2008 Contact Prec Sign Landscape

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 2008 Contact Prec Sign Landscape

VISITORS – Report to Nurse BEFORE entering.VISITANTES - Favor de Reportarse a la Enfermeras Antes de Entrar.

Perform hand hygiene before entering and before leaving room.

Gloves are indicated for all that enter the room.

Gowns are indicated for all that enter the room.

Masks are needed if close to the patient (within 3 feet).

Remove gloves, gown, and mask in the room.

Use patient-dedicated or single-use disposable equipment OR clean and disinfect shared equipment (BP cuff, thermometers) between patients.

Los visitantes deben presentarse primero al puesto de enfermeria antes de entrar. Lávese las manos. Póngase guantes al entrar al cuarto.

See also IC Manual or call the Infection Control Nurse.

Contact Precautions (In addition to Standard Precautions)

Precauciones Por Infecciones de Contacto(ademas de Precauciones Normales)