2007 Bearcat Volleyball

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2007 Willamette University Volleyball media guide

Transcript of 2007 Bearcat Volleyball

Willamette UniversityMedia Guide

Volleyball 2007


the place forScholars & Champions

Willamette Volleyball 2007

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General Information

Bearcat VolleyballQuick Facts

Head Coach .............................................Tricia Wright Willamette Record........................ 53-70 (6th year) Alma Mater ............University of La Verne, 1990 OfficePhone ..................................(503) 370-6230Assistant Coach ................................ Megan Johnston OfficePhone ..................................(503) 370-6219Assistant Coach ...............................Traci StephensonConference Championships ...................................... 6Years Won ........................................ 1979, 1992, 1993 1994, 1995, 19962006 Overall Record ..............................................4-222006 NWC Record .............................0-16 (9th place)PlayersReturning/Lost ..........................................9/5StartersReturning/Lost .........................................4/2Starting Libero Lost .................................................... 1

Location ...................................................... Salem, OregonFounded ........................................................................ 1842Enrollment .............1,943Undergraduate;2,628OverallPresident ................................................Dr.M.LeePeltonDeanof CampusLife.................Dr. Robert HawkinsonFacultyAthleticRepresentative ....................... Jerry GrayDirector of Athletics ...................................Mark MajeskiNickname ...............................................................BearcatsColors ............................................Cardinal and Old GoldNationalAffiliation ...........................NCAA Division IIIConference .....................Northwest Conference (NWC)Arena (Capacity) .....................ConeFieldHouse(2,500)Assistant Athletic Director ......................... JudyGordonAssistant Athletic Director .............Dr. R. Skip KenitzerAdministrative Assistant ............................. Leslie WrightHead Athletic Trainer ....................................Shane WibelAssistant Athletic Trainer............................. Erin ScharerAssistant Athletic Trainer.................................Ken SmithAthletics Marketing Coord. .................. Megan JohnstonAthletics Comm. Director ..................Robert McKinneyAthleticsComm.Phone ........................... (503) 370-6110Athletics Comm. E-mail ...... rmckinne@willamette.eduAthleticsDepartmentPhone .................. (503) 370-6420Athletics Department FAX ..................... (503) 370-6379Athletics Web Site ............www.willamette.edu/athletics

Table of ContentsGeneral Information ........................................................1Willamette University ................................................... 2-3Willamette Administration ...............................................4Athletics Department .......................................................4NCAA Division III ...........................................................5Northwest Conference .....................................................5Head Coach Tricia Wright ...............................................6Assistant Coaches ..............................................................7PlayerProfiles .............................................................. 8-15Willamette Sports Medicine...........................................152007 Bearcat Volleyball Roster ......................................16Bearcat Volleyball Records ............................................172006 Willamette Statistics ..............................................18CommunityService.........................................................19The City of Salem, Oregon ...........................................20WU Athletic Facilities ..................................................IBC2007WillametteSchedule .........................................OBC

Willamette General Information

The2007WillametteUniversityVolleyballMediaGuidewaswritten,designedandeditedbyRobertMcKinney,athleticscomm.director, with assistance from Neil Patel, assistant athletics comm. director. Cover Photos: Center Photo — The Bearcatscelebrate a big play on the court;Outside Photos (Clockwise fromUpper Left): JessicaDurham (Jr.) serves; Julie Stutzman(So.)prepares for an attack; JordynSmith (Sr.) leaps as shehits theball;BrittanyAshby (Jr.)provides a set;KelleyLindstrom(Jr.)recordsadig;HeadCoachTriciaWrightfollowstheaction;ChristineDion(So.)serves.InsideFrontCover(ClockwisefromMiddleTop):WallerHall on theWillamette campus; JulieStutzman (So.) and JordynSmith (Sr.)block at thenet;WUplayershuddle between points; Jessic Durham (Jr., ) earns a dig; Tricia Wright talks to a player; Brittany Ashby (Jr.) serves; KelleyLindstrom attacks the ball; Cover Photos byNaomi Stukey. Inside Photos byNaomi Stukey, RobertMcKinney and theWUOfficeof Communications.PrintingbyK/P,Inc.

Jordyn Smith isWillamette’s onlysenior volleyball player this season. She begins 2007with 30� careerkills to go with 57aces,�58 digs and9� total blocks.

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Willamette Volleyball 2007


About Willamette University

Willamette University, the firstuniversityintheWest,hasaheritagedating to its founding in 1842.Students and employees are proudof its academic strength, as well as its beautiful campus.Academic successis typical for students atWillamette.More importantly, faculty and staff are concerned about the overallsuccessof eachstudent,sothefocusis not only on quality experiencesin the classroom, but also on socialand cultural development. Studentsareexpectedtoworkhardintheiracademicendeavors and are also expected to havefun,be active in the community andbringtheir own personality to everything they do.

We’re proud of our students’ academicabilities.We’re also proud of our studentsas friends, neighbors and fellow citizens. They have found an ideal match betweenhigh-levelacademicsandavarietyof qualityexperiencesasmembersof thecommunity.TheyexemplifytheUniversitymotto:“Notuntoourselvesaloneareweborn.”

Why Willamette?• Quality Academics• Student-Athletes are more than �/4 of the student body• Competition in the NCAA and the Northwest Conference• Student-Faculty Ratio of ��:�• Students from 42 States• Opportunity to Study Abroad • Located across the street from the Oregon State Capitol• NearthePacificCoastandthe Cascade Mountains

Thismottoisputintoactionlocallyandthroughout the world. At Willamette, youcanstudyabroad,asmanyof ourstudentsdoeachyear.Ourstudentsalsoareactivelyinvolvedinsocialandenvironmentalissues.They are concerned aboutmaintaining thebeautifulOregon landscape,whileworkingto improve the lives of others. And so, while Willamette has the sameacademicexpectationsas thenation’smostacclaimedcollegesanduniversities,wehopewe’ve added something extra ... an equallyimportant focus outside the classroom.Attending college should be fun, inspiringand at times invigorating. It should bothchallengeyouandmakeyoulaugh. Academically, Willamette has the Collegeof Liberal Arts, the College of Law, the George H. Atkinson Graduate School of Management,andtheSchoolof Education.Cooperativeprogramsenableallstudentstobenefitfromthequalitycurriculum. Willamette is known for its intellectualvitality, its cohesivecampuscommunity, itsconcernforeverystudent,anditsabilitytobalance a rigorous academic programwithvaried extracurricular activities.The faculty

The Mill Race, which runs through campus,is a great place for students to relax.

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About Willamette University

and staff bring a wide range of views andexperiencestothethecampus.Willamette’sstudent-faculty ratio of 11:1 allows facultytomaintainampleofficehoursandtoserveas advisors. They are engaged in scholarly researchandpublishtheirfindings,buttheyareprimarilyfocusedonteaching. Willametteisselectiveandseeksseriousandtalentedstudents.Theaveragefirst-yearstudent has a 3.76GPA, an SAT score of1230 and an ACT score of 27. Enrollmentat the undergraduate level is 1,943, with atotalenrollmentof 2,628.About95percentof Willamettestudentsreceivefinancialaidand scholarships.Many studentschoose toattendgraduateorprofessionalschool.

Willamettehasareputationforfinancialstability. Its endowment consistently earnsa spot among the largest in the Northwestand compares favorably on a national basis.The campus features 42 buildings on 61acres. During the past decade, more than$50million has been invested on campus.Administrative offices, academic buildings,residence halls and recreational facilities havebeenrenovatedorrefurbished.Recentprojects include the $5.5 million HallieFordMuseumof Art, the$8millionMaryStuart Rogers Music Center, and the $2.7million Montag Student Center. Work hasrecently been completed on Willamette’s$14 million Kaneko Commons.

At Willamette, you canliterally walk across the

street to the State Capitol or spend an entire semester

studying your major in aforeign country.

The Oregon State Capitol is located acrossthe street from Willamette University.

Salem, the state capital, is the second-largest city in Oregon, with a populationof about147,000.ThePacificCoastis justabout an hour away and the Pacific Coastmountain range is evencloser.To the eastare the CascadeMountains, lakes, streamsand rivers. Also within driving distance are Portland, the Columbia River gorge andMountHood. Willamette benefits from its locationacross the street from the Oregon State Capitol and from being near other federal, state,county,andcityoffices.Inparticular,Willamette students are often chosen forinternships with government organizations. StudentsalsoparticipateintheCommunityOutreach Program through a variety ofvolunteerserviceprojects.

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Willamette Administration

Dr. M. Lee Pelton was appointed the 22nd president of WillametteUniversityinJuly,1999.UnderPelton’sleadership,theUniversityhasincreaseditsacademicprofile,successfullyemployingstrategiestoattractthebestfacultyandthebrighteststudentsfromthestate,thenationandtheworld.Since2001,Willamette University has been ranked a top tier liberal arts college by U.S. News andWorld Report. President Pelton holds a doctorate fromHarvardUniversity and an undergraduate degree in English and psychology fromWichitaStateUniversity,wherehegraduatedmagnacum laude in1974.Hisarea of academic focus is 19th centuryBritish prose andpoetry.He served

asdeanof thecollegeatColgateUniversity(1988-91)andDartmouthCollege(1991-98).AtHarvard,hetaught in theEnglishDepartmentandwas thedeanof oneof Harvard’s13undergraduatecolleges.HeteachesatWillametteinsubjectsrangingfrom1stcenturyAthenstopost-apartheidSouthAfrica.

MarkMajeskibeganhis tenurewithWillametteUniversity inOctoberof 2000, followingfiveyearsasathleticdirectorat theUniversityof California,Santa Cruz and four years as assistant athletic director at Menlo College.He currently serves as a member of the NCAA Division III membershipcommittee, which provides oversight of the Division III provisional member program.Majeskipreviously servedon theNCAADivision IIImen’s tenniscommittee, overseeing championships in that sport. A former basketball, track and softball coach,Majeski also worked venuemanagement and operationsfor the 1994FIFAMen’s SoccerWorldCup and the 1996AtlantaOlympic

Games. At WU, Majeski oversees 20 varsity teams, with the Bearcats competing in NCAA Division III, the Northwest Conference and the Intercollegiate Rowing Association. He also is the basketball liaison betweentheNWCcoachesandathleticdirectors.Majeskireceivedanundergraduatedegreeinjournalismfrom Menlo College and a master’s degree in higher education administration from San Jose StateUniversity. He lives in Salem with his wife, Denise, and their son, Jack Henry, age 2.

Dr. M. Lee Pelton President

Mark Majeski Director of Athletics

Deanof CampusLife........... Dr. Robert HawkinsonFacultyAthleticRep. .............................Dr. Jerry GrayAssistant Athletic Director ....................JudyGordonAssistant Athletic Director .......Dr. R. Skip KenitzerHead Athletic Trainer ..............................Shane Wibel

Athletics Administrative Staff

BaseballMatt Allison............. (503) 370-6011Men’s BasketballGordie James .......... (503) 370-6063Women’s BasketballBruceHenderson ... (503) 370-6132Cross Country/Track & FieldMattMcGuirk ......... (503) 370-6898FootballMark Speckman ...... (503) 375-5350

Assistant Athletic Trainer........................Erin ScharerAssistant Athletic Trainer...........................Ken SmithAthletics Marketing Coord. .............Megan JohnstonAthletics Comm. Director ............Robert McKinneyAdministrative Assistant ........................Leslie Wright

Head Coaching StaffMen’s GolfSteveProthero ........ (503) 370-6484Women’s GolfTom Hibbard .......... (503) 370-6317RowingSusanParkman ....... (503) 370-6655Men’s SoccerNelson Larson ........ (503) 375-5428Women’s SoccerJimTursi .................. (503) 370-6657

SoftballDamian Williams .... (503) 370-6656SwimmingAl Stephenson......... (503) 370-6601Men’s TennisNeilPatel ................. (503) 370-6804Women’s TennisBecky Roberts, ........ (503) 370-6804VolleyballTricia Wright ........... (503) 370-6230

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Conference and National Affiliations

Willamette is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association and competes in Division III, which has over425 members and is the largestNCAA division. The colleges in Division III place a priority on the overall quality of theeducational experience and on successfulcompletion of each student’s academicprograms. They seek an environment in which a student-athlete’s activities with anathletic team are seen as an integral part of hisorhereducationalexperience.Membersin Division III must sponsor at least fivemen’ssportsandfivewomen’ssports.

Athletes in Division III do notreceivefinancialaidrelatedto athletic ability. Willamette and other NCAA Division III membersencouragestudentstoparticipate by maximizing thevarietyof athleticopportunities.Primary emphasis is placed on

conference and regional play. Willamette often sends its teams to California, Idaho,WashingtonandTexasforin-regiongames. NCAA Division III members establishan environmentwith cultural diversity andgender equity among student-athletes andstaff.InDivisionIII,employeescareaboutthewell-beingof theirstudent-athletes.

NCAA Division III

Northwest Conference The nine prviate collegesand universities in Oregonand Washington that form the Northwest Conference arebuildingareputationforthe NWC as one of the top NCAADivision III leaguesin the nation. The NWC isnationally competitive in abroadspectrumof sports. Formed in 1926, the NWC is 80 yearsold and is one of the oldest conferences in the western United States. The NWC’s currentmembersinOregonareWillamette,GeorgeFox,Linfield,LewisandClark,andPacific. Members located in WashingtonarePacificLutheranandPugetSound,plusWhitman and Whitworth. The chartermembers in 1926 includedWillamette, College of Idaho (Albertson College), Linfield, Pacific, and the Collegeof PugetSound(UPS).AlbanyCollegewasadded in 1931 and remained for seven

years, then departed and returned in 1949 as LewisandClarkCollege.Thenextmember, Pacific Lutheran,joined in 1965, followedby Whitworth in 1970. The College of Idaho withdrewin 1978. Whitworth dropped out in1984,but returned in1988. Menlo College joined

the NWC in 2006 in football only. The NWC originally sponsored athletic competition for men’s sports only, butjoined forces with the Women’s Conference of Independent Colleges in 1984 to formthe Northwest Conference of Independent Colleges. The name was shortened back to the original Northwest Conference in 1998. Also in 1998, all nine NWC membersshifted affiliation from the NAIA to theNCAA. Members knew the move wouldfosterequity, sportsmanshipandagenuineconcernforallstudent-athletes.

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Head Coach Tricia Wright

Tricia Wright is in her sixth season asthe head volleyball coach at Willamette University. Her overall record at Willamette is 53-70. Wright joined the Bearcats after serving as an assistant volleyball coach atNewMexicoStateUniversityforfouryears. In 2004, Wright led the Bearcats to a19-6 overall record and a 13-3 mark inthe Northwest Conference. The Bearcats finished in secondplace in theNWC.The2006 season was a rebuilding year for theBearcats, who still have a young team astheybeginthe2007schedule. While serving as an assistant coach at NewMexicoState,Wrightwas involved intheAggieswinningthe2001SunBeltWestDivision title. It was the first conferencechampionship for the NMSU team.

While at NMSU, Wright was an assistanttrack andfield coach for two seasons. Shealsotaughtavolleyballclass. PriortocoachingatNMSU,Wrightwasan assistant coach at Utah State University for one season (1997). Before taking thepost at Utah State, she coached in NCAA Division III as the head coach at Upper IowaUniversity for five seasons (1992-96)and as an assistant coach at The ClaremontColleges for two years (1990-91).

Tricia Wright talks to the Bearcats during atime-out at Cone Field House.

TriciaWright(6th year)

Tricia Wright is in her sixth season at WU.

Wright graduated from the Universityof La Verne (Calif.) in 1990. While at LaVerne, she competed in volleyball, softball, basketballandtrackandfieldattheNCAADivision III level. Wright was La Verne’s Sportswoman ofthe Year in 1989, capping a year in which she was the conference’s Most ValuablePlayerandwasnamedNCAADivisionIIIAll-America involleyball.Shealsoexcelledintrackandfieldasatwo-timeDivisionIIInational champion in the javelin. She wasan All-America selection three times intrack and field. Wright was inducted intothe La Verne Hall of Fame in 1998.

Contact Coach WrightOfficePhone:(503)370-6230E-Mail:twright@willamette.edu

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Traci Stephensonis in her first yearat Willamette as anassistant coach forthe volleyball team.She has previouslycoached volleyballat Gresham HS inOregon and at theclub levelwith the

NikeNorthwestJuniors.Shecoachedbothteamsforfiveyears,startingin1996-97andcontinuingthrough2000-01. She took a break from coaching to takecourses at Western Oregon University, asshe began working to achieve a bachelor’sdegree in Health and Physical Education.She has not yet completed her degree. Stephenson also has started to raise afamily. She and her husband, Scott havetwo children, Rhyan, three years old, andHannah, one year old. This season, Stephenson returns to thecoaching ranks. She will help the Bearcatswithavarietyof tasks,administrativedutiesand practice drills. She also will be on the bench to help coach the Bearcats againstNWC and non-conference teams.

Assistant Coaches

Megan Johnstonjoined the Bearcat volleyball staff lastyear as an assistant coach. Johnston is a graduate of theUniversityof Port-land, where she hada short stint playingmiddle blocker on

thevolleyballteam.Duetoseveralinjuries,hercollegiateathleticcareerwascutshort.However, she continued her involvementin volleyball by coaching. She has coached formultipleteamsoverthepastfewyears,including Spokane Players VBC, GonzagaPreparatory High School, Spokane SplashVBC, Bridgetown VBC and Salem VBC. Johnston was a graduate assistant forathletics at Eastern Washington University, where she received a master’s degree inAthletic Administration. In addition to hercoachingduties,sheworksasthemarketingcoordinator for Bearcat Athletics. She ismarriedtoCourtneyJohnston.Contact Coach FitzsimmonsOfficePhone:(503)370-6219E-Mail:mfitzsim@willamette.edu

Megan JohnstonAssistant Coach (2nd year)

Traci StephensonAssistant Coach (1st year)

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The 2007 Bearcats

Returns as the likely starter at setter thisseason ... As the back-up setter in 2006,she played in nine matches and earned

139asssits(6.95pergame)and35digs(1.75avg.)...PlayedvolleyballallfouryearsatDecaturHSandwasjuniorclasspresident ... Second Team All-State as a senior ... Majoring in Economics with a minor in Sociology ... Her parents areJerry and Sandy Ashby...BornonJune25,1987.

Brittany Ashby 3Federal Way, WA (Decatur HS)5’8” • Junior • Setter Major: Economics

A defensive specialist who will see actionat libero ... Played in 15 matches and 30games last year ... Had 28 digs (0.93 avg.) ...

Will be the starting libero for WU this season ... Missedmostof the2005seasonduetoinjury...WasSecondTeamAll-Conferenceinhighschool...IsMajoringinPsychologywith minors in Spanish and Art ... Her mother is RobinChedester ... Born on May 4, 1987.

Clare Chedester 1Encinitas, CA (San Dieguito Acad.)5’6” • Junior • Libero/Def. SpecialistMajor: Psychology

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2005 8/5 8 1.00 10 26 -.077 18 2.25 4 0.50 22006 20/9 11 0.55 4 43 .163 139 6.95 3 0.15 7Career 28/14 19 0.68 14 69 .072 157 5.61 7 0.25 9

YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2005 8 3 7 0.88 1 1 2 0.25 1 22006 20 0 35 1.75 1 2 3 0.15 0 8Career 28 3 42 1.50 2 3 5 0.18 1 10

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2005 2/2 0 0.00 1 1-1.000 0 0.00 0 0.00 02006 30/15 5 0.17 3 36 .056 2 0.07 2 0.07 2Career 32/17 5 0.16 4 37 .027 2 0.06 2 0.06 2

YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2005 2 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 02006 30 20 28 0.93 0 0 0 0.00 0 1Career 32 20 28 0.88 0 0 0 0.00 0 1

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The 2007 Bearcats

Begins her second season at Willamette,after attending theUniversityof Portland

foronesemester...DidnotcompeteinvolleyballatUP...Isajunior,buthasthreeyearsof athleticeligibility...Sawaction in all 26 matches in 2006 ... Averaged 2.19 digs pergame...ProvidessolidplayforWUasaright-sidehitter...Majoring in Spanish and International Studies ... ParentsarePaulandMarilynDion...BornonSeptember2,1987.

Christine Dion 4San Jose, CA (Presentation HS/University of Portland)5’8” • Soph. • Right SideMajor: Spanish and Int’l Studies

Played in 45matches and 155 games thepast two years ... In 2006, she led WU with367 digs (4.17 per game), earned 76 kills

and had 15 service aces ... In two years, she has recorded 519 digs ... Also played volleyball at North Medford HS, where she led the team in kills as a senior ... Is majoring in Exercise Sciencewith aminor inEconomics ...Daughterof RandyandCarolDurham...BornonOctober26,1986.

Jessica Durham 10Medford, OR (North Medford HS)5’6” • Junior • Outside HitterMajor: Exercise Science

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2005 67/19 168 2.51 115 611 .087 9 0.13 15 0.22 202006 88/26 76 0.86 63 397 .033 15 0.17 15 0.17 40Career 155/45 244 1.57 178 1008 .065 24 0.15 30 0.19 60

YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2005 67 40 152 2.27 0 8 8 0.12 1 12006 88 49 367 4.17 0 4 4 0.05 3 2Career 155 89 519 3.35 0 12 12 0.08 4 3

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2006 83/26 25 0.30 20 175 .029 23 0.28 5 0.06 9

YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2006 26 22 182 2.19 1 3 4 0.05 1 1

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The 2007 Bearcats

Meagan Harn 6Astoria, OR (Knappa HS)5’1” • Fresh. • Defensive SpecialistMajor: Psychology

Playedin25of 26matchesandsawactionin 80 games last season ... Set career highs with 16 kills and 26 digs at Lewis & Clark

onSept.30 ...Earned188digsduring theyear toaverage2.35 digs per game ... National Honor Society member atCorvallisHS...Salutatorianof herhighschoolclass...WUDean’sList...Undecidedregardinghermajor...ParentsareGary Barnes and Jane Lee ... Born on Nov. 27, 1988.

Edyth Lee-Barnes 2Corvallis, OR (Corvallis HS)5’ 8” • Soph. • Def. Specialist/OHMajor: Undecided

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2006 80/25 73 0.91 58 322 .047 13 0.16 11 0.14 11

YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2006 80 14 188 2.35 0 5 5 0.06 2 1

Joins the Bearcats as a freshman defensivespecialist ... Was an All-League setter atKnappa HS ... Also played basketball and

helped Knappa take fifth place at the State Tournamentin2006...WasaStatequalifierasanequestrian...Rantrackforoneyearandhelpedsettheschool4x100-meterrelayrecord...WillmajorinPsychologyatWillamette...ParentsareBobandBarbHarn...BornonJanuary13,1989.

At Knappa High School in Oregon,Harn was vice president of the National Honor Society

and was Student Body Secretary.

Willamette achieved a .305 hitting percentageduring its win over Cascade College on Oct. 3, 2006.WU


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The 2007 Bearcats

Kerry Leslie 13Las Cruces, NM (Mayfield HS)5’8” • Fresh. • Def. Specialist/OHMajor: Psychology

Karen Libby Inj.Klamath Falls, OR (Mazama HS)5’6” • Fresh. • Defensive SpecialistMajor: Undecided

Arrived at WU after playing volleyball forfour years atMayfieldHS in Las Cruces,NewMexico ...HelpedMHSwin a State

title in 2004 ... Honorable Mention All-District in 2005 ... PlayedonthebasketballteamallfouryearsandwasontheStateRunner-upteamin2006...Presidentof theNationalHonor Society chapter ... Majoring in Psychology ... HerparentsareIanandCathieLeslie...BornonJuly4,1988.

Willmiss the 2007 season becasue of aninjury ... Was a defensive specialist whileplaying at Mazama HS in Klamath Falls,

Oregon ... Named Second Team All-Conference as a senior atMHS ... In track and field, shewas a sprinter, hurdler,javelinthrowerandpolevaulter ...All-Conferenceintrackasajunior...Undecidedregardinghermajor...ParentsareJimandDonnaLibby...BornonJune27,1989.

Libby was Second Team All-Conference in volleyball at Mazama High School. She also participated in the National

Honor Society, Student Government and the Youth Peer Court.

Leslie played volleyball and basketball at Mayfield High School in Las Cruces, New Mexico. An MHS counselor nominated

her for the Wendy’s High School Heisman Award.

Last year, Willamette earned 65 kills againstEvergreen State and earned 64 kills versus Lewis & Clark.WU


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The 2007 Bearcats

In two years at WU, she has played in 45 of 46 matches and earned 392 kills ... Seta career-high with 20 kills against Pacific

in 2005 ... Had 10 or more kills nine times in 2006 ... Was First Team All-League twice at Banks HS ... Majoring inExerciseSciencewithaminor inEconomics ...Willstudyabroad in Australia next spring ... Is the daughter of JillBrown...BornonJanuary9,1987.

Kelley Lindstrom 12Banks, OR (Banks HS)6’0” • Junior • Outside HitterMajor: Exercise Science

ChoseWillamette after previously playingat Cove High School in Oregon ... Bringsthe Bearcats solid fundamental skills as

a middle blocker and will challenge for playing time thisseason ...Has the abilities needed to develop into a qual-ityplayerintheNorthwestConference...SheisundecidedregardinghermajoratWillamette ...ParentsareMikeandCandy McGilvray ... Born on December 4, 1988.

Christina McGilvray 11Cove, OR (Cove HS)5’8” • Fresh. • Middle BlockerMajor: Undecided

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2005 70/20 199 2.84 108 606 .150 4 0.06 7 0.10 62006 70/25 193 2.76 108 589 .144 8 0.11 9 0.13 9Career 140/45 392 2.80 216 1195 .147 12 0.09 16 0.11 15

YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2005 70 0 64 0.91 6 10 16 0.23 6 02006 70 5 86 1.23 6 18 24 0.34 7 6Career 140 5 150 1.07 12 28 40 0.29 13 6

McGilvray played volleyball at Cove High Schoolin Cove, Oregon. At Willamette, she will battle for

significant playing time as a freshman.

Kelley Lindstrom hit .448 with 15 kills at George Fox in 2006.WUFact:

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The 2007 Bearcats

Begins her senior year after playing in 64matches and 219 games in her first threeseasons ... Career totals include 301 kills,

57 aces, 158 digs and 91 blocks ... Also competes in track andfieldandhasearnedAll-Americahonorsfourtimes...Helped Green Valley HS win a State title in volleyball in2001 ...Majoring inExerciseScience ...ParentsareButchandAdelaSmith...BornonJuly18,1986.

Jordyn Smith 7Henderson, NV (Green Valley HS)5’9” • Senior • Right-Side HitterMajor: Exercise Science

Brooke Smith 14Glide, OR (Glide HS)5’8” • Junior • Right-Side Hitter/MBMajor: Economics

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2005 13/5 13 1.00 14 54 -.019 0 0.00 0 0.00 02006 56/19 72 1.29 50 220 .100 7 0.12 7 0.12 7Career 69/24 85 1.23 64 274 .077 7 0.10 7 0.10 7

YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2005 13 1 12 0.92 2 3 5 0.38 2 02006 56 1 28 0.50 6 17 23 0.41 3 0Career 69 2 40 0.58 8 20 28 0.41 5 0

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2004 86/25 129 1.50 61 429 .159 37 0.43 17 0.20 132005 52/15 62 1.19 37 245 .102 8 0.15 16 0.31 62006 81/24 110 1.36 55 414 .133 22 0.27 24 0.30 14Career 219/64 301 1.37 153 1088 .136 67 0.31 57 0.26 33YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2004 86 2 59 0.69 9 25 34 0.40 11 12005 52 3 31 0.98 3 22 25 0.48 0 12006 81 11 68 0.84 3 19 22 0.27 3 9Career 219 16 158 0.72 15 66 81 0.37 14 11

Saw action in 19 matches and 56 games in2006...Poundedout72kills(1.29avg.)last season ... Has played in 24 matches

during her career ...Also participates in track and field ...Fifth in theNWC in the heptathlon in 2005 and sixth in2006 ... Placed second in the high jump and third in the100-meter hurdles in 2006 ... Majoring in Economics ...Daughterof Jeff andPamSmith...BornonJuly26,1988.

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The 2007 Bearcats

Is a freshman right-side hitter for WU thisseason...PreviouslyplayedatPinnacleHSinPhoenix,Arizona ...EarnedHonorable

MentionAll-RegionasajuniorandwasSecondTeamAll-Regionasasenior...QualifiedforthePinnacleHSHonorRoll ... Member of the National Honor Society ... MajoringinEducatonwithaminorinHistory...IsthedaughterofMark and Robin Tomlinson ... Born on May 22, 1989.

Tori Tomlinson 5Phoenix, AZ (Pinnacle HS)5’10” • Fresh. • Right-Side HitterMajor: Education

Led the team with 245 kills and 27 aces asa freshman last year ... Averaged 2.88 kills pergame...Playedin25of 26matches...

Recordeddouble-digit kills 10 times and achieved 19 killsagainst Claremont-Mudd-Scripps ...Was All-League twiceat Olympia HS ... Helped OHS take eighth at State ... IsmajoringinScienceStudies...MinorinGerman...ParentsarePhilandSusieStutzman...BornonNovember3,1987.

Julie Stutzman 24Olympia, WA (Olympia HS)5’11” • Soph. • Outside Hitter/MBMajor: Science Studies

YEAR GP/MP K K/GAME E TA PCT A A/GAME SA SA/GM SE2006 85/25 245 2.88 122 780 .158 10 0.12 27 0.32 26

YEAR G RE DIG DIG/G BS BA ToTAl B/GAME BE BHE2006 85 20 178 2.09 4 21 25 0.29 8 1

Tomlinson was named Honorable Mention All-Region asa junior and Second Team All-Region as a senior

at Pinnacle High School in Phoenix, Arizona.

Julie Stutzman pounded out 19 kills and had 54 attacksagainst Claremont-Mudd-Scripps on Sept. 8, 2006.WU


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The 2007 Bearcats

Dr. David ThorsettWillamette University Team Physician

Dr. Thorsett graduated from Washington UniversityMedicalSchoolinJune1991.Hecompletedhisresidencyat the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in June 1996. Currently he is affiliated with SilvertonHospital, where he specializes in sports medicine and adult reconstructivesurgery of the hip, knee and shoulder. Dr. Thorsett enjoys running, fly-fishing,backpacking and bicycling. He lives in Salem with his wife, Sarah, and theirthree children.

Shane Wibel, ATCHead Athletic Trainer

Tara Hebert, ATCPT Northwest Trainer

Ken Smith, ATCAsst. Athletic Trainer

Erin Scharer, ATCAsst. Athletic Trainer

Willamette University Sports Medicine

Dr. David ThorsettWU Team Physician

Zappas joins the Bearcats as a freshmanthis season after playing setter for fouryears atWoodsidePriory School ... Team

MVPasasenior...EarnedHonorableMentionAll-Leaguerecognition in2005 and2006 ...Alsoplayed four seasonsof basketball in high school ... Undecided regarding hermajoratWillamette...Isthedaughterof CherieZappas...Born on November 7, 1989.

Kate Zappas 9Menlo Park, CA (Woodside Priory HS)5’8” • Fresh. • SetterMajor: Undeclared

As a setter at Woodside Priory School in California,Zappas was chosen Honorable Mention All-League

at the end of her junior and senior seasons.

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2007 Bearcat Roster

No. Name Pos. Yr. Ht. Hometown (Previous School) 1 ClareChedester LIB/DS Jr. 5’6” Encinitas,CA(SanDieguitoAcademy) 2 EdythLee-Barnes DS/OH So. 5’8” Corvallis,OR(CorvallisHighSchool) 3 BrittanyAshby S Jr. 5’8” FederalWay,WA(DecaturHighSchool) 4 ChristineDion RS So. 5’8” SanJose,CA(PresentationHS/Univ.ofPortland) 5 ToriTomlinson RS Fr. 5’10” Phoenix,AZ(PinnacleHighSchool) 6 MeaganHarn DS Fr. 5’1” Astoria,OR(KnappaHighSchool) 7 JordynSmith RS Sr. 5’9” Henderson,NV(GreenValleyHighSchool) 9 KateZappas S Fr. 5’8” MenloPark,CA(WoodsidePriorySchool) 10 JessicaDurham OH Jr. 5’6” Medford,OR(NorthMedfordHighSchool) 11 ChristinaMcGilvray MB Fr. 5’8” Cove,OR(CoveHighSchool) 12 KelleyLindstrom OH Jr. 6’0” Banks,OR(BanksHighSchool) 13 KerryLeslie DS/OH Fr. 5’8” LasCruces,NM(MayfieldHighSchool) 14 BrookeSmith RS Jr. 5’8” IdleyldPark,OR(GlideHighSchool) 24 JulieStutzman MB So. 5’11” Olympia,WA(OlympiaHighSchool)Head Coach:TriciaWright(6thyear)Assistant Coach:MeganJohnston(2ndyear)Assistant Coach:TraciStephenson(1styear)

Returning Statistical LeadersEdyth Lee-BarnesRankedfourthontheteamwith188digsin2006

Christine DionEarned182digstorankfifthontheteam...Istheonlyreturningplayerwithactioninall26matches

Jessica DurhamLedWillamettewith367digs(4.17avg.)in2006

Kelley Lindstrom Wassecondontheteamwith193killsin2006

Jordyn Smith Recorded110killstorank4thontheWUroster

Julie StutzmanLedtheBearcatswith245killsand27aces

Julie Stutzman led WU with 27 aces in 200�.

Kelley Lindstrom recorded �93 kills in 200�.Shehad19athomeagainstPacificLutheran.


Proud Sponsors ofWillamette Athletics

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Bearcat Volleyball Records

Individual RecordsKillsCareer 1986, Brandi Row, 1992-95Season 658, Brandi Row, 1995AveragePerGame 5.22BrandiRow,1995Match 39, Brandi Row, vs. WOSC, Nov. 18, 1995Hitting PercentageSeason .461, Mea Frantz, 1992Match(min.15att.) .765,MeaFrantz,vs.UPS,1992Total AtemptsCareer 3738, Brandi Row, 1992-95Season 1469, Brandi Row, 1995AveragePerGame 11.66,BrandiRow,1995Match 88, Brandi Row, vs. WOSC, Nov. 18, 1995AssistsSeason 1838, Shirlee Harrsch, 1992AveragePerGame 25.30,ShirleeHarrsch,1992Match 141, Shirlee Harrsch, vs. GFC, 1992Service AcesCareer 231, Brandi Row, 1992-95Season 69, Alicia Wright, 1995AveragePerGame 0.59,AliciaWright,1994Match 12,WendyKyle,vs.Linfield,1992 12, Dana Newsom, vs. GFC, 1993DigsCareer 1889, Brandi Row, 1992-95Season 603, Alicia Wright, 1995AveragePerGame 4.79,AliciaWright,1995Match 43,VeronicaSchneider,vs.Gustavus,2005Solo BlocksCareer 260, Mea Frantz, 1990-93Season 129, Mea Frantz, 1993AveragePerGame 0.89,MeaFrantz,1993Match 13, Mea Frantz, vs. SOSC, 1993Block AssistsCareer 430, Mea Frantz, 1990-93Season 175, Mea Frantz, 1993AveragePerGame 1.34,MeaFrantz,1993Match 21, Mea Frantz, vs. GFC, 1993Total BlocksCareer 690, Mea Frantz, 1990-93Season 304, Mea Frantz, 1993AveragePerGame 2.32,MeaFrantz,1993Match 27, Mea Frantz, vs. GFC, 1993Games PlayedCareer 485, Brandi Row, 1992-95Season 141, Wendy Kyle, 1992

Team RecordsRecord Season Year Single Match YearKills 1861 1995 88 WOSC 1995Hitting % .334 1992 .667 Oregon Tech 1992Attempts 4487 1993 273 Lewis & Clark 2005Assists 2081 1993 79 PacificLutheran 1991Service Aces 376 1992 18 Western Baptist 1991Digs 2918 1993 152 Digs 2005SoloBlocks 484 1993 33 SouthernOregon 1993BlockAssists 704 1993 64 GeorgeFox 1993TotalBlocks 1188 1993 74 GeorgeFox 1993

Bearcat History1979:Thirdplaceatregionaltournament1992:ConferenceChampions1993:ConferenceChampions1994:ConferenceChampions Fifthplaceatregionaltournament(1-2)1995:ConferenceChampions Secondplaceatregionaltournament(2-1) QualifiedforNAIAnationaltournament(1-3)1996:ConferenceChampions Sixthplaceatregionaltournament(0-2)1998:AdvancedtoNCAADivisionIIIwestregional(1-1)

Bearcat HonorsNCICandNWCPlayerof theYear ...............................3AVCA and NAIA All-Region Team ............................. 11NCAA/NAIAAll-AmericaScholar-Athlete .............. 12First Team All-Conference ............................................ 12Second Team All-Conference ....................................... 16Honorable Mention All-Conference ............................ 12All-District Second Team .................................................3AVCA Team Academic Award .................................. 1998

Miscellaneous RecordsWin-LossPercentage .857,1994(30-5)MostMatchesWon/Season 40,1992(40-15)ConsecutiveMatchesWon 13,1994ConsecutiveGamesWon 16,1994

Bearcat Team HistoryYear overall Conference Coach1979 31-9 N/A* LindaGarrett Conf.Champs1980 19-15 5-5 Linda Garrett1981 17-18 N/A JaneEllis1982 8-22 0-10 Jane Ellis1983 5-23 2-8 Jane Ellis 1984 1-9 N/A JaneEllis1985 5-19 2-8 Debbie Adams1986 3-23 1-9 Debbie Adams1987 10-21 2-8 Kenny Hise1988 14-18 2-10 Kenny Hise1989 19-1 6-6 Kenny Hise1990 21-19 7-5 Kenny Hise1991 21-18 7-5 Chris Wells1992 40-15 12-0* ChrisWells Conf.Champs1993 37-13 11-1* ChrisWells Conf.Champs1994 30-5 12-0* MarlenePiper Conf.Champs1995 29-11 12-2* MarlenePiper Conf.Champs1996 26-8 16-2* MarlenePiper Conf.Champs1997 13-14 11-5 MarlenePiper1998 14-8 12-4 MarlenePiper1999 17-9 12-4 MarlenePiper2000 10-14 7-9 MarlenePiper2001 7-14 4-12 MarlenePiper2002 11-15 7-9 Tricia Wright2003 18-8 10-6 Tricia Wright2004 19-6 13-3 Tricia Wright2005 1-19 1-15 Tricia Wright2006 4-22 0-16 Tricia Wright* Conference Champion (1979, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996)

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2006 Bearcat Statistics

No. Name GP MP-MS Kills Avg. E TA Pct. AST Avg. SA Avg. SE24 JulieStutzman 85 25-17 245 2.88 122 780 .158 10 0.12 27 0.32 2612 KelleyLindstrom 70 25-13 193 2.76 108 589 .144 8 0.11 9 0.13 932 MaryButler 93 26-24 185 1.99 93 539 .171 12 0.13 24 0.26 31 7 JordynSmith 81 24-14 110 1.36 55 414 .133 15 0.17 15 0.17 4010 JessicaDurham 88 26-8 76 0.86 63 397 .033 15 0.17 15 0.17 40 2 EdythLee-Barnes 80 25-8 73 0.91 58 322 .047 12 0.16 11 0.14 1114 BrookeSmith 56 19-14 72 1.29 50 220 .100 7 0.12 7 0.12 7 4 JessicaDrumm 83 25-21 55 0.66 23 202 .158 772 9.30 20 0.24 2415 NikkiLytle 13 6-3 40 3.08 19 122 .172 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 8 JulieChristine 44 17-9 38 0.86 31 151 .046 2 0.05 9 0.20 8 6 ChristineDion 83 26-8 25 0.30 20 175 .029 23 0.28 5 0.06 9 3 BrittanyAshby 20 9-3 11 0.55 4 43 .163 139 6.95 3 0.15 7 5 AlonaLyamin 63 22-1 8 0.13 8 63 .000 10 0.16 11 0.17 12 1 ClareChedester 30 15-0 5 0.17 3 36 .056 2 0.07 2 0.07 211 MeganScheelar 2 1-0 1 0.50 0 2 .500 0 0.00 0 0.00 013 AlannaPledger 2 2-1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 9 ChristineBoyer 1 1-0 0 0.00 0 4 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 Willamette 93 26-26 1137 12.23 658 4060 .118 1035 11.13 167 1.80 200 Opponents 93 26-26 1321 14.20 528 3850 .206 1211 13.02 190 2.04 195No. Name GP RE Dig Avg. BS BA TB Avg. BE BHE24 JulieStutzman 85 20 178 2.09 4 21 25 0.29 8 112 KelleyLindstrom 70 5 86 1.23 6 18 24 0.34 7 632 MaryButler 93 0 67 0.72 20 59 79 0.85 23 3 7 JordynSmith 81 11 68 0.84 3 19 22 0.27 3 910 JessicaDurham 88 49 367 4.17 0 4 4 0.05 3 2 2 EdythLee-Barnes 80 14 188 2.35 0 5 5 0.06 2 114 BrookeSmith 56 1 28 0.50 6 17 23 0.41 3 0 4 JessicaDrumm 83 0 225 2.71 3 25 28 0.34 5 4215 NikkiLytle 13 4 21 1.62 0 4 4 0.31 0 0 8 JulieChristine 44 1 25 0.57 6 20 26 0.59 9 0 6 ChristineDion 83 22 182 2.19 1 3 4 0.05 1 1 3 BrittanyAshby 20 0 35 1.75 1 2 3 0.15 0 8 5 AlonaLyamin 63 28 276 4.38 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 1 ClareChedester 30 23 28 0.93 0 0 0 0.00 0 111 MeganScheelar 2 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 9 ChristineBoyer 1 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 113 AlannaPledger 2 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 Willamette 93 191 1774 19.08 50 197 148.5 1.60 65 76 Opponents 93 167 1883 20.25 54 211 159.5 1.72 24 70

Date Opponent ResultSept. 1 Cal-StateEastBay 0-3 L 19-30,20-30,18-30Sept. 1 UCSantaCruz 1-3 L 23-30,30-18,29-31,33-35Sept. 2 Linfield 0-3 L 15-30,18-30,23-30Sept. 2 Evergreen 3-1 W 30-27,30-19,25-30,30-21Sept. 5 @Corban 0-3 L 20-30,36-38,23-30Sept. 8 Whittier(N) 3-1 W 28-30,30-22,30-28,30-25Sept. 8 ClaremontM.S. 3-2 W 30-27,30-24,28-30,30-32,15-12Sept. 9 @PomonaPitzer 1-3 L 27-30,31-29,14-30,22-30Sept. 9 LaVerne(N) 0-3 L 23-30,17-30,19-30

Date Opponent ResultSept.15 Whitman 0-3 L 24-30,25-30,20-30Sept.16 Whitworth 2-3 L 30-24,24-30,30-24,21-30,4-15Sept.22 Pacific 0-3 L 16-30,17-30,26-30Sept.23 @PacLutheran 0-3 L 19-30,16-30,22-30Sept.27 Linfield 0-3 L 19-30,16-30,22-30Sept.30 @Lewis&Clark 2-3 L 22-30,30-28,20-30,30-24,11-15Oct. 3 @Cascade 3-0 W 30-18,30-20,30-12Oct. 6 GeorgeFox 1-3L 33-35,20-30,30-22,25-30

Date Opponent ResultOct. 7 PugetSound 0-3 L 27-30,20-30,16-30Oct. 13 @Whitman 1-3 L 30-25,16-30,23-30,24-30Oct. 14 @Whitworth 0-3L 22-30,14-30,28-30Oct. 20 @Pacific 0-3L 29-31,22-30,15-30Oct. 21 PacLutheran 2-3 L 30-26,16-30,30-25,21-30,8-15Oct. 25 @Linfield 0-3 L 20-30,27-30,23-30Oct. 28 Lewis&Clark 1-3 L 30-22,24-30,19-30,31-33Nov 3 @GeorgeFox 0-3 L 29-31,28-30,26-30Nov. 4 @PugetSound 0-3 L 23-30,23-30,27-30

Season Results (4-22 Overall, 0-16 Northwest Conference)

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Community Service

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Willamette Volleyball 2007


The City of Salem, Oregon



Salem, the capital cityof Oregon as well as the second largest city in the state, lies in the center of the lush Willamette Rivervalley, 47 miles South of Portland. Salem is a cityof over 47 square miles,located an hour from theCascademountains to theeastandjustanhourfromthe ocean beaches to the west. The population of Salem is around 147,000and is growing each yearatanaveragerateof about1.5 percent. Day trips to the magnificant Oregoncoast, the Cascade and Coast Mountainranges, as well as several nearby vineyards and high desert areas offer newcomers avariety of experiences. Salem also has awidearrayof restaurants,hotelsandtouristattractions, ranging from historic sites and museums to events that appeal to a widevariety of interests. Several parks and the historic district are within easy walking distance of Willamette. Salem also includes farmers markets that

overflow with locally raised produce andhand-crafted products. The city is a goodbase for a tour of Oregon’swine country.It also is the site of the Salem Arts Fairand the Oregon State Fair each year. Salem is located close to State Parks,attractive gardens, farming communities,orchards and vineyards. Combined with glorious views of the CascadeMountains,thevariedterrainthatiswithina30-minutedriveprovides someof themostbeautifulscenesinthePacificNorthwest.

Willamette is close to downtown Salem, shown at night.

Willamette Volleyball 2007WU Athletic Facilities

ConeFieldHouseisthehomecourtfortheWU volleyball, men’s basketball and women’s basketball teams. The arena holds 2,500 fans,withplentyof seatingoneachsideof thecourt.There is aquality soundsystem,plus tables forofficial timers, scorekeepers and statisticians,along with space for broadcast media. TheWUcourt is connected to theLestle J.Sparks Center, which houses offices for theDepartment of Athletics and the Departmentof ExerciseScience.Thebuildinghasbasketball,handball and racquetball courts, aweight liftingandfitnesscenter,classrooms,andlockerrooms. Also connected to the Sparks Center is the WU natatorium, home of Bearcat swimming.The natatorium, with space for 200 fans, alsocan be seen from a viewing area in the lobby. The Willamette University soccer teams play home games at Sparks Field, an artificial turffacility next to the Sparks Center. The Field isequippedwith lights for night games and seats500 spectactors. The facility is one of the topcollege fields in the Northwest. In addition tolights and bleachers, Sparks Field has coveredseating for both teams. Close to the Sparks Center and Sparks Fieldare six outdoor tennis courts. The men’s andwomen’s tennis teams host meets during thespring each year. Willamette’s football team plays home gamesatMcCullochStadium,locatedtwoblocksfromcampusandjustoneblockfromSalemHospital.

Thestadiumseats2,400andhaslightsfornightgames. There is an athletic training room, whichallows athletes to receive on-site treatment. McCulloch Stadium is a quality facilitywithaFieldTurf playingsurface,alongwithspaciouslocker rooms and meeting rooms. It has theatmosphereof anoldstadium,despiteavarietyof modern conveniences.

The Charles Bowles Track, located insideMcCulloch Stadium, is an all-weather facilitythat showcasesWillamette’s track and field andcrosscountryteams,whichhostmeetseachyear.In 2005, WU hosted the Northwest ConferenceandNCAARegionalcrosscountrymeets. Located nearMcCulloch Stadium is Roy S.“Spec”KeeneStadiumatJohnLewisField, thehomeof Bearcatbaseball.Thestadiumfeatureschairback seating in part of the grandstand andan overall capacity of 1,000. Theentirefootball,track,crosscountryandbaseballcomplex isatBush’sPasturePark.Theparkhostscrosscountrymeetsonitswidepathsandisknownforitsartexhibitsandrosegarden. Ontheeastsideof campusistheWillametteSoftball Complex. It includes covered dugouts,batting cages, a scoreboard and bleachers. The WU men’s and women’s golf teams usually practice at IllaheHillsCountryClub orCreekside Golf Club. Members of the men’sand women’s rowing teams have their ownboathouseandholdworkoutsontheWillametteRiver in downtown Salem.

Cone Field House is the home court for theWillamette volleyball and basketball teams.

The Sparks Center includes offices for theDepartment of Athletics and the Departmentof Exercise Science.

Volleyball Honors and AwardsNCIC/NWC Player of the YearBrandi Row 1994, 1995Alicia Wright 1996AVCA and NAIAAll-Region TeamKathy Fischer 1996, 1998ReneePurdy1998,1999Devon Bakken 1998Brandi Row 1994, 1995Alicia Wright 1995, 1996Kristin Halleck 2003Angie Sammons 2004NCAA and NAIA All-America Scholar-AthleteAmberly Glidewell 1992Brandi Row 1994Alicia Wright 1995, 1996 1997ApenPhelps1996,1997Brandi Row 1995Rosie Allen 1997Kathryn Maier 1997Kristen Halleck 2003, 2004First Team All-ConferenceTracySanguras1990Amberly Glidewell 1991 1992Alicia Wright 1994Kathy Fisher 1996ReneePurdy1998,1999Kelly Sorenson 2000Jenni Linden 2003Kristin Halleck 2003, 2004Angie Sammons 2004Second Team All-ConferenceCary Mooney 1987StephaniePayne1987,1988Tara Johnson 1988Khris Looney 1991Mia Frantz 1992Shirlee Harrsch 1992

Brandi Row 1992Kathy Fisher 1994AspenPhelps1994Kelly Sorenson 1999Jenni Linden 2000, 2002Angie Sammons 2003LaurenThompson2004Roni Schneider 2005

Honorable Mention All-ConferenceShannon Skirvin 1989Khris Looney 1989TracySanguras1989Mea Frantz 1991ClaudineBarrett1991Wendy Kyle 1992Kathy Fisher 1997, 1998Rosie Allen 1998ShannonPun1999Jenni Linden 2001MaryButler2006

All-DistrictSecond TeamBrandi Row 1993Wendy Kyle 1993Shirlee Harsch 1993

2008 Willamette ScheduleDate OpponentWillamette TournamentAug.31 WarnerPacificAug.31 UC-SantaCruzSept. 1 EasternOregonSept. 1 GeorgeFoxWhitworth TournamentSept. 7 Lewis-ClarkStateSept. 7 Montana-WesternSept. 8 WhitworthSept. 8 1stPlace/3rdPlaceSept. 12 atLinfield*Sept. 14 atPacificLutheran*Sept.21 Whitworth*Sept.22 Whitman*Sept. 28 atGeorgeFox*Sept. 29 atLewis&Clark*Oct. 5 Pacific*Oct. 6 atPugetSound*Oct. 9 atNorthwestChristianOct. 10 Linfield*Oct. 12 PacificLutheran*Oct. 19 atWhitworth*Oct. 20 atWhitman*Oct. 23 atCascadeOct. 26 GeorgeFox*Oct. 27 Lewis&Clark*Nov. 2 atPacific*Nov. 3 PugetSound*


AVCA Team Academic AwardWillamette University 1998-99PlayersInclude:Sophie AllenTamarah AllenSabrinaAndrusSarah BrandsAndreaCruickshankKathryn FisherMelissa HansonHillary HarperErica HenryMarisa LownKimi Maag

Kelli MiddalRashayna MooreNicolePavelLeeAnnPriceShannonPunReneePurdyEmilyRuschShannon SavelichKelly SorensonHelen ThigpenKelliTruax

Jordyn Smith (Sr., RS) Julie Stutzman (So., MB) Clare Chedester (Jr., LIB) Jessica Durham (Jr., OH)