2 Email Marketing Tactics Dream Dinners Franchisees Can Incorporate

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 2 Email Marketing Tactics Dream Dinners Franchisees Can Incorporate

2 Email Marketing Tactics Dream Dinners Franchisees Can Incorporate

2 Email Marketing Tactics Dream Dinners Franchisees Can Incorporate Although oftentimes overlooked as being old-fashioned or outdated, email marketing is an amazingly economical and effective marketing tool. The Direct Marketing Association reports that businesses that deploy email marketing campaigns receive an ROI of 4,300 percent. Email marketing is relatively easy and inexpensive to employ, and today Dream Dinners franchise reviews how a franchisee can make it one of the most-cost effective growth tools in his or her aresenal.

Email marketing is a collaborative tool that enables customer interaction with a franchise brand at a customer’s own convenience. Email marketing helps franchisees remain top-of-mind with their customers as an excellent method of customer retention. Here are two effective emails tactics that Dream Dinners franchisees can test out sending to their consumers:

eNewsletters– eNewsletters can serve as an educational tool for your customers, providing them with industry knowledge or trends that may be connected to your business or the product you provide on a monthly basis. Distributing an eNewsletter to your customer base can help build your brand’s authority and reputation as an expert in its industry, enhancing the trust between the franchise brand and the customer. The key for employing an effective eNewsletter is to providing relevant content to your customer.

For example, the Dream Dinners franchise is founded upon bringing families together around the dinner table by helping to provide a healthy meal. Great content for an eNewsletter for Dream Dinners franchisees to send to their consumers would include stories revolving around family-time, nutrition and health, just to name a few. All of the content included in a franchise brand’s eNewsletter should be useful to readers to feel as if they are getting something out of reading it.

New Product Emails– Is your franchise revealing a new product or service in the upcoming months? Chances are that your answer is yes, and this is the perfect time to implement an email marketing campaign surrounding this new product or service. Franchise brands can send out a promotional email updating customers about the new product or service and its features, as well as directing people on how they can learn more.

Franchise brands like Dream Dinners bring new menu items into their stores on a monthly basis, so each month Dream Dinners franchisees can unveil what their new monthly meals are with the aim of driving consumers into their establishments to purchase these meals. Providing promising pictures and sending the email in a timely manner (sooner rather than later) are two key steps in new product email marketing.

When choosing to implement email marketing into a franchise business’ marketing strategy, there are two key things to remember. First, the content in the email should be easy to scan through. As consumers’ attention spans continue to dwindle, it’s crucial for email marketing tactics to adapt to this by making copy easier to read in a short about of time.

Content can be broken up into short paragraphs or bullet points categorized by easy-to-read categorical headers. The second necessity for email marketing campaigns to have is some sort of graphic component. Eye-catching and vibrant images can help to draw a customer in and break up content within the email.

Become a Dream Dinners Franchisee! For more information about investing in a Dream Dinners franchise for sale or Dream Dinners franchise location near you, helping your community take back dinnertime, visit the Dream Dinners franchise information page today.