2007 National Healthcare Leadership Conference PDFs/June 11/Pier 3... · 2007 National Healthcare...

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Transcript of 2007 National Healthcare Leadership Conference PDFs/June 11/Pier 3... · 2007 National Healthcare...

Leadership Development

& Succession Planning:

Lessons from the Field

2007 National Healthcare

Leadership Conference



� Health Leaders Institute (HLI)

� Dorothy M Wylie Nursing Leadership Institute (DMW-NLI)

� Presenters� Judith Skelton Green, RN, PhD, FCCHSE

� Claire Mallette, RN, PhD

� Beverley Simpson, RN, BSN, MSc, CMC.

� Julia Scott, RN, BA, MBA, CMC.


Origins &

Key Features



� Increasing evidence of leadership crisis

� Size of the talent pool

� Succession planning

� Skill set

� Developmental & support opportunities

� Ontario MOHLTC seed monies for DMW-NLI (2001)

� Great success with DMW-NLI

� Many requests from otherhealth professionals for comparable offering


Key Features

� Multi-person registration� Either established leader & emerging leader

� To support succession planning

� Or co-leaders working together in some capacity� To support collaboration & teamwork

� Three streams of learning� Conceptual framework (institute colleagues)� Change initiatives (co-registrants)� Personal development (individuals)

� Residential� Great location!� One week + 2-day follow-up



• personal integrity & professional identity

• lived experience

• personal and professional supports

• responsibility & accountability

• lifelong learning

• resilience & self-care


• self-knowledge

• self-management

• social awareness

• relationship management


• modelling the way

• inspiring shared vision

• challenging the process

• enabling others to act

• encouraging the heart


(Intra & Inter-disciplinary; Intra & Inter-agency;

Cross-sectoral; Cross-continuum)

• trust and respect

• partnering and sharing

• role clarity and role optimization

• power and interdependency

• constructive controversy


(Individual, Family, Group, Community)

• respect, responsiveness, & client advocacy

• strong interdisciplinary and service teams

• shared responsibility for care

& outcomes

• simplified and streamlined

structures and processes

• client and staff satisfaction

HLI Conceptual Framework © 2005









DMW-NLI Conceptual Framework © 2003, R 2005





• Political & Health Environment Knowledge

• Human & Organizational Behaviour

• Consumer & Community Responsiveness

• Resource Management

• Results Management

• Personal Integrity

• Emotional Intelligence

• Self-Knowledge

• Self-Management

• Social Awareness

• Relationship Management

• Lifelong Learning

• Work-life Balance

• Practice Entry

• Scope of Practice

• Standards of Practice

• Practice Guidelines

• Maintenance of Competency

• Professionalism

• Quality Practice Settings

• Modelling the Way

• Inspiring Shared Vision

• Challenging the Process

• Enabling Others to Act

• Encouraging the Heart


Leading Change Framework © 2003

Being Strategic Engaging People

Managing the Project

Change Initiative

Vision, ValuesPurpose and


Stakeholders and Team Members



& Monitoring



� Experiential learning

� Link theory and practice

� Collaborative learning

� Take home models and tools

� Challenging, stimulating, valuable

� Fun!





Strategic Alliances

Nursing Health Services Research Unit, University of Toronto


CCHSE Strategic Alliance– Benefits for HLI & DMW-NLI graduates

� For individuals who meet the requirements for Certified Health Executive (CHE) membership, who wish to pursue their CHE status, & who meet the CHE eligibility requirements� A reduced rate

� 10 MOC II credits

� Possibility of using home-based project as the basis

for one of Self-Directed Learning papers

� For CHE/FCCHSE members� 10 MOC II credits



From several perspectives


Making a Difference


The Numbers

� Institutes

� 12 DMW Institutes completed; 2 HLI

� Participants

� >1000 in DMW; approx 150 in HLI

� Coast to Coast to Coast

� Most Canadian jurisdictions

� Broad range of roles, sectors, demographics

� Organizational Benefits

� >500 projects


Educational/Research Support (DWNLI)





Funded Places

$193,250Total + Several Research Studies


$13,000DMW-NLI 2-for-1 Prize Draw

$63,500CIHR/CHSRF Awards

$58,750Bursaries (small organizations without educational budget; 2-for-1)



Feedback from Participants (DMW-NLI)

� The Institute .. required me to look within myself; it challenged and inspired me to look at my own beliefs and leadership style, and provided me with superb role models and a different approach to my work” Muriel Hindle, Patient Care Manager, Grey Bruce Health Services

� I most appreciated the presentations, the chance to exchange ideas with co-workers from different fields, the discussions with the facilitators who made themselves available and brought a reflective style to their feedback. Jocelyne Albert, Montreal Childrens’ Hospital, Quebec

� I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with those back home! Krista Rigby, IWK Health Centre, Nova Scotia

� It’s rare to find a combination of terrific content and value-added experiential learning. Tracey Davey, Regional Director, Niagara Health System


Feedback from Participants (DMW-NLI) … cont’d

� A phenomenal venue for gaining and sharing leadership theory and passion. Helga Bryant, Vice

President and CNO, Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre

� The energy and desire to work towards a better future that developed between the experienced and emerging leaders reminded me of why I chose nursing as a life long career". Barbara Oke,

Executive Director, First Nations & Inuit Health Branch

� Invigorating! Arden Krystal, Executive Director, Burnaby Hospital,

Fraser Health Authority


Feedback from Participants (HLI)� A wonderful opportunity to encounter true leaders and visionaries in

the health care field. It is both an instructive and interactive experience which challenges leaders to see the possibilities rather than the barriers.

Lori Issenman, Chief of Social Work Practice, Hamilton Health Sciences Centre

� Wonderful opportunity and experience… fun, unique, inspiring, thought-provoking, futuristic, energizing! Great people. So glad I gotto participate.

Robin Gilman, Manager, Food & Nutrition, Collingwood General & Marine Hospital

� An excellent environment and opportunity to reflect inwardly and grow outwardly. Geoff Piers, Organizational Health Coordinator, Annapolis Valley Health

� The HLI provided me with the impetus to move forward and successfully complete my project. It affirmed my confidence in my leadership skills while inspiring me to embrace change and challenge processes.

Sally Spence, Manager, Children`s Treatment Centre, Sudbury Regional Hospital


Feedback from Participants (HLI) … cont’d

� I have come from the HLI education opportunity feeling energized, more capable, and richer, helping me substantially in my life-long leadership journey.

Mike Kampen, Chief Respiratory Therapy Practice, Hamilton Health Sciences

� The new materials I acquired, the variety of different perspectives on leadership, the opportunity to meet and work with people from other disciplines were wonderful.

Karen Lue-Kim, Supervisor, Community Health Programs, Department of Healthand Social Services, Qikiqtarjuak Region, Nunavut.

� I learned that leadership can be learned and nurtured, and that leadership done well can make great improvements for patients.

Fiona Campbell, Prof. Practice Leader, Physiotherapy, St Joseph’s Health Centre

� The HLI offers a unique and rich context to dialogue with knowledgeable and highly skilled leaders in health care. It is this particular mix of content and context that provides such an amazing learning opportunity.

Fidelma Serediuk, Chief Physiotherapy Practice, Hamilton Health Sciences



� Study of first DMW-NLI cohort� DMW-NLI intervention “effective in strengthening

leadership behaviors performed by both established and aspiring nurse leaders from the perspective of observers”.

� 3-year longitudinal study under way on successive DMW-NLI cohorts - tracking � Leadership Practices Inventory

� Job satisfaction, Intention to turnover

� Conditions of work effectiveness

� Global and total empowerment

� Career trajectory


Feedback from Employers

� As part of our leadership development strategy at [Winnipeg] HSC we recently sponsored two of our site Allied Health directors to attend the Health Leaders' Institute. I have been very impressed with the quality of this program and the enthusiasm it has generated in our staff, who are well underway with their collaborative project.

Helen Clark, Chief Allied Health Officer, Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre

� This is a great program that I intend to recommend, and would like to position more strategically in our talent management efforts.

Elaine Aimone, Director Organization Effectiveness/Risk Management, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute


Insights from Key Employers

� A variety of approaches are used to identify participants

� Strategic, e.g. to build a critical mass, those working on priority projects or ideas, team building, to develop those new to leadership roles, or those who are not in a formal management role but are emerging leaders, those who have supported previous strategic change

� Opportunistic, e.g. people who display initiative, respond to a call, come forward with energy, ideas and commitment

� Many organizations are making a commitment to send either all of their current and prospective leaders over time, or choosing groups of colleagues who work together (programs, etc.)

� Other organizations are sending all of the members of a leadership team together


Insights from Key Employers … cont’d

� Organizations provide a variety of supports to attendees� Paid time and travel (may be through operating budget or funded

by foundation or other resources)

� Time to work on projects

� Meetings with senior leaders prior to attending the Institute, to � review their expectations for complete involvement in the week

� discuss projects, how to prepare, encourage them to call back during the week if project unfolds differently than anticipated during the week etc.

� Opportunities to debrief and discuss project accomplishments

� Requiring participants to share experiences through management or program committees, quality councils, mini-retreats, display of posters, presentation at ground rounds, etc.

� Some organizations have found ways to send more people by redirecting educational bursaries traditionally spent in a other ways


Insights from Key Employers … cont’d

� Suggestions for leveraging learning of participants

� Participants come back energized and appreciative of the opportunity, rejuvenated. They tend to be empowered personally & professionally and perceive their organization as supportive.

� Over time, organizations that have sent multiple attendees have been able to leverage the K&P practices and further develop a cadre of people with leadership skills.

� Several commented that they felt there were opportunities to further keep the momentum going, through profiling projects and their impact on the organization.

� Some organizations are looking for ways to link with other opportunities, e.g., RNAO leadership fellowship, linkage with local universities/encouragement of attendees & their non-attendee colleagues to further their academic education.


Spreading the word

� Specific examples:� Annapolis Valley Health District has adopted Kouzes &

Posner as it’s official leadership framework; trained allmanagers in basic K&P competencies; and developed a group of champions to support broad use of the framework

� Winnipeg Regional Health Authority has used the DMW-NLI framework to develop a comprehensive leadership framework, defined competencies and behaviours.

� Next steps involve linking to performance management processes including self reflection, learning plan, etc.

� St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hamilton is pursuing a linkage with a local University to develop a nurse ambassador program with a leadership component to link front line staff, advanced practice nurses and faculty.


Spreading the word

� Specific examples (cont’d):

� Kingston General Hospital has explicitly articulated the leadership competencies within the professional practice model; have developed the infrastructure for moving this forward via intra-professional & nursing councils

� Hospital for Sick Children has developed nursing leadership principles and evolved them to an intra-professional model.

� Development of collegial relationships across the country –one table group who attended the Institute from a variety of organizations continues to connect on practice issues.

� Some home-based projects have been replicated in other units or settings



in Canada

is taking legs!


Initiatives - examples

� RRU Centre for Health Leadership & Research

� BC Nursing Leadership Institute

� Gov’t funded project X 3 yr

� 3 offerings/year; Many features similar to DMW

� Application into CHSRF REISS grants for evaluation study

� Several universities offering certificates & Master’s level programs in Health Leadership

� CHSRF funding a number of research programs & roundtables


Strategic Partnerships - examples

� CHLNet: an ad-hoc "coalition of the willing" resolved to initiate work toward addressing the issues through the creation of a Canadian Health Leadership Network

� Started 2006

� CHSRF funding for survey & focus groups

� Identifying core health leadership competencies

� Athabasca University with CCHSE

� DND with CCHSE & RRU



Your turn!


Discussion Question

� There are many different models of leadership development!

� What approaches are you using? What are the pros and cons?

� What else would you like to be doing?

For more information

and contact data:www.healthleaders.ca
