2-Point Perspective Drawing · Your assignment: Drawing A 2-point Perspective House Step By Step...

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Transcript of 2-Point Perspective Drawing · Your assignment: Drawing A 2-point Perspective House Step By Step...

2-Point Perspective Drawing

How to add dimension to our

drawings of structures

Perspective drawing is a vital artistic technique in conveying spatial representations on paper.

Defining Two Point Perspective

Two Point Perspective is a type of linear perspective. Two Point Perspective is a

systematic way of drawing box-like objects or anything that can be logically

arranged into a geometric, grid-like structure. This 2pt drawing method is defined by 2

vanishing points that represent 2 convergence points and infinite distance away. All geometric

objects that are arranged perpendicular or parallel to each other will have drawn sides that

converge on each vanishing point. This will become super clear in the examples to come. But

usually, you can tell you’re looking at a 2point perspective artwork if you can see 2 sides of the

same building!

Learning 2 pt perspective drawing is one of the smartest things you can do

as an artist. As a result you’ll be able to correctly identify the angles that sides

of objects make and draw them accurately.

2 pt. perspective is really just a recipe for drawing geometric objects with

special realism. It’s a very important stepping stone in your quest to become

a better artist. Whether drawing or painting you’ll encounter perspective

drawing issues everywhere. Even in places you wouldn’t think to such as

portraits and landscape art, but more on that later.

Why Learning 2pt. Perspective is Important


Have you ever tried to draw a city scape, or a bunch of houses? How about

an interior scene or a table top scattered with books? How did it go? For

most of you, you’d rather have me shred your drawings than post them to

artsonia for everyone to see! But that’s why you’re here reading this!

Once you understand how to see objects and environments in perspective

they become so much easier to draw. You won’t have to guess as much as

before. Remember, two point perspective is a drawing system. You just need

to follow the system of going back to either of the two points, focusing on

accuracy, to get good results every time, with no guess work! Sounds pretty

good right? It is.

Your assignment: Drawing A 2-point Perspective House

Step By Step Instructions

The following section contains many step by step illustrations to

help you understand the 2-point perspective system at work. Each

illustration is color coded for easier understanding.

You’ll start off by drawing a two point perspective drawing of a

building. I’ve chosen a house for this building’s structure. This will

give you a solid foundation for drawing a building’s exterior. This will

prime you for drawing more complicated perspective drawings such

as cityscapes, town centers… anything architectural really.

Just to make everything super easy to understand I’ll be creating a red vanishing

point on the left and a green vanishing point on the right. What’s the point?

Heh heh… no pun intended!

The step by step instructions have color coded lines. Any of the orthogonal lines

(perspective lines) that need to be drawn to the left vanishing point will also be drawn in

red. All lines that need to meet at the right-hand vanishing point will be drawn in green.

To contrast all vertical lines will be drawn using black. Please note: all vertical lines in a

2pt. perspective drawing need to be parallel. There will be some other types of special

lines too. Here’s a key that you can refer back to:

Perspective Color-coded Key

Use this color key to guide you through the

step by step 2 point perspective drawing

assignment below.



Step 1Establish your horizon line and your two vanishing points,

in the middle of your paper. The horizon

line is a

horizontal line

that represents

eye level.

*If you find 2 point perspective rather tricky, try this exercise with a red and green

color pencils along with your regular pencil.

Next you should draw the closest corner of the house.

This is nothing more than a vertical line.

Step 2

Step 3

To create the front side of the house you should connect the top

and bottom ends of your vertical line to the left-hand vanishing


Step 4

You’ll have to decide how far back this wall extends. Pick a distance and end

the side with a vertical line. Remember that all vertical lines in this drawing

will be parallel to each other, meaning that they’ll never cross each other.

*You can make sure your lines are perfectly vertical by lining up a bold ruler line

with the top and bottom edges of your paper.

Step 5

Repeat the same procedure for the other side of the house /

box. These lines can be seen below in green.

Step 6

The top of the box can be drawn by connecting the remaining

top corners to their appropriate vanishing points.

Step 7

At this point in the drawing it would be a good idea to clean things

up a bit. Erase any extra lengths you have on your lines.

Step 8

Finding the middle of something that is drawn in 2 point perspective is not as easy as measuring it. Because a perspective drawing accounts for visual space, things need to get smaller as they recede away from the viewer of the drawing. To put this another way, the back half of the box needs to be smaller than the front half!

Draw the spatial perspective properly!

Fortunately there’s an easy way to do this. Borrowing a simple technique from geometry we

can find the perspective middle of our box by connecting opposite corners. This lines

(yellow) are only temporary so you should draw them very lightly.

Step 9

Next, with a perfectly vertical line you want to intersect the perspective middle

of the box. This divides the box into two halves that are properly compensated

in size for your perspective drawing.

Step 10

Now that you have the middle of the box located, you can add a door.

There! Now this box is starting to resemble a house.

Step 11

Before you attempt to draw a roof you need to calculate the perspective middle.

Check out the yellow lines drawn below. I’m using the same procedure we used

to position the door.

Step 12

At this stage of the drawing you can decide how tall or how much pitch the

roof will have. Pick a point somewhere on the perspective middle (the tall

yellow line). Next you’ll connect that point to each of the top two corners of

the right wall. (drawn in purple)

Step 13

Next we’ll construct the ridge line portion of the roof. That’s the highest part of

the roof. This is simple. Just connect the point you established in the previous

step to the left-hand vanishing point.

Step 14

Note: The next 3 steps require special attention. Most people fake or guess the angle and

positioning for the final line that constructs the roof. But, there is a precise way to draw it. It requires

some extra, temporary lines but is worth learning. Watch this…

You are going to construct the back wall of the house even though we can’t really

see it. Do this lightly.

Step 15

Now divide that wall into its perspective halves.

Step 16

Where the vertical line representing the perspective half (yellow) intersects

with the ridgeline (red) that is where the final line should be directed to. Simply

note the intersection and connect it to the remaining left-hand corner. I’m doing

this in purple.

Step 17

Good job! I’m sure you’ve got some extra lines drawn. Erase them before

continuing please.

Step 18

Finally you can invite some guests into our house drawing by adding a

walkway. Keep your cool and don’t just make up your own angles. Make sure

you are drawing your lines to the proper vanishing point.

Step 19

You can even draw a direction change in the walkway. My house has a walkway

that very similar to this one! Notice how I’m using the other vanishing point

to create the direction change in the walkway?

Step 20

If your drawing is all caught up fantastic! Now you need to challenge yourself.

Can you add some windows to the front and side of your house? How can you

divide up the space so that they are positioned symmetrically yet compensate

for perspective? (Hint use the “x” finding middle technique repeatedly)

1. Legibly write your name, date and time

you finished in a bottom corner on the

front of your paper

2. Take separate photos of your 2 different

sketches (or scan them if you have a

scanner) and upload the images to your

notebook in Teams.

3. At the top of your Sketchbook page in

Teams, your page entry should start

with the DATE. Look at the sample

page to the right:

Once you have finished the drawing of your house, make

sure you:

2-point Perspective Sketch Rubric2 point perspective house drawn properly--horizontal line is

drawn; left orthogonal lines lead to left vanishing point, right

orthogonal lines lead to right vanishing point.









All lines are correct; 3

dimensional house is

formed correctly; all

orthogonals lead to correct

vanishing points; erased

extra lines well. Vanishing

points and horizon line still


Lines to form 3D house are

correct but not all straight;

paper has excessive lines

not erased.

3D house appears

somewhat correct; effort

was made, horizon line and

vanishing points present,

but student did not quite

understand concept.

Student did not appear to

understand concept based

on evidence of lack of 3D

qualities in house drawing

or did not put forth

appropriate effort in

following steps.