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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-63

CD: 01

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00100320

2295 15/roj


Division :::n:·;inecr Section AboP.r(1. F •. :..., G, ; otJ::'!I ;·:.n~r:·L:..::;~ (.'\.~-::!-7) 20 October 1950

:!?rom: !)1via1on :~n ,·ineer O~ficor ?o: CorltnL'.nCl.in~ Gencrr:.l, lst j·~nrii1e :a v 1s1on

Snbj: '3~r.C18.l 1\ction Re·;;ort ~~or ';)CPiof .. 22 A,l. ,nst - 7 Octo':.cr 1950

P.cf: (a} :Uiv is ion GenerR.l Orclcr :'o, 16.

1. In nccol~do.noe 'tri th retcrcncc ( ,'"1,) tho roJ.l.OPi!~,~ :::hecic·.l Acti(;n Rcym."t is snbr!1itte(•. ooVCl'ii1:; the Division ·::n,;i:'.3(7l~ Section :~rou 82 Au;:,ust to ? Oot.o·,Jcl' 1r;so. Froa tl·w tiw!e linis011 1-re.s ectabliB~:eC. ··~1 t:'l. t:·w X COl"')B ~r~.;1n:.::c-l""s Oi~ 2~ Av._;'.'.Bt t~1ia section 1.~orl:oci. in clono ~-l2.rnora~~ ,.J_t)1 tllc X Jo~)S Section. Tlto r·liseions assi0no(L t!1.o Division ;,;n1·;1nc: r l·'CJ"'G to:

( E'.) I1:l9rovc the Inchon tli".!.lo.:-.C.i:"li.) sites. (b) Imni."OVC ·c:1o :.SRin. (c) :?rovic~.c for crossing of the D1vision oVOl" t~10 ~:~:-.

River, (cl.) :?roviC~c !.lOl'i'll'l onc;ine~>r aun··)Ol't to in::~r~ntl":· t'i··.i·Gs.


2. ?h.e AosiGt·,nt :li'.~ir.ion :-::n;··;in::-·or Off108P {A:iJ~O), :'(·;r•occnt-1n3 tho Division ~.;r·c_::inccr, r·.r:i:'ivccl_ ~r t.lr f'.t :·:ru:.oc~.f'. Ail".fivl(, To~.~~· a, on 22 Av . .:,;u.nt. ?:ron t:hoi'i.: tho 'Jon: '.1'!16.1:.13 ·:?<~;·.urr.l 1 s ~!:".l~t:·, o:? vhioh thO .\!:CO ~·.r:'o f" 1·1.:·.J."tb:Jr_ '"lrococCI.or!. to the ~~u:·.l"'t;:'lrn::.st.:-r D~"'-)Ot Doc~-:sJ Tolt~'O, r·.ne. C:!:ti,::rJ-:cf. on the r.:.s.,s. 1"0t!l'T~ i. 0IC::: ·!.-:.:~~ (AGO-?) 1 tlrcoh1p of Cor:v.r>.nc'.c:r A::t:Jhi~Ji0\.~0 C'trot\i") c;.:·:.

At this tin~-, the Divi:-Jion ..::::n~;i:1-.:wr ,~j(!ct1on •·:f!.t; co~·,·.Joect. rnc'l. c~.icnoeoC:. f'.s follo'"r·l:

D1.v1sion Sn~~inoor Oft'ic0r ():.;0)/(J.O. lr.t 3n;.1i·Jcr::r· BC".ttnlion). Lt • .;ol. John H, ?ARTR!DG::, 00·.~SC/l·~o~, ::::i:. s;,;.r­r~~o~ra. t:1o F • .S. 3. ~3FT .. .2R (AP-113).

Aoniatr.nt :?1ViG1on :::n~1noo:r O"i'':':'ioor (Oil rolJ.c o:t lnt ::n;.;inocr \nttf1.11on), l r·.jo:r :~.F. ; 08~8, JR. OP.15£/l202, r;:,orrc"~. tllc u.s. cl. :.'ot!"'? · ::n:r'L . .::~: (A:"-C-7).

7:/0 1355 :fl.r J (Hor.d.t:U·"'rtcrs Coml)t.n:r. ::n·~inc=~l"' 3F~.ttc:'l.lian) r'.llons t~lc :avir.:ion ~nc;invor Section one {1) L.3(~t/l·:U9, ono (1) '.:'S~;t/l'=lC>, rn0. one ( 1) 0or,orP.l/OV·l3, Hllo r.c yet h:".d ilCt '0:.-:.-H! ;-.aa1Gncd or C.cs1~;.1<'.tod.

On 29 Aur:;ustJ th~; D.2:0 ~.rrivc:". ~t I:a··JO .'="~.i1C:. on 51 li.L' .. -u'3t tre.nsfcrr:)c~ ···1t~1 his conn,..nC', to tj~ •. ~ u.s. s. ·::::GZL, ,r:11c;·~ 1.r.·.s r,loo ··~c:rti.1cc.1. t:'.t :-:a·.c. T:1cn o:.1 S Bc·)t;)t,bor t~1o v:.::c tl~r.aafcrl~oc::. Hit:~ b.. is 0:-:.tt,"\lion 9 t?.f":i' to t:-..~~ :,.;;.~•;:' S73 a On 15 Sen ·;,;~;;'uer ( D-6.<'.~~) t:·l.C D:~o c"l.ioc::b.~.rJ:oO. -"'-'1C~. ccd;~-::.:;.~ .. ;~::cc~ ;~.'..G OO!JLtMfl. :1ost on Ret~ ... or'.c~1 l'.t :.:·ol:o:.r ..

From tho tii·tO t::ti· :J~0 f'.:rrivec". ir~ J"<J::.~, un·~il ·l JcTGC!t')Cl", the A!lX· ·-·~~-~in ·~'o:::·o, r."bor.rCt t:-~c '-.\3.5. :.~/l:.'T: .;:~::;:. L-~-r. PcrBon;-.1 contr-.ct ~:· t:~tu A.CCX· ,.,it~- tf'~:.· J:..:;u "7f.B li1~1tcd to rnor:~o­rP.ndP. r.t t.l-"tie '.:;i;:o.

Oi"I 0 Se--')ton·x1r t:1.1 U.S. S. :;orr.·? . m:r--·~~~ .:•.i"':. .. ivo0. nu0. i'.oo:~cct r-.t ;:oi:..c, Tho tHO of:~icerG 1:o,.r hr-.c.":. fln o·TJO:"'tU:llt~- to cor.:~f"P o;1 l :.1:;1nocr1ng ·.n•o .. :;.lcus.

- 1 -



Korean War Project USMC-00100321DF.CLASSIFIF;[)

The AJ:~o h~'Vi:1_. joinl":\..1 t>.c DivLJion on ~;= Au _,\H]t 1 1 t o:::"'-~cr8(1 t~:c fir:-;t o·Y·!Ort:n::i t:· :~or · ~.Y. -~o ·:;ccoJ.~.; r.C( 1 t'J'.i1i-~Gt "i·t·-J t:.1..; ·.;-r.t·tr--1-ion he '':"'D I'·~·""~rCo0:-lti:~ ...•

At t>_i('l ti:\c: ·.;olic:· :'..'or O')Cro•.t.io;l of tl,_e :~.ivinion _;,-._ -ii"Lt.;or S ~::t.1011 ~'·"'B cvolv;)(·.. Aavc:i'c~_i:··.:; to t;:i·1.0CG c.~_cci3tO~'l.~ -~he .t\).:0 "--r. es~i-_;n~H~ f·.~notio:.· ... :::: rv1 follOTtG:

(r.) ~rn.ns:.i";,; ·;l:•ao .~no. lo-~:-~o:.. ...... r:G10~l l·c:·~~-!(-On 3f·.t·wc·.lion •xH\ Jivioion ·,....ld JoP:-1~1.

( :J) : ;-,ir:.tr.in th~ Vivif:liOi.l :..::n. __ ,i:-.o.n--- Scotia:.! r·:L t;1o ;:'>ivi':;io;·~

(c) To trrJ":.sr·,it r-ll o;•cl.or:' f:ror1 h1.:;i1·Jr r.utr~orit~' to t:-:o ~:-?.tt:r-~ion 'Con:n;'cnG.c:r c1.i;:•cctl~- .".nCi. r~ot -~o t!:<·-t'l P..ction on then.

( 0.) !:.1 no nr~- t.o coe· .it -~i1c :? . .?.t·c<'.lior. to r: cot•.:cso o:? ,c·.ction Ol' :: --,l•ojco·i; l·.·ithot:t nrior r:ncoifio , .. )Jj"OV,--..1 ::'rOJ•1 the 2::\"'ttr.lion 'joFL;· .... n.!Lll" ( D:o).

( o) To J,:r.~·:o no request J."Ol" ont-~inoor r.s ~ i~t~-1:-.c.::, no~ coorc1inr.to o::1·;inour (~tfort unlcu-· er-):;IJitic.·.:u.-, r.tl.t:--:.orizcCI. to ... 6.o co ~,:~ tho :>1v1oion ;;n.:;inC\;1'' Ot:~ic.-~r.

U') :~r:-:c r.JCO!·;.· O<&··., .... t1o:-HJ to tl-...c ":>iv1Gion ::r,·-~inOc.'l" G:>"ic~:r. ( 'J i.>.ir~tr.in J.i:.ison ''i"tjl Cor··-.)G i'..iH1. Diviai01-l. (:1) Ann1nt tho :::n;,;inc:l' ::·ttc.lion b n"o:1 .-.·.n;,c1• c.s

1iOGGi~lo. ':'h0 J1v1.-1oa :::n~~1ncol" Soct1on ... ~_)!lror.c~ocl. filJ.i•·-:: it:: T/C.

rllonrncc, :·:1~11 it jo1nod r-.. i:r.stcl .. ,~.n•:·;or.:1t r;1CI. r. ~.:;c:".L:o1c~.l S: r:::;c."Jlt..

'-~;10nc !.1Cn r.c·:.-:or~Dr.L~.o~. t~10 ADZO on th~ [. S, 5 .. l'OF._'r ·J~a--L.~-;~~ Hhon the i3hi'? a~.1lc(. ~ .. or thu·o~)j0ct1,tc r.ro::-., :~~1•J

Divi~iOn ::ncincvr Section lr-.nc1.cc'. -.:'11th tlv; J1'r1-•io:~ 6'c··.f::~ '"':i:; Inc~~on, Ko~~..::::-., on l6 S::··Jt•Jn~);Jr (D/1 ~:-~·).

· Co:1t"'.ct h:::tnc:.:.n t;"!.c :r:o !"::·~rl .. t::..::- .. :o, fro:·. -~:1l: -~i; ,~--:: O)~ ln:f.-1~1:;, 1r".:l 'JP1.r·1:~~11:~ ~);r ·1;-rr..-::o:~:--.1 v1c1t, ?iccr.n::tc o:~· thl') t:.intri~co

1-:ctucol' the ::-_;11gincc1• :>.t'.:;~.l!on 'J?, r.nc-:_ t~1c J1v1t~ion C? oo;:t;--.c·~ .. . -.rr.~ not r-.o ::.":roquont ".r. (0:::1:..•-·c!..

3, l'·)ol~ f'l'Pivr.l rho!">r(. t~1...: ;;.1.s,s .. ~-cu;~l, ~ C!:I::7!.o.:·~:-~ r.t ~o:·:.:·o, ti1c Jivision St<::.f:..' ·-·~.a noti:~L.)C. oi' -~~10 oo:100")t for :·~or-~hco ·in:~·

..... .::nhi~Jioun ~.tt~·.o:: P.t :!lc:wn, Kor;.:.r., t .. oool"C11a:~l:·, o,;.), ?.3 At!C;t~a·..:;, li: 1EJon ~r:-.c cr;tro.i:llio:u-:c'\ 1J~Jt~·,cc~l tho Division :.;n~inocp t>cc-~ion, r.net. the X Col'"':'fl :::;nGii·lcm .. s:::ct1or.. ~i1c lr.ttC1' , .. ~.~ on:.:· CO!'\.C.:'l"n~ c. e. ,.1 ~h t:1c cn._·il"'J.CC!"in~~ .":.::meets thr:.t uoulf'~ C:.ovcloj) 1nlf'J:1C. fl"O!.l Inci.1on, r.11c.'t -,:r1:~r.r11:· 1r.. t~w croor:inr; n.nd ':Jr1c-:.::;1n:; o:£' t;1C ::."~.n Rive:....... 0:1 25 Au:.:.,ur;t t1~c X Cor:)n ~:.1:;1ncvr g:--.vo n ~:>ric:~L1:; 0~1. t:1c coi.:1nr; O~).Jrr.tion to :--c:,n•cncrlt.,.tivos of' c.J.l cn:~:Liccr unitn in :: Ool~p~, Tho follo~J1n.:.; dr.:.r tho --~::>:.:::0 ;:nent 1n co~"J.fOl'C::~co • ;1 th t:1c CorJJ·J<"llc~inG Oi'i' i cor o::."' t:1~ 19t!1. ~n·;inoc:;."' ~OP1~r.t C·rot·.~. •;·hin coa::"c:rcr;co C:_Or·.l".:; 1 I1tj1 the sub.fpcto o! Ol"OBSiac; f'.n0. ·;)rif.::._~­ia~ t~w }-~." .. i.1 River, .".nc~· :f'iolc~ fm,ti:fio:-t:iona to :i-.) cri.]cto{. to tl1o nortl1"r'l."0. of Seoul, fl?tor t:.1r-.t oit~· feU. to our forcer:.. :Jul"inr_; ~.;;he no~:t n~worPJ. t'l<:':·s t)",_.- 1"'~') ,~ore v1oito ·13t;.,ocn the :JorT)s :n:;inoor r-.nc-". A:co in 1n<)l.-, .. -~a:1t~"tiol-.. o:·~ :Jlr'.l1.l~ii.l0.

:ntol11:::;cncc ir1C:.icetcd t:v•.t 'Gl;.cl'O •rP..c vil.'.tl!<.lly no fresh ·~::-.t:Cl, in t1·~:::: Ino~1on ~~~r·).:-> . ._ 1~,~tcn~ Gc:~:T::r:-.1 aoct;L::;g ·wc'i:;l;oon t:1o ·Jor:)r: :n :inccr Offic'8r C'.r:.c1 '"'he AJ.:::c, l"COOL~;.c•1(/'."t1onc. •:o:....,_u r~.::.to Oi"~ ~lOP ?l"'C!l~:. ~-rr.t.--:1" col~lc"-. :;H) :·w:·_J~)liL~(. ~\.tll uoo oi' ::rl"i;·,..:: Col"'10 c!.ictilJ.:-.tion unite 1.:1\s l'CIJ9J~t·.ci1<.~.cc'\., r.:1 ~·,~11 f'.l;l. cr.1•:•:·ir<; Pr.tcr to thO o"..:lj cctivo ~"'.l .. OC. in 5 ~;i'.llon oxnoili t1onf'.r:· cr.as, 55 c;r.llo!l 01•uno, o.nc. in ,,r.tcl' brl'S·'", ~

2 ~ cJ)£~j~i[D

, . .• ·,


Korean War Project USMC-00100322DECLASSIFIED

.::r.n·~iCC·. ·;;:~ .. ~·· ~! •. t~~· tc. t]J.:: .~.i"C['.,

T'CQ1).}_-~ C>' t.:·.ClC C")i'!ti.Gt·~; Fit:. 0o::.' .. l3 to the Division ::n:;Lto:-~:r ~:':~ct._ ~a:._· t~to :J0:."'~oc-:.. ·D-C..t'~y u.;:·til Goi··.O t1:·-.1c cor;F·.cn·::;in ~ ,.. .. , .......... .:--.::ou·c lJf.!.!J c.r.;_.-s -.:a-.:. cor·--!n _ _;~t,;in:·'-~r~ >rotolC. ·.:.c 11nf'.blo t;o c;l-..ru t-.eGietc~:.CO to t:.:..J ~;·:.:;i:ICI.Ji." Jp_-;;·~r:'.iOii_, ~ .. 1~1C o:."lCl'.:t-tiOli 'uo:i."'C ti:J.is ou'.:;, t'.Ilt. L··_ -~;-..v ;;.ne. ~.:;i.Lo :_:,_~l~~·i.t~oor 3f•'c~t---.lion ~-'1'\S

O.o:!.;1~; i ,opo to c.u-Y)OJ:>t t;hc: Oo:.. ... ._"'l3 ::::n: :in.::Jl"G thr.n vice v Dl"~fU' .• ~:w A:C:.O C:.r-t•:':'tcC.. u.::~Jr:tc:1.Cn tor.- ·n'oc1.u:-cr:ont oi' .::r.··;i:).oCr

itOi.:c of' lortifio.~tions ;·,..-.. t:ol"1.':"~l.. ?>;is ,._,r_G c":_onc ·-~hr-~1 '·t~k~ )~!) Pn~-- Jl.D~O •-,';:-r; rcE··.)cc-~1~rcl:· in I:obc r.J'\0. ';lo!~.:·o, t::.cro·.,~- :1>J~}C£HJ!­tr.tinr,: :--.ctiol'l be t:·.~.:t;~·l ~!i thcut 1•r.::;~'.l"ti. to tl10 'l,).:•,ttr.J.~cn.

L1:r;.c··inc, i'it~:..ou~G OOi'lOUlt111:·=· the J1Vinion :::;i_l.:,h~o~~l"·o:~~ic·;:.~, ~ccr.tw.:: of ti1c l<'1.c~~ or ·;:;L~o t~--:.~ AJ~::o ·.-:.l"~:;:r,.,.i-..,ct'~ -~he ;:;il:.'~i:·!:-:<:;1.·· Annc1~ to Division AC:.-·.iniot:::-~_tion Or•tor :·o. 2-50.

·~,ilo t,!J-.; :::·:.:c <'.HL ~~-· ..... <...· "·''~.-. 1 ~,._,--d .. -·,1 ... t v ..... · .. ,. ['.;1-:~. ·ra:::'o 1"'~·3:_,cctivcl:r t:1c AD::o oo:1t L~;~i~i.;.~e:_~.:~t~ t\~c-~D::~c f':Y·):.•r.isL:~; hir~ of l3t ' rl'inc ):ivialcn -,:u·.ns tJ.rcctly .:::::·.~cti~l;_~ tl'lCJ -~n:;i;,J.ocr 3t.t'!;i".lion, t.':-OCc".t'.SC Of EtCCUl'it:~ tl1C~C r:.Cl'•!Ol't-.:1-(~.r. ~101'0 r:·.coPUG:1-(f.tions ::: .. ol' r~ctioi"! i•rd;l1Cl" thr·.n ut~·.t .-.c~:t:::' of t~-to ·•l:o.no.

P·)O!l r1_.,1•1vr.l of tho u.s.,s. l-OU:'? U}J~I:. r.-:::~~ nt ·L.o~::;:: nJ.l t:'l:'.t '-'f'-~ lo:i.'t to 6.o ".~.o "'urio~~ t~~o D30 r..il~~. for tl":.c :_;n:_:inctJJ' 3-~~t;'(;!"'.llo;: to noinlr;tc loF'.l:_1n•:: oll1n. :·o ----..l,"'J1'1 r.f'::'oot~r'!~-· th; ~~!J,;j_:-_cH_:r J'~r.t>.:;r.lion ·~..::1 .. ~ civln~~cc"":. ~ .... t th1o ti:r·.L:. .....

·~l!ilo L:. t:1C' !-:o~:-o.o ~·.!'Cr. the A!:CC1 l~cociV:.:Jc!. :'.b0: 1.:~(t the u.s.B. ~ ·cn:-'i' :_ -:::::r: •!._; __ :~~, 18 c.l ur~llw~-~ , J r;::;>,-..nc sc t·mnuf r.ct;'...u'C c",, :1 c::-J.in G 1 ... ,~.:::..,,.,.., ~-,..., •.,., r\_.-,1 -'.u··, . .,,.,,_. +-r. +h,.., t- ..... n..., . .._,.. "'' ·:-,,,., T' :: -' "'~1'foT "!" -·~ .;.,.~ ..... v_. ": uv ..-·..- -. ..... .a.~.YYJ,v;., "'"" ..,..,,.._. ,...._...,...,_,._, """ "''·''-' "'•'-'• ~-. -'•>.Y~L..'.!.~.t

r.;.1d ~Gho :::-.a.a. ;-;_::~RICO, tr;o~;, rl~rivnl in the o'Jjc:ctivc ~'.l"Cr:.. ?:lir' •r·:J c~ono ',_j~c o:::.:-.ll Jo:t r·.t ,-._~.>OUt l::;oo 01! D-Ue.:'.

~~nron 'i;c to~ :c~1o. o:)j ~~-t~>·:·; _ ~-;:n ~·M ·~ho· A:x~;:..~ H~-~1o .... ~ :J ~:e~· o:? :~.~.:-:L;:_; ,.-..!1 ,_~:::·')C.C'.l,_;.l1'C -~·l":!.C'.,:;~, i.JU'l.' CJ.~'.~~:l 1 Ol lJ~.l.L~;:· ;:ll"'lC·.[;J.~-,~; con~;-.L~cci. ·.~i th n:".V~' :•1ontoo:: ccl).s 1 r.nl·. nloo or ucin;; :::.<.v:· --wntoon e:.-·l<i'Jif10i1'~ for 50T oJ.t.c~; f·:"..:tl'~- 1 c;.

0>: 14 ;:,c-,-~~i1i:::.:::r, ~1 l.:-.:· 1 o. Ctl~p:-.tc:-~ ·-,...rJ ._.,vu.::ivc-c"'. froJ:-, -:iCi._":'.h.V'F.: clc~cribin:.; th...:: '!Os&.on ':;.o;~ t~:-:-.Je J:lill\J. l!:~on 1·~1:~ 1_l'.cct t!.1D i_i. S~ S. l.mF7 : -ci:I~:L.~:E ·,_,:.~o:;:o l~r..:~.io t..:1lonoc n.nc1. tr:· ;um.1 t~l:cd t~11:1 1n1'orr.uct1on to t.ll cui.:J .... l ... :.:..::C. .:Jl.:ucn'tc. ox" t!1~ LrnC.1~~~ ~,orco.

·- • l.SSAUi.'i ?;~As:... ( r·.} .:..1-'-L' .. 'V' t 15 Sc~yt.orr:i::or, t.ho Ji\iioion ~n:;:t.1u:;r- C:.':{io~r

~:.nc.._:c-._ ?'~- ~.cc"!. ~o.~.cb, .I::o~1?n) ~?l"O::·r -~n~'\ cotr.blin~1.::Cl. 'tii.C ~t.'t'Ct.llOn L:onr.~r.no. t'o:n~. '.i.'nc .UlVl.Sl.C!'l ~n-~i~~,;,:r o.:: ction, r-.~)oao. · the MourT ::ci:I:.~r:::."'::, cp~n.t :)-c-:.n:,• :.,:.~c­ocG;J:l.nJ C'.icp:-.t:o:-~os fr•oi\! r.ohol~o conc.Crl:.iliG ~~cc:.r.c~.tr. fOl" c~~r~lnccro tor ror.d l:TOl"l:. S'hcoc C.io·_)."."COllor. •.roro rol.::·­ct'l.- to tho :.:n~inoo::.~ 7-:o.:Gtr.lion i'or b~:ocution,

'!'he !:livision ;~a-~:1ncop .Scotian. t·.ot11,~-~ L-::. r. lir-.10on or.:),':'.ci't~', uae.or co~-:trOl ot tho ADl:O, l;.._nlioc". :-.t l~ao, lG So:,torr:.')or, JIJ. r~_ro_~~;. <::P ·:tJJ.J.n•· 7·<:!:-olt. · FN1r.·. th .. ;:pa -':he ocction ·~1l"'Ococc,_c(l. to th.o Jivioion :J:?, on t~w :r.otcl~n cC.r:e of Inchon. Ll~l"i\'":-.1 · •ro.s Just ry:..'"iO!' to cl.f'.l~!:, Thc:PJ '.~r-.o OiilY 1nic1•ni ttcnt col~u:.1u;.:.lcr.tion

- -'•'·- .,.,. .. , ..... -·-·" A..-..-1,... !.'~. l:. '·''-'!! L-~1\J V.:.!V C',\\'-·~ ,rh-'-_.Y!

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Korean War Project USMC-00100323llECLASSIFIF:Il


·~::?~C!':'J;/.~.,IO:r PI~AS:; (",)) On 17 ]C·)t:.:;,"·.')•~'-·, "i't~-1~ conf~-n .. :·i·'. ·•j_~:;il ·~:-J.C :.:.,:inion

.i\ir C:~:'ic ... ;;.·, t~.o A?CO .".cl.Vis~::c1. t~10 ::r:.~.-·1:~-J~:l~ G:.:":"'ic-:::.."' to cc:-.!lc l70i':: c:·, i.::18 o~JSOl~v:--.-;;io!l ~Jl ...... no lr.;.·1 t.i:~:; s·~:.•i:_; o:-. ·;;:1c outer ~·~J.l ot -~!1.c '..::lc£.1 ·,):--.ain, o::C. co:: ·(milo conat;j.•t1.ctio:1 of ::. eii.';il~.r stPi1J on the ~-·o ....... t. on ·;:;~1.0 oout!tCl':t \,)Ll,:-;o o:::- t:1o Ji·;,:1[!1on ·o?.

On 18 So:)t;.:-:·~.".;0:;.·, ~·.i'tc:r' ~·- confcl'oncc •·it:l t::c Division S;:t,:;i;l,: . .::::;.• ~ -c::~; AD:JO •7<:.fl inctrl.!OJ~t.h~- -~o ;!:.·oc~::;.·c o·)c.ci.-.J. 1 tc:r!:; I' or t:lC B~.tt.:-J.lon -~o nae: :u: co:1o-~l·t.~o-L:;lon r.nC:. o~;crr.tion o:t :ft~:..·:;_·;_-a on 'ch~ ~:"'.r. Riv-~~1"'. I·~ ~·.·i"..a <'.ilttci·•.);-.tnc,_ t:w.t t:1o J·Jr.t.JriE'.lc. 1"0t~lC ·,)a :·,..._.,Jc",.0c'. oor!~l

ti1:c in ti".o ;1o::t t1;o (:.;"'.:·s,. Li...-.1co:1 1_"[·.o ~·cr'.:;:·.:)lio:lOC'. ·,,j_tll t:·.o 2ncl.. :;i·~~J.:·,c·.:;j.' i5~_)CC1r-.l :~riG·;_~-. ..::. A:~·;;o;.' c•.io-ct•.s.1inc; ti.:o rcr_l_v.1:.'Ci .c;:·tJ.;u ··i t~:i. tl-,,;.: t:11) :-.;n;;L:.:: :.r .J.~.'.;·Gr.J.io:: ,_:r-.3 i'.".:-10 ·co ·)ic;· Lr' c.lJ. 1\:;.::;-~:: :i.'Cr~ucr~·~:::<i.~

?;1cnc 1 tci '.3 incJ.eL'\}t. -~iro l':".{i:; pov~-:i' e·~lli t:· ·)o.:.tn 1

•::r1c~1 l!Q~"'O C:i.•itii:::£'.1.1~.-· 1102{ . .-__ 'l~. i~.;u:::c, r.c ~:ell r.n ~n·ili,r;L1C ti1.~·:J.:r.1, cr.~J.c,. r.t."'11ilr. li;·,._~ r.ih:'. :..,cl;·:~oc. i·i:;c:I:;:.

'i';lC ono :~Cl':c·:· oor~:1o:1cnt •(110]1 :y/1. ·_,0~:1 o~~tJ.v:·.C.cC.

f1•or. !(o:;c ·~.:-.c t.Glwrc. T:t.J :)"'.l'tc o:-~ t:~:-- >-~~-.~ ·.n·tt.c;c "C:.•c nccocc~-r~" tOl" nc1C.it1anrJ. tur:;.,:·n. '.t'-c 'b:--.llc~' ~Jj_'~,C.[~ins ·r~.·':'· noct1.cL~. :Lor unc in eve;,,_~~ ·.l'5_t_·;cr~ C:'l"O\~t~

'i;o ~OLi.,-; ~OnG Pc ,_,ere t:.cotl,O:!oC1. :--.nC. rJ.ao, .:i.'~ ··"-,:; co:1tc'. --;l_,.,_t;cd to tr:· usir:.:·.: -;:,~iJ.c:• ·;);,"i'~<~U ·r.:·~~~ :.)~ .. -:--1'.--: of :~r-.v:· :;ontoo:·:c ir:···i·'"'.:.:LJ.G :", ~.\l'ic-:<;~] <"'.m.'o,"'f:; -~: .. .-. ::.-:1 n:tvc:::.·. Ac:oOl'C.iil~;l:r' th0 Av::;o cont,-.c·~~c -~~ .. C Jo;Jr:r·.:\(.~~ o::~iccr of tl~c lo~.::-t:.~ ::Pvr.l Conot::..·uc·,:iu~l :-;;-_-~-~-"'.J.ir;n, l'C ::;;~.rC:.in:_:: u r1 i ":.~; ': .:-,t ~1' i:-.1:::; · ··1c Ct\11:-.:.."' -~ o :11 <J 01·~:~~ ~ j_ z.:-- -~ ic:: 1 in i)ric-:.c;i:1C::. the !:~·.n TI.ivc~ ... , t·.:1C r· .. "'l:L<; .--.,·.c.i-~ioar.l :::"'ol':":·s ... rr::iG c'.ic~. ilOt -::-rOVe ::o.:-'.:~1~)10 1 'oOCf'.t:~l~ of t~:C' -~:-...:.10

lil~itr.tion:J. ?:.w !~J:~c Llao ·.'C:i'lt to t:1o t;.s. s. -OO.J!( .. ~!10.8.?:.: tO c-.c:c::l'tr'.:"~:1 ti1c ,)::r-.ct ctr.tun o::' t:nlc;--L_inc; o~· b:;.~ir~~_;int;. 5r.:-Jcci. o;•_ ·~:.1in in·n:c~.;;.:l.on r-. ci.i::r_J ...... to>.· !.>".t. OGnt to Cor.lTl'C'.llOROj: or;:.:; .._·_~:i.:'I:Cti:i·.t:; t~.i.-~.t tHO LS::. r-.nc. a1x ~C~: r.c'lti tiO!~r~ !):j ;·;ivc;\ t:w O:~:L~:-:oft2::; Zo;.• \lr~lc ;.c1.-1r:~ c:.:" i.wi(SLlc;, In :·.d'~.1 ticn 'JC-, l:JJ:.: ;~.:--.r:Olv r;c.vc :.."i:..·ot yriol'i·~:~ i'o::t.• 'cl''.~~::o to ~1t~.u1 ~n'1f.c.;1n.:;. i"h::: AJ .. X· l·~~nr'.1:1-cL1. fo1· t:1o nc.x.t ·i;F:::;~.t~'-:f~;ul' hom.'o o.t ·;:.}1.-:: ?ic\r'.l ~~jr-.:1L1

(m:f'.ll 'bo:~t br-.::-.ir_,) c:c.l,Jc1.1ti<l .. : t~l(.' :J:1lcr.(!_;.·:~ r.;.1( c1io-. __ 1<.tc:1in:; ot Oi•iC.c;int;._ U:_)OI1 OO!':~)l~'.;ion of ·~lU.s r.:1o::.1o:.1 :-.t r.i:.>out 1?00,. 80 .:k~~)to:.lbCl', the .A:...Jo ,_.:-.a 0(,.~:1t' :.."'or~rt.l'C~. tC' the D1vio1on CP, ~1ou uotr-.~.111o~1.JC: r.'t:: Oooo-1'1 1 ncr.l"' 1:1r:11)o Ai:1::'i.:::e .•

·On 21 SoT~0!'1.JC:', ;---, om•vo:· t-rv.r> nf".0.o of ut.!.J.1:~1:.:-'J in the nmr Divi:::;ion GP, Vo:;.,·.x:.l orc1.c:.:·c: ~:~1·..:: J•ocoiv~c. ror t:1-:: .~.-.·:J'::.o ·~o ~.-: ...... il:· r-.t"tonc1. nn ~n-:)11i,~t:l' con:.."-.)i .. c::co ::--.t 1 ?30 ~-~ ;: Cor· . ..,::; :a:;1nC1..Jl' C:ttico,. ~:10 ~~ ;Jol';_)o ·~ ~r.".o :.:)U r.t /..GCDJ! :Jit~·. T:~is (;,:"1.11~· 'Gl'ip ·1,:---_s to )Po':o noct tL.1c conDuni~:.;;, :~cnooi.;.,_~.l~ ··r·.c it co [•.:t:"'"',;cr t:·:.o )iv-inio~l C? :·.ov::-.c-:. to ;:;coul. .

O:i 2~ -~<~:Y~c·•.:x::l"', r.t·i·:::io:1r-.l '~n·_;i;l.--:c_.:;_-. ~;tillt~- i·i:;c:·~::~

•.·8rc- ,Jl"'Ocurct. n.i.H~- i:"!otrJ.l..::Cl. ia t:w Di~rioion C?. T:1c GP no;, ~v·.cl el::ct:..·~c li~~:-1-~~1 in <".ll u.-;;:.--.::; ~-)r.cc::; · C'i1c~. r-. G~10t.•.)r U..!.l.it ~~Qj,_"' l~CO Of t'~l tl."'OO')r, i:'! t:lJ ,".i'Cr>.,

Th~·- 23r(. ~o 2:J·~l: o:? .:;,c:-,•~cr.~"..:>:.:::;. .. n0rc roltttnci c"'c.:·s, c:u-. .. ~.llG 11hic:~ :.F'."·_-:'Icr ~-·oi--.:: ,,rl'~G t.:-.:.:ci·: c."'.rC of, norn<'J. 1l-".iron PC".o c·: :c1.t~ctc{1., _..,~1l". rocon:·_.".i!lnr.:;.c:- t:."'i:)a ,_~cr-:--

r; ... _c~.c: Ol" :)"GG:~CI. ·~o ·.;;;:~c ;·~n:;iaO,"":.l~ J0t·~<'.J.io<: :::"'o:..• c::oc,·.tio:"!,

- 4



Korean War Project USMC-00100324


:1)11,:~:.1-:.; ~;':t r'.1'-~··,·:;:~c· ·j·,r

o:,.' :t.~.cilith:c.: .'"'.t ::oH·;Uo:J._, ?9. Al·~c~.;~~~;:;."' 1'. v~rt :;.~.:...c~t: .... ·;'t­,·~·=. \·::-.s o.:t ·~ycj.~~::·j.l:~; t·'~.tc::.~i:--.lc :-.J.e::;_; ·~;.l~; ~·r~il:·o~{. o;: ·t:w :·o:..~t~l SiC·· of t:.1~ ;~ .... n :11v:;1... ?hc::;v l'O')O:i.•tcJ '!::·1·~: c:u')-: '.5. -~ -~ ::: ci. to J._ .;, •

0;1 2D B-..'~) ·~oi :~:>-·n·, t~1c Divioion ::;n;.:i~·,o0::.' scct1c:~ <"1 = 1L e:u~. ·~o t~1c nou :!)lvJ,.olo.l ~~~ L~ St,)o;,'.!.. :?·.·o:.: ,".l":.'ivr·.l t::.c ccct1on cool"'r.:'.1n ..... t;·(. t~~0 L·.atr.U .. :-.tion o:: .Jl~;ct:..•ic li.)rGcJ C~lo•·c:·a, .:.;tCt Ft·:~,::l' ~"lttl'i:::J.c.:--:Cioti~ ':::.·:o ··n·.:::viot:ol:· o;~l~•tin,:,· :.':'·.ciJ.1 tic a ~.·t:l':J ~::£'"~ .L:..cC:.J :K:t ··..:::;.•.; :.."'ot!~··C". IJo:;onC:. ;pc...·:Hl.1P c;~co:Jt 1;~ t:1c cc.:::.(: o-.:."' ''il~i!l:;

i:: ·c~_? .. ·,,: :;;.\:-.1,·, .. :!:~-,i;·~ ;.;.~ • c'.1· ,-,· c~:~.~. ·' o_'l ·;u· .... ·~J-- . .. ·- ..... , .. , ..... Sc1to::~).~1~, to D'.1.l'Vc:· ·;;;>.ll c: . .-.r'c·.:; .. ~ £~.o:1o to Jn:lt.~;~:.::,~o 1~~ t:.1c GcouJ. ~~r..l~r~C~w :·r;: ..... , cont:"".c·t ~'.ll t~'')00 of -.,t.~ilC!.Llc;: ..contl'r.oto:..~n,l tn~'\ :.."Cr;1.L~.:;.:;·(; ')l(_r. f'ol"' :rc'l.''~.f':·l. Ro·•:>::-.1!'£! to "L1C..c..-.:c ~-~Dl"D ta l'C'!(:·:·ivc tiJ•nt :n•iOl"it?. Aoc:n•di:lr.;l:r, rm ii'~i>O.F1rc~~­·~1· ~· ... r· ]li!"c-t'l. ,'"'net r·. J.·o~L~ont Fr>F i::HJttCd i'o:" ;,1.t.c on Plnc,_o·· x•.::->:·.iro. :::t ··c.rJ ~:o".::in:.t.'C::. t~1:-'C 2500 ui:)C.o~r ·o,'"'.l~•'G ·1·.-.e. 1.)ocn i.)rclwn~ 3;• .:i:;hfr.ll ?our 1:-::-.::.;.":, ·~··o r~"'cGl•··, 'Ji.l"l, .... ;.;::s ·t:'1')0 builC.L·:;c ''Ol''l'l CC.t:i·.nc6 1·1t:1 c-~_::;;t:·~. c J.tt;ht;:-:;. :?l•iol"' to lo:~:Vil~C;; Seoul thil .. te:. n of ~:l'J'Jc ·~uj.J.Cli;l:)·o: h!"'.c1 .:":lcctl"lc liGht.:'! i;:.ct:--.llcc' .•

~;--.. t .:;vc·~-lld::; ,-.. t U!.·.: ti.r'.il:· :-\ Cor:.1r- :...:n.;il';.c;•r cca­:.~:~rr.~lcc, t:1: AJ:~o ··1-:.o ini'ol'·nc:t1. thr.·;;; t}1,;: lo·~ I:"'.;;;•i:io­:!v~.cion ~;onlC: aeon out ... lor.C:. f'oj_" r,n :"'.l'·l'ihl~:.:tou;-; ,-.t·~-,_c:: t.t ·.~Qj~!:; t•..:1.

_ ....... i!Cl".1i:-,~, o ... "' l Octo";)cr~ the: con~~.i.:·n.ct far ,;..Lr.ws 1'-...:"'J,-il' ·r.:'.:J 1'0-.c~.:- 'ou~c tll..) oont1•~.ot •.rr•.n (.co·tl•o:·~Jc1. b.)o,".unu o:~ ·t;~1.:. 11-l_"JL::::c-:.il) .. novo. iro·.·Qvor contr.ot Vt".o· n::.C~~ ''ith colr~rl'.cto.,·a to1• ~:~ll\1'1i>1;:.:::,·, clcotl"ic-.1 ro:., r.1r; . cr-.!")Oa torn; .",ilC:. : :1'.-'JO:~.::: "'l:Io ooulc~. rch.~:)lll t .. -.tc the b·'.l'l,•"'c::s l'J.l':.::-. 1n :v.:.:y;:; t::c: :."l-:.r·.C'~iry;_; I'.'OVC '·mr: or--,;!Qt~llod.,

r::.o :)Cl'iocl B oo·~o'uJl ... t:u~on~h 3 Oct:o~..ICl"' \li'.O r.nvnt, 1n .... f:,'',t:in·1 1~..., ...,...,H+.~··f'> ,~ ... ..,,...,..,., ~H ·-""'.,., ..... ..,,.~ ... - . .,..""'1 ·:••., .. ,

ro,_.~di10'0r.~i·~~ ~:~u;:~.~.ti;~: ;,~~1 ... :;;~ ... ;,-,;in~· t:;~ .... 3;{~.1;~::l" .-.w ~"..n;,tc:: to :)iv!.sio:..t ~~~t",J',iiti~~tt•.-.·~+ve: Or·.::~_::r :t::S-!:•0,. Ocl· !!" C'o·~o·:,or, t:10 Jivicion :.:::n~.li'lC,_'l~ .;;cct101l C:.in)lr:ca<.~. •ri·~h ~:, .... 'iviuiOll C.? to .,\.neal. Cit~·. ·'i':~ic J!ovc f_..._oilit-·.t . .J(L cont··ct ··ltil t~1C ;: Corpr. ::n;;inCCl' cioct1on on. cncrinccl" int;l1i::._;::'l.co <·.nd. au:::('.ll:· rJ,"'l.tt.crr.,

J• 'i..~;-~·.;-1;:~ ·.rr.o ohs..Jl'voc't o:f ti.1o unoJ"..! • .;C t.-.ctics t:'.s rcgt:.:r~-o ,,'\,~-'-:··~·- "\)"1""''''1"'•" Of rnoot I'O~..,"~.·o-,· '1is o""·"'ol•t ... · .... o ···i·1c .:& ......... l .. "--""'L._.,,.I.<o,':,~- •ln •. ,.l.-.~ ,,.J,J._.•.•,I.o-· .. •

;."'o~·(.~: •~~{. i1io o:i:':~·ol'tD- to donol1o!1 ~j~~i...::.;::~;n, ln ·tho minin.::; o:r POi't-~:" t>.c- on:-.:•··· pt,Ot' ·;~he •·roof.·::"ln ·,)0~~ ·t:""'O l'!ina. Jo~,.t~ c:f ~,lr.co .... . ·c~n 'I<.G no".; o-.,l;r.:IC·.r·.l~c'!.. ·Tho n+i10~ 1·rcrc no".:; :Joo~:-·:· tl~['.~Y)CC'L or cn1.~i·:c·c:. ''i":.:~: t1·i~) ,!il'C~.. In r'ont i;'l.at~_:,_ccn the niJ.lt'JO 'tore '11:1at­~(_ (.o .. :"' .~~·.c:: 1~·:10 o:~ tllO X'OE".c-r., 01~1:· ~Jo:"' t~!J r.Jt".111 his·hpry '::>ric~o, ~;..:;:o._,J ·to ~~o:::-' ~~:m,:; ::--o. over. ~.;;~!C ~-~,;..·.J! Ri~tC:i' "Ol'.J -;;110 ulnos ·.:;J.--·.•:JC:t~. ot:10r t!'l ~~ 0:1 -i;;1c l:'o!"c., Actur.ll;~, t:'!:-- ,"".ro.~. 'b:· ~chc ·~ric1gc )iorc ;-~!.()1''-' i.::::.(.'(J,_ ··~:~·c·" ~t~.~~ ·<'!:Jr'::::' o~h._~-~ C-'110!,~:- hr~(. :l~.t~ r. rcr.C'. J.c:C..ins to

·1ontoo:1 ~;l~ic; . .__;o !10 h.:·.( .. ~_,~,.il t, ':}o tJ1J j,~C"'l' of 3luc Jcr-.ch t'. ,·i:'.:..:::.:'ici.(. :".lee Hr.r: loc;-o.";;CC'-. ,.?~11c:1 co:u:ictccl o:c :;cr::."'r.tcct C<.GCG

5 cbl!bJ~n~Jtn ----··-..... ·· .... .,

Korean War Project USMC-00100325OF:CLASSIFJF:[)


7hcF.~~) F;::i•.._-: C.J.'lvon 1n'Go t:·1c .;l'•YJilf. ~'-at ec'Y .cc·c.:-r\. ~-ri-~11 ·Gr~n •.·i:..-.co. Tho c;·; 1:- c th·i · ~ · ; 'ill 't ~.r:· :Jl'ic'._ ,i:·1 r::, o ·,Jr. n:·v~-; <'. • ·~ _;i ti1o :.."'.:;.laln/3 o?

oor-10 flo"-~ii"~~~ b1'ic5_,c:-; co.:.n·Gl'nctvc1 ~ 1:. s. ~::-~ .. -:' -c~-!O n'~D01 10n­toona. In r.c.(·_::_~;:;loi1 '.:;J·!o o;10·.~ l·1cx~ :::oJl'·:tr~· ... ~tct' <'- e.~.':.:l~ t:;.-·,·;:1F'.:' <·.Cl"OGn t;;10 !frr, ::iVCl'• r_:~1C c··:_";:--.ci·~:r Of' 'G.~1:\.'J 1'i~~ ,-.~-~. cr.'Gi·~:->\::.J(. 2-"~

·t1··o ton~~. 'i'llc on-.:).'~~, lFC:· . .._-;_:·i;o;::_)tc)l. 'GO ·c:v.1l~-- ;:, •;o•;C.:~;~ t:·~:0t:•.c

1".'"'-ilro:-C. :J:•iC..r,·o :·_croon t:.1o t;.;_n iilvor, ~n1t .:::1t:1.:::r ~~--,:·_ i10t COhl­._,1.:-;t,::L,_ lt Ol"' t:-c_o sc:ut~1 end •·:r".G o:)li t.:..rr·t,·C. i):• ·l)ou·.;n. · G m:-.)­!"lCl'~~:-;.:1. ~n'i · .';i:<; '-'r.G o"js"J:.~vc-t.. ~~o·GhL1~; HLO :;,"Ql_·~·,_( 1--t(~.ic.~:c;!.;·,_, tho ;;nC':_·_:" 1 r. en ·;ii!.c.::r ol~c;~ni?.r·.t lon.

T:w onl:~ itc;-.:;; o:i."' ~n::~n::· ~!D:_;ii1CC!' ;)C1pi')i''.C!1t E\CC!1 •·:·:·c str.nt,_.~rc\ Fait;:;O. :3tr·t B ArHI'" u.~.rt:1 :"Jovin:·· DC1t:i-,:·:cnt. ?hcoc i'cC~w "Cr. o 1·1 •-·1--..-.-'- !"1'-J-J~ • .-..p..,r:. -;·o • .. :;., c'u''rt" 1·1 •. ,l.: ·1··.·~· a~" ··on- Dol.1'·' -~o. ) ,.,,!,. Lo! .«,.~~. V '-''-' o -•:-'"" j \,ol,,, '-' ,· 0 .>. •• .,_, .;} .0

co;_:_~~~f~T.J.i __ l~L.P :=r:co: ~ ·:::!~DATro:·s 6. (r.) Cor.u~;;nt:

7110 Division :;nt~inc:..:r 3cction no~;i3'LO(l_ t~1.; ~:.;,r;ir~o..:_,:;_-. ':);""1t·~:·J.io;1 in r.oco;-nlinhii1:: it:l Jlinoionn, t•.nC_ t!Lt1 .~:·:-; ..... r:"'n of ;: :Jo:::••)O :--nC!. t:·ta 1:1't I.:·.1•1nc J1v1c1on L1 tl•:.:.:.o:~it·~i!~~~­thoir or•C!.crw to ~chc :-::n~·;incc:r '3--:'ct<'.lio;·l. !~o·:;·v•n,, )CC"'.tHJC or ¢'.1:::tr.:.lcv~. i.nc~. t;orr·rin t;·w &it~~t.tion l.'f.:J not iC:.,-:--.1 (\D coml:iUnicr--.tions in :--·.11 :--.s~).)Cto ·-·~·:;,~(. C:.i:t::'icuJ.t,

Rccou~cnd·"'.t1on: · :,,lv· ·c T/1.. J:-1356 ~J~r, be i'loc.-:ificc1 to f".l:Lc•.r t;;..]VC~L l;;·_(.io

~···t~•, A'i·V~-n::-6, or norc :po,:rortul oct, JWt:nt("(1 1:!. t:•t:cL '---~on ~1j~t.:O. 'i'l!iO ~-ronl0. ~)rovlc~c one cr.oJl fol' -~~"!.:;i:lODl' :8r.tt r.l1 on EG <'.l:! !ll,"'.l"'tGrc, f'.nd ::..:n::_;-1 no::;;_; !~ ·-.·ct 1 '.lion :Jo;.n "'.nir: o ,

(b) Qc;,.,,,,t: Vc·r-iov.o t.!;.~ .... cti•.r.::o :;,•cf':·:i_:._•(i c~:l•t'".i:· 1•.:nc.i•to r-.. i10. l"cco:o.•t.n ot the DivioioD :..:n_;iEu.,;r Section. ..\leo, ov ;l"lr-.:·o ;:uot '.Jl' ru:.f.c ."J1(. l'C:l' t-:.0. •rop': ;-.cCOi:nlichct~. ~'lll...-:::1 tll..:- Jivi­nion CP r.nl, ~_;;J'~i:cc-::1• _:; .... _tt.~.l1o~1 :J:? : rc ~Jc·):r, .... tocl. ::l~l:"

:j.lca, OP >l'O o:1 :"J<),~.P.'"'Co nl1i·1~, it 1o :w't fcr.:Ji'jl.J .to t:;."'· .llG!1li t thiv PO:..·L to t:-10 .. ;n~,i:·tc ;;or :-Jc-:.; t.:.lion :?or ncc01a­~_)lir.:1:·lont,

P.c COILlLlOHdr.t i dn: ?hrt T/.':. I~-1056 · .. ·c.r, ;H•ovlc":.c on::: [l.c1~'.1t1cnr.l oi' c~.c:1 of t~'!.C: follO'~itlG, i'GO.lO in Ol~(~L~l' to ··_)PO\~il~.C J.,O~ -~:1;.) .~n.;inL~.;p

Sc,ction: Tync 1_!J'1 tor, ~)ortt'.~lo

Don;:, fi:::lO. Et ~, ohoto(,T.~phic in 'c.ci}>r'--~'torJ, :~ns . .::~.t. ;-;o.. 3-3101

- 6 .....