2 Peter This is a review of the book of 2Peter. This review doesn’t focus on one theme only, but...

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 2 Peter This is a review of the book of 2Peter. This review doesn’t focus on one theme only, but...

2 Peter This is a review of the book of 2Peter.

This review doesn’t focus on one theme only, but an overview.

2Peter is a rich book and deserves your study,focus and thinking

Outline for the book

• I. Holiness…..Chapter 1• II. Heresy…....Chapter 2• III. Hope……...Chapter 3

• Chapter 1: : Holiness— The Calling and Cultivation to Christian Character 1:3-21

• First a Question: What makes me holy? 1. It is Imputed to me at justification----an event

2. It is Developed in me as I live out my life in Christ…Obedience to the word----a process

2Cor_7:1 Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

I may be saved but if I don’t follow the word---my Holiness is in question/ergo my salvation—-John 14:23

I may be good guy but haven’t received Christ—Hell is full of good people

Chapter 1: : Holiness--Calling and Cultivation of Christian Character 1:3-21

I. The sources of Holiness vs. 3-4• Knowledge-of Christ• Great Promises-which should motivate us to stay the


II. The process of obedience--to Love--5-7**

Faith + Virtue + Knowledge + Self Control + Perseverance + Godliness + Philio + Love

Excellence-intrinsict and attributed

Our conscience

Expressions of The Fruit of the Spirit



Knowledge and action

Knowledge of God’s thinking..Intimate knowledge of Jesus

Prerequisite is a Fear of God Prov 1:7

The Word and the Holy Spirit

A product. Piety Sober

A product.. Noun/verb

Product of the Process

Act of the Will

The Process to Love John 13:34-35 2Pe 1:5 But also in this very thing, bringing in all diligence, filling out your faith with virtue, and with virtue, knowledge;

• Chapter 1: : Holiness—

Calling and Cultivation of Christian Character 1:3-21

If your in the process--five promises vs 8-11

1. You will never be useless or unfruitful

2. You will give forth love…..John 13:34-35. We can say that Christian love is the product of the obedient process. Love in the Bible is mainly an act of the will?...not just an emotion

3. Never be barren...Matt 6:17-19…A tree is known by its fruit

4. You will Not fail 5. An entrance into Heaven will be provided

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Chapter 2

• Condemnation and Character Traits of False Teachers-The Heretic:

• Dangers and Techniques of False Teachers 2:1-3• 1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there

will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction.

• 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed

• 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.

Vocabulary• The battle is one and lost on our handling of the Word.A major area of heresy and break down is in our vocabulary• Remember you think with words therefore, a flawed or weak

vocabulary will produce a flawed and weak believer• Some words being abused today are• 1. Legalism• 2. Love• 3. fear of God• 4. Mercy

Chapter 2 Continued

C. Traits and strategy of the false prophets 10-19

a.****they speak great swelling words of emptiness,

We must be thinking men of God. We must protect each other and ourselves from the heretic. We must not be swayed by lofty words…..Christianity is a thinking man’s life. Romans 12.2

Chapter 2 Continued• C. What happens to the Heretics:

• swift destruction-vs.1• a long time their judgment has not been idle-vs.3• their destruction does not slumber-vs.3• ***will utterly perish in their own corruption-vs.12• will receive the wages of unrighteousness-vs.13• slaves to destruction-vs.19• reserved the blackness of darkness forever-vs.17• They will return to their own vomit.-vs.22

Thought• They exploit you with deceptive words

• Today there are many words being used that seduce you into heresy. i.e. Love, Grace it up, Legalism, cultural commands

Where do you think in your life and influences are you being mislead with heresy? Some I have observed----

• Accountability to God…We will not be culpable to God for our life on earth

• De-emphasis of obedience—They say the emphasis on obedience is condemning

• No-Fear of God• Women role in the Church• Divorce• Fornication and living together• Abortion• Homosexuality

Words being misused in our time• Love***• Legalism***• Rewards???• No Fear of God, phobia-terror**• Culpability**• Conviction vs condemning• Knowledge• Calling• Holy

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Outline of chapter 3:

I. Cynics of the last days 3:1-7

II. Signs, truths and events of the last days 3:8-10• 1 day with God is a 1000 days with Jesus—we linger and wait• His longsuffering--Great evangelistic outreach….3:9• His day will just come upon us

III. Our Steadfastness in the last days 3:11-18• The great question ..”How then ought we to live”..

Comments• Key verse: 3:11

• 3:11  Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?

• What is God’s motivational scheme in this verse?

Fear—Time is short and the present things will only dissolve This is the scheme through out the chapter. Jesus used this motiovational thinking in the Gospels.

That is very true today. Your time is short. Are you ready and in the battle------But most of us are uninformed about the End Times

Revelation:•How many are knowledgeable on the book of Revelations. Note these verses out of the book:

Rev 1:3 Blessed is the one who reads and hears the Words of this prophecy, and the ones keeping the things written in it, for the time is near.

Rev 22:7 Behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he who keeps the Words of the prophecy of this Book.Rev 22:12 And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to each according as his work.

Book of Revelation continued

Rev 22:18 For I testify together to everyone who hears the Words of the prophecy of this Book: If anyone adds to these things (God’s Word), God will add on him the plagues that have been written in this Book. Rev 22:19 And if anyone takes away from the Words of the Book of this prophecy, God will take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which have been written in this Book. Rev 22:20 He who testifies these things says, Yes, I am coming quickly, Amen. Yes, come, Lord Jesus.

Challenge in going home

Rev_2:11 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to you at this retreat

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• If you have any questions or any other form of communication required, my email is

• Gayle.Jackson@Portalt.COM