1a + b Revision Pack

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  • 8/15/2019 1a + b Revision Pack




    Quest !" #a ($5 Marks)

    A question that requires students to describe and evaluate thedevelopment of their skills over the course of their ASProduction work to their A2 Production work.

    The question will ask students to focus their answer on ONEOR T%O of the following issues:

    • igital Technolog!• "reativit!• #esearch and Planning• Post$Production• %sing conventions of real media te&ts

    "andidates can also choose to discuss media products the!have made outside of school during these two !ears.

    'n the following pages is a detailed breakdown of things !oucould discuss for each of the above ( topics.

    The sections highlighted in green are the most important toinclude if !ou get that question

  • 8/15/2019 1a + b Revision Pack



    D & ta' Te "!'!&* + !, *!ur sk ''s a e .r!&resse/a"/ !, t e* e'.e/ *!u " *!ur .r!/u t !"s

    T r!u& !ut *!ur essa* *!u s !u'/ tr* a"/ & e se era' e a1.'es

    !2 rea' ! as !"s *!u use/ t ese te "!'!& es3 F!r e a1.'e 4AtAS ,e starte/ t! use %ee '* t! keep a record of all ourcoursework 3 %e a/ "! rea' e .er e" e !2 '!&& "& .r !r t! t set 6 t e" at A$ ,e /e e'!.e/ !ur sk ''s , t ,ee '* s! "stea/!2 a "& a &r!u. '!&7 ,e ,ere a 'e t! a e a" "/ /ua' !"e3T s &a e us 1!re aut!"!1* ! er !ur !," ,!rk a"/ e'.e/ ustake 1!re res.!"s ' t* 2!r a'' t e resear a"/ .'a"" "&8

    I"tr!9 igital technologies have a had a massive in)uence on mediaproduction over the last few !ears and since !ou started in *ear 12 !ou

    have learned a massive amount about how to use them and what thebene+ts are of using them. The! in turn have had a massive impact onthe qualit! of !our +nished products.

    A/! e Pre1 ere , -ad ero e&perience at the beginning and have nowmoved from basic editing to more comple& editing/ e0ects/ transitions/sound manipulation. uick to upload so something can be +lmed/uploaded and edited in a matter of minutes. , e speci+c , 3hat speci+ctechniques did !our group use and where4

    S! a' Net,!rk "& S tes , Allows !ou to communicate with a far widernetwork of people than other websites. *ou could have used this togather audience research/ upload !our video and ask for feedback etc..

    e speci+c , 5ive an e&ample of something !ou did using facbook etc

    :!u Tu e , Allows !ou to communicate with a far wider network of peoplethan other websites. Allowed !ou to research e&isting opening sequencesand music videos.. !ou uploaded !our opening sequences and used thefeedback 6 comments that people posted to help !ou improve when itcame to !our A2 productions etc.. 7nabled !ou to post !our own video to amassive audience. e speci+c , 5ive e&ample of real video !ou looked at/real comment !ou got etc..

    D & ta' Ca1eras , 8ever used before. Struggled initiall! with holdingstead! shots/ framing etc.. ut the! allow instant pla!back/ 9" screen/small/ portable in comparison to larger older bulkier cameras; etc.Allowed !ou to +lm in small spaces/ to easil! travel all over 9ondon to +lm/to +lm something and view it straight awa! to check if was ok. 8ow caneasil! +lm a variet! of shot t!pes. At A$ 1! e/ !"t! us "& ;!Pr! a"/

    DSLR a1era3

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    P !t!s !. !ou used to use 3ord and Powerpoint/ publisher etc; ,Photoshop allows manipulation of images/ e0ects/ colours/ cropping/la!ering images and words. e speci+c , 3hat did *'%# 5#'%P do onPhotoshop4 3hat did Photoshop allow !ou to do that other software

    packages would not4Ot er te "!'!& es *!u !u'/ 1e"t !" " 'u/e 9 P !t!s !.7;ara&e a"/7 Sur e*1!"ke*7

    "onclusion: igital Technolog! has enabled !ou a consumer of media; tobecome a producer that can not onl! make a higher qualit! mediaproduct/ but edit it and distribute it to a wide audience..

    T! &et A < = &ra/es

    To get the higher grades on this question/ !ou need to ensure !ou are not =ust 7S"#> >85 how !our skills developed. >nstead !ou need to focus onthe 7?A9%AT7 part. To 7?A9%AT7 !ou could comment on an! of thefollowing throughout !our work

    • -'3 important digital technolog! was

    • 3-* was digital technolog! important

    • 3-AT 7@@7"T did digital technolog! have on !our +nal work

    • 3-AT would !ou 8'T have been able to do without digitaltechnolog!4

    • -'3 did digital technolog! bene+t !ou4

    T! Pre.are9

    I" t s s.a e ,r te at 'east !"e e a1.'e !2 s!1et "& s.e > *!u

    / / , t t s te "!'!&* a"/ e .'a " !, t e'.e/ *!u

    Te "!'!&* H!, t e'.e/ usAt AS ,e use/ A/! e Pre1 eret!6

    At A$ ,e use/ A/! e Pre1 ere "a / ?ere"t ,a*6

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    At AS ,e use/ S! a' Me/ a633

    At A$ ,e use/ S! a' Me/ a " a/ ?ere"t ,a*6

    At AS ,e use/ :!u Tu e t!633

    At A$ ,e use/ :!u Tu e " a/ ?ere"t ,a*6

    At AS ,e use/ D & ta' Ca1erast!6

    At A$ ,e use/ D & ta' Ca1eras "a / ?ere"t ,a*6

    At AS ,e use/ P !t!s !. t!6

    At A$ ,e use/ P !t!s !. " a/ ?ere"t ,a*6

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    At AS ,e use/ t e I"ter"et as aresear t!!' t!6

    At A$ ,e use/ t e I"ter"et as aresear t!!' " a / ?ere"t ,a*


  • 8/15/2019 1a + b Revision Pack



    Creat t* - !, *!ur sk ''s a e .r!&resse/ a"/ !,t e* e'.e/ *!u " *!ur .r!/u t !"s

    I"tr! - % at IS Creat t* , 7@>87 >T $ >t is Cthe making of new things

    and the re$arranging of the old.D ,eg the abilit! to have !our '38 ideasand not =ust cop! other peoples. The abilit! to do things that are unusualand di0erent etc..

    % ere / / *!ur !r & "a' /eas !1e 2r!1@ , -ow did !ou increase!our abilit! to come up with !our own ideas4 id !ou mind map4 id !oushare ideas4 id !ou do creative t!pes of research eg not =ustquestionnaires with people !ou knew/ but using *ou Tube to get commentsfrom people around the world/ etc. 5ive real/ speci+c e&amples.

    L! at !"s Sets C!stu1es , At +rst !ou chose locations that werenear b! and eas! to access give e&ample; Then at A2 !ou were morecreative in !our choices give e&ample; id !ou choose unusual ones4

    id it take creative planning to adapt them4 e speci+c , 3hat creativelocations did !ou use4 3h! did using creative locations help !ourproduction4

    Ca1era , At +rst !our shots and +lming were practical. *ou +lmed amedium shot because !ou hadnEt considered doing an!thing else. >n !ourprelim task at AS !ou had a set of speci+c camera shots to include. @or

    AS/ !our camera skills were quite basic. 8ow !ou have developed so !oustarted +lming in a more creative wa! eg high 6 low angles/ putting thecamera on the )oor/ in the fridge/ using stop motion/ green screening etc..

    e speci+c giving real e&amples of creative camera shots !ou used ande&plain how the! made !our production better

    E/ t "& , At +rst !ou werenEt ver! creative. 7diting was functional puttingshots ne&t to shots to create some meaning for !our AS openingsequence.. -owever !ou couldnEt do that at A2 as =ust having a narrativewasnEt enough.. !ou needed to create energ! and engage the audienceand edit to the )ow of the music using e0ects etc ... be speci+c/ give reale&amples of creative editing !ou tried and e&plain what impact the! hadon !our production

    ;e"re C!" e"t !"s , -ow have !ou developed !our use of genre 6conventions from =ust cop!ing conventions/ to instead/ being able tochallenge and subvert conventions of genres. 3ere !ou creative b!combining genres4

    Cast "& , At AS !ou werenEt ver! creative in !our casting.. "hose peoplewho were friends etc.. Then !ou became more creative at casting

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    including sending out facebook messages/ holding auditions etc.. -owwere !ou creative in !our casting4 e speci+c. 3hat impact did thishave4

    P !t!s !. $ 8ever used before. 3hen using 3ord 6 Publisher !ourcreativit! was sti)ed because !ou are limited in how much !ou can editthe images. Photoshop allowed !ou to manipulate images etc.. especi+c/ give real e&amples of creative Photoshop work !ou did

    C!" 'us !"

    "ertain #estraints on !our creativit! in place from e&am board $ !ou -Ato make a music video/ digipak/ poster etc.. These rules do limit !ourabilit! to be creative to a certain e&tent

    8ot eas! to =ust be creative. *ou actuall! needed to do practical thingslike research/ paperwork/ stor!boards etc to A99'3 !ou to develop ourcreativit!. 3ithout solid research and planning/ being creative wasimpossible. *ou needed a balance of organised A8 creative people in agroup to be successful.

    *ou canEt =ust 7 creative. 'ften it is a learning process where !ou startb! being told what to do/ then !ou tr! doing things on !our own and then!ou end up being con+dent and skilled enough to e&periment which leadsto creativit!. *ou have to make mistakes at +rst to be creative.

    T! &et A < = &ra/es

    To get the higher grades on this question/ !ou need to ensure !ou are not =ust 7S"#> >85 how !our creativit! developed. >nstead !ou need tofocus on the 7?A9%AT7 part. To 7?A9%AT7 !ou could comment on an! ofthe following throughout !our work

    -'3 important creativit! was• 3-* was creativit! important

    • 3-AT 7@@7"T did creativit! have on !our +nal work

    • 3hat P#' 97GS are there with being creative4

    • 3-AT would !ou 8'T have been able to do without creativit!4

    • -'3 did creativit! bene+t !ou4

    Creat t* H!, t e'.e/ us

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    At AS ,e ,ere reat e !1 "& u., t /eas *6

    At A$ ,e ,ere 1!re reat e!1 "& u. , t /eas *6

    At AS ,e ,ere reat e !!s "&'! at !"s *633

    At A$ ,e ,ere 1!re reat e!!s "& '! at !"s *6

    At AS ,e !se !stu1es *

    At A$ ,e ,ere 1!re reat e , t!ur !stu1es *

    At AS ,e !. e/ !" e"t !"s !2t e &e"re 2!r e a1.'e33

    At A$ ,e ,ere 1!re reat e , tt e !" e"t !"s 2!r e a1.'e33

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    At AS ,e use/ as e/ t "&te " Bues su as33

    At A$ ,e ,ere 1!re reat e , t!ur e/ t "& 2!r e a1.'e6

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    Resear < P'a"" "& - !, *!ur sk ''s a e .r!&resse/a"/ !, t e* e'.e/ *!u " *!ur .r!/u t !"s

    I"tr!9 #esearch K Planning have pla!ed a huge role in all of !our

    production work so far and hence !our skills in #KP have developedmassivel!. *our research and planning have made !our production workdevelop in terms of qualit!.

    Au/ e" e Buest !""a res , allowed !ou to +nd out who !our targetaudience was/ what the! wanted/ what the! liked etc.. e speci+c/ whatdid !ou +nd out from !our questionnaires4 -ow did !ou improve !our useof questionnaires at A24 Asked better people to complete them4 3rotebetter/ more focused questions4 ualitative and uantitative questions

    L!!k "& at rea' >'1 !.e" "& seBue" es tra 'ers , At +rst !ouranal!sis was mainl! descriptive/ as !ou simpl! watched the openingsequences on *ou Tube 6 ? Es and described what !ou saw.. but as !ouranal!tical skills have developed at A2 !our abilit! to use these as researchhas developed too.. 8ow !ou can deconstruct a piece of footage in tin!detail/ commenting on colour/ camera angle/ shot si e etc.. e speci+cwith what real te&ts !ou looked at and what !ou learned from them. *ounow watch a wider variet! of te&ts not =ust famous ones; and alsowatched student made work which helped !ou see what was possible on

    ero budget with school equipment.

    St!r* !ar/ "& S !t' sts , 8ever done stor!boarding before A$9evel..@irst stor!boards at AS tended to be simple/ with mainl! pictures/ and ver!little shot description or editing information. 8ow as !ou have developed!our technical skills/ !our abilit! to create detailed stor!boards havedeveloped.. these are useful to give the crew a speci+c idea of what toshoot useful if someone is absent; and helps !ou to focus on gettingparticular shots rather than =ust +lming random stu0. -elped !ou get theright amount and t!pe of footage.

    L! at !" S !ut "& , 8ever did one at AS/ !ou =ust +lmed in local placeseg school.. At A2 !ou have learned to check for other aspects such asnoise levels/ power points to plug in equipment/ health K safet!/availabilit! etc. Plus !ou have sourced more interesting/ e&citinglocations.

    Cast "& , At beginning !ou tended to cast friends/ students etc.. uickl!learned that people were unreliable/ or didnEt look right for the part etc..8ow !ou are able to cast the right people for the role/ hold auditions/ do

    test shots/ tr! them out on camera to see if the! can act etc.. be speci+cwith real casting issues !ou had

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  • 8/15/2019 1a + b Revision Pack



    At A$ ,e use/ s! a' 1e/ a " !ur.'a"" "& *6

    At AS ,e e a1 "e/ rea' !.e" "&seBue" es su as " !r/er t!6

    At A$ ,e 1.r! e/ !ur resear a"a'*s s !2 rea' te ts *6

    At AS ,e use/ st!r* !ar/s 2!r6

    At A$ ,e 1.r! e/ !ur use !2st!r* !ar/s *6

    At AS ,e !1.'ete/ a .re' 1tasks t!33

    At A$ ,e 1.r! e/ t e ,a* ,euse/ t e .re' 1 task *6

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    P!st Pr!/u t !" $ !, *!ur sk ''s a e .r!&resse/ a"/!, t e* e'.e/ *!u " *!ur .r!/u t !"s

    I"tr!9 *ou have gone from knowing virtuall! nothing about post

    production to now being able to complete comple& editing of video/ soundand graphics..

    Pre1 ere , -ad ero e&perience at the beginning and have now movedfrom basic editing to more comple& editing/ e0ects/ transitions/ soundmanipulation. uick to upload so something can be +lmed/ uploaded andedited in a matter of minutes. "an also e&port !our movie to uick Timeto allow !ou to upload it online etc , -ow did this change the footage that!ou had4 , be speci+c with real tools and e0ects !ou used and how ithelped eg chroma ke!ing/ green screen/ stop motion animation etc

    A2ter E?e ts , used to use the Premiere te&ts/ now After 70ects or te&tsfrom online. 3hatEs the di0erence4 >t has more functions and potential tocreate moving te&t. 3h! was this useful4

    P !t!s !. !ou used to use 3ord and Powerpoint etc; , At A2Photoshop allows manipulation of images/ e0ects/ colours/ cropping/la!ering images and words $ , -ow did this change the footage that !ouhad4 , e speci+c with real e0ects !ou tried on Photoshop

    :!u Tu e Re/ra2t "& Peer Assess1e"t , At AS/ !ou =ust uploaded!our +nal version to *ou Tube and left it there. At A2/ after editing !ouuploaded !our opening sequences !ou used the feedback 6 comments thatpeople posted to help !ou improve it further and make multipleimprovements.. , be speci+c with real comments !ou got and how thishelped !our post production

    C!" 'us !" : *our post production skills have developed hugel! and hasenabled !ou to take a simple piece of footage and turn it into somethingcomple& and creative.

    T! &et A < = &ra/es

    To get the higher grades on this question/ !ou need to ensure !ou are not =ust 7S"#> >85 how !our post production skills developed. >nstead !ouneed to focus on the 7?A9%AT7 part. To 7?A9%AT7 !ou could comment onan! of the following throughout !our work

    • -'3 important post production skills were

    • 3-* were post production skills important

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    • 3-AT 7@@7"T did post production skills have on !our +nal work

    • 3hat P#' 97GS are there with !our post production skills4

    • 3-AT would !ou 8'T have been able to do without post productionskills4

    • -'3 did post production skills bene+t !ou4

    P!st .r!/u t !" H!, t e'.e/ usAt AS ,e use/ A/! e Pe1 ere t!33

    At A$ ,e 1.r! e/ !ur e/ t "&sk ''s !" Pre1 ere *6

    At AS ,e use/ t e as te treat!r t!!' !" Pre1 ere t!33

    At A$ ,e 1.r! e/ !ur use te t


    At AS ,e k"e, t s a !utP !t!s !.6

    At A$ ,e 1.r! e/ !uru"/ersta"/ "& !2 P !t!s !. *6

    At AS ,e &!t 2ee/ a k a2ter t e.r!/u t !" *33

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    At A$ ,e 1.r! e/ .!st.r!/u t !" 2ee/ a k *6

    Use !2 Rea' 1e/ a C!" e"t !"s

    "onventions are the Ccommon featuresD of a particular t!pe of media or aparticular genre.

    I"tr!/u t ! n , 'ver the two !ear course !ou have learned a lot about/not =ust what the conventions of particular forms and genres are/ but howto use them in creative wa!s in !our own work

    Ma "9

    Pre' 1 task , !ou included di0erent t!pes of camera shot/ and editingtechniques. ut did !ou make the CgenreD clear of what !ou were doing4

    id !ou colour grade it4 id !ou change the sound levels or add sound 6

    editing e0ects4 Probabl! not.. So !our use of conventions was ver!limited. Although !ou could probabl! name a few conventions of horror 6action etc !ou didnEt actuall! know how to use them in !our work !et. AtA2 !ou were more con+dent with !our technical abilities which meant !oucould use the prelim task to e&periment with conventions of the genre ,give e&ample

    :!ur &e"re $ At AS/ how did !ou identif! what the conventions were of!our +lm genre4 3hat videos did !ou watch and what were theconventions !ou found4 -ow eas! was it to identif! the conventions4

    Then show development b! discussing A2 , 3hat did !ou do di0erentl! toidentif! the conventions of the genre4 id !ou look at videos A8 theor!

    Andrew 5oodwin 6 9aura Gulve!;4 iscuss some videos !ou watched andidentif! what !ou thought the main conventions of !our genre were. -owdid using media theor! to identif! conventions help !ou at A24

    Ca1era , At AS/ what camera shots 6 movements did !ou use that areconventional of horror +lms4 @or A2/ give an e&ample of how !ou usedconventional camera work for !our genre. At A2/ !our camera work ma!have been more about being creative. 7&plain how !ou Cpushed theboundariesD with !our camera work at A24 3hat did !ou do di0erentl!4

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    M se-E"-S e"e , At AS/ what mise$en$scene did !ou use that wasconventional of horror +lms4 costumes/ locations/ colours etc; and whate0ect might these have had on the audience4 At A2/ give some e&amplesof mise$en$scene !ou chose that was conventional of !our genre. *ou

    could discuss how at A2 !our mise$en$scene was likel! to be more creativebecause of how !ou have developed !our sense of how elements cancommunicate meaning to an audience. 3here as AS was about what wasconvenient and eas!/ at A2/ !ou deliberatel! chose locations andcostumes that were more planned to signif! a meaning/ more creative etc.5ive an e&ample of how !ou Cpushed !ourselfD with !our mise$en$scene atA24 3hat did !ou do di0erentl!4

    E/ t "& , At AS/ what editing techniques did !ou use that wereconventional of horror +lms4 cuts/ dissolves/ )ash to white/ wipes/ colour

    grading/ other e0ects etc; and sa! wh! !ou used them. At A2/ give somee&amples of editing !ou chose that was conventional of !our genre andteaser trailers. *ou could discuss how at A2 !our editing -A to be morecreative as when !ou researched videos give e&ample; !ou discoveredthat most videos have fast paced shots lasting less than < seconds whichmeant !our editing had to be faster/ more visuall! interesting to engagean audience instantl!; etc. 5ive an e&ample of how !ou Cpushed!ourselfD with !our editing at A24 3hat did !ou do di0erentl!4

    S!u"/ + At AS/ what sound techniques did !ou use that wereconventional of horror +lms4 diegetic/ non diegetic/ sound e0ects/ soundbridges/ soundtrack/ dialogue etc; and sa! wh! !ou used them. 5ivee&ample of an! sound problems !ou encountered and how !ou solvedthem using technolog!.

    C!" 'us !" , At AS/ !ou were still learning about the concept of genre/and felt as though conventions were ver! much easil! identi+able and setin stone. Gan! of !ou ensured that !ou followed lots of !our genreEsconventions in !our AS work. -owever b! the time !ou reached A2/ !ou

    learned that genre is much more of a C)uidD concept/ less eas! to de+neand this led to !ou being con+dent enough to both follow and challengeconventions of !our genre/ pushing the boundaries throughout whichimpacted !our creativit!.

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    QUESTION #( ) ($5 Marks)

    This question will require students to select EITHER their ASproduction OR their A2 production whichever makes moresense for the question; and evaluate it in terms of one of thefollowing media concepts.

    • 5enre• 8arrative• #epresentation• Audience• Gedia 9anguage

    7ach of the above ( topics of broken down here into more detailfor !ou to consider.

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    ;ENRET! &et CS or >S8ET eas! tode+ne

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    the genre 8ightmare on 7lmStreet;

    • Parod! Scar! Govie;• -omage Scream;

    R k A't1a" sa!s that the wa!we de+ne a genre is b! two mainthings:

    • Semantic 7lements eg signs

    such as knives/ blood/ darkcolours/ eerie music;. -ethinks these elements areeasier for audiences torecognise and identif!

    • S!ntactic elements includes T-7G7S such as fear/revenge/ rage as well as plotssuch as P9'TS such as group

    go on trip/ one b! one the!die/ last girl survives and killskiller; -e thinks theseelements are more subtle andharder to recognise.

    >dentif! semantic and s!ntacticelements in !our video thatmight help audiences identif!the genre of !our +lm 6 musicvideo

    Laura Mu' e* $ Suggests thatwomen in all media areob=ecti+ed. She is a feministwho believes that women areoften shown through the ideasof men male ga e; and areseen in vo!euristic wa!s. Shealso thinks that women are seenin one of either two wa!s theCvirginD character or a CwhoreDcharacter. This is the Cvirgin 6whore dichotom!D

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    AUDIENCET! &et a C D &ra/e

    I"tr!9 3h! is it important 6 essential for a media product like a +lm or amusic video to appeal to an audience4

    3ho was !our target audience for !our production4 5ender/ age/ class/hobbies and media interests. To get the AK grades/ tr! and describetheir social demographic groups A "1"2 7;

    3hat did !ou do to research what !our audience wanted4 3hat did !ou+nd out about what the! wanted4 To get the AK grades/ donEt =ustdescribe what the! wanted/ tr! and comment on wh! the! might wantthese things , use theor! here.

    Ma " : -ow did !ou use the following things to attract 6 engage anaudience4:

    • "amera

    • 7diting

    • Sound

    Gise$en$scene3hat feedback did !ou seek A@T7# !our production and what was it like4-ow did a Creal audienceD react to !our product4 id the! react in thewa! !ou thought the! would4 3h!4

    C!" 'us !"9 -ow important it is to consider !our audience in depth andhow this changed 6 a0ected !our production overall.

    T! &et A

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    ='u1'er < kat , Think that audiences

    want media products that gratif!particular needs %ses K grati+cations;eg escape/ entertainment etc

    Fra"k2urt S !!' , -!podermicneedle theor!. Think audiences mightbe directl! in)uenced b! mediaproducts

    Stuart Ha'' , 7ncoding and ecodingtests A8 Preferred/ negotiated andoppositional readings. Thinksaudiences will react in di0erent wa!s tomedia products.

    P'ura' sts , think that the mediaoperates on a suppl! and demand basis

    and so the media must give theaudience what it wants in order tosurvive and be successful.

    Ta 2e' < Tur"er , intergroupdiscrimination theor!. Think thataudiences en=o! watching te&ts wherethe! can feel superior to the charactersin terms of mone!/ class/ success etc..

    A"/re, ;!!/, " , believes thataudiences are often pla!ed in theposition of a vo!eur within music videos

    watching someone;. -e also believesthat the use of close ups is important tohelp the audience appreciate the CstarpersonaD of the lead singer

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    Laura Mu' e* , believes the mediate&ts often encourage the audience toob=ectif! women and look at them witha Cmale ga eD

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    REPRESENTATIONepending on who the main characters were in !our AS K A2 productions/

    choose 1 or more of the following categories of people/ and discuss how

    !our video represents themI"tr!9 7&plain what media product of !ours !ou will be anal!sing andwhich social group6s !ou will be anal!sing the representation ofL

    Ma "9

    A57S $ -ow does !our video construct a representation of di0erent ages4, consider costumes/ props/ location/ bod! language/ facial e&pression/camera/ sound/ editing

    7T-8>">T* $ 3hat about di0erent ethnicities4 , consider costumes/ props/location/ bod! language/ facial e&pression/ camera/ sound/ editing

    578 7#, consider costumes/ props/ location/ bod! language/ faciale&pression/ camera/ sound/ editing.

    "9ASS , consider costumes/ props/ location/ bod! language/ faciale&pression/ camera/ sound/ editing

    5'' vs 7?>9 $ consider costumes/ props/ location/ bod! language/ facial

    e&pression/ camera/ sound/ editing-ave !ou included stereot!pes in !our production and wh!4 class/ age/gender/ ethnicit! etc4;

    -ave !ou challenged stereot!pes in !our production and wh!4 see above;

    C!" 'us !"9 3h! did !ou create these speci+c representations4 3hate0ect might the! have had on the audience4

    Te " Bues I use/ H!, t s use/ t! re.rese"t


    "amera shots:

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    T! &et Af so how and wh!43hat e0ects might it have on the stor!/ the audienceetc..

    9aura Gulve! elieves that women are often ob=ecti+ed in themedia. She sa!s the! are looked at with a Cmalega eD and are seen as se& ob=ects.

    She also believes that there are all too often onl! tworoles for women in the media. 7ither the CvirginDcharacter or the CwhoreD character. This is called the

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    Cvirgin 6 whore dichotom!D.

    "an their theories be applied to !our video4 id !ouconform to their ideas of representation or challengethem4 3h!4

    ?ladimir Propp ProppEs theor! of narrative suggests that te&ts oftenrepresent characters as particular t!pes in order tomake them easil! identi+able to an audience andhelp them know how to react to them.

    • -ero• ?illain• Princess• onor 6 -elper• ispatcher

    >f !ou included an! of these characters/ how did !ourepresent someone as the CheroD or CvillainD. 3h!does it engage an audience if the! either ' knowwho the! are or '8ET know who the! are4

    Angela Gc#obbie http:66www.angelamcrobbie.com6

    Angela Gc#obbie sa!s that men and women are oftenrepresented through stereot!pes in the media andare often shown in traditional gender roles. @ore&ample women are often shown as weaker/ victims/mothers/ carers etc. Gen are often shown asaggressive/ strong/ managers/ leaders etc.

    "an their theories be applied to !our video4 id !ouconform to their ideas of representation or challengethem4 3h!4

    Stanle! "ohen elieves that particular groups in societ! areCdemonisedD and CmarginalisedD through negativerepresentations which ma! have the e0ect of causinga moral panic where the ma=orit! of societ! fears thatsocial group. -ave !ou demonised a particular groupeg black people4 *oung people4 3h!4


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    !ou used this technique/ e&plain where and wh! is itengaging for an audience4

    • #estricted narration , where the narrative is kept minimal/with parts unclear eg a thriller +lm. Audiences are often inthe dark about man! parts of the narrative. >f !ou used thistechnique/ e&plain where and wh! this is engaging for anaudience

    ?ladimir Propp ProppEs theor! of narrative suggests that te&ts 877 particularcharacters to develop the narrative

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    f !ou included an! of these characters/ how did !ou make it clearwho was the hero 6 villain etc4 3h! does it engage an audience ifthe! either ' know who the! are or '8ET know who the! are4

    -e also thinks there are particular parts of a narrative that alwa!shappen eg hero gets a quest/ someone is hurt/ hero battles thevillain etc. >f !ou included an! of these things/ wh! do !ou thinkaudiences en=o! seeing them4


    thinks that in music videos the narrative often links to the l!ricsand the tempo of the music.. -ow did !ou do this4

    Allan "ameron thinks there are several di0erent t!pes of more unusual narrative.>f !ou included an! of these/ e&plain where/ and then e&plain wh!!ou included them.

    • Anachronic 8arrative , includes regular )ashback and

    )ashforwards/ with all di0erent narrative parts being =ust asimportant. Such as Pulp @iction/ Gemento

    • @orking Path narrative , shows two di0erent outcomes thatare di0erent onl! as a result of a small change or decisionsuch as 5round-og da!/ Sliding oors

    • 7pisodic 8arratives , separate narratives that have somesort of link. 7g di0erent characters lives/ linked onl! b! thefact that the! are all involved in one incident

    • Split Screen 8arratives , i0erent stories/ linked b! the fact

    that the! are shown on screen at the same time.

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    85 !our work not describing;/ discussinghow !ou created meaning for the audience on particular issues such asgenre/ representation/ narrative/ audience/ atmosphere etc.. asicall!3-* !ou chose particular shots/ sounds/ transitions etc

    I"tr!9 7&plain what te&t !ou are anal!sing

    Ma "9 >nclude all of the following ke! areas

    • "amera , shot si e/ framing/ high K low angles/ sub=ective Kob=ective +lming/ hand held/ tilts/ pans/ ooms etc/ green screen

    • Sound , diegetic and non$diegetic/ sound e0ects/ ambient sound/dialogue/ music/ voice over

    • 7diting , fades/ cuts/ wipes/ dissolves/ slow motion/ fast motion/colour e0ects like black K white/ bad tv/ stop motion animation/green screening and chroma ke! work

    • Gise 7n Scene , costume/ lighting/ location/ bod! language/ acting/make up/ props etc

    C!" 'us !" : -ow well do !ou think !ou used media language tocommunicate meaning to an audience4

    Te " Bues I use/ % at t s &" >e/ t! a" au/ e" e"amera:



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    T! &et AA 9A85%A57 o0ers these to anaudience

    ?ladimir Propp ProppEs "haracter theor! , how !our G7 >A 9A85%A57 helpsaudiences identif! particular characters as heros 6 villains etc

    Stuart -all 7&plain that !our decision to use the G7 >A 9A85%A57 !ouchose was to create a Cpreferred readingD for !our te&t. utthat audiences are used to 7ncoding and ecoding tests A8could take a negotiated or oppositional reading

    #ick Altman , 7&plain how !ou used G7 >A 9A85%A57 to includeSemantic 7lements eg signs such as knives/ blood/ darkcolours/ eerie music; or to signif! S!ntactic elements egthemes like love/ revenge;.