2 MASTER EXERCISE PRESENTATION- LEGS.ppt · Straight Leg Barbell Deadlift Hamstrings Furman...

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Transcript of 2 MASTER EXERCISE PRESENTATION- LEGS.ppt · Straight Leg Barbell Deadlift Hamstrings Furman...



LegLeg Exercises

Barbell SquatGluteals Furman University Greenville, SC



Select weight. The Olympic bar in the pictureweighs 45 pounds. Use safety collars whenadding additional plates. Place the bar on yourupper back (not your neck). Stand with feet hipdistance apart and knees straight but notlocked. Lift your toes inside of your shoes toshift the weight back onto your heels.

Inhale and squat down as if you were sitting on achair. Ideally, your thighs will be parallel to thefloor and your knees will make a 90° angle. Youshould be able to lift your toes inside of your shoesthroughout the motion. Do not let your kneesmove forward over your toes. Keep your chest upand look forward. Exhale and press through yourheels to stand back up.




Smith Machine SquatsGluteals Furman University

Greenville, SC



Select weight. The Smith bar in the pictureweighs 10 pounds when unloaded. Place thebar on your upper back (not your neck). Standwith feet hip distance apart and knees straightbut not locked. Lift your toes inside of yourshoes to shift the weight back onto your heels.

Inhale and squat down as if you were sitting on achair. Ideally, your thighs will be parallel to thefloor and your knees will make a 90° angle. Youshould be able to lift your toes inside of your shoesthroughout the motion. Do not let your kneesmove forward over your toes. Keep your chest upand look forward. Exhale and press through yourheels to stand back up.


Hammer Strength V-SquatsGluteals Furman University

Greenville, SC

Stand with feet hip distance apart and lean back on Exhale and press through your heels to stand up


i Stand with feet hip distance apart and lean back onthe back rest. Do not touch shoulder pads withyour shoulders during set up. Select weight fromthe weight stack. Lift the handle on the right sideof the back rest to lower the seat position. Squatdown so your knees make a 90° angle and yourthighs are parallel to the floor. Lift your toes insideof your shoes to shift the weight back onto yourheels. Shift up slightly so your shoulders aretouching the shoulder pads.

Exhale and press through your heels to stand up.Keep your knees straight but not locked. Inhale asyour lower into the squat position.

When you are finished with your set, use thehandle to the right of the back rest to return to astanding position. Do not touch shoulder pads withyour shoulders as you return to the standingposition.




Dumbbell SquatGluteals Furman University Greenville, SC



Select dumbbells. Stand with feet hip distanceapart and knees straight but not locked. Liftyour toes inside of your shoes to shift theweight back onto your heels.

Inhale and squat down as if you were sitting on achair. Ideally, your thighs will be parallel to thefloor and your knees will make a 90° angle. Youshould be able to lift your toes inside of your shoesthroughout the motion. Do not let your kneesmove forward over your toes. Keep your chest upand look forward. Exhale and press through yourheels to stand back up.


Plate Loaded Leg PressGluteals Furman University

Greenville, SC


i Add plates to the machine if desired. Theunloaded sled weighs 75 pounds. Adjust thereclining position on the back rest if desired.Place your feet hip distance apart on the footplatform .

Notice the safety handles on both sides of themachine. They rest in a low position forshorter legs and a high position for longerlegs.

Lift your toes inside of your shoes to shiftthe weight back onto your heels. Straightenyour knees as you press the weight up (thesafety handles will drop back). Inhale andslowly lower the weight until your kneesform a 90° angle. Exhale as you pressthrough your heels to push the weight backup to the starting position. Do not lock yourknees.




Cybex Leg PressGluteals Furman University Greenville, SC



Lie on the sled. Place your head on the headrest and slide up so your shoulders are touchingthe shoulder pads. Place your feet hip distanceapart on the foot platform. The middle part ofthe feet should be over the middle strip on theplatform. Use the sled adjustment to find aposition where your knees make a 90° angle asshown above.

Use the pin to select a weight on the weightstack. Lift your toes inside of your shoes to shiftthe weight back onto your heels. Exhale as youpress through your heels and straighten yourlegs. Do not lock your knees. Inhale as youslowly release the weight back to the startingposition.


Dumbbell Reverse LungeGluteals Furman University

Greenville, SC



Select dumbbells. Stand upright and hold thedumbbells by your sides. Draw your shoulderblades down and back to stabilize your shoulders.

(Similar variations include walking lunges,stationary lunges, and forward stepping lunges.)

Step back with your right foot. Lunge down so bothknees form 90° angles. Keep your torso upright. Donot let your left knee move forward over your toes.Do not bang your back knee on the floor.Lift your toes inside of your left shoe. Press throughyour left heel to stand back up. After you havecompleted one set, repeat on the opposite leg.




Lunge ON the StepGluteals Furman University Greenville, SC



Select dumbbells. Stand upright and hold thedumbbells by your sides. Place your right foot onthe center of a short box (~4 inch height). Shiftforward slightly so your right knee is directly overyour right ankle. Lift your toes inside of your rightshoe. Draw your shoulder blades down and backto stabilize your shoulders.

Lunge down so both knees form 90° angles. Keepyour torso upright. Do not let your right kneemove forward over your toes. Do not bang yourback knee on the floor. Press through your rightheel to return to the starting position. Completeone set and repeat on the opposite leg.


Lunge OFF the StepGluteals Furman University Greenville, SC



Select dumbbells. Stand upright and hold thedumbbells by your sides. Place your left foot on ashort box (~4 inch height) as shown. Lift your toesinside of your right shoe to shift the weight backonto your right heel. Draw your shoulder bladesdown and back to stabilize your shoulders.

Lunge down so both knees make 90 ° angles.Keep your torso upright. Do not let your rightknee move forward over your toes. Do notbang your back knee on the floor. Pressthrough your right heel to return to the startingposition. Complete one set and repeat on theopposite leg.




Medicine Ball Step-upGluteals Furman University Greenville, SC



Position the box for a 12 inch or 18 inch step height.Choose a box height that allows your right thigh toform a 90° angle as shown above. Practice thisexercise without weights until you feel comfortablewith the motion. Select a weighted Medicine Ball ifdesired. Place your entire right foot on the center ofthe box. Lift your toes inside of your right shoe toshift the weight back onto your heel.

Use the strength of your right leg to step uponto the box. Try not to use your left leg.Carefully step down with your left leg.Complete one set with the right foot on thestep and repeat on the other side.


Straight Leg Barbell Deadlift Hamstrings

Furman University Greenville, SC

Erector Spinae

Select a weighted barbell. Stand with yourfeet hip distance apart and your kneesstraight but not locked. Place handsshoulder width apart on the bar with anoverhand grip. Draw your shoulders downand back to stabilize your shoulder blades.

Inhale and hinge forward from your hips. Lowerthe bar toward the floor. Keep your kneesslightly bent and your back flat throughout themotion. Beginners may want to stop when theback is parallel to the floor. At the bottom ofthe motion engage your hamstrings. Exhaleand stand up with a flat back.

(Lower Back)



Dumbbell Straight Leg Dead LiftHamstrings

Furman University Greenville, SC

Erector Spinae

Select weight. Stand with feet hip distanceapart and knees straight but not locked.Place your hands shoulder width apart withan overhand grip on the dumbbells. Drawyour shoulders down and back to stabilizeyour shoulder blades.

Inhale and hinge forward from your hips.Lower the dumbbells toward the floor. Keepyour knees slightly bent and your back flatthroughout the motion. Beginners may wantto stop when the back is parallel to the floor.At the bottom of the motion engage yourhamstrings. Exhale and stand up with a flatback.

(Lower Back)

Cybex Prone Leg Curl


Furman University Greenville, SC

Adjust the optional range limiter if needed. Lieface down on the machine. Your knees shouldbe in line with the red pivot point . You will feelyour knee caps hanging off of the thigh rest.Place your ankles under the ankle pad. Restyour elbows on the elbow pad and hold thehandles.

Select a weight on the weight stack. Use theoptional 2.5 pound increments if needed. Exhaleas you bend your knees to lift the weight. Inhaleand slowly lower the weight back to the startingposition.



Med-X Leg Curl


Furman University Greenville, SC

Remove pin from the weight stack. Sit on the seatand adjust the back rest so your knees are in linewith the pivot point. Slide your right and left legin between the leg pads. Straighten but do nothyperextend your knees. Select a weight on thestack with the pin. Notice that there is a doubleweight stack for smaller weight increments.

Lightly grasp the handles on the sides of theseat. Exhale and bend your knees to form a90° angle. Inhale and slowly return to thestarting position.

Trotter Standing Leg Curl


Furman University Greenville, SC

Select a weight on the weight stack. Standon the platform and place your chest againstthe chest pad. The ankle pads should reston the back of your ankles.

Lightly grasp the handlebars. Exhale andbend your knee to form a 90° angle. Inhaleand slowly return to starting position.



Hamstring Curl on Ball (double leg)

Lie on your back with yourhands by your sides. Place yourl f h b ll T


Furman University Greenville, SC

calves on top of the ball. Try torelax your shoulders. Lift yourhips off of the floor.

Bend your knees to curl the balltoward your hips. Slowlystraighten your legs to return tothe starting position. Keep yourhips off of the floor throughoutthe exercise.

Hamstring Curl on Ball (single leg)


Furman University Greenville, SC

This exercise is an advanced version of theDouble Leg Hamstring Curl on the Ball.Lie on your back with your hands by yoursides. Place your left calf on top of the ball.Raise your right leg into the air. Try to relaxyour shoulders. Lift your hips off of the floor.

Bend your left knee to curl the ball toward yourhips. Slowly straighten your left leg to return tothe starting position. Keep your hips off of thefloor throughout the exercise. After you havecompleted one set repeat on the other leg.



Bridge on the BallLie on your back with yourhands by your sides. Place theball right next to your hips.Place your heels on top of theball as shown. Try to relax


Furman University Greenville, SC

ba as s o y o e ayour shoulders and neck.

Using the strength of yourh d l l l f


hamstrings and gluteals, liftyour hips off of the floor.Slowly lower back to thestarting position withouttouching your hips to thefloor.

Trotter Leg Extension


Furman University Greenville, SC

Use the handle on the range limiter to move theankle pads away from the machine. Sit on the seatwith your back against the back rest. Use thehandle on the range limiter to place the ankle padsflush against your lower shins as shown. Use theadjustment setting under the ankle pads to raise orlower the ankle pads if needed.

Adjust the back rest so your knees are in linewith the red pivot point. Choose a weighton the weight stack. Lightly grasp thehandles on the sides of the seat. Exhale asyour extend your knees. Inhale as youslowly return to the starting position.



Med-X Leg Extension


Furman University Greenville, SC

Sit on the seat with your back against theback rest. Adjust the back rest so your kneesare in line with the grey pivot point.Choose a weight on the weight stack. Noticethat there is a double weight stack forsmaller weight increments.

Lightly grasp the handles on the sides ofthe seat. Exhale as your extend your knees.Inhale as you slowly return to the startingposition.

Cybex Abductor (Outer Thigh)Abductors

(Outer Thighs)

Furman University Greenville, SC

Sit on the seat with your back against the backrest. Place your ankles in the ankle pads. Swivelthe thigh pads around so they are resting on yourouter thighs. Use the knob adjustment under theseat to bring your legs close together as shown.Select the weight on the weight stack.

Exhale and press your legs away from eachother. Inhale as you resist the weight and bringthe legs back together.



Cybex Adductor (Inner Thighs)Inner Thighs

Furman University Greenville, SC

Sit on the seat with your back against the backrest. Place your ankles in the ankle pads. Swivelthe thigh pads around so they are resting onyour inner thighs. Use the knob adjustmentunder the seat to bring your thighs apart. Use acomfortable range of motion . Select theweight on the weight stack.

Exhale and squeeze your thighs together.Inhale as you resist the weight and return tothe starting position.

LifeFitness Calf Raise

Calves -Gastrocnemius

Furman University Greenville, SC

Sit on the seat with your back against theback rest. Adjust the back rest fore/aftposition so your knees are straight but notlocked. Place the balls of your feet on thefoot platform.

Press the foot platform away from you using theballs of your feet. Contract your calf muscles atthe peak of the motion. Slowly release back to thestarting position. Be careful not to overstretchthe arches of your feet as you release the weight.Keep your knees straight but not lockedthroughout the motion.



Standing Calf RaiseCalves -


Furman University Greenville, SC

Keep your knees straight but not lockedthroughout the motion. Lift your heels above theheight of the foot platform and contract your calfmuscles. Slowly lower your heels below theheight of the foot platform. Be careful not tooverstretch the arches in your feet.

Stand on the foot platform and place yourshoulders under the shoulder pads. Raiseor lower the shoulder pad setting ifneeded. Lightly grasp the handles.