1st Term JS 2 CRK

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Transcript of 1st Term JS 2 CRK

GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOLSNursery, Primary and Comprehensive High School

Lagos Campus: 3, Olayinka Street, Omoroga, Meiran, Lagos.Ogun State Campus: 38b, FPF Avenue, Dalemo, Alakuko

E-Mail: goshepherd@yahoo.co.uk.info@goodshepherdschools.infoWeb Site: www.goodshpherdschools.info


SCHEME OF WORK1 Jesus cares for people in need Jesus/ Christ concerns for those in need

(a) Jesus provided for the wedding guest at Canaan in Galilee John. 2:1-11 (b) Feeding of five thousand people John 6:5-14

2. Jesus cares for the sick Peter’s mother in law [Mark1:29-34] The woman with the issue of blood[Mark 5:24-34]

(a) Jesus heals the Gerasene demoniac Mark 5:1-20(b) Jesus heals Bartimaeus, the blind man Mark 10:46-52(c) Jesus heals the Centurion servant Luke 7:1-20

3 Jesus Christ caring for the man with unclean spirit (a) the Gerasene demoniac Mark 5:1-20(a) Jesus rained the widow’s son at Nain Luke? 11-17 (b) Jesus raises Lazarus at Bethany John 11:1-44

4. Healing of the leper[Mark 1:40-45,Luke 17:11-17] Healing of the centurion servant [Matt 8:5-30,Lk 7:11-17] Parable of God’s care for the lost 5 Jesus Christ power over death Raising of the widows son at Nain[Luke 7:11-17]

Raising of Lazarus [John 11:1-44]6 Jesus Chris teaching in parables /Gods relation ship with his people

The meaning of parableWhy Jesus taught in parables (a) The lost sheep Luke 15: 1-7(b) The lost Coin Luke 7:8-10 (c) The prodigal son Luke 7:11

5. Our attitude to material possession (a) The rich fool Luke 12:13-21(b) The rich man and Lazarus Luke 16: 19-31

6. Parable about maturity and responsibilitya) The wicked servant Matt 18:21-35 (b) The virgins Matt 25:1-3(c) The talents Matt. 25:14-30

7. Jesus subject Himself to civil and religious laws.(a) Presentation of Jesus in the temple(b) Jesus Shows obedience to existing laws Mark 1: 40-45, Matt. 22:15-22

8. Jesus clarified the true meaning of the law(a) Jesus and the Old Testament laws (b) Human need above the demands of law Mark 2:23-28, 3:1-6(c) Purity and human laws Mk. 7:1-3

9. Love the supreme law (a) The law of love Luke 10:25-28(b) Love as the new Commandment of Christ John 13:3 I Corinthians. 13:4-8:13

10. Revision 11. Examination

REFERENCES 1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Bk 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Bk 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Bk 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)


CONTENT: (a) Jesus provided for the wedding guest at Canaan in Galilee Jn. 2:1-11 (b) Feeding of five thousand people John 6:5-14

JESUS CARES FOR PEOPLE IN NEEDJesus cared for all classes of people irrespective of their parental background, religion and nationality that is why He healed the sick, provided for the needy, and even raised the dead


The turning of water to wine was the first recorded miracle of Jesus in St. John’s gospel. It showed the power of Jesus and as a result the disciples believed in HimJesus went to Canaan in Galilee after He had called up his first set of disciples. Jesus and His mother were guests at the marriage reception. There after some times, the wine served there got finished. The mother of Jesus noticed this and informed her son. At first Jesus did not do anything, but his mother told the servants at the marriage reception to do anything. Jesus asked them to do. In the reception there were six jars or pots each capable of holding 30 gallons of water. Jesus asked the servants to fill the jars with water. The servants obeyed shortly afterwards, Jesus told the servants to drain off some of the water which He had already turned the wine. He asked them to give it to the chief steward or master of ceremonies to serve the guest. Surprised at the quality of the wine, the master of ceremonies told the bridegroom, “Every man serves the good wine first, then the poor wine, but you have kept the good wine until now Jn2:10EVALUATION

Give account of how Jesus turns water to wine?What was the comment of the chief priest?FEEDING OF FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE (JOHN 6:5-14)

After providing for the need of the weeding guest at Canaan in Galilee, Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. He was followed by His disciples and the multitude and they were all hungry.

Then Jesus asked Philip, one of His disciples, how they would provide food for such a large crowd, Philip answered, Two hundred denarii’s would not buy enough bread for each of them to get a little. At this stage, one of the disciples, Andrew, told Jesus that there was among the crowd a boy who had five barley loaves and two fish, but he wondered how many people could feed on these.

Then, Jesus asked Him disciple to make the people sit down. The people sat down on the ground they were about 5000 people.Jesus blessed the food and gave it to them and everyone was satisfied. Jesus asked the disciples to gather fragments so that nothing was lost or wasted. Twelve baskets of fragments were collected the people wondered at the marvelous work of Christ and they said, this is indeed the prophet who is come into the world.

EVALUATION.1) How many people were fed by Jesus and with how many loaves? 2) What happened during the marriage of Canaan at Galilee?

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Cjhristian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Which of the following is not correct? Jesus cared for all people by

(a) Providing them with drinks when necessary(b) Feeding them when they were hungry(c) Praising them for their faith

2. The story of the feeding of five thousand people indicates that (a) Those who follow Jesus would never be hungry(b) God uses what we have given him to benefit us and others(c) There is no need to prepare our food because God would send his holy angels to feed us

3. Which of the following is not correct? Nicodemus was a) A Jew b) A Pharisees c) A Theologian

4 The woman who Jesus met at Jacob’s well was a) A Jew b) A poor Samaritan c) An Israelite

5. Which of the following statement is correct? a) Many Samaritans believed in Jesus because He was God sentb) Many Samaritan came to Jesus so that they can have the living water c) Many Samaritan came to Jesus to put him to test.

THEORY1. What was the first miracle Jesus performed at the beginning of his ministry?2. What did Jesus do to feed five thousand people?


CONTENT: (a) Healing of Peter’s mother – in- law [Mark 1:29-34] (b) Healing of woman with issues of blood [Mark 5:24-34]

HEALING OF PETER’S MOTHER –IN- LAW Jesus and his disciples, including James and John, left the SYNAGOGUE and went straight to the home of Peter and Andrew . Peter’s mother- in-law was sick in bed with a fever,as soon as Jesus arrived ,he was told about her, took her the hand , and help her up . The fever left her and she began to serve them.

HEALING OF WOMAN WITH ISSUES OF BLOOD There was a woman who had suffered terribly from severe bleeding for twelve years,even though she had been treated by many doctors. She had spent all her money,but instead of getting better, she got was all the time. When she had of Jesus, she said “If I just touch his clothes, I will get well.” While Jesus was going to the house of Jairus, there were so many crowd around him, she successfully touched part of his clothes and immediately she was healed. Jesus notice this, he ask : “Who touched my clothes?” There woman indicated that she was the one,Jesus said : “Your faith has made whole ,go in peace.”EVALUATION.1) How many people were fed by Jesus and with how many loaves? 2) What happened during the marriage of Canaan at Galilee?

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Cjhristian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Which of the following is not correct? Jesus cared for all people by

(d) Providing them with drinks when necessary(e) Feeding them when they were hungry

(f) Praising them for their faith2. The story of the feeding of five thousand people indicates that

(a) Those who follow Jesus would never be hungry(b) God uses what we have given him to benefit us and others(c) There is no need to prepare our food because God would send his holy angels to feed us

3. Which of the following is not correct? Nicodemus was a) A Jew b) A Pharisees c) A Theologian

4 The woman who Jesus met at Jacob’s well was a) A Jew b) A poor Samaritan c) An Israelite

5. Which of the following statement is correct? a) Many Samaritans believed in Jesus because He was God sentb) Many Samaritan came to Jesus so that they can have the living water c) Many Samaritan came to Jesus to put him to test.

THEORY1. What was the first miracle Jesus performed at the beginning of his ministry?2. What did Jesus do to feed five thousand people?

WEEK 3 Date…………………TOPIC: JESUS CARES FOR MAN WITH UNCLEAN SPIRITCONTENT: (a) THE DEMONIC AT GERASENE(b) Jesus heals Bartimaeus the blind man Mark. 10:46-52


In the course of his numerous journeys, Jesus came to the country of the Gerasenes where He met a mad man. This man had been tied with chains and fetters. The man had been dwelling in tombs for along time, he was so fierce, and all attempt to bind him with chains and fetters failed when he saw Jesus, he acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus and worshipped him. Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and cast them into the swine. They were about two thousand in number. They ran into the sea and were drowned. The unclean spirits called themselves “Legion” for they were many.EVALUATIONWhat happen when the demonic man saw Jesus? What made the people of the city to send Jesus away from there area?

II. HEALING OF BLIND BARTIMAEUS MARK 10:46-52Jesus was passing through Jericho a great multitude followed him. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus started to shout ‘Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me”. The people silenced him but he kept on shouting. Jesus stopped and sent for him

He asked him what he wanted and he said that he wanted to regain his sight. Jesus said “Go your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight.

EVALUATIONThe healing of the blind man took place where?Explain how he demonstrated his faith?

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Bk 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Bk 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Bk 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT 1. Jesus healed the man with an unclean spirit in the country of ________

(a) Capernaum (b) Geraseros (c) Jericho2. “........I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not ....’This statement was made by _____ a) The

leper b) The centurion servant c) The man with the unclean spirit3. Jesus meet the centurion at a) Galilee b) Gerasene c) Capernaun 4. “.....Lord trouble not thyself’ for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof....” This

statement was made by (a) The centurion b) His servant c) His friends5 The centurion was a ______ a) Jew b) Gentile c) Samaritan


1) How can we manifest great faith in God like the centurion did?2) Describe the miracle of Healing blind Bartimaeus.

WEEK 4TOPIC :THE HEALING MIRACLES OF JESUS CHRISTCONTENT:Healing of the Leper [Mark 1:40- 45, Luke 17:11-17] According to Mark, a leper came to Jesus, the said to Jesus “If you want you can, you can make me clean”. Jesus was filled with pity and he stretched out his hand and touched him. “I do” he answered, Be clean!” At once the disease left the man, and he was clean. In the Book of Luke, Jesus was at the border of Samaria and Galilee while he was going to Jerusalem;Ten lepers approached Jesus, requesting that he should pity them and show mercy on them. Jesus said to them “Go and let the priest examine you”. On their way they were made clean. When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back, praising God in a loud voice. The man was a Samaritan; Jesus said : “There were ten men who were healed; where are the other nine? Why is the foreigner the only one who came to give thanks to God?” Jesus said to him, “Get up and go; your faith has made you well.”

CENTURION SERVANT LUKE 7: 1-10After the Sermon on the plain, Jesus entered Capernaum. There a centurion (a Roman army officer in

charge of at least one hundred soldiers) sent Jewish elders to intercede on his behalf and implore Jesus to come and heal his dear but dying servant. He did not go to Jesus in person because, being a gentile, he probably felt unworthy to approach him, and thought that the Jewish elders would command greater respect with Jesus. Eventually Jesus healed the Centurions servant even without physically going to the house where he was laid. From this account of healing, we learn several lessons from the attitude of the centurion and the action of Jesus.

EVALUATION.1) How can we manifest great faith in God like the centurion did?2) Describe the miracle of Healing the Centurion’s servant.

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Bk 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Bk 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Bk 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT 1. Jesus healed the man with an unclean spirit in the country of ________

(a) Capernaum (b) Geraseros (c) Jericho2. “........I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not ....’This statement was made by _____ a) The

leper b) The centurion servant c) The man with the unclean spirit3. Jesus met the centurion at a) Galilee b) Gerasene c) Capernaun 4. “.....Lord trouble not thyself’ for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof....” This

statement was made by (a) The centurion b) His servant c) His friends5 The centurion was a ______ a) Jew b) Gentile c) Samaritan

WEEK 5 Date……TOPIC: JESUS’ POWER OVER DEATHCONTENT: (a) Jesus raised the widow’s son at Nain Luke 7:11-17(b) Jesus raised Lazarus at Bethany John 11:1-44

(I) JESUS RAISED THE WIDOW’S SON AT NAIN. LUKE 7:11-17Jesus went to the city called Nain, shortly after the healing of the centurion’s servant at Capernaum. His

disciple and a large crowd went with Him. At the gate of the city. He met some people taking away the dead body of the only son of a widow for burial. When Jesus saw the widow, He took pity on her and told her not to weep. He decided to help her by raising her son to life. He looked into the bier (coffin) in which the dead body was being carried for burial and said, ‘young man, I say to you arise’ immediately, the dead man rose up and started talking. Jesus then gave him to his mother-All the people around where amazed and they praised God saying ‘A great prophet is risen among us’, and God has visited His people.’ The report of this event went round the whole Judea and all its neighbours.

(II) JESUS RAISES LAZARUS AT BETHANY. JOHN 11:1-44Lazarus from Bethany fell sick and this was reported to Jesus their family friend. Jesus was unable to

go immediately he received the news. When at last He got to Bethany. Lazarus was already dead and had been buried for four days. Despite the situation of things, Martha, one of Lazarus sister, believed that Jesus could still raise her brother from the dead.

When she saw Jesus, she said ‘Lord. If you had been here, my brother would not have died, and even now I know that whatever you ask God, God will give it to you’ Martha’s faith was strong.” Jesus quoted John 11:25-26.

Now, Mary and the other Jewish mourners later Joined Martha at the gate of their village where she was speaking to Jesus, when Jesus noticed how sad the people were. He was deep moved with sorrow. He then asked for where Lazarus was buried. When they led Him to Lazarus’ tomb, Jesus wept. Then He asked them to remove the tomb stone. After praying to God, He called out in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus out. Lazarus came out alive. His hand and feet were untied and he became free.

MORAL LESSON1. Death is not the end2. There is need to have faith we should share with the form of others.EVALUATION.1) Compare the story of raising the widow’s son with that of raising Jairus daughter 2) What happened at the tomb of Lazarus?

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Bk 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Bk 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Bk 2 By Adeyinka eta’l

4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT

1. Jesus miracle of Healing was meant to _____ a) Bribe the crowd to believe in Him b) Demonstrate his power as the Messiah c) Indicate that God was with Him and He was fulfilling the aims of the kingdom of God

2. Jesus raised Lazarus from death because a) He wanted to win more convert b) Lazarus had not committed any sin c) He loved him dearly and wanted to show what it would be like for all those who believe in him

3) Lazarus was from the city of _____ a) Nain b) Bethany c) Jericho4) Lazarus had been dead for _______ day a) 2 b) 3 c) 45) After Jesus raised the widow’s only son from death. All the people around were amazed and they

praised God saying a) Jesus is the messiah a) A great prophet has risen among us c) This is indeed the prophet who is come into the world

THEORY1. How did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?2. What three lessons do we learn from the story of how Jesus raised Lazarus at Bethany?

WEEK SIX Date……………………TOPIC: JESUS CHRIST TEACHING IN PARABLES Parables are earthly story with heavenly meaning. Jesus Christ taught in parables to make his listeners understands his teachings better. To create a kind of picture in there mind ,that they would not easily forget.[Matt. 13:34- 35] TYPES OF PARABLES[a] Parables showing God’s relationship with his people.[b] Parables showing attitude to possessions. [c] Parables showing maturity and responsibility. [A] PARABLES ABOUT GOD’S RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS PEOPLE[ Luke 15: 18-32]Parables are earthly stories with heavenly or spiritual meaning. Jesus used parables to illustrate his teachings on God’s care and love for sinners. They also talked about attitude of Christians on how they can show high degree of maturity and responsibility in their daily activities.

CONTENT: (1) The lost sheep; Luke 15:1-72) The lost coin Luke 15:8-103) The prodigal son Luke 15:11-324) The parable of the sower

THE LOST SHEEP; Luke 15:8-10.Jesus talked about a man with one hundred sheep and looked for the lost one when eventually he found it, he called his friends to rejoice and celebrate with him.

THE LOST COIN Luke 15:11-12Also, there was a woman who had ten coins; she lost one out of it. She left the others in search of the lost coin, when she found it, she rejoiced greatly.

THE PRODIGAL SON. [ Luke15:11-32.] In the parable of the prodigal son, a man had two sons. One day, the younger Son collected his inheritance from his father and went to a far country. He lavished the properties in careless and useless living and later he started suffering. He returned to his father and was warmly accepted.


1. There is great joy in heaven over a sinner who repents2. Our God is a compassionate God. There is no limit to His love3. God values human beings highly 4. God has given us freedom to choose, act or speak.

THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER (matt. 13:1-23, mark 4:1-20) At the bank of the sea, a large crowd gathered around Jesus and he got into the boat and taught them in parables He said that a sower went to sow some seeds. As he sowed, some of the seeds fell along the parts and the Birds came and ate them up. Others fell on rocky ground where they had no good moisture or roots and died as soon as they sprang up. Some of the seeds fell on good soil, growing up and yielding much fruit. He concluded by saying that those who has hears should hear. When he was alone, his disciple asked him about the parable.

THE PARABLE INTERPRETED(MARK 4:13-20) The sower sows the word, that is, the word of God and the seed that fell along the path are those that hear the word of God and the Devil immediately takes it away from them. Those that fell on rocky ground are those who hear the word of God. They usually receive it with joy but because they have no root in them, it lasted for a short time, vanishing when there is tribulation and persecution on account of the word. The seed sown among the thorns are those who hear the word, but the cares of the world and the delight in riches render the word ineffective and unfruitful. The ones that fell on good soil are those who hear the word accept it and practise it so that it produces good results in them.EVALUATION.1) What is a parable? 2) Give two reasons why Jesus taught us parable

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Bk 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Bk 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Bk 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Jesus taught in parables in order to

(a) Confuse His hearers (b) Make His lesson clear(c) Point out that He was wise.

2. The prodigal son was welcomed back to his father’s home because a) He forced his parents to do so b) His father loved him as a person and did not want him to perishc) His father was about to die

3. Which of the sons in the parable of the prodigal son collected his inheritance? a) Younger son b) Elders son c) None of them

4. Which of these parables best illustrates Gods acceptance of a sinner ………………


CONTENT: (a) Parable of the rich fool Luke 12:13-2

(b) Parable of the rich man & Lazarus (c) Moral lessons

True Value in life does not depend on Material possession. This is reflected in Jesus’ teaching about material possessions. One of the multitudes said to him, ‘Teacher bid my brother to divide the inheritance with me”. But Jesus said to him “man who made me a judge or divider over you? “ He then said to them “Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; for a man life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”.

I) PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL LUKE 12:13-22There was a rich man whose land brought forth plenty of crops, He had a bountiful harvest He said to

himself, I will full down my bars, and build a larger one, I will say to my soul, you soul rest and enjoy the fruit of your labour, But God said “you fool, tonight your soul would be required from you and he died that night.

Moral lesson: The rich should learn to glorify God with their wealth.

II) THE PARABLE OF THE RICHMAN AND LAZARUS LUKE 16-19-31There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine clothes. He feasted everyday. Also, there was

at the gate a poor beggar named Lazarus full of sores and dogs licked his sores. Lazarus usually ate from the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Later Lazarus died and was carried by angels into Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torment.

While the rich man was in torment in hell, he looked up and saw Lazarus and pleaded with Abraham to ask Lazarus to give him a drop of water to cool his tongue. The request was turned down. He was reminded of his life on earth, Also the fact that there is a barrier between the two sides.

He also told Abraham to send a message to his five brethren so that they could repent but Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets that they should listen to them, otherwise they will be in hell.

MORAL LESSONS1. Selfishness is bad2. We should help others with our wealth3. We should not love money more than anything else EVALUATION.1) Who was Moses? Mention the names of some prophets2) Try to explain the gulf that was fixed between Abraham, Lazarus and the rich manREADING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 by Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. What did the rich fool say to himself?

a) I will move crops b) My soul is required from Godb) c) I will pull down my barns and build a larger one

2) The rich man died and went to where? a) Heaven and hell b) Heaven c) Hell3) In hell the rich man was in _____ a) Torment b) Pleasure c) Pence4) What was Abraham’s response to the request of the rich man concerning his brother?

a) They will go to hell b) They have Moses and the prophet c) They should be good and kind to people.

5. Lazarus situation is illustrated with the following words except a) Pleasure and relaxation b) Pain and sickness c) Wretchedness and poverty.

THEORY1. What mistake did the rich fool make?2. Discuss the situation in which the rich man found himself when he died.

WEEK EIGHT Date…………………….TOPIC: PARABLE ABOUT MATURITY AND RESPONSIBILITYCONTENT: (a) The talents Matt 25:14-30,(b) The ten virgins Matt 25:1-13

(c) The wicked servant Matt 18:21-35, Matt.28:21-35When we say maturity, we simply mean to become completely developed or grown-up while

responsible on the other hand mean liable to answer for or accountable. Therefore when we say maturity and responsibility we mean to develop completely and to be accountable

1) THE TALENTS MATT 25:14-30A certain businessman was about to travel to a far country. He called his servants and gave them talents

according to their abilities. He gave the first one 5 talents, the second 2 talents and the third one 1 talent. When the master arrived they all came to give account of their business. The first servant made 5 more talents. The second two more talents, the third one went and hid his own in a pit. Their master commended the first two servants and rewarded them accordingly, while the third servant was punished and condemned

2) THE TEN VIRGINS. MATTHEW 25:1-13Ten virgin went with their lamps to meet the bridegroom at a marriage feast. Five were foolish

and five were wise. The five wise maidens took their lamps with extra/enough oil while the foolish ones had not enough oil in their lamps. In the middle of the night after much delay in waiting for the bridegroom, the oil of the foolish maidens finished. They begged the wise ones to give them oil but they refused.

The foolish maidens went to a nearby village to look for oil, before they arrived; the bride groom had come and gone with the wise maidens. They cried but it was too late.

INTERPRETATIONChristians should be prepared for the second coming of Christ. The five foolish virgins were the

careless, irresponsible and immature Christians who did not prepare for the coming of the Lord. The wise virgins were the prepared matured Christians who prepared for the coming of the Lord.


Jesus told the parable of the wicked servant to teach his audience about maturity and responsibility.Peter had come to Jesus to ask the question’, Lord how often shall my brother sin against me and I

forgive him as many as seven times?’ Jesus answered” I do not say to you seven times but seventy times seven. At this point, Jesus told the parable. He compared the kingdom of heaven to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants.

As he started to work on the account, a servant who owed him ten thousand talents (about N10m) Came in and begged him to forgive him as he was unable to pay the debt. The king forgave the servant and cancelled the debt. Later, that same servant met one of his fellow servant who owed him only one hundred denani (about N20). He seized him, held him by his cloth and demanded the immediate payment of his money.

In spite of the plea of that debtor, the man refused to forgive him. Instead he put him in prison until he was able to pay the debt. His fellow servants saw this and told the king, who had earlier forgiven him,. The king immediately arrested him and sent him to prison until he too was able to pay the debt. Then, Jesus said, so also my heavenly father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.

INTERPRETATIONThe first two servants were matured and responsible Christians who asked God’s gift in their lives very well. The third servant represents an unfaithful irresponsible Christian who did not use God’s gift wellEVALUATION1) Explain briefly the parable of the unforgiving servant2) How best can we treat those offend us?

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.

3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 by Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. The other five virgins were called foolish because a) They fell asleep

b) They went before the bridegroom came c) They did not prepare well for the occasion 2. Which is regarded as the Bridegroom in our study a) ten of the maidens

b) The wise maidens c) Jesus Christ3. Which of the following is true of the foolish virgins?

a) They were careless and irresponsible b) They were immature and irresponsiblec) All of the above

4. In the parable of the talent, the Bible said the servants were given talent according to their a) Abilities b) Seriousness c) Wealth and possession

5. Which of the three servants received commendation a) the servant with one talent b) The servant with two and five talents c) The servant with one and two talent

THEORY1. Interpret the action of each servant in the parable of the talents2. Why were the five virgins regarded as foolish in the parable of the ten virgin

WEEK NINE Date………………….

TOPIC: JESUS SUBJECTS HIMSELF TO RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL LAWSCONTENT: (a) Meaning of Obedience to the first law(b) The visit to Jerusalem Luke 2:12-24 41-51(c) Payment of Taxes

3) Jesus shows obedience to existing laws Mark 1:40-45 Matthew. 22:15-20

I) MEANING OF OBEDIENCE TO THE FIRST LAWJesus Christ was brought up according to Jewish laws and customs. His parents were obedient Jews and

set an example for him from childhood on how to keep the religious laws and he was circumcised as was the custom. He was brought to the temple for the annual and usual custom of presentation to the priest in charge. Therefore his parents came to offer a sacrifice according to the law of God. By so doing they laid the foundation for religious obedience in the young Jesus

II) THE VISIT TO JERUSALEM When Jesus was 12 years, He followed his parents to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover feast at home,

in Nazareth; He learnt some trade and studied the religious life of his people. He followed them to the synagogue. The Jews law has a rule that all male Jews must go to Jerusalem at least once a year.

At 12, He accompanied the parents to the Passover and stayed behind. His parents did not know it. They later sought and found Him in the temple sitting among the teachers, listening and asking them question. The parents persuaded Him and he came back with them to Nazareth.

III) JESUS SHOWS OBEDIENCE TO EXISTING LAWS. MARK 1: 40 – 45, MATTHEW 22:15-22A leper came to Jesus and begged Him to cure him of his leprosy. Jesus had pity on the man and

stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will, be clean” the man was made clean. He ordered the man to not to tell any one, but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing what Moses commanded for a proof to the people. He thereby taught the lesson of obedience to the law of the community.

When the Pharisees and the Herodians wanted to find a charge with which to accuse Jesus, they asked for His opinion about the payment of taxes Matt22:17. Jesus knew he was being tempted. He took a coin that had the picture of Caesar and told them that they should obey the government and also obey laws of God.” Render to Caesar things that are Caesar’s and to God things that are God’s. Matthew 22:21.


Jesus was obedient and also taught obedience to the laws of the community. A good Christian is one who is also good citizen .Jesus as well, as his disciples, paid their taxes. It is highly expedient, that we obey the laws ,rules, regulations and also keep the road signs. This will lead to peace and harmony in our society.

EVALUATION.1) Why do we have to pay tax? 2) List 4 rules you must keep while you are in school.

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 by Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory) [Matt22:22-24,17:24-27,19:16-22;Mark:7:9-13;2:22-


WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Jesus Christ was Circumcised on what day a) Seventh day b) 8th day

c) 9th day2. Render to Caesar things that are Caesars and to God things that are Gods.” This statement was made by

a) Peter b) Paul c) Jesus Christ3. Who was told to go to the priest and obtain a certificate of cleansing?

a) Adulterer b) Blind man c) Leper4.) Peter paid tribute to collectors from the money taken from ______

a) His pocket b) Mouth of fish c) Mouth of birds5.) Jesus Christ subjected himself to religious laws only a) True b) False

THEORY1. Explain how you can subject yourself to religious laws2. Discuss your civil laws WEEK TENTOPIC: JESUS CHRIST CLARIRIFIES THE TRUE MEANING OF THE LAW

CONTENT:(1) The observance of the Sabbath day [Mark 2:23-28;3:1-12](2) The practice of Corban [Mark 7:9-13](3) Ceremonial cleanness [Mark 7:18;14:23]

(I) THE OBSERVANCE OF THE SABBATH DAY OR HUMAN NEEDS ABOVE THE DEMANDS OF THE LAW.[ Mark 2:23-28’3:1- 6 ] When the Pharisees challenge Jesus for allowing his disciples to pluck corn on a Sabbath, He reminded them on how David entered the house of God and ate the sacred bread when he was hungry. Jesus therefore declared; the Sabbath was made for man; not man for the Sabbath.A man with a withered hand was brought to Jesus to heal on a Sabbath day. The Pharisee came around to know what He would do. Jesus knowing their intentions asked them “is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill. The Pharisee were confused. Jesus went ahead to cure the man.The conclusion, some human needs are above others.

(II) THE PRATICE OF CORBAN [Mark 7:9 -13]Corban is a Jewish word which means dedicating or giving something to God. It was the practice of the

Jew to give their property to God .Such property will be used to maintain the temple and the prist who worked in the Temple. The law of Corban states that once a property is declared a Corban, no part of it is to be used by that person to help anyone in need of help . Some of them declared

their property to be Corban ,but they did not give it up for God’s use.They did this in order to prevent using other part of it to help anyone including their parents.This law enabled some of the Jews to dodge their responsibilities to their parents. Jesus condemned this evil practice and he said that the people had made the Commandments of God useless by the law of Corban.

EVALUATIONWhat is Corban?Give reason why Jesus condemned the law of Corban?(III) CEREMONIAL CLEANNESS OR PURITY AND HUMAN LAW[ MK 7:1-13;18;14:23]

The Pharisee and Scribes condemned the disciples of Jesus for eating bread with unwashed hands. For the Pharisees and all the Jews, except they wash, they will not eat. They also wash cups, pots, brazen vessels and tables before eating or doing anything with them when they come from market; thereby holding the tradition of the elders.

These were the charges the Pharisee and scribes brought to Jesus that his disciples failed to keep or walk according to the traditions of the elders. Jesus responded to them by saying that they honour God with their lips, but their heart is far from Him. That they worship God in vain teaching doctrines and the commandments of men and laying aside the commandments of God.

Jesus further told them that purity of heart should supersede human laws. Human laws can be changed and broken, but purity of heart becomes paramount as that is the only passport one has to see God. He also told them that there is nothing that enters into a man that can defile him, but the things which come out of him; those are the things that defile the man.

EVALUATION1) How did Jesus defend his use of the Sabbath?2) Identify two Old Testament law in the passage (Matt 5:21-28) what does Jesus Christ teach about these


READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Jesus condemned anger by saying that anyone who says “you fool shall be

liable to a) Judgment b) Hell fire c) Punishment2. W e are told not to swear by a) heaven b) Jerusalem c) All of the above 3. ___is the law of Jesus a) Eye for eye b) Tooth for tooth c) Turn the left cheek if someone slaps you on the

right.4. ____ is the New Testament law on adultery a) Only shaping with a married woman b) Looking at a

woman lustfully c) Receiving a certificate of divorce 5 _____ are the people that challenged Jesus when His disciples were hungry and plucking corn on a Sabbath

a) Gentile b) Pharisee c) Herodians

THEORY1. State five Old Testament law that Jesus clarified in Matt 5:41-452. How did Jesus defined his us?

WEEK ELEVEN Date……………………


CONTENT: (1) MURDER [Matt.5:21-26]

(2) ADULTERY [Matt.5:27-30](3) SWEARING [Matt.5:33-37](4) RETALIATION [Matt.5:38-42](5) LOVE OF THE ENEMIES [Matt.5:43-48]

JESUS AND THE OLD TESTAMENT LAWS MAT 5:21-481) ON MURDER: - The law says. “You shall not kill and whosever kills shall be liable to Judgment.

Jesus went beyond the act of killing to condemn anger of heart murder. He says that anyone who says, “You fool” shall be liable to hell fire.

2) ON SWEARING: - The Jewish says “you shall not swear false but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn’ Jesus added more to it. He said do not swear at all ether by heaven, earth or by Jerusalem, you shall simply say Yes or No.

3) ON REVENGE: The law says “an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth” Jesus says if anyone slaps you on the right check, turn the left cheek. If anyone asks you to go a mile, go with him two miles, if anyone asks for a coat, give him two coats.

4) ON ADULTERY: The law says you should not commit adultery Jesus state that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has committed adultery already.

5) ON DIVORCE: The law says that anyone who wants to divorce his wife, he should give her a certificate of divorce, but Jesus said divorce should only be on the ground of unchastity or unfaithfulness.

6) ON LOVE: The Jewish law asked people to love their neighbours and hate their enemies. Jesus however, said “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”

We should therefore understand the law before obeying it we should worship God with a pure heart, this means no anger and hatred in the heart we should love our enemies and not kill them

II) HUMAN NEEDS ABOVE THE DEMANDS OF THE LAW. Mark 2:23-28’3:1- 6 When the Pharisees challenge Jesus for allowing his disciples to pluck corn on a Sabbath, He reminded them on how David entered the house of God and ate the sacred bread when he was hungry. Jesus therefore declared; the Sabbath was made for man; not man for the Sabbath.A man with a withered hand was brought to Jesus to heal on a Sabbath day. The Pharisee came around to know what He would do. Jesus knowing their intentions asked them “is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill. The Pharisee were confused. Jesus went ahead to cure the man.The conclusion, some human needs are above others.

III) PURITY AND HUMAN LAW MK 7:1-13 The Pharisee and Scribes condemned the disciples of Jesus for eating bread with unwashed hands. For the Pharisees and all the Jews, except they wash, they will not eat. They also wash cups, pots, brazen vessels and tables before eating or doing anything with them when they come from market; thereby holding the tradition of the elders.

These were the charges the Pharisee and scribes brought to Jesus that his disciples failed to keep or walk according to the traditions of the elders. Jesus responded to them by saying that they honour God with their lips, but their heart is far from Him. That they worship God in vain teaching doctrines and the commandments of men and laying aside the commandments of God.

Jesus further told them that purity of heart should supersede human laws. Human laws can be changed and broken, but purity of heart becomes paramount as that is the only passport one has to see God. He also told them that there is nothing that enters into a man that can defile him, but the things which come out of him; those are the things that defile the man.

EVALUATION1) How did Jesus defend his use of the Sabbath?2) Identify two Old Testament law in the passage (Matt 5:21-28) what does Jesus Christ teach about these


READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.

3. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 By I.O. Adeyemo4. Ilesanmi Cjhristian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.5. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 By Adeyinka eta’l

. Revised Standard Version Bible

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Jesus condemned anger by saying that anyone who says “you fool shall be

liable to a) Judgment b) Hell fire c) Punishment2. W e are told not to swear by a) heaven b) Jerusalem c) All of the above 3. ___is the law of Jesus a) Eye for eye b) Tooth for tooth c) Turn the left cheek if someone slaps you on the

right.4. ____ is the New Testament law on adultery a) Only shaping with a married woman b) Looking at a

woman lustfully c) Receiving a certificate of divorce 5 _____ are the people that challenged Jesus when His disciples were hungry and plucking corn on a Sabbath

a) Gentile b) Pharisee c) Herodians

THEORY1. State five Old Testament law that Jesus clarified in Matt 5:41-452. How did Jesus defined his use

WEEK TWELVE Date…………………TOPIC: LOVE THE SUPREME LAWCONTENT: (1) The law of love(b) Love as the new commandment of Jesus Christ(c) Moral Lesson

1) THE LAW OF LOVE. Luke 10:25-28One day, when Jesus was teaching, a lawyer stood up to test Him, He asked Jesus what he

should do to have eternal life, Jesus replied by asking him what is written in the law? In reply the lawyer said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souls and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself. Jesus answered that he had answered rightly and added. “Do this and you will live”.


The new commandment or law which Jesus gave His disciples was love. He said “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, by this, all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Paul, who had earlier preached the gospel to the Corinthians, later wrote a letter to them about love. Here are the characteristics of the God kind of love that Paul enumerated in I Corinthians. 13:4-81) It is kind2) It is patient3) It is not arrogant or boastful4) It is not jealous 5) It is not resentful or irritable6) It does not rejoice at wrong but rejoices in the right7) It believes all things8) It endures all things9) It hopes all things 10) It does not fail

Infact, he told them that the crown of all virtues (good character) is love. Therefore, Christians should see love as supreme.

CONCLUSION1. Love is free: - There is no limit to love. It touches all aspects of life2. Love is better expressed. We must act it out, to meet and help a neighbour in need.

EVALUATION.1) What are the properties of love? 2) Explain what was written in the law which Jesus asked the lawyer to recite.

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. R.S.V BIBLE [John 13:34-35]

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Which of the following is true of the foolish virgins?

a) They were careless and irresponsible b) They were immature and irresponsiblec) All of the above

2. The story of the feeding of five thousand people indicates that (a) Those who follow Jesus would never be hungry (b) God uses what we have given him to benefit us and others(c) There is need to prepare our food because God would send his holy angels to feed us

3. Which of the following is not correct? Nicodemus was a) A Jew b) A Pharisees c) A Theologian

4 The woman who Jesus met at Jacob’s well was a) A Jew b) A poor Samaritan c) An Israelite

5. Which of the following statement is correct? a) Marry Samaritans believed in Jesus becauseb) Marry Samaritan came to Jesus so that they can have the living water c) Marry Samaritan came to Jesus to put him to test.

THEORY1. What was the first miracle Jesus performed at the beginning of his ministry?2. What did Jesus do to feed five thousand people?

II. HEALING OF BLIND BARTIMAEUS MARK 10:46-52Jesus was passing through Jericho a great multitude followed him. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus started to shout ‘Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me”. The people silenced him but he kept on shouting. Jesus stopped and sent for him

He asked him what he wanted and he said that he wanted to regain his sight. Jesus said “Go your faith has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight.

III. JESUS HEALS THE CENTURION SERVANT LUKE 7: 1-10After the Sermon on the plain Jesus entered Capernaum. There a centurion (a Roman army officer in

charge of at least one hundred soldiers) sent Jewish elders to intercede on his behalf and implore Jesus to come and heal his dear but dying servant. He did not go to Jesus in person because, being a gentile, he probably felt unworthy to approach him, and thought that the Jewish elders would command greater respect with Jesus. Eventually Jesus healed the centurions servant even without physically going to the house where he was laid. From this account of healing, we learn several lessons from the attitude of the centurion and the action of Jesus.

EVALUATION.1) How can we manifest great faith in God like the centurion did?2) Describe the miracle of Healing blind Bartimaeus.

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Bk 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Bk 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Bk 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT 1. Jesus healed the man with an unclean spirit in the country of ________

(a) Capernaum (b) Geraseros (c) Jericho2. “........I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not ....’This statement was made by _____ a) The

leper b) The centurion servant c) The man with the unclean spirit3. Jesus meet the centurion at a) Galilee b) Gerasene c) Capernaun 4. “.....Lord trouble not thyself’ for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof....” This

statement was made by (a) The centurion b) His servant c) His friends5 The centurion was a ______ a) Jew b) Gentile c) Samaritan

WEEK 3 Date……………………TOPIC: JESUS POWER OVER DEATHCONTENT: (a) Jesus raised the widow’s son at Nain Luke 7:11-17(b) Jesus raised Lazarus at Bethany John 11:1-44

(I) JESUS RAISED THE WIDOW’S SON AT NAIN. LUKE 7:11-17Jesus went to the city called Nain, shortly after the healing of the centurion’s servant at Capernaum. His

disciple and a large crowd went with Him. At the gate of the city. He met some people taking away the dead body of the only son of a widow for burial. When Jesus saw the widow, He took pity on her and told her not to weep. He decided to help her by raising her son to life. He looked into the bier (coffin) in which the dead body was being carried for burial and said, ‘young man, I say to you arise’ immediately, the dead man rose up and started talking. Jesus then gave him to his mother-All the people around where amazed and they praised God saying ‘A great prophet is risen among us’, and God has visited His people.’ The report of this event went round the whole Judea and all its neighbours.

(II) JESUS RAISES LAZARUS AT BETHANY. JOHN 11:1-44Lazarus from Bethany fell sick and this was reported to Jesus their family friend. Jesus was unable to

go immediately he received the news. When at last He got to Bethany. Lazarus was already dead and had been buried for four days. Despite the situation of things, Martha, one of Lazarus sister, believed that Jesus could still raise her brother from the dead.

When she saw Jesus, she said ‘Lord. If you had been here, my brother would not have died, and even now I know that whatever you ask God, God will give it to you’ Martha’s faith was strong.” Jesus quoted John 11:25-26.

Now, Mary and the other Jewish mourners later Joined Martha at the gate of their village where she was speaking to Jesus, when Jesus noticed how sad the people were. He was deep moved with sorrow. He then asked for where Lazarus was buried. When they led Him to Lazarus’ tomb, Jesus wept. Then He asked them to remove the tomb stone. After praying to God, He called out in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus out. Lazarus came out alive. His hand and feet were untied and he became free.

MORAL LESSON1. Death is not the end2. There is need to have faith we should share with the form of others.

EVALUATION.1) Compare the story of raising the widow’s son with that of raising Jairus daughter 2) What happened at the tomb of Lazarus?

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Bk 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Bk 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Bk 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Jesus miracle of Healing was meant to _____ a) Bribe the crowd to believe in Him b) Demonstrate his

power as the Messiah c) Indicate that God was with Him and He was fulfilling the aims of the kingdom of God

2. Jesus raised Lazarus from death because a) He wanted to win more convert b) Lazarus had not committed any sin c) He loved him dearly and wanted to show what it would be like for all those who believe in him

3) Lazarus was from the city of _____ a) Nain b) Bethany c) Jericho4) Lazarus had been dead for _______ day a) 2 b) 3 c) 45) After Jesus raised the widow’s only son from death. All the people around were amazed and they

praised God saying a) Jesus is the messiah a) A great prophet has risen among us c) This is indeed the prophet who is come into the world

THEORY1. How did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?2. What three lessons do we learn from the story of how Jesus raised Lazarus at Bethany?

WEEK FOUR Date……………………TOPIC: PARABLE ILLUSTRATING GOD’S LOVECONTENT: (1) The lost sheep; Luke 15:1-72) The lost coin Luke 15:8-103) The prodigal son Luke 15:11-32

PARABLES ABOUT GOD’S RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS PEOPLE Luke 15: 18-32Parables are earthly stories with heavenly or spiritual meaning. Jesus used parables to illustrate his teachings on God’s care and love for sinners. They also talked about attitude of Christians on how they can show high degree of maturity and responsibility in their daily activities.

THE LOST SHEEP; Luke 15:8-10.Jesus talked about a man with one hundred sheep and looked for the lost one when eventually he found it, he called his friends to rejoice and celebrate with him.

THE LOST COIN Luke 15:11-12Also, there was a woman who had ten coins; she lost one out of it. She left the others in search of the lost coin, when she found it, she rejoiced greatly.

THE PRODIGAL SON. Luke15:11-32. In the parable of the prodigal son, a man had two sons. One day, the younger son collected his inheritance from his father and went to a far country. He lavished the properties in careless and useless living and later he started suffering. He returned to his father and was warmly accepted.

INTERPRETATION1. There is great joy in heaven over a sinner who repents2. Our God is a compassionate God. There is no limit to His love3. God values human beings highly 4. God has given us freedom to choose, act or speak.

EVALUATION.1) What is a parable? 2) Give two reasons why Jesus taught us parable

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Bk 2 By I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Bk 2 By Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Bk 2 By Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Jesus taught in parables in order to

(a) Confuse His hearers (b) Make His lesson clear(c) Point out that He was wise.

2. The prodigal son was welcomed back to his father’s home because a) He forced his parents to do so b) His father loved him as a person and did not want him to perishc) His father was about to die

3. Which of the sons in the parable of the prodigal son collected his inheritance? a) Younger son b) Elders son c) None of them

4. Which of these parables best illustrates Gods acceptance of a sinner ………………


CONTENT: (a) Parable of the rich fool Luke 12:13-2(b) Parable of the rich man & Lazarus (c) Moral lessons

True Value in life does not depend on Material possession. This is reflected in Jesus’ teaching about material possessions. One of the multitudes said to him, ‘Teacher bid my brother to divide the inheritance with me”. But Jesus said to him “man who made me a judge or divider over you? “ He then said to them “Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; for a man life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”.

I) PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL LUKE 12:13-22There was a rich man whose land brought forth plenty of crops, He had a bountiful harvest He said to

himself, I will full down my bars, and build a larger one, I will say to my soul, you soul rest and enjoy the fruit of your labour, But God said “you fool, tonight your soul would be required from you and he died that night.

Moral lesson: The rich should learn to glorify God with their wealth.

II) THE PARABLE OF THE RICHMAN AND LAZARUS LUKE 16-19-31There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine clothes. He feasted everyday. Also, there was

at the gate a poor beggar named Lazarus full of sores and dogs licked his sores. Lazarus usually ate from the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Later Lazarus died and was carried by angels into Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lifted up his eyes being in torment.

While the rich man was in torment in hell, he looked up and saw Lazarus and pleaded with Abraham to ask Lazarus to give him a drop of water to cool his tongue. The request was turned down. He was reminded of his life on earth, Also the fact that there is a barrier between the two sides.

He also told Abraham to send a message to his five brethren so that they could repent but Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets that they should listen to them, otherwise they will be in hell.


1. Selfishness is bad2. We should help others with our wealth3. We should not love money more than anything else EVALUATION.1) Who was Moses? Mention the names of some prophets2) Try to explain the gulf that was fixed between Abraham, Lazarus and the rich manREADING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 by Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. What did the rich fool say to himself?

c) I will move crops b) My soul is required from Godd) c) I will pull down my barns and build a larger one

2) The rich man died and went to where? a) Heaven and hell b) Heaven c) Hell3) In hell the rich man was in _____ a) Torment b) Pleasure c) Pence4) What was Abraham’s response to the request of the rich man concerning his brother?

a) They will go to hell b) They have Moses and the prophet c) They should be good and kind to people.

5. Lazarus situation is illustrated with the following words except a) Pleasure and relaxation b) Pain and sickness c) Wretchedness and poverty.

THEORY1. What mistake did the rich fool make?2. Discuss the situation in which the rich man found himself when he died.

WEEK SIX Date…………………….TOPIC: PARABLE ABOUT MATURITY AND RESPONSIBILITYCONTENT: (a) The wicked servant Matt 18:21-35(b) The ten virgins Matt 25:1-13(c) The talents Matt 25:14-30

When we say maturity, we simply mean to become completely developed or grown-up while responsible on the other hand mean liable to answer for or accountable. Therefore when we say maturity and responsibility we mean to develop completely and to be accountable

1) THE WICKED SERVANT; MATTHEW 18:21-31Jesus told the parable of the wicked servant to teach his audience about maturity and responsibility.Peter had come to Jesus to ask the question’, Lord how often shall my brother sin against me and I

forgive him as many as seven times?’ Jesus answered” I do not say to you seven times but seventy times seven. At this point, Jesus told the parable. He compared the kingdom of heaven to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants.

As he started to work on the account, a servant who owed him ten thousand talents (about N10m) Came in and begged him to forgive him as he was unable to pay the debt. The king forgave the servant and cancelled the debt. Later, that same servant met one of his fellow servant who owed him only one hundred denani (about N20). He seized him, held him by his cloth and demanded the immediate payment of his money.

In spite of the plea of that debtor, the man refused to forgive him. Instead he put him in prison until he was able to pay the debt. His fellow servants saw this and told the king, who had earlier forgiven him,. The king immediately arrested him and sent him to prison until he too was able to pay the debt. Then, Jesus said, so also my heavenly father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.

2) THE TEN VIRGINS. MATTHEW 25:1-13Ten virgin went with their lamps to meet the bridegroom at a marriage feast. Five were foolish

and five were wise. The five wise maidens took their lamps with extra/enough oil while the foolish ones had not enough oil in their lamps. In the middle of the night after much delay in waiting for the

bridegroom, the oil of the foolish maidens finished. They begged the wise ones to give them oil but they refused.

The foolish maidens went to a nearby village to look for oil, before they arrived; the bride groom had come and gone with the wise maidens. They cried but it was too late.

INTERPRETATIONChristians should be prepared for the second coming of Christ. The five foolish virgins were the

careless, irresponsible and immature Christians who did not prepare for the coming of the Lord. The wise virgins were the prepared matured Christians who prepared for the coming of the Lord.

3) THE TALENTS MATT 25:14-30A certain businessman was about to travel to a far country. He called his servants and gave them talents

according to their abilities. He gave the first one 5 talents, the second 2 talents and the third one 1 talent. When the master arrived they all came to give account of their business. The first servant made 5 more talents. The second two more talents, the third one went and hid his own in a pit. Their master commended the first two servants and rewarded them accordingly, while the third servant was punished and condemned INTERPRETATIONThe first two servants were matured and responsible Christians who asked God’s gift in their lives very well. The third servant represents an unfaithful irresponsible Christian who did not use God’s gift wellEVALUATION1) Explain briefly the parable of the talent2) How best can we use our talent

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 by Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. The other five virgins were called foolish because a) They fell asleep

b) They went before the bridegroom came c) They did not prepare well for the occasion 2. Which is regarded as the Bridegroom in our study a) ten of the maidens

b) The wise maidens c) Jesus Christ3. Which of the following is true of the foolish virgins?

a) They were careless and irresponsible b) They were immature and irresponsiblec) All of the above

4. In the parable of the talent, the Bible said the servants were given talent according to their a) Abilities b) Seriousness c) Wealth and possession

5. Which of the three servants received commendation a) the servant with one talent b) The servant with two and five talents c) The servant with one and two talent

THEORY1. Interpret the action of each servant in the parable of the talents2. Why were the five virgins regarded as foolish in the parable of the ten virgin

WEEK SEVEN Date………………….

TOPIC: JESUS SUBJECTS HIMSELF TO RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL LAWSCONTENT: (a) Meaning of Obedience to the first law(b) The visit to Jerusalem Luke 2:12-24 41-513) Jesus shows obedience to existing laws Mark 1:40-45 Matthew. 22:15-20

I) MEANING OF OBEDIENCE TO THE FIRST LAWJesus Christ was brought up according to Jewish laws and customs. His parents were obedient Jews and

set an example for him from childhood on how to keep the religious laws and he was circumcised as was the custom. He was brought to the temple for the annual and usual custom of presentation to the priest in charge.

Therefore his parents came to offer a sacrifice according to the law of God. By so doing they laid the foundation for religious obedience in the young Jesus

II) THE VISIT TO JERUSALEM When Jesus was 12 years, He followed his parents to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover feast at home,

in Nazareth; He learnt some trade and studied the religious life of his people. He followed them to the synagogue. The Jews law has a rule that all male Jews must go to Jerusalem at least once a year.

At 12, He accompanied the parents to the Passover and stayed behind. His parents did not know it. They later sought and found Him in the temple sitting among the teachers, listening and asking them question. The parents persuaded Him and he came back with them to Nazareth.

III) JESUS SHOWS OBEDIENCE TO EXISTING LAWS. MARK 1: 40 – 45, MATTHEW 22:15-22A leper came to Jesus and begged Him to cure him of his leprosy. Jesus had pity on the man and

stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will, be clean” the man was made clean. He ordered the man to not to tell any one, but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing what Moses commanded for a proof to the people. He thereby taught the lesson of obedience to the law of the community.

When the Pharisees and the Herodians wanted to find a charge with which to accuse Jesus, they asked for His opinion about the payment of taxes Matt22:17. Jesus knew he was being tempted. He took a coin that had the picture of Caesar and told them that they should obey the government and also obey laws of God.” Render to Caesar things that are Caesar’s and to God things that are God’s. Matthew 22:21.

Jesus was obedient and taught obedience to the laws of the community. A good Christian is one who is also good citizen Jesus as well as his disciple paid their taxes.

EVALUATION.1) Why do we have to pay tax? 2) List 4 rules you must keep while you are in school.

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.3. Christian Religion Education for JSS Book 2 by Adeyinka eta’l4. Revised Standard Version Bible (Compulsory)

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Jesus Christ was Circumcised on what day a) Seventh day b) 8th day

c) 9th day2. Render to Caesar things that are Caesars and to God things that are Gods.” This statement was made by

a) Peter b) Paul c) Jesus Christ3. Who was told to go to the priest and obtain a certificate of cleansing?

a) Adulterer b) Blind man c) Leper4.) Peter paid tribute to collectors from the money taken from ______

a) His pocket b) Mouth of fish c) Mouth of birds5.) Jesus Christ subjected himself to religious laws only a) True b) False

THEORY1. Explain how you can subject yourself to religious laws2. Discuss your civil laws


CONTENT: (1) Jesus and the Old Testament laws. Matthew 5:2148(2) Human needs above the demands of law. Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-6(3) Purity and Human laws. Mark 7:1-13


1) ON MURDER: - The law says. “You shall not kill and whosever kills shall be liable to Judgment. Jesus went beyond the act of killing to condemn anger of heart murder. He says that anyone who says, “You fool” shall be liable to hell fire.

2) ON SWEARING: - The Jewish says “you shall not swear false but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn’ Jesus added more to it. He said do not swear at all ether by heaven, earth or by Jerusalem, you shall simply say Yes or No.

3) ON REVENGE: The law says “an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth” Jesus says if anyone slaps you on the right check, turn the left cheek. If anyone asks you to go a mile, go with him two miles, if anyone asks for a coat, give him two coats.

4) ON ADULTERY: The law says you should not commit adultery Jesus state that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has committed adultery already.

5) ON DIVORCE: The law says that anyone who wants to divorce his wife, he should give her a certificate of divorce, but Jesus said divorce should only be on the ground of unchastity or unfaithfulness.

6) ON LOVE: The Jewish law asked people to love their neighbours and hate their enemies. Jesus however, said “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”

We should therefore understand the law before obeying it we should worship God with a pure heart, this means no anger and hatred in the heart we should love our enemies and not kill them

II) HUMAN NEEDS ABOVE THE DEMANDS OF THE LAW. Mark 2:23-28’3:1- 6 When the Pharisees challenge Jesus for allowing his disciples to pluck corn on a Sabbath, He reminded them on how David entered the house of God and ate the sacred bread when he was hungry. Jesus therefore declared; the Sabbath was made for man; not man for the Sabbath.A man with a withered hand was brought to Jesus to heal on a Sabbath day. The Pharisee came around to know what He would do. Jesus knowing their intentions asked them “is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill. The Pharisee were confused. Jesus went ahead to cure the man.The conclusion, some human needs are above others.

III) PURITY AND HUMAN LAW MK 7:1-13 The Pharisee and Scribes condemned the disciples of Jesus for eating bread with unwashed hands. For the Pharisees and all the Jews, except they wash, they will not eat. They also wash cups, pots, brazen vessels and tables before eating or doing anything with them when they come from market; thereby holding the tradition of the elders.

These were the charges the Pharisee and scribes brought to Jesus that his disciples failed to keep or walk according to the traditions of the elders. Jesus responded to them by saying that they honour God with their lips, but their heart is far from Him. That they worship God in vain teaching doctrines and the commandments of men and laying aside the commandments of God.

Jesus further told them that purity of heart should supersede human laws. Human laws can be changed and broken, but purity of heart becomes paramount as that is the only passport one has to see God. He also told them that there is nothing that enters into a man that can defile him, but the things which come out of him; those are the things that defile the man.

EVALUATION1) How did Jesus defend his use of the Sabbath?2) Identify two Old Testament law in the passage (Matt 5:21-28) what does Jesus Christ teach about these


READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.


1. Jesus condemned anger by saying that anyone who says “you fool shall be liable to a) Judgment b) Hell fire c) Punishment

2. W e are told not to swear by a) heaven b) Jerusalem c) All of the above 3. ___is the law of Jesus a) Eye for eye b) Tooth for tooth c) Turn the left cheek if someone slaps you on the

right.4. ____ is the New Testament law on adultery a) Only shaping with a married woman b) Looking at a

woman lustfully c) Receiving a certificate of divorce 5 _____ are the people that challenged Jesus when His disciples were hungry and plucking corn on a Sabbath

a) Gentile b) Pharisee c) Herodians

THEORY1. State five Old Testament law that Jesus clarified in Matt 5:41-452. How did Jesus defined his use

WEEK NINE Date…………………TOPIC: LOVE THE SUPREME LAWCONTENT: (1) The law of love(b) Love as the new commandment of Jesus Christ(c) Moral Lesson

1) THE LAW OF LOVE. Luke 10:25-28One day, when Jesus was teaching, a lawyer stood up to test Him, He asked Jesus what he

should do to have eternal life, Jesus replied by asking him what is written in the law? In reply the lawyer said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your souls and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself. Jesus answered that he had answered rightly and added. “Do this and you will live”.


The new commandment or law which Jesus gave His disciples was love. He said “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, by this, all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Paul, who had earlier preached the gospel to the Corinthians, later wrote a letter to them about love. Here are the characteristics of the God kind of love that Paul enumerated in I Corinthians. 13:4-811) It is kind12) It is patient13) It is not arrogant or boastful14) It is not jealous 15) It is not resentful or irritable16) It does not rejoice at wrong but rejoices in the right17) It believes all things18) It endures all things19) It hopes all things 20) It does not fail

Infact, he told them that the crown of all virtues (good character) is love. Therefore, Christians should see love as supreme.


1. Love is free: - There is no limit to love. It touches all aspects of life2. Love is better expressed. We must act it out, to meet and help a neighbour in need.

EVALUATION.1) What are the properties of love? 2) Explain what was written in the law which Jesus asked the lawyer to recite.

READING ASSIGNMENT1. Christian Religion Knowledge for JSS Book 2 by I.O. Adeyemo2. Ilesanmi Christian Religion Studies for Jss Book 2 by Tunde Erumol eta’l.

WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT1. Which of the following is true of the foolish virgins?

a) They were careless and irresponsible b) They were immature and irresponsiblec) All of the above

2. The story of the feeding of five thousand people indicates that (a) Those who follow Jesus would never be hungry (b) God uses what we have given him to benefit us and others(c) There is need to prepare our food because God would send his holy angels to feed us

3. Which of the following is not correct? Nicodemus was a) A Jew b) A Pharisees c) A Theologian

4 The woman who Jesus met at Jacob’s well was a) A Jew b) A poor Samaritan c) An Israelite

5. Which of the following statement is correct? a) Marry Samaritans believed in Jesus becauseb) Marry Samaritan came to Jesus so that they can have the living water c) Marry Samaritan came to Jesus to put him to test.

THEORY1. What was the first miracle Jesus performed at the beginning of his ministry?2. What did Jesus do to feed five thousand people?

Campus: 3, Olayinka Street, Omoroga, Meiran, Lagos.Ogun State Campus: 38b, FPF Avenue, Dalemo, Alakuko

E-Mail: goshepherd@yahoo.co.uk., info@goodshepherdschools.netWeb Site: www.goodshepherdschools.net


1. Preparation For The Coming Of Jesus: Isa 9: 6

2. Birth of Jesusa. Birth of Jesus. Luke 2: 1-20, 30-32b. Visit of the wise men. Matt 2: 1-12

2. Presentation of Jesus in the temple.. 4 Jesus Jesus Christ Prepare for his Life ministry

5 . Temptation of Jesus Matt 4:1-11

6 Call of the disciples

7. Jesus welcomes all people

i. Jesus and the elite: Nicodemus, John 3:1-177. 8 Jesus and the rejected: The poor Samaritan Woman, John 4:7-428. 9 Jesus and the adulterous woman, John 7: 53; 8: 110. Revision 11 – 12 Examination

REFERENCES1. Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies foe JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumeoba2. Christian Religious Knoeledge for JSS Bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo3. Christian Religiou Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka e tal 4. RSV Bible


I. The Birth of the fore runner, Luke 1: 5-25; 57-80II. The message of the fore runner, Matt 3: 1-12

The birth of the fore runner, Luke 1: 5-25; 57-80, Isaiah 9: 6The birth of Jesus Christ was predicted by prophet Isaiah ever before Christ was born.John the Baptist was the fore runner of Jesus Christ. He was born by Zachariah and Elizabeth. They lived in Jerusalem in the days of king Herod of Judea. Zachariah was a Priest and his wife was barren for many years. While in the temple one day, angel Gabriel from the Lord appeared to him, and told him that his wife was going to bear a son. He said the child shall be great, his name shall be called John and must not drink strong wine.

Zachariah doubted this message and he was made dumb until later the child was born. Elizabeth later conceived and bear a male child, on the eighth day, the family of Zachariah wanted to name the child Zachariah after his father; but the mother said No. they asked the father to write and he wrote the name John on the slate. Immediately his tongue was loosed, and he spoke. There was great rejoicing that day.The lessons we learn from that is that, we should not doubt God, with God all things are possible and that we should have faith in God.

The massage of the fore runner, Matt 3: 1-12John started his mission by calling on the people to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. He was preaching in the wilderness, he wore a garment of Carmel’s hair and a leather girdle around his waist. His food was locust and wild honey. People went to him from all parts of Jerusalem, Judea and Jordan.They confessed their sins and were baptized by him in river Jordan. He referred to many of the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to him as “brood of vipers”. He preached to them and many were baptized. He told them

that someone was coming after him whose sandal he was not worthy to carry and who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire. And he would reward or punish people according to their works.Evaluation

1. What was Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Christ?2. What was the massage of the fore runner?

Reading AssignmentChristian Religious Education for JSS Bk 2 by Adeyinka et alIlesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumevba et al Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo

Weekend assignment1. ________ predicted the birth of Jesus Christ (a) Prophet Isaiah (b) Prophet Jeremiah (c) Prophet Ezekiel2. _______ is the father of John (a) Elijah (b) Zachariah (c) Hezekiah3. _______ is the mother of John (a) Ruth (b) Elizabeth (c) Martha4. Zachariah and his wife lived in ______ (a) Jerusalem (b) Judah (c) Bethlehem5. _______ angel appeared to Zachariah (a) Angel Gabriel (b) Angel Michael (c) Saint Mathew

Theory1. Who is a fore runner?2. Explain briefly the message of the fore runner.

Answers1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A

Theory1. A fore runner is a person sent to prepare the way for a greater person.2. The message pf the fore runner centres around repentance from sin and turning to God. They confessed

their sins and were baptized by John in the river Jordan.


Nursery, Primary and Comprehensive High SchoolLagos Campus: 3, Olayinka Street, Omoroga, Meiran, Lagos.

Ogun State Campus: 38b, FPF Avenue, Dalemo, Alakuko E-Mail: goshepherd@yahoo.co.uk., info@goodshepherdschools.net

Web Site: www.goodshepherdschools.netFIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE


1. Preparation For The Coming Of Jesus: Isa 9: 6a. The birth of the fore runner: Luke 1: 5 – 25, 57 – 80b. The message of the fore runner: Matt 3: 1 – 12

2. Birth of Jesusa. Birth of Jesus. Luke 2: 1-20, 30-32b. Visit of the wise men. Matt 2: 1-12

3. Childhood of Jesus a. Flight to Egypt. Matt 2: 13-15

b. Jesus and his parents and relations, Luke 2: 41-51, Mark 6:1-5 4 -5. Preparation for his ministry

i. Baptism of Jesus Matt3: 13-17ii. Temptation of Jesus Matt 4:1-11

iii. Jesus selects His disciples Matt4:18-22, Matt9:9, Mark 3:1-13, 196. Jesus welcomes all people

i. Jesus and the elite: Nicodemus, John 3:1-177. Jesus and the rejected: The poor Samaritan Woman, John 4:7-42

8. Jesus and the adulterous woman, John 7: 53; 8: 19. Revision

11 – 12 Examination

REFERENCES5. Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies foe JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumeoba

Christian Religious Knoeledge for JSS Bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo CONTENTS

The birth of the fore runner, Luke 1: 5-25; 57-80, Isaiah 9: 6The birth of Jesus Christ was predicted by prophet Isaiah ever before Christ was born.

6. John the Bapti7. Christian Religiou Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka e tal 8. RSV Bible

WEEK 1TOPIC: PREPARATION FOR THE COMING OF JESUS. st was the fore runner of Jesus Christ. He was born by Zachariah and Elizabeth. They lived in Jerusalem in the days of king Herod of Judea. Zachariah was a Priest and his wife was barren for many years. While in the temple one day, angel Gabriel from the Lord appeared to him, and told him that his wife was going to bear a son. He said the child shall be great, his name shall be called John and must not drink strong wine.

Zachariah doubted this message and he was made dumb until later the child was born. Elizabeth later conceived and bear a male child, on the eighth day, the family of Zachariah wanted to name the child Zachariah after his father; but the mother said No. they asked the father to write and he wrote the name John on the slate. Immediately his tongue was loosed, and he spoke. There was great rejoicing that day.The lessons we learn from that is that, we should not doubt God, with God all things are possible and that we should have faith in God.

The massage of the fore runner, Matt 3: 1-12John started his mission by calling on the people to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. He was preaching in the wilderness, he wore a garment of Carmel’s hair and a leather girdle around his waist. His food was locust and wild honey. People went to him from all parts of Jerusalem, Judea and Jordan.They confessed their sins and were baptized by him in river Jordan. He referred to many of the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to him as “brood of vipers”. He preached to them and many were baptized. He told them that someone was coming after him whose sandal he was not worthy to carry and who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire. And he would reward or punish people according to their works.Evaluation

3. What was Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Christ?4. What was the massage of the fore runner?

Reading AssignmentChristian Religious Education for JSS Bk 2 by Adeyinka et alIlesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumevba et al Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo

Weekend assignment6. ________ predicted the birth of Jesus Christ (a) Prophet Isaiah (b) Prophet Jeremiah (c) Prophet Ezekiel7. _______ is the father of John (a) Elijah (b) Zachariah (c) Hezekiah8. _______ is the mother of John (a) Ruth (b) Elizabeth (c) Martha9. Zachariah and his wife lived in ______ (a) Jerusalem (b) Judah (c) Bethlehem10. _______ angel appeared to Zachariah (a) Angel Gabriel (b) Angel Michael (c) Saint Mathew

Theory3. Who is a fore runner?

4. Explain briefly the message of the fore runner.Answers1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A

Theory3. A fore runner is a person sent to prepare the way for a greater person.4. The message pf the fore runner centres around repentance from sin and turning to God. They confessed

their sins and were baptized by John in the river Jordan.


i. Baptism of Jesus, Matt 3: 13-17 ii. Temptation of Jesus Matt 4:1-11

Baptism of Jesus, Matt 3: 13-17Jesus Christ came from Galilee to river Jordan to be baptized by John, but Jesus said he should allow it to be so, to fulfill all righteousness.When Jesus was dipped in water and baptized, the heavens opened and the spirit of God came upon him like a dove and HE heard a voice saying “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased”. The lesson we learn from Christ here is that we should be humble, should be a good example in school, home and society.

Temptation of Jesus Christ Matt 4: 1-11Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness; He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. He was hungry after the fast and was tempted by the devil.

Firstly, the devil asked him to command stones to become loaves of bread, if he was really the so of God. But Jesus replied “Man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”.Secondly, the devil led him to a holy city. He took him to the pinnacle of the temple and asked him to jump down from it, fir it is written God will send his angels to guide thee, lest He dash his foot against a stone. Jesus answered, be gone Satan for it is written, you shall not tempt the Lord your God”.Thirdly, the devil took him to a high mountain; He showed Jesus all the glories of the world and promised to give it to Christ, if only he would bow down and worship him. Jesus replied “Be gone Satan, for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve”.

We learn a lesson here that just as Jesus was tempted, so we must expect temptation, but we must not fall into it. We can overcome temptation through prayer and the word of God.

Evaluation1. What is temptation?2. List five ways through which Christians can overcome temptation.

Reading assignmentIlesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumeoba et all Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O AdeyemoChristian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et all RSV Bible read Matt 3: 3-17; 4:1-11

Weekend Assignment1. Jesus came from _____ to be baptized (a) Galilee (b) Nazareth (c) Jordan2. Jesus was baptized in river _____ (a) Nile (b) Jordan (c) Taraba3. Jesus fasted for ____ days and night (a) 40 (b) 30 (c) 20 4. The devil asked him to command ________ to turn to bread (a) stone (b) water (c) wood

5. Jesus ______ all the temptation of the devil (a) Answered (b) prevailed (c) overcameTheory

1. What were the temptation of Jesus and his response to the devil.2. Describe the baptism of Jesus

Answers1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C Theory

1. The temptations of Jesus are: the devil asked him to turn stone into bread, Jesus said “you shall not live by bread alone”. Secondly, he commanded him to jump down from the temple, but Jesus responded “Be gone Satan, you shall not tempt the Lord you God”. Thirdly, the devil asked him to bow down and worship him, Jesus answered “You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve”.

2. Jesus came down from Nazareth to be baptized by John in river Jordan. John did not want to baptize him but Jesus said let it be so now to fulfill all righteousness. After Jesus was baptized, the heavens were opened and the spirit of God descended in form of a dove and said “this is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased”.


i. Jesus selects His disciples Matt 4: 18-22; 9: 9, Mark 3: 13-19

Jesus selects His disciples Matt 4: 18-22; 9: 9, Mark 3: 13-19 Jesus chose twelve disciples to be with him and to assist him in preaching the gospel. He called them one by one and told them that he would make them fishers of men. They immediately left their jobs and followed him. Some of them were fishermen, while some were tax collectors. Four of them were referred to as member of the inner circle. This is because they were specially close to him. They were Simon Peter, Matthew, James and John sons of Zebedee. The names of the twelve disciples are as follows:

1. Simon Peter 2. James3. John4. Simon the Canaanites5. Andrew6. Philip7. Bartholomew8. Thomas9. Thaddeus10. Matthew11. James the son o Alphaeus12. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him

They all willingly responded to the call of the master without excuse, the most important qualification Jesus sough for was willingness and self-denial. We learn a lesson here to be obedient to the call of God.

Evaluation1. List the names of the apostles who were fishermen2. Who among the twelve disciples was referred to as tax collector?

Reading assignmentIlesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by TUnde Erumeoba et all Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O AdeyemoChristian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et al

Weekend Assignment1. Who was referred to as the tax collector among the twelve disciples (a) Andrew (b) Matthew (c) Peter

2. Who among the disciples betrayed Jesus Christ (a) Simon peter (b) John (c) Judas Iscariot3. How many disciples were they in number (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 154. Who doubted the resurrection of Jesus among the twelve apostles (a) James (b) Thomas (c) Andrew5. Jesus was _____ years old when he began to teach and preach (a) 30 (b) 33 (c) 40

Theory 1. What is the third temptation according to St. Matthew’s gospel2. Write the names of six out of the twelve disciples.

Answers1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B Theory

1. The devil took him to a high mountain, he showed Jesus all the glories of the world and promised to give them to Jesus if only He could bow down and worship him

2. i. Simon the Canaaniteii. Philipiii. Andrewiv. Jamesv. Johnvi. Bartholomew



Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews and a Pharisee, he came to Jesus by night and said to him “Rabbi”. We know that you are a teacher from heaven and no none can do this signs unless God is with; “what must I do to inherit the kingdom of God, Jesus replied by telling him that He must be born again”, Nicodemus asked if he should enter the second time into his mother’s womb and be born? Jesus made him to realize that He must be born of water and of the spirit i.e. he must go through spiritual rebirth i.e. the birth of regeneration. This is a process whereby he has to repent and forsake his sins and live a holy life. He must also be baptized in water and spirit.

There is need in the country to day to justify the practical and the moral aspect of this spiritual rebirth. Christians at home and school are duty bound to be honest in all their doings, anyone who steals or cheats shows the absence of the born again experience. The mark of spiritual birth includes: Repentance, love, honesty, respect for elders peace etc.Jesus concluded his statement with the popular saying “… for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten so that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”. Nicodemus was a theologian and a member of the Sanhedrin. He used the cover of the night to hide his identify, but Jesus was able to identify him.

Evaluation1. Explain briefly the personality of Nicodemus2. What was his quest?

Reading assignmentIlesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by TUnde Erumeoba et all Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O AdeyemoChristian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et al RSV Bible read John 3: 1-17 Weekend Assignment

1. The word “Rabbi” means (a) messiah (b) saviour (c) Teacher2. Jesus told Nicodemus that for one to enter into the kingdom he has to be baptized by _____ (a) water

and blood (b) water and spirit (c) water and fire.

3. Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus in the night (a) He loved Jesus (b) He hid his identity (c) He loved only darkness.

4. Nicodemus was a _________ (a) Pharisee (b) Scribe (c) Sadducees5. To be born again means _____ (a) to enter into the womb again (b) to come to the world again (c) to

repent and forsake one’s sinsTheory

1. List four steps we must take to become Christians2. Explain John 3: 16

Answers1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C Theory

1. Acknowledge that you are a sinner 2. Confess all your sins3. Ask God for forgiveness and grace to forsake all sins.4. Believe that you are now a child of God.

John 3: 16 means, God Almighty sent his son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the whole world and anyone who acknowledges his death on the cross believing in him shall be saved.


i. JESUS AND THE REJECTED – THE POOR SAMARITAN John 4:7-47Jesus Christ is loving, HE accepted all men without discrimination. This is seen in the meeting with the Samaritan woman. The Samaritans were rejected among the Jews. They were regarded as inferior or second class citizen because they were product of mixed-blood.Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob at the Samaritan city called Sychar. Jesus asked for some water, the woman not knowing Jesus refused to give him since the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus told her that if she knows the gifts of God, she would have given him water and besides he had living water which He would give her and she would thirst no more. Jesus told the woman that she should go and call her husband, the woman said she had husband, Jesus said she had five husbands and the one she was living with was not her husband, the woman agreed with the statement of Jesus and perceived that he was a prophet or messiah. She quickly left her water pot and ran to the city and told the people about a man who told her all she ever did.The people came round and Jesus preached to them and many believed in Him. HE was there for two days.

Evaluation1. Why did many Samaritans from Sychar believe in Jesus2. Why were the Samaritans and the Jews enemies?

Reading assignmentIlesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by TUnde Erumeoba et all Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O AdeyemoChristian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et al RSV Bible read John 4: 7-42Weekend Assignment

1. ______ was the Samaritan city where Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well (a) Judea (b) Galilee (c) Sychar

2. The woman whom Jesus met at the well was a _____ (a) Jew (b) Samaritan (c) Galilean3. Jesus asked the Samaritan woman to go and call her ______ (a) brother (b) sister (c) husband4. Jesus said he would give the woman _______ water (a) cool (b) living (c) hot5. How many husband does the woman have (a) one (b) two (c) five

Theory1. What relationship exist between the Jews and the Samaritans2. Why did many Samaritans from Sychar believe in Jesus

Answers1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5TheoThe relationship between the Jews and the Samaritans is that they were traditional enemies. The Samaritans were regarded as second class citizens because they were products of mixed blood

1. Many Samaritans from Sychar believed in Jesus because, the Samaritan woman went and shared her experience about meeting Jesus at the well with them.

Nursery, Primary and Comprehensive High SchoolLagos Campus: 3, Olayinka Street, Omoroga, Meiran, Lagos.

Ogun State Campus: 38b, FPF Avenue, Dalemo, Alakuko E-Mail: goshepherd@yahoo.co.uk., info@goodshepherdschools.net

Web Site: www.goodshepherdschools.netTHIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE

SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE CLASS: JSS2WEEKS SCHEME OF WORK. (1) Jesus teaching on the mount/the demand of the kingdom. - The beatitudes ( matt. 5;1-12). - Christian as salt and light of the word ( matt. 5; 13-16). - Forgiveness ( matt. 6; 14-15). (2) The miracles of JESUS.

- Nature miracles of JESUS. - Calming the storm. (matt. 8:23-27), (mark.4; 35-41). - Healing miracles.

The paralytic (matt 9:1-8). -Raising miracles The widows son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17) (3) Other Christians qualities. -Trust (matt (6:19-20, 24-34, 5: 35-36), -Commitment (matt 5:13-14). (4) Persecution and Judgement (matt 5:10-12). (5) THE PASSION - The triumphant entry into Jerusalem (mark 11:1-11). (6) The last supper (luke22: 7-20, john 13:1-12). (7) The betrayal and arrest (mark 14: 43-42, matt 26:47-56). - The trial and peter denial (matt 26:47-68,69-75). (8) The death and burial -The crucifixion (matt 27:32-44). -The death (matt 27:45-56) -The burial (matt 27:57-61) (9)The resurrection and appearance. -The resurrection (matt 28:4-10,mark 16:1-8.luke 24:1-12). -The appearance (matt 26;16-20,mark 16:9-18,john 21:1-14,luke 24:13-49). (10) The great commission (matt 28:18-20). (11) Revision (12)Examination

8. Jesus and the adulterous woman, John 7: 53; 8: 1

9. Revision 11 – 12 Examination

REFERENCES9. Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies foe JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumeoba

Christian Religious Knoeledge for JSS Bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo CONTENTS

The birth of the fore runner, Luke 1: 5-25; 57-80, Isaiah 9: 6The birth of Jesus Christ was predicted by prophet Isaiah ever before Christ was born.

10. John the Bapti11. Christian Religiou Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka e tal 12. RSV Bible

WEEK 1TOPIC: PREPARATION FOR THE COMING OF JESUS. st was the fore runner of Jesus Christ. He was born by Zachariah and Elizabeth. They lived in Jerusalem in the days of king Herod of Judea. Zachariah was a Priest and his wife was barren for many years. While in the temple one day, angel Gabriel from the Lord appeared to him, and told him that his wife was going to bear a son. He said the child shall be great, his name shall be called John and must not drink strong wine.

Zachariah doubted this message and he was made dumb until later the child was born. Elizabeth later conceived and bear a male child, on the eighth day, the family of Zachariah wanted to name the child Zachariah after his father; but the mother said No. they asked the father to write and he wrote the name John on the slate. Immediately his tongue was loosed, and he spoke. There was great rejoicing that day.The lessons we learn from that is that, we should not doubt God, with God all things are possible and that we should have faith in God.

The massage of the fore runner, Matt 3: 1-12John started his mission by calling on the people to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. He was preaching in the wilderness, he wore a garment of Carmel’s hair and a leather girdle around his waist. His food was locust and wild honey. People went to him from all parts of Jerusalem, Judea and Jordan.They confessed their sins and were baptized by him in river Jordan. He referred to many of the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to him as “brood of vipers”. He preached to them and many were baptized. He told them that someone was coming after him whose sandal he was not worthy to carry and who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire. And he would reward or punish people according to their works.Evaluation

5. What was Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Christ?6. What was the massage of the fore runner?

Reading AssignmentChristian Religious Education for JSS Bk 2 by Adeyinka et alIlesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumevba et al Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo

Nursery, Primary and Comprehensive High SchoolLagos Campus: 3, Olayinka Street, Omoroga, Meiran, Lagos.

Ogun State Campus: 38b, FPF Avenue, Dalemo, Alakuko E-Mail: goshepherd@yahoo.co.uk., info@goodshepherdschools.net

Web Site: www.goodshepherdschools.netFIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE


4. Preparation For The Coming Of Jesus: Isa 9: 6a. The birth of the fore runner: Luke 1: 5 – 25, 57 – 80b. The message of the fore runner: Matt 3: 1 – 12

5. Birth of Jesusa. Birth of Jesus. Luke 2: 1-20, 30-32b. Visit of the wise men. Matt 2: 1-12

6. Childhood of Jesus a. Flight to Egypt. Matt 2: 13-15

b. Jesus and his parents and relations, Luke 2: 41-51, Mark 6:1-5 4 -5. Preparation for his ministry

i. Baptism of Jesus Matt3: 13-17ii. Temptation of Jesus Matt 4:1-11

iii. Jesus selects His disciples Matt4:18-22, Matt9:9, Mark 3:1-13, 196. Jesus welcomes all people

i. Jesus and the elite: Nicodemus, John 3:1-177. Jesus and the rejected: The poor Samaritan Woman, John 4:7-428. Jesus and the adulterous woman, John 7: 53; 8: 1

9. Revision 11 – 12 Examination

REFERENCES13. Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies foe JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumeoba

Christian Religious Knoeledge for JSS Bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo CONTENTS

The birth of the fore runner, Luke 1: 5-25; 57-80, Isaiah 9: 6The birth of Jesus Christ was predicted by prophet Isaiah ever before Christ was born.

14. John the Bapti15. Christian Religiou Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka e tal 16. RSV Bible

WEEK 1TOPIC: PREPARATION FOR THE COMING OF JESUS. st was the fore runner of Jesus Christ. He was born by Zachariah and Elizabeth. They lived in Jerusalem in the days of king Herod of Judea. Zachariah was a Priest and his wife was barren for many years. While in the temple one day, angel Gabriel from the Lord appeared to him, and told him that his wife was going to bear a son. He said the child shall be great, his name shall be called John and must not drink strong wine.

Zachariah doubted this message and he was made dumb until later the child was born. Elizabeth later conceived and bear a male child, on the eighth day, the family of Zachariah wanted to name the child Zachariah after his father; but the mother said No. they asked the father to write and he wrote the name John on the slate. Immediately his tongue was loosed, and he spoke. There was great rejoicing that day.The lessons we learn from that is that, we should not doubt God, with God all things are possible and that we should have faith in God.

The massage of the fore runner, Matt 3: 1-12John started his mission by calling on the people to repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. He was preaching in the wilderness, he wore a garment of Carmel’s hair and a leather girdle around his waist. His food was locust and wild honey. People went to him from all parts of Jerusalem, Judea and Jordan.They confessed their sins and were baptized by him in river Jordan. He referred to many of the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to him as “brood of vipers”. He preached to them and many were baptized. He told them that someone was coming after him whose sandal he was not worthy to carry and who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire. And he would reward or punish people according to their works.Evaluation

7. What was Isaiah’s prophecy about the birth of Christ?8. What was the massage of the fore runner?

Reading AssignmentChristian Religious Education for JSS Bk 2 by Adeyinka et alIlesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumevba et al Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo

Weekend assignment11. ________ predicted the birth of Jesus Christ (a) Prophet Isaiah (b) Prophet Jeremiah (c) Prophet Ezekiel12. _______ is the father of John (a) Elijah (b) Zachariah (c) Hezekiah13. _______ is the mother of John (a) Ruth (b) Elizabeth (c) Martha14. Zachariah and his wife lived in ______ (a) Jerusalem (b) Judah (c) Bethlehem15. _______ angel appeared to Zachariah (a) Angel Gabriel (b) Angel Michael (c) Saint Mathew

Theory5. Who is a fore runner?6. Explain briefly the message of the fore runner.

Answers1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A

Theory5. A fore runner is a person sent to prepare the way for a greater person.6. The message pf the fore runner centres around repentance from sin and turning to God. They confessed

their sins and were baptized by John in the river Jordan.


iii. Baptism of Jesus, Matt 3: 13-17 iv. Temptation of Jesus Matt 4:1-11

Baptism of Jesus, Matt 3: 13-17Jesus Christ came from Galilee to river Jordan to be baptized by John, but Jesus said he should allow it to be so, to fulfill all righteousness.When Jesus was dipped in water and baptized, the heavens opened and the spirit of God came upon him like a dove and HE heard a voice saying “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased”. The lesson we learn from Christ here is that we should be humble, should be a good example in school, home and society.

Temptation of Jesus Christ Matt 4: 1-11Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness; He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. He was hungry after the fast and was tempted by the devil.

Firstly, the devil asked him to command stones to become loaves of bread, if he was really the so of God. But Jesus replied “Man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”.Secondly, the devil led him to a holy city. He took him to the pinnacle of the temple and asked him to jump down from it, fir it is written God will send his angels to guide thee, lest He dash his foot against a stone. Jesus answered, be gone Satan for it is written, you shall not tempt the Lord your God”.Thirdly, the devil took him to a high mountain; He showed Jesus all the glories of the world and promised to give it to Christ, if only he would bow down and worship him. Jesus replied “Be gone Satan, for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve”.

We learn a lesson here that just as Jesus was tempted, so we must expect temptation, but we must not fall into it. We can overcome temptation through prayer and the word of God.

Evaluation3. What is temptation?4. List five ways through which Christians can overcome temptation.

Reading assignmentIlesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by Tunde Erumeoba et all Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O Adeyemo

Christian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et all RSV Bible read Matt 3: 3-17; 4:1-11

Weekend Assignment6. Jesus came from _____ to be baptized (a) Galilee (b) Nazareth (c) Jordan7. Jesus was baptized in river _____ (a) Nile (b) Jordan (c) Taraba8. Jesus fasted for ____ days and night (a) 40 (b) 30 (c) 20 9. The devil asked him to command ________ to turn to bread (a) stone (b) water (c) wood10. Jesus ______ all the temptation of the devil (a) Answered (b) prevailed (c) overcame

Theory 3. What were the temptation of Jesus and his response to the devil.4. Describe the baptism of Jesus

Answers1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C Theory

3. The temptations of Jesus are: the devil asked him to turn stone into bread, Jesus said “you shall not live by bread alone”. Secondly, he commanded him to jump down from the temple, but Jesus responded “Be gone Satan, you shall not tempt the Lord you God”. Thirdly, the devil asked him to bow down and worship him, Jesus answered “You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve”.

4. Jesus came down from Nazareth to be baptized by John in river Jordan. John did not want to baptize him but Jesus said let it be so now to fulfill all righteousness. After Jesus was baptized, the heavens were opened and the spirit of God descended in form of a dove and said “this is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased”.


vii. Jesus selects His disciples Matt 4: 18-22; 9: 9, Mark 3: 13-19

Jesus selects His disciples Matt 4: 18-22; 9: 9, Mark 3: 13-19 Jesus chose twelve disciples to be with him and to assist him in preaching the gospel. He called them one by one and told them that he would make them fishers of men. They immediately left their jobs and followed him. Some of them were fishermen, while some were tax collectors. Four of them were referred to as member of the inner circle. This is because they were specially close to him. They were Simon Peter, Matthew, James and John sons of Zebedee. The names of the twelve disciples are as follows:

13. Simon Peter 14. James15. John16. Simon the Canaanites17. Andrew18. Philip19. Bartholomew20. Thomas21. Thaddeus22. Matthew23. James the son o Alphaeus24. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him

They all willingly responded to the call of the master without excuse, the most important qualification Jesus sough for was willingness and self-denial. We learn a lesson here to be obedient to the call of God.

Evaluation3. List the names of the apostles who were fishermen4. Who among the twelve disciples was referred to as tax collector?

Reading assignmentIlesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by TUnde Erumeoba et all Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O AdeyemoChristian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et al

Weekend Assignment6. Who was referred to as the tax collector among the twelve disciples (a) Andrew (b) Matthew (c) Peter7. Who among the disciples betrayed Jesus Christ (a) Simon peter (b) John (c) Judas Iscariot8. How many disciples were they in number (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 159. Who doubted the resurrection of Jesus among the twelve apostles (a) James (b) Thomas (c) Andrew10. Jesus was _____ years old when he began to teach and preach (a) 30 (b) 33 (c) 40

Theory 3. What is the third temptation according to St. Matthew’s gospel4. Write the names of six out of the twelve disciples.

Answers1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B Theory

3. The devil took him to a high mountain, he showed Jesus all the glories of the world and promised to give them to Jesus if only He could bow down and worship him

4. i. Simon the Canaaniteviii. Philipix. Andrewx. Jamesxi. Johnxii. Bartholomew



Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews and a Pharisee, he came to Jesus by night and said to him “Rabbi”. We know that you are a teacher from heaven and no none can do this signs unless God is with; “what must I do to inherit the kingdom of God, Jesus replied by telling him that He must be born again”, Nicodemus asked if he should enter the second time into his mother’s womb and be born? Jesus made him to realize that He must be born of water and of the spirit i.e. he must go through spiritual rebirth i.e. the birth of regeneration. This is a process whereby he has to repent and forsake his sins and live a holy life. He must also be baptized in water and spirit.

There is need in the country to day to justify the practical and the moral aspect of this spiritual rebirth. Christians at home and school are duty bound to be honest in all their doings, anyone who steals or cheats shows the absence of the born again experience. The mark of spiritual birth includes: Repentance, love, honesty, respect for elders peace etc.Jesus concluded his statement with the popular saying “… for God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten so that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”. Nicodemus was a theologian and a member of the Sanhedrin. He used the cover of the night to hide his identify, but Jesus was able to identify him.

Evaluation3. Explain briefly the personality of Nicodemus4. What was his quest?

Reading assignment

Ilesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by TUnde Erumeoba et all Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O AdeyemoChristian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et al RSV Bible read John 3: 1-17 Weekend Assignment

6. The word “Rabbi” means (a) messiah (b) saviour (c) Teacher7. Jesus told Nicodemus that for one to enter into the kingdom he has to be baptized by _____ (a) water

and blood (b) water and spirit (c) water and fire.8. Why did Nicodemus come to Jesus in the night (a) He loved Jesus (b) He hid his identity (c) He loved

only darkness.9. Nicodemus was a _________ (a) Pharisee (b) Scribe (c) Sadducees10. To be born again means _____ (a) to enter into the womb again (b) to come to the world again (c) to

repent and forsake one’s sinsTheory

3. List four steps we must take to become Christians4. Explain John 3: 16

Answers1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C Theory

5. Acknowledge that you are a sinner 6. Confess all your sins7. Ask God for forgiveness and grace to forsake all sins.8. Believe that you are now a child of God.

John 3: 16 means, God Almighty sent his son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the whole world and anyone who acknowledges his death on the cross believing in him shall be saved.


ii. JESUS AND THE REJECTED – THE POOR SAMARITAN John 4:7-47Jesus Christ is loving, HE accepted all men without discrimination. This is seen in the meeting with the Samaritan woman. The Samaritans were rejected among the Jews. They were regarded as inferior or second class citizen because they were product of mixed-blood.Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob at the Samaritan city called Sychar. Jesus asked for some water, the woman not knowing Jesus refused to give him since the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus told her that if she knows the gifts of God, she would have given him water and besides he had living water which He would give her and she would thirst no more. Jesus told the woman that she should go and call her husband, the woman said she had husband, Jesus said she had five husbands and the one she was living with was not her husband, the woman agreed with the statement of Jesus and perceived that he was a prophet or messiah. She quickly left her water pot and ran to the city and told the people about a man who told her all she ever did.The people came round and Jesus preached to them and many believed in Him. HE was there for two days.

Evaluation3. Why did many Samaritans from Sychar believe in Jesus4. Why were the Samaritans and the Jews enemies?

Reading assignmentIlesanmi Christian Religiuos Studies for JSS Bk 2 by TUnde Erumeoba et all Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 2 by I.O AdeyemoChristian Religious Education for JSS bk 2 by Adeyinka et al

RSV Bible read John 4: 7-42Weekend Assignment

6. ______ was the Samaritan city where Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well (a) Judea (b) Galilee (c) Sychar

7. The woman whom Jesus met at the well was a _____ (a) Jew (b) Samaritan (c) Galilean8. Jesus asked the Samaritan woman to go and call her ______ (a) brother (b) sister (c) husband9. Jesus said he would give the woman _______ water (a) cool (b) living (c) hot10. How many husband does the woman have (a) one (b) two (c) five

Theory3. What relationship exist between the Jews and the Samaritans4. Why did many Samaritans from Sychar believe in Jesus

Answers1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C

Theory2. The relationship between the Jews and the Samaritans is that they were traditional enemies. The

Samaritans were regarded as second class citizens because they were products of mixed blood3. Many Samaritans from Sychar believed in Jesus because, the Samaritan woman went and shared her

experience about meeting Jesus at the well with them.



1. Jesus Teachings about Himself1. Jesus as a Lamb John 1: 29-342. Jesus as door and Good Shepherd John 10: 1-18

2. Jesus as the light of the world John 3: 19-21; 8:12; 9: 1-53. Jesus as the True Vine John 15: 1-11

Jesus as living water and bread John 4: 7-15; 6: 25-40.4. Jesus as the resurrection and life John 11: 17-25; 14: 1-7, I Jn 5: 11-12; 10:5. Nature Miracles Jn 2: 1-11; 6: 5-13; 16-216. Healing Miracles Jn 4: 45-54; 5: 1-187. Raising of Lazarus Jn 11: 1-45

8. Love Jn 3: 16-18, I jn 3: 11-18, I Cor 13: 1-139. Justification by faith Rom 3: 21-2410. Law and Grace Rom 3: 19-26; 4:13-16 11 – 12 Revision and Examination

References1. RSV Bible (Compulsory)2. Christian Religious Knowledge for SS bk 1 by I.O Adeyemo3. Essential Christian Religious Knowledge for SS bk 1 – 3 by Ugochukwu Okoli4. Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1 – 3 Martin I. Amaechi

WEEK 1TOPIC: JESUS AS A LAMB John 1: 29-34CONTENTSIn John 1: 29-30, John described Jesus as the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the whole world. This is a figurative expression which talks of the fact that the death of Jesus on the cross is the only sacrifice that has brought redemption to humanity. In other words, just as a Lamb was slaughtered, Jesus was slain for the atonement of the sin of mankind. SignificanceBy describing Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, John was unknowingly talking about the death of Jesus on the cross where he will sacrifice his blood to save the whole world from sin. Thus, as a sacrificial Lamb, Jesus will die for the remission of the sins of the world.

JESUS AS THE DOOR AND THE GOOD SHEPHERD (John 10: 1-18)Once, Jesus taught the people about himself, using a metaphor of a door and shepherd. He told them that whosoever does not enter a sheep pen (where livestock is reared) by the door but enters through other ways is a thief. He who enters through the door is a shepherd whose voice his sheep know and listen to the shepherd calls his by name and they follow him as he leads them because they know him so well.

On the other hand, the sheep cannot follow a stranger, but will rather run away because they do not know his voice. He said he is the gate or door and whosoever enters through him shall be saved. He who enters through him shall be saved. He who enters through him shall also find pasture as gives life. Lastly, he says he is the good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep.

EvaluationWhat do you understand by the term Jesus the Lamb.AssignmentExplain the good shepherd.


1. A hireling has selfish intentions, the good shepherd has the intention of giving life, spiritual life in abundance to the flock.

2. A hireling runs away when he sees the wolf approaching but the good shepherd lays down his life for the flock.

3. A hireling does not care about the sheep unlike the good shepherd who takes good care of them.4. As a hireling, the sheep do not follow him. They are afraid because he is a stranger. The good shepherd

is followed because his voice is known to the sheep.5. the good shepherd knows his sheep and his sheep know him but they may not know the hireling who

has just come to work.6. The hireling stays as long as he is paid but the good shepherd does not abandon his sheep because of

non-payment of his allowances / salaries

Significance of Jesus as the door1. By saying he is the door, Jesus means he is the only means to salvation. No one can get to God except

through him.2. By giving life, Jesus means that he who believes in him, even if he dies, he shall live again this time,

everlasting. 3. Being a good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep signifies that Jesus so loves us that he

agreed to die so that we shall live.

EvaluationWhat is the significance of Jesus as the door and good shepherd.

WEEK 2TOPIC: JESUS AS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLDCONTENTS: In the encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus, Jesus mentioned that light came into the world, but the world preferre3d darkness. This is because they were evil, since every evil doer hates the light, So as not to expose his evil ways. According to him, whoever lives in truth loves the light so that it will be clear that his deeds are done through God.Again, shortly after Jesus discharged the woman caught in adultery, he taught the people, saying that he is the light of the world, whoever follows him will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Finally, Jesus declared to his followers that he is the light of the world, as long as he was in the world. This was in response to his disciples question if the blind from birth because of his sins or those of his parents.

SignificanceJesus was constantly referring to himself as the “light of the world”. This phrase simply means that his way of life is perfect and he is perfectly situated in the right hand of God. The light he brought to the world is the gospel of the kingdom of God which people must embrace to be saved and to inherit life.

Weekend Assignment1. John described Jesus with the following terms (a) the Lamb (b) the door (c) the wood 2. Jesus as the Lamb of God signifies that ____ (a) like a lamb, Jesus obeyed his father and became man

(b) Jesus was to overcome humiliation (c) Jesus was to bear the sin of the world like a paschal Lamb.3. Who made the statement “behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (a) Nathaniel

(b) Andrew (c) John the Baptist4. Which of the following statement is not correct (a) we cannot love God without loving one another (b)

God is love (c) Once we love God we need not bother loving one another5. When Jesus came to the place where the body of Lazarus was laid, which of the following did he not do

(a) HE sent Lazarus sisters away (b) He wept (c) He prayed

Theory1. Explain the term, Jesus the good shepherd. 2. What do you understand by the term Jesus the Lamb.

WEEK 3TOPIC: JESUS AS THE TRUE VINE Jn 15: 1-11CONTENT:Jesus describes himself as the true vine and his father as the vine dresser. Any branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off and every branch that bears fruit will be pruned that it may bear more fruits. According to him, his disciples should abide by him and his words will abide in them.

As the branch cannot bear fruits by itself, unless it abides in the vine, so also the relationship should exist in Jesus will be cast off to wither and be burnt. It is only when that relationship exists that they can achieve something. He further states that if they abide by his words and his words abide in them, they should ask whatever they like and it shall be done for them. Jesus said that as the father loves him, he also loves the Christians.Significance

1. If Christians follow Jesus footsteps, they will live very productive and fulfilled on earth.2. They cannot achieve anything on their own, except they follow Jesus and trust in him.3. The joy of living is complete when we live in Christ. We will also be sure of everlasting life.

EvaluationExplain the term “Jesus the true vine”

TOPIC: JESUS AS LIVING WATER AND BREAD – John 4: 7-15; 6: 25-40ReferenceEssential Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1 – 3 by Edmond Ugochukwu CONTENTOnce, Jesus met a woman in a well in Samaria and asked her to give him some water. The woman refused on grounds that it was an abomination for Jews and Samaritans to have anything in common. Jesus told the woman that if she knew the gifts of God and the one asking for a drink, she would have demand from him from him some living water. Confused because Jesus was not having any container of water with him, she asked where he will get the water he is talking about. The woman queried whether Jesus was greater than Jacob who gave them the well and even drank from it with his children and cattle. Jesus answered the woman, saying that the water the woman was having will still evoke more thirst after drinking it, but that his own water becomes as spring in he who drinks it, welling up to eternal life. The woman therefore demanded for the living water so that she may not thirst again nor come to the well to draw water.On another occasion, Jesus told his followers that he is the bread of life; that whoever comes to him will never go hungry; while whoever believes in him will never be thirsty.

Significance of Jesus as living water / How living water 1. “Living water” is figurative. It simply signifies the word of God.2. The word of God is universal – it is both for Greeks, Jews, and Gentiles and for all. Even the woman

from Samaria is entitled to it.3. The living water (word of God) leads to eternal life through Jesus.4. The “spring which wells to eternal life” symbolizes the words of God which does not decay. It is ever

fresh to sustain whoever embraced it.

Significance for Jesus Bread of life.1. “Bread of life” signifies word of God which is Jesus2. The only assurance we have for everlasting life is faith in Jesus. 3. Those who sincerely seek God cannot be disappointed.4. Work without faith is useless

EvaluationHow does Jesus describe himself in St. John’s gospel as the living water? In what way does this teaching apply to us?Weekend Assignment

1. The term “living water” figuratively refers to ______ (a) A flowing stream (b) the well at Sychar (c) The word of God

2. The Samaritan woman whom Jesus asked for some water to drink was surprised because _______ (a) Jesus was not thirsty when he asked for water (b) the Jews traditionally had nothing to do with the Samaritan (c) None of the above

3. Lazarua was from the city of ______ (a) Nain (b) Bethany (c) Bethpage4. “Bread of life” means ________ (a) the blood of Jesus (b) The word of God (c) power of God5. I am the vine, ye are the branches, who said this (a) God (b) Holy Spirit (c) Jesus Christ

Theory1. How does John portray Jesus as the true vine? 2. How does Jesus describe himself in St. John’s gospel as the living water

WEEK 4TOPIC: JESUS THE RESURRECTION AND LIFE, LIVING WATER & BREADCONTENT:Jesus the resurrection and life Jesus the living bread. John 6: 25-40Jesus refers to himself as the resurrection and life. This was after the death of Lazarus when he visited Mary and Martha of Bethany. Martha challenged Jesus that if he were around his brother would not have died. Jesus replied “I am the resurrection and the life, he who believe3s in me, though he die, ye t he shall live and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die”. John 11: 25

Significance and lessons to learn1. Jesus has power to give life to his followers both in this present world and the world to come.2. He who has Jesus has life because for one to have everlasting life, he must believe in Jesus.

JESUS THE LIVING WATER JOHN 4: 1-15Jesus went to Galilee and when he was passing through Samaria, he stopped by a certain Samaritan city called Sychar; the Samaritans were regarded by the Jews as inferior because they were a product of mixed-blood. Consequently, Jesus has no dealings with them.At Sychar, Jesus met the Samaritan woman, by Jacob’s well, Jesus asked for some water from the woman, the woman replies “how is it that you a Jew asked for a drink from a Samaritan? Jesus replied, “If you know the gift of God and who is it that is saying to you, give me a drink, you would have asked him for a living water that wells up to eternal life”.

Significance1. “Living water is figurative, its simply the word of God 2. The word of God is universal – it is both Greeks, Jews Gentiles and for all. Even the women from

Samaria are entitled to it.3. The living water (word of God) leads to eternal life through Jesus.

JESUS THE LIVING BREAD, JN 6: 25 – 50Jesus refers to himself as the bread of life. This is a figurative expression. The Jews could not understand what he is saying because it is a figurative expression. Jesus told them that their fathers ate manna in the wilderness and perished. Jesus told them that he is the bread of life that anyone who eats from him will have eternal life.

EvaluationWhat is the implication of Jesus the resurrection and life?Why did Jesus refer to himself as “the living bread?”

Weekend Assignment1. Jesus met the Samaritan woman at a city called ________ (a) Sychar (b) Syria (c) Samaria (d) Jericho2. Lazarus was from the city of ________ (a) Bethany (b) Galilee (c) Jerusalem (d) Jericho3. The shortest verse of the bible is found in (a) John 11:35 9b) John 11: 45 (c) John 11: 25 (d) John 11:284. The Samaritans has no dealing with the Jews because they regarded them as _______ (a) As inferior (b)

as enemies (c) as competitors (d) all of the above5. Who referred to himself as the bread of life (a) the Jews (b) the disciples (c) Jesus Christ (d) Peter


1. The term “living bread means what 2. What is the implication of Jesus the resurrection and life

Answers1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C Theory

1. It refers to the word of God which can offer man eternal life.2. It implies that Jesus has abundant life which offers eternal life to anyone who believes in him.

WEEK 5TOPIC: NATURE MIRACLES, john 2: 1-11; 6: 5-13; 15-21CONTENT

(a) The wedding at Cana in Galilee John 2: 1-11(b) The feeding of the five thousand people John 6: 5-13(c) Walking on the sea John 6: 15-21

Miracles are signs of God’s special intervention in human affairs. When we talk about nature miracles, we are talking about miracles that violate the law of nature.

a. THE WEDDING AT CANA IN GALILEEJesus and his disciples and his mother were invited to a wedding at Cana in Galilee. While they were there, the wine got finished. The mother of Jesus went to him and told him to do something about the situation but Jesus said to her “my hour has not yet come”. Mary told the disciples to do whatever Jesus asked them to do. Later Jesus instructed the disciples to fill six Jars with water after which they should start to serve the people and the disciples obeyed. When the steward of the feast tasted the wine, he discovered that it tasted better than the former one. He called the bridegroom and said to him “every man serves the good wine first and when men have drank freely, the poor wine but you have kept the good wine until now”. This was the first miracle Jesus performed at the beginning of his ministry and the disciples believed in him.

b. THE FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLEWhile Jesus was on the mountain with his disciples, he saw the multitude coming to him. Jesus asked Philip how he could be able to feed them. Jesus said this to test him because he knew what he would do. Philip said two hundred denarii would not buy enough bread for each of them of to get a little, then Andrew said there was a lad who had five barley loaves and two fishes, then Jesus told the disciples to tell the people to sit down in group of hundreds and fifties.

He took the five loaves and two fishes, lifted them up and blessed them. He gave them to the disciples to distribute among the crowds. All five thousand people ate and were satisfied. They gathered twelve baskets of fragments, by taking care of the left over, they were being taught that all gift were not to be wasted.

c. WALKING ON THE SEAIn the evening time, the disciples went down to the sea and got into a boat going to Capernaum, it was dark and Jesus was yet to join them. There was a storm and a strong wind which was blowing, when they have sailed for about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat, they were frightened, but Jesus said, “it is I do not be afraid”. He entered the boat and the disciples were glad and they got to where they were going. Other nature miracles of Jesus can be found in Matt 8: 26-27.

Evaluation Question1. What is a miracle2. Describe the wedding at Cana in Galilee

Reading AssignmentRead Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk 1 by A.A Adeyinka et al Pg 8 – 10

References 1. The Holy Bible RSV2. A.V.J. Obinna – WASSCE – 1998 – 2002 Christian Religious Knowledge3. A.A. Adeyinka et al Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk 14. Martins I. Amaechi – Comprehensive Christian Religious knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk

1, 2, & 35. E. J. Uzor – Student key Points – Christian Religious Knowledge.

Weekend Assignment1. How many jars of water did Jesus ask his disciples to fetch? (a) six jars (b) seven jars (c) nine jars (d)

ten jars2. The statement “my hour has not yet come” was made by who (a) Mary (b) Jesus (c) the steward (d)

none of the above3. Jesus fed five thousand people with _____ and _____ (a) 5 loaves and two fishes (b) two loaves and

few fishes (c) seven loaves and five fishes (d) none of the above4. How many baskets of fragments were gathered? (a) ten baskets (b) fifteen baskets (c) twelve baskets (d)

none of the above5. “It is I, do not be afraid”, who made this statement? (a) God (b) Peter (c) Jesus (d) Andrew

Theory1. What lessons did you learn from the miracles of feeding the five thousand people?2. “It is I, do not be afraid ……” What led to this statement?

Answers1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C Theory

1. (a) With God nothing is impossible(b) We should be generous like the young lad who gave his bread and fish to the disciples© We should not waste the gift of God. This is the reason why Jesus instructed that the fragments should be gathered.

2. The disciplines went to the other side of Capernaum, when the evening had come. They entered a boat going to Capernaum. It was dark and Jesus was yet to join them. When they have sailed for about three miles or four miles, they saw someone like a ghost walking on the sea. They were terrified. Jesus answered” take heart, it is I, do not be afraid”.


a. The Healing of the Official son John 4; 45-54b. The healing of the Lame man at the pool of Bethazatha Jn 5: 1-18c. The healing of the man born blind. John 9: 1-17

A. HEALING OF THE OFFICIAL’S SON. Jn 4: 45-54At the Capernaum, Jesus met an official whose son was ill and was at the point of death, the man begged Jesus to come down to his house and heal his son so that his son will not die. Jesus replied “go your way, your son will live”. The man believed and went, as he approached his house, the servant told him that his son was healed. He asked them for the time the healing took place and they said “the seventh hour”. The man realized that, that was the time Jesus made the pronouncement.

B. THE HEALING OF THE MAN AT THE POOL OF BETHAZATHA. Jn 5: 1-18 There was in Jerusalem, by a sheep gate a pool in Hebrew called Bethazatha which had five platforms. In it laid multitude of invalids, blind, lame and paralyzed. There was a man who was lame for thirty-

eight years when Jesus saw him, he asked him whether he wanted to be healed. The man explained he has no man to put him in the water. The first man who got there will be healed. Jesus said rise take up your pallet and walk, immediately he took his pallet and walked. The Jews accused the man for carrying his pallet on the Sabbath day and persecuted Jesus for healing on the Sabbath day. Jesus said, he had to be busy doing his father’s work..

C. THE MAN BORN BLIND Jn 9: 1-15As Jesus passed with his disciplines there was a man who was born blind. The disciplines asked Jesus who was guilty whether it was the parent of the man who sinned but for the work of God to be made manifest. Jesus made clay and spat on it, he mixed the clay with spittle and robbed it on his eyes he asked the man to so to the pool of Siloam which means (sent). The man obeyed and he was healed. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were annoyed and they questioned the man and persecuted Jesus for it.

D. RAISING THE DEAD JN 11: 1-45There was a man from the city of Bethany by name Lazarus. He had two sisters, Mary and Martha. Jesus loved Lazarus, Mary and Martha. When Lazarus was sick, his two sisters sent for Jesus but Jesus delayed eventually Lazarus died and was buried. After four days, Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus he was deeply moved with compassion and he wept. He called Lazarus and commanded him to come forth from the grave and Lazarus came forth. Jesus told the people to unbind him. Lazarus was restored to life and Jesus hand him over to his sisters.

Evaluation1. The word “Siloam” means what?2. Who was sent to the pool of Siloam and for what purpose?

Reading AssignmentsA.A. Adeyinka – Christian Religious Knowledge for senior Secondary Schools bk 1 and Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge pg 180. References

1. The Holy Bible RSV2. A.A Adeyinka et al – Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk 13. Martins I. Amaechi – Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk

1, 2, & 3.Weekend Assignments

1. The pool of Siloam means _____ (a) sick (b) sent (c) saint (d) all of the above2. The officials son was healed at ______ hour (a) seventh hour (b) third hour (c) fourth hour (d) ninth

hour3. The Lame man at the pool of Bethazatha was ill for ______ years (a) thirty-eight years (b) twenty-eight

years (c) thirty-five years (d) all of the above4. The shortest verse of the bible is in ______ (a) John 11: 45 (b) John 11: 35 (c) John 11: 22 (d) John 11:

275. Jesus was persecuted for _____ (a) healing on the Sabbath (b) healing without permission (c) all of the

above (d) none of the aboveTheory

1. The healing of the official’s son took lace at where and what hour?2. At Bethany, who was raised from the death? Mention the name of his two sisters

Answers1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. ATheory

1. Capernaum, at the seventh hour.2. Lazarus, his sisters were Mary and Martha.

WEEK 7TOPIC; LOVE John 3: 16, I John 4: 1-21, John 13: 34-35, John 15: 12-13, I Cor 13: 1-13


There are three types of love expressed in the Greek words. The first type of love is “Eros”. “EROS” – This is the carnal sensual love, it is highly conditional, it expresses itself only when the going is good, it withdraws itself when the going is rough, the example of this type of love is the love between boyfriend and girlfriend (sexual partners) or love between a married man or woman with his/her concubines.The second type of love is “Phileo”. “PHILEO” – This is the human type of love. This type of love is stronger and more powerful than the first one,but it has its limitations. It is conditional. The example of this type of love is love between brother and sister, wife and husband, parent and children.The third type of love is “Agape” – This is the God kind of love and the strongest love. It is the type of love that compels God to send his only begotten son to die for the sin of mankind. This is the love expressed in John 3: 16. It is highly unconditional. John 3: 16 is regarded by scholars as gospel within the gospel. I Cor 13: 1-37 state the characteristics of this God kind of love.

1. It is patient and kind2. It is not jealous or boastful 3. It is not arrogant or rude4. It does not insist on his own way5. It is not resentful6. It does not rejoice at wrong7. It believes all things8. It endures all things9. It hopes all things10. It never ends.

Evaluation questions1. What is love?2. List 3 characteristics of God kind of love

Reading AssignmentsRead;Martin I. Amaechi – Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk 1, 2 & 3 pg 186.References

1. The Holy Bible RSV2. A. A. Adeyinka et al – Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk 1 3. Martins I. Amaechi – Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk

1, 2 & 3.

Weekend Assignments1. The word phileo means _____ (a) carnal sensual love (b) human love (c) God kind of love (d) none of

the above2. “Eros” means _____ (a) human love (b) carnal sensual love (c) God-kind of love (d) all of the above3. The “Agape” love means ____ (a) unconditional love (b) conditional love (c) human love (d) all of the

above.4. Love means caring and sharing with one another. (a) true (b) false5. John 3: 16 is regarded by scholars as gospel within the gospel (a) true (b) false

Theory1. Explain the meaning of the Greek word Agape2. List four characteristics of “Agape love”.

Answers1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A Theory

1. Agape love is the Greek word which means unconditional love. It is the sacrificial type of love. The type demonstrated by Jesus on the cross, the just dying for the unjust. It is not limited by situations or circumstances like “Eros” and “phileo”. It is the type expressed in John 3: 16.

2. a. It believes all thingsb. It endures all thingsc. It never endsd. It is not easily provoked.

WEEK 8Gal 3: 19-21, 2: 16-21, Rom 10: 5, 11: 10-17, Rom 4: 1-5, 10, 16-22CONTENTa. Meaning of justification b. Condition for justification

Justification is a process in which a penitent sinner is regarded guiltless by the reason of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The righteousness of Jesus Christ is imputed on him and placed to his credit. We receive justification as a gift from God, not as a result of our works or deeds or obedience to the law. Faith is the condition for justification. Faith is implicit trust of confidence in God works and ways. A sinner cannot be justified without faith in the atonement work of Christ on Calvary. A man who has faith in God and his son Jesus Christ is said to be righteous and justified by faith.Abraham was not justified by his own works but by his faith in God. The gospel of Christ as preached by Paul and his fellow apostle contained the Christian message of faith, love and hope.Paul in the book of Galatians condemned the Jews for practicing the righteousness that was based on the law. He believed that it is through a strict observance of the law that a man is saved. God promised for his people is based on faith.

Evaluation questions1. Explain the concept of justification and state the condition for its attainment.2. Mention two patriarchs who were justified by faith.

Reading AssignmentsRead Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge pg 216References

4. The Holy Bible RSV5. A.A Adeyinka et al – Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk 16. Martins I. Amaechi – Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools bk

1, 2, & 3.Weekend Assignments

1. By “justification” Paul means ____ (A) ability to keep the law (b) reconciliation to God (c) declaring the guilty, guiltless on account of his faith (d) forgiveness of sin

2. The condition for justification is ____ (a) faith (b) repentance (c) Love (d) obedience3. Which of these is a fruit of justification (a) freedom from eternal condemnation (b) speaking in tongues

(c) the gift of prophecy (d) taking part in holy communion4. “faith” according to Paul means (a) accepting Jesus death and resurrection as a means of restoring man

to fellowship with God (b) being patient after prayer (c) righteousness of the law (d) trust in the ten commandments

5. _____ was one of the Heroes of faith (a) Aaron (b) RAhab (c) Solomon (d) none of the above.

Theory1. State four conditions for achieving justification.2. State three roles of faith in the life of today’s Christians.

Answers1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B

Theory1. a. Man must acknowledge that justification is a gift of God’s grace and cannot therefore be achieved

through man’s effort or self-righteousness.b. man must believe on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as a prerequisite for justification.c. Man’s perfection cannot earn him justification.d. Man must acknowledge that he is a sinner, foremost, before he can aspire to justification.

2. a. Faith brings about patience to God’s answer to our prayers.b. Faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection assures Christians of eternal life.c. Faith enables Christians to believe in whatever is written in the bible.


1. Understanding human relationship2. Understanding Religion as relationship with God3. Man’s search for relationship with God.4. Books of the Bible5. God’s revelation of Himself6. The views of different tribes about creation7. The Biblical account of creation 8. The dignity of man in God’s creative activity9. Man’s share in God’s creative activity10. Revision11. Examination

References1. Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS bk 1 by Tunde Erumeoba et al.2. Christian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 1 by I.O. Adeyemo 3. Christian Religious Education for JSS bk 1 by Adeyinka et al 4. R.S.V. Bible


1. Definition of Human Relationship2. Types of Human Relationship3. Factors mutilating against good human relationship

A. DEFINITION OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIPHuman relationship develops from the knowledge and interaction with one another. Through interaction, human beings tend to understand one another and this brings peace in their relationship. When we live together and we do not understand each other, the relationship will break down. There are certain things that help towards building interaction. In other words, there are things that you shall know about the person that you are interacting with. They are as follows:

1. Name2. Background3. Age4. School5. Religion6. Hobby

7. State8. Nationality9. Likes and dislikes10. Interest, hopes and fears.

In the bible, Abraham and Lot were relatives and they understood each other. This explains why they came together and ironed out the causes of quarrel that ensued between their servants that would have ultimately led to their separation. We also have another example of human relationship in the Bible where the Gerilogy background of Jesus was traced to Abraham in Matthew and Luke.TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPWe have two types of relationship namely family and business relationship:

i. Family relationship:- This is sub divided into two; immediate and extended family relationship includes (a) Husband and wife relationship (b) Parents and children relationship (c) brothers and sisters relationship. Extended family relationship Includes: (a) You and your cousins (b) you and your aunts (c) you and your uncles (d) you and your grandparents (e) you and your in-laws

ii. Business relationship includes: (a) Relationship existing between business partners (b) Students-teacher relationship (c) friends to friend relationship (d) master-servant relationship

Factors militating against good human relationshipThe factors that militate against having good human relationship are as follows:

i. Bad mannersii. Lazinessiii. Indisciplineiv. Theftv. Suspicion.

Evaluation1. List five things that militate against having good human relationship 2. Define Human relationship

Reading Assignment1. Christian Religious Education for JSS bk 1 Adeyinka et al.2. Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS bk 1 by Tunde Erumeoba.

Weekend Assignment1. Which of the following is not necessary in building good relationship (a) age (b) name (c) discipline2. Human relationship is best defined as (a) playing with other people (b) gossip (c) knowledge and

interaction with one another 3. _______ is an immediate family (A) husband and wife (b) children and uncles (c) parents and

grandparents4. Business relationship is of _____ types (A) 2 (b) 3 (c) 45. Which of these factors militate against good human relationship. (a) suspicion (b) love (c) Interest

Theory1. What is human relationship?2. List five factors that militate against good human relationship

Answers1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A Theory

1. Human relationship develops from the knowledge and interaction with one another. 2. Factors that militate against good relationship are:

i. Bad mannersii. Indecencyiii. Lazinessiv. Suspicion v. Unforgiving spirit

TOPIC: UNDERSTANDING RELKLIGON AS RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD CONTRENTWHAT IS RELIGION?Religion is the belief in the existence of God or a Supreme Being. In other words, it is belief in the creator and the maker of heaven and earth.Types of Religion

1. Christianity: Christians worship God in the church especially on Sundays. They use the Holy Bible and hymns in their worship. They believe in Jesus as the saviour.

2. Islam: The Muslims worship God on Fridays. They use the Holy Quran and Tesbau in the mosque.3. African Traditional Religion: The Priest in African traditional religion worship in shrines with the help

of cowries and calabashes. They worship small gods through intermediaries who assist them to communicate the Supreme Being.

EvaluationMention the five types of religion in Nigeria.

TOPIC: TYPES OF RELIGION IN OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLDCONTENTS:The religions practiced in other parts of the world are as follows:RELIGION COUNTRY PEOPLEHinduism India IndiansConfucianism China ChineseBuddhism Asia AsiansJudaism Israel JewsAruinism All over the world PagansShintoism Japan Japanese

Evaluation:Mention 5 religions practiced in other parts of the world.Weekend Assignment

1. A.T.R. stands for (a) African Traditional Relations (b) African Traditional religion (c) Asia Traditional religion

2. Which of these religion use the Holy Quran (a) Christianity (b) Islamic religion (c)African Traditional Religion

3. Confucianism is a religion practiced in (a) Japan (b) China (c) India4. Shintoism is a religion practiced in (A) Japan (b) China (c) India 5. Hinduism is a religion practiced in _____ (a) India (b) China (c) Israel

Theory 1. What is religion?2. List 5 different religion practiced outside Nigeria


1. The Holy Bible RSV2. Christian Religious Education JSS 1

CONTENTMan in his own effort to be closer to God his creator chooses religion and religion has a lot to do with enhancing the relationship between mankind and God. The aim of every religion is to discover God. The method of worship in each religion may be different but they are aimed at worshipping the God of the universe. We should respect God either when worshipping Him or in his ways of life.Our relationship with God starts from our readiness to learn about Him through the bible. The bible contains the mind of God, the state of man and the way of salvation.

EvaluationWhat is your relationship with God and Jesus?

TOPIC: NAMES GIVEN TO GOD BY DIFFERENT TRIBES IN NIGERIACONTENTNigerians call God by different names. God is called and addressed in different ethnic groups as follows:ETHNIC GROUP THE NAMES OF GODYoruba UrhoboIgbo HausaEdo NupeTivIbibioBirinIgalaEbiraIjawArabicEnglish

Olorun, Olodumare, OluwaOgheneChukwu, ChinekeUbangijiOsanobuaSokoAnodeAbasiDagusiOjoOlunmoruhiTemearauAllahGod

EvaluationWhat is God called in Ibibio, Ijaw HausaConclusion: Lesson

1. We should be sincere in our religion practice2. As Christians, we should tolerate others even people of different religion

WEEK 4TOPIC: THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLECONTENTBefore the development of writing, oral tradition was a means of communication. Then writing took a major step forward with the development of single symbol to represent each consonant. In ancient Israel, most documents were written in parchment or papyrus. Papyrus could not survive in the damp soil of Palestine. It was grown in Egypt and was widely used as writing material in Egypt.

The book in use in the Biblical times was the scroll. This is the real predecessor of the modern book. The Bible consists of 66 books. 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.The Old Testament books can be categorized into the following

1. PENTATEUCH: Genesis to Deuteronomy2. HISTORY BOOKS: Joshua to Esther3. THE POETIC BOOK: Job to Songs of Solomon4. THE PROPHETIC BOOKS: Isaiah to Malachi

The New testament Books are categorized as follows: 1. SYNOPTIC GOSPELS: Matthew to John2. ACTS OF THE APOSTLES3. THE EPISTLES OR LETTER: Romans to Jude4. BOOKS OF PROPHECY: Revelation

Evaluation: How many books do we have in the New Testament? Conclusion: The Bible is the book of booksWeekend Assignment

1. How many religions do we have? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 52. Ubangiji is the name of God in _____ tribe (a) Hausa (b) Igbo (c) Yoruba

3. The bible is made up of _____ books (a) 56 (b) 46 (c) 664. The Old Testament contains ___ books (a) 39 (b) 27 (c) 295. The books of prophecy is called ____ (a) Epistle (b) Revelation (c) gospel

Theory 1. List the names of God in 10 ethnic groups2. List the books that make up the synoptic gospel.


i. Meaning of Revelationii. Ways by which God reveals Himself to man.

A. MEANING OF REVELATIONRevelation means disclosure or making known. God’s revelation of himself means how God made himself known or disclosed himself to man. The following are the ways through which God revealed himself to man both in the past and in the present age.Ways by which God reveals himself to man

1. Nature e.g. Sun, Moon, Star, Ocean, Land etc.2. Dream e.g. Joseph3. Vision e.g. Jacob4. Trance e.g. Cornelius

Prophets Prophecy BibleJesus ChristAngels e.g. AbrahamStill small voiceAudible voice e.g. SamuelCircumstances e.g. Moses and the burning bushThe bible contains stories of how God revealed Himself as the creator of the universe, the one who came and provides for his people. In the early chapters of the book of Genesis, God revealed Himself to Abraham. In the Book of Exodus, God also appeared to Moses on several occasions. On Mount Sinai, when he gave him the Ten Commandments, He also appeared to him in the Land of Midian through the burning bush. In the New Testament, God revealed Himself to Paul the apostle on his way to Damascus to persecute God’s children. God also speaks to us through his son Jesus Christ. God revealed Himself through the Bible. The Bible is God’s inspired word.

Evaluation1. Describe two incidents in the old Testament when God appeared to individuals2. Discuss the value of the Bible to the present day Christians.

Reading Assignment Ilesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS 1 by Tunde Erumeoba et al.Christian Religious Knowledge for bk 1 by I.O AdeyemoRSV Bible. Read Gen 12: 1-19, Exo 3: 1-6, Hebrews 1: 103, II Timothy 3: 16-17Weekend Assignment

1. Through which of the following does God now reveals Himself to us (a) Abraham (b) Moses (c) Jesus Christ

2. Revelation means ___ (a) recovery (b) discovery (c) disclosure3. God reveals Himself to us through ____ (a) People (b) Bible (c) Animals4. The Bible is God ____ word (a) inspired (b) expired (c) respired5. God revealed Himself to Paul the apostle on his way to ____ (a) Jerusalem (b) Damascus (c) Bethlehem

Theory1. Mention five ways through which God speaks to us today2. Explain how God revealed Himself to Moses

Answers1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B Theory

1. a. Dreamsb. Visionsc. Prophetsd. Prophecye. Bible

2. God reveals Himself to Moses in Midian through the burning bush. He told him to remove his shoes for where he was standing is a holy ground.


I. Yoruba traditional account of creationII. Edo traditional account of creation.

A. YORUBA TRADITIONAL ACCOUNT OF CREATIONEvery ethnic group in African society has its own myth about the creation of the universe. According to the Yoruba, the creation started when Olodumare sent Orisa nla to mould sixteen lifeless human images. He moulded it and brought it to Olodumare. Olodumare now breathe on them and they became living souls and were sent to the earth to multiply.Olodumare sent orisa-nla with snails shell containing sand and water and two birds when he got to the earth, he threw the shell down. The water splashed on one side and the sand on the other side. He puts down the birds to spread the sand, the sand could not reach some places; such places are still with water till today. They eventually became rivers, Oceans, Sea etc. while the places with sand became dry land that we see today. When Orisa-Nla reported to Olodumare that he had completed the job, Olodumare sent a Chameleon to inspect it; after the inspection, the Chameleon reported that it is well done.

B. EDO TRADITIONAL ACCOUNT OF CREATIONIn Edo, God is called Osanobua. HE gave power to Osanobua to mold and make man and Osanobua he gave shelter in the bush to keep watch, so Osanobua started moulding people and sending them into the earth until the earth was filled and people started multiplying.

Evaluation1. Which of these accounts is the most reliable account of the origin of creation?2. Explain briefly the evolution theory.

Reading AssignmentChristian Religious Education for JSS bk Adeyinka et alIlesanmi Christian Religious Studies for JSS bk 1 by Tunde Erumeoba et alChristian Religious Knowledge for JSS bk 1 by I.O. AdeyemoModern Biology – Read on Darwin Evolution theory of man.

Weekend Assignment1. God created the universe for days (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 212. ____ was created on the fourth day (a) light (b) Dry land (c) sun, moon, stars3. In Edo traditional account of creation, which of these personalities was given power to mould and make

man (a) Osanobua (b) Osanoha (c) Orisa-nla4. Who was delegated by Olodumare to create the world in Yoruba account (a) Osanobua (b) Orisa-nla (c)

Orunmila5. _____ was created on the seventh day by God (a) man (b) light (c) God rested

Theory1. List four things which man created2. Explain the Edo account of creation

Answers1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C

Theory1. Man created the following things (a) Pen (b) Cup (c) Spoon (d) Books2. In Edo account of creation, Osanobua gave power to Osanowa to mould and make man, and to Osanoha

he gave power to keep watch and shelter in the bush. Osanowa started moulding man and man multiplied in the world.

WEEK 7TOPIC: THE DIGNITY OF MAN IN GOD’S CREATIONCONTENTMan was created in the image of God after His likeness. Man is thus referred to as the pyramid of creation. He is the crownb of creation. God gave man power to sub due and have dominion over every created things. He is equally given the power to be fruitful and multiply.

The special consideration given to man at creation is dignity. When man was created on the sixth day, God felt that man should not be alone and this made God to create a helper for them. “Then the Lord God said, it is not good for the man to be alone, I will make him a helper suitable for him’ (Gen 2: 18). The dignity of man in God’s creation rises everyday, the Ten Commandments given to man attests to this. In the fourth commandment, man was asked to remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. Man has been able to rise in dignity through this.

TOPIC: THE DIGNITY OF MAN IN GOD’S CREATIONCONTENTWe go to church on Sabbath and many of us become priests, thereby placing us in the higher position to worship and magnify the work of God. And the priesthood of man started in the garden of Eden which is the garden of God. We marry today. It is a charge from God and we are elevated in this. When a helper was created for the first man , the man was so overwhelmed that he said “This is now the bone of my bones, and flesh and of my flesh, she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. For this cause, a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall become on flesh. (Gen 2: 23-24).

The image of God is shown in terms of human intelligence, creativity, love and care for others. Man is able to reason and distinguish between bad and good in creativity because man can design and mould image like himself and many other things that are good for decoration. The love of man has for one another emanated from God and we take care of ourselves as God takes care of us from the beginning. For man to thank god because he realized that God put him in position of dignity, he offers sacrifices like that of Cain, Abel and Abraham. Even now, man tends to give thanks to God for his mercy.

Evaluation1. What authority was conferred on man after creation2. What do we mean by DIGNITY? Show that Adam and Eve are dignified by God.

Weekend Assignment1. Man was created in the ____ of God (a) picture (B) height (c) image2. _____ is the crown of creation (a) Lion (b) Elephant (c) Man3. Adam called Eve woman because (a) Eve was very obedient (b) Eve was taken from the dust (c) was

take from his ribs4. The image of God is shown in terms of human ____ (a) creativity (b) intelligence (c) death

Theory 1. How is man special creation of God?2. What is dignity? Show how Adam and Eve were dignified by God.


CONTENTGod created the first man from the dust and made a helper fit for him. Adsam called her woman because she was taken from his ribs. God gave Adam power over all creatures. He told man to rule over the fish, Plants, anials and every other creatures. God commanded man to be fruitful and multiply over the world. Man thus shared in the creative power of God through different activities such as PROCREATION (bringing new life into being) and the development of material resources of the earth for the benefit of all people.The first man and woman (Adam and Eve) gave birth to Cain and Abel, and since then we have been multiplying on the earth. When man and woman meet, the woman will conceive for a period of nine month. The child will grow up (male or female) and later produce his/her own offspring, so we can see here that man is also helping God in producing new life.

TOPIC: MAN’S SHARE IN GOD’S CREATIVE ACTIVITYCONTENTGod delegated man to rule the world and this has made man intellectually aware of his environment. Man is also conscious of life with his emotions and desires and because of power and energy, he is motivated to act. Man has been able to cultivate the land to plant his food. After God has driven man away from the Garden of Eden and there was no more free food for him to eat, man had to find way of feeding himself and his family. The same thing is happening today.As a result of intellectual development of man, he is able to develop material resources within his reach. Examples are food production, trees used to make fir to cook his food and other things such as chairs, tables, buildings, books, white board marker etc.Nowadays, there has been increase in technological development and man is now making cars, aero planes, and trains to carry people from one place to another. Also, through the G.S.M Phones, one can reach people far away even without physically going there, thereby making communication easier and faster.

Evaluation1. In what ways does man share in the creative power of God.2. How do you know that man is an image of God.

Weekend Assignment1. God delegated ____ to rule the world (a) God (b) Man (c) sun2. The first man is called ____ (a) Adam (b) Eve (C) Cain3. The first man was placed in the ___ (A) River (b) Planet (c) Garden of Eden4. The word “Procreation” means ____ (a) excretion (b) death (C) reproduction5. The first man was made from the ____ (A ) air (b) sea (c) dust

Theory1. How do you know that man is an image of God?2. Explain how human beings can be said to create.