1st Semester Final Jeopardy Review This European power, the first to explore new water routes to...

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Transcript of 1st Semester Final Jeopardy Review This European power, the first to explore new water routes to...

1st Semester Final1st Semester Final

Jeopardy ReviewJeopardy Review

This European power, the first to explore new water routes to Asia, was disinterested in colonization.


Which English colony was founded by a Roman Catholic

and practiced religious toleration?


What was John Rolfe’s contribution to colonial America?

He developed tobacco as a cash crop, ensuring the survival of Jamestown, VA.

What was the last of the Colonial Wars, which resulted in the

dominance of Anglo-Americans in North America?

The French and Indian War (1763)

In the 1700s, Massachusetts and Virginia were both Royal Colonies

with domestic representative bodies. What was the name of the

representative body of Virginia?

House of Burgesses

This was issued, often without probable cause, to authorize a

search for smuggled goods.

A Writ of Assistance

This religious denomination believed that people destined for heaven were chosen before they

were born.


This dissident from Massachusetts Bay formed a new

colony based on separation of Church and State.

Roger Williams

This was the first American university. It prepared Puritan

ministers for their calling.


Separatist Puritans agreed to abide by the rule of the majority in

this landmark civil pact.

The Mayflower Compact

This 1740’s religious movement shook the foundations of the

congregational churches of America.

The Great Awakening

Freedom of the press was first established in a colonial legal

case involving this man.

Peter Zenger

In the triangular trade system, what key product came from the New England leg of the triangle?


Colonies exist for the benefit of the Mother Country. This is the

premise of what economic policy.


Why did American colonists resent the Sugar Act of 1764 so strongly?

It was a revenue raising measure, rather than a tax to control trade.

The primary reason for this 1765 act of Parliament was to raise

money to pay for the defense of the colonies.

The Stamp Act of 1765

The Boston Tea Party led to these punitive acts of Parliament.

The Intolerable (Coercive) Acts

More than anything else, this result of the fighting between the British and French in America led to stricter commercial laws in the


A huge national debt in England

This was the most effective weapon that colonists used

against British taxation.

Non-consumption (boycotts)

This English philosopher’s ideas were central to the Declaration of


John Locke

He was Britain’s finance minister in 1763. He stepped up enforcement

of trade laws, angering colonial merchants used to being left alone.

Lord George Grenville

Britain closed the port of Boston to trade after this event, provoked by

the Sons of Liberty. The Boston Tea Party

The Navigation Acts were rarely enforced prior to 1763. What was

this approach known as?

Salutary Neglect

Place the following Revolutionary War battles in order.

Yorktown Trenton Saratoga Bunker Hill

Bunker Hill, Trenton, Saratoga, Yorktown

How many terms could a president serve under the Articles of


One of the many weaknesses of the Articles was that it did not provide for an executive branch of government.

This rebellion by western farmers underscored the weakness of the

central govt. under the A of C. Shays’ Rebellion

The Philadelphia Convention was held in this year in order to revise

the Articles of Confederation. 1787

James Madison, John Jay, and this man wrote the Federalist

Papers in an effort to win ratification of the new Constitution

in New York state.

Alexander Hamilton

This state refused to send delegates to the Constitutional

Convention and was last to ratify the document.

Rhode Island

The Virginia and New Jersey Plans were wed to create this


The Connecticut (Great) Compromise

When the new Constitution went into effect, what was significant about the census as it related to

African slaves in the South.

Slaves would count as 3/5 of a person for representation purposes

What issue threatened to derail ratification of the Constitution?

Lack of a Bill of Rights

It was in this year that the government under the U.S.

Constitution went into effect.It was another two years

before the Bill of Rights was added.


What is the ultimate source of political power according to the


The People

Having the support of creditors because of an on-going national debt was the policy of this man.


Which political party favored states’ rights in 1794?

Democratic-Republicans (Jeffersonians)

During whose administration were the Alien and Sedition Acts

passed to silence criticism of the govt.?

John Adams

The first mention of nullification was put forth in these

pronouncements by Jefferson and Madison.

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

This president cautioned against establishing permanent alliances.

George Washington

What was the clearest example of Hamilton’s belief in the implied

powers within the Constitution?

His creation of the Bank of the U.S.

The defeat of this uprising demonstrated the new strength of the

new Federal government.

The Whiskey Rebellion

What two political parties existed as of 1789?

No real political parties existed, only factions within the government.

What type of society did Jefferson envision as persisting in America,

especially after purchasing Louisiana.

An Agricultural Society

How long did it take for South Carolina to threaten to secede after passage of the Tariff of

1816? 16 years - the 1816 tariff was viewed as

a reasonable protective tariff by most - later tariffs will arouse Southern anger.

This Supreme Court case affirmed the high court’s right to judicial


Marbury v. Madison

Even though this action was considered a huge failure for

Jefferson, it did foster manufacturing in the U.S.

Embargo Act of 1807

The impressment of American sailors into the British Navy and freedom of the seas were key reasons for the

declaration of this war.

War of 1812

This meeting was politically damaging for the Federalists,

partly because it came just as the U.S. “won” the War of 1812.

The Hartford Convention

Chief Justice Marshall was popular with businessmen, due in part to the Court’s decision in this case, which upheld the sanctity of


Dartmouth v. Woodward

What concession did South Carolina win in the nullification

crisis of 1832-33?

The Compromise Tariff of 1833

What inspired Texans to rebel against Mexico?

Santa Anna’s revocation of Mexico’s Constitution

State banks favored by Jackson as depositories of federal money were

known by this term.

Pet Banks

The Trail of Tears is a clear example of this U.S. Indian policy.


This president was the staunchest opponent (other than Jefferson) of

the Bank of the U.S.

Andrew Jackson

First of the Whig presidents, his “log cabin and hard cider”

campaign was appealing to the masses. So much so that the “Hero of Tippecanoe” did not

have to run on any real issues.

William Henry Harrison

This “Manifest Destiny President” wanted California by whatever

means necessary.

James Polk

Had it passed, this proposal would have banned slavery in the

Mexican cession

The Wilmot Proviso

This 1848 treaty deprived Mexico of about 1/2 of its territory and

increased the U.S. by 1/3.

The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

This political party’s platform was anti-immigration.

Know-Nothings (American Party)

Washington Irving (Sleepy Hollow) and this author of the

Leatherstocking Tales established American literature abroad

antebellum. James Fenimore Cooper

She was a crusader to improve the care of the insane.

Dorothea Dix

The Seneca Falls Convention was called, largely because

women were not being allowed to participate in this more pressing



On the issue of slavery, he said “I will be heard!”

William Lloyd Garrison

Perceived British reliance on U.S. cotton led Southerners to refer to

cotton by this nickname.

King Cotton

In reality, what was the position of most people who were against



This 1831 uprising caused widespread hysteria in the South

about slave revolts.

Nat Turner’s Rebellion (Insurrection)

Webster’s 7th of March (1850) speech was instrumental in

securing passage of this omnibus (presented in many parts) bill by

Henry Clay. Compromise of 1850

What was the only real “victory” for the South in the Compromise

of 1850?

Passage of tougher Fugitive Slave Laws

This completely sectional party was a conglomeration of free-

soilers, conscience Whigs, and others.

The Republicans

Stephen Douglas was interested in the development of a western

railroad. What legislative act did he support in hopes of furthering

this goal?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

This Supreme Court decision nullified the Missouri Compromise

and weakened popular sovereignty.

Dred Scott

This was the pro-slavery constitution written for Kansas.

Free-soilers wrote their own.

Lecompton Constitution

He was nearly beaten to death on the floor of the Senate after he

berated pro-slavery Congressmen.

Charles Sumner

John Brown’s raid on this place served to polarize the

North and South and ultimately led to his death.

Harper’s Ferry

Lincoln and the Republicans opposed this last ditch effort to

avoid war because it proposed a Constitutional amendment

protecting slavery.

The Crittenden Compromise

He was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that ruled against

Dred Scott.

Roger B. Taney

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Douglas was forced to reconcile

his position on popular sovereignty with the Dred Scott decision. What

did his response come to be known as?

The Freeport Doctrine

In the Civil War, with whom did the common British citizen tend to


The North

Two key Civil War battles took place July 2-3, 1863. Which

were they?

Gettysburg Vicksburg

How did the border states respond to having to free their

slaves because of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The slaves in the border states were not subject to the proclamation

He was “a failure in all but war and marriage.”

U.S. Grant

He said he would “make the South howl,” and did, offering Savannah, GA to Lincoln as a

Christmas present.

Gen. William T. Sherman

This two-time commander of the Army of the Potomac tended to be

overly cautious in battle.

George McClellan

What was Lincoln’s stated purpose in 1862 for fighting the

Civil War? Preservation of the Union

He was the originator of the concept that came to be known as

popular sovereignty.

Lewis Cass

How many states seceded following the election of Lincoln? How many additional states joined

the Confederacy following the attack on Ft. Sumter?

7 4

This is the law that Johnson broke, resulting in his impeachment.

Tenure of Office Act

Which European power violated the Monroe Doctrine while the U.S. was embroiled in it’s Civil


France (in Mexico)

White volunteers of this organization faced danger from

the KKK because they were assisting freed slaves.

The Freedmen’s Bureau

The goal of these laws was to preserve blacks as a labor force in

the South.

The Black Codes

Without the black vote in the South, this man may not have defeated Horatio Seymore in


U.S. Grant

This was the real victory for the South in the Compromise of 1877.

Removal of troops from the South

This was a common postwar Republican political tactic to

deflect criticism by Democrats. “Waving the Bloody Shirt”