20 Patterns of Organization

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Transcript of 20 Patterns of Organization

  • 7/29/2019 20 Patterns of Organization


    How to Become an

    Effec t ive Reader

    Methods of Text Organization

    And Transitions

  • 7/29/2019 20 Patterns of Organization


    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Organizational Methods

    ( Patterns) and TransitionsAuthors use many different methods to

    organize information. If you know which

    organizational method the author is using,you will better understand the informationyou read.

    Authors use two techniques to clearly showhow ideas are related to one another:

    Organizational Methods (Patterns)


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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Organizational Methods (Patterns)

    Organizational Methods are establishedby using transitions to show the logicalrelationship between ideas in aparagraph or passage.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers


    Transitions are words and phrases that show thelogical relationships within a sentence and between

    sentences. Example: Fernando is actively involved in several

    community organizations. Children know Fernandolikes them becausehe goes on all the Boy Scoutcamping trips and he coaches a youth soccer league.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Organizational Methods (Patterns) Cause and Effect Comparison and/or Contrast Spatial Order-Location / Description Time Order (Sequence, Chronological Order)/ Process Enumeration (Listing) Problem-Solution Definition

    Example Addition

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Cause and Effect

    In a passage that is organizedaccording to cause and effect, theauthor tells what happened (effect) andwhy it happened (cause). Severalcauses might be given for one or the

    passage might describe several effectsof one cause.

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    Example ofCause and Effect

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    Comparison and Contrast

    A passage of comparison and contrastfocuses on how two or more things arealike and different. Sometimes anauthor compares a familiar item withsomething that is less well-known.

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    Words and Phrases Used in

    Comparison and ContrastWords that signal a

    comparison As

    Also Like Alike Likewise Resembles Similar Just as Just like Equally Same both

    Words that signal a contrast however Although

    Whereas In contrast Yet Differs from Instead

    Unlike On the contrary Different from On the other hand

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    Example ofCompare and Contrast

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    The Time Order Pattern

    The time order pattern is perhaps the mostcommon way to organize information. This

    type of organization generally shows a chainof events chronologically or in the order inwhich they occur.

    There are two types:



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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Transitions Used in the Time

    Order Pattern for Narration After Afterward As

    At last Before Currently During Eventually

    Finally First Last Later While

    Meanwhile Next Now

    Presently Often Previously Second Since

    Soon Then Ultimately Until When

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Example ofTime Order (narration)

    When Corbin decided to become a teacher, he had noidea that he was also deciding to become a career student. Hisfirst notions of wanting only a bachelors degree were quickly

    dispelled. During those early years as a teacher, he found thatthe more he learned the more excited he was about teaching.Eventually, his passion for learning earned him a mastersdegree and a doctorate degree.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Example of Time Order

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Organizational Methods

    In addition to the methods describedbefore, authors frequently organize

    their writing in the following ways: Flashback

    Bulleted List

    Foreshadowing Question/Answer


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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Example: Relationships Within a


    Weightlifting builds and tones muscles;it also builds bone density.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Example: Relationships Between

    Sentences Robert and Dorothy had a fantastic time

    when they vacationed at Valhalla Resort on

    Marathon Key in Florida. They woke upbefore dawn every day so that they wouldnot miss the beautiful sunrises.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers


    To ensure proper interdental cleaning, floss each day.First, break off about 18 inches of floss and wind most of itaround one of your middle fingers. Second, wind the remaining

    floss around the same finger of the opposite hand. Third, holdthe floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers. Next,guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbingmotion; never snap the floss into the gums. Then gently slide itinto the space between the gum and tooth.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Spatial Order Pattern

    The space order pattern allows authors to

    describe a person, place, or thing based onits location or the way it is arranged in space.

    The writer often uses descriptive details tohelp readers create vivid mental pictures.

    For example, he might describe a tall buildingfrom bottom to top, a painting from left toright, a landscape.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Transition Words in the Spatial

    Order Pattern Above Across Adjacent to At the bottom

    At the side At the top At the side Below Beneath Beside Beyond By Center Close to Down Far away Farther


    In front of

    In the back of


    Left Middle

    Next to





    To the left To the right




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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers


    From their heads to the tips of their tails,humpback whales bear distinctive markings.

    On top a humpback whale is dotted withfleshy knobs called tubercles; a strand of hairwith many nerve endings grows out of eachtubercle.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    The Listing Pattern

    Authors list a series or set of reasons,details, or points.

    Changing the order of the details doesnot change their meaning.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Addition Transitions Used in

    the Listing Pattern And


    Furthermore Another




    First of all

    For one thing

    In addition

    Last Last of all






  • 7/29/2019 20 Patterns of Organization


    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers


    An animal as large and beautiful as a horseneeds to be cared for carefully. First, cleaning its stall

    on a regular basis is absolutely necessary. Inaddition, a horse needs to be groomed 3-5 times aweek. Finally, a horse needs to be fed and exercisedon a daily basis.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    The Classification Pattern

    Authors use the classification pattern tosort ideas into smaller groups and

    describe the traits of each group.

    Each smaller group, called a subgroup,is based on shared traits or


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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Transitions Used in the

    Classification Pattern

    Another (group, kind, type)


    First (group, categories, kind, type)

    Second (group, categories, kind, type)

    Order Traits

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers


    Wetlands is a general term that includes several typesof vital links between water and land. One type of wetland is abog; it is characterized by spongy peat deposits, acidic waters,

    and is covered by a carpet of sphagnum moss.Another type ofwetland is the marsh, which is a wetland frequently swampedwith water; it is characterized by soft-stemmed vegetation.Finally, a swamp is a type of wetland dominated by woodyplants.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Thought Patterns in Textbooks

    Textbook authors use transitions to makerelationships between ideas clear and easy to

    understand. Often authors mix organizational patterns in

    the same passage or paragraph.

    The effective reader looks for the authorsprimary pattern of organization.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Chapter Review

    Transitions are words and phrases that show the relationshipsbetween ideas.

    A thought pattern is established by using transitions to show the

    logical relationship between ideas in a paragraph or passage.

    Narration and process are two uses of the time order thoughtpattern.

    Transitions of time signal that the writer is describing whensomething occurred.

    In addition to showing a chain of events, the time order patternis used to show steps, stages, or directions that can be repeatedat any time with similar results.

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    2004 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Longman Publishers

    Chapter Review

    Transitions of addition, such as and, also, and furthermore, aregenerally used to indicate a listing pattern.

    Authors use the classification pattern to sort ideas into smaller

    groups and describe the traits for each group.

    Examples of classification signal words are first type, secondkind, or another group.

    The spatial order pattern allows authors to describe a person,place, or thing based on its location or the way it is arranged in


    Some of the words used to establish the space order patterninclude adjacent, below, and underneath.

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    2004 P Ed ti I bli hi L P bli h
