny, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Duncan Bell Professor of Engineering Peter Binev, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mathematics Cristy Bushea, MSN, RN Clinical Instructor of Nursing Sandy Altshuler, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Social Work Edward Geiskes, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English Caroline Nagel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Geography April Miller Clinical Assistant Professor Pharmacy Sarah Williams, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Music Eileene Shake, MSN, RN Clinical Assitant Professor of Nursing Ann Kingolver, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Anthropology Barbara Cuevas Academic Program Manager- Exercise Science Sheryl Kline, Ph.D. Interim Dean HRSM William Rivers, Ph.D. Interim Dean-English Department Frank Chen, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Juhua Zhou Research Assistant Professor School of Medicine Toriah Caldwell, MN, APRN Clinical Assistant Professor Nursing Lisa Spiryda, MD, Ph.D. Assistant Professor School of Medicine D. Gary Nave, MA, CSCS Physical Activity Coordinator John Burrow, Ph.D., JD Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Gregg Dwyer, MD, EdD Assistant Professor- School of Medicine Gloria Fowler, RN, MN, CNAA Director of Student Affairs, Clinical Assistant Professor Teresa Moore, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Exercise Science Janice Fergusson Teaching Lecturer Accounting Susan Courtney, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Film Studies and English Don Balch Lecturer Economics Tara Sabo-Attwood, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Environmental Health Sciences Jay Jayaram, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Management Science Charles Finocchairo, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Political Science Sanjib Mishra, Ph.D. Professor of Physics Douglas Meade, Ph.D. Professor of Mathematics Ron Davis, Ph.D. Professor of Music Jim Burns Academic Advisor Honors College Mary Ann Byrnes Assistant Dean College of Arts and Sciences Kenneth Cambell, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Mass Communication Erik Collins, Ph.D. Associate Director of Graduate Studies-Mass Communications Rennee Connolly, Ph.D. Director of the Office of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Kwame Dawes, Ph.D. Professor of English Language and Literature Sara Fuller, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Nursing Thomas Hughes Lecturer School of Business Robert Kaminski, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Criminology Douglas Williams, Ph.D. Professor of Geology Courtney Worsham Lecturer School of Business Jeffrey Rojek, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Criminology Mike Shealy Director of CIBER Sonja Snowdon School of Public Health Eric Tappa Research Associate Ed Tucker, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Social Work C.J. Cambre Librarian Emeritas David Reisman, Ph.D. Professor of Biological Science


Jeffrey Persels, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Language, Literature and Cultures Stephen Morgan, Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Bob Lawther, Ph.D. Associate Professor in Biological Science J. Patrick Hickey, Ph.D. Clinical Assistant Professor in Nursing Joseph (Joe) Quattro, Ph.D. Associate Professor in Biological and Marine Science Thomas Stanford, Ph.D. Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering Stephen Fenner, Ph.D. Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Staff Helen Fields Career Center Andy Fink University Housing Bob Harman University Housing Erica Lake Career Center Scott Kaplan Moore School of Business Pat Lardner Payroll Janis Leaphart Political Science Kim Lewis Student Engagement Maybry Limehouse Aerospace Studies Rodrick Moore, Ph.D. Student Life Ernest Pringle Information Technology Catherine Luthren HRSM Tucker Taylor Libraries Denis Wellman, Ph.D. Visitor Center Andrew Christopherson Development Jennifer Latino, Ph.D. University 101 Melissa Brannen Student Life Nicola Bell University Housing Zakiya Izzard University Housing Althea Counts Trio Programs Jason D. Coleman, Ph.D. Public Health Lance Dupre Libraries Lauren Martini Strom Thrumond Steven “Neil” Levens, Ph.D. Physics Leon Thomas Student Life Harrison Greenlaw Orientation Christopher Davidson University Housing Collin Crick Recruitment-HRSM LEGAL RESIDENCY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee hears appeals from administrative decisions determining eligibility or lack thereof for payment of tuition at residence rates. Membership Requirement: A member of the Systems Legal Department and a member of the Office of Financial Services serve as ex-officio members. It is useful to have members from the administration (particularly from Student Affairs familiar with financial aid) as part of the committee. Appointed by the President, this committee currently has seven faculty and staff members and two student members. Jerry Brewer Student Life Katherine Chaddock Education


Dale Moore Graduate School Tommy D. Preston Government and Community Relations Howard Stravitz, Chair Law Henry White, ex-officio Legal Office MICHAEL J. MUNGO DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF THE YEAR AWARD COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee recommends to the President the name of a faculty member to be considered for the Michael J. Mungo Distinguished Professor of the Year Award, given for outstanding teaching at the undergraduate level. Membership Requirement: The committee is appointed by the President and composed of seven AMOCO or Michael J. Mungo Distinguished Professor award winners and seven students who are recommended by the student body president with Student Senate approval. The Provost serves as an ex officio member. David G. Cowart (1987 winner) English Larry Durstine (2005 winner) Arnold School of Public Health Thomas Hilbish (2007 winner) Biological Sciences Steven Mann (1995 winner) Moore School of Business Sanjib R. Mishra (2008 winner) Physics and Astronomy James Roberts (2004 winner) Mathematics Richard Showman (1997 winner), Chair Biological Sciences Tangali S. Sudarshan(2006 winner) Engineering and Computing and Computing Vincent Van Brunt (2003 winner) Engineering and Computing and Computing Susan Anderson (2009 winner) Theatre and Dance Michael Amiridis Office of the Provost Lynn Boyd (undergraduate student) Sohan Patel (undergraduate student) (student) MICHAEL J. MUNGO GRADUATE TEACHING AWARD Purpose Statement: The committee recommends to the Provost the name of a faculty member to be considered for the Michael J. Mungo Graduate Teaching Award, given for outstanding teaching at the graduate level. Membership Requirements: Members are recipients of the Michael J. Mungo Graduate Teaching Award Kim Creek Medicine 2011 Christine Friend English 2011 Ralph Gothe Physics and Astronomy 2011 Ann Kingsolver, Chair Anthropology 2011 Manoj Malholtra Business 2011 Katherine Chaddock Education 2012 MICHAEL J. MUNGO UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING AWARD Purpose Statement: The committee recommends to the Provost the names of faculty members to be considered for the Michael J. Mungo Undergraduate Teaching Award, given for outstanding teaching at the undergraduate level. Membership Requirements: Members are recipients of the Michael J. Mungo Undergraduate Teaching Award


Robert Lyon, Chair Art 2011 JoAnne Herman Nursing 2011 Antonello Monti Engineering and Computing 2011 Ken Shimizu Chemistry and Biochemistry 2011 Grigory Simin Engineering and Computing 2011 Elise Blackwell English 2012 David Simmons Anthropology 2012 COMMITTEE ON NAMED AND DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORSHIPS Purpose Statement: The committee shall review nominations made by the deans for new chairs or professorships and nominations for reappointment to existing chairs or professorships. The committee shall also serve as an advisory committee to the President of the University on all chairs and named professorships, including Carolina Distinguished. Membership Requirement: The University Committee on Named and Distinguished Professorships shall be a committee of seven senior faculty appointed on staggered three-year terms by the President. Faculty eligible for appointment to this committee must be holders of chairs or professorships. Allan S. Brett Medicine (2010) F. Ladson Boyle Law (2010) David Owen, Chair Law (2010) Robert Jesselson Music (2010) Vladimir Temlyakov Mathematics (2010) Laura Walls English (2010) Susan Cutter Geography (2011) Susi Long Education (2012) Dan Littlefield History (2012) James Ritter Engineering (2012) ORIENTATION COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee serves as an advisory body in reviewing major changes considered in the student orientation program. Membership Requirement: Membership currently includes nine staff and faculty familiar with the student orientation program and two students. An individual from Enrollment Management serves as an ex officio member. Members are appointed by the President. Harrison S. Greenlaw, Chair Student Orientation Robert Askins Registration & Records James Burns South Carolina Honors College James Copenhaver Music Larry Durstine Exercise Science Helen Doerpinghaus Office of the Provost Scott King Admissions Lucille Mould Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Mary Ellen O'Leary Mathematics Robert Pruzin, ex-officio Chair, Associate/Assistant Deans' Council


OUTSTANDING FACULTY/STAFF ADVISOR AWARD COMMITTEE (Ada B. Thomas) Purpose Statement: The committee selects both faculty and staff recipients of the Ada B. Thomas Advising Award from submissions made from the student body and other members of the USC-Columbia faculty/staff community. Membership Requirement: The committee is appointed by the President and consists of six faculty and staff and six students recommended by the student body president with Student Senate approval. Larry Durstine, Faculty Exercise Science Eileen Korpita, Staff Pre-Professional Advising John Spurrier, Faculty Statistics Art Farlowe, Staff Journalism Clifton Fuhrman, Faculty Pharmacy Scott Goode, Faculty Chemistry and Biochemistry John Grady Sports and Entertainment Management Christine Curtis, ex-officio Office of the Provost Helen Doerpinghaus Office of the Provost Harriett Hurt, Chair Credit Programs Tom Leatherman Anthropology Melissa Lowe Darla Moore School of Business Courtney Roberts, Student Sport and Entertainment Management Kathy Smiling, Staff Criminology and Criminal Justice Richard Showman, Faculty Biological Sciences Donald Stowe, Faculty Hospitality, Retail, and Sport Management Leslie Wingard, Staff Moore School of Business OUTSTANDING FRESHMAN ADVOCATE COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee selects the winner of the University's annual Outstanding Freshman Advocate Award. Membership Requirement: Member is includes the director of the University 101 program, former winners, and 3 or 4 first-year students appointed by the president of the Student Government Association. Spencer Bennett University 101 Althea Counts TRIO Jennifer Jablonski, co-chair School of Music Jennifer Latino, co-chair University 101 Lucille Mould Languages, Literature, and Cultures Mary Ellen O’Leary Mathematics Katharine Pei University 101 Jennifer Powell University 101 Elizabeth Smith English Dan Friedman, co-chair University 101 Brittany Walls (Student) Zachary King (Student) (Student) (Student)


PARKING APPELLATE COURT Purpose Statement: The Parking Appellate Court reviews appeals and renders a decision on whether the citation issued by Parking Services is to be paid in full, reduced, or voided. All decisions are based on the Rules and Regulations of the University of South Carolina. Membership Requirement: The court is composed of faculty, staff, and students appointed by the Office of the President. Derrick Huggins, ex-officio Vehicle Management and Parking Services Caroline Allen Athletics Valerie Ashford African American Studies Janice Bell Human Resources Alice Doyle Social Work Joshua Garris Libraries Jayne Hatchell Business Affairs Thomas Hennix Accounting Services/Petigru Vanessa Hill Alumni Association Lisa Jerald Student Affairs Patsy Tanner, Chair South Carolina Honors College PARKING AND TRANSIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Derrick Huggins, ex-officio Vehicle Management and Parking Services Ernest Ellis, ex-officio Law Enforcement & Safety Lewis Burke Law David Cowen Geography Eva Evans Business and Finance Pete Liggett Counseling and Human Development Center Patsy Tanner Chair of Parking Services Appellant Court Ed Walton Planning and Budget UNIVERSITY PRESS COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee considers, approves, and monitors the publication of scholarly work. Membership Requirement: The committee should include people knowledgeable about publishing scholarly books. There are currently 11 members appointed by the President. Representatives from the Office of the Provost, the Business and Finance office, and University Libraries serve as ex officio members. Curtis Clark, ex-officio/Contact Press Director Arlene Andrews Social Work (2012) Andrew Billngsley Institute for Families in Society (2012) Walter Edgar Southern Studies (2012) Wanda Hendricks History (2012) Janette Turner Hospital English (2010) Daniel Littlefield History (2010) Steven Lynn English (2010) Stephanie Mitchem Religious Studies (2010)


Patrick Scott English/Library (2011) Richard Showman, Chair Biological Sciences (2011) Mark Smith History (2012) Robert Wilcox Law (2012) Tom McNally, ex-officio Dean of Libraries PRESTON RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: To provide advice, direction, and assistance to the Principal of the College. Membership Requirement: Committee membership is selected from college faculty associates, friends, residence life administrative staff, and includes ex-officio membership of the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and the Principal of Preston College Hal French, Chair Religious Studies Helen Doerpinghaus, ex-officio Provost's Office Becky Lewis English Kevin Lewis Religious Studies Kirsten Kennedy Housing Matthew Miller Mathematics Lucille Mould Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Ken Perkins History Margaret Perkins English Programs for Internationals Dan Sabia Political Science Jim Stiver, ex-officio Principal of Preston Marta Stiver, ex-officio Co-Principal of Preston PROVOST ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON WOMEN’S ISSUES Purpose Statement: The Provost’s Advisory Committee on Women’s Issues (PACWI) serves as an advocate for women faculty, staff, and students at the University of South Carolina in order to 1) assess current policies; 2) recommend new policies and procedures; 3) focus on areas that need improvement; and 4) provide opportunities to enhance the quality of the USC campus community. Membership Requirement: Because the committee is charged with representing a diverse group of women, faculty, staff, and students, committee membership should include faculty, staff, and graduate students for three year terms. In order to support the tenure and promotion of women faculty, assistant professors are normally not appointed. Members are invited by the Provost to serve on the committee. Ruth Abercrombie, Staff UTS (2011) Elise Ahyi, Staff Office of the Provost (2012) Sally Boyd, Faculty Credit Programs (2010) Melissa Brannen, Staff Student Affairs (2010) Michelle Burcin, Staff Division of Student Affairs (2012) Susan Cate, Staff Public Health (2011) Kim Connoly, Faculty Law School (2012) Christine Curtis, Faculty* Office of the Provost Michelle Dames, Staff Arts and Sciences (2010) Pearl Fernandes, Faculty Biology, USC Sumter (2011) Helen Fields, Staff Engineering and Computing (2010) Nancy Freeman, Faculty Instruction and Teacher Education (2010)


Sarah Gassman Engineering and Computing (2012) Rhittie Gettone, Staff African American Professors Program (2010) Melissa Kupfer, Staff History (2010) Christine Lotter, Faculty College of Education (2012) Leanne Mallach, Staff Moore School of Business (2009) Eva Monsma, Faculty, Co- chair Physical Education (2010) Lucille Mould, Faculty Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (200?) Beth Powers-Costello, Faculty College of Education (2012) Jo Anne Regan, Faculty Social Work (2012) Brooke Roper, Staff Office of Pre-Professional Advising (2011) Sheryl Russell, Faculty Counseling and Human Development Ctr. (2011) Lani San Antonio, Staff Housing and Residential Services (2010) Veda Sargent Campus Recreation (2010) Renee Shaffer, Staff UTS (2011) Terrie Smith, Faculty Business Administration, USC Sumter (200?) Pamela Stansberry, Staff UTS (2010) Sandy Tomes, Staff Career Center (2011) Feili Tu, Faculty Library and Information Science (2012) Lauren Vincent, Co-Chair Student Health Services (2011) Nicole Zarrett, Faculty Psychology (2012) Kara Montgomery Public Health (2012) *ex-officio members PROVOST’S REGIONAL CAMPUSES ACADEMIC ADVISORY COUNCIL Purpose Statement: The Provost's Advisory Council provides recommendations regarding the academic mission of the University and academic issues affecting more than one campus to the President, Provost, or other committees and governing bodies. The Council is constituted and its business conducted at the will of the Provost. Membership Requirement: The Council is composed of the chair of the Regional Campuses Faculty Senate, two faculty representatives from each of the Regional Campuses, and two faculty representatives from Continuing Education Academic Credit Programs. Representatives are elected for two-year terms. Michael Amiridis, ex-officio Provost Chris Plyler System Affairs Patrick Saucier Extended University Chris Nesmith Extended University Danny Faulkner Lancaster Lisa Hammond Lancaster (2010) Maureen Anderson Salkehatchie Roberto Refinetti Salkehatchie (2010) Pearl Fernandes Sumter (2010) Hayes Hampton Sumter (2010) Denise Shaw Union (2010) Thomas Simpson Union (2010) Mary Hjelm Regional Campuses Faculty Senate Chair (2011)


RADIATION SAFETY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: To oversee and regulate the usage of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; to recommend policies pertaining to the use of radioactive materials and equipment capable of producing ionizing and non-ionizing radiation to the Health and Safety Oversight Committee; to review all proposed procedures for research involving the use of radioactive materials. Membership Requirement: The committee shall consist of the radiation safety officer and faculty members appointed by the President or Provost who are qualified by training or expertise in the safe use of radioactive materials and/or ionizing or non-ionizing radiation. Hans-Conrad zur Loye Chemistry and Biochemistry David Adcock Radiology Troy Baudino School of Medicine Tom Syfert, ex-officio Environmental Health and Safety Margaret Hunt, Chair Microbiology & Immunology W. Stephen Kistler Chemistry and Biochemistry Travis Knight Engineering and Computing Deanna Smith Biological Sciences Theresa Smith Pharmacy Daniel Zurosky, ex-officio Radiation Safety REGISTRATION COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Registration Committee reviews procedures and problems associated with registration processes, and makes appropriate recommendations to the administration. Membership Requirement: The committee is comprised of 20-25 faculty/staff and 2 students. The chair of the Assistant and Associate Deans Council is always a member. Members represent stakeholders in the registration process and are appointed by the Provost upon recommendation by the University Registrar, who serves as chairperson. Barbara Rogers Blaney, Chair University Registrar Marianne Agholm Computer Services Robert Askins Registrar’s Office Stacey Bradley Student Affairs Jennifer Burr Registrar’s Office Steve Adams Distance Education Susan Weir Student Affairs Jeanette Ford Medicine Robert Godfrey Financial Aid and Scholarships Harrison Greenlaw Orientation and Testing Vivian Grice USC Aiken David Hunter Regional Campuses & Continuing Education Romona Keith Law Aaron Marterer USC Beaufort Ed Miller Financial Aid Dale Moore Graduate School Kathryn Murphy USC Upstate Robert Pruzin Chair, Associate and Assistant Deans’ Council Joseph Taylor Financial Services Scott Verzyl Undergraduate Admissions


Carolos Osorio (student) (student) (student) (student) COMMITTEE ON RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Purpose Statement: The Religious Affairs Committee oversees the religious life programs on campus and makes such recommendations to the President as may be appropriate. 1)Make recommendations to the President on formal petitions for recognition of campus religious workers submitted by denominations, religions, and other religious groups; 2) receives annual reports from recognized religious workers on campus and publishes the list of such workers annually; 3) receives complaints concerning recognized religious workers, determine if the University regulations have been violated, and recommend remedial or other disciplinary actions, including revocation of recognition, if required. Jerry Brewer, ex-officio Student Life Frank Anderson Lutheran Campus Ministry John Cook Presbyterian Student Association Chaden Djalali Physics and Astronomy Cecile Holmes Journalism and Mass Communications William Lingle Pharmacy Rodrick Moore Multicultural Student Affairs Frank Avery (student) Aaron Miller (student) RETENTION COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Retention Committee is to provide campus leadership in the study and promotion of student retention, progression, academic success, and degree completion at the University of South Carolina's Columbia campus. Membership Requirement: The Retention Committee consists of faculty, staff, and student representatives from across campus. Susan Weir, Co-Chair Student Success Center Scott Goode, Co-Chair Chemistry and Biochemistry Julia Bellon Registrar’s Office Stacey Bradley Student Affairs Michelle Burcin Healthy Carolina Jim Clark Honors College Althea Counts TRIO Collin Crick HRSM Al Daniel Athletics Art Farlowe Psychology Jimmie Gahagan University Housing Demetrius Harris Financial Aid and Scholarship Dawn Hiller College of Arts and Sciences Mike Hix Career Center Julie Holliday Academic Success Initiatives Kristen Kennedy Housing and Judicial Programs Loren Knapp College of Arts and Sciences


Jennifer Latino University 101 Kim Lewis Student Engagement Julia Licorish Student Conduct Melissa Lowe Moore School of Business Kate Lynch Student Success Center Aaron Marterer Registrar’s Office Michael McCall Arts & Sciences Phil Moore Institutional Planning and Assessment Rodrick Moore Multicultural Student Affairs Lucille Mould Languages, Literatures and Cultures Mike Perkins Engineering and Computing Karen Pettus Student Disability Services Heather Porter HESA Claire Robinson University Housing Asheley Schryer Student Success Center Angela Street Student Success Center John Valentine Institutional Assessment and Compliance Courtney Worsham Dominique Grate (student) Brandon Gates (student) RUSSELL AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION RESEARCH AWARDS COMMITTEES Purpose Statement: The four separate selection committees (Humanities and Social Sciences; Science, Mathematics and Engineering and Computing; Health Sciences; and Professional Schools) select the awards to be presented to full-time, tenure-track faculty Membership Requirement: There are five members on each selection committee appointed by the provost. Russell Research Award, and USC Educational Foundation Research Award for Humanities and Social Sciences Stan Dubinsky English (2010) Allen Miller Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (2010) Lawrence Glickman, Chair History (2010) Virginia Scotchie Art (2011) Nicholas Vazsonyi Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (2012) Russell Research Award, and USC Educational Foundation Research Award for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering and Computing Hans-Conrad zur Loye Chemistry/Biochemistry (2010) Asif Khan, Chair Engineering and Computing (2010) Laszlo A. Szeleky Mathematics (2010) Sarah Woodin Biological Sciences (2010) Hanif Chaudhry Engineering (2012) Michael Angel Chemistry/ Biochemistry (2012) USC Educational Foundation Research Award for Health Sciences Alexander McDonald Medicine (2010) Russ Pate Public Health (2010)


Alvin Fox Medicine (2010) Jeannette Jerrell, Chair Medicine (2010) Marlene Wilson Medicine (2011) J. Mark Davis Exercise Science (2012) USC Educational Foundation Research Award for Professional Schools Huynh Huynh Education (2010) David Owen Law (2010) Manjo Malhotra Business (2011) Kendall Roth, Chair Business (2011) UNIVERSITY SAFETY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: This committee will help coordinate various organizations concerned with safety, advocate to the University Administration, disseminate information, and educate the USC Community on necessary precautions to safeguard lies and property. Membership Requirements: This committee consists of USC faculty and staff appointed annually by the University Provost, plus at least two students. It is beneficial to include representatives from Housing, Facilities Management, Law Enforcement, Environmental Health and Safety, Student and Alumni Services, and Health and Wellness on this committee. Andy Fink, Chair Kenneth Adams Law Enforcement and Safety Sally Boyd Continuing Education Academic Credit Programs Kim Dozier Student Life Jim Demarest Facilities Management Calvin Gallman Police Department Eric Grabski University Police Department William Harley Environmental Health and Safety Peter Liggett Counseling and Human Development Center Frank Mims Facilities Management James Pou University Libraries Tommy Preston Government and Community Relations Jerome Provence Facilities Management Ernest Ellis Law Enforcement and Safety Merideth Ross (Student Body President) Stephanie Ey (student) Brantly Hancock (student) Adam Tate (student) SCHOLARSHIP AND FINANCIAL AID COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The committee oversees the policies associated with general University scholarships. It also hears reports from the financial aid staff on all phases of financial aid administration. The committee delegates subcommittees to hear student appeals. These appeals are generally associated with student athlete grant-in-aid eligibility as required by the NCAA, as well as those from students who are failing to meet the University's policy for maintaining satisfactory academic progress for financial aid eligibility.


Membership Requirement: Appointed by the President, the committee consists of nine to twelve faculty and staff (currently there are eleven) as well as three students. The Director of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, the Bursar, and the Assistant Vice Provost for Enrollment Management serve as ex officio members. Jim Copenhaver Music (2010) Mike Dickson Pharmacy (2010) Susan Parlier Social Work (2010) Jim Burns, Chair South Carolina Honors College (2010) Jim Hunter Theatre and Dance (2010) Mary Ellen O’Leary Mathematics (2010) Mike Perkins Engineering and Computing (2011) Douglas Meade Mathematics (2011) Lowndes Stephens Mass Communications & Info Studies (2011) Ed Miller, ex-officio Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Helen Doerpinghaus, ex-officio Office of the Provost Scott Verzyl, ex-officio Undergraduate Admissions Joseph Taylor, ex-officio Financial Services Renay White (undergraduate student) Jamiko Cooper (undergraduate student) (student) SOUTH CAROLINA HONORS COLLEGE POLICY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Policy Committee must approve all changes to the rules contained in the SCHC Handbook (Handbook for Students and Advisors). In addition, the Dean may seek the advice of the Policy Committee on other matters pertaining to the general operations of the Honors College. Membership Requirement: The Policy Committee is a group of USC faculty and staff appointed annually by the University Provost, plus two students appointed by the President of the Student Government Association. In addition, the President of the Student Honors Council serves, ex officio. Sally Boyd, Chair Academic Credit Programs Kirsten Kennedy Housing and Judicial Programs Ann Kingsolver Anthropology Loren Knapp Biological Sciences Eileen Korpita Pre-professional Advising Manoj Malhotra Business Melissa Moss Engineering and Computing Mary Ellen O’Leary Mathematics Richard Showman Biological Sciences Mary Wagner Admissions Davis Baird, ex-officio South Carolina Honors College Jim Burns, ex-officio South Carolina Honors College Edward Munn Sanchez, ex-officio South Carolina Honors College Briana Timmerman, ex-officio South Carolina Honors College

President, Honors College Council Nick Riley (student) Jeet Gurum (student)


COMMITTEE ON SPECIAL ADMISSIONS Purpose Statement: The Committee makes decisions regarding admission for a limited number of candidates for undergraduate admission who do not meet the University's prevailing normal admission standards. Nominations for special admission can be made by University administrators at the levels of President, Vice-President, including the Director of Athletics, and Deans. Membership Requirement: Appointed by the President William Bearden Business, Faculty Athletics Representative Helen Doerpinghaus Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies Raymond Harrison Academic Support, Department of Athletics Scott Verzyl, Chair Undergraduate Admissions STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS, BOARD OF Purpose Statement: The Board ensures the maintenance of the highest standards in the operation of student media. In this regard, the Board has responsibility for handling grievances relating to the student media. The budgets and expenditures of such media are also overseen by the Board. Membership Requirement: The Board will consist of seven voting members, three from the faculty and four from the student body. Additionally, the following will be ex-officio members without a vote: The Daily Gamecock, Garnet & Black, WUSC-FM, SGTV, Secretary of the Board and the faculty advisers. Jerry Brewer, ex-officio, (contact) Student Life Erik Collins, ex-officio Journalism and Mass Communications Cecile Holmes Journalism and Mass Communications Catherine Keyser English Joe Milutis Media Art Harvie Nachlinger Journalism and Mass Communications Marius Valdes Art Shirley Staples Carter Journalism and Mass Communications Maria Culbertson Student 2010 Brad Maxwell Student Jade McDuffie Student STUDENT-TRUSTEE LIAISON COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Student-Trustee Liaison committee shall consist of not less than four members nor more than eight members of the Board appointed by the Executive Committee following the August board meeting of each even year. The members so appointed shall elect a Chairman of the Committee at the first scheduled meeting following such appointment. The term of the Committee Chairman shall be for two years from the date of election until the appointment of committees by the Executive Committee in the next even year. The Committee Chairman shall be eligible to succeed himself for not more than one additional, consecutive term. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the Committee Chairman, the remaining members of the Committee shall elect a new Committee Chairman to complete the term of the vacating Committee Chairman at the first meeting of the Committee following the occurrence of such vacancy. Such service in completing a term shall not


limit the Board member so elected from serving two additional consecutive terms as Chairman as provided above. The Committee shall meet from time to time with the student government presidents of each System campus. Chuck Allen Board of Trustees Egerton Burroughs Board of Trustees Eddie Floyd Board of Trustees Wes Jones Board of Trustees Amy Stone, Chair Board of Trustees Miles Loadholt, ex-officio Board of Trustees Sam Foster, ex-officio Board of Trustees Meredith Ross (Student Body President) Alex Stroman (Student Body Vice President) Ebbie Yazdani (Student Body Treasurer) UNIVERSITY 101 ACADEMIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Paul Beasley TRIO Programs Jim Burns South Carolina Honors College Loren Knapp Arts and Sciences Helen Doerpinghaus, ex-officio Office of the Provost Dan Friedman University 101, Director Harrison Greenlaw Orientation & Testing Walt Hanclosky Art Stuart Hunter University 101, Exec. Director and Asst. Vice Provost Jennifer Keup University 101/NRC Eileen Korpita Pre-Professional Advising Jennifer Latino University 101, Assistant Director Jed Lyons Mechanical Engineering and Computing Kim McMahon Russell House Philip Moore Institutional Planning and Assessment Mike Perkins Engineering and Computing and Computing Susan Weir Student Success Center David Whiteman Political Science Meredith Ross SGA Representative Jonathan Dusenbury (student, peer leader) VEHICLE ACCIDENT REVIEW BOARD Jeff Cargile Human Resources Ernie Ellis Law Enforcement & Safety Michael W. Findley USC Aiken Eric Grabski University Police Department Derrick Huggins, contact Vehicle Management and Parking Jerome Provence Facilities Management Hank Sully Housing Thomas Syfert Health and Safety Programs Bobby Welbourn USC Upstate


VETERAN STUDENT SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Veterans Student Services Advisory Committee is to gather information relative to the interests or needs of current or prospective veteran students, and to make recommendations for improving or expanding services for or policy related to veteran students at the University of South Carolina. Membership Requirements: The committee must be composed of staff, faculty, or students at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, including Fr. Jackson, whose professional or personal background or interest may inform the University in this capacity. Mary David Fox University Registrar Michael Koman Housing (2010) Peter Liggett Counseling and Human Development (2011) Jacob Rivers Veteran Services (2011) John Kindred Exercise Science Chris Dooley Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Debbie Beck Student Health Services Angela Street Student Success Initiatives Connie Vise Fort Jackson Center Chris Smith Student Representatives Karen Pettus; Chair Student Development/Disability Services Barbara Rogers Blaney Office of the University Registrar Chris Smith Student Samuel Wellborn Student WOMEN'S FACULTY ORGANIZATION STEERING COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Women’s Faculty Organization Steering Committee is to adhere to the mission of the organization, to develop and sustain a community of all women faculty scholars at the University of South Carolina, by planning workshops and events for the members of the organization. Christine Blake Arnold School of Public Health Sally Boyd Extended University Elizabeth Costello Education Christine Curtis Office of the Provost Darcy Freedman Social Work Maria Girardi Mathematics Karen Heid Art Danielle Holley-Walker Law Michelle Jay Education Camelia Knapp Earth and Ocean Sciences Susan Kuo Law Val Littlefiled History Melissa Moss Chemical Engineering Catherine Packer Education Sara Schwebel English Teresa Smith Business Administration, USC Sumter Myriam Torres Arnold School of Public Health Qiana Whitted English Sheryl Wiskur Chemistry and Biochemistry


WOMEN'S GENDER STUDIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Purpose Statement: The Women’s Studies Advisory Committee is made up of Affiliate Faculty from various schools/colleges and departments. Members are appointed by the Director of Women’s Studies for three year terms. These individuals advise the Director on a variety of issues and take action on Affiliate Faculty applications. Drucilla K. Barker, Chair Women’s Studies Paulette Jiménez, ex-officio Women’s Studies Marjorie Spruill History (2010) Krista Van Fleit Hang Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (2011) J. Daniel Jenkins School of Music (2011) Lisa L. Lindley Health Promotion, Education & Behavior (2011) Laura Kotti (graduate student)