20 Presentation Secrets You Won't Find Elsewhere

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 20 Presentation Secrets You Won't Find Elsewhere

Effect Works

Presentations can be intimidating.

From entrepreneurs to investors, authors to communication gurus, Effect Works talked to 20 experts to find out their presentation secrets.

Communication Consultant and Author

Andy Bounds

Writer, World Traveler and Entrepreneur

Chris Guillebeau

Entrepreneur. Envato CEO

Collis Ta'eed

Personal Branding Expert

Dan Schawbel

Graphic Designer and Design Author

David Airey

Musician. Entrepreneur. Founded CD Baby

Derek Sivers

Former Apple Chief Evangelist. Co-founder of Alltop.com

Guy Kawasaki

Publisher, fear.less magazine

Ishita Gupta

Founding Editor of Wired, Writer, Photographer, Conservationist

Kevin Kelly

CommonCraft Founder

Lee LeFever

Social Web Strategist and Community Builder

Liz Strauss

Co-Founder, WordPress

Matt Mullenweg

Serial Entrepreneur, Investor and Blogger

Neil Patel

Co-Founder, Picplum

Paul Stamatiou

Entrepreneur, Personal Finance Author and Expert

Ramit Sethi

Entrepreneur. Founded charity: water

Scott Harrison

Serial Entrepreneur and Best Selling Author

Seth Godin

Digital and Social Media Strategist

Tamar Weinberg

CEO of Zappos.com

Tony Hsieh

It takes one hour of preparation for each minute of presentation time, said Wayne Burgraff

These 20 tips should definitely help you ace your next presentation

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