20 th Century China. The Empress Dowager, Tzu Hsi.

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 20 th Century China. The Empress Dowager, Tzu Hsi.

20th Century


The Empress Dowager, Tzu Hsi

Pu Yi, the last emperor of China

Sun Yat Sen, Nationalist Leader of China

Chiang Kai Shek, Chinese Nationalist Leader

Madame Chiang Kai Shek

Mao Zedong, Chinese Communist Chairman

Jian Qing, Mao’s wife and leader of the Cultural


The Korean Conflict

Kim Il Sung,

Founder of

North Korea’s Communist Party

•Korea had been in the hands of the Japanese since 1910.•At the Allied Summit Meetings it was decided to divide Korea at the 38th Parallel.

•The North would be run by Kim Il Sun who had been supplied with tanks and weapons by the Soviet Union. China was still in the midst of a Civil War. They also had developed their own army: The North Korean People’s Army.•The South was under the presidency of Sygmann Rhee who openly declared he wanted national unity for all of Korea but lacked the military strength to do this.•The South also was under the control of the U.S. military under the direction of Gen. Douglas MacArthur from his base in Tokyo.

•After several bloody conflicts along the 38th Parallel, the North invaded the South on June 25, 1950.•The UN Security Council branded the North as aggressors and decided to take action against them.•The North’s invasion went as far south as the Pusan Perimeter in the southeast corner of South Korea.•At first, before any other troops arrived, the British and Americans were on the scene to fight against the superior weaponry of the North Koreans.

•In September, Gen. MacArthur landed two divisions at the Port of Inchon . With their communication cut and under heavy bombardment, the North Koreans fled back north with the Americans in pursuit.•UN forces were situated now at the Manchurian border of North Korea having pushed all the way north.•Gen. MacArthur promises a victory by Christmas when he meets with President Truman on Wake Island.•Shortly after this, the Chinese entered the war and all will change.


Kim Jong Il, Communist leader of North Korea

President Kim Dae Jung of South Korea visits Pyongyang and greets Kim Jong Il in 2000.

President Lee Myung-Bak

Of South Korea

North Korea

South Korea

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul at night

Pyongyang, North Korea

Pyongyang, North Korea

North Korean propaganda

Kim Il Sung, the “Great Leader”

Traffic in Pyongyang

Pyongyang, Kaesong Highway

The 38th Parallel today

North Korea is in the background. South Korea in the foreground

8055th M.A.S.H.

M.A.S.H. Pharmacy

Korean War Memorial, DC