2. Health benefits of apple By Allah Dad Khan

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 2. Health benefits of apple By Allah Dad Khan

Health Benefits of Apple

ByAllah dad Khan

Apple• Apple is a fleshy fruit of the tree of the species Malus

domestica in the rose family Rosaceae. The trees of the Malus family require a long period of dormancy, a well drained soil, years of careful pruning and pest management. The apple tree usually grows to about 5-12 m in height, and is one of the most cultivated fruit trees in the world. Apples ripen in autumn, and generally are 5-9 cm in diameter. They are available in a number of sizes, shapes, colours, etc. but are mostly round and come in the shades of red or yellow.

The tree is believed to have originated from Asia, and now more than 7,500 varieties of apples are available worldwide. These large number of varieties may be grouped in three categories, cider, cooking, and dessert varieties. Those varieties, which ripen in late summer are often the ones, which cannot be stored for long, whereas the ones that ripen in autumn may be stored all year round.

Health Benefits of Apple• Apple Prevent Breathing

Problems• Five or more apples a

week (less than an apple a day!) has been linked with better lung function, Health magazine reported, most likely because of an antioxidant called quercetin found in the skin of apples (as well as in onions and tomatoes), the BBC reported.

Health Benefits of Apple• Apple and immunity • While they don't quite

rival oranges, apples are considered a good source of immune system-boosting vitamin C, with over 8 milligrams per medium-sized fruit, which amounts to roughly 14 percent of your daily recommended intake pple fight colds

Health Benefits of Apple• Apple Fight Cancer• In 2004, French research

found that a chemical in apples helped prevent colon cancer, WebMD reported. And in 2007, a study from Cornell found additional compounds, called triterpenoids, which seem to fight against liver, colon and breast cancers.

Health Benefits of Apple• Apple Boost Brain Power • The fruit has been linked

to an uptick in acetylcholine production, Good Housekeeping reported, which communicates between nerve cells, so apples may help your memory and lower your chances of developing Alzheimer's. 

Health Benefits of Apple

Health Benefits of Apple• Avoid Alzheimer’s• A new study performed on

mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Mice in the study that were fed an apple-enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet

Health Benefits of Apple• Protect against Parkinson’s• Research has shown

that people who eat fruits and other high-fibre foods gain a certain amount of protection against Parkinson’s, a disease characterized by a breakdown of the brain’s dopamine-producing nerve cells. Scientists have linked this to the free radical-fighting power of the antioxidants contained therein.

Health Benefits of Apple• Prevent gallstones• Gallstones form when

there’s too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid, so it solidifies. They are particularly prevalent in the obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fibre to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels.

Health Benefits of Apple• Neutralize irritable bowel

syndrome• Irritable bowel syndrome

is characterized by constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain and bloating. To control these symptoms doctors recommend staying away from dairy and fatty foods while including a high intake of fibre in your diet.

Health Benefits of Apple• Detoxify your liver• We’re constantly consuming

toxins, whether it is from drinks or food, and your liver is responsible for clearing these toxins out of your body. Many doctors are skeptical of fad detox diets, saying they have the potential to do more harm than good. Luckily, one of the best—and easiest—things you can eat to help detoxify your liver is fruits—like apples.

Health Benefits of Apple• Boost your immune

system• Red apples contain an

antioxidant called quercetin. Recent studies have found that quercetin can help boost and fortify your immune system, especially when you're stressed out.

Health Benefits of Apple• Prevent cataracts• Though past studies have

been divided on the issue, recent long-term studies suggest that people who have a diet rich in fruits that contain antioxidants—like apples—are 10 to 15 per cent less likely to develop cataracts.

Health Benefits of Apple• Prevent dementia• Researchers at Cornell

University conducted a study, published in theJournal of Food Science, which found evidence to suggest that apples may help "protect neuron cells against oxidative stress-induced neurotoxicity", which could reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's diseas

Health Benefits of Apple• Ward off breast cancer• There is growing evidence

suggesting that an apple a day may help prevent breast cancer, according to a series of studies conducted by prominent Cornell researcher Rui Hai Liu.

• Liu said her research adds to "the growing evidence that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, including apples, would provide consumers with more phenolics, which are proving to have important health benefits. I would encourage consumers to eat more and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables daily."

Health Benefits of Apple• Steady Heart Rhythm• Granny Smith apples have a

slightly higher potassium content than other types of apples. Potassium is an electrolyte that keeps fluid balanced in and around cells. This process is vital to everyday electrical flow through your body, a function that makes your heart beat. If you don't get enough potassium each day, you may wind up having an irregular heartbeat. You need 4,700 milligrams of potassium each day, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. A 100-gram Granny Smith apple, which is equivalent to about 3 1/2 ounces, provides 115 milligrams of potassium.

Health Benefits of Apple• Anemia: Apples are useful in

treating anemia since apples are a rich source of iron. Anemia is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, which can be fixed by increasing your intake of iron, which is an integral part in the metabolism of red blood cells. By increasing the amount of red blood cells in the body, you not only prevent anemia, but also ensure proper oxygenation of essential organ systems to keep them functioning properly.

Health Benefits of Apple• Weakness: Apples are known to

remove weakness and add vigor and vitality to weak people. It is, therefore, often given to patients to help them recover quickly from their illnesses. If you want to gain weight, apples should be a part of your daily diet. It also helps in detoxifying the body and improving the overall health of the body. Although it doesn’t contain a significant amount of protein, the combination of the antioxidant compounds and the protein found in apples can have a major role in preventing weakness and improving muscle tone.

Health Benefits of Apple• Digestive Health:  One of the

most essential and overlooked parts of human health is the beneficial bacteria living throughout our body. Apples specifically help improve the functioning of the bacteria living inside of our large intestine, and early studies show that apples change the metabolism within the digestive tract, and change the balance of bacteria, which leads to improved health by maximizing nutrient uptake and eliminating harmful bacteria and toxins.

Health Benefits of Apple• Cancer Prevention: The role of 

apples in cancer prevention has been a subject of study for some time, and while they have shown moderate improvement in various types of cancer, particularly breast and colon cancer, the most significant discoveries have been regarding lung cancer. Most fruits and vegetables have some sort of anti-cancer effects, but apples stand head and shoulders among the rest in terms of commonly consumed fruits. They show a distinct and undeniable capacity to reduce lung cancer and slow its spread if it does develop. Hypotheses usually speak to the high phytonutrient content, including kaempferol and quercetin, but the exact mechanism for apples’ impact on cancer is still largely unclear.

Health Benefits of Apple• Digestion: Apples, being rich in fiber, help in the

digestive process. Regular consumption of apples ensures smooth bowel movements and helps in preventing constipation and various stomach disorders. Fiber is an important part of any diet. It adds bulk to the stool and helps food pass through the digestive tract smoothly. Furthermore, it stimulates peristaltic motion so the muscles contract appropriately and move food along. Finally, it stimulates the release of gastric and digestive juices to ensure efficient uptake of nutrients, while simultaneously scraping excess cholesterol out of your veins and arteries to ensure proper heart health and reduce chances of atherosclerosis.