20 things to always pack

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 20 things to always pack


Toilet PaperThis is one of the most important things anyone can bring on a trip, but not necessarily for the reason you’d think. Toilet paper is a travel must because it’s really more of an all-purpose tool. Yes, it comes in handy in the bathroom (especially in developing countries or restrooms that are not well-stocked) – but it will also be your savior when you have a runny nose, need to wipe down a messy table, want to create some impromptu earplugs, need to cover a wound on-the-go, or simply need a napkin during your outdoorsy picnic.

Power StripIt’s 2015. You shouldn’t have to choose between charging your laptop, phone, tablet, Kindle, camera battery, or electric toothbrush. It’s always a good idea to bring along a power strip in case you need a few more outlets. You’ll thank yourself when your hotel room has a power surge, but all your devices will be unaffected. Bonus: everyone at the airport with a drained phone battery will want to be your best friend.

Power StripIt’s 2015. You shouldn’t have to choose between charging your laptop, phone, tablet, Kindle, camera battery, or electric toothbrush. It’s always a good idea to bring along a power strip in case you need a few more outlets. You’ll thank yourself when your hotel room has a power surge, but all your devices will be unaffected. Bonus: everyone at the airport with a drained phone battery will want to be your best friend.