1st qtr 3rd meeting-travel

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Slide Orientation & Page Setup

Transcript of 1st qtr 3rd meeting-travel

Slide Orientation & Page Setup

Engr. Esmeraldo T. Guimbarda Jr.

Changing Slide Orientation

The MS PowerPoint Slides, by default will always be in ‘Landscape’ mode. If you do not want the slides to be in this mode, you can change the orientation of the slides to ‘Portrait’ mode. This can be done by clicking on Design > Slide Orientation > Portrait in the Page Setup group of the ribbon.

Page Setup

Page Setup allows you to customize the appearance (in terms of size and orientation) of a page. This can be done by clicking on Design > Page Setup in the Page Setup group of the ribbon. A dialog box will pop out, showing the current size of the page as well as its orientation.

Adding ImagePowerPoint offers you a number of different ways to add clip art and pictures to a presentation. Perhaps the easiest way to do so is to select a slide layout that contains a placeholder for content such as clip art and pictures. An alternative to this method is to select the Insert tab on the ribbon and click on the Picture or Clip Art icon (Insert > Picture or Insert > Clip Art).

Adding Text

n Microsoft PowerPoint, the easiest way to add text is to use the content placeholders that appear by default on the slides you add to your presentation. For example, if you add a Title and Content slide there are two placeholders for text: the title placeholder and the content placeholder. To add text in either of these places, simply click in the box and start typing. If you need to add text to a slide outside of the normal text placeholders, you can add a text box. To do this, click Insert > Text Box.


1. Open Microsoft Powerpoint. Click on Start ► All Programs ► Microsoft Office ► Microsoft Powerpoint or double-click on the Microsoft Powerpoint shortcut on the desktop. This will open a blank presentation in Microsoft Powerpoint.

2. fix the page orientation and set up first. First, the orientation. To change that, click on the Design ► Slide Orientation ► Portrait in the Page Setup group of the ribbon.

Once you click on the Portrait mode, the selected slide changes its orientation from Landscape mode to Portrait mode.

3. Change the page setup as well with almost the same procedure: click on Design ► Page Setup.

Change the width to 5 inches and the length to 8 inches, then click Ok.

Notice the changes you made to the slide.

3. Add an image of your chosen destination of the field trip to your poster by choosing from the pictures given. In order to do that, click on Insert ►Picture. A dialogue box will pop out of your screen.

Locate the images of the given destinations in the folders present at the left side of the dialogue box. Select the image of your first destination and click Insert to place the picture on the slide. Once the picture is on the slide, drag it to any position you want.

4. add a caption and title as well to fully advertise your planned destination. Click on Insert ►Text Box and click on the slide area.

Type any catch phrase for your photo. You can also drag the text box to any position you want once you’re done typing.

Add another text box for your title.

5. Change the font style of your text to give it an appealing feeling. In order to do that, locate on the quick access toolbar a drop down menu that contains the font list. Click on your text box first, then choose your desired font in the font list.

change the font size if you wish. This can be found just beside the font style.

6. add your name to finalize the poster. To do this, add another text box. Key in your name and place it anywhere in the slide as well.

7. Save your work once you are done. Locate the Save button above the menu bar. It will automatically open a dialogue box once it is clicked.

Note: Name the file “travel.pptx” as your filename