20 Types of Websites You can Make using Wordpress

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Transcript of 20 Types of Websites You can Make using Wordpress

20 Types of Websites You can Make using Wordpress

Sereyboth YornCo-Foudner @ ThemeCountry (themecountry.com )

05 November 2016 - Barcamp Asean @ Phnom Penh, Cambodia

What is Wordpress?

Wordpress is the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS). With thousands of plugins and widgets and themes, you can make even more than a blog using Wordpress, It is limited only by your imagination.

Interesting Facts About Wordpress

Wordpress was released in 2013

Wordpress Power For More than 70 Million of Websites (2015)

1 in 4 Website is powered by Wordpress, It is 25% of the internet

More than Free 40000 Plugin on Wordpress repository (Wordpress.org)


20 Types of Websites You can Make using Wordpress

Create your dreaming website by discovering the 20 types of website you can make easily by using Wordpress, the world's most popular and easiest CMS. Discover the hidden Plugin, Themes & resource to help you get those work done.

#1 Blog /Personal website

WordPress was started as a blogging platform, so Creating a blog or personal website with Wordpress is the most common purpose of all Wordpress user.

Without need any much customization, in just a few minutes after installing Wordpress, your personal blog or website is ready.

#2. News and Magazine

Wordpress is so easy to used for News or Magazine website Which relied heavily on constent structure, different types of content as well as displaying content.





#3. Business Website

We can use Wordpress to represent your business on the internet easily.




#4. Portfolio Website

Create a showcase of your Work and talent by creating state-of-the art portfolio website with Wordpress.

You might need to use some premium theme which is made for Portfolio website, which is easy to create and show different type of portfolio item.



#5. eCommerce/Online Store

WordPress is quickly becoming a go to solution for building an eCommerce websites. There are awesome plugins like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and WPEcommerce which convert your WordPress website into fully functional eCommerce platform. You can accept payments, manage inventory, shipping, taxes, and users from the same roof.



#5. eCommerce/Online Store (Continues..)


Plugin: WooCommerce https://woocommerce.com/

Plugin: Easy Digital Download http://www.wpbeginner.com/refer/easy-digital-downloads/

Wp eCommerce https://wpecommerce.org/

#6. Job Boards

#6. Job Boards

You can create a job board website easily with WordPress which employers can post job listings and professionals/Job Seeker can respond to them.



20 Best Job Board Themes and Plugins for WordPress https://colorlib.com/wp/best-wordpress-job-board-themes/

#7 Business Directory (Yellow Page Alike)

#7 Business Directory (Yellow Page Alike)

Just Like Job boards, with just some plugin it is ready to run a business directory on your Wordpress website.

Create a business directory based on category or location, there is no limit.



#8 Question and Answer Website

#8 Question and Answer Website

Ever have an idea of starting a website like Quara or Yahoo answer which allow user to ask, answer and discuss on the topic you passionate about? with some of plug-in, you are ready to own a full-functional Question and Answer website.


Plugin: DW Question and Answer https://wordpress.org/plugins/dw-question-answer/


#9 Gallery/Photography Website

Even if professional or amateur photographer can now easily create their photography showcase website with Wordpress with just choosing some gallery plugin as well as some themes which is specially designed for photography website.


Envira gallery http://enviragallery.com/


#10 Forum

#10 Forum

You can easily use bbPress to turn WordPress blog or website into discussion forum.


Set up a Forum in Wordpress using bbPress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsU18dWFcD8

bbPress https://bbpress.org/

bbPress Theme https://bbpress.org/themes/

#11 Social Network

There is a popular plugin called BuddyPress which is the best plugin when you want to turn your website into a social network.

BuddyPress helps you build any type of community website using WordPress, with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging.



#12 Private Blog/Website

If you like to start a blog or website but want to make it private, to be accessed by only you or your team, it is quit easy to do so with Wordpress.



#13 Multilingual Websites

Want to have multiple languages on your website? Easily create that website by using Wordpress. A plugin like Polylang or xili language can help you to do that easy.


Polylang plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/polylang/

xili-language: https://wordpress.org/plugins/xili-language/


#14 Wiki/Knowledge Base

#14 Wiki/Knowledge Base

Want to add a documentation section with a knowledgebase or wiki like articles? WordPress comes with great plugins that quickly turn your website into an easy to knowledgebase wiki.




#15 Classified Ad Websites (khmer24 or Craigslist Alike)

#15 Classified Ad Websites (khmer24 or Craigslist Alike)

There are many good plugin out there which help to you to build a classified ads website which allow people to post classified ads on your website to sell something.


AWPCP - Classifieds Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin/

Classipress: https://www.appthemes.com/themes/classipress/

#16 Membership Site

Membership site is great when you want to give something special to your private member on your website, which can be free or paid. Turn your website into membership websites by using some popular plugin like WP-Members and S2Member.


Wp-Member: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-members/

S2Member: https://wordpress.org/plugins/s2member/


#17 Real Estate Websites

#17 Real Estate Websites

Real estate website needs to display listings, have a slider, have a maps integration & more. You need some good themes and plugin to build a good functional wordpress real estate website.




#18 Online Courses (Udemy Alike)

We also also start selling our course directly on our Wordpress website by turning it into an online course website with the help of some plugin.


CoursePress Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/coursepress/

LifterLMS Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/lifterlms/

#19 Hotel Website With Booking System

#19 Hotel Website With Booking System

It is very easy nowadays to start a hotel/apartment website by using Wordpress, not only to display your information on the website but also to have a functional booking system too.




#20 Videos Sites

#20 Videos Sites

If you like show your video to the world, Wordpress can help you build a video site with ease.








