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Transcript of 1YTT 'A NI IUT

1YTT NYE AS F 'A bracelet thatwas a present trom the Bra- DCA

"C'e m g nifique," she cried, with more of wSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsSSS SSSSSSSSbSSSS SSSS SSSS

than of boasting in her tone. True Two Magnificent I [Faultless Exhibitions ! Rain or Shine I IS INDIDRSED BY THE WIVH LE PR4IRIE it was. The center was a large black pearl, AT-fet/ule51i

I)0G DISTRICl, BUT IS NOT ELECTED. surrounded with diamonds, set on either side AT DOAG DiONYLLLEFRIDAY, IUT SI NI with a large solitaire, and the circlet com- 1 2 posed of square links of brilliant. Jeweled S W7 5mP 1a '/2

Nominated for the Legislature-A Bitter birds shone against the velvet background: Rev. C. T. Clear ee BohGeorgia MhodistConfe

Factional Fight-Friends, Neighbors their bodies were diamonds, their r eads i atall CuntyGa One year ago I was taken with rheumatism nd became almot and a Brass Band-Fooled by Home bies and sapphires. Among the collection helpless for over thee months All the remedies used seemed to fa nt I commenced

and a Brass Band- the use of Swift's Specflc. I have taken five bottles, and am perfectly sound and well Indorsements-A Demijohn's Work. were beetles of huge size, richly set with jew- Most w0ivdy ld0il Tented h that willii Jacksonvile 1i eson. f again. I would have written sooner, but waited to see if the cure was permanent.Vs AndJ n h

________els, and clasps and belts with a gem in each now I unhesitatingly recommend S. S. S. as a safe and reliable remedy for rheumatism. link. An odd caprice of this priestess of odd- I Love all confidence in its virtue."

Bill Nye in New York World. ities has been to leave her ears unpierced /

The heat and venom of our own campaign Another noticeable difference between her 4 S here brings back to my mind with wonderful stage dressing andl that of most stars is that

clearness the bitter and acrinmonious war and she wears no jewels in her hair, although JFor over two years I suffered intensely with muscular rheumatism

. I became almost the savage factional fight which character- combs and crescents quiver on pins about h helpless, and had to be helped out of bed. At times I was unable to turn myself in bed, the sy o nlit idc 1 what rcos abe Thestn y u ir is lot 1 and had to be handled as tenderly as an infant. My chest was involved, and the pain "ized my own legislative candidacy in what dressing table. The tawny hair is left unfet was intolerable at times. All the old and well-known remedies were exhausted, but no

a known as the Prairie Dog district of tered o follow the impulsesof the art ste - -- permanent relief was obtained. About a yearago I was induced by a friend to try Swift's Wyomaing, about ten years ago. This dis- head _ Specific. The effect has been magical. My friends scarcely recognize me. My rheuma- r2 trictnwas known far sad wide as the battle- , 3--ng Circlls--10ge Theatre Stage--Enoimous' Alena gerie--World's tiam is entirely gone, my general health in superb, and I amweghing thirty pounds more U strict was known far and wide as the battle- * thwhen I commenced taking S. S. S. I am able to attend to all my ministerial work. T/ ground of the territory, and generally when HOW ENGLISH IS TAUGHT. MNuseum--Classic Racing Carnival and Jo-Jo I am devoutly grateful for my restoration to health, which I owe, under the blessing of M Canvlad oJ God, to Swift's Specific. , .. wn.& '

the sun went down on the eve of election day Hampton, Ga., April 20, 1886.

the ground had that disheveled and torn up Some Very Amusing Answers Nade by Notably and Triumphantly Reinforced this Season with the Old LWorld's reati er Blood aid Skin Diseases mailed free. ' /

appearance peculiar to the grave of Brigham Pupils in the Public Schools. Most Startling Human Phenomenon, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. Young the next day after his aggregated From the Century. -.

widow has held her regular annual snort re- Mark Twain contributes to The Century A sss sssS SSSSSsssss ssssssSsssssssssss cital and scalding tear festival under the above title some examples of the

I hesitated about accepting the nomination curious answers made by pupils in the publibo COAL AND COKE. because I knew that Vituperation would get school. A few are quoted as follows: D up ori its hind feet and annoy me greatly, Aborigines, a system of mountains.+ A la a I & C C and I had reason to believe that no pains Alias, a good man in the Bible. ,A would be spared on the part of the manage- Amenable, anything that is mean. A ment of the opposition to make my existence Assiduity, state of being acid. a perfect bore. This turned out to be the Auriferous, pertaining to an orifice. *OF , H . . _ X._

case, and although I was nominated in a way Ammonia, the food of the gods. Oo f Easte \p n No 50 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, F that seemed to indicate perfect harmony, it Capillary, a little caterpillar.

was not a week before the opposition organ, Corniferous, rocks in which fossil co n is * r tin t o. W an ta il to which I had frequently loaned print paper found. when it could not get its own C. O. D. paper Emolument, a headstone to a grave. out of the express office, said as follows in a Esquestrian, one who asks questions.

I startled and double leaded tone of voice: Eucharist, one who plays eucher. Car Load Lots promptly shipped direct'from the mines "The candidate for.assembly in this dis- Franchise, anything belonging to toe . --opoml

trict, whose trans-Missouri name seems to be Freflch. by Railroad to allp t Nye, turns out to be the same man who left Idolater, a very idel person.

Penobscot county, Me., in the dark of the Ipecac, a man who likes a good dinner. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. moon four years ago. Mir. Nye's disappear- Irrigate, to make funii of. ance was so mysterious that prominent M endacious, what can be mended. THE GREAT REPRESENTATIVE MUSIO DOUSE OF FLORIDA.

Penobscotters, especially the sheriff, offered a Mercenary, one who feels for ammother. T M PEL Large reward for his person. It was after- Parasite, a kind of umbrella.

wards learned that he was kidnaped and Parasite, the murder of an infant. spirtedandhighstepin hore vlue at public, a wode his prayers in > e i A .BC A lxiP BE L L

taken across the Canadian line by a high Publicana man who does his prayers in i spirited and high stepping horse valued at public

.$1,300. 1r. Nyes candidacy for the Tenacious, ten acres of land. S o :m oveso m ILLE, LO IDA. -ugh office to which he aspires has brought him Here is one where the phrase "publicans into such prominence that at the mass meet- and sinners" has got mixed up in the chld's on u

mihofc owihh sie ar h i d Here pics , ndhr tme presubl ias id N ing held last evening in Jimmy Avery's bar- mind with polities, and the result is a definiber shop he was recognized at once by a tion which takes one in a sudden and unex- f

aine man while making a telling speech in pected way: T1 favor of putting in a stone culvert at the Republican, a sinner mentioned in the

draw above Mandel's ranch. The man from Bible. '/, 1 ,/. Maine, who is visiting our therivi.g little Also in Democratic newspapers now and .td. E:1aIg\ BEST MAKES I - LARGEST STOCK I - LOWEST PRICES I town with a view to locating here and estab- then. I will give you more for your money than any ether house in the United States. I guarantee

shg an agencyfor his w d renowned e are twow h e r e t h e i s a k e h as e s u l t - TI11E II IAN SK YE TERRIER Instruments to be as represented. I will ship a Piano or Organ t o any honest man or woman on

rock alum ax halves, says that Mr. Nye, in ed from sound, assisted by remote fact: trial and if not satisfactory, I willpay freit bt ways. $5 and $0 a month on a Pano

the hurry and rush incident to his departure Plagia st, a writer of lol ys. and 10 cash and $5 a month on an rgan til paid for-not much more than ordinary rent. On -the hurry y and rush incident to lis departure laginrs t, a ,wrie o y !y. dACmeavdiedFnedn ecvSh mlngHr-oumRcitOtspsE-these very liber al terms any one can own an. instrument. Send for free Catalogu.e containing

for Canada, overlooked his wife and seven Demagogue, a vessel containing beer and A Canine Carved Head-Framed in Fleecy, Shimmering Hair-Tii him Rea itv Outstrips Ex- thee ver la l terms any one can own an instrument. Send for free Catalogne containing fttleorCned. Holsok sa s fe candi n gothe a ageration, and Dumbfounded Science pronounces Him theMost Wondertul and InexoLica- full information. Sheet Music, Strings, Violns Banjos, Gutars. Accordions, and in fact every

little ones. He also says that the candidate's other quid ble Mystery of Life -Not asi insipid Idiot. but a Bright, Alet, Vivacious Being ! noise-producing inpsument that is made and a very low ri. I have 20,000 pieces of choice boasted liberality here is different from the Here is one which-well, now, how often pimusic at 10 cents per copy. 5,500 books, c'owc selections. and 25 cents. Send for Catalogues.

kind he was using while in Maine, and quotes we do slain right into the truth without ever 200 Illustrious Chainions ! 80 Dazzlingl Acts! m at 10 cents pr copy. 5500 books, oc selections. and 25 ents. end for Catalogues.

the following incident: Two years before he suspecting it: Astounding Displa s of Acrobatic, Gymnic andi Equestris n Amusements in 3 Separate Sl ar NKIN.

went away from Penobscot county one of our The men employed by the gas company go ings-St e Athletes, lus an Skat, rili Ai i Fs, Arabian Heroes, Japanese Marvels, and a Gigantic Vaudeville Cumbination in Thrilling and Fascinating Performances on the Grand

Present candidate's children was playing round and speculate the meter. Theatre Stage h-Historically Correct enival of Ancient Hppodoramatic Contests !-Classic . G. AMBLER, Pres. J. J. DANIEL, Vice-Pres. JNO. N. C. STOCKTON, uashier

on the railroad track of the Bangor and And here, with "zoological" and "geologi- Olympian Uames '-Broadsword Ccmbats on Horseback 1-Sttrig Pictur ,s of Life in the

Moosehead Lake railroad, when suddenly cal" in his inid, but ready to his tngue, the "Wild West!" T m th 0 Hjl US lel

there was a wild shriek of the iron horse, small sclolar has innocently gone and let out 3 Times the ost Ftitendous Managerie a timid, scared cry of the child, and the a couple of secret which ought never to have Ever Gathered and ExhiMited under Teut ! Greatest. Grandest, Most Famous and BestTrained

rushing train was upon it. Spectators turned been divulged in any circumstances: Herd of Elephants on Americn Soil !i eerlss. Poetic, Sumptuous, Spectacular Street

away in terror. The air seemed heavy and There are a good many donkeys in thee- Parade !-Appearing on the Public Thoroughfares at 10 o'clock Every Morning. l .C ie!L E - - -1--TI .-T,

the sun seemed to stop its hining. Slowly logical gardens. -OIIGNPTEDSA CSTRDS

the long freight train, loaded with its rich Some ofr the best fossils are found in thee- USUAL PRICES OF ADIISSIO -PERFORMANCES AT CUSTOMARY HOURS. DESGNATEDUNITEDSTATES DEPOSITORY. freight of huckleberries, came to a halt. logical cabinets.. tr Ch rge o See Jo-Jo. Capital and Surplu

SThen a glad cry went up from the assembly - - Jo-Jo. Capital and Surplu .............................................. $115,00.

as the broad shouldered engineer came out of PRESIDENT VAN BUREN. Waycross, Novener 24. Valdosta, November 26. DANIEL, JAS. P. TALLIAFERRO ____________________________________________________ D. . siri~a . .BAIEL, JAS. P. TALLIA)PHRRO

the tall grass with the crowing child in his ALEx. WALLACE, B. M. BAER, . C. WILSON,

arms. Then cheer on cheer rent the air, and A Story of His Habit of Always Evad- EDUCATION. P. McQUAIM, J. CAMPIEL, HY. R oINa.

in the midst of it all Mr. Nye appeared. He ing a Direct Answer. f. ^. AvA.

was told of the circumstance, and, as he From the B<ston Budget.

wrung the hand of the engineer, tears stood Amnon/ th many stories told by Thurlol% in his eyes. Then, reaching in his pocket, hlie Weed about Martin Van Buren was onea Sta eA gricu turalColle drew forth a card, and writing his autograph rating au incident which occurredoni thodeck on it, he gave it to the astounded engineer, of a Hud on river steamboat, ou the way from telling him to use it wisely and not fritter it Albany to New York. The merits of Mr. away. 'But are you not robbing yourself?' Van Bure were being discussed when the T bs n o C KOVdt exclaimed the astonished and delighted engi- boat touched at Kinderhimok, and "The Little The best line of COOK STOVES and the neer. 'No, oh no,' said the muninc nt parent, Magician," as he was called, cainme on+ board. 'I have others left.' And this is the man who One of the party had been dwelling on his asks our suffrages1 Will you vote for him or non-commnittalism, and comlaining that "a 0 PF 2P

man that ever rapped with his honest yet elicited fnom ui"a ksovi ! knuckles on top of a bar and asked the boys "I'll wager the champagne for the comto put a name to it?" pany," added he, "that one of us shall go

I was pained to read this, for I had not at down to the cabin and ask Mr. Van Buren theO that time toyed with politics much, but I imlplest question that can be thought of, and went up stai-s and practiced an hour or two he will evade a direct answer. Yes, a'd I'll on a hollow laugh that I thought would bide give him leave, too, to tell Mr. Vaa Buren in of Stov the pain that seemed to tug at my heart- why he asks the question, and that there is a C :ryii -. xra L _rgx strings For the most of the day I strolled bet depending on his reply." S~ ,CI LILY St ITE]D FO R about town with a lurid campaign smile that This seemed fai enough. One of the party

looked about as joyous as the light hearted was deputed to go down and try the experigambols of a tin horse. ment. 1e found Mr. Van Buren, whom he I

I visited my groceryman, a man whom I knew well, in the salon, and said to him: felt that I could trust, and who had honored "Mr. Van Buren, some gentlemen on the H me in the same way. He said that I ought to upper deck have been accusing you of nonbe indorsed by my fellow citizens. "What! conmnittalism, and have just laid a wager We also have a full line of Kitchen Utensils and All of them?" I exclaimed, with a choking that you would not give a plain answer tournishing Goods generally, which we sensation, for I had tried to be indorsed by the simplest question, and they deputed me to fouse-Furnishing Goods generally, which we one of my fellow citizens once and was not best the fact. Now, sir, allow me to ask you: offer at prices which will be sure to attract entirely successful. "No," said he, "but you Where does the sun rise?" ought to be ratified and indorsed by those Mr. Van Buren's brow contracted; he hesi

who know you best and love you most." tated a moment, and then said: The next evening my heart swelled when I "The terms east and west are conventional; , R 0

Sheared a campaign band coming -up the street but "

trying to see how little it could play and still "That'll do," interrupted the interrogaror. 38 W T BST SCY ' TE FE '. '

draw its salary. The band was followed by we've lost the bet!" . . .. men with torches and speakers in carriages. * kln b y S tockto n - K nig h A messenger was sent into the house to tell THOMIAS JEFFERSON'S DANGER.

- me that I was about to be waited upon by my NearlySufocatedWhilea Plaster Mould

old friends and neighbors, who desired to de- *of His Fat Was Being Taken. Jacksonville's C hina H all a liver to m e their hearty indlrsement and a From the Bostm Budglto FALL SESSION BEGINS WEDNESDAY, OOTOBER 5, 1887. Running through from No. 13 West Bay Street, to 14 and 16 West Forsyth street.

lagwillow covered two gallon godspeed as Fromg hrug ftheo 3 eBostonret t 1 ndBudget.ryt ret Sa mark of esteem. Clark Mills, the sculptor, used to narrate

I have already taken up too much space, how Mr. Browere, a New York scttlptor, at- W For Catalogue and fall information, address,

" however, in this simple recital, and I have tempted to plaster the bond of Thon Ieffer- . , T E ;, only room to say that I was snot elected, and son. Thme family of the ex-presideesit was op-LK IY LRDTl AGS TR AD MS OPEE SOK I iESUH

ythat of. the seventy-five who came up t in- posed to it, but he flmally comented, saying September 15,1887. LAKE CITY, FLORIDA,

dorse me forty voted for the other man, hat he coud miet fid it in hi hear to refe _--_1__ _ _ _ _ _

thereby electing him by a plurality of every- a man so tifing a favor who had cunmum so CARRIAGES. Caspadore G C nd , .+ body. .. .Home indorsement, hard boiled eggs far. Htewas placed on his bachs on a sofa, . CKtOisLLderRRIA GiftANCps and M gse,BraadYikSt,

and hot tears of reconciliatin can never fool one of his bands grasping o chair which stod VasesC r tColored and Crysat dable andaBer Glassware, ns gi.Te r sepya h ~ in front. Not dreaming of any danger, his 1114~ I~III ~ I/II{~IH~hite and Decorated Carshad and Linmoges Chia drue bygic They ae na riablty accom-bas family could not hear to se t the 1L 1. tL JU l1 i1 And Art Potiery ot every Descr~ption.

by. .wc t a - plaster over his face, and there e not f ; E farly CaS/ Invi7e77 C, or Wri f for// F ar/ic/ s. presentn, and his faithful Burwell enly

BEHIND THE SCENES. person besides the artst in the r There ] . R.i.gns ily* Our Salesmen Will Call on the Trade Soon. was somo defect in the at rangemetl made to

_ _aow Bernhardt Makes Herselfaup Be- permithisbbeathing,bandtr Jeffmsncame - DEALER IN- om

fore Coming Onto the Stage. near suffocating. He was too wealt to rise creso s ,a ttosforGoao a r au From the New York Sun. or to relieve lum self, and hissfeebaestruggles ariantees ir w have sold consider. were unnoticed or unheeded by his Parr'ha- f 1,htt.tII 55Z 55. sr. lhi, asdis every case It

All of the actress' movements behind the sins. noie1oIne eddbths hn u- ee sa c Keep the Money at Home ..... g U'g1 seeplithelMoneyI esiy bymeb

scenes are characterized by a measure of the The sufferer finally bethought himself of an. Chemical Co. i same impetuosity that now and then flashes the chair on which hishbaud rested, lie r ised Ola d Twa0-Harse Farm and Lumber Wagons, Orocery and Delivery~ Wagons,$nointi

forth in sudden scenes before the footlights; it as far as be was adle amd struck it on the n m$soldby n sggita_ -"yet she never loses her lithe grace and peculiar floor. Burwell became conscious of lisi situa- Priae $100o +''

fascination. While constantly surrounded by thaund spIn-amg fumiouslv forward. Time art- TXh ch I Offer at Frie s to Def: Co xp ti tor r- _eoo.

attendants, she is yet helpful. She makes her ist shattered his cast in an instant. The lain- - - _ - - - 1 =+-i.,

face up without assistance, begin ins, asin ily now reached the room and Biowere M.A. IZIALYNSKI, MANAGER, all else, true to art. Her" toilet table presents looked as if he thought their arrival most op- . a confusion of cosmetics, powders, bottles, portune, for though Bmwell was supporting NO. 4 Laura St., HazeltineBlock, Jacksonville, Flr.

Sbirushes amid perfumes, interspersed with let- his nmaster- in his arms the fierce glar-e of: the

tes and jeweled pins. Madame lightly African eye boded danger. Br-were was HARDWARE.

touches her cheeks with a powder puff and permitted to pick up his fiagmets of pha ster ^ ^ ~

twists the auburn locks above her forehead, and carry them off, but whether he ever put G E O R G -E F . D)R E T (iR. while a maid holds a white shawl to wrap thienm together tormepresemutfetur-e; emu.amated '' .- ji

about the slender throat during the hurried with age and debility and wihibluig 1 'umio- ARO Psage through the wings from the dressing cation Mills did not k0nowk. HRWE O MiIP A .NY /i[ It is not. quite time for the call boy, and A Cruel Valentine Joke. }

madame tuns with a quick glance toward From the Chicago Times. her jewels that lie on a velvet pad by the side 64 ar.ct 8 TX" est Ba Str eet, acTovilies Fi , of the mirror. A glitteriing array to please A Cmlel jo1e was penetrated upon twc WHOLESLEDE ALERS I. N- r her caprice of the moment. She wears only Clearlield har-ister-s on Si. V/alentine's dsy. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 0

a few at onice, showing the good taste that While in tme midst of an exciting tial e Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Saws and Belting, Steam Pao5 ,S she displays on all public occasions. Neck- couple of telegraph messengers rushed it, giv. ing, Steam and Water Fittings, Ammunition, Fishing TackL F l laces of priceless gems flash against pearls of mng each lawy t a Vesten Union envelope. Stoves and Ra ngs, A mu t ionl I shing PaEPSa oN E of a nd nouneAn high beauty. Je waled clasps are next to rhe case was st.oppedl to give the time toRagsA riut alI pe ns. Lr nA IaGond oeadteBuntua

rings that were tle ifts of royalty. G read the telegrams, aind natum-ally the atten- STATE AENTS For Shipman Kerosene Oil Enelnes, Ioneran and Martinez Pre ew , icK HEADAtio rn anst o ano iseo.

sprays of diamond flowers, trophies of the <men oc the whole cout was attracted in their oPaint shield's Force Pump, buffalo Scales, St k re's (elebrted xi Plws, Henry Dse.m CO N ST PATI N -ton a o a r astisi's triunuphs iii the City of M',exico, are lirectioni. ,WVhen theyunifolded their respective Se'...s,.vr lbbn~mamyeBiig , .- U.Q

S dd with pea-iS. There a i e o e prna- nisiveshth werestamthledya hi hy colored Plumbin and Steam-Fitting in all their Branches. 6 AU G 's'A SE,54'. OrL 25i AIV ES E1a Tsa11oxX7 £@8-as mats of brilliants that she brought as souve- omit 1salntineiepreseating aI yster lawyer. C:st, W tonught Iron Teed amid Terra Cotta Pis Pumps and Drive Wet l Supplies. c ero envua T stnco LouIsiuE &Y 55 y ai' i}the judge smied, the jury laughed aloud, and OF ICE, 8 LCEANVILI E 5T

niu irfon imperial Brazil. Quickly her eyes t- w o<1 h t ulo 1 nl Fso do n P-o furnished en appli- iou and Correspondence Soblicad, - " w-rOFFIECECOR80OCEANSEST8"WilT, flashed over them with theceagernessof al- 1he iwo victims hurried through with the o Estimates and Prices uid eTo Palnts,o th: E4RE HIGll Wholewale a

Sco se and got comrt, and Blinds. and Hardware, and Varnisi- s Retail Agent for the State. P. O. Box, 343. Telephone 210 and 210

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