1º a emma blanco book people

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 1º a emma blanco book people


By:Emma Blanco Cabrera


-Biography -Works-Photos-The awakening


(Hannover,1864-Munich,1918)German dramatist,precursor of Expressionism.The son of a doctor who spent ten years serving the Sultan of Turkey and a Californian environment.He began studying German at Lausanne and law munich,but abandoned both.In his busy life,particularly until came the theatrical success,in 1904,was,among other things,advertising manager of a company in zurich,secretary of a circus,secretary of a the painter,sculptor and forger Danish willy Gretor.Later he worked as an actor and appeared in several cabarets as lute.

Its central theme is the liberation of sensual love in struggle against bourgeois conventions and false morality,enemy of the fleshHe exerted a great influence on Brecht.


Spring Awakening(1891) Pandora´s box(1904)

Innocence The Fine art of love


The years that are gone seem like dreams-if one might go on sleeping and dreaming-but to wake up and find-oh! wall! perhaps it is better to wake up alten all, ecie to suffe rather than rather than to reamain a dupe to ilusion all one´s life.