2008 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference

Post on 17-Nov-2014

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Transcript of 2008 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference

2008 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference

“Who Needs a Dentist?”

How you can prevent cavities without going to dental school

“Who Needs a Dentist?”

Gretchen K. Henson, DDS



Dental Myths

Sugar causes cavities Brushing your teeth prevents

cavities Coca-cola will melt your teeth You must floss daily Chocolate is bad for your teeth Braces don’t help prevent cavities

Did you know??

Your toothbrush can make you sick Some toothpastes can

damage your teeth Bleaching gels will not weaken enamel Cavities can be stopped or reversed Genetics play a huge role in the health of

your teeth You can do more to prevent tooth decay than

a dentist can

The Basics

Dirty Teeth + Time + Susceptibility




Tooth Timeline

20 teeth

No fluoride until age 3

Highly susceptible to sugars

Fall out between 5 – 14 years old

Baby Teeth

Mixed DentitionNeed fluoride every night

Avoid full strength juice / soda

Discontinue thumb / finger habits

Adult Teeth Brush at night completely


Avoid sipping sugared drinks

Which foods affect your teeth


Energy Drinks


Sports Drinks




So What is Good to eat?

Clean it Up!

all you need . . . .


Cavities are an

infectious disease caused

by specific bacteria

Fluoride Varnish+

Chlorhexidine Rinse

Fluoride Varnish

Apply 1 -2 times per year

Chlorhexidine Rinse

Swish for 30 seconds at

bedtime for 2 weeks

Repeat 4 times a year

+Dirty TeethClean Teeth Susceptibility(Genetics)

Fluoride Varnish


Gum Disease Swelling


Bad Breath


Shifting teeth

Gum Recession

Loose teeth

Tarter Build up




Bad Bite

Heart Disease


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Handling Dental Problems

Toothaches Ibuprofen

every 4 hours

up to 800mg

Cool or Heat packs as needed

Over the counter temporary filling

Sample OTC Meds

Swollen Gums

Salt Water Rinses

Brush & Floss thoroughly

Massage gums with a clean finger

Sensitive Teeth

Minimize acidic foods

Clean teeth completely before

sleeping Don’t chew ice

Use a straw

Chew sugarless gum


Re-implant within the hour

Hold in mouth or milk

Vertical fractures cannot be repaired


Rampant cavities

Damage continues when drug use stops

No “predictable” treatment

Sample Cases

Its more than just pain & infection control. . . . . . .


• Brush every night • Use a straw • Chew sugarless gum• Don’t chew ice• Ibuprofen for pain• All OTC products are the same• Drug damage can be irreversible

Questions ?

Gretchen K. Henson, DDSdr@hensondds.com480-783-7192